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@ “awouy] 700 St J ‘ouo}ou04, )*Et=1+0 = 00d “HON, T+e (EL ‘uoemiossuesy avout 81 63% = (4%) J 2ou9, « cxuo-("4) (483g) 9 = MQ — "596 to) aquane ear hue 8.9 ar04 ( }e te, (XO). “O8tV te) (+O0E=| a otf yy ee (Fh ~ 8) + (14 Bag) = Ck) Gxt tng = Beane) ces fry txt = ce te] [ie : a] “]ie| 7* 1 Aa3e = (MRL ) (8) “10S, 9 0 soys0a kq woryeysuesy sopun (0°) PUP GD) (0'0) soNs0A SuADY opBEL Jo oBeuN OM PULA (A eran cng 9 sAysnp “avoUl] oa" suoreMLLOysTETy SupMo]{O} OM JO HOI (8) °Z"D snqurids J0 30 “1 “Be -NOWOas ‘uowaag y902 wow suonsanb om; Kun ydusay (02-6102 4024 2nuapooy wosf aan2affy HIM) SAAVTIAS GASLATY Sh oye ure ‘sanoY § uonwang: em ; — [eo1sdyg/eou9}9g [woHwMIOyIW) “OS'"g@ : as.1N0D ay} Jo OWEN SOOHNUIN PE SNINI|CD :SOMLVWAHLVW : todug oy) jo owen, x s,avands= maansaonmte” i 4 Ti B,D va aa os tae Qeinrnanete mat afew ria o ions and one det captopril an yonding to oneo!t Pagan igenvetr corerponding tetemat aan ae{ter ray baud saw aa[s aos . 1-12 0! Ast, bane ~|5 4 16 5] 53 4 4 RRR, : 1420 -/b4 ws 2 Mathomatice-: Cletus an Matrices (Noe Des 2012) oR, ah, Ryo hae oo oo 6 5 00 4/3 -4/ Ry 142 0 -|o96 5 Joo ae Ry 1-120) -loo 65 joo an - B33 ihe See Semone) 8 Amar: (Prox) Matsa (e-nig-wa--al-att-A-11¢ B84) fe. u9-We@-W-2-20-0+0-D (Bonita 9-02-24 Be AT (Boia —sh46-eBi—B=0 (Baits) +30-2=0 ened th4 Ae 80.910 (2-9 RO-#-0.-8490-D=0 (2-Wa-DO—O +904 1= oo nIeW0-40+ ODER + 8-8=0 O-NatBhe8)= Q-DOF- BK +H)=0 O-9i0a-8)-10--8 eueusuauueuuy uu “fs 100) Io 1 o||s,«0 oo, 12 aa = 12 a}m]=0 12 ae, 645,66, = = c= 5, 8 a= 8 3 ene, one eigenvector is | 1 u For the sgpavalues the egenvector is, [Asta Mathemation 1; Cacuu an 321 Yo = fraile 12 he. ee (Nor Des. 2013) ° <0 ~iapt Byte, 0 -thseye D 5 2j-85= 0 Hore, we use the augmented fom mate 3:2 1J0) 1-2 iJo 1 2-3] RAR +R, and Ry 38, +R, 3°23 10) = [oe ofo 0 6 slo Ry + Rygand Ry Ray rs 2 10 = 0-2 alo o 1 alo, Byam +R, 32 a0) - 0-2 ilo 0 0 «lo a art 50, ae nd — 218) ara) * aye |e |ad ura te @-4.(0) Solve th aystom of equations; Bes ayere gras 0) Foren have ser that value of), docs the folowing system of equations ca! Sienee (Semester. nena iovin Sere Gane ous ome 028 [9 [es cote “o2re] -o27e asso 0.056 ||| AB Soe8 1948,y=1813,2=028, ® seyte eetyeke ody Ie aay) pt = faabfefy 1 aolle) [ye aren 46g Ajeintora= |-6 9-3 2s B 1 a. t| [4s Qi pawl 9 ala Be ey AS 8 Ae sem? 649,17 2-rer? [Now to have a solution, ines det (A) = 0 * Daa 4—ene t= 0 a me2= 0 2-22 0 2a-2)-10.-2)= 0 a-va-2-0 hea tous ‘SECTION 11 @.5.(a) Find the nth derivative of °° ae Sol. y= ot Bat Dea Gone a esi? Fey *oR partial fraction yyw CMa arnt eet See () Ity mein om 0-3) yn, Sol. y= sin in si 2, prove that 2-2 +1039, tn? mgm 0, ta) M4 cost sinha), a= a 89 of =m castim sine?) (1-29) oF = mt Aint sat i sin? in sinh ei See Seer nate Psi Sion Se Mathematce LCs ond Matrne Noe JDee. 201) 13 2 Amar: BSe (Poe) Mate 2 Amar fh Ma aos) of ema“? 3 neat s mtytent (c) Verity thatthe fnction 0» «7 sation of difusion eqution. eating eve riage bat Sor Pier vg ilana Te eee en west ers tet tate meestats te Pipeststen dame cae gene B32) oes Im ee rein 2 ‘hut and ef per, 0nd 3 repens. ot nty. = inte, Perks Oshee reins sn J he lee cureina?¢3=3 BY daz aque Dray G6. (a) Sheth the graph of function :/2) = {oy Find the Maclaurin series expansion of == cO¥ hat Tim ()=0. sua Poye sate c0 Fork=2,thelevl curve 322+ 3=0 ° u wes Fone - we Wester - FS = meat st yt as neiteyteetan a ao [teed Slater a wT ete | fuaastedrit acter oe] i Be feasted -aretast ee) % Pa fought acted ay? et] and a eu, He 7 a9 a agpenons gee stea ttt Beg plonmeaeaneeoeo fo wee (acnahes baints) isan Equation " = oe oF Ne ocoske bain bane (cH?) a #ghsin e+ bheashe) - 2 athe BK sin) = Her? acoake + bsin kx) fu vedi Be ite Be Le wae Sot (@) In general for, aera tives By Be endtet Sea fore SECTION 1 9.(a) Prove that for any two complex numbers =, and 2, zl —Lagi| Lz —z91 \®) Form an equation of the lowest degree rational coefficients paving 2+ J and V8 ~2.s two of ts roots, 3M ak tat he pint? and @ represent te complex numbers 2, and, ‘espetively, nthe Argand plane *. Tos, OP = 121,09 [21 YE PO Ie l= 12-29) In theaore age 0P +792 09 = 0979 = oP > iatsiacans ia | / a 12l+ Iz-ze) 2 (Zid / fee = 2-25) 2 Wal iz) | / = I= > We yt) YL eo [elas valle (V8 2) (V6 -2)-sla4 )« (24 vBMVE—2) a9 sn cans paalbena leo Vib 25 = 0 a (ee peeaeee i @ yecontre and Sarina ST vera urate sepia pageant pain oe Lis [2-il « 31241 Sa oes) eneeo oat @-08-i a sa2-100 4102 +8= 0 atadaes-o Otto 1 Preis 122 2ho8 ae 9 we ‘Sim, 2)" 82,18 = 14 aEn oan en oy eit mee ice at Se mente els od Matron OD. 2012) 0 Sa amin estate, Sot a) (cos? © 2626 242%120 Makipyog both tides br 1) GVAD A Ze) 09 = Boieo : 201s : Bn coe = Bena Onputings wo, 1,2,3,4 Mathematies-1; Clea pt Matra Now /Des 2012) 19 0 19) [10 209 - dans “ ot 2 zis 0-3/9} lo 0 69 RR +Ray H4is0 0] fro o = aj-ais 0-419] [0 1-19) jars 0 ara} [0 0-670 FR Rag 4190 0] fro 0 . a}-21s 0 -112]=|0 1 0 413 0-1/3] [0 0-219 2,92,(2) H/30 0) fog 2 0 12] lo o1 rao 0 s ate {219 0-1 2 042 © tam rmnaer note) e,[} : mnnemf 900 Mathometin-I: Cas ad Mates Now /Dee. 2013) a yarnDaHATECS :Caloulus ed Matioggf) Sh __t ame ofthe Paper : MATH itachematical Sclence/Physieal B] fr Name ofthe Course * SC cg ivear — (NOWIDEC. 20m) Bless a Maximum Marks: 75 Shae Semester : Shouts az Yer 2019-20) = Be, 922, 208 Dura ro cade ion Duration ras th Eee & 2.) Is the transformation defined by 9,3) = (e949 6 ISED SYLLA from each Seton. linear? Jantify. ee ee (b) Find the characteristic equation eigenvalues and eigenvector aa ‘enn nett em 4 i} oor {2 ¥oastomentary row operations ind the nvr ofthe mati ona = Sol (a Lat xe[n . 5 x] ri apps eS y= |2 9 4] [20] (ees) 5 = (% 9) x) fs 1 -05],,| AS +, . plefai a |” - Boeke) ] 3.5 x6 +(~1X20)) re 2 _ ie = fi}-f3) = Ta+70 seinen Selene emer) nd Maven Neve 20:9 a se amars me rg) anus Semen a ‘The, = ‘Alsat be el amber TP ons 7100 : = & o%-2) (eee =o n 452) a cr| ey 0, - Bey 2 A lt, 2 2 cron &, atk ‘tus we olde tat Feiner transformation ae aes wo Al= A (hy Let coat Loo 1 2 3] Pp = Alo Lo} =i 1 2] oon) oie RRR, Yoo pes = Astvole|o a a cox) loi 2 RoR eR Too nee = ales 4 rial [ood > AE4-1-149-0)4300)20 ” O-NEMDs 0 Bao Rye > Mell rod peg ‘hares oneal, At adleloi: Bigeavector ral foo: Lats beth eigenen Adee 1 9R 2 ‘Number of non-zero rows ie 2. Hence the rank is 2 (6) Let, and x, be two real numbers, Ee-Ehs- E] 5 +5 O= 9 .3.