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HOLY WEEK (LENT) ● Fasting and ● Tofu

abstaining from eating ● Black beans
meat is a form of our ● Plant-based
sacrifice because sausages
Jesus sacrifices his
● Fish
life for us and was
● Milk
● Meat is a luxury food ● Egg
or celebratory food
wherein in fasting we
need to refrain from
eating or doing
something good


I experienced avoiding a particular food because my doctor said that these certain
food or dishes can cause or can trigger my allergy,since I'm not allowed to eat those
food I had my alternative food to eat I am not allowed to eat egg as an alternative I am
drinking milk every morning because this alternative has the same nutrients egg has, I
am also not allowed to eat chicken I ate tofu and beans ugh so frustrating because
those are my favorite food wahhh.


A.Binallay con laro- A rice flour, water and salt with a generous slather of latik and
typically made every Holy Week traditionally, a blood-red syrup is used.
B.Suman- a rice cake originating in the Philippines. It is made from glutinous rice
cooked in coconut milk, often wrapped in banana leaves, coconut leaves, or buli or
buri palm (Corypha) leaves for steaming. It is usually eaten sprinkled with sugar or
laden with latik.
C.Biko- a sweet rice cake from the Philippines. It is made of coconut milk, brown
sugar, and glutinous rice. It is usually topped with latik (either or both the coconut
curds or the syrupy caramel-like variant)
D.Bacalao- the Spanish term for dried and salted codfish. After the fish has been
cleaned and eviscerated, it is salted and dried. It's then sold whole or in fillets, with or
without the bone
E.Pil pil-made by cooking skin-on fillets of salt cod (bacalao) in garlic-infused oil.
Once the fish is removed, the milky white protein traces left behind are whisked into a
sauce to emulsify them with the garlic oil
F.Daing na Labahita-This daing na labahita con salsa recipe is a counterpart and local
version of the popular Spanish dish called Bacalao a la Vizcaina. | In a large casserole
pour in the coconut milk, add bagoong alamang, ginger, garlic and onion. Season with
salt, sugar and pepper according to taste
G.Pancit Sotanghon- a quick stir-fry noodle dish that's sure to be a crowd favorite.
Made with vermicelli noodles, shredded chicken, mushrooms, and assorted
vegetables, it makes for a delicious and filling snack or main meal.

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