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. -·~- . ···- _, - -·-· -· -- .. J, ' 'gn merely 1no1ca.

u u ~ UlQI n l"I U I J ~lt(l 11

square of its d lrtanct: f rom rl,e .r1111 . l e negnuvc J t r •,,ar-ct.

towards the sun or that ii is a force of oUrnction. 1

And, the tir~c-J)("riod o f o plonct, ln accordunco wi th K cplcr'o '"'' law, ~ gj ven by
t ... nab
2 .2 2
Or. t1 • 4n: 2nJ.b l'1 ,
, .1 • of the cll ip· tical orbit respectively·
where a nnd b ore the semi-major nnu minor ux.c1-1
Since h1la .. I, the .w m l-lutu., rc:cI11m of the elliptical orbit, we have
b1 a. al .
1 2 2 3
And. thc:Rforc. -r • (4 rr llh )a
... (4n 2IK)oJ,
2 that t a a'Jor every plalllJI, or that 4rc /K, and hence K , is cons tarrt for evc.-ry Planetanc,J
thus quite indcpe'1dt•nl of its nature.
I-knee. if,,, nnd M be the masses of o pl~n.ct and_the sun respectively, the f~ce of attraction by
the sun 00 the planet is, soy, F = - Km!? and its react 100, i.e., the force of attraction by the Planet 00
the sun. say. F -kMJ?. where Kand k are constants.
0 -
Since by Newton's third law of motion, F = F, we have
Km!? = kM!?.
Or, Km = kM. Or, KlM = lclm, constant, say G.
So that. K = MG.
Substituting this value of K in the expression for F we, therefore, have
F= _MmG,

s howing that the force of attraction between the planet and the sun is directly proportional to the
product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
which is Newton's law ofgravitation.


~~ of grav~on
Example 1. The radius of the Moon's orbit r is 240,000 miles and period of revolution is 27
lays; the diameter of the Earth is 8000 miles and the value of gravity on Its surface is 32 ft/~.
Verify the statement that the gravitation al force varies invenely as the square of the distuce.
. . Distance covered 21t x 240000 x 1760 x 3
Solution. Clearly velocity of the Moon, v = Time taken = x x x mis
21 24 60 60
Centripetal acceleration ofthe Moon towards the centre ofthe earth, i.e.,

(21tx24xl 76x3xl0
27x24x36 xl02
5 2
( 1
x 24xl76x3x l05

= 41t xl76x3xl 0=0.009 l 89 ft/ 2
(27x36)2 x24 sec·
Let the gravitationa l force be inversely proportiona l to the n power of distance. Then, if the
.cceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth be gE (equal to 32 ft/sec ) , we have
g,jgE = (Rlrt, where R is the radius of the earth,
Gravltadon: tlelds and Potentia

0.0 09 18 9 = ( 40 00 xl 76
0x 3 )" _ (I)"
32 24 00 00 x I 76 0x 3 - 60
- -
4 .45 82 = n ( ~ .2~ 18) Or, n = 4 .45 82 / 2 .22 18
:::: 2.
[Jking logarithms, we h~ ve _ dis tan ce.
ita tio na l for ce va ne s inv ersely as the sq ua re ofthe
C,, d J,ence the gr av dius of earth orbit r - 1.5
. gan m th e fol low ing da ta: Ra
n fro
tbUS• le 1. fln d th11e ma2ss of2su .
(Gh11TW11I CJ. 200(/)
&i•~~ 6.67 x 10- Nm kg
-· rad ius r . Th e
es rou nd the su n m mo re or less cir cu lar orb it of
,~ The earth rev olvb th su n of ma ss M an d ea rth of ma ss m is ba lan ce d by
~-•1dOD•force of att rac no ee n_ e
:,.-_ 1 n etw
p11~u:~orce mrci, wh ere ro
is the an gu lar velocity of ea
-7 -1
21t 99 rad s
~a,pe IO
ro = 36 5x 24 x3 60 0 = 1. x
l.5 x l 0 km = 1.5 x 10 m
r =
GM m =mrc.o

,.2 11 x( l.9 9x lo -7 )2
r 3 ro2 =-(l. 5x 10 )3 '-- '-- --11... .a .., _= 2.0 04 X 1e>3°
M = - - -- -- -- --
G X 10 -6.67
or bi t bu
g ro un d th e su n un de r gr av ita tio na l fo rce an d Its
vin pe rih eli on Its
Enmple 3. Th e ea rth is8 mo ea rth · pa sse s clo ses t to th e su n at its
x 10 km . W he n th e e earth
..- ma jor axis 1.495 1 km an d its or bi tal ve loc ity is 0.303 km
s-1• Fi nd th e ve loc ity of th
jstUce is 1.47 x 10 s.
an gu lar ve loc iti es at th e tw o po int is a central
idl e ap hel ion an d its
ea rth rou nd the su n is un der gravitational force wh ich
Solution. As the motion of the the ap eh ili on , is
of the ea rth at the tw o po sitions, the pe rih eli on an d
force, the angular momentum
ronserved. perihelion
gu lar mo me ntu m at ap eh ili on = angular momentum at
Or An
Or mvap rap = mvper i rper i
r per ;= 1.47 x 10 km 8 ...(i)
Now 8 = 2a = 2.990 x 10 km
10 km :. M ajo r ax .is
Semi major axis a= 1.495 x
Now rap+rper; = 2a 8 8 = 1.520 x 108 km
90 x 10 - 1.47 x 10
· rap= 2a -rper i = 2.9
. .
2 10 8 = 0.303 x 1.47 x 108
1.5 x
Substituting in( ,), we ha ve vap
ms -l
he -ea rth ata hil ion v = 0.3 03 xl. 47 xl0 8 =0 .29 3k
Velocityoft ap 1.52 X 10 8
v · 0.303- 0.2 06 x 10-8 rad s-1
I ·
The lllg. ula r ve oc1ty at the perihelion roper; = pen = - - 8
rpa i l.4 7x 10
= 0 ·293 = 0.193 x 10-8 rad s-1
ilio n roa p = vap 8
The angu.1ar velocity at the apeh
r . Etaaapte 4• Tb
-i • •la 8. Flad ee:tmoprtio n of a pa rti cle un de
r th e
l.5 20 x 10
inf lue nc e of a ce nt ra l fo rce is de sc
rib ed J

Sotatt011 •au"rL.aa ession fo r th e ror ce .

c1 11 . given by
, Ot ion of the particle is
r = a sin 0
u = .!. = 1 = cosec 0
r as in 0 a
HcnC<l du co sec 0c ot a
d0 = a
Gravlt.1tlon: tlelds and Potentlal 681 ==i
0.0 091 89 = ( 40 00 xl7 60 x3 )n ( 1 )"
32 _ 24 00 00 xl7 60 x3 = 60
Or, n = 4 .45 82/ 2 .2218 ::::: 2.
,akinS logarithms, we h~ve_ 4 .45 82 = n ( 2 .22
ce the gra v1t all ona / for ce var ies inversely as the square of the
or~s, g and hen
sun fro m the following dat a: Radius of earth orbit r • 1.S x
~.snple 2. Find !~e malss o!2 (Gharwal U. 2000)
1O Nm kg · .
~' G""' 6.6 1 ><
the sun m mo re or less cir cul ar orb it of rad ius
r. Th e
f iudoD, Th e ear th re~ olv es rou
en_ the sun of ma ss Ma nd ear th of ma ss m is bal anc ed
by the
~tional for ce of:ttr act ion ~et
~ ~ tal force mrro , wh ere
11 co 1s the ang ula r vel oci ty of ear
2n ·
~ co = 365 x 24 x 360 0 = 1.99 x 10-
1 rad s-1