(a) Find the image of triangle with veties (1,1), (3, 1) andi 3) under dilaton factor 2 () Reduce the matrix 10 1 us maa slenenin row operations nd hence dtormine its rank ep (©) Expres the vector (7 ar alinear combination othe oc aualand oat. Soe So Lt Ce the cee of ation wae Measuring CA © @—O°V@—F = JIA = VE bf] - f] Bate tein A th pin sch tat skorION-t cA" 2¢A Sketch th ; raph of the function y= 1 ~cos.x, «0, 2x) 7 eae ‘(ransformation used atevers inn od a= 0,5) = Be 6.1) a |] 5 o | | » Aslag tie ro aoe jaesoe [EOL eoa z 1 0 as. tty-In (ens) sage x 1g the possibility of expansion, write the Maclat et ee ena ive terme ofthe funtion f= Tog eager prove that to, te, ae prove that (129 92 2 +0 375 Sol. (ad niet) - ne ates) Seung eh hie : get aA » woes) 2 Diterentating wi. x MMe Fae 20 Ditters ating the above equation times and ving Laibui’s 0% uu ‘ © So © Mathematior-t: Callus and Matric (Nov Dee. 2013) 27 (142 ¥gsn tC 2 Hyg) + 9Cp 2s +s HCD (rx yes tM. 2}a 4 Ao 12 Cy *C9, 0" (Le aDynet One Day, Vln? m4 My, 29ers HON D3 tM yg 0 Macaw seri expesion Fon) fOPOne+ 2, £00),3 £10) 4 Pods ae rO=2 pase ax & —netats yt ast 26 He « a, Pa “ S- ao te _ a - aye re ‘i nd i, wean sy stem Be ONDINE Spgs | Tae "BY @ rity +, where P and Q ar that the function 8 = P+ Q> cone ‘a solution to the heat equation. an beim athe flowing sequences: west) wba Leet Reso - dent Ler a x», ° ape Jeanenirt H Pea virt 4 % * . ge Reanane-0? Rerneaie sr So, ere art tlc noe alates {Te heat equation isa parable partial diferent! equation that dese the distro fen or variation in femperaturdia aves rion a= Temperature at ay point and any time For this function, the heat equation is, ae rl ti) ow Using Lhopital rule; timo din(red} se salt stor 2 bab] ccm ar SECTION Fin p+ sin y prove that: 152.9 te tine joing the () Find the equation tz given 1 ‘Bol (a) es +68 "ri diameter Pe syesines nb siny= 0 rp cam cnr iain? ore Peon sino (on B+ sin BDCCO8 pTampvouor ris Seneebenvisntc ase a3 Sepeianasb+? -+sin 5 (oa téain cos Bat+ sin G4 coo oa Bel costs cost + cos 4 2 aieos(as Equating rea and imaginary parts on both sides, we 8 ron +cos 3p -reon 7 = 3080+ +) ¢o) tr and nae the extrait of «diameter, chon equation ofthe arcle, ez) (@-%)+0-20F-H) #0 Puttings, =—2— Sand z, = 5+ Th we get ented 31) -(6-TO}e le (6+ 70NE A+B =O (a 1 e854 7)4(2-5-TE 41-3 =O 42-64 749-1814 20 +18 +28 9254 sy 6172-762 0+ 71-4 -42-Sie-5E—Ti = 0 Bobet ie co ee dee eit FA Mathomatice-1:Caleuan and Maries (Nov/Dec. 2013) __ 1 .8.(a) Use De Movire's Theorem to solve the to solve the equation =*-1=0. () Show that the points 1 6,3 + 10/ and 4+ 12 are collinear. Sol. (a) Bote 0 = os = 2 (oon0 640 OF coh gE = 2 isin ME, a0, 1,2.8,4 By De Moves Thorem, we ean Site 828 isin EE beona = (oath () Equation of the ie passing through me Leal aoa Sh eso Tw-a+87 = #2046) | 7-0-6 Beal" Boat 14 + 124 ties on this tine, thon 4+18—11+ 62 4 Bai aota 6) PaO coving 129-0460 946i, 2-41 Bal Raw = Spiele? 202 41a? 2072 and saving 24 32 Amar :B Se, (Prog) Mathematica Physical Science ‘lence, these three points lie on the same line (collinear points) ‘Form an equation of lowest degree with real coefficient Q.9.6 hhaving 2+ 81 and 3 + Bi two ofits roots. () Find all the values of (+)**. ‘Set, (a) Since imaginary roots occur in pair, the required equation mus atleast have four roots (@ +81), (2-39), (8 + 89,(9- 6 So, the required equation is fr (2— 30) x2 + i) e-@ + 80 eB ~Gi] =O = (ee 2) + 95 (ee 2)~ 30 I -9)~ Bi (x9) + 1 = S (e=28 GO" (a -37 —(60=0 See 2+ 9] [a -9F +251 @) a+ Let, Lai r(eoe8+ isin ®) then, Le reas @and sin @=1 roost SemesterD) 09% Name of the Paper Name of the Cou Semester MATHEMATICS : Caleulué ad Matrices + BSe. (Mathematical Seience/Phys Science) 1 Year “Attempt any to quetions from each Seton. SECTION-1 (a) Solve the system of equations: x-4y4Te= 8 B+ fy 26 = 6 Te~8y +262 8 31 Sol. The given system of equations are say hTe0 8 Bre fy=2e% 6 a Tr 8) +200 © 31 "Tho eotof Bq. (1) can be writon in matrix form as ES ah-E) * Applying Ry > Ry ~2R, be 2b) Applying Ry > Ry TR, 1a TR) (8 0 20 -23]/y] « | 18) (0 20 -2a)l2) (-25] Applying Ry > RyRy aye (8) [oo ge | oo okd (x ane seyiten ‘ae aee 8 3) ial Seinen ementr- 1) se (Pog) Mathematica Physi Mathematiey 1: Calculus nn Maices (Now Dee. 2041) ES Pele (Oxy Cy _ ou “(erei) whic impoeie ap equations has no solutions and the system ‘ence, the given system of e@ - 22) nu taoraton THR AYP 0) 18-04 ion) ht fete ta Se rugnale @a-n8+9) a s - of) lt aa a cron (") ‘From (2) and (3), we conclude that T'is linear transformation { Find thocharacternticequation,cigenvalucs aod sgea vecto 2 sponding to any one eigenvalue for the wate et site rat rans tno faa a2 “( ee] aay aeataia aaftst a2 3 anenan (naz) The characteristic equation oA i Rene, Venue ae 22 (100 aon).(27) ) (2 fous [: a afale s 122) (0 0 1) fa) (a0 afore 22/40 0 Ales “fais a °| = TO+TM) beilee Le Ye 7 run: ronsr) Tete bea real number, then [ Saat) ra on ren re Cr, a 2 2 Amar :BSe- (Prog) MathomatcaP 1 2 nynieel Science (Semester) aaa td 1 amg @—-24I1-2DA-V-OD) ae +1ID@-Ma-y gy-2(2-A-M+ 2-94 Al=0 ay -Wsc1en=0 2em—1+h=0 =m up-8+ 8~ ln 0e-B+d=: (2-08 she d= (2208-84494) 2a-YG-HO-D+9Ge =O G-DI2-WAW8 +3) Penner mere nr (DE +6510 GD (02-A-24 81=0 (AD AG-5)-10-~51=0 G-NR-DO-H)= 0 G-DA-DA-H= 0 he 118 ‘The eigenvalues ofA are 13,5 ‘Th eigenvector of orespondly to aro given by (A =) X= 0 For), =8: For), = 5 given values, the eorespondly eigenvector is given by A-4DX, Liih-¢ wg E288) For igs 1s For kg 1 elgenvalue,thecorrsp. 