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Grade: 9 Lesson Title: Self Portraits Lesson 3 Class 3 Lesson Duration: 75 minutes

Overview of lesson
In this class students will be continuing to work on their self-portrait projects. They have a planning sheet and once
they feel ready to start they can. They are allowed to use the materials at the back of the room and watercolour paint.
I will also have paper pre-cut for them and leave paper at the front of the room for them to grab. (Remind them to
wear masks while walking). Students have been encouraged to use more than one type of material. In this class I will
lay out what the learning objectives are and talk to the class how they think they should be assessed. Once I have
done this I will move on to guided drawing to warm up for the class. After this, students will be free to work on their
self-portraits. At the end of the class I will give the student san exit slip. I will give each student a sticky note and they
will answer the question What aspects of your self-portrait are going to express who you are? Once they answer this
question they will hand it in to me. Then they can clean up their desks and get ready to sanitize and leave.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives
A. The subjective perception of the individual student affects the way he/she expresses action and direction. 
B. Mood and feeling as perceived by the individual student can be expressed in colour drawings. 
C. Exaggeration of mood characteristics in drawings of nature and people can help to emphasize a personal point of

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to compose a self-portrait using various materials.
Students will be able to create emotion through use of various mediums.
Students will be able to develop a plan before beginning their studio project.
Lesson Guiding Questions
What does self mean to you?
What are some things that make you who you are?
Why do you think self-portrait is important?
What aspects of self are important to you?
How do these artists use self-portrait to depict their identity?
Why do you think they are deciding to do this?
How can you express yourself through your artwork?
Annotated Learning Resources List
Material and Equipment:

● Sketchbooks
● Handout used for brainstorming
● Paper 
● Pencils

● Clay
● News paper
● Scissors 
● Water Colour
● Oil Pastels 
● Chalk Pastels
● Glue
● Ruler
● Sharpie
● Pencil crayons
● Paint brushes 
● Pre-cut paper
Lesson Procedures
Introduction/ Review (5 minutes):
Review with the class what we did last week. We have been talking about self and identity. We decided that identity is
who you are and how you express yourself. Many students have begun working on their self portraits and many are
also finishing up their planning sheets.

Body (60 minutes)

Steps and Procedures: Formative Assessments:

Planning Sheet- The Planning Sheet is for

Objective for the Lesson: formative feedback. The purpose of this is so
Discuss with the class the lesson objectives. Tell them what I am expected that I know where students are at in the
assignment and I can help guide their
of them by the end of the project.
Students will be able to compose a self-portrait using various materials.
Students will be able to create emotion through use of various mediums. Observation- while students are working I
Students will be able to develop a plan before beginning their studio am constantly circulating the room and
project. discussing with students their projects. This
Assessment Criteria (Co-created): way I can help them and question them to
help with reflection. I am also formatively
Here I want to discuss with the class what kind of criteria they should be
assessing while doing this.
assessed on.
Technique (evidence of skill) Exit Slip- Students will be given a sticky
Concept (well-developed idea) note to answer a question that they will hand
Communication (expression through various media) in before they leave the class.
Anticipatory Set (Prior Knowledge):
What students already know about themselves. Differentiation:
Maybe students have work with self-portraits before.
Maybe students are using materials that they already know lots about. Planning Sheet- With the planning sheet
Input/ New Information: student have multiple opportunities to draw
or write their ideas down. The sheet is clear
New information today will be warm up drawing. Students may have done and gives steps for students to follow. This
some of these doodles before. will be an easy way for students to break
Modeled Practice/ Demo: down a large project.
Work with the students in their sketchbooks. Draw on the camera to
demonstrate. Do warm up drawings with them. Line drawings, patterns, Choice- I have also given students may
opportunity for choice. They are able to
shapes, designs. Meant to get students ready to work on their self- choose their materials. They are also able to
portraits. choose if they are going to create a painting,
Check Understanding: drawing, sculpture, collage, etc. They have
Make sure all students are aware of the self-portrait project and that they the option to create a realistic or imagined
all know what to do today. Can review the planning sheet. Also review self-portrait. This way there is no pressure to
create a realistic self-portrait. 
what materials can be used and what papers will be available.
Guided Practice/Independent Practice:
Now students will have time to work on their self-portraits or planning
Here I want students to hand in formative feedback. I will give them sticky note. They will answer this question- What
aspects of your self-portrait are going to express who you are? (Materials, Themes, Colours, etc) Students will hand
these into me before leaving the class.
Clean up
Students will be given a 5-10-minute warning to the end of class (depending on what materials were taken out today)
to start cleaning up. They will then follow the routine of grabbing paper towel and waiting for me to spray the cleaner
on their desks. Once their desks are sanitized they can leave the room once the bell rings.

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