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Wee Jay L. Astilla

Moneth Linggo

Jomari Recania

Southern Luzon State University

Lucena Dual Training and Livelihood Center

Lucena Campus

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Major in Electrical Technology

May 2019

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor in

Industrial Technology Major in Electrical Technology, this project entitled: Solar

Energy Wiring Installation Trainer, has been prepared and submitted by

WeeJay L. Astilla, Moneth Linggo, Jomari R. Recania, who are hereby

recommended for oral examination.


Technical Adviser Research Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree

Bachelor in Industrial Technology Major in Electrical Technology by the oral

examination committee.


Member Member



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree Bachelor in Industrial Technology.


Date Campus Director


Researchers: WEE JAY L. ASTILLA



Research Adviser: RAZEL C. TULOD, MEM

Technical Adviser: Prof. CELIO P. SECO,MTE

This study designed the Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer intended to use
in Electrical Laboratory of SLSU Lucena. The trainer was made with 4 pcs of 20
watts solar panel, with solar charge controller, 500 watts of inverter, 12v 55A
battery, breaker, bulb 12 dc volts and 220 volts AC. DC Exhaust fan, switches,
banana plug binding post and MC4. This research followed the process of
developmental research and device evaluation was based from adaptability, cost
effectiveness of materials, functionality and originality. The respondents of this
study were 10 experts from the field of electrical who evaluated the device chosen
purposively. This was conducted at SLSU Lucena Campus since the end-user of
this device were the Electrical Students. From the parameters used, the evaluation
result of the device got the average weighted mean of 3.49 with descriptive rating
of Highly Acceptable. This implied that, the device Solar Energy Wiring
Installation Trainer is significant to utilize by the electrical students of SLSU

Keyword: electrical laboratory, solar energy, wiring installation trainer

Chapter I


Solar power is energy from the sun. Without its presence, all life on earth

would end. It is known as being “eco-friendly” since it doesn’t emit toxic gases

into the environment many gases and by-products are swirling in the atmosphere

today. (Alayan,Espinosa and Oatis (2014)

. Solar energy which is the radiant of heat and light that comes from the

sun that is harnessed by human since ancient times using a range of ever evolving

technologies and by the use of solar panel (photovoltaic panels) which is a device

that can use to converts heat and light sort of sunlight into electricity.

Ramos et al. (2014) in their study entitled Compact Electrical Wiring

Trainer explained how to determine the acceptability of compact electrical wiring

trainer in terms of maintenance, safety features and usefulness. The design of

compact electrical wiring was a house using the plywood, with base of 24 inches’

length, 20 inches’ width and 30 inches’ height. They used needed materials in

constructing the Compact Electrical Wiring Trainer were carefully selected and

branded and made it as a quality product. The wiring trainer considered of circuit

breaker, single pole, 3 ways, 4 ways, dimmer, push button, convenience universal,

special purpose, LED light, incandescent lamp.

The wiring installation trainer designed to improve the learning

assimilation of knowledge and skills of electrical students. It will be able to offer

opportunities for the learners to be trained on Solar Energy Wiring Installation


According to Djuric (2012), use of panel trainer in electrical wiring

installation will completely benefit the students as this approach addresses

different levels of difficulty. The lesson is designed methodically and

interestingly, which is highly inspiring to students. He also stated that the

educational concept and flexible design of the panel trainer enable teachers to

continually change the situations in which students are learning..

Background of Study

The researcher motivated in this project to design and develop the Solar

Energy Wiring Installation Trainer of SLSU Lucena Campus to provide

laboratory and practical skills of electrical technology students in field of


The project will be relevant to the students and teachers in electrical

technology. Its purpose will provide sufficient skills and knowledge for hands-on

during laboratory activities. That will change to traditional way from lacking of

necessary training materials.

According to Mendoza (2012), shortage of instructional materials / device

and equipment affects quality of education in technology. Many schools, colleges

and universities offering technology courses face problems like lack of tools,

equipment and other facilities required in the teaching-learning process. As such,

it is difficult to both the students and the instructors to develop the desired attitude
and skills. With this concern at hand and challenged by it, the researcher come up

to develop Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer to accelerate the learning of

knowledge and skills of electrical students.

Objective of Study

The main purpose of this research is to develop a Solar Energy

Wiring Installation Trainer.

Specifically, it seek to attain the following objectives;

1. To identify the requirements in designing and developing Solar Energy

Wiring Installation Trainer.

2. To design a Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer.

3. To develop solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer for electrical student

4. To evaluate the level of acceptability in terms of.

4.1 Adaptability

4.2 Cost effectiveness of materials

4.3 Functionality

4.4 Originality

Significance of study

This research will contribute benefits to the following.