8 11
r = I. 5 x 10 km = 1.5 x 10 m
GM m
= mrco2
2 3 1
x1 0- )2
r 3 co (l.5 xl0 ll) x(l .99 30
--- --' ~ = 2.0 04 X I 0 kg
M = - - = --- ..; ._6.6 __ ;_ ~-
G 7 x 10-11
vin g rou nd the sun un der gra vitational force and Its orb it ba s
E11mple 3. Th e ear th is8 mo pas ses clo sest to the sun at its perihelion Its
>< 10 km . Wh en the ear th·
di-major axis 1.495 ty is 0.303 kms- • Fin d the velocity of
1 the ear th
km an d its orb ita l vel oci
jsta)lce is 1.47 >< 10
oci tie s at the two points.
; the aphelion and its an gu lar vel is und er gra vita tion al force wh ich is a
cen tra l
the ear th rou nd the sun
Solution. As the mo tio n of positions, the per ihe lio n and the
ape hil ion , is
ntu m of the ear th at the two
force, the angular mo me
Or Angular mo me ntu m at ape hil ion
= ang ula r mo me ntu m at perihelion
Or mvap rap = mvper i r peri
r . = I ·47 x 10 km ...(i)
Now per,
90 x 10 km
95 x 108 km :. Ma jor axi s= 2a =
Semi major axi s a= l.4
Now rap + rpe ri = 2a 8 8
990 x 10 8
- 1.4 7 x 10 = 1.5 20 x 10 km
· rap = 2a -rper,. • = 2
1.5 2 x 10 = 0.303 x 1.47 x 10
Substituting in (1), we hav e vap x
108 1
v = o.3 o 3 x 1.47 ; = 0.2 93 1cms-
Velocity of the ear th at ape hil ion
ap l.5 2x l0
0 303 = 0.2 06 x 10-8 rad s-1
co . = vperi = ·
The angular velocity at the per ihe lio n pen rperi 1.47 x 108
· d -1
vap = 0.293 = 0.1 93 x 1o-8 ra s
The angu1ar velocity at the ape hil ion co = -
. 8
ap r.p 1.520 x 10
f E is des cri bed by
4 e mo tio n of a par tic le un der the influence of a cen tra l force
, • ,:: pl e • Tb
1 Sol•tl~~•• ex~reaslon for the force.
par ticl e is giv en by ·
•· e !110hon of the
r = a sin 0
1 1 cos ec 0
~ u =- = - -= a
r asi n0
Hence du cos ec0 cot 8
d0 = a

682 Mechanics
211 2
and d = _ _!_ (- coscc 0 coscc 0 - cosec0 cot 0 cot 0)
d02 a
c:: l. cos 0 (cosec2 0 + cot2 0)
The ditTerentiol equotion of motion of the orbit of a particle moving under a central ,.
. •O~e ·
g1ven by d211 = -u - _!!!_ F (l) is
d82 ./u2 u
J ,/
F(.!.) =
-11 - d2u
d0 2
= __!_ [cosec e + cosec 0 (cosec2 e + cot2 0)]
= _ _!_ cosec e (1 + cosec2 0 + cot2 0)]
= _l cosec2 0 = -2a2u3

This is the required force law.

Example 5. Calculate the period of revolution of Neptune round the sun given that tbe
diameter of the orbit is 30 times the diameter of the earth's orbit round the sun, both orbits
being assumed to be circular.
Solution. Let a 1 and a 2 be the mean radii of the orbit of the earth and Neptune respectively.
a2 .
- =30
Period of revolution of earth T1 = one year.
Let T2 be the period of revolution of Neptune. Then according to Kepler's third law
3 3
= (a a1
) :. Ti =7j (a
) =30 x30 x30
or T2 = 30✓
30 years= 164.3 years
Example 6. A sphere of mass 19 kg. is attracted by another sphere of mass 150 kg. when
their centres are separated by a distance 0.28 m with a force equal to the weight of 0.2S mg.
Calculate the gravitational constant. If the distance is halved, what would be the new force In
Newton? Assume g == 9.8 ms-2•
Solution. Here m ~ = 19 kg; m 2 = 150 kg; r = 0.28 m
Force F = 0.25 mg. wt= 0.25 x 10-6 x 9.8 N

Now F
= Gm,mz Fr2
2 orG= - -
,. m1m2

= 0.25x 10- 6 x 9.8x (0.28)2 =

x 2
- 11 Nm2 kf .
6 74 10
19 x 150 · the force
When ·the distance is halved, the force F' between the two masses becomes 4 times as
is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centres of the two masses.
F' = 4F = 4 x 0.25 x 10-6 x 9.8 = 9.8 x 10-·6 Newt00·
Gravitation: Flelds and Potential 683 J
nce of earth from the sun Is 1.5 >< 10
Eiantple 7. If the mass of sun Is 2 x 10-Jo kg, dista
latter Is 365.3 days, find the value of G.
•nd period of revolution of the former around the
of mass Man d earth of mass m separated
Solution. The force of attraction F lJetween the sun
. . b F GM m
a-distance,. is given y = r2

where w is the angu lar velocity of earth

This force is bala nced by the cent ripet al force mol
GM m _ 2 r 3ol
2 - mrro or G = - -
r M
30 11
Now M= 2 x 10 kg, r = 1.5 x 10 m, G = ?
21t -7 -I
= 365 .3x2 4x3 600 = t1. 99 t x 10 rad s
G = (l.5 x I0l1)3 x(l.9 91x l0-7 )2 = 6.668 x 10-11
2 x 1030
t at a heig ht of 200 km from the surface
Example 8. A sate llite revo lves in a circ ular orbi 2 2 n
is 90 mts, G = 6.66 x 10- Nm kg- and mea
f earth. If the peri od of revo lutio n of sate llite
6 ity of earth,
adius of earth is 6 x 10 m, calculate the average dens
Solution. Distance of satellite from the centre of earth 6 6
R1 = 6x 10 + 0.2 x 10 = 6.2 x 10 m
. GMm 2
- -2 - = mR 1ro
If Mis the mass of earth and m that of satelhte, then R1

3 2
3RI ro
Or P - . 41tR 3 G
6 2
3 x (6.2 x10 )3 ( 21t )
= 41tx {6xl 06)3 x6.6 6xl0 -ll x 90x 60
= 5.355 x 103 kg m- 3
vltatlonal potential and- fleld - y-P
...... lnie nslf
---- .
ot!~tlal energy-=- au~:•
G l'eff,11 )

at any poin t on the surf ace of the earth

ample 9. Show that the inte nsity and pote ntia l (Poona)
orm sphe re.
and gR respectively, assu min g the eart h to be a unif
Solution. Let the earth be a uniform sphere of radius
R and mass M Then, clearly,
its surf ace, E = - ~ G.
intensity of the gravitational field at any poin t on R
r the earth of the grav itational force on it d~e ·
Now, weight of a body of mass m on 2the surface of to gravity at the plac e.
, whe re g is the acceleration due
to attraction by the earth = mg - mM G/R
h, or intensity of the grav itati onal field on the
:. Force on unit mass on the surface of the eart
· surface ofthe earth, i.e,. E = - ~ G =g .
as intensity ofgrav ity.
This is the reason why g is also quite often referred to
earth, i.e., V = - ~ G,
And, since potential at any poin t on the surf ace ofthe

We have V= - ( ; G).R = gR.

684 Mechanics
Example 10. Two bodies of mass M1 and M2 are placed diSt ance d apart. Show that at th
position where the gravitational field due to them is zero, the potential is given by e

V=- ~ (M1 + M 2 + ✓M, M2) (Rajasthan, 200I)

Solution. Let the gravitational field E be zero at a point distant x from mass M,, and, therefo~e
distant (d- x)from mass M 2• Then, clearly, '

M1 M2 G xfMi"
- x2 G = (d-x)2 . Or, d-x = VMz'
X g
d = jM; +.jM;_'
djii; djii;
whence, x = jM; .jM; and, therefore, (d- x) = d - 'M IJJ
M, + M2 "iYJJ + vm2
. d.jM;
Or, d-x= jM; +.jM;_'
M 1 M2 )
Hence, potential at the point due to the two masses = - (7 G + (d _ x) G

= -G[M (jii;
1 +.jM;_) +
M2(Jii; +.jM;_)]
d.jM;_ t

= jM; + .jM;_ G( jM; + .jM;_).

