Research Sample Pattern 1

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Holy Cross College 1


By Erica Mae C. Cura, Nicole Andrea G. Gonzaga, Kimberly M. Magcalas, Ma. Alec-
Nicole C. Lozano, Nicole Anne M. Patawaran, and Anne Kate R. Yabut

This study intended to determine the efficiency of
Trachtenberg System, a system of rapid calculation, in
developing the elementary students’ mathematical skills of the
grade 6 students in the Grade School Department of Holy Cross
College, Sta. Ana, Pampanga. The researchers utilized the
sequential explanatory design which prioritizes quantitative data,
wherein experimental approach is situated leading to the
subdivision of the respondents to control group and experimental
group through stratified sampling. The respondents of both
groups with ages 11-13 years old; male and female; and grade
average of 82-87, undertake pretest and later on are intervened
by Manual Solving (control group) and Trachtenberg System
(experimental group) then proceeded on the post test
examination to assess the treatments given by both groups. The
results of the gathered data indicated that there is a significant
difference between the scores, before and after, the
interventions of both groups. However, the respondents in the
experimental group who are interceded by the Trachtenberg
System showed more development than the control group who
used manual solving. Conclusively, the students in experimental
group stated that learning Trachtenberg System helped them
immensely in solving numbers with large values in a fast and an
enjoyable manner.

Keywords: Trachtenberg System, Elementary students,

Mathematical skills, Pretest, Posttest, Experimental group,
Control group, Manual Solving, Hypothesis testing, Mathematical
efficiency, Mathematics, Intervention

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 2

Numbers… Operations… Statistics…

At most aspects of every individual’s life, mathematics has always been

incorporated. Mathematics, as defined by Hom (2013) is the science that deals
with the logic of shape, quantity, and arrangement. It is a building block for
every individuals; a fundamental part of human philosophy and reasoning.
Perennially, mathematics is integral to the attempts of understanding the world
and the actions of the people living on it.

Beginning from the time wherein a person decides onto how many
hours of sleep and onto what time should wake up, computation counts in.
Even the gallons of waters that one uses to drink and to take a bath include
volume measurements. The kilograms that add to a person’s weight due to the
grams of food that one intakes, takes account of reckoning also. Apart from
these, students who walk or ride through public transportations to get to their
destined locations calculates the time, speed, and the distance they spent on
travelling too. The mentioned instances and the other daily activities of
humans only prove that mathematics is indeed all around everything that
individuals do.

On a comparable depiction by Helmenstine (2019) commencing Galileo

Galilei’s Opere Il Saggiatore, mathematics is avowed as the universal
language of science wherein mathematics meets the description of language
as a system of communication comprising vocabulary, grammar, syntax, so
on, and people who use and understand it. However, Vardo (2017)
contradicted it as math mostly fails at the transitoriness condition and the
duality of patterning and semanticity.

Ardently, mathematics is set to be the groundwork of all things made

above this world. In addition, math provides an efficient way of building mental

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 3

discipline and mental rigor apart from developing an individual’s reasoning,

inventiveness, problem-solving and even effective communication skills.

Aside from being central to the fields of physical sciences, technology,

business, and many areas of ICT, Parsi (2012) rejoindered that mathematics
also falls under the multiple disciplines of social sciences. For example, in
anthropology, statistics is heavily used. While in evolution studies, chaos
theory is the one which is necessarily employed. Following this, Rising (2013)
asserted that there are two big areas in quantitative social sciences in which
mathematics is applied: network science and game theory. The stated areas
rely heavily on probability, linear algebra and optimization theory.

Everyone needs mathematics in everyday life, be it a cook, a carpenter,

a politician, an engineer, lawyer, or a teacher. With apt support and training in
one’s formative period of life, anyone can be a mathematician.

Mathematics, like any other subject, is important to the extent that it

supports and contributes to the purpose of general education. With this,
Brocardo (2016) affirmed that “mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in
understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social
studies, and even music and art.”

Through the years, mathematicians continue to improve mathematics in

order to advance the progress of the present day world. Principles, systems,
and theories are constantly formulated so that people will be able to
comprehend more in mathematics and can apply their understanding to their
daily lives.

In mathematics, there are lots of branches that is taught and learned. In

particular, there are different operations used with different systems and
principles. Hence, Trachtenberg System by the late Jakow Trachtenberg, in
particularly, is one of these.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 4

Trachtenberg System, a method that is akin to basic calculation and

mental computation, is a system that allows one to mentally calculate
algorithms and compute arithmetic very quickly by a number of prepared
operations that are memorized. As purported by Ward (2018), Trachtenberg
System is one of the systems of mental mathematics which in part did not
require the use of multiplication tables to be able to multiply. This system not
only requires a minimum amount of process, but also requires a shorter
amount of time to consume when it comes to solving mathematical problems
specifically in multiplying, adding, dividing, and even finding the square root of
a number.