For The Academe, the primary contribution of this research is to

encourage the students to enhance and develop a similar study. It will be a

reference of the academe in providing productive learning to its student.

For The Students, this study will serve as guide to the students who want

to conduct the same study in the future. This will be reference to develop Solar

Energy Wiring Installation Trainer.

For The Researchers, this will help them to apply the knowledge they

have learned in undertaking developmental research and completing the

manuscript through productive writing.

For the Future Researcher, this study can help them to guide in dealing

research. Likewise the findings of this study could be a reference and basis of

study enhancement.

Scope and Limitation

This study aimed to design and develop a Solar Energy Wiring Installation

Trainer for Southern Luzon State University Lucena Campus intended to be used

by Electrical Student to improve their Skills and knowledge in tackling laboratory

activities. This Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer includes solar panel,

charger controller, battery, inverter, outlet and circuit breaker.

Its primary concern is to provide a convenient and reliable apparatus that can be

used by the student in their activity. This was conducted during Academic Year


Definition of Terms

The researchers unlock the meaning of the following terminologies used in

this study.

Adaptability refers to the availability to reached or approachable to use or

obtained and easy to appreciate or understand. It means the device can easily be

used by the end users.

Battery it is the use to store electric energy generated from the solar


Circuit Breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to

protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit.

Charger Controller also known as charge regulator. It basically a voltage

and current controller to keep batteries from overcharging. This regulates the

voltage and current coming from the solar panel going to battery.
Functionality is the quality of having a practical use the quality being

functional the particular use or set of use for which something is designed. It

means the device can used either by the students or the teacher’s as well

Inverter electrical devices that convert the voltage from direct current

(DC) to alternating current (AC) converting the acquired energy from the sun to

the battery.

Outlet is socket that connects an electrical device to an electricity supply.

Originality is the quality or state of being original and the ability to think

or express oneself in an independent and individual manners, creative ability.

Solar Energy is emitted by sun in the form solar radiation. The emitted

energy is used in

the solar panel to collect the acquired energy to support the device.

Solar Panel is a device that converts light into electricity this is intended

to immerse the solar energy coming from the sun as source of power.

Trainer is a materials used to develop the ability or knowledge of a


Chapter II

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that have

been gathered due to its significance to present study. These were taken from the

readings of different educational sources and from the internet.

Solar Panel

Figure 1 Solar Panel

Solar panel is a device that convert light into electricity. It is called solar

panel because most of the time, the most powerful source of light available is the

Sun, some astronomers called it Sol but some scientists call them photovoltaic

which means, basically, "light-electricity." A solar panel is a collection of solar

cells. Lots of small solar cells spread over a large area can work together to

provide enough power to use.

The solar array sends direct current (DC) electricity through the charge

controller to the battery bank. The power is then drawn from the battery bank to

the inverter, which converts the DC current into alternating current (AC) that can

be used for non-DC appliances. Assisted by an inverter, solar panel arrays can be

sized to meet the most demanding electrical load requirements. The AC current

can be used to power loads in homes or commercial buildings, recreational

vehicles and boats, remote cabins, cottages, or homes, remote traffic controls,

telecommunications equipment.

Floyd (2012) explained that solar panel collects energy from the sun and

converts it to electrical energy through the photovoltaic process. Of course, the

solar panel will not produce the specified power output all of the time.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules generate electricity from sunlight, which

can be fed into the mains electricity supply of a building or sold to the public

electricity grid. Reducing the need for fossil fuel generation, the growing grid-

connected solar PV sector across the globe is helping create jobs, enabling

families and businesses to save money, and cut greenhouse emissions. This

energy is in the form of solar radiation, which makes the production of solar

electricity possible.

Bellis (2017) The "photovoltaic effect" is the basic physical process

through which a PV cell converts sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is composed

of photons, or particles of solar energy. These photons contain various amount of

energy corresponding to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. When

photon strike a PV cell, they may be reflected or absorbed, or they may pass right

through. Only the absorbed photons generate electricity. When this happens, the

energy of the photon is transferred to an electron in an atom of the cell (which is

actually a semiconductor).

Breeze (2014) stated that solar power is the most important source

of energy available to the earth and its inhabitants. Without if there would be no

life. It is the energy the drives the photosynthesis reaction. As such, it is

responsible for all the biomass on earth`s surface, which is the source of fossil

fuels, the product of photosynthesis millions of years ago that became buried

beneath earth`s surface.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is the light produced by the Sun. Sunlight is a form of radiant

energy that travels to the earth as electromagnetic waves. In reality, the light we

see is just a small part of the energy we receive from the Sun. The radiant energy

from the Sun covers the full breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using solar

technology, we are able to "capture" the Sun's radiant energy and convert it to

either heat or electricity.

Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using

a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar

thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial

photosynthesis. It is an important source of renewable energy and its technologies

are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how

they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power.

Solar Charge Controller

Figure 2 Solar Charge Controller

According to Smalley (2015), Solar charge controller regulates the energy

flowing from the PV array and transfer it directly to the batteries as a DC-coupled

system, which is the most efficient and effective manner,” he said. Giving

batteries as long of a life as possible is an important function of a charge

controller. Any system with energy storage needs a way to regulate the flow of

energy into the batteries. The basic function of a controller are simple. Charge

controller block reverse current and prevent battery in overcharge. Some

controller also prevent battery overcharge, protect from electrical overload and

display status and the flow of power function.

A solar regulator is a small box consisting of solid state circuitry that

is placed between a solar panel and a battery. Its function is to regulate

the amount of charge coming from the panel that flows into the deep cycle battery

bank in order to avoid the batteries being overcharged. A regulator can also

provide a direct connection to appliances, while continuing to recharge the


According to Floyd (2012), The charge controller, also called a charge

regulator, take the output of the solar panel and ensures that the battery is charged

efficiently and is not over – charged. Generally the charge controller is rated

based on the amount of current it can regulate the operation of many solar charge

controllers is based on the principle of pulse – width modulation. Also some

controllers include a charging method that maximizes charging called maximum

power point tracking. The solar charge controller is needed in solar power system

that use batteries to store the energy with the exception of very lower power


A charge controller limits the rate at which electric current is added to or

drawn from electric batteries. It prevents overcharging and may protect against

overvoltage, which can reduce battery performance or lifespan, and may pose a

safety risk. It may also prevent completely draining a battery, or perform

controlled discharges, depending on the battery technology to protect battery life.

Solar Battery
Figure 3 Solar Battery

The deep cycle batteries, such as lead-acid, are used in solar power

systems because they can be charge and discharge hundreds or thousands of

times. Recall that batteries are rated in ampere-hour (AH), which specifies the

current that can be supplied for certain number of hours. There is need to store the

energy collected by the panels during sunny days for use at night and cloudy days.

In almost all PV systems a rechargeable lead-acid battery is the most common

device used as storage.

Solar batteries work by converting the AC energy being produced by your

solar panels and storing it as DC power for later use. In some cases, solar batteries

have their own inverter and offer integrated energy conversion. The higher your

battery's capacity, the larger the solar system it can charge.

Batteries designed to stored electricity generated from your solar PV

system allow you to store solar electricity for use later in the day. A battery is a

device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The battery will

discharge the vitality in direct current DC form. A significant number of our

ordinary appliances require a alternating current AC for its energy needs.

Utilization of a power inverter is frequently the main clarification by inserting a

DC to AC inverter between the releasing the battery and the appliance.(Floyd

Solar Inverter

Figure 4 Solar Inverter

Nowadays, the necessity of the solar inverter has been increased. A solar

inverter is a common inverter but uses energy from the sun that is solar energy.

This type of inverter aids in changing the DC into AC using solar power. DC is

the power which flows in one direction in the circuit and helps in providing

current when there is no electricity. Direct current is used for small appliances

such as gadgets, iPod, MP3 players, etc. where there is power stored in the

battery. In the case of AC (alternative current) is the power that supplies back and

forth inside the circuit. Generally, the AC power is used for household appliances.

A solar inverter helps many devices that run on DC power to run on AC power so

that the operator makes use of the AC power.

Kelsey (2017) Inverters are an important part of any solar installation, they

are the brains of the system. Although the inverter’s main job is to convert DC

power produced by the solar array into usable AC power. Solar energy is changed

to electrical energy with the help of photovoltaic cells. This energy is stored in

batteries during daytime for the operation purpose whenever needed. The

proposed system is designed to utilize solar energy for home loads using an


Zipp et. al. (2013) stated that, inverters play a crucial role in any solar

energy system and are often considered to be the brains of a project, whether it’s a

2-kW residential system or a 5-MW utility power plant. An inverter’s basic

function is to “invert” the direct current (DC) output into alternating current (AC).