7 ly eigenvector is UA, n0y« 0 ae sven by (EAETS tit (* 0 1-0) oefclent im satis lies 1< 3, 5,03 -1= 2 variables ber on arbitrate val: Lat y= hy and chy and by = hy= by thea ct = 2p Sing: the ankaf the cost mst in Ba 112 «8.699 ‘ante oven an arbitrary value every = fron far tee a vee ( | steal igen au y= — ho : time |theven am cae palate Here, Pauationk ad, bi (6) Find the inverse of fis nabs rel mumbrs i the matrix: re a ‘sng elementary operations, Sol tet ac(aia ry a loa. nner itty Mathematicy I; Calul and Matrices (Nov/Dec. 2014) _____Mathematin 1 Calan a Matrices or Ds. 2018) 24 Gh 0 0) usii=|3 1 2]0 1 | 01 Jo 0 1 aoln 12 30° = {sa 210 01 0 01 By Ry By Loo 12 3{8 =|o 5 4210 1a al? gy 1 a2 siz 9 =o 1 ajo or 04-18 1 9 2 RyRy BR, : aaa acie or «fo on Jo 0-123 15 3 Ry 9R,-2R, oe! | | ose Semester) eng) Maina Sine emer D o_smerse mg atesini Mathematics IC aati ore 219) 1 noke e239 wo aay sot tat as(e 2 rosso ms oi jo 0 ee ‘The determinant of mati Abe at a i 2 wie[e 6 RomeR Ind ved? 2 45 +4)-240-20) 02-22-00) cer tao aans2ce efi as 1 seese re oo aS Zo pa 2 = Rankormatina ies Ptae3 m littmann mnt ear. + 1.857 ‘t 1, rom Ege. (and wet kr = 2 Se soda i (o) Find th valu for which the se of vectors (3) (6-0 efor 2 2 2 are linearly dependent. ee o2 the ia 2 Souls nyse Rist a3 Tay e-0 0) % be Gna) lay ty) = (0.0) ‘evo. maa) = 20) ene, which ges 354 nas 1 stge0 ; 4 12 12 Br 4y= 0 - a7 I given sets of ver 2) and wftat ot vcr 2) and, are nary dependent, then we woffa saa ae nesy dependent then ee a ee le HED lL “-o @.3.(a Find the image ofthe unit square with vertices 0,0) (0 Eeceitmainntee TT eo. ‘Sol. Do yourself. ne (b) Find the rank of the matrix: | Bed Sei 246 a Are Hence, e ore) ae Gere B * t= AG-2)4B (+0) ssatPhysiel Science emerter) —_— mae D ik anes A dei M= A@)+B6+0 us erie a * 686, 1 Matrios (Now Dae. 2014) + (ls) a (erst o = oi) arias ear” = HS oe ascot ate ateeanemnesan smn oot a ne sanseeaean 0 Pisin t+ cots ~3ei Es caste f(D) sine #3018) cose et) Bin Be © Bt) Ham) “a a Beoste ret -Ssinse +e 5+ c(1)—9 cs +318) = sin $e) ~9 case +3) = ~lsin e+ 0+ 9 eae +320) conta at) (Be + 3). @) Tce rat) Sesin Be + 3et) Fi 3-38) Ret ot)~Sesini8x +t) = Rts ein Ge re) e)~ Se ens + Bete) Te in + ot) Be 0 (8 + Bet) Let sin Gr ot) + 9 cos e+ Bet) “6 From Kgs (8) He, te fh ae” Cat rich wave equation. Fence, we can say that 4 solution of wave equation, Proved, a 2 -x*+y*+2" 20. Show that ) ites ates ) an ara 5: ile) = fetta Sol. = Heats yte ye Mathomationt:Calelun and Matriaee Nov/Dec 2014) 4s at” 3-2) = Beate tearm = coldest armran] woofer eons] Be 4 94 AOU ay EE Bee ay et) — ehesteeetepattegtoa Be coe gtesmiasctestee PF ataesantegteat autre 5 atest wet ay 29 ay oat) ert) 6a) Ity = 2 c08 dog (2) + 6 sin (og te, show that aq t OM# Day, +O Dy, 60. Sol. 1 aos (lag) +6 sn lags) SE ost fate 3] dwetes 4 $adndaroLeastego ne 2) + ~asind 201+ Beas og.) @ Se Pog) Mason Ssupeneps lente!) sesnaee? sx legs bet mene T to ath stots Bytmey=e ing Labats theorem west Diemer so | praty Deeg DW) * 1c, Dr gy) ) 0, DE 9912. FEO Oe DHA + DEN =D ft @ a [Pina timioeattee 9] + gy) XD 4 Cd (9) A + Od =O egg Pang m= DI + BIg P+ OHO 2, hacer 2 OSE sc auecatne 2 Barnes tenn ce ‘Find Maura’ expres for 72) =e (anuming he poutaictueceesen ‘Sol. Let fa) Pus -3e™ Pods Cake Peas CaPew Now. 0)= FA =(-3R yaa Os (3PeaCaPaye-3e ‘The Lagrange’s emeader aterm terme EZ pracxo Zy2yZ,arecollinesr S 156i, 9 Ov and 4+ 124 are collinear. Prov @.9. (a) Form an equation of lowest degree with real cotfic that has 2- 3/ and $ + 21 as two of its roots. ‘Sol, We know that irrational roots curve in pair. Hence, the re ‘equation bas atleast fourroos (2802+ Si, (8+ 21 and (3-2. There ‘equation will be Q-L)(L—T,)(~ la) D~2,) = 0 (22 38) (2 + 3] (2-8 + BO (— A= 0 2) + i) (2-2) 30) (2-9) 20] (Z—90+ B01 =0 (29 (32) (2-3-0) 29-99) (2-37-47) = 0 [a 2+9) (Z—3F + al =0 faz +4 +9) (Z2-649)44=0 (2-AZ + BNE! 62 +18)=9 hich ved rote at 2,2. ze deom be Te (cos 8. a “An equating real clon 7 ating el and imaginary prt bt sides, we ge sino = 1 m4 Fo (a 7 Poot oortaaten 161 woe Hees, o aloee-3)] 2, with K=0, 1,2 Mathemation-I: Clea and Ma nce, rota are 2%(25 £).-i2? and co -2-5) 200 = on) = oe 2g) Mathematicet 4235110) MATHEMATICS: C pa BSc. (Mathema! Science) 1 Year aa 1 Shours 5 itive from Rede Ya 201 rom cach Section, Name of the Paper Name of the Course Semester Duration ‘REVISED SYEU SECTIONT (@:1.(a Sketch the image ofthe wnt square with vertices ia ames) and (2,0) under the following transforma ‘ofthe planer RoR, RRR, «o acounertchrite tation through i a reflection about origin. (itm allation of factor $- Sol. Do yourself 2 (a) Find the rank ofthe following RoR oR row operations: aaa tna toad praia Rol RR) j2a- tea Sol. Let ee tae 5 at RoR, 2a 3 er o 1 Ro Re Ry Reo Rey Ro Ral ° oo) RR, Gres) ince the verti has two non-zero row. Therefore, the rw of the met PA)= 2 (@) Define linear dependence and linear independence of sot. Prove that the set (X,,X, lof veetors in Ris linearly depen nd only ifone of them isa scalar multiple ofthe other. ‘Sol. 1. Linear Dependence of Vectors. A st of vetor in V linearly dependent ifits every Sait subset is linearly dependent ‘sail [Mathematicet : Callus and Matrices (5 Det 2015) so ‘An clement of Ue form ++ ey where «Piscalled linear comblntion of, 4 ses oator Bn sete yu, aro aid to be {nearly depondeat (Li) aver Pi there exists some elements ag Finotall soroauch that +004 +--+, 09 0 "2 Linear Independence of Vectors: Ast of vector in Vis sald tobe tineary independent ft very fits subse is linearly Independents "An elemont ofthe form co, + +0yt,wherec © F ixcalled linear combination of ty. 0g ag over Ft vectors yg ate nt Hinearly Sependent over F they are sad to be linearly dependent (ok) vresP Yo other setemtpe scctrety eye, are snd tobe nearly independent over, (0,0 tOyey hn ea = 4m o(aie F) Proof of Theorem : {et two vector X, and X, are linearly dependent. Theo, here exists ealars ‘rand Pin P, both not sore such that ‘aX, + BK, = 0 X= (a! PX ifaeoe F X= (Pte %ifpe0e F Hence, each vctor sa cenar multiple of other sad tt X, bea scalar multiple ofXst— y= aX, forsomea 20.6 F Thee, 1X, (-0.