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By: - Prince chaudhary

I would like to start with a quote of Kevin heath “Wherever there is a human in need, there is
an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference”. A simple act of kindness can do
miracles in the life of people by easing their fears and by restoring their faith in humanity. It is
the most significant feature that human being possess.
I started off the assignment by thinking about my daily routine and how often do I indulge in
such acts. After giving it a due thought, I realised that my goal-oriented routine has made me
more self-centre. I came to realise how important it was to incorporate such acts in my daily
A few days back, after the college hours, I was standing near the St joseph’s hospital’s
entrance waiting for my cab to arrive. I came across a man, whom I suppose was in his 80’s.
He was standing near the main road looking for an auto. I noticed that he was finding it
difficult to call out for an auto. The cab was still a few minutes away and therefore I decided
to ask him if he wanted to catch an auto. He requested me to find an auto for him. He
thanked me for doing so and blessed me. I felt really good that day and the blessings that I
had received really made my day.
Another day, I met a man in the elevator, he was carrying a few packets of milk with him and
he stepped out of the elevator on the 8th floor. I saw that he had kept a few packets in a
plastic carriage neat the elevator door and had stepped out to collect them. I held the door
open for him. After entering the elevator, he smiled at me and thanked me for holding the
door while he went to collect the packets on the 8th floor.
Covid-19 has made masks a necessity, and along with this identifying people with their faces
has become a tough task. The guard of my tower once stopped me to enquire my purpose of
visiting because he thought that I was an outsider. As I was new in the society, he did not
know me by my name but when I told him that I stay here, he immediately apologised to me.
I told him that it was not his fault and that he was doing his job. I thanked him for doing his
job so wonderfully.

While performing these acts I thought that I was doing it for them and that the other person
would feel good, as I would be helping them, but after committing it my thought process
completely changed. I felt that these acts were bringing the best out of me. I felt that it made
me happier and brought a positivity in my personality. It increased my self-confidence and
made me realise the importance of being kind to others and committing such acts.
When people see such acts of kindness they react in a very positive manner. They smile and
appreciate such acts. In my case, there were two more people in the elevator while I helped
the man by holding the elevator gate, they smiled at me and appreciated me. Kind acts are
noticed by people all around the society and it also motivates people to commit such acts in
their lives. It makes them understand the importance of being kind to others and how it
affects them as human beings. This also makes people more sympathetic towards each
other that would further make them indulge in introspection, through which they would
understand how their actions have affected people in past.

A few days back, I was waiting outside the college looking for a cab, but was unable to find
one. I had something very important to do that day and I was getting late. A friend of mine
saw me and offered help. He said that he lived nearby my society and that he could drop
me. I was really surprised as I wasn’t expecting someone to help me at that point. With his
help I was able to reach home at time. I thanked him for his gesture appreciated for his kind

I do believe that there is a social norm of kindness to others. It is how majority of people in
the society are, they are affected by people around them and they try to go out of their way
to help others. People sympathise with others and try to find out ways to resolve their
problems. Also, majority of people believe that doing good to others has a positive effect on
their own body. People are aware of the benefits that they get by being kind to others and
therefore they often take initiative to help others in the society.

After doing this project I have been noticing more of these acts. This project has made me
understand the importance of commuting these acts. Even after completion of this project I
continued to look for opportunities to help others. In this process, I also noticed other people
indulging in such acts. I saw how people helped each other and showed kind gestures to
each other.

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