To learn the system of Trachtenberg, one must know how to count. By

learning the keys that needs to be memorized, arithmetic becomes amusingly
easy and one may able to read and develop knowledge of sense numbers,
algorithm thinking, and mathematical literacy.

Findings by Musa et al. (2013) showed that the development in

algorithm thinking begins in lower education such as the elementary school
students. It is well-known that an algorithm is a fundamental concept in
preparing informatics teachers. Learning algorithm thinking can start in the
early years of a child’s life and must be oriented around the thinking ability of
young children. For children are sent to school in order to become useful
members of the community and contribute to the welfare of the society. It is
the mathematics which aids in the preparation of pupils for efficient
participation in the activities in which they engage later as adults, and for the
assumption of their share of social responsibility.

In the Philippine setting, the standard mathematical algorithm is the

most dominant algorithm used in both public and private schools nationwide.
Compared to the standard mathematical algorithm, the Trachtenberg System
is much a faster way of speeding up the learning process of the students

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 5

regarding solving, calculating, or computing math problems with large


A study by Ziatdinov (2013) vindicated that the Trachtenberg System

lessens the time of computation of multiplying, subtracting, adding, and
dividing when implemented on European elementary students compared to
the use of manual solving that is commonly used throughout the world.

The students’ age, sex, and grades would be the indicator for
determining how Trachtenberg system works to respondents of this study.
Age, for mathematics is taught in early ages to the students to fully improve
their math skills as they grow up and fully understand higher form of
mathematics such as algebra and calculus. Sex, for it is a crucial. Grades, for
according to Machinal (2013), students’ grades predict chances of having
better math skills.

The purpose of this study is to determine how efficient Trachtenberg

System is when it comes to developing the mathematical skill of the Grade 6
students in Holy Cross College – Grade School Department. Primarily, the
researchers would like to identify the students’ profile for it will be the meter on
how fast they will learn the Trachtenberg System method. Equally important,
the test scores of the students before and after the intervention of the control
group (manual solving) and experimental group (Trachtenberg system) will
also be included to discern if there is a significant difference between the two
groups. And finally, the researchers would like to corroborate the tangible and
tangible outcomes that the students will develop in learning the Trachtenberg.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 6

Conceptual Framework

Primary Education Institutions (PEIs) are envisioned to produce

students with competent aptitude, intelligence, and ideals that will soon after
be applied not only in their next secondary education years but also in their
everyday life. With this credence, the common setback that the students
confront is how to understand the complexity of mathematics and appreciate
its importance for it is not just an academically matter but an imperative for a
practical verve.
Figure 1 shows the IPO (Input-Process-Output) model that the
researchers have employed to determine the efficiency of Trachtenberg
System in developing elementary students’ mathematical skills. In the Input
box, the students profile that will be the indicator for which will be the control
group (uses manual solving) and experimental group (uses Trachtenberg
System); the significant difference on the scores of the both groups before and
after intervention; and the tangible and intangible output that would be
produced based on the findings of the study are situated.
For the Process box, the validated pre-tests and post-tests that are
used as instruments for the examinations given to both control group and
experimental group interventions; the discussions; interviews; data analysis;
and statistical treatment used for interpretation are deliberated to obtain the
needed data in this study.
Lastly, for the Output box: the study reviewers made by the researchers
which served as the modulated variable in this study; the development of
elementary students’ mathematical skill efficiency using the Trachtenberg
System; and the implications of the findings of the study are integrated.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 7


Students’ Profile:
 Age
 Sex
 Third Grading
Grades in
Mathematics Study
Construction and Module/Reviewer
Control Group validation of made by the
(Manual Solving): research-made researchers
 Pre-test instruments
 Post-test Orientation Development of
Scores Elementary
Data Analysis of Students’
Experimental Group Students’ Profiles Mathematical Skill
(Trachtenberg Efficiency using
System): Pre-test Trachtenberg
 Pre-test Examination System
 Post-test Implications of the
Scores Post-test findings for the
Examination development of
Test of difference after elementary
the intervention of Interview students’
Control Group & mathematical skill
Experimental Group: Statistical efficiency
Outcome in Learning
Trachtenberg System:

 Tangible
 Intangible

Figure 1. Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary

Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 8

Theoretical Framework

Heirdsfield Theory
In a study wherein a constructed process to have a better
understanding and assistance with regards of mental computation is
developed, Anne Heirdsfield (2011) accentuated that “… the importance of
enhancing children’s math reasoning processes and ability to represent,
communicate, and connect ideas cannot be overestimated.” Thus, the
researchers’ certitude in choosing the elementary students as the respondents
for this study ensued.

