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Tyler Olsen Peer Review Summary- 2020

This document summarizes peer evaluations of Tyler Olsen based on his performance in the
workplace. It can be used for future evaluation reports and to determine future paths for Tyler
in our company. This summary will also reduce your time spent reviewing employee
performance reports. The peer evaluation categories summarized in this document are
Teamwork, Technical Competency, Citizenship Behavior, and Leadership.

Tyler has difficulty working with his colleagues on projects. Each of his colleagues used the word
“difficult” to describe his teamwork efforts. On top of that, his peers gave him an average score
of 30% in the entire Teamwork category. Most notably, each of his teammates gave him a
rating of 1 in Willing to give and take; flexible. Tyler’s poor teamwork ratings and “difficult”
description indicate that he is not performing efficiently with their current team. Furthermore,
his failure to be flexible in the workplace clearly shows a lack of teamwork and communication

Technical Competency
Despite Tyler’s lack of teamwork skills, he is a technically proficient member of the team. His
peers rated him a 76.6% across the entire technical proficiency column, which is his highest
grade of any category. This score is two and a half times higher compared to his scores in the
Teamwork category. One of his peers also noted primarily that he is a “hardworking member of
the team” while later citing his teamwork skills to be his main fault. Considering Tyler’s
technical competency scores were much higher than all other categories, it is conclusive that he
is still a proficient member of the team.

Citizenship Behavior
Tyler is a prepared member of the team when it comes to assignments and meetings. In the
Submitted work is complete category, his peers scored him an average of 95%. He also scored a
high 87.5% in the categories of arriving promptly and prepared to group meetings. In addition
to his high scores, one of his colleagues also notes that he always completes assigned work
from other employees. Tyler’s high scores in meeting preparedness and submitted work signify
that they are doing their due diligence to stay up to date with the team in the workplace.

Although Tyler shows some signs of strong leadership, his lack of teamwork skills affects his
overall performance as a leader. The ratio of Suggests important issues for discussion to Solicits
divergent opinions from others is 3, indicating he is involved in leading discussions but fails to
open them to other team members. He also scored an average of 3.75 in the Pulls project
together category. After noting their hard work, a colleague claimed Tyler causes his colleagues
to “walk on eggshells” around him. Since Tyler shows his intention to add value to the team but
fails to involve others in his discussions, it’s clear that his lack of teamwork skills is affecting his
leadership performance.
Now that you have read the summaries of Tyler Olsen’s peer evaluations in Teamwork,
Technical Competency, Citizenship Behavior, and Leadership, you should have a better
understanding of his performance in the workplace. This document can be used for future
evaluation reports and to determine future paths for Tyler in our company. Feel free to reach
out if you have any questions or if you have more data to analyze. I can be reached via email at

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