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Holiday Story
 2 Pages
 424 Words
             This is a story about what I thought was going to be a lonely and uneventful Christmas

holiday time.

             I was planning to have a very quiet holiday season because my wife and youngest son were

going to be in South America for the Christmas season. My reason for not going with them was our

dogs we had three cocker spaniels at the time.

             Every thing went as I thought it should until the day before Christmas Eve. I received a

phone call from my oldest son asking if he could move back home (age 26) if he would have asked

sooner I could have gone with my wife.

             Things managed to stay quiet (with three cockers) until Dec 30. That was the day I was

working on a friend's computer and had to make a trip to my local staples store to get a keyboard


             As I was walking into the store, I noticed a moving cardboard box sitting between the stores.

Upon a closer look in the box, I discovered a black puppy with very big feet. I knew this little guy was

going to be a very big dog when he grew up. Nevertheless, I thought to myself that if he were still

there when I came out of the store that he would go home with me.

             Now I have to tell you that my wife left very strict instructions about staples before she left

because the last time she went out of town I came home with a new computer system from staples.

             Even with this new puppy, things still stayed quiet because the cockers were bigger than he


             Soon it was time to pick up the wife and son from the airport. It was the usual conversation

during the drive home. The wife asked if there was a new computer and I said of course not. (I did

not dare say anything about Bud)

             We got to the front door and I asked my wife if she was ready for the mad rush of cockers.
Of course, she was, so I opened the door and there was Bud right in the middle of the cockers.

             Her response "Where did you get that thing?"

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