Mutualism Theory
In the field of mathematics, the Mutual Theory which is proposed by van
der Ven et al. (2012) is a development seen as “a complex system (positively)
of interacting processes, where learning one process (skill) supports learning
of the other processes in the system.” With this, the researches firmly
cogitated that the respondents, if given formulas how to solve operations
through the Trachtenberg System, will not only develop their mathematical
skills but also learn to enhance their working memory skills.

Gignac’s Theory
Gignac (2014) found out that there is a development of the correlations
between skills overtime in simple mathematical abilities (counting and
addition) and advanced mathematical abilities (multiplication and division). By
the said notion, Trachtenberg System, as a method of quick mental calculation
and computation done by given set of memorized formulas, if practiced
constantly will irrefutably be a way of developing elementary students’
mathematical skill efficiency.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 9

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the efficiency of Trachtenberg System in

developing the elementary students’ (Grade 6) mathematical skills in the
Grade School Department of Holy Cross College.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1) What is the profile of the Grade 6 students based on the following:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex, and
1.3 Third Grading Grades in Mathematics?
2) What are the scores of the students in the Control Group (intervention using
manual solving)?
2.1 Pre-test, and
2.2 Post-test
3) What are the scores of the students in the Experimental Group (intervention
using Trachtenberg System)?
3.1 Pre-test, and
3.2 Post-test
4) Is there a significant difference between:
4.1 Control Group: Manual Solving (before and after intervention),
4.2 Experimental Group: Trachtenberg System (before and after intervention),
4.3 Control Group and Experimental Group (after intervention)
5) What outcome would be developed after learning the Trachtenberg System
in terms of:
5.1 Tangible outcome, and
5.2 Intangible outcome (students’ perception)

Statement of the Hypothesis

Ho 1: There is no significant difference between the scores of the

students before and after the intervention of the control group.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 10

Ho 2: There is no significant difference between the scores of the

students before and after the intervention of the experimental group.

Ho 3: There is no significant difference between the scores of the

students after the intervention of the control group and experimental group.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to help the development of the basic system of

mathematics and to acquire fast pace learning and increase students’

knowledge regarding the area of mathematics at a very young age.

Specifically, the results of this study intended to benefit the following:

To the Students. This study will develop the mathematical skills of

students and inspire them to undertake research studies of other mathematical

related studies when they stoop in Senior High School. It could also be the

way for students to love math and to answer math problems confidently.

Moreover, their mathematical anxiety and calculator dependency will be

reduced and their minds will be put to work.

To the Parents. Through this, parents will be at ease on the burden of

teaching their children with the algorithms of mathematics. Their expenses on

buying calculators would be less too.

To the Teachers. This could be a great material and reference for

classroom discussion. Teachers can use it for teaching the students how to

solve mathematical problems easily, with no distraction or pause.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 11

To the Department of Education. The result of this study could give

the Deped the idea of including the Trachtenberg System as one of the basic

methods in calculation.

To the Community. People will develop the knowledge of sense

numbers by learning that through this study, they will be able do calculations

quickly without the use of calculator.

To the Researchers. The researchers’ skills on making studies and

conducting researches will be improved and it can lead to their knowledge

expansion. This could also cultivate their interests on discovering more in the

fields of mathematics

To the Future Researchers. Finally, the results of this study will

contribute to the existing body of knowledge with regards of the efficacy of

Trachtenberg system on students’ mathematical skill development. This may

serve as a literary basis for them.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers employed the true experimental approach in which two

groups are assimilated: Control Group (Manual Solving) and Experimental

Group (Trachtenberg System).

This study is only limited for the HCC – Grade School Department’s

Grade 6 (St. Anne and St. Joachim) students with an average grades ranging

from 75-80%, 81-85%, 86-90%, and 90-93%. A total of eighteen (18) students

are in part of this intervention and their selections are based from their profiles;

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 12

nine (9) students for control group (St. Joachim) and another nine (9) for the

experimental group (St. Anne). Transferee students are excluded in this study,

as well as those with illness or diseases.

Definition of Terms

To establish a better understanding of the frame of reference of this

study, the following terms are defined correspondingly:

Control Group. This refers to the students who will only use the

manual solving and will not be given any intervention.