%, = Owhere 1206 F and wa20eF once, X, and X; are nearly dependent. Proved of @.. (a) Find the value of 2 for which the following system cquations have non-zero solution: ety +82 = he aeey+2e = y Be sdy te = Be ‘Atw find the solution: ‘Sol The given staf equations are we ay ae = he Arey se paces ‘The et of a, (1) can be solved (1-ajwsaysse=o) ie +(I-Aye2e=0) A ae dye(l-A)e a de Mathemation: Cale Payee ereeceel G-NOPSA +300 “a2 (3 ran Anoanda, ae Anand, = “SEE a 2 here, 3] Ananda, AnGandi, de band, Hence, = the only ral value of} fr whieh the given aytam equa Serio Onputting = 6in Ba) ten ithe rank of he cot Z oa 1 eytom of Ba) has a nonzero solution if the rank of th ng go ayo) (8 matt c tae then 9 and [Al "0. 3 1-6 2],]-lol.fa » 2]>|- Ce 2s role) (ole a she) lo aly a9 By MirTs 3 ad 5 2 ays) (0 3-6 2/5]. [o oy oR, 7 ae 5 2 ale)” lo RoR eR, 2 ay) (9 3-6 2/5|-|o pon 0 0 of) lo soup a ena 2G CnGy104-C, (: ave 19 19 a = alt). 6) : np 2a (oo sf” bo ral (6A 1291-1 -04 0120 From Ea (8) a rom Ba (we oberve that the rank ofeficint nation is 2< 8 ( number sf variable) i Hence. variable canbe given an value, Tako a) x Taking K,y=Kin Ba. (60) A542 43K = 0 When <2 Whens=2 ye [2-aper 01 ence. Fa. (1) comes” ga fl tee nei ese d Mathematics: Calculus and Matrices (9 Dec. 2015) Hence for x22 yee and for From Ege. (Sa) + (38) ays 143 wee yet From Bq. (8a) ‘The point of intersection of Bq (Sa) and (3) be (2.1) ‘The graph of 1) (b) Find “Y, where Pr Tear east” Sol. Let Tear vas Bese au eo _Amar: Se (Prog) Mathomaton/Payecl Seance Semester) ‘Amar :BSe 0 From Bg. (2) a (4) Pog) Mathematical Pave 5 sence (Semester Mathematics: Caleaus and Matrices (9 Des. 2015) see + bool Faille sin 0) 2 all-sin 0+ (1 sin 8 +8. os 01 Tol-aines sind + © case) z Ane, Efoteime onee)} : 460s 8) + (1-08 8 [eos ~ cos 0+ Osin 6) « o . Im cos im. sume sm? cos? (mn sinh) “ 2 (1-sin? Om sin BL ane im? (1 sint (m sia“) max ants Dif times, using Leiba’ theorem, we get Delis y,~27, + #9] Dy, 1D" by.) +m? Dl =0 Drops 4 nD" (re }E-28)# MDB] SECTION In ive the geometrical representation of sum of wo complex - 1D") + nD ng Dn] +m LOG 70? Give the weometrical representa Plex "Sol, Geometrical representation of um of wo complex numbers f~"}+ (a) reas) + MON )stoNaoa)ae)e EN, 2] Reactor) =Lrsale) (allo + ~Lomn tat a yee Ina (28 m2} (on +n-nemn!) =0 + (i e(On ethan _2-mt)p,=0 > Dee netl aga +(atm)y (©) Find the '* Taylor polynomial for + atx = 1. Sal Salve yours tae ae ate, fc) Draw a vel curve. By = yt iby Sol eleva) eure offs 9) 94-28 of height k=O. vo complex numbers represented by tho points P(.,6,) and Q tay, b,) in = faye Peek ‘Armond plane. Jain the origin O with Pand @ and complete the paralleogram yee "RO by Laking OP and OQ as two adjacent sides, Now draw perpendiculars: and RAF frm P, Q and R respectively taxis. Alo, draw PN to RM. Since, the diagonals of a paralleogram biset each other, therefore co (sues, ns Nea ‘ich epesnte two pats of two pairs of interacting line, passing through oi ‘ses throth og and making an angle with xan Hastes of the midpoint af PQ an also that of OR are ° S0.the coordinates of @ are (a; $05,8) +a) “Pats through origin and making an angle -2 with os Amar: Se (Prog) MatheraticalPhysiel See "Hence R represents the complex number, sen eye), +b) = (41 6) (05 +10) 9 pr sx numbers 2, ‘hun if wo points P and @ teres the compl ee reed pine Un ne 9 +238 FDreen apt a goal Ot ofparainiogra OPQ Baving OP and te adjeont sides {) State Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and hence form equation in lowest eres with rains cents which hs 2 and /j-2 as two ofits roots. Sol, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra the equation ay2° +a, 21+ a3? + un # dy X + Oy =O 1, are real number has a complex rout + ig a ‘init also has «complex oot. p~ ig Ty Uap 40427! tnd, F402 0,05 0, WHEE By 00, ae rotational numbers has irrational rot p + f@ are rational q > 0) Reotsafs—1=0 When, Fork=0 he oun of rational ners hen tala a retinal ot ~ Solutio of ven problem ae 8 a Since, rational rst aur in pr the required equation must least our ots i, 268, 2-8, VE-2and Jbr2. Therefore, the sr anple-mtem diet )=0 [=-(2+.6)][s-(2-8)]fx-(6-2)] 2-5 +2]]=0 [le-2)- 8] le~2) +f (2-5)+2][(x-v8)-2]-0 [=-2F-(6F 6-2] <0 [[#-42+4)-(olf fe - ee +5}-(a] (2-t2+1)(0t- E41) 20 ) Solve the equation Beste Beatereleo, Sok F +244 e2te 241-0 For K=1 Por Kaa a Foe 2. ° ° OD = (ee 0+ sn 99 {eos Rx +0) sin kn + 0} 0,1,2,3,4,5. (cos 22 in 2 (2 n8(0) +n (0) = 1510) 140 1 Matrioes (8 Dee. 2015) (ex a 0 a go Amar: Bie. (Prog) for Kas 2 inn a2 oot vinin’ M0 4 For Ket Therein the nkotb ahaa Led For Kas (=! I~ ence, the rots of 1) are @.8:(a)Find the equation Skeremites of one of its diameters ariel yeti Then, yun ofthe ro havings aden the nein ame] (e-n)fP—B)olemenfe-ai)=0 wt rhe ithe required slo ofthe ele S vei eat tho modules of the mm of to complex numbers always lose than oF equal tothe sum of their moduli ” "Sol Ife and, are to complex which then we bave prove: foal < fl Lat nen eo +58) and 2-0 a Iesoagt = lcm isin )(cmts rine (e-qefe-@=t}eLe-e-Hle- PH]? (e-neafe-erapele-(e-a]EO+ 2 -a(2ei)-#(L ei) (L424) +28 -200- nots es(yaind rast yma easnts z2-i) (aa in, + 20m) BE -Denk FAB Baie Bintjee sole TEA sent + (tanta oa aero te 3242-0 e mfontncantejfontoae"e) ‘ooo sina) age g(t“) a8 de Serteo ee, Code-238) Celeulusd Matcioes lal SclencePhssea! vntque Paper Code: 42351101 (Course Name ofthe Paper: MATHEMATICS; Aime ofthe Course : B.Sc. (Mathemary Science) I Year semester it RODE Duration 3 hours wasn evs SYLLABUS (tev from aoc “Alten ay tv questions fom ech Son @ 1. Out of Syllabus 2 (a) Dofing rank of a matrix, Find the renk oft nai by using elementary row operations, = “MK ofthe flowing = Berd saan ciel -) ay PL zg Bley oe, ~®) day = La 41a Pte Lol ~4) Since, 8 (0,63) < 2 Mx ay oe(6 Oy) 214145! > In Pley 21a, Play cn(@, 04) 1a: tle Pela | IL = Ialolag s (Vallee Li aha ~ lalla] s lalla! He 132-90 a i aes © Sol. Rank of « Matrix: A positive integer ri aid to be the rank of nonzero matrix A, wet ashe neg rank A.weten ae (0) thore exists at Teast ene minor in A of rer which not eo. (i) Bvery minor in af eder greater than ris zero. ‘Solution of given problem: aa Let azii3 1 1 wbow Ro RR, 6 RoR AR Ta _|o 2-20 Alo 3 5-3 00 0 0 3 Rats 11 2.8 02-20 Aloo -8 -3 ooo 0 Which shows that A has a minor of oder 3. hia 2 = 1(-16-9-1(0-9 +2(0-0) ° ~16-0+0 ~16 0 ‘snd ey mio order dire lence, rank of = He A= pij=a Find eigen one of them, ies of the matrix A and eigenvector correspondifty (1-2) (AHR A) —2(5-2 (4) (BLADE At BEM AR) #24) (AD, “a+ BE A+6= 0 B64 11-6 = 0 DAP BAE+ B+ BL 2G. - BAAD 46D) (02 -0146)=0 (0-1) BFS +O1 =O GAPO-9-20.