Or, potential al the point= - ~ (Jii; +.[M;)2 = - ~ (M, +M2 +2JM,M2 ).
Example 11. A smooth straight tunnel is bored through the earth and a small particle la
allowed to move in it from a position of rest Find the periodic time of one vibration. Give■
that G = 6.61 x 10-1 c.g.s. units and the mean density of earth= 5.6 gm per c.c. (Delhi, 2000)
Solution. Let a tunnel AB be bored through the earth (Fig. 12.33) and let a particle of mass mbe
placed in it at P, such that its distance from the centre O of the earth is r and that from the mid-point
C of the tunnel, x. And, let the angle OPC be 0.
As we know, the only force of attraction on the particle will be
due to a sphere of radius OP= r. (shown dotted in the figure), on the
surface of which the particle lies, there being no effect on it due to
the outer shells around this sphere. So that, C Earth
gravitational force acting.on the particle, i.e.,

_ m(mass of sphere of radius r) G
i . '

the -ve sign indicating that it is directed towards 0, the centre of

the sphere.
m(1~r3p) G= - 4
Or, F= r2
3 1trpmG.
And, clearly, component ofthisforce acting on the particle along PC= F cos 0 = - ; 1trpmG cose
x = -- 4 1trpm
= -· 4 nrpmG x-;: . Gx, d'rrected towards C, the mid-point of the tunnel.
3 3
Gravitation: Fields and Potential 685
force -31tpmGx 4
acceleration ofthe particle towards C = - - = ---'---- = -1tpGx
mass m 3
= -µx, say, where 4/3 1tpG = µ = constant.
Thus, the acceleration of the particle is proportional to its displacement (x) from c·and is
directed towards it. It, therefore, executes a simple harmonic motion about (C) and its time-period is

given by T = 21t [I = 21t ~= ~ = . 31t = 5023 sec

\fµ v47tpG vpe; 5.6 x 6.67 x 10-8
= 83.72 min::::: 84 min
Example 12. One uniform shell of mass m2 lies inside, and concentric with, a larges uni-
form shell of mass m1• Obtain the gravitational field due to the system (1) at a point outside
the two shells, (ii) at a point in the space between the two shells and (ii,) at a point inside the
smaller shell. m1
Solution. Let Fig. 12.34 represent the two shells with
their common centre 0, and let points P 1, P 2 , and P 3 lie
outside the two shells, in between the two shells and inside
the inner shell at distances r 1, r2 respectively from 0.
(i) Since point P I lies outside both the shells, at
distance r 1 from their common centre 0, we have
i,rtensity ofthe gravitational field at P due to the system
= intensity due to one shell + intensity due to the other
E = - m12 G- m22 G = -(m, +m2JG.
ri ri ri
(ir)Point P 2 lies inside the outer, but outside, the inner shell. The field at P 2 due to the former is,
~. zero and due to the latter -(mzlr/)G.
'efore, intensity at P2 due to the system, as a whole, i.e.,

E = o-(mJ)G= _mJG.
r2 rz
ii) Point P 3 lies inside both the shells, so that the field there due to either shell is zero. Hence
intensity ofthe gravitationalfield at P 3 due to the system as a whole= 0
Example 13. Two satellites A and B of the same mass are orbiting the earth at altitudes
.If and JR respectively, where R is the radius of the earth. Taking their orbits to be circular,
obtain the ratios of their kinetic and potential energies.
Solution. Distance of satellite A from the centre of the earth = R + R = 2R and that ofsateIii te
If, therefore, m be the mass ofeach satellite and M, the mass ofthe earth, we have
PE. ofsatellite A = mMGll.R and P.E. ofsatellite B = mMG/4R
:,. PE. ofsate/Jite A: P.E. ofsatellite B :: mMG/2R: mMG/4R or as 2:1.
If v 1 and v2 the velocities of the two satellites respectively, we have
K.E. ofsatellite A = ~ mvf , and K.E. ofsatellite B = ~ mv?

Or, since v 1 = .JMG/2R, and v2 = .JMG/4R, [See§ 12.9]

686 Mechanics
we hnvc I mMG mMG
K.E. ofsatellite A =2 2R <=
K.E. ofsatell ite B 2 4R = BR ·
mMG mMG . 2.I
K.E. satellite A: o.f.<ialellite B :: 4R : BR , i.e., as · ·
Example 14. From a large metallic spher e of radiu s Ran
mass M, a smal ler sphe re Is scooped out such that the sphe
hollow thus form ed Just touches the surfa ce of the large r sphe
on one side and Its centr e on the other, as shown in Fig. 12.35
Obta in an expression for the gravi tation al field due to the hollo
es of
sphere at a point P lying on a line passing through the centr
the centre of the former.
the larger sphere and the spherical hollow at a distance r from
w form ed = R and, therefore, i/J
. Sol~tlon. Her~, clearly, the diam eter of the spher ical hollo
radiu s, 1.e., the radiu s ofthe small er spher e remo ved= R/2.
3 3
Henc e, its volum e= ; 1t(R/2) = ; 1tR /8 = of the volum
e of the larger sphere (inR, 3) and,

there fore, its mass = M/8.

ical hollo w, we have distance
If O be the centr e of the larger spher e and C, that of the spher
OP = r (give n) and distan ce CP = r - R/2 = (2r - R)/2.
wed spher e = intensity at p due 10
Clearly, inten sity ofthe gravi tation al field at P due the hollo
tation al.fie ld at P due lo the smaller
the comp lete large r spher e of radiu s R - intens ity of the gravi
( ) ( )
spher e ofradiu s R/2, i.e., E-- MG __ MG __I_ --M G-I2_!_ 4
r2 8 CP2 r 8 (2r - R)2

= -MGc~- 2(2r ~R)2 )-

circular orbit of radius R. It
Example 15. A satellite of mass Ms is orbiting the earth in a
If Me and Re denote the mu,
start s losing energ y slowly at a const ant rate C due to friction.
on the earth In time
and radiu s of the earth respectively, show that the satellite falls
1 = GMeMs
(_!_ -
Re R
_!_J . [Delhi (Hons.), 200/1

be v1• Then, clearly,

Solution. Let the veloc ity of the satellite in its orbits of radiu s R
Msvf - MsM e 2-
R - R 2 G, when ce, v 1 -MeG IR.
due to the earth).
(Beca use centri petal force on the satellite = force of attrac tion
touch es the earth, i.e., when the
Similarly, if v2 be the velocity of the satellite when its orbit
radiu s of its orbit is Re, we have
Msvi MsMe 2 ·
~= R , whence, v2 = MeG/Re.
ite in orbit ofradius R = ~ Msvf = ~ ·MsM eGIR =
K.E. ofthe satell
and K.E. ofthe satell ite in orbit for radiu s Re ( when it touches the earth
I 2 I
= 2 Msv2 = 2 MsMeG/Re.
Now, P.E. ofthe satellite when at distance Rform the centr e ofthe
Grnfurfon: Ffefds 11nd Potentfal 1'6rl
r the earth)
Ql«I if,f P.E. when at a distance Re from the centre of tlte earth (i.e., when ii touche.
- -M~,t,GIR,..
t~tal er1ergy of the satellite when In orbit ofradius R = its P.E + its K.E.
____,::..-.. G 1------
+ MsMe-- G
= -l - M 8 M cG
R 2 R 2 R
Iand total energy ofthe satellite when on the swface ofthe earth
MsMeG 1 MsMe G _ 1 MsMe
= D
+ 2 Re - -2 R G.

1 MsMe G -(- l MsMe GJ

Hence, loss ofenergy in/aili ng to the earth= 2 Re
2 R

= .!.2 MsMe a(- lJ

Re - R
If the satellite takes time t to fall to the earth, clearly, energy lost by it= Ct.
Ct= .!MsM
2 e
a(-1 _..!_J
whence t= MsMe G(_l _ _!_J
R ' ' 2C Re R .
enous spheri -
Example 16. Assum ing that the interio r of the earth can be treat,ed as homog
as a functio n of
cal mass In hydros tatic equili brium , expres s the pressu re within1 the earth
unifor m density ,
distance r from the centre . Taking radius of the earth, R =6.3 x 10 cm and its
p = 5.5 gm/cm , calculate the pressure at the centre of the earth.
P from its
Solution. In Fig. 12.36 let R be the radius ofthe earth and r, the distance of a point
centre O where the pressure is to be determined.
Consider a shell of radius x and thickness dx, where r < x < R. Clearly,
volume ofthe shell= 41t.x2 dx and hence its mass = 4?t.x2 dxp.
And, mass ofthe solid sphere ofradius x enclos ed by the shell= ; 1tX r.
Obviously, gravitational pull exerte d by the sphere on the shell inwards
= mass of the sphere x mass of the shell G
x2 {_Flg. 12.36 I
3 2
= 41tX px41tX dxp G= _I61t2p2Gx3dx.
3xx2 3
J(Ilce the whole spherical mass (of the earth) is in hydrostatic equilibrium, the shell does not

:ds 16 2 2 3
due_to this force. This clearly means that equal and opposite force ( 3 1t p Gx dx)
ng radically outwards on its surface .
Smee the area of the inner surface ofthe shell = 47t.x2, we have
')Ufward pressu 1..
~ re on tne shell at distanc e x from the centre, say,
dp == 136 1t2p2Gx3dxl41tX2'

dp == j 1tp Gxdx.

