Ittsgrove Resbyterian Ress: Pastor's Message

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March 2011
ittsgrove P resbyterian P ress
Worship Service on Sundays at 10 a.m.

Pastor’s Message
Have you ever been a part of a small group? Maybe
you have attended a church group like craft night or We have fun at these meetings; they are not just
Bible study or youth group or a committee’s board. about business but also about growing in the Lord.
I know some of my best times of fellowship and Why not plan on getting involved in a Sunday
growth have come out of small groups. TNT has school class? Right now the adults are studying I
not been a large group but it has been a powerful Corinthians in the upstairs lounge. Why not come
group that has made a difference in my life. Each be a part of the home group “Grace Changes
week I look forward to good food, fellowship, Everything” that Pastor Julia and Joe are leading in
worship and learning. A small group helps us to be their home?
accountable to one another. We know when In Acts we see over and over again that the disciples
someone is missing and we want to know how that met in homes, broke bread together and worshipped
person is doing and if they are ok. the Lord. Fellowship, Worship, Prayer and
We pray for one another and lift each other up when Discipleship were a part of their daily lives. Can
we are down. A small group helps us to be we do less than make them a part of our lives? We
vulnerable with each other. You can know will find what we are searching for when we open
someone all your life but never truly reveal yourself our hearts to God’s truth and love.
to him or her. Suddenly when you are together on a I was 19 when I attended my first small group Bible
weekly basis you can begin to trust one another study. It was in the home of a friend of a friend who
because little by little you share pieces of yourself. went to a different church than I did. I didn’t know
As we reveal the truth about ourselves to others, our what to expect. I couldn’t even find what scripture
flaws, struggles, strengths, joys and they were talking about. I was such a new Christian
disappointments we learn that we are accepted just and fumbled a lot. But God used that group to help
as we are. God has made us to be in fellowship me to take giant steps of faith. Everyone welcomed
with one another and we are designed to grow in me and did not laugh at my awkwardness. In fact at
our faith by sharpening one another as we challenge one of those later Bible studies I met my husband!
and encourage each other. You never know what God is going to do! We
Why not consider getting involved in a small group promise to welcome you because we feel just as
at our church? There are many opportunities to do anxious about new things as you do. Come join us
so. The mission trip needs helpers to support them. as we ask the Spirit to fill our church with the joy of
Let Dana, Kurt or Ed know if you want to come out the Lord! Join us as we grow our church through
and help us plan (even if you don’t go on the trip small groups. In Christ's service, Pastor Julia
you can be a helper!). Join us on Sunday mornings “As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another…”
in the youth lounge for a prayer time before 10 am Proverbs 27:17
worship. The CE, Mission and Congregational Life “Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple,
and Old Church Teams would love to have more they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and
folks join them in their ministry for the Lord. generous hearts…” Acts 2:46