-3)]=0 O- DLARBA-3)= =D O-0=9) 20 123 2 Hence, 1= 1,2, 3 be the eigenvalues of given matrix A pe sea 1 Bigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue ae ‘The eigenvector corresponding to eigen value a= Tbe a= aX (Ana) X= 0 C228 eng @ which shows that homogeneousaystemof 8g (Dhasinfinitely many solution So, Ba. (8 vo ciel Science (Semester nee, K K ge ky BxenF ecigeectr corresponding to eigenvalue y =1 Be “i f 2 z “la K ‘where Kis ral number, 8. (a) Solve the system of styete=1 beetyrz=7 Sol The given epstem of equations are Hythe 1 Beray-2= 9 Seetyte= 7 ‘heen be writen the metre form Ee Calelus and Matrices Now/Des. 016) 19 1 24) 1 2) From Ba. (28) red +7)43@= 1 re 1-3K-1 x= 10K 35 10K ys097 ce=KV KER be the solution a given equations Ans. ‘SECTION It 40) Shetek grape y= ete! Menton se eran on wed anche a Sol st-beell (a-err9+ni-9 (eat? oF wy oF ays bono} (-5F= 29-D srhich represents a parabola ©y £2 where @ Fina £2 yesin(ox+ 8) Sot J sin (ox) dertx exe (e+) 0 2008 (ax+ 8) = asin[ Severe] fe so [fieu] 2 orn Ef cars] a = en[2(z)(or+0] a sealer * eel 0(g) rv] + eal (ox) cal Sience Semester-1) brani nore] ool epee ‘ea olution ofthe wave equation Mate Sol. u@oe ae duet E-sin G+ 209 2) +8 Sin r+ 2c +e" duets au Fy = -s feos ax 2e9.21 +e (art 2en sere Aiferentiating Bq, (1) partially wart. ¢ au 0 Bo absinges20.240e Besin @x+2( ree" Aferentiating Ba. (4) partially wir. t.t = 16 econ Qe +20) ee Ef 16 eos @r + 20 +e Se feos ext 2(y.2deee™ © o © o © A ‘Mathematics Celcius ané Matrices Wor, 8 From Bas (9) +0 6) 2 au, uu | aa | m GeeP tere aes aetesteay > a ges +e na lution f BO, Geter agen which show that = 1 cos a Gaeta 10) 1__ sty yt e2too ow [Poy vat i ete Ity= Se i ae Con Se. Coe © ae, a ye tits 2a = ' Amv y= wets ® (xt 4 P+ zy (22) drt anette Laat M anys linea = 2a) - 2 peg lin = = Beate y eat Oy fx? Flat et) = caf etestreranlocolie sate] “ae ee ee -otd-2y21 BE asta ye aty ney @oPTB-T= 0 ° ree = Petey Mat Gt sys ty mage 29+ 299,-@y-24-0=0 (Qa) 9,299, ~y 29,70 O38) A ayy, - 720...) BPO teeta Diorentatng mts vg Leibnite ere, weet oy Dr (C1 — x8) y*~ Bay, ~, aye, mb ttt i & SPB 2429) Pla) Pi PN? ayant [a3 DG) +40, DEG) 29 (b) Find then Ma mar Se (Prog Maths erg) €89+7O, HOVER FED ONO nin) MOD Gy) (0D rqa Ona 294 7G +100) ca {0-29 Yea -2 en 0-29 9a Poa BM 0-9. tes C2849) 96 Honma ronen re eae Qaeda BNF DI Ot DEH EO Salt yke(2—n) -an- i] =0 nt-2n- Il surine polynomial for =. Sol Consult your txt book: {e) Draw the level curve of lx.) =9*-s* of height = 1 Sol £9) ee SECTION I Give the geometrical feavPhyecienl Seionee (Semester T) 33)+ (0 0) 91+ EH) AF 7d +8941 38) Ed representation of difference of exentation of difference of two oo Lt the complex numbers are a= atin ee aeropagteri alge per mae aoe point Q’ representa the complex number -%~iypie,e a re a= OF and age yt = OP +08, = OP+PR, = OF rT comple nantes sponte Since, 0@ is equal and parallel to RP, sherefre, OR PO >erllelogram and so, OR =@P. Thu, the complex vale 5, ~ =, sho ‘presented by the vector @F Worave nd arg. -3) = 2° OK Fe () State Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Also forman equation ow ; lowest degree with real outs having 619) and 8+ (CB) as © Fits roots, « So. Fundamental Theorem of Algebrs Uethe equation ay rasa. 3 tn Oy ¥ 44% 0 MBEEE MY “ ae amber has complex rootp +2, p-@ are real Fs root p= ae Mo equation ays #0,8" FF a, ¥+4, = 0,09 #0, aang. are rational numbers has irrational root? + od nae a the square of a rational number, ther ec ronl, > and gi¢ m0 ‘hae an rational root» V0 a2 at VBaoe8 ceurin pairs. Th required equation must " Tfand 3 Merfoe, the ronsired Since complex roots tena frsootn2 +814 23% wilbe (<-(@+ a9] fe 80) fe- G+ 0) fx B59] > fe 2-34 fa-2) 43] (2-9-8 9) +5 S lease +201=0 ae Slee ntee 1G" 6x4 9 +251=0 When k= 4 3 entre 19 For 90-0 @.8.(a) Solve the following equation ee 5 Pedeotetl=o, Sol tate tet LE O GD e@teseseseD=0 @-p=0 ‘The roots of 1) = are 2 (ooo + cain [oon @kn+0)+ cain @ hx + 0 ™ we 01234 a co St stan ( 4) 7s 5 4, = 2x8) +i ain © . Sat 2On@ 3 ging * the roots of t+ 284 t+ 2+ 140 Ans. When b= “LL cs mers. Pr Mathematical Phy See Sometr Lis a SOLS giana (1100 ian “U arate tang) [20 2(5-2)-2(5-2)-2009 (2-2) Jets ge which ia roquired equation of cr () Find the equation ofthe r pointe z, and 3, Sal MP ep and Q (29 be the two fixed points and) the moving pet egal tune fom Pl, and Ps Tee pee Sol. Let o hoe Te eumin fcc tig 5h extn of dam even (e-aME-%) +(2-28-) =0 > fae fs-FAe-tsemfe 2 Leb aife-6-ra)fe-(6em-(sayfoo FEAT HL) 64-5 T2819) 0.0 tetera oon wan E)4 F(a, -2)) = a fla iinet it, sntheev ua rau unnotiht crteoini Bs 000 eee eee e773 42351101 MATHEMATICS : Calculus ad Mat B.Sc. (Mathematical Science/Ph; ‘Seience) I Year Semester 1 Duration f thames REVISED SYLLABUS (With Eifective fom Academic Year 2019-20) See mn tro qudians rom cocheetion | “Alert ony two ques SECTION Y 2 @.1ca)6) Let X= [3] and ¥= [4], Determine X+¥. joaedtee nena Prrennngotn ete =f ef ‘sr. No. of. Paper Unique Paper Code Name ofthe Paper Name of the Course i) X-» X represents by arrow, ie., dit | wes rected lin regent fom the vein Yo» representa, ie eereeabyos by: + directed line regment from the origin Neyo Yrprsenta ee he um Xan Vy the aro fon (0.008 Infact X+ Yinan . arr slong the ingonal ofthe pallor des X and Yat shown in iene on the nese ae (Pind vate fr wich heme [Horns 1s tinearty dependent. © Sot {NS} -2}-afh Int Rew that £0.