Now, the solid 8 h radius x, i.e.,

l'olher sheIJs of ~. ere of radius x also attracts all other shells outside the shell of
radu greater than x and Jess than R. .
These shells too d0 . .
ID equal and op . not move inward s under its force of attraction, showm g that there must be
P<>site force acting on their inner sides, pushing them outwards.
He?ce. to detennin e the total pressure P at the point P, distant r form 0, we must in
expressi on for dp between the limits x = rand x = R. Thus, tegrate the

total press11re at P, i.e., p = : np 2G r xdx = : 1tp

G[ x; r
21t p2G(R2 _ r2)
Since at 0 , r = 0,. we have pressure al the centre ofthe earth
2 2
= · 37t p 2GR = ~1t (5.5)2 (6.67 x 10-B)(6.3 x 108)2
1012 dyne/cm2 •
= 1.7 x
Exampl e 17. Obtain the values of the escape velocity for an atmosph eric particle 1000
abovi: the s:urface of (1) the earth, (ii) the moon, (ii,) the sum. Given, mass of the earth. 5kJJJ.
x 10 kg, radius of the
earth=-= 6.37 x 10 metre: mass of ·91
the moon=-= 7 .34 x 1022 kg, radlusor
th , · 30
e moon = 1.74 x 10 metre: mass of the sun = 11 1.99 x 10 kg, radius of the sun • 6.96 x Io'
metre; and gravitat ional constan t G =.6.61 x 10- N-m /kg2.
Solution . We know that escape velocity ve = ✓2MGIR . (§ 12.9]
Now, (i) in the case of the earth, M = 5.98 x 10 kg6 and R = radius of the earth + I000 km
= 6.37 x 10 km+ 1000 km = 7.37 x 10 km= 7.37 x 10 ~ 73.7 x 10 metre.
3 3

escape velocity ofthe atmosph eric particle, i.e.,

= ✓2 X 5.98x 1024 X 6.67 X 10- ll /73.7 X 10

= ✓2x5.98x6.67/73 .7x108 = 1.04 x 104 m/sec

( ii) In the case of the moon, M = 1.34 >< 1022 kg and R = radius ofthe moon + 1000 km= 1.74
8 5
x 10 km+ 1000 km= 27.4 x 10 metre.
.·. escape velocity ofthe atmosph eric particle, i.e.,
v= ✓~2-x_7_ 22_x_6_.-67_x_10___11-/-27-.-4-x_10_
.3_4_x_l_0_ 5
= ✓2x7.34x6.67/27.4x10 = 1.89 X 10 ,n/seC.

(ii,) In the case of the sun, M = 1.99 x 10 kg and R = radius ofthe sum + 1000 km
= 6.96 x 105 km+ 1000 km= 69.7 x 10 metre.
.·. escape velocity ofthe atmosph eric particle,
..-- ---- ----- -~
= ✓2 X l.99x 1030 X 6.67 X 1011 /69. 7 X 10
= ✓2xl ,99x6.67/69.7xl012
= 6.172 x 105 m/sec.
6 o-3 kf3 and
Exampl e 18. The radius of earth is 6.637' x 10 m, its mean density S.57 xnd1
gravitad onal constan t 6.66 x 10- N m kg- • Calcula te the earth's surfa~e pote •\itational
11 2

Soludon . Conside ring the earth to be a homogenous sphere, the magmtude of gra
4 3
GM G• 3 1tr p 4G1tr 2 p
potentia l on its surface = - r -= r = 3 3
6 2
4x6.66x 10- 11 x 1tx (6.637 x 10 ) x 5.57x l(!_
= 3
= 6.845 X 107 J/kg
_ ra_v_lra_r_lo_n:_ F_le_ld_s_a~n~d_P_o~te~n~tla_l_ _ _flll
_G -j~
Eumplc 19. The earth's mass Is 80 times that of the moon and their diameter• are
SOO km and 3200 km respectively. What Is the value of g on the moon? g on e■rth 11 9.8 m,- •

The acce1eratlon · on the surface of a sphere is given by g = -GM

· due to gravity - where
Soludon. 2

is the mass and R the radius of the sphere. Taking the earth and moon to be spheres, a!celeration
:e to gravity on the surface of the earth
= G 80m ms-2
g (64xl05)2
here mis the mass of the moon and 64 x 10 m the radius of the earth.
Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon
g= Gm 5 2 where 16 x l 0 5 m is the radius of the moon.
52 -2
g' = (64x 10 ) l I
g ~ 80x(l6xlQ 5)2 =s ,". g=9.8 X s=l.96ms

II':_ Inverse sq~are~la~ f~rce~ .lf ei,a ~

Eumple 20. Three electrical charges A, B, C, of values + 40, - 70 , 12 esu respectively
are placed such that distances AB, BC, CA ·are 10, 30, 30 cm respectively. Calculate the work
required to separate the three charges to infinity. (Agra, 200$)
Sohltioa. Let the three charges A, B, C be placed as shown in Fig. 12.37
. B(-70)

C (-12)
Fig. 12.37•
--=- -
work required to separate them to infinity will obviously be equal to the potential energy of
with its sign reversed.
Now.potential energy of the system,
U= UAB+ U8 c+ UCA = - + - + - .
rAB rsc rAc

Or, _ (+40)(-:70) + (-70)(- 12) + (+40)(-12 )

U- IO 30 30
= 280 + 28 - 16 = - 268 ergs .
Therefore, work required to separate the three charges to infinity = 268 ergs.
E1ample 21. Determine the potential energy of a galaxy consisting of n 1tan, where
11 1 di 11
.. 6 >< 1011, tacb equal to the mass of the sun and with an average stance r == 10 metres
" eacb pair of ,tan. Ignore the self energy of each star. (Take mass of the sun• 2 >< tol'
. 1,.
--s a G • 7 >< 10-11 N - M/kg1).
ln'en5:;Uon. As we have seen in § 12.26, gravitation al potential energy or selfenergy ofn stars is
690 Mechanics

Here, m 1 = m 1 = m and there are n equal terms in !and (n-1) terms in !so that,

= !=nand L=(n-1).
/=I /=I
1 m
U = --Gn(n-1)-.
s 2 r
Substituting the given values, therefore, we have
gravitational potential energy of the galaxy
I1 30
1 7x10- 11 xl.6x10II x(l.6x10 -l)x(2x10 )2 ~ •
=- 2 · 21 ~ -4x 1051 Joules
Example 22. Calculate the gravitational potential energy of a system of 8 masses of 10 kg
each placed at the corners of a cube of each edge equal to 0.25 inetre. .
(G = 6.67 x io11 l\f-m/kg2). r 7
Solution. Figure 12.38 shows a cube of each edge, 0.25 metre in
length, with a mass of 10 kg placed at each comer, The gravitational
potential energy or self energy of the system is thus obviously given by 2 ,c----t----,1,~.

Us= -Gtt ;~,

i> j j=I IJ
where m; =mi= 10 kg.
Now, each of the twelve distances, r 21 , r41 , r 51 , r 38 , r62 , r42 , r73 , r84,
r 76, and r 87 (all edges of the cube) is equal to r, each of the twelve 1
111::...._ _ __y
distances, r 31 , r 61 , r42 , r 52 , r72 , r 63 , r 54 , r14, r 15 , and r 36 , (al/face-diagonals r
- - ii
of the cube) is equal to r + r = ✓ .J 2
2r, and each of the four distances,
r 71 , r 52, r 53 and r 64 (all long diagonals, or distances between opposite comers, of the cube) is equal
to ✓2r2 +r 2 =N = ✓Jr.
Us= - Gm2. 12/r+l2/✓2r+4/✓?,r)

= 4Gm2 (3 + 3/✓2 + 1/✓3)

4Gm2 (5.7).
Substituting the given values of G, m and r, therefore, we have
gravitational potential energy ofthe system,
4 X 6.67 X 10-11 X (10)2 = -1 067 X 10-11·ou/e.
s0.25 . 0

Example 23. Calculate the self energy of the sun, taking its mass to be equal to 2 x ta3 kg
and its radius to be very nearly 7 x 10 metre. (G = 7 x 10-11 N-m!kg2).
. ili ~u~
If its radius contracts by 1 km per year, without affecting its mass, calculate e 2008)
which· it radiates out energy. (Nagpur
Solution. We know that the self energy of a solid sphere is given by Us = - 5RG.
3 (2 x 1030 )2 x7xl011 = _gxI041
selfenergy ofthe sun=
5 7 X }08 5
= -2.4 x 10 11 joules.
Gravitation: Fields and Potential 691
Thti - \ 'C sign is bccnus"' the grnvitntionnl force is 11Uructivc.