AC is the standard used by all commercial appliances, which is why many view

inverters as the “gateway” between the photovoltaic (PV) system and the energy


Circuit Break
Figure 5 Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is an electronic device which is used for the safe and

reliable operation of the circuit. Its basic operating principle is that it keeps track

of the flow of current in the path of the circuit it is installed, and when the value

of the passing current exceeds the required value, it instantly breaks the contact

and prevents the external wiring and circuitry from damaging due to excessive


Harris (2017) explained that circuit breaker is an absolutely essential

device in the modern world, and one of the most important safety mechanisms in

your home. Whenever electrical wiring in a building has too much current

flowing through it, these simple machines cut the power until somebody can fix

the problem. Without circuit breakers (or the alternative, fuses), household

electricity would be impractical because of the potential for fires and other

mayhem resulting from simple wiring problems and equipment failures.

Electrical Outlet

An electrical outlet is a socket that connects an electrical device to

an electricity supply. In buildings, electrical outlets are usually installed in

the wall, although they can also be installed in the floor. Occasionally, they are

found in the ceiling for powering devices such as garage door openers or neon

signs in storefront windows. Different countries often have different outlet types

and voltages.

Banana Plug Connector

Figure 6.

Electrical Connector

A banana connector (commonly banana plug for the male, banana

socket or banana jack for the female) is a single-wire (one conductor)electrical

connector used for joining wires to equipment. The term 4 mm connector is also

used, especially in Europe, although not all banana connectors will mate with

4 mm parts, and 2 mm banana connectors exist. Various styles of banana plug

contacts exist, all based on the concept of spring metal applying outward force

into the unsprung cylindrical jack to produce a snug fit with good electrical

conductivity. Common types include: a solid pin split lengthwise and splayed

slightly, a tip of four leaf springs, a cylinder with a single leaf spring on one side,
a bundle of stiff wire, a central pin surrounded by a multiply-slit cylinder with a

central bulge, or simple sheet spring metal rolled into a nearly complete cylinder.

The plugs are frequently used to terminate patch cords for electronic test

equipment, while sheathed banana plugs are common on multi meter probe leads.

Binding Post

Figure 7. Binding Post

Initially invented by the General Radio Corporation of Cambridge, MA, binding

posts are commonly used in test fixtures for wire termination. A typical single

post binding post consists of a cylindrical threaded stem with a drilled hole for

accepting the conductor, one or more molded nuts, and an insulated cap. During

installation the conductor (usually stripped copper wire) is inserted through a hole

in the threaded stem of the post and tightened into place by using a molded nut.
Binding post caps are used to insulate the binding post and come in 3 primary

colors: red indicates an active (positive) terminal, black indicates an inactive

(negative) terminal, and green indicates the ground terminal.

MC4 Connector

Figure 8. MC4 Connector

MC4 connectors are single-contact electrical connectors commonly used

for connecting solar panels. The MC in MC4 stands for the manufacturer Multi-

Contact (currently Stäubli Electrical Connectors) and the 4 for the 4mm diameter

contact pin. MC4s allow strings of panels to be easily constructed by pushing the

connectors from adjacent panels together by hand, but require a tool to disconnect

them to ensure they do not accidentally disconnect when the cables are pulled.
The MC4 and compatible products are universal in the solar market today,

equipping almost all solar panels produced since about 2011.Originally rated for

600 V, newer versions are rated at 1500V, which allows longer string to be


According to the Labtech (2013), in his international project entitled:

Electrical Installation Trainer, the trainer is a series of training systems to address

the training requirements for installation technicians and maintenance engineers.

The training systems cover basic electricity, testing of electrical circuits,

residential and industrial installation practices, electrical motor control and

industrial automation. Our systems use real industrial components, which have

been specially modified for training. Many our trainers are designed in a modular

fashion with the components mounted on transparent DIN standard panels with

the electrical connections brought out to 4mm electrical terminals. These

terminals use 4mm stackable test leads that allow quick connection between the

various components and circuits to be tested. Different types of stands and testing

racks are available in which the students may mount the component panels so as

to quickly form many types of configuration for experiment and testing purposes.

All of these feature plus fault insertion systems enable our training systems to be

very flexible yet precise so as to prepare the student for real world industrial


Acal et al.(2015) in his design project entitled Illumination Trainer,stated

that the researchers design and construct an illumination trainer can be used in
laboratory experiment or activities in illumination engineering design. The

operation of their study that the project contains of three different lamps LED,

incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamps operated by a supply that is controlled

by switches and circuit breaker. Illumination is an observable property and effect

of light. It may also refer to the use of light sources and the use of light and

shadow in art. Lighting system can be observed in all kinds of establishment

whether a school, commercial building, residential houses, church, and even the

streets. This trainer may a help the student to understand the basic concept and

principle of illumination. The student can easily operate the trainer by putting the

lamp in the lamp holder and making proper connection according to the

procedures provided in the laboratory.