-2)476-9 © ‘which can be solved as w ee os 2x) + (6-49) = (0,0) = beta 26) @0) Onequating. we have ® abso cow ‘ob uation canbe sled in Yoea= 0 Uthe aed sven at of vet we have oa Ans }- ; z ene me ory ‘at sonnaEFE . ° a rien = 1/4)» - al ; - 3 ay = enn L [a one =| vs, i ne 5 ral Thu NCH) = cry) i) eg Ean wean th Taner trate "orotentaton fr Sanat Ele [3] TEA sa mateic euch chat Tay= Ax oc every Xin hen the cua of are given by 7 t=) ~ 3-6) ()-8 | CSS * ‘The characteristic equation of matrix Ais lH Ce (2-2) 4-29 7 -2)-04 0) — cares te aes Hence, the eigenvalues ofA are 1.4.7 Ane, rtd ae @ 3. (@) Find the inverse of the matrix using elementary row () Find the eigenvalues of the matrix |? 4 0| Hee Ae 7 ae oie 00) oleae og 1014 aaa aay 55 OL RR, 5R, 0 So ete seeders fevers? onset of eatin re: ame ty +3e: seats bettas chin mat frm tn Be writen 11 0) (uo a lozal=|0 1 0 |a (oo 1) (sia 0-114 Rom om Aaa) (14 0 4 Jo 2 of=|-asre 1 sala re noah 110) (1m 0 jo 1 of=|-asis ue ais | 003) Use 0-4 RomR 100) (18/8 -12 <8) jon 0) /-asis v2 aie | a loon) Use 0 aul 4818-12-18) see =|aws i 16 Mo an Mathemitlerl: Clos nation (bea o “9 “0 ‘The above equations ar consistent Pe From Ea (6) From a 69 eeasimesay= 1 Ses Tes ae 1 Seis 10K= 1 Hence. eee = <10K yee ars seerion @4. Find the nt Ww derivative ofy< 1 Te fw ity= ‘The solution of Bye. 1), (2, (3) Ane. (ee SEF) - Prove that #2%27,.¢ GND R54 o = bor (x4 Jt) a that hte o taeelthe™ 1 : > taps Galea) dee Rod nine =? parse : +3) G9) 4 2se=0 ay\(0 +=), 01 0 eceees Ble" 0 Deldestryyl + BL s)=0 (orgy 28, Dyes) °C, DET MD eye eG, DOP Flo Fongguntee SUL ee ygay Beg POM Le =O Che edgy HAMA DI TU MMI =O (rage rant Dine tm, =O Proved. 100 Amar: BS (rg) Material Phys Senc Semester rr _ rave the love curves, qeuDe " MDA bleha bean, {61 The ven exaton of carve be © vot . oo = Foe ich iin the fore f= ay and repevnts parol i ae . the sty afte cope “ewe curve ofthe fi 9)= 92-8 Sok The fnctone eh = 0,1, 1 are sunei("os)and brats on Fos 0 f Noten fee hos we have If) <1. Now, by Talo Tors, witha =O and Lagrange form of emia = ee B= ORG) rari «pio cig le an shen ingen cr Lo er. (6) a for some ebtweon 0 snd, Therefore, Webave Os TR (a1 BE e ts Soe A a nett : Nis Oiantn Fata Sng Hence, we have sents a hyperbola andi shown in gure given bls = rox Be LO, r uation () eames 102 The a represent a hyperbola and ie shown in figure given below oft) 6 the seoond order partial derivatives of (s Bit? aaa 2bty+0") anes att 2, = Pler +o") zig £) aie 296399 +0059 = ety + Say! second onder partial derivative are Tat ye 808 fe hich at calated as ® = yO 50%) 3 ay) +Bx049) = Gy 120! = 2 co) f= = 2(%) al) a = Zee +to = 3@nst+5uy 3 ett! “ 2 a = ore = 21+ 1 SoS wl sie 0) Verity that w tx = 0x0 obant, isa solution af ee iosen Wea = exp (-2 00 enatig Eg. (1) partially w+ WL ort cetxtyect 7 ceria) peo bein he me. \ theratcalPhyeel Selence Semester a 106 Amar: BSc, . Fe eee ocosKerbsinks) Differentiating Equation i partially w.r.& oon Bee 4 axainke soos) . Me ne (asin x beon Ke) .a| Dientiting Equation pally ws = = -Ke@®|a(K cos Ke) + WK sin Ks} = FW _Kte 2H gconke+ bain Ke) i a From Ea 2) and) x a eee ae = aw, aw wee ‘ich sth fom diferent equation Prove SECTION mn 1g SY Desert he et ofpoint in the complex plane that sats tient ne om, ft asaiea f semcmparing above equation with [2 51 =r, we can say that El ame ‘epreenia dele with cents n(n Paget mith centre Z,= (1+) and sadiue Serre fo geane 2a a) arene = -2 ene forde= 2 rata Radivsefoe = ab = (aan =H)-9 4 (0) Form am equation whose roots are the n'* powers roots ofthe equation. Po trconD #120. Sot Beco l= 0 ‘The rota above equatian ar caeulated se = dewdsiizane) = = codsiin = cds iain coe isin a2 oebtiene oot Stine +05 (nein OF (cor — iin = ound +n) ce mH at) 4 8B (a0 in (oe 5 Gn inn) os n0- 88 © (oon nal? —(- i ain m8 ut eee Dye. 2017) wt = cae 0) + in) ‘The equation whase rots are oan willbe Tum of rad # + prodt frost) Sat ‘Sol cos 2m # eony=0 oO ‘ina 2am ¥en Cy tet o> nat ising b= Zeoepezising = Seony+diciny +b +e= (cond tina) os 2 sin) vNensnesronh ae > {008 3+ i in Sa) + 8 (cow 3 +i sin 3B ) 27 (o08 3y + ian Sy) fone 3e# Boe 3 +27 con Sy =18con (a +8+7) 00 Amar: B.S, Prog) Mathematiza/Phyecieal Science (Semester) Sn a sae (2) Solve the equation 27+ 2=0- « a ates 0 a = conf x+2)sésin( a+ gone (sled .# eect a 22 CD" Kn 4, = coe + isin 25 (cosn+isin x fake e one me EE + sat nm coo TREAD sion BRAY) e i = aferg}eem(nd) Beieeaed amt ae ee = (84) ae i)( ye Ans, soe Ba5}P49) oe For K=3, 138 42351101 | MATHEMATICS: Caleulus ad Matrices B.Se, (Mathematical Seience/Physical Science) I Year Cee. 2048 ) Sr.No. of @. Paper Unique Paper Code Name of the Paper [Name of the Course Semester 1 Duration Shours ‘Maximum Marks : 75 [REVISED SYLLABUS {Wit ec rant cao Year 201920) “Atop ono quetons rom each ection SECTION £0.14) Salva the epstom of equations x-tyeTee 8 ev tyte= 6 Tenby 4282 = 31 Sol. The given systom of equations are ars ty-2e= 6 T= 8y 6 260 = 31 a ‘The st of, (1) ean be wrtton in matrix frm as bah) (*) ja 8 5] - (7-6 ashe la) “ Avplying RyRy a, 2 3b) G wilt ah fla rye) tzat}-E) wins be ah vehieh is impossibe _Mathematice : als en Mates (De 2p) ones My ~ 250 = 18 On-7 eae, ona Nene, the system of equstions has 0 lutions aad the system le ion ‘Show that: a nett BAD AI HOD, =O. | Poa Y= a cos (log x) +6 sin (log x) ay | & 1 8 = fener fentge 2 1 si Naan bong) Dis esmaige obit) tep+t019) = -femtne! of sgn e942 cs big syeaaeo ‘a Using Laibnt theore, we at Dristypesy, sol 0 risty)¢ Dray) + D812 2 Dr Gy +960" yp Be +292 “og opto» AC, Dy PAN + Dr 20 ya) 9910+ 20 best Bay + lO Dg) + Bar AI Bl =O ne ise. Prog) Mathematca/Phyncel Senco (Semester “eg lnc ea} 4y, nin D4 M—11=0 = Hy, Goanene Dad Sylar Da He Sys nt Da tI AO ay where *@.2.(0) Find aera 7 Sol Let hier rsd Braet 2Fyaevaet Bodied anes ike sD a4 wT heal vomtow nat (1) «Hla a+b) (ax+ by"! (On tferentiting Bg (1) times, we get ove orm Boh) rma" carjas” Gait eset ‘Mathematice1: Cletus nd Mates Dee 2018) Sasa @ 2. (b) Define eigenvalue of « matrix. Find eigen corresponding eighenvectors of matrix, - 2) Ae [i 3] Sol. Figenvalue of a Matrix: Let A,x, bea square mati, and 2 is an Indeterminate. The matrix A~i i called daracterte mara aA where ‘he unit matrix of order ‘The determinant |A 7 |i called the characteristic polynomial of ‘The equation |4 ~i.1| =O i elled characteristic equation of A and the ote ath equation are cle characertertr nae often rts matri corel tage] “The characterises equation of matrix Ais [a2] = 0 He ee a-00-0- oonmnnease OF 424 9-8=0 2 14 Amar: B Se. (Prog) Mathemetica/Physceal Slance (Semester) 20-6+10-8) O-BO4D= 0 he onc, the eigenvalue of are—1 and’ 2 ° heel vrich shows that as a minora order 3. 