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Objectifs Linguistiques
Communicative Sociocultural
goal Objectives

•Discuss ethical ·Compare Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

choices kindness and
honesty actions
•Return in other
someone else's countries

•Discuss acts of
kindness and

•Should, • Idioms • Blending of d +y in

ought to, had would you.
better, have •Personal
to, must, be values
supposed to

Public: This sequence is aimed at a group of modern language students from the San
Buenaventura University between the ages of 18 and 21. All are Colombian-born
Spanish speakers.

Level B1: The level chosen for this sequence is B1 because it will discuss ethical
values (guidelines for a person's behavior) and at this level the student is able to
describe experiences, events and justify their opinions. In addition, dramatization is a
good didactic resource at this level because when experiencing situations, students
assume social, moral, and cultural values, in order to develop a critical spirit.

Description of the authentic documents: video on youtube about ethical values. The video
lasts 5 minutes and is an explanation and some animated examples that would serve to
introduce the topic in general.
1. Mise en route/Démarrage

Approximate duration: 5 to 10 minutes

 Know if students have an idea about the topic and if they know how to handle
the vocabulary that has to do with the subject of the class.
 Introduce new ideas to students that they could use in the future.
 Understand the authentic documents needed in the classroom.

To start the class, the teacher will show the students an animated introductory video on
ethical values (the authentic material). After watching the video, the teacher will ask the
students if they have ever had acts of kindness and honesty. Based on the answers given, the
teacher will ask you to share your stories with the whole class. After this activity, each
student should take out their markers, color cards, scissors, glue, colors (this was requested in
the previous class). On the cards they should write down the acts of honesty and kindness
they need in their environment, whether it is at college, at home, at work, etc. In addition,
they should write down why it is necessary and what change it would bring about.

When each student has finished decorating and writing on the cardboard, the teacher will
list them and stick them on the wall, so that, one by one, they will take a random one from the
wall and when each one has their cardboard, they must read in class which they have chosen
and how they will achieve what is written.

Following this introductory activity, the teacher will ask students to perform a role-play on
the topic covered in the class consists of a dramatization, a creation of any kind. Students
should be grouped: there should be 1 teacher, one half of the class knows what values are and
when to take them into account in various situations; the other half of the class does not apply
those values in their lives and therefore behaves incorrectly with other people.

The dramatization of the class begins and various behaviors are developed by the two
groups. The class should be developed through the role that each one plays. Within the
performance should be recreated behaviors that represent respect, humility, generosity,
among others.

This dramatization is a strategy to observe the different situations in which people can
show respect, solidarity, humility, etc., that is, where they can show empathy towards others
by hypothetically putting themselves in their place and expressing positive affective ties
towards less fortunate people by mentioning words such as "has nothing", "needs", and
actions such as hiding and stealing other people's things.

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