Now, rnte of change cf energy oftlie sun, I.e., dU' • dU., . dN c l M 2G . dR .

dt dR cit 5 u2 dt
clR \000
\\tin!, dt ca 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 metre/sec ( ·: I km = I000 metres)

r(lft' 4 0,iergy radiated 011t by the sm,

M G dR 2.4 x 1041
= -3 - -
2 -- = - - -
x -- - - -
5 R dt 8 7 x 10 365 x 24 x 3600
== 1.087 x l 028 joules/sec.
Example 24. Chaarges of+ 100 esu are pl11ced at the c~rners of a square of 10 cm
side and
charge of -so.Ji esu at the point of interaction of its diagonals. Calculate
(,) the resultant force on each charge, (ii) the potential energy of the system,
(ii,) work
done ln separating the charge to infinity.
If the charge were initially infinite distance apart, what would be the work
done in
assembling them into their present configuration?
Solution. Let ABCD be the square of side 10 cm, at the four comers of which charges
of I00
esu each nre placed and let a charge of -50✓2 es11 be placed at the point of intersection
O of its
diagonals, (Fig. \ 2.39)
R --- p
1 F = 100 x 100 = 100 esu
: (10)
100 .=..'--
a~--..JI.=_._..:..;; -----.C(+ 1oo)
F = 100 esu 10 cm

10cm 10 cm

,.___ __
10cm__ _ D
(+ 100)

Fig. 12.39

Then, clearly, diagonal AC = BD = ✓102 + 102 = 10✓2 cm

And, therefore, AO = OC = OB = OD = I 0✓2 /2 = 5✓2 cm.
(,) Hence.force on tire charge at O due to the charge at A
= ( 100) (-50✓2)(5✓2) 2 = -5000 ✓2/50
= - 100 ✓2 dynes along OA.
And.force on tire charge at O due to the charge at C
= ( LOO) (- 50 ✓2 )/(5 ✓2 )2 = - 5000 ✓2 /50
= - 100 ✓2 dynes along OC,
The two, being equal and opposite, cancel out.
-· - · ••--1•- ·- - - - -~ n 111 n u•1n1 1- - --

ffl' Mechanics
· il ar1y, 1orces
Sun c the charge at o due to the charges at. B and D are - l 00 Ji dYnes and
-100 ✓2 dynes along OB and OD respectively and they too, bemg equal and opposite, cancel out,
So, the resultant force on the charge at O = O.
1 2
Now, force on the ch~ge at ~ due to the _char_ge at A ~1OO x OO/( O) = 1OO dynes along AB.

Let it be represented m magnitude and duect1on by B ·

Similarly, force on the charge at B due to the charge at C = l 00 x 10/( 10)2 = 100 dynes along
CB. Let it be represented by BQ.
Then, the resultant force on the charge at B due to th e charges at A a nd C is represented by BR
= ✓1002 + 1002 = 100 ✓2 dynes, along OB.
And, force on the charge at B due to the charge at O = 100(-50 ✓ 2 )/(5 ✓2 )2 = 100 ✓2 dYnes
along BO.
These too, again being equal and opposite, the resultant force on the charge at B is zero.
Similarly, it can be shown that the resultant force on the charges at A, C and D is also zero.
In other words, the resultant force on each charge ofthe system is zero.
( ii) The potential energy of the system of charges is clearly
(100)(100) (100)(100) + (100)(100) + (100)(100) (100)(50✓2) _ (100)(5✓2)
= l0 + 10 10 10 5✓2 5✓2
- (100)(50✓2) (100)(5✓2) = 4(100)(100) - 4(100)(50✓2) = 4000-4000 = 0
5✓2 5✓2 10 5✓2 .
(iii) Since the work done in separating the charges to infinity is equal to the potential energy of
the system, with its sign reversed, we have
work done in separating the charges to infinity= 0.
Finally, work done in assembling the charges irito their present configuration, being equal to the
work done in separating them to infinity from their present configuration, is also equal to zero.
Example 25. Calculate the electrostatic self energy of a (1) conducting, (i,) non-conducting
sphere of radius 10 cm carrying a charge of 100 esu.
Solution (i) In the case of a conducting sphere, the charge resides only on its surface and i~
therefore, behaves as a charged spherical shell. Its electrostatic potential energy or self energy is
thus given by Us= -Q2l2R. · [See§ 12.31 case(,)]
Substituting the given values of Q and R, therefore, we have
electrostatic selfenergy ofthe conducting sphere
= (100)212 (10) = 10000/20 = 500 ergs,
(ii) In the case of a non-conducting sphere, the char'ge is spread over its entire
volume and its electrostatic selfenergy is gi~en by Us= } (Q /R). [See§ 12.31 l:ase (ii)J

So that, electrostatic selfenergy ofthe non-conducting sphere

= 3 x (100)2 /10 = (10000/10)= 600 ergs:
5 5
Example. 26. A meteor of mass 500 kg _falls to the surface of the earth. How does tbe
potential energy of the meteor-earth system change? If the meteor be supposed to start
rest, with what velocity does it strike the earth? (Radius of the earth = 6.37 x 10 roetre,
g = 9.80 m/sec ) R
Solution. Potential energy (or self energy) of the meteor-earth system will decrease by }r{,nGIthl
when the meteor falls to the surface of the earth, where Mis the mass ofthe earth, m, the'mass f
,~il~~ ·-
r Gravi tatio n:
e meteor (no w 1ym
Fiel ds an
d Potendal 6'1J

ea rt h, or th e di stan ce o f th g on tbe surface o f th
o fth e
dfl the ratrdiousf th e earth •
.J/Orafl , .
e = (MG/R ) R =gR •
n 2
,... )from the ce 2 er ef or e, M G IR
= g and, th ,oJ.
,tJ1Now, as we know, MGIR m g R = 50 0x 9. 8 x 6. 37 x l 06 =3 _121 x 10
S in P.E. o f m et eo r- ea rt h sy st em = e m et eo r.
, loS = ga in in K.E. o fth
. o f th e sy st em
·· obviously, loss in P.E in its K .E . = ~ m v2 , where v is th
the ga in
te or is su
_ pp os ed to start from rest,
Since the m _e ore, have
hi ch it st nk es th e earth. We, th2eref = J2 g R
'"' with w I Or, V- .=2gR. Or, v
-~ 0 =2 m v = m gR .
ca pe fr om th e su rface o fthe ear,h
= velocity o fes .20km/sec.
x 10 mlsec::::; 11
6 3
7 x 1 0 = 11 .1 7
= J2 x 9 .8 x 6 .3
e ea rt h w it h a ve locity 11.20 km/sec to b e
s th , ta ki ng its mass
The meteor thus strike ri or o f th e su n
f th e in te ., G = 1 x 10--8 C
27 . E st im at e th e te m p er at u re o to 7 x 10
Eumple Qearly eq u al
, its ra di us to b e
l to 2 x 10 33
gm eq ua l to 3 x 10 - gm.
aearly equa f an at om in th e su
n to be
uJts and th e av er ag e m as s o
(o r se lf en er gy ) o f the sun, i.e.,
er gy
at the potential en
Soludon. We know th
2 radius.
its m as s an d R its
Us= -¾ ~ G , w he re M is

an ce w it h th e vi ri al theorem, w e have
In accord e su n)
s in th e su n = - ~ (average P.E. o fth
average K .E. o fth
e atom 8
x l 0- erg/1K
ns ta nt = 1.3
tzmann co
= ; kT , w he re k is the familia Bol
Now, K.E. o fthe atom s_ure d in degrees Kelvin ( or
su n, m ea
mperature o f the
and T, the average te erage K.E. = ~ NkT
th e su n, th ei r av
If, therefore, there
be N atoms in alJ in 2

