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Ruby Davison

 Extremely quiet
 At times not very confident
 Responds well to lots of praise and encouragement
 Works slowly and surely
 Patience needed
 Not so much progress between lessons
 But gives good effort

Abigail Cornell

 Quiet, polite and conscientious student

 Listens extremely well
 Works very hard both in and inbetween lessons
 Makes strong progress from week to week
 Has been working at improving her tone through improving finger technique

Bethany Redpath

 Very quiet student

 Takes time to get a response
 Finds it quite difficult to grasp new concepts
 Slow speed and approach required with patience
 She is pleased when she makes progress
 Lots of praise and encouragement works well

Maisie Diston

 Strong musician - with some potentially extreme innate musical ability

 Strange hand position at times
 Overly flowery with unnecessary extraneous movement
 Enjoys composition and memorising
 Working on catching up her note reading to the level of her physical playing ability
 Has particular issues with being consistent with fingerings

Kanushanth Balachandran

 Excellent first rate manners

 Excellent attitude
 Always completes work between lessons
 Occasionally has mislearnings
 His hand position is good but can be a little awkward at times
 More relaxation needed

Charlie Crammond

 Polite, conscientious and keen student

 Hungry for knowledge
 Sometimes confuses himself through over-thinking situations
 Generally works hard
 Knows that he wants to learn
 Knows that his enjoyment will increase as his ability increases
 Slight amount of unconscious/unaware frustration as his physically and mental ability moves at a
slower rate than that which he is used to in other subjects
Katy Lillico

 Very strong and hard working student.

 Made a lot of progress in a very short amount of time
 She works extremely hard and can get through pages of work per week
 Very keen
 Often pro-active in her approach and looks ahead before being asked to
 Shows initiative
 Sometimes comes with questions as a result of her work at home
 Even if something is difficult she will attempt as much of it as she can

Anna Peart

 Definitely a livelier student who has questions and comments

 Is keen, but not always convinced that the keenness translates into practice
 Has some positive ability
 Enjoys it when she makes progress
 Good to be given things which are easily achievable as this works as positive encouragement

Charlotte Richardson

 Very pleasant, quiet and studious

 Works methodically
 Limited amount of work at home
 But does make progress from week to week - although sometimes knowledge needs to be reinforced
over 2 or 3 lessons

Elliot Newman

 Keen, and likes music considerably

 Enjoys both working from music and from memory
 Is keen to make as fast progress as possible
 Likes to play things which he recognises as well as new things
 Likes to be challenged

Lilia Richmond

 A strong student
 Good manners and great attitude
 Has had some issue with her finger control, but has worked hard to get them under control and
looking and feeling natural
 She works very well, and always does work between lessons.
 Has some way to go, as she becomes older her rate of progress will speed up significantly, as her
enthusiasm will grow in correlation to her increasing ability.

Matthew Rawlinson

 Matthew is a quiet but conscientious student, who is keen on music generally - although doesn't
necessarily show it outwardly
 He passed his Grade 2 Piano with a high merit in December 2019
 He has improved his reading ability quite a bit (but is perhaps still a little on the slow side)
 As taking GCSE he needs to work particularly hard and be given extra challenges and
encouragement, as he needs to be at as high a level as possible.
 There is also a possibility that he may be interested to take A level - in which case he would have to
work even harder again.
 Unfortunately it is unknown how much time he spent on the piano during Lockdown. It is possible
that he is someone for whom lockdown was difficult generally and this may have adversely
affected his piano playing.
 If he only needs one piece (as is looking likely) for his GCSE Coursework then a shortened version
of "Monday" by Einaudi may well be suitable.
He is already fairly confident with it. It should fit in the more difficult category, and he
understands what is required in terms of tone-control and shaping and rubato etc.
It is also slow and takes time to play.
Therefore it should be able to achieve a high mark in both accuracy and interpretative categories.
He also enjoys this piece which helps him play it well. He could possibly record it in November.
 Although it may be better to choose a new piece and spend the time between September and
Feb/March on learning something new and fresh.

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