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-A blogging site that personalises feed using
Machine Learning.

Group Members:
S.NO Roll Number Name Mentor Name

1. 160118733-143 Yasaswini Ummadi Smt Kavita Agarwal

2. 160118733-145 P.Akshay Smt E Swathi

3. 160118733-185 Paras Phull Smt N Ramadevi


In today’s competitive world, people are expected to spend their precious time as
productively as possible. It is also considered healthy for a person to spend some time of his/
her day reading and knowing about things that he/she is interested in. The internet has enough
resources for the people to fill their thirst of knowledge and fun. It doesn’t matter in which
part of the world the person is, he/she is just a google-search away from what they want to
know. But like many other things, this process is not that straight forward. We often come
across many things on the internet that are either irrelevant to what we intend to find, or
inappropriate and distracting. It is high time that someone addresses this issue, so we came up
with project ForUmpteen.


ForUmpteen is a Blogging and Discussion site. On ForUmpteen people can enjoy the liberty
of blogging about anything: Sports, Science, Mathematics, Engineering, News, Films,
Music, Games, what they ate on that day, their pets or anything that they feel people around
the world should know. The discussion feature on ForUmpteen will enable people to post
questions for the netizens to answer, and to take part in the discussions with them. The
discussion threads will be made available even after the discussion is over for the people to
read, and to clear their doubts whenever the need be. This feature will particularly be useful
at times when we need tech-support.


Our aim is to keep the User-interface of ForUmpteen simple, but have strong algorithms
running in the background which will ensure that the users of ForUmpteen will only see what
they want to see, nothing less, nothing more. The plan is to make use of Machine Learning
concepts to personalise the content that the users of ForUmpteen see on their feed as
accurately as possible, based on various factors such as:

 Things they up-vote or down-vote.

 The geographical region they live in.
 Their area of interests and educational background.
 User accounts they follow.
 And of course, their personal recommendations.
We will also put our efforts into providing the users with ways for letting us (developers)
know what they feel are inappropriate or irrelevant to them. This feedback can further be
used as an input to our Machine Learning algorithms to keep the user’s newsfeed free from
unwanted posts. Machine Learning algorithms will also be used to automate the removal of a
post, when it is reported by a large number of users, and is found to be inappropriate. Efforts
will be made to make the website as lightweight as possible, to ensure that not much data is
being consumed, and that the users can enjoy using the website without any interruption or
delay. Standard features like the ones mentioned below will be implemented:

 Options to hide (or) delete (or) update their posts from the past.
 Sending an email containing password-reset link, to the users, whenever they forget
their password
 Choice to make their posts public(visible to all users) or private(visible to people
whom they follow)
 Option to be anonymous when answering a question in discussion threads.
 Option to react to the posts using emojis.

Software Requirements:

Programming Languages:

 Python:
◦ Web Framework: Flask
◦ Data analysis and manipulation tools (Pandas or SFrame)
◦ SQLAlchemy: Object-Relational Mapper
 HTML, CSS, Javascript.
 Front-end Framework: Bootstrap

 SQLite

Operating System:
 Linux Kernel version 4.x+ based operating systems (Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04+,
Fedora 24+ etc)

 Apache HTTP server.
Hardware Requirements:

Development and Server hardware:

 Processor: Any modern processor(AMD/Intel) with minimum 4 cores, and 2.5 Ghz
base speed.
 RAM Capacity: 4GB or higher capacity, high speed, DDR4 RAM.
 Storage Space: 100GB or higher.

System Requirements for Users (minimum): A Computer that is capable of running a Web
browser, with a dual-core processor and 1GB of RAM.

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