_.2!(_1_5 MR
G )= 3 M G
lN k r = lO R '
We, thus, have 2
G x -2 -= M G = MMG
T= 3 M Nk .
Whence l OR 3N k SR N k SR 24
0- gm .
m as s o fan at om in th e su n = 3 x I
av er ag e
Clearly, M IN is the 7~ 7o
10 -s x (3 x 10 -2 4) - 6 x IO
6.9 ~ (I O ) K
= 2 x 1033 x 7 x
So th at , T = M G (3 x I 024) S x 7 x I0
10 x I. 3 8 x I0 - 16 -
SR k
fth e su n = ( 1o )oK
7 .
tempera ture o fth e in te ri or
Thus, the av er ag e

I- La w of G ra v1
ta t1 on · · D es cn be a
n an d he nc e de fin e th e graVJtatlona1 co ns ta nt G .
e law of gr avitational at tra ct io (Delhi, 20 0Z )
I. State th su rin g G.
method of m ea at io n of G .
ra te m et ho d for th e de te rm in .
e 20 cm
2. D es cr ib e an ac cu
ct ed by a se co nd 5
he r
as s 15 kg , w he n th ei r ce nt re s arn.
as s 40 leg is at tra P. e of m nt of gr av ita tio
A sp he re of mfo e equal to J/1 o of
a mill " lc ul at e th e co ns ta
ap ar t. w ith a rc Jg ra m w ei gh t. Ca 8
.S un its .]
, ~u nj ab ) [A na . 6. 53 x Jo- C .G
(B o, n ~ in th e labomtory .
te . .
D es cr ib e an ac cu rate method of dc m un m g the grav1tat1onal constant
J . (a )
694 Mechanics
(b) A smooth tunnel is bored through the earth and a small particle is allowed to move
in it from
position of rest. Find the periodic time of one vibration. Given that G = 6.67 x Io-scgs
units an~
the mean density of the earth= 5.6 gm per c.c. (Delhi (Ho"-'))
If mail were to be delivered through the tunnel, how long would it be between depositi
ng it at one end
and its delivery at the other end? [Ans. 84 min; 42 min.]
4. Calculate the mass of the earth from the following data: Radius of the earth= x 108 cm;
due to gravity= 980 cm/ sec2 and gravitational constant= 6.6 x 10-8 cm 3 gm- 1 sec-2• (Punjab
[Ans. 53.47 x 1026 gm,)
5. Calculate the mass of the sun, given that the distance between the sun and the earth is 1.49
x 10 13 cm
and G = 6.66 x 10-8 C.G.S. units. Take the year to consist of 365 days.
(Agra; Aligarh; Bo,nbay; Punjab) [Ans. 19.72 x 1034 gm.]
6. Obtain an expression for the limiting velocity required by an artificial satellite for orbiting
around the
earth. If the radius of the earth be 6.4 x 108 cm and g = 980 cm/sec2, calculat
e the value of this
velocity. [Ans. Limiting velocity v0 = JiR = 7.92 x 105 cm/sec.]
7. It is said that the first artificial satellite was revolving round the earth at a distance of 560
miles from
it Estimate its velocity and ~eriod of revolution, taking the radius of the earth to be 4000
miles and
the value of g to be 32 ft/sec . (Punjab) [Ans. 24340 ft/sec; 6207 sec.]
[Hint. Let distance of the satellite from the centre of the earth be R' = R + 560
= 4000 + 560 = 4560
Then, mv'f!R' = mMGIR' 2 whence, v~ = MG/R'. But MG= gR2.
v~ = gR2/R' or v0 = RJg!R'
Hence, time-period of revolution or T= 2rtR'/v ]
8. Show that the time-period of oscillation of a particle dropped in a tunnel right through
the earth is
the same whether or not the tunnel passes through the centre of the earth. What is the
value of this
time-period? [Ans. 83.72 min.]
9. Imagine a particle at a point P inside a spherical shell of uniform thickness and density
and construct
a narrow double cone with apex at P so as to intercept areas A and A on the shell on
I 2 either side
of P. Show that the resultant gravitational force exerted on the particle at P by the intercepted mass
elements of the shell is zero and hence show that the gravitational field due to the entire
shell is zero
at any point inside it.
I-Grav itation al potent ial and field intensi ty-Pote ntial energy -Veloc ity
escap e-Gau ss's theorem
10. Explain the terms 'gravitational potential' and • gravitational field' . Obtain expressi
ons for the
gravitational potential and gravitational field at a point (i) inside. (iz) outside a hollow spherica
l shell.
(Vlkr111n, Bombay; Banaras) ·
11. Derive expressions for gravitational field and potential at a point inside and outside
a thin uniform
spherical shell.
(Agra, 2006)
12. Define and explain gravitational potential. Calculate the gravitational potential
due to a sphere at a
point (i) outside the sphere (ii) inside the sphere. (De//r~ Bo111HY)
Show that the potential at the centre of the sphere is one and a half times that on its surface.
13. (a) How may the density of the earth be determined?
(b) The radius of the earth is 6.3'7 x 108 cm, its mean density, 5.5 ~c.c. and
the gravit !:~
constant, 6.66 x 104 C.G.S. units. Calculate the earth's surface potennal. (Agra; 180 !J'
[Ans. 6.227 x 10 erg/gm.]
. . . . . . . 'd
14. Obtain an expression for the grav1tat1onal attraction at a pomt (z) outsi e and (ii) inside a solid sphere
. . . . h
and show that m the latter case, 1t 1s proportional to the d'1stance frOm the centre of(BollllHt
the sp ere.
y, pat,u1)
. . .
IS. Show that in the case of a hollow sphere (or a thick sbc_ll) ~f ~ensity· P and inner and outer radii,
here is V= -21tpG
R and R respectively, the gravitational potential at a pomt ms1de the ho11ow sp
I 2
(Ri - Rf) and the field at the point, zero.
Gravitation: Fields
,.uso sho
w that the field at a point in the m t . and Potential 695
· a ena1of the h 11
Ill I
. ( rJ J) o ow sphere (or thick shell) .
. tre is given by E = - - R, M at a distance r
'lld frOlll its cen Ri - ;r
R1J G.
,., that if a body be projected vertically upward fr th
CQcf ~ Sbo.. ( r\ th . om e surface f th
l _1.1 above the surface, , , e mcrease in its potential ener . [ o e earth so as to reach a height
! IU'

. • ✓r.=--:-:----=--
.i.:cb it roust be proJected 1s[2n/(n + l)gR where R . th
gy is (n + l)]Mi'gR d ( "
is e radms of th
tUnL At the surface of the earth, i.e., at a distance R from .ts
an t{) lhe velocity with
h .
e cart and M, 1t, mass.
:tn.) ~--IPlgR2IR = mgR ( ·: MG= gR2). And, at a distance (nR + ~J::~:: t:)~pf/· of the body =-MmGIR
ir.sf.E. =-MmGl(n + l)R = -mgR2!(n+l)R = -mgR/(n + l). om the centre oflhe earth,
. increase in P .E. of the body = -mgRl(n + 1)-(-mgR)- [ I(
.· - n n + l )]mgR.
the lf vbe its velocity of projection, its K.E. = !mv2 2
= (-n-)mgR wh
n+ l , ence,
ct.] V = ✓(n2:l)gR.]
and 17. [)educe an expressionf for the gravitational potential due to a sphere at an external · t H
ec.] k · pom . ence
caiculate_the amount~- wor requrred to s~d a ~ of mass m form the earth's surface to a height
560 (I) R/2, (u) l OR and (m) l 000 R, where R is the radrus of the earth. Express the result in m, R and g.
• , l . 10 .. 1000
(Ra1asthan) [Ans.(,) mgR, (11) mgR, (111) lOOI mgR. ]
3 11
tl If the density (p) of the earth increases with depth below the surface, show that the value of g
may also icrease. How should the density vary with depth in order that the value of g may remain
'l is
ibis Ans. p should be proportional to 1/r or pr should remain constant, where r is the distance from the
in.] centre ofthe earth.
uct [Hint. On the surface of the earth, i.e., at distance R from the centre of the earth, g = MGIR: =
ide 4 4
And, at a distance r from the centre of the earth, g = 4 rue 4
3rtJt3 pGIJil = -1tGRp.
n3 , ,)
p GI = 3
ass 3 . 3
ero ir.GRp', where p' is now the density. :. g ig= (rlR) (p'lp). In orderthatg = g, we must have (rlR) p'lp
= I, or, pip'= rlR.]
1'. In question 17 above, what should be the velocities given to the body to attain the heights R/2, IOR