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church

HOME GROUP OPPORTUNITY “Grace Changes Everything”
312 Daretown Road, Elmer, NJ 08318 t (856) 358-1104
Website: Pastor Julia’s email:
Join us for six Sunday Evenings from 6-7:30 in Book Review
Pastor Julia’s home for a bible study that will By Donna Stroud
challenge us to live for God in our every day
lives! We are currently planning on studying Title: UNSHAKEN
some of the ideas from the book “Gospel in Author: Dan Woolley
Life: Grace Changes Everything” by Timothy with Jennifer Schuchmann
Keller. You will not need to purchase the book. Zondervan Publishing 2011
The following meeting dates currently being
Dan Woolley is a filmmaker and works for
planned are: March 6, 20, 27 and April 3, 10,
Compassion International. Dan was in Haiti at
17. The topics include: “Three Ways to Live”,
the time of the earthquake on January 15 2010
“The Sin beneath the sin”, “The Context for
filming children in poverty. He was in the Hotel
Change”, “Witness”, “Cultivating the Garden”,
Montana when the earthquake struck and was
“A people for others”, and “The world that is to
thrusted into complete darkness for 65 hours
come”. We will read God’s word, share in
under 6 floors of rubble until he was rescued.
prayer and fellowship and have a time of
refreshments. Please let Pastor Julia know in Although it was a bittersweet outcome for him
advance if you plan to attend. Everyone is with so many lives lost, he wanted to tell his
welcome and you are encouraged to bring story because he knows that he had an
friends. There will be a Christian DVD for the encounter with God during the time he was
children who come. May Lent be a time that trapped in the rubble.
we grow deeper in our faith, closer to one
another and to the Lord! Jesus sacrificed his all Dan wants everyone to know that God truly
for us can we sacrifice some of our time to comes first. As you read this book you will
allow him to transform our lives? This Lent come to understand what truly matters in your
instead of giving something up why not add life. You will follow along with Dan as he
something to your life? Add daily Bible recounts his thoughts, actions and prayers
reading and prayer to your every day routine. during the 65 hours. And at the same time, what
Add a small group that will encourage you to his family was going through.
grow deeper in your faith and in your
relationships with other Christians. We can’t I recommend this book not because my heart is
go wrong when we add God’s Word, prayer and with Compassion International but because it’s
fellowship to our lives! I am looking forward to a great description of fully relying on God. The
seeing many of you there. faith that Dan has and the resources that God
provided during that time were incredible. He
*************************** says it was an act of God. I pray and hope that
my faith would hold up if I were ever in a life or
death situation.
Congratulations to Kenny &
Lindsey Camper on the birth of The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday
their daughter, Kendall Joy Camper. on March 9th. It is a wonderful time to sacrifice
Kendall was born on January 26th and is something for the Lord, in response to his
the little sister of Cassidy. sacrifice for us on the cross. The Season of Lent
continues until Easter Sunday when we celebrate
the joy of the resurrection! Join us on Ash
Wednesday for a worship service and simple soup
supper. This Lent, why not give up some TV time
and add some extra Bible reading and prayer to
your routine?
CEMETERY NEWS Great Days for a Work Camp
(July 24th - July 30th)
The Trustees have approved the following
by Ed Forsman
increase related to the purchase of gravesites.
The purchase price will increase from $200 to Announcement!
$300 after May 1, 2011. Lots may be
In late July, we will have the opportunity to
purchased for $200 between now and May 1. In
participate as campers, in a life changing
addition, four (4) corner stones are also required
mission of service to low income communities,
to mark the gravesite. This service is provided
in Johnstown NY. Reach, will direct us to reach
at cost for $50 each for a total of $200. If
out to those community rebuilding activities
interested in making a purchase you can contact
that will build self esteem, encourage spiritual
Dallas Skinner.
growth, and will enable us to know more about
the role of combating poverty.

Crock Pot Creations By working with other churches and

and Talent Show participating in daily on site devotionals, during
our lunch break, there will be a moving impact
On March 13th at 5 pm we are going to be on all the homeowners, “neighbors”, the
voting for the best crock-pot creation! It could communities, students and those adult sponsors
be a soup, a dessert, lasagna or anything else who attend. Hopelessness and frustration will
that can be created in a crock-pot. There will turn into encouragement and opportunities to
also be a talent show and a silent auction. All thrive in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
of this is to benefit our youth who will be The evening programs after dinner will also
attending another mission trip this coming July. have an even greater impact!
A $5 donation will be received at the door. Why So don’t miss out on this adventure in faith, to
not join us for a night out of fun and fellowship rebuild homes, talk and listen to God’s people,
while supporting our youth! and to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of
all who participate. Join us, pray for us, and/or
support us financially. You can make a
CROP Walk difference also!
By Stephanie Ale

On April 10th, 2011 at 2pm, members of our

Church will be walking in this year's CROP
Walk at the First Baptist Church of CHURCH WEBSITE
Pedricktown. We will be raising funds to help
as "Communities Respond to Overcome
Poverty." This is a great cause and 25% of the
The church website at is
funds raised remain local to help the hungry in
adding new features all the time! You are just a
our area. I encourage everyone to join us as we
few clicks away from viewing the church
walk 1.8 miles on a Spring Sunday afternoon.
calendar, the weekly worship service bulletins,
It will be an opportunity to join with other local
and getting up-to-date information about church
Christians and share in a time of fellowship
events. This newsletter is also posted there, as
while supporting an excellent cause. If you are
are links to resources which will help strengthen
not able to walk, please find someone that is
your daily walk with the Lord.
and help him or her by being a sponsor. I look
forward to seeing you at the CROP Walk!