Balisa et al,(2014) in his project entitled: Three Phase AC Motor

Generator Trainer This technical study was made to design and construct a three

phase ac motor generator trainer. It aims to operate and test the effectiveness,

reliability and accuracy of the trainer along with this, laboratory manual would be

provided the students who are taking up AC Machinery Laboratory. The trainer

consists of single phase motor with speed controller single phase generator three

phase alternator and three phase motor. Different measuring parameters are

mounted at the black of vertical board type cover with the fiber glass. The base of

the motor and generators are fixed and welded to avoid high vibration and the belt

is fitted on the pulley with each other. The researchers have been motivated to

design and create the apparatus that would be beneficial to the students to easily

understand and have proper learning utilizing the trainer, which may somehow
minimize the problem and provide convenience and knowledge to students taking

up the subject. Through several trials of experiment, all components able to

provide accurate measurement. The higher the speed allocated with the motor

there is much higher voltage the machine would produce.

The design project entitled Basic Mechatronics Trainer of Alandy et. al.

(2016) stated that the research study includes the design and construction of a

basic mechatronics trainer board, mounting of component and instructions. The

trainer board will benefit the Engineering Department specifically the computer,

electrical, electronics, industrial and mechanical department. The power supply to

be used for the prototype will run on 24DC that can supply a maximum of 6A.

The air compressor used for the prototype is a portable 2.0 HP one with a tank

capacity of 24L. The air regulator or air service unit does not require any voltage

or current as it will only filter the air coming through it from the air compressor, it

will then send filtered into the solenoid valve on the trainer board. The relays to

be used are limited to only 24VDC. The two relays will also run only on 24VDC.

The contactors to be used will run on 220VAC and will need direct AC power

source to be energized. Two boxes of LED lamp indicators will used, the first box

for 24VDC only and the second for 220VAC only. Two sets of push start buttons

will used, one for starting and the other for stopping. The solenoid valves to be

used will run on 24DC. The cylinder will use filtered air coming from the

solenoid valves. The limit switches will run on 250VAC and 3A and will be

compatible with 24VDC. To connect component, banana plugs are used. To

safeguard the system from possible power outages or short circuits, a 10A fuse is

used together with a 30A circuit breaker

According to Dee et al. (2016), in his Project entitled Three Phase

Alternating AC Machine Trainer the trainer three phase ac induction motor and

ac generator are coupled using belts and these belts are fitted on the pulley of each

machine. A power analyzer is used to determine the power, voltage current and

power factor while sensor in determining the speed in the operation. The dial pad

is used to change the setting in the LCD screen and hold the reading of the

parameters for data gathering. A circuit breaker is installed for the protection from

the source and used to supply voltage for the operation and it will be triggering

the solid state relay then this relay will trigger the magnetic contactor to energize

the motor. Several trails are made for the testing of the effectiveness, reliability

and accuracy of the trainer. Speed regulation and voltage regulation are calculated

which depend on the load of the motor and bigger the load, the slower the speed

regulation of the motor while in no load condition, the sensor read higher rpm.

The researchers come up with the idea of making this trainer since it will be

useful for students specially the electrical engineering students who are taking up

Ac machines laboratory in performing different experiment related to the course

and for easier and better understanding.

Abendan et al,(2016) in his project entitled Electrical Tutor stated that

study operates of different electrical equipment and machine are developing tutor

apparatus or trainer for students use for enhancing their knowledge and
experience in a particular field. In college and universities, tutor apparatuses are

typically used by students and professors. Most of the time, it is beneficial to

students since it adds to technical knowledge and skills during their laboratory

classes and hands-on experiments. The study about construction of Electrical

Tutor Apparatus Trainer at Electrical Engineering Laboratory. The main

components of the trainer are motor and generator. A generator is machine that

converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by rotating an armature, which

contains conductors, through a magnetic field. A voltage is induced in the moving

conductors by an effect called electromagnetic induction. In order for voltage to

be generated, relative motion must exist between the conductors and the magnetic

field. An engine motor turbine or other source of mechanical energy is used to

turn the armature shaft. The DC generator rotates the conductors in a stationary

magnetic field. The alternator rotates a magnetic field that is cut by the stationary

conductors. Current induced in the conductors of all generators is alternating

current the current taken from the generator, however may be AC or DC,

depending on how the generator is constructed.


Kokemuller (2016) defined adaptability as the capacity to adjust

one self’s with regards in the changes of the environment. It is an

important thing for the people and for the organizations. The test with

adaptability is that is basically needs to get ready for the unexpected things

might happen. Normally, someone cannot predict changers or issues that

come up in a situation. On the other hand, it can set up a standard

framework or strategy to react to change inside the system.