Efficiency. This refers to the degree wherein the respondent fully

absorbs how Trachtenberg System works and applies it solving mathematical


Elementary students. This refers to the research subject of the study,

to whom the interventions will be applied.

Experimental Group. This refers to the students who are examined

and given intervention to confirm the development of their mathematical skill

efficiency through the Trachtenberg System.

Manual Solving. This refers to the basic way of solving mathematical


Mathematical Skill. This refers to the ability of the research subject

that have and able to carry out with regards of math-related problems in a

proper manner.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 13

Post –test. This refers to the examination given to the research subject

to identify the developments of the students to solve mathematical problems

after the intervention of the discussion of the Trachtenberg System.

Pre –test. This refers to the examination given to the research subject

to measure their capability to solve math problems before the intervention of

the Trachtenberg System.

Research-made tool. This refers to the instrument that the researchers

will made in order to determine the capability of the elementary students to

solve mathematical problems using the Trachtenberg System.

Trachtenberg System. This refers to the system of rapid calculation

which the researchers will use.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 14


Type of Research

This research study employed the sequential explanatory mixed

method design wherein the collection and analysis of quantitative data came

first and the qualitative data soon followed to assist in the explaining and

interpreting of the findings of the quantitative study. For quantitative data, the

researchers utilized the true experimental approach wherein according to

Smith et al. (2014), it ensures the objectivity of the results in the study. The

researchers used the said method for they made a random selection on the

Grade 6 population of the Grade School Department in HCC. In addition, the

researchers are after the facts that are obtained through experimental way of

thinking, and scientific method of gathering data.

Precise and exact manner of seeking information is what falls in this

work under the experimental research. This study needs massive and vast

observation to determine the efficiency of the Trachtenberg System to the

development of the elementary students’ mathematical skill. The main goal of

differentiating the effectiveness of the manual solving and Trachtenberg

System and adjudicating which among the two is the most helpful on the

elementary students’ mathematical skill development is done by measuring,

observing, collecting and analyzing the specific data needed to successfully

accomplish the study.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 15

Participants and Sampling Technique

The respondents of this study are the study eighteen (18) elementary

students of Grade 6 – St. Anne and St. Joachim in Holy Cross College Grade

School Department. The respondents are chosen through both probability and

non-probability sampling. For probability, wherein the selection of respondents

is based on pure chance, the researchers made use of stratified sampling in

which it is defined by (Baraceros, 2016) as a way in which such group is liable

to subdivision during the data analysis stage. With this, the researchers chose

the Grade 6 St. Anne and St. Joachim students and later on divided them into

control group and experimental group. For the non-probability, wherein the

respondents are chosen randomly but purposefully, the researchers

incorporated the availability sampling for they pick out the elementary students

of Holy Cross in which they were able to locate easily and establish contact



The required data in this study are obtained through the use of a

twenty-five (25) item post-test and pre-test examination that is divided into five

(5) parts: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and squaring.

Through the validated research-made examinations, the researchers

were able to measure the students’ mental calculation ability in answering

equations with large numbers. On the other hand, the students’ profiles, which

is the primary indicator of this study, are discerned preliminary by giving small

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 16

piece of papers that contains blank that needs to be filled with their name, age,

and sex. The students’ third grading grades in their mathematics subject are

procured by conducting a brief interview with Grade 6 – St. Anne and St.

Joachim’s respective advisers.

Concurrently, the study modules made by the researchers are also

employed as a tool for intervention before the post-tests of the students of

experimental group to verify the efficiency of learning the Trachtenberg

System in developing the students’ mathematical skills.

Data Gathering Procedures

The preliminary step in collecting the necessary data needed in this

study is sought for the approval of the SHS Principal and the GSD

Administration’s permission to conduct a research in the Grade School

Department of Holy Cross College. Following this, an orientation was held at

St. Anne and St. Joachim’s designated rooms to inform the students regarding

the researchers’ assessment. Profile sheets are given to the students’ to

determine who among them are well-suited to be in part of the study. The

researchers also interviewed their respective advisers and math teachers to

inquire about the students’ grades in math. Afterwards, the intervention for the

control group and experimental group is implemented for every vacant time of

the math teacher of St. Anne and adviser of St. Joachim in three (3) weeks. A

one (1) hour session during the free time of the St. Joachim (control group) for

learning manual solving of large numbers along with standard algorithm review

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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activities and another one (1) hour every free time of St. Anne (experimental

group) for the discussion of the Trachtenberg System along with the study

modules given to the students..

The researcher-made examinations are verified and validated by

mathematics experts. The pre-test examination took after deliberating who

among the St. Anne and St. Joachim’s students will be included to the groups.

