Khaled Mirza (2017-1-10-229) Jabal E Nur Nabe (2017-1-10-130) Sardar Awrongajeb Pranto (2016-3-10-062)

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Prevalence and Determinants of Obesity among Urban Area’s

Students of Bangladesh
Khaled Mirza (2017-1-10-229)
Jabal E Nur Nabe (2017-1-10-130)
Sardar Awrongajeb Pranto (2016-3-10-062)
Course code: POP202
Course title: Introduction to Public Health
Section: 02

What is Obesity? (1) Facts about Overweight and Obesity (2) Obesity in Bangladesh (3,4)
➢ A BMI of 25-30 is called overweight. ➢ more than 1.9 billion adults are ➢ Bangladesh has the lowest obesity rates in
➢ A BMI of 30 to above is called obesity. overweight. Of these over 650 million the world along with Vietnam.
adults were obese. ➢ Obesity rate among adults of Bangladesh is
➢ 39% of adults are overweight in the world. 17%.
➢ Obesity rate among children of Bangladesh
➢ 13% of adults are obese in the world. is 4.5%.

What causes Obesity? (1)
Data were collected from 2 sources;
➢ an increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat.
1. Primary Data.
➢ an increase in physical inactivity.
2. Secondary Data.

Consequences (1)
Health Consequences Other Consequences
Cardiovascular diseases , Diabetes, Breathing difficulties, Depression, communication problem, Study problem
Musculoskeletal disorders, Some cancers etc.

age gap of the people who

students who know the
are affected by differences
obesity between
20% 25% 30% obesity and
10% 70%

➢ Obesity is becoming a
40% 40% alarming factor in Bangladesh.
45% ➢ Younger generations are
➢ Avoid fast foods. number of obese
how frequently becoming victim of it.
➢ Avoid fried foods, such as French affected students Do they
➢ If we need to prevent obesity,
who takes regular consume
exercises junk food now we must need to be aware of
➢ Avoid fatty and processed meats.
➢ Avoid dairy products.
it right now.
➢ Avoid foods with added sugar. Strengths ➢ If all the people know about
➢ Avoid sweetened juices, sodas, Availability of a lot of information. the BMI, obesity will be
and alcoholic drinks. Good coordination among group members. minimized.
➢ Avoid processed, high-carb foods, Proper guidelines from our teacher. ➢ If people don’t be aware of
such as bread and bagels. BMI right now, this will be
Besides that, they need to take Weaknesses harder to handle.
physical exercise regularly. Limitations of time.
Articles of PubMed were not free.
Finding obese people was time consuming.
People were regretting to fill-up questionnaire.

1. Katherine Marengo LDN, R. (2019). Obesity: What is it and what causes it?. [online] Medical News Today. Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].
2. (2019). Obesity and overweight. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].
3. Report, S. (2019). Bangladesh ranks lowest in obesity rates: Study. [online] The Daily Star. Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].
4. Salahuddin, D. (2019). Obesity is increasing among the younger generation in Bangladesh. [online] The Daily Star. Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].

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