According to Deguzman (2016) cost-effectiveness considers options that

are compared with view of related expenses and in addition viability of the

adjustment measure. It can, for example be accepted that the expenses of a full

varieties transformation program are higher than those connected with modified

administration forces.


Albrando (2017) functionality defined as it is given by the plan, portraying

the capacities a device executes in general, what is monitored among support is

the capacity of the device, not what is intended to do, but rather how well does it

take the necessary steps.


According to GRE (2015) originality does not mean to think of something

that was never through before; it literally means putting old ideas together in a

new and improved ways. It is therefore a something new, unique, useful and

interesting. It can also be a new angle to an existing thought. It has the freedom to

take inspiration from existing ideas or from existing ideas or from nature.
Conceptual Framework


Concepts and ideas gathered Designing the circuit diagram

from the internet and some
educational sources Fabrication and construction of
the trainer
Components of the trainer Solar Energy Wiring
Testing and evaluation of the
Guidelines in making the trainer Installation Trainer
Data gathering and

Figure 9 Input-Process-Output

The Input was the basis of the researcher’s conceptualization of the device

designing and its development. The gathered ideas from the internet and related

educational references were made as the guidelines of how the trainer was made

with its components. To attain the study objectives, the researchers undergone the

process of designing the circuit diagram, fabricating and constructing the trainer,

testing and evaluating the device through the parameters of adaptability, cost

effectiveness of materials, functionality and originality. Then, the researchers

came up with the Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedures needed in the study. This

includes the research locale, research design, respondents, project design, project

development and statistical treatment.

Research Locale

This research study was conducted at Southern Luzon State University-Dual

Training and Livelihood Center Lucena Campus, Ibabang Dupay Lucena City

Quezon Province. Since this trainer was intended for electrical laboratory to be

used by the electrical students.

Research Design

The researcher followed the process of developmental research. It was

defined as the efficient study in designing, constructing and evaluating to meet the

device level of acceptability. Developmental research is important in the field of

instructional technology. This research assessed the researchers in the

development of the device in a period of time.

The respondents of this research were 20 electrical experts chosen

purposively. They evaluated the device through answering survey questionnaire

along its parameters adaptability, cost-effectiveness of materials, functionality and


Construction Procedure

1. Preparing the tools and equipment

Figure 10 preparation of tool

In this figure the researchers prepared the tools and equipment needed in

device development

Figure 11 Preparation of Materials

In this figure, the researchers includes the materials of solar energy controller,

inverter, battery breaker, bulb 12 dc volts and 220 volts AC. DC fan, switches

banana plug binding post and MC4 which were needed in the trainer.

2. Assembly of the Device

Figure 12Assemble of the trainer board

In this figure, the researchers assembles the trainer board

Figure 13 Fixing of Materials

In this figure, the researchers fixes the materials needed on the trainer board

Figure 13 Testing the device

In this figure, the researchers test the device

Figure 14 The Image of the finish device

This figure shows the solar panel wiring installation trainer

3. Operation and Testing Procedure

1. In testing the device first we should tests and check the parts of the

device using multi tester.

2. Prepared the wires, and then cut the wires according to the size


3. Connect the wires according to the wiring diagram.

4. Check and test again the connection of solar panel charge controller.

Connect the battery to charge controller then connect the inverter to

battery, connect the DC bulb and the exhaust fan to the charge

controller then connect the inverter to circuit breaker then connect the

outlet the AC bulb and pilot lamp to breaker.

Project Design
Figure 15 Design of the solar energy wiring installation trainer

Figure 9 displayed the parts and components of the trainer. The trainer

was made with 4 pcs of 20 watts solar panel, with solar energy controller,

inverter, battery breaker, bulb 12 dc volts and 220 volts AC. DC fan, switches

banana plug binding post and MC4.

Schematic Diagram
Figure 16 Schematic diagram of the trainer
This figure displays the complete wiring diagram of solar panel, charge

controller, battery and the power inverter, circuit breaker, and Outlet. Solar panel

are parallel circuit connection and battery are connected to charge controller can

use for 12v dc bulb and control the overcharging of the battery. And the battery

was connected into power inverter to circuit breaker. The main purpose of power

inverter is to convert the Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC) and

connected in Electrical outlet uses to check if connection of trainer is working


Block diagram
Figure 17 Bock Diagram of the Device

Show the block diagram of the system whereas there were 4 solar panel

and the components used in the trainer. It presented the process of energy where

the energy flow to different components to distribute the function of the device.

Project Development

Figure 18. Project Development.