Can You Feel the Ocean Breezes?

I am sitting in my office looking out at a beautiful snow scene across the countryside. While it is
idyllic my soul is longing for the warmer breezes of spring and I can almost smell the salt air of the
seashore and the summer! Alas, it is not here yet! But you can get ready for beach weather by
planning to attend our Fall Retreat this October 14th-16th in Cape May at the Grand Hotel. This year’s
theme is “I can hear YOU clearly now!” Learning to read the Bible and hearing the Lord speaking to
us in our every day lives. If you have ever had the desire to read the Bible on a regular basis but have
been put off because of strange sounding names, confusing text and a feeling of uncertainty you are not
alone. Reading the Bible is as simple as opening it up and asking God’s Spirit to speak to us but is as
complex as trying to go back in time 2,000 years and understand why women wore head coverings or
what was meant by a holy kiss in Romans 16? If you would like to talk about your questions regarding
the Bible and communicating with God through prayer, plus you would enjoy some warm sunshine,
sand between your toes and the beach of Cape May then this retreat is for you! Sign up now through
Easter and pay a $50 deposit per person, $20 per child. Total is $160 per person, based on double
occupancy. Rooms are not oceanfront but probably have an ocean view and are just a step away from
the beach. Four retreat sessions, a Saturday night dinner, a game show, daily morning prayer at the
beach and a Sunday worship service will fill our time with a great adventure. Children, families,
singles and couples of all ages are encouraged to attend. Sign up today with Jennett and Bill Stanley

New Members Will Be Welcomed During 10 am Worship on March 20th!

Join us as we welcome the following new members in our upcoming time of worship!

Debra and Steven Floyd have recently given birth to triplets Conor, Riley and Lucas. Steven, a
surveyor, is the son of Dot and Al Floyd. Debra is a receptionist. Their interests include sports, the
beach and fishing. They also have two cats named Peanut and Buttercup. Debra and Steven reside at 7
Natalie Lane, Millville 08332, ph. 856-765-3485.

Michelle Redrow has also joined the church. She and her husband Mark have two children – Charlee
and Jaycee. Michelle is a veterinary technician, so it’s not surprising her family’s pets include three
dogs, eight cats, three horses, three cows, one rabbit, 13 goats, five sheep, six geese, and three
chickens. Their address is 50 Cedar Lane in Elmer, ph. 856-466-9279.

Bob and Liz Russell are also new members. Liz is a homemaker, shepherd and environmental
specialist, and Bob is a software engineer. Their three children are Christine, Jackie and Victoria. The
Russells enjoy hiking, movies and sheep festivals. They have two dogs and two cats. Their address is
PO Box 835, Alloway 08001, ph. 856-339-9395.

Nicki and John Burke have also joined our church family. Their address is 43 Buttonwood Drive,
Pilesgrove, NJ 08098, ph. 856-769-1580.

Why not drop our new members a line or give them a call to welcome them to the congregation?

By Anne Skinner

It was just over two years ago when I asked for prayers for my niece Susanne and the baby that she was
carrying. A pre-natal ultra sound had shown that the baby had myelomeningocele spina bifida. Now,
with spina bifida in the news, I thought perhaps you would like to know how this precious little girl,
Alexis, is doing.