1-2-3 o| wsnestemen pa 2] p12 2 = 1616-0)-10-014 20-0) (transformations ° 1308 20 Sol. Lat al aso and vey minor of order ie er. 1123 Hence rake A= p= Ans 3.0) Solve tteonsistont the system of equations: Ryo RR ‘reyeder paeaenry 1a 2a) feayeret ‘ ae [02 20 Sol, The given set of equation are . 1230) eyed 1 o 1123) Besbynze 3 @ Bayern @ RoR AR ‘which in matric form ce writen ae ace B « 1aas 0220 O35 3 2128 2) xe |? 1123 2 0220 An lo 3 5-3 fe 00 0 0 a-| Equation (4) canbe salve 985 “10-0 . AEA g30-0 which ves seyeaeed yates 0-0 q ‘the above equations are consistent. The solution of Bas 1), (2) Lat ik Prom By (60); y=Te= 1 pike Lenk Pram Ba (6) seysmed ssasTm 43d) 1 eeLe TK 43K © 1 e1+10K = 1 10K Hee, Se aes acces reas (1) yugg= Bn 69) pg (HOY, = o sot ae oy a site ow dwnt.s Janey Meany dion = poe ee ae oF wee, oF h-2 Hw sa-sy= 1 ayy 1s 0 ia wats (129.744 C29 -Wy-,-0°0 (1-29 y,-29,-9 7, =0 Gaye, 720 = Dif n times using Llbntetheorom, we get D(.-2)y8—209,-y1=0 Ds (a —s2)9q) Dey) -D° 1 =O (129 DG) #86, DG) 20 #40, DOE HID yp) (80°C, DH IB SED yi=0 S12 HOMEBOY BEEP WED #10. SIA 2 gpg 207401 HF I a EBay Snag EHO a9 #m9,) 81 by) =0 (1A yg yyy EES] 439 Eaton BAT =O aa) yee syn eB Dal 49, Ee B= Seay En 4B HEREDIA O vy Mathomatiet: Cleon and Mares (De. 20 ue perereeer re enna #38) 7 ae at 7 aa | {9.4.10 Sketch the graph of f0)= 3° H | oe oaves = Bente) -serate tet) | ein #0) de eon» ee) sot Teaain tect) Bet eon et) i lahineressamarcan 8) rom Bq.) and) tye sobeslt we Be Gttergen-9 = Be aP2 we By = (x-3P ae aye east : Pe ote pins we OF (s-9F= 29-0) which na wave equation. hich represents pratt 9.5.0) Hy = aint ln), prove that SQ. we) ow Unt (0) =n et) + e08 x et) Coes On Daye 12. ottion of wave cation. sat 3 sn mits} o Sat Mintle sine ct sme Se) dma m2 Me Bane certs r¥0) = cont sins % = Ler scot +e) ne o cone (0) (er 6 88.3) Fete en tain(Se 269 By, = meotmstats) Fa aya 2. 2%) [SEHD = tment sitet onc e)-Boate 84) feats wewtinart® = sine +) A) 2 cos (Be + 8.3 (1-2)yf = m2 si? msi) f = Nin ree) Bene (Be + Se) At = nta-yh . Or + ct) +9 cos (3x + Set)) Gxt ee ala (a2 yf «tants? Fo Rint) -con ax +30) Read (aaa dy + ty? aol 8 e+e) sin e+ Bt). ) 8s +) ~Join Be + Set) tno Amar: B Se (Pro) Matheratca/Phyel Science Semester) awets -ePayyy9) C20 9f emt 2 K-29 m1 =O 253, 4my=0 Ditorentating tan sig Lb’ theorem, wo ge Dei 29_ sy +m =0 Deh De bey) + m2 ry 1) Png DUG) 20 + MgO) D) Aipebpia en, Dein, D-II +m IDE =O [rats omit 20 Pot] = ype) + +m? al Whossnagemtyao o-0 ea v D2 Ia— Bem md Frat yn Oden 43a snes m 0 Seg D4 OF, O Sey at Dag m9, =O a ms verity tat «2 2 ns, wheres even bys 5 a = em era smtiesso oe eae Grays 0s2429) oie Mathematioe I: Cleve and Matrices (De. 2018) ma ee Pie PF Pome eF | GPeyey = batzt9-37) ae 7 sistas) ry y= aco Stax] @ = eal -ff se] - n[aE) tse) “8 12a Amar ge tel eerol al se(5) oor] iar] = eal Ingeneral, we have oan[scar+5)] £9. case] rtinteete efecto k] @6.(b) Detine heat equation and hence verify that y = sin vis a solution ofheat equation. Let (9 be the temperature at any point x and anytime f For this function, the heat equation is Py Sol. i an 5c (Prog) MatennticalPhyeial Slonce (Semester-f Mathomaticr1 Cletus and Matrices (ee 2018) a9 > A+Bie+A-mind So, AvB=o anBat Ss AaB = cam 80, ai 1121 Be 7° ao eet aaya a oat 4 a S ye deo Leow = aye Beate 0? I 2eaiy 5 yas Peacane Leanne rn ne aero == al Jafar ar .Q.7.(a) Show thatthe modulus ofthe sum of two complex numbers is always lose than or equal to the sum of thelr modul 3 ‘Sol If, and, ate two complex which, then we have to prove fatal s ballad Le ry(ow6, +isin 8) ze rleos6y +8 8) “ Then,” bl=n, and lle and Mathematice: Callus and Matrices (Dee 2018) 8. (a) Solve tho equation 7 += 0. cl Sconce (Semester) 24 Amar Se Prog) Matharatinl Pye bron = filemon) ont nth se Paaetel = [rycon8, moons) +i(n sind, + ine, which gives 5 = (c080, +7000) +(4 sin + sind)? and Hrleo = (om, +7 8 +277 08000) ememetain te «+ (sate +l? yea onm) aera 7 = ri (cost,+2in*0,} +r (e080, +uin?0,) oo weston 2 [eos(2ek a) oi sin nk en + Bi (on 080, + sin 00) FO) F207 2m, ~03) ifort con la Lan #22 Lon, 8.) ly tanf = LaF ¢lanP Ble 1 Teel) lt) Sine, oe (4-84) 5 1 q there, k=O 1 BIAS (ark +n) nk rm) ein SRE ») = cous Evin hich Bret root ay 2539 A524 sndsyfork=0,1,2,3°48 Fork= si cobs’ = Aa theytea(4-0) <2te i! 8 > Inflas tle flay e(0-6a)< 1a, ¢lenf 42te lal acer = in lotngt s Gast? Peake, sae otal = laylela g Layletegh 2.7. (8) From an equation of lowest dogres with real coefficient ‘hatha 2-2 and 3 as two ots root Sol. We know that irrational roots curve in pair. Hence, the requ ‘weston has at laut four rots (2 30, (2+ 3, (3 + 21) and (8-2). “ered qian 2) 298- 2912-2) 00 "a" ah aay -(a-a01 20 Wea aet M2 2-309 «z—2) 21) Wa ~3) 4B =O 2-2 ana at ay Woah om ian apahy WR Wana rages iE be) gare Bawa g = ssa Fork =2, a a Per k4 Fork 5, see el sa e € - alot) Mathematin Calle and Mates (De 201) 4,4) 8,1) wf Bf)(8.4) ten the rt tae B84 wand Fad}(-$e5) Ane 0) Spy ice a * Retsiae? 