It shows the stages of project development of the device. First stage was

the project plan and design, in this stage the researchers created a plan to be

followed to build the propose device and created the structure design of the

device. Second stage was the fabrication which consists of preparation and

identifying the materials used in the device such as electronics parts. Third was

the testing, this stage assured the workability and provide a result if the proposed

device will run. Forth was the finalization, this stage, the possible changes in the

device made as per suggestion of the panel. And lastly, the evaluation which

means that the device was evaluated by electrical experts.

Data Gathering Procedure

The letter has been formulated by the researchers, noted by the adviser,

and approved by the Campus Director. The validity of the questionnaires was
conducted. It was distributed to the 10 electrical experts who evaluated the device

along its parameters of adaptability, cost effectiveness of materials, functionality

and originality. The gathered data were computed, tabulated and interpreted.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation is meant to determine the acceptability of device. The

evaluation instrument used a four-point Likert scale in which the highest is 4 and

1 is the lowest.

Table 1

Likert Scale

Numerical Equivalent Range Scale Description

4 3.27-4.00 Highly Acceptable

3 2.51-3.26 Acceptable

2 1.75-2.50 Unacceptable

1 1.00-1.74 Highly Unacceptable

Statistical Treatment

The statistical treatment used by the researchers was the Average

Weighted Mean.

Where: AWM = Average Weighted Mean

∑ = summation

WM = weighted mean

N = number of respondents

Chapter IV


This chapter discusses the data gathered in evaluating the proposed

system, how the data were analyzed and interpreted. Data were presented in

tabular way to presents the results in a clearest way.

System Evaluation Results

The questionnaires were given to ten (10) respondents in the field of

electrical who evaluated and gave knowledge, insights and comments on how the

device can be more acceptable.

The researchers used a developmental research using the standard

categories: Acceptability, Cost-Effectiveness, Functionality and Originality.

Through the gathered data, computation and analysis made by the researchers the

proposed project got its evaluation result.


This table shows the individual average percentage of the adaptability

result to know if the device has the ability to adapt its system function and for the

researchers to know the highest and lowest ranking of the system criteria.

Table 2

Adaptability of the Device

Specification Feature Weighted Mean Description

1. The end-user has the 3.68 Highly Acceptable

Ability to control the
2. It focus on appropriate 3.72 Highly Acceptable
program application.
3. The device is easy to maintain. 3.6 Highly Acceptable
4. It has a provision for 3.64 Highly Acceptable
enhancement and

Average Weighted Mean 3.66

Table 2 presents the result of the adaptability of the device in

which statement number (1) got the highest weighted mean of 3.68 which

states that the end-user has the ability to control the device. The device

evaluation along its adaptability specification feature got the average

weighted mean of 3.66 with equivalent descriptive rating of Highly


Kokemuller (2016) defined adaptability as the capacity to adjust

one self’s with regards in the changes of the environment. It is an

important thing for the people and for the organizations. The test with

adaptability is that is basically needs to get ready for the unexpected things

might happen. Normally, someone cannot predict changers or issues that

come up in a situation. On the other hand, it can set up a standard

framework or strategy to react to change inside the system.

Cost-Effectiveness of the materials

It describes that the device was cost-effective by computing individual

average percentage of the Cost-Effectiveness. The researchers used it to know the
highest and lowest ranking of the system criteria.

Table 3

Cost-Effectiveness of the Device

Specification Feature Weighted Mean Description

1. The device is affordable. 2.96 Acceptable

2. It is economical in terms 3.24 Acceptable
of system hardware services.
3. It produces great result with- 3.32 Highly Acceptable
out costing a lot of money.
4. It performs accurate with less 3.04 Acceptable
expenses consumption.

Average Weighted Mean 3.14

Table 3 shows the device evaluation in terms of its cost effectiveness of

materials. Statement number two (2) got the highest weighted mean of 3.24 which

is economical in terms of system hardware services. The evaluation of the device

along its cost effectiveness of materials specification features got the average

weighted mean of 3.14 with equivalent descriptive rating of acceptable.

According to Deguzman (2016) cost-effectiveness considers options that

are compared with view of related expenses and in addition viability of the

adjustment measure. It can, for example be accepted that the expenses of a full

varieties transformation program are higher than those connected with modified

administration forces.


This illustrates the result of each question or the individual average

percentage of the functionality to differentiate its function and for the researchers

to know the highest and lowest ranking of the system criteria.

Table 4

Functionality of the Device

Specification Feature Weighted Mean Description

1. The device is easy to 3.88 Highly Acceptable

2. It has a provision for 3.72 Highly Acceptable
comfort and convenience.
3. It is a user-friendly device. 3.6 Highly Acceptable

4. The device performs the 3.84 Highly Acceptable

Tasks required.

Average Weighted Mean 3.76

Table 4 shows the device evaluation result along its functionality.