When Susanne and Jason heard this troubling news, they joined a government study, MOMS at
Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, one of the four study sites.... and the response for prayers was
overwhelming as friends and family added this baby to their church prayer lists. This National study
was designed to study and compare the results of pre-natal and post-natal surgery to close the opening
in the spine. A motivation for Susanne to join the program was the hope of being randomly selected
for the pre-natal surgery, because this was the only way the pre-natal surgery was being offered during
the study. Susanne was not selected for the group getting the pre-natal surgery. You may have recently
seen in the news that the study was stopped because the pre-natal surgical group has been shown to
have better results, so they now need to offer this to everyone.

Even though Lexi was in the post-natal surgery group, she still had her miracle through all of your
prayers. News reports say that in the post surgery group, 82% needed shunts to drain the spinal fluid.
However, in the actual report it said 82% had shunts, but 98% needed them. Lexi appears to be the
only child in her group who has not needed a shunt! After her closure in Children's Hospital, a day
after birth, they scheduled to do the shunt procedure, but the numbers weren't quite right. Then an
amazing thing happened, fluid drained from her incision. This was so unusual that the doctors
recorded it in photos. When doctors see her today, they ask if she was one of the pre-natal surgeries.

At 21 months, Lexi is a charmer with such a happy, delightful personality. At 18 months she was
doing so well in therapy that she was given a wheelchair and a "Rabbit” standing wheeled devise. She
took right to both things and jets all around with zest, turning on a dime, with a big smile on her
beautiful face. Lexi is a miracle in action. Her cognitive ability is right on the mark, and she tries to
keep up with her active sister, Sophia, who is nearly four. Last Christmas Lexi stole the show as baby
Jesus at her church Christmas pageant, and this year she was an angel who wheeled herself down the
aisle. Her paralysis would probably not have been different with the fetal surgery because of the high
location of her malformation.

Lexi's parents are kept busy with things such as leg braces, standers, cathing and therapy, but she is
going to a regular daycare and participating in the fullness of life like any other child. It is apparent
that the spina bifida will not define her life. As my sister, Shirley said, "We are so thankful for all the
prayers that were offered by people for a baby they didn't know, but who cared and shared in a
common faith that they would be answered--and they were. It is wonderful to know that God has His
hand in her life."

What’s Happening…

• Ash Wednesday is March 9th. A simple soup and bread meal will begin at 6:30 with worship
to start at 7:30 pm.

• Home Group Opportunity – Join us for six Sunday evenings from 6 – 7:30 pm in Pastor
Julia’s home. The dates planned are March 6, 20, 27 and April 3, 10 and 17.

• Crock Pot Creations and Talent Show – Sunday, March 13th at 5pm in the social hall.

• All Boards Meeting will be held on Monday, March 14th. Trustees will meet at 7 pm and all
others will meet at 7:30 pm.

• The next Ladies Bible Study will be held on Monday, March 14th at 10 am in the upstairs
lounge. We are studying the Book of Philippians and are in the 2nd chapter. Bring a friend!

• The next Ladies Luncheon will be held on Monday, March 14th 12 noon at the Creekside Inn
(formerly Rushes) in Woodstown. For more information or to RSVP contact Helen Sickler

• April 3rd is Compassion Sunday.

• Crop Walk – April 10th in Pedricktown.

• Palm Sunday - April 17th. There will be an Easter egg hunt for Sunday School
children after worship in the ball field.

• Maundy Thursday is April 21st. There will be a covered dish dinner at 6:30 pm followed by
choir Lenten Program, Tenebrae service with communion.

• Good Friday Service will be held at the Elmer United Methodist Church on Friday,
April 22 from 12 – 3 pm. Pastor Julia will be preaching one of the Seven Last Words.
More information to follow.

• Easter Sunrise Service will be held on April 24th at 6 am. Breakfast this year
will be hosted by Aldine United Methodist Church. Location of the service will
be determined shortly. Watch the bulletin for details or call the church office.

• Easter Worship Service – April 24th at 10 am.

Save the Dates!

The Mother-Daughter Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 14th in the church social hall.
Details will follow.