9, (a) Find the equation of circle, whose radius it 3 and whose ‘contre ha affix 1 =i. Sel. TheCentrea) = =F Radiuste)= 3 E ie-a-i = 3 0.9.00) Find the aquation of the right bisector ofthe ine the pointes, and the Tne joining ‘Sol ™ on se-No.0f @. Paper + 8562 | Seamer Cone 42951101 Ualiwot the Paper: CALCULUS AND MATRICES Name arCourse : B.Se.Mathematical Science/lt.Se. (Prog) Semester P 1(CBCS) | Duration = | a ra | 1120) and Qo mtn wo ae pinta inthe mer sisi aplasia Pe then ener PR~ QR PR leal= aR bral “BMH -ale an ea HB) Naat iste ansee SS easton fight bisector ofthe lin ening te 000 SHours Maximum Marks : 75 “Attempt any three quertions from each section ‘sherIons @.1. (a) Beamine the existence of the limit of the function ae bed ge} @ + ostse pares] ae peo, Sot ae to i. Ru ae mo nee ® = ko-m-2 LL + REL Byatt does nt exis a te La REL ‘aw a ee = = toon = jaan = een aah tit 4 4 Since, LiL = RAL, 29) i Py Snes Yor Se 1m Aes Se (rg tes cae “oy ee ie tte oma pore ht wl mae at cteptaee in [tx-2 xs (OT pt aot Sol Sic, contovuseeryher Se i entioons t= 1 2 ie ie 70) = : tt fl = fe 7 be = rae 2 pistes 7 bes (e) ttye sins the rove that iret -atswia(eo ances 488) dates - ys Ping Ditwrts Caen wt endlevd-2.0 sem(eo8) aint ey GP ~Fsine s2econs g Be cone + Bains “ e O-ahdesstsces fy as Eh 60 sano) stan +o) (2,2. (4) Show that the function y» |x| is diferentibic on <0) ‘and (0,2) but has no derivative ats 0! Perea tes ie soo REO ete ite fin, tr0s Re iene es = fae mee tet Boo See, Boe, arco uy Fy ve 10) irate fr 0) and fr nee ke Reo Se, BS, s200 Piye ey ey 0) itereatabe ors (0, =) and is)= 1 (@) Tey eos og) 8 sn og, then show that; Spat Ge Dy,, 4a ly, 0. ‘Sol See 1b, Dee 2048. p 11 (0 Radha vetrthenctn = ing the yaya opason, sa fae ty > Poet se ree at = a cir sri cacy’ einer or Molar 20-07 pag) Rye ST sa-oyt _(oUiint = R= ae E murs care af ri i deen a _Mathematls-t: Cale and Mates Oe 209) a uit Bol = 0 ist <1 andocoed or el <1 Malin rin oi 10s farssr0ys Ep fade xed vy Q. 3. (a) State and prove Lagrange’s mean value thcorem. Also iactas its geometrical tignticance ‘Sol Leto a funtion dete on 0) Fis eontinyour onl], and Aid) Fis dorivtteon Jab there eit veal number ¢« Ja uch that 76)~fa) Piey= Loaf Proof: Lot F be afanetin defined on 01s Fil= fear vse le,6) where i some constant Since, fis eontinuous on To, 8] and derivableon I. and Ai is also continuous om fa, and dervabie sla, 5| SS" Fie continuous o lab} and derivable on 51 Raa eat aye = faa 7 Cmte Sg ‘a > Momequaon Wand) Potten ott eorem 8 . Pele rset 7 reas 2 Taree "thine 5 rere Hot Geometrical interpretion of Lagrange’ theorem, “7 . 4 i says that the tangent to the graph ofa some suitable points Betoon 134 Amar: 8S mg) Mathematcal/ Phys cence Yea (Sem) ‘cand is parallel tothe chord joining the plate on tho graph with aby Bot range of yey ET ett Graph of given function of tual * a a ye inde tn0.20 tim 12282 «og, [z[O[ R74 [a7as74 [x [énr4 [378 [7379 3=) ee. Beet ef toh a} a] ar eons “ ° So“ 0 Gndotrminant form) By using Hopital rule kro ip SBE. i ine esind=0. eT tT Tate «i Q.4.(a) Skotch the graphs of the following functions ( @y=14 Jet = (ii) y = sin 28 in (0, 2) Giysebta, Sol) yee vet o ‘Squaring both side = =a (Compairing with equation ona Sol for Given equation is equation of parabola with shifted vertically down 3 units and by a reflection across xaxis. Sketch the orginal function f 9) slong ‘ith the new graph, Also write the equation for the new graph yoetlan f= ent Peas ein _yis even function : fore 0 y0 fers pe yaet roceyacd Is |The graph ofthe function ft) is Novizontaly right 2 unite followed Given the funetion fi=)= 68 y= bl yobs [ral be -3 on? yes [x2] -te=2) <2 al Scene | Yowe Gem _— Miathematir Catala and Matrices e205) a [22 ear ale enneengecnetant estate on Sol. Fer ataghe 0 Teisa paint on 0,0) _ Boe d Bre dy= 0 Itisan equation oie with rive 5 and contre (0,0) ‘a a ae isan equation of ice with radiys 48 and centre (0, 0. toe 0 (4 ale] oo taiengestor aed cogiimettin eteere i BRR, ‘passes through the point (1,~2, 0). [4 2/0] cae raat 3 ale f Co tasde[ 2} Pind he eroand te eoeenit 43] _ mapor => vis free variable, let it be & paeee a li on ees Sea a sth ee oe raea) py "] i i ee the Eade exege Wary hw 0 te re Sol, u(x,t) = sin (rat) Wave cquation isu Dift ws, thers. Mathematics: Cael an Maries Ox: 2009) vs nays ees YES) — we coer 4 mt rida 1 Qj 7 fore ra pirwrts nea 4 Heatseal poinanvesoeet a ay ae Dirwrtt es p 0 ents fags rst Find the alope af ura = Fl) ection a he polat a3 Sol fess tyro “ ‘olin slope offs) indirection, lf equation (1) wit x fille 2)= 2M) D=—4 (@) Cheek wether the st (ly 1, Dy (y= 1, Dy (yy = 1 8 Independent or not. Sol. Lete,b,c€& “Tocheck whather given at has independent vector or not Lat att. 1,t)+ 6,-1.0) 660,12) > aabe e aston “ atb-e=0 - Frm equation 2) and 8) a-been0 | ashen 0 4 ao ' aro Pat in equation (1) and (2) 0 cbyera ceo = cso = (2 +4y,9)islinear Sketch the image ofthe (0,00, (6, 11,11, 1,0) under the given trantoran tis Cal Mas (Ds 29) Fora 1.0480,-1,0+e0,1,-20 a beewo Given veeor are linear indepondnt, (e) Check wether the transformation R-9f dtined assy) ‘nit quar with vertier “tees Sol. Tis Let abe® and (2) p79) RE Thats.99)+b(ey39D =Tias, eb splay by) (a, b55 4, #649, + 5 ate 4,14 Bes tyihays +b (ot, + 07) bl Anh by) = F499) #beptosL3) = ePay yt OP) Pa) +B ee) fray 3 Tain.) ¢blsgy) > Tistincarrenafration ‘T10,0)= (0,0) To.v= «0 | ra.0= 0,0) 7 rans 60) tate 5: (a) Find the standard matrix ofthe reflestion about re plane. Sol Transhrmation fr refestion abot plane Tea.) = tn -32) (1,0,0) (0, 1,0),(0,0, 1 ar columns of standard matri Ti,0,0)= 0.0.0) TW,1,0)= (0,-1.0) 700,0,1)= (0,1) 0 0) 0-1 0 isthe standard mates for reflection bout x plane, oo (©) Pind the polar representation of the (ajentek Goyet i. Mowing numbers: Sol. nected at 2,= ry (oon +i 0,) 2 rene, = = 110 Amrit mg) Mabel Py Ses Ye em) Thmaiatfeciocin hood Oy erent = AP oH “ey nef oxo,= -e(3] Since (1,~1) iin theed quant ets (102) Sine. 1 8 hon gua wns oo] ses Dee 209) w athematt Cals ar Mat (o) Weeyet and y= VS-+H, thon find Ar (2,22) and [2241+ Bete led = APC = Vist ae iti say ($5 | lal = VaF GF = ast-2 Aratey39)= Ange + Arg, = 22, leyeal = le by 9.9.0) Find the equation ofthe cirele whose radius is .and whose _| comer nae atic i Seer Sol. See 8 (a), Dee 2018, 327, ‘Equation of traight lie passing through 2 and 28 ves ama: Be. (og) Manat Pal sees YEN EST) a: 22 | ri asi = psi 245i | Seca me race t me0es 5) Ose at ws a(edediye F C1444 1 U2 61-2 + 8)-(2— BE +2 + 51-0 > 2C1,4i)- 2 (L-4i) +6) =0 > -i@4-)+7 U+i)-6)=0 -De+4i 2-6-0 (©) Compute (1 +i)", Sol. z= (1+! a+r = 1-14 2550 (iyo 00 00 2800 as 2.1) i= 1) 500 (a) Selva the ccquaiion vs » the equation using De Moiver’s theorem 27 +2 = gat oss Sol. See Q. 8 (a), Doe, 2018, p 125,

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