Statement number one (1) got the highest weighted mean of 3.88 the evaluation of

the device functionality specification features got the average weighted mean of

3.76 with equivalent descriptive rating of Highly Acceptable.

Albrando (2017) functionality defined as it is given by the plan,

portraying the capacities a device executes in general, what is monitored among

support is the capacity of the device, not what is intended to do, but rather how

well does it take the necessary steps.


This table illustrates the individual average percentage of the original

result to determine the originality of the system and for the researchers to know

the highest and lowest ranking of the system criteria.

Table 5

Originality of the Device

Specification Feature Weighted Mean Description

1. The device is different 3.4 Highly Acceptable

from the other one.
2. It synthesizes information 3.52 Highly Acceptable
in a new or different
3. It adds knowledge in a way 3.2 Acceptable
that has not previously
been done before.
4. It reinterprets an existing theory 3.56 Highly Acceptable
in a different context.

Average Weighted Mean 3.42

Table 5 shows the device evaluation result along its originality. Statement

number four (4) got the highest weighted mean of 3.56 which states that the

existing theory is in a different context. The device evaluation along originality

specification features got the average weighted mean of 3.42 with equivalent

descriptive rating of Highly Acceptable.

According to GRE (2015) originality does not mean to think of something

that was never through before; it literally means putting old ideas together in a

new and improved ways. It is therefore a something new, unique, useful and

interesting. It can also be a new angle to an existing thought. It has the freedom to

take inspiration from existing ideas or from existing ideas or from nature.

Table 6
Summary of Results

Results Weighted Mean (WM) Descriptive Rating

1. Functionality 3.76 Highly Acceptable

2. Adaptability 3.66 Highly Acceptable

3. Cost-Effectiveness 3.14 Highly Acceptable

4. Originality 3.42 Highly Acceptable

Average Weighted Mean 3.49

The summations of all data were presented in this table. The functionality

of the device got the weighted mean of 3.76, the adaptability got the weighted

mean of 3.66, the cost effectiveness of materials got the weighted mean of 3.14

and originality got the weighted mean of 3.42. The evaluation result of the device

along its parameters got the average weighted mean of 3.49 with the equivalent

descriptive rating of Highly Acceptable. This implied that the device is significant

to be utilized by the electrical students of SLSU Lucena.

Chapter V


This chapter includes the summary, findings, conclusion and

recommendation drawn from the evaluation of the device. It was done for reviews

and to find out what was needed to be able to modify the device.


The main purpose of this study was to determine the level of acceptability

of Solar Energy Wiring Installation Trainer in terms of adaptability, cost-

effectiveness, functionality and originality. Respondents of the study were ten

(10) experts in the field of electrical. The study was conducted in SLSU Lucena

since the end-user of this device were electrical students in their laboratory

activities. The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.


Based from the evaluation made, the following findings were presented.

1. The device requirements was conceptualized from the concept and ideas

gathered from the internet and other educational references.

2. The trainer was designed based from the project design illustrated in

chapter 3.

3. The trainer was developed with materials of 4 pieces of 20 watts solar

panel, with solar energy controller, inverter, 12v 55A battery breaker, bulb

12 dc volts and 220 volts AC. DC Exhaust fan, switches banana plug,

binding post and MC4.

4. The functionality of the device got the weighted mean of 3.76, the

adaptability got the weighted mean of 3.66, the cost effectiveness of

materials got the weighted mean of 3.14 and originality got the weighted

mean of 3.42. The evaluation result of the device got the average weighted

mean of 3.49 with the descriptive rating of Highly Acceptable.


Based from the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that designing

and developing a solar energy wiring installation trainer is possible. Through the

used of 4 pieces of 20 watts solar panel, with solar energy controller, 500 watts of

inverter, battery breaker, bulb 12 dc volts and 220 volts AC. DC Exhaust fan,

switches, banana plug, binding post and MC4 the application made it possible for

the researchers to have such device for the electrical student to practice their

competencies in electrical laboratory activities. The evaluation result of the device

got the average weighted mean of 3.49 with the descriptive rating of Highly

Acceptable. This implied that the device is significant to be utilized by the

electrical students of SLSU Lucena.


The researchers have successfully reached the objectives defined after

studying and testing were completed in this developmental research. Based from

the findings and conclusions the following recommendations were drawn.

1. This trainer board should be placed in the electrical laboratory for the

end-users (electrical students)

2. Improve the physical appearance of the device

3. Cover the device for safety measures.

4. Always read the manual before using the device

5. Provides safety precautions and safety procedures.

6. Modification of the device is highly recommended.

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Labtech International. Electrical Installation Trainer . <http://www.labtech








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