and 1000 R respectively? [Ans.(,) ✓i gR , (ii) ✓i~ gR, (iii) ✓i: gR . ][see Hint under Q. 16)
!11 ll. (a) Explain the terms.
rz.J) (1) Gravitational Field
11D (i,) Gravitational intensity
76) (iii',, Grav1tationa
• . ·a1 (Nagpur U. 2008, 2007, 2006)
1potent1 . d
ti b)
( What will . · f thin h ·cal shell of mass 10 kg an
,y) be gravitational potential and mtens1ty o a sp en_11 2/kg2)
radius. 0.1 mat a point O 2 m outside of its surface? (G = 6.67 x IO Nm w·.s Nik ]
· (Nagp 11r, 2008, 2004) [ADs. - I. 66 x . g
21 ( ) . . ti due to a thin uniform spherical
• a Obtain an expression for the gravitational potential and attrac 00
8h II
e at a point (,) outside, (i,) at the surface and (III
.. ') · ·de the shell
msi · ... u, 2005 2003)
u. 2005 2001 · Gharwal U. 2000; ngra . ,
(Nagp11r U. 2008; Meer11t · ' ' thin herical shell.
(b) r.... _hi . . · I 'th
~,...., cally represent the vananon of potentta WI distance due to a sp
(Kera/a U. 2001)
22 F· . oint (i) external to the shell,
,J · ('tnd the intensity of gravitational field due to a thin sphencal shell at a P
.ii, r,) at the surface of the shell and (ii,) inside the shell. / U. 2000· Guwahati. U. 2000)
,0 2) ~ U. 200" 2001· Grarwa ., '
(nllgJIIIT • a. '
e gravitationa\ potential.
P6 Mechanics
(h) Derive on expression for tho grnvilntlonnl potential ot o point (/) outside, (ii) on tho RUrfacc lrl<l
(iii) inside I\ solid sphere.
(Kera/au. 2001; G11tvah11tl U. 2000; Indore U. 2001; Mee,,,, u. 2003
M.S. u. Tirll11tH1t!II, 2007; Purvanchal U. 2004; D.A. ~ Aira, 2008: 00,
(c) Honco find grnvltntionnl flol<l (nllrnction) nt t~cs~ P?int~ ond show that it is proportiona; to
distnncc from tho centre of tho sphere for II pomt msidc it.
(Indore U. 2001; Meerut U. 2000, Kera/a. V.
. • 2OOJ)
2-'. Tho grnvitntionnl potcntinl nt o point ut u distance r from the centre of o solid sphere is given by JI ..
2 2
_ GM(3a - r ) whero Mis the moss and a the rodius of the sphere. Find the field intensity at lh
2J ~
point. . (Meer111 U., 200J)
25. Find the grnvitationnl potential and attraction due to a sphden(~'~)l :hell bou~ded by spheres of radii a
and bat a point (i) inside the shell, (ii) outside the shell an III etween t e two surfaces.
. . . . (Arga ~- 2007; Cal U., 2001)
26. E.~plain the tenns gravitational field and grav1tattonal potential. Find the relation between them
(Nagpur U., 2007, 2003, 2001; Meer11t U. 2003, 2002, 2000, Ag,11, 200$•
M.S. U. nrunntl~ 200~
27. 1\vo particles having masses Mand m respectively are initially at rest an infinite ,distance apart and
attract each other according to the law of gravitation. Show that their velocity of approach " ==

J 2G(~ + m) where a is their separation.

28. Derive the expressions for gravitational potential energy and force inside a sphere ofuniform density.
Calculate the time taken by an earth satellite moving in a circular orbit, close to its surface, in
completing one round. Take the radius of the earth= 6 x 10 cm. (Delhi (Hons)]
[Ans. I hr 21 min 56 sec.]
29. Show that the escape velocity from the surface of the earth is ✓ 2 times the velocity of projection of
an artificial satellite orbiting close around the earth.
30. Two satellites of equal mass m are moving in the same circular orbit of radius r and around the
earth, in opposite directions, so as to eventually collide with each other. (,) Obtain an expression in
terms of M, m, rand G (where Mis the mass of the earth) for the total mechanical energy of the two
satellite-earth system before collision. (i1) Taking the collision to be perfectly elastic, obtain the total
mechanical energy of the system immediately after collision. (iii) Describe the subsequent motion of
the wreckage of the two satellites.
[Ans. MmG/r, (ii) -2 MmG/r, (iii) the wreckage falls down to the earth.]
31. The minimum and maximum distance of a comet from the sun are 7 x 10 10 and 1.4 x 10 m
respectively. If the speed of the comet at the nearest point is 6 x 104 mis calculate the speed al the
, 3 I
farthest point. (GharwaL U., 2000)[Ans. V= 3 x 10 m's
[Hint: 7 X lOIO X 6 X 104 = }.4 X lQ 12 V]
32. A sphere of mass 19 kg is attracted by another sphere of mass I 50 kg when their centres are separated
by a distance 0.28 m with a force equal to the weight of 0.25 mg. Calculate the gravitational constant.
If the distance is halved what would be the new force in Newton? Assume g = 9.8 ms- • .
33. Suppose the earth is revolving round the sun in a circular orbit of radius one astronomical Ullll
(1.5 x 10 km). Find the mass of the sun. G = 6.67 x 10- 11 Nm2 kg-2.
(Gharwol U. 2000) [An1. 2.004 x IO k~
34. If the mass of the sun is 1.5 x 10 11 m and period of revolution of the earth around the sun is / 65.i,
days, find the value of G. [Ans. 6.688 x I011 Ntn /ks J
35. Show that gravitational potential at the centre of a solid sphere is -3/2 times that on its surface.
36. A satellite revolves round a planet in an elliptical orbit. Its maximum and minimum distances ~~ '
!7 7
the plane: are .5 x 10 m and 0.5 x 10 m respectively. If the speed of the satellite at thefarthf pO~I
is 5 x 10 ms- , calculate the speed at the nearest point. [ADI. IS x 10 015
V 111/
Gravitation: Flelds and Potential
ric11I ,n11HHof 20 kg illituatcd at tho ,mrfncc of the earth is attracted by another mu, of 150 leg
Ii ,rhe . equ11l 10 tho weight of0.2 5 mg when lho centres of moHes arc 30 cm apart. Calculate the
1 • ,~i1h 11fori;ocnn denHlty of the enrth nssuining the radius of the earth to bo 6 x to! cm
nud 111 • •
n1•'~ Gm1m2 JI 2 R
• 5 >< IO g -=
1111111, 0.2
nd M GR · Culculale G from lhc first relation and substitute in the