Annual Fall Retreat – October 14-16, 2011 at the Grand Hotel in Cape May. Sign up now!
Compassion International Update
By Donna Stroud
It’s been just over a year since the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Much has happened in a year. Homes are
being rebuilt and water is being restored. The media has since moved on to other interests but the devastation
still continues. Recently there has been a cholera outbreak. A disease that we have not seen in this country for
decades. In an update from our area coordinators we have learned that one Compassion project director and
two students have since died from cholera.
Most of the Compassion church projects are either reopened or rebuilt. The projects that are still in process are
meeting in tents. The children are continuing with their schooling. The project directors are reporting that the
projects have become a safe haven for these children. This project is the only normal thing that is happening in
their lives.
We need to especially keep Haiti in our prayers. Haiti before the earthquake was the poorest country in the
western hemisphere. And now they are coping with life threatening diseases as they try to rebuild.
Compassion International has reopened Haiti for sponsor children. If you are interested, please contact me.
Also April 3rd is Compassion Sunday. Please pray in advance that God will lead you to sponsorship.

D Now This is the Living Bible D

“His name is Tim. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans, and no shoes. This was literally his
wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant. Kind of profound and very, very bright. He
became a Christian while attending college.
Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry
to the students but are not sure how to go about it.
One day Tim decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild hair. The service has
already started and so Tim starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The church is completely packed and he
can’t find a seat. By now, people are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything.
Tim gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit, and when he realizes there are no seats, he just squats down
right on the carpet. By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick.
About this time, the minister realizes that from way at the back of the church, a deacon is slowly making his
way toward Tim. Now the deacon is in his eighties, has silver-gray hair, and a three-piece suit. A godly man,
very elegant, very dignified, very courtly. He walks with a cane and, as he starts walking toward this boy,
everyone is saying to themselves that you can’t blame him for what he’s going to do. How can you expect a
man of his age and of his background to understand some college kid on the floor?
It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy.
The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man’s cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can’t
even hear anyone breathing. The minister can’t even preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to
And now they see this elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he lowers himself and sits
down next to Tim and worships with him so he won’t be alone.
Everyone chokes up with emotion…
When the minister gains control he says,
‘What I’m about to preach you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget.’”
2012 2013 2014
Al Floyd 358-6082 Dana Barrett 609-364-7480 Janine Mueller 609-923-7448
Ed Forsman* 769-4741 Lisa Headley 769-3739 Ken Stroud* 358-3254
Kurt Reichert 358-1480 Alberta Simkins 358-0268 Ruth Williams* 358-3382

2012 2013 2014
Colleen Moore 769-4279 Faye Crispin* 358-8417 Tricia Barrett 609-364-7822
Kitty Lamb 609-319-7519 Dorothy Floyd 358-6082 Joyce Guiliano* 507-0846
Karen DuBois 609-670-6606 Jennett Stanley 881-2683 Mary Ellen Snyder* 358-6162

2012 2013 2014
Allan Crispin* 358-8417 Bill Mueller 358-0198 Margery Eachus* 769-2398
Steve Quirk* 769-0202 John Richman 935-8818 Wesley Harbison* 881-2683
Jane String* 769-4306 Mark Skinner 294-9239 Patrick Sheehan 856-649-6145


Clerk of Session…………………... Ruth Williams
Christian Education………………. Dana Barrett/Lisa Headley
Congregational Life………………. Alberta Simkins
Finance……………………………. Ed Forsman/Janine Mueller
Mission and Outreach ……………. Ken Stroud
Nominating ……………...……….. Al Floyd/Ruth Williams
Personnel ……………………........ Al Floyd
Stewardship………………………. Kurt Reichert
Organist ………………………….. Margaret Powers
Choir Director …………………… Dominic Mercado
Sexton …………………………… Marian Beebe
Financial Secretary ………………. Jennifer Gardner
Secretary and Treasurer.………….. Jill Stout
Pastor ……………………………. Julia Pizzuto-Pomaco
* indicates second term

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