코로나19 예방을 위한 응시자 준수사항 안내문 (영어 - English)

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<COVID-19 Prevention>

TOPIK Test Takers Compliance Notice

As a part of continuing efforts in stopping the spread of the COVID-19
virus, only individuals who have registered for TOPIK will be granted
admittance to the 74 TOPIK Testing Venues.
In order to maintain safe and clean testing venues, please read over the
notice below in preparation for the Test of Proficiency in Korean. We ask for
everyone’s cooperation in this matter.

<Entry to the Testing Venue will be banned

to individuals who: >
- are not wearing a mask
- do not bring any identification cards
- are not registered test takers (any companions such as family members,
or friends etc)
- entered Korea from January 24th to February 7th from abroad
- are under a hospital treatment, or self-isolation for COVID-19

1. Test Taker Compliance Requirements

◦ All test takers are required to properly wear a mask at all times
starting from when entering and leaving testing venue.

- You may be asked to remove your mask for a moment for the purpose
of identification by TOPIK personnel. This is the only time mask
removal is permitted within the venue.

◦All test takers will be required to have their temperature taken prior to
entering designated testing room.

- Due to the additional measures taken to prevent the spread of

COVID-19, admittance to test rooms is expected to take longer than
normal. Test takers are requested to take this into consideration and
arrive earlier to avoid any potential delays.

◦ Test takers are asked to use the hand sanitizer found at the entrance
of each test room before entering, and to continue keeping good
personal hygiene practice throughout the day(ex. after going to the
washroom, drinking water, touching door-handles, etc.)

◦ Test takers are asked to follow cough etiquette and cover their mouth
and nose when coughing and sneezing.

◦ If you think you have a COVID-19 (fever, coughing, sore throat,

breathing difficulties) during the testing period, please report it
immediately to your TOPIK Proctor.

◦ Please avoid conversing with other individuals and exercise social

distancing as much as possible

◦ If you begin experiencing unusual symptoms after the test, please

contact 1339 for more information and assistance.

2. Recommendations for Preventing Infectious Diseases

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