0nd 1
".c · [An11. M = 4.8 x I027 gm and mean density= 5.31 gm/cc]
describes a circular orbit of radius 3.8 >< Io' kilometres about the earth in 27 days and the
~- 11iet~:::ribes O circular orbit ofrndiuR 1.5 >< 10 kms round the sun in 365 days. Detennine the mass
ellf1 1 in terms of the earth.
f tlie sun
0 0!_"" d ( 27t )2or T~ = ~~2d 3• Similarly Tl = 4GnE2-x3. Hence M = dl .'!l_
111111t: d2 7; E x3 T.2
[Ans. 3.3666 x 10' E]
w by cogent argument why the following two time-periods are the same, viz., 84 minutes:
J9, Sho 'od of oscillation of a particle in a tuMel bored through the earth and (i,) period of revolution
(Of pcrirtificial satellite close to the earth's surface.
0 an a
The mean distance of Mars from the sun is 1.524 times that of the Earth from the sun. How many
~- ears would be required for Mars to make one revolution around the sun? [Ans. 1.88 years]
~timate (i) the value of g, (ii) the escape velocity, on Mars. Given, mass of Mars::::: 0.11 of the mass
" · of the earth and its radius, 42/79 that of the earth, (Radius of the earth= 6.37 >< 10 cm.)
[Ana. (i) 381.5 cm/sec2 ; (i1) 5>< 10s cm/sec.]
~~verse square law forces-self energy
,1. (a) What are central and non-central forces? Give three characteristics of each. Give two examples
of central and non-central forces.
(PbL U. 2001; P.U. 2000; G.N.D.U. 2000; H.P.U. 2003, Luck.. U. 2001; Purvanclral U. 2006,
2005; Kera/a U. 2001; Gharwal U. 2000; Osm. U.2004; Nagpur U. 200J)
(b) (/) Why gravitational and Coulomb forces arc called inverse square law forces? (H.P. U. 200(/)
(ii) Why nuclear force is called non-central force? (H.P.U., 2001)
43, When a particle moves under a central force, prove that the angular momentum of a particle is
conserved. (Callcut'U. 2003; Meerut U. 2005, 2003; Purvanclral U. 2005; D.A.U. Agra 2001)
44. Derive the polar equation of the orbit of a particle of mass m moving under the action of a force field
p; 2 about a fixed centre. (P.U. 2001)
45• ~hat is central force? Show that motion of a particle under central force is always confined to a
&1ngle plane, if the motion of the particle is not parallel to the force direction.
(Nagpur U.1007, Kollu,ta U. 2002)
4'. Why gr 'ta .
av1 t1onal and Coulomb's forces are called central forces?
47, Why n I fi
UC ear orccs are called non-central forces?
41· Show that ➔
a conservative force can be expressed as F = - grad U, where U is potential energy.
49, Show (Meerut U. 2000; Purvanclr11I U.,1005)
51. 1he done in a conservative field around a closed path is zero. (Nag. U. 2001)
a nX:uataon ~f the orbit ofa particle of mass m moving under the action of a central force field about
51, Sta centre 18 r = 1/28. Find the force law. (P.U. 2000)
le Newton's law of gravitation. What is meant by gravitational constant? What are its dimensions?
s2. (a) £JC . (Nag. U. 2007, 20ff)
(b) ~~in the term Gravitational self-energy of a Galaxy.
o.~ 111
an expression for Gravitational self-energy of a Galaxy in tenns of number of stars in
Illy, rnaaa of each star and average distance between each pair of stars. (N•gp•r U11L 2009)
198 Ml'Chanla
~,. any
&,nlnlt, the concept of solf enorgy of n hocly. Deduce on CXflrORHion
,. .
unifilnn solid ll('horc. (N°RP•:r, O
for grovitotionul Helf en
2 06 2 o· crgyof
, 0 J; A11ra U. 2007, 2004)
Whnt do you undoflltnnd by tho tonn 'Rravlfat/oflol .w (f e,icrgy of O body or u RYHtem of r,urticlc~?
thnt the- urnvltntlonnl
110l1' energy of n RyRtom of" pnrticlc11, ench of mnsH 111, nt on avc~~
dish\llCl' r from cnch other is given by U., ... i G11(11 - I ),,,2;,.,
Cnkulntc the smvitntionol self energy of (I) tho sun, (ii) the earth-sun system, given that the ma.~H of
the s\m . 2 x Io-JOkg nnd its rndius a 7 x I0 metres, moss of Lhe earth = 6x I 0 kg and mean ca th
snn distllnce • 1.50 x !Ok km. Tnko G == 7 x io- N - ,,,2/kg2. r ·
!Ans. (/) - 2.4 x 10--4 Joules, (li)-5.6 x I0 J·oule s, I

[Hint. Self energy of tho sun =
5 yG,
3 Ml
Self energy of the earth-sun system = - ~ G, where

M, and Me are the mosses of the sun ond the earth respectively; R,, Lhe radius of the sun and re.,, the

-¾ af.
distance between the sun and the earth.]
56. The gravitational self energy of o unifonn sphere of mass Mand radius R is given by
Explain what is meant by this. What happens if the sphere contracts in radius by a small amount a?
3 M2
(Agra, 1971) [Ans. It results in release ofenergy= GRa.]
57. Deduce an expression for the electrostatic self energy of a charge q spread unifonnly over the surface
of a sphere of radius r. [Agra (supp), 1967)
58. I 0 Stars are distributed spherically in a globular cluster, with each star having the same mass as the
sun. If the diameter of the cluster be 40 parsec, where I parsec= 3 x I 0 cm, calculate (0 the number
of stars per cube parsec, (ii) the gravitational self energy of the cluster (neglecting the self energy of
individual stars). (Mass of the sun= 2 x 10 gm, G = 6.67 x 10--a c.g.s units).
[Ans. (i) number ofstars per cubis parsec= 3; (ii) nearly I0 ergs.]
;-. N be f b' total number of stars 10
[Hin L (, , um r o stars per cu 1c parsec = / ,, / =4
vo ume OJ c uster _ rt(20)J
3 M2 3 (105 x 2x1033 )2 -8
(i,)Selfenergyofth ecluster, Us= - -R G= 18
x6.67xl0 ]
5 5 20x3x 10
59. Calculate the rate of contraction of the sun's radius if the energy released due to its contraction (with
no apprectable change in its mass) is radiated and received on the surface of the earth at the rate of2
calories per s1 cm per minute. Distance between the sun and the earth= 1.5 x 10 cm. (Mass of the
3 10 [Ans. 2.3 km/year.]
sun= 2 x 10 gm; radius of the sun= 7x 10 cm).
[HinL See worked example 14]
GN 2 M 2
60. Show that the gravitational energy of a galaxy is given by Us = ---where N = Number of
stars; M = Mass of each star. R = Average distance between each pair of stars. (Nagpur. 2003)
61. (a) Show that the radius vector joining the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal interval of
time. (Purvachal U. 2005)
(b) Show that the square of the time period of revolution of a planet is proportional to the cube of
semi-major axis of the orbit. (Bhopal U. 2004; Osm. U. 2004; P. U. 2001, 2000,
Gharwa/ U. 2000; G.N.D.U. 2002, 2001, 2000; Pbi. U. 2003, 2000 Indore U. 200l;
Kera/a U. 1001; Meerut U. 200J)
62. Find the force field associated with the potential energy V = Aea(x+y+zl where A and a are constant.
. (H.PU. 2003)
63. Prove that all ellipses with the same major axes have the same energy.
64. A particle moves under a central force. Show that (0 its orbit lies in a plane and (ii) the radius vector
from the centre of the force to the particle sweeps area at a constant rate.
(Meerut U. 2002; P.U. 2001; G.N.D.U JOOJ)
700 Mtch:mlcs

1') f~'Ill(' Slt'flChW C

2ne 2I
,, t' c:onstallf a O
-( /-,/-27t_)_c: = -,,;- = 137.04

Its din1t.msiom 1\ro MLJr- 2 • .0 Orrtl

M-L I.e., no dlmemlon In M 1 T
(ML2r-1)(LT- 1)
::::r 1 -,
tu, ·
2 2
(ii) Radius of the hydrogen atom, a 0 = rc/a2 = e2/mc h
2ne 211,c 2
( = 4 n2me2 = 0.529 >< w-8 cm
2 2
M L~r-
Its dimensions nrc -------,- , .oLo"°.
---,,- -- M- , -
(iii) Planck's length, I= ( ~:, Y: : 10·33 cm.

Its dimensions are [

(M- 1£3r - 2 )(MJ}r- 1
>]' 12

= Al'L0'f'.
V-Kepl er·s laws
. " - .~~ . ~ . -· _, ~
78. Enunciate Kepler s laws and show how they may be deduced from Newton's law of
79. (a) With the help of Kepler's first two laws of planetary motion and Newton's laws of
motion, show
that the force acting on a planet is directed towards the sun and is inversely proportional
to the
square of its distance from the sun.
(b) With the help of Kepler's third law, show that the forces on the planets are proportional to their
(c) Finally, with the help of Newton's third law, show that the force on a planet is proportional to
product of the masses of the sun and the planet. ·
80. State Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Newton's laws of gravitation.
(N11gp11r UnL 200'J, 2117)
81. Deduce Newton's law of gravitation from Kepler's laws.
81. (a) State and prove Kepler 's laws of planetary motion. (G11wah11d U. 2007, N11gp11r U. 2#5)
(D.A. U. Agra 2008, 2003; Nag. U. 2007, 2008; Calic•t U., 2111)
(b) Show that the areal velocity of a planet round the sun is constant.

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