Later on, the intervention which evolved in a (1) hour session in (3) three

weeks of each control group and experimental group are performed. The

differences between the two groups are established by the interpretations and

results of the tests. Finally, the data needed are compiled and the

effectiveness of the Trachtenberg System in improving the students’

mathematical skills inveterated.

Data Analysis

In this mixed-method study wherein the qualitative approach

assimilated, a qualitative data analysis is imperative for it will reflect the

respondents’ thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and views about the Trachtenberg

System. Hence, through observations and interviews that are done with the

students and teacher/s, data related and relevant to the research problem are

acquired. The results regarding qualitative analysis of this study are

scrutinized through the use of collating, wherein the classification and

distribution of the coded data are interpreted by means of graph in specifically

pie chart table, for a better and organized appearance of responses.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 18

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered are processed by a computer system using the

Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program. The SPSS program

was accustomed to process the statistical data of variables that was used as

the different statistical tool. For further discussion, the following are also


a. Mean, frequency counts and percentage will be used in describing and

analyzing the background of the respondents.

b. Paired Sample T-test and Independent T-Test will be utilized to know

the differences of the two independent variables.

c. Scale and description scale are also utilized for better analization of


Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Table 1


1.1 AGE

11 years old 10 55.50 %

12 years old 7 38.85%

13 years old 1 5.55%

TOTAL 18 100%

1.2 SEX

Male 14 77.50%

Female 4 22.50%

TOTAL 18 100%


76 – 81 6 33.50%

82 - 87 8 44.50%

88 – 93 4 22%

TOTAL 18 100%

Demographic Profile of the Elementary Students

Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the students set out in terms

of age, sex, and third grading grades in mathematics. By garnering the highest

percentage of 55.50% which is equivalent to 11 out of 18 respondents,

respondents with the age of 11 years old conquered the count. Following this

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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are 7 students who are already 12 years old (38.85%) and one with 5.55%

which is 13 years old.

When it comes to sex, the male dominated the percentage of the

respondents by having 77.50% which is equivalent to the 14 respondents of

the study and only 22.50% for the female who are only 4 out of 18.

Conclusively, for the third grading grades of the students on their

Mathematics subject, 8 out of the 18 respondents got grades in the range of

82-87 which corresponds to the 44.50% of the sampling population; 6 students

(33.50%) on 76-81; and 4 (22% of the selected students) on the range of 88-


Table 2

(Manual Solving)
Pre-test and Post-test Scores

Score Pre-test Post-test

Range Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
19 – 25 Very Good 0 0 0 0
13 – 18 Good 0 0 3 33%
7 – 12 Fair 7 78% 5 56%
0–6 Poor 2 22% 1 11%
TOTAL 9 100% 9 100%

Table 2 points up the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in

the control group with their respective weighted mean and score range along

with its corresponding description.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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As what have shown in the table wherein the pre-test is situated, 2

students (22%) got scores that fell into the description of poor and 7 (78%) are

fair. Though none of the students in the control group thrived to get good and

very good scores, their weighted mean resulted to 8.125 which is fair.

While in the intervening time wherein the manual solving with standard

algorithm reviews and activities are performed, the students gained a weighted

mean of 10.125 on their post-test: 1 for poor (11%); 5 for fair (56%); 3 for good

(33%); and none for very good.

Table 3

(Trachtenberg System)
Pre-test and Post-test Scores

Score Pre-test Post-test

Range Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
19 – 25 Very Good 0 0 5 56%
13 – 18 Good 2 22% 3 33%
7 – 12 Fair 4 45% 1 11%
0–6 Poor 3 33% 0 0
TOTAL 9 100% 9 100%

Table 3 represent the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in

the experimental group alongside with their total weighted mean and score

range with corresponding score description.

Out of the 9 respondents in St. Anne, 3 scored poor (33%); 4 obtained

fair (45%); 2 students managed to get good (22%); and 0 for very good. With a

weighted mean of 8.635, the experimental group’s pre-test resulted to fair.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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After discussing and giving the respondents activities and study

modules with reference to the Trachtenberg System, the experimental group’s

post-test weighted mean resulted to exactly 18.5 making it acquire the

descriptive rating of very good: none of the students got poor score; only 1 for

fair; 3 for good; and 5 for very good.

Table 4.1





Control -3.1909 0.01526 Reject H0 Significant


Table 4.1 reveals the test difference in the scores of the control group

before and after the intervention of manual solving.

With a t-value of -3.1909 which is lower than the p-value of 0.01526

that is computed through a paired-sample t-test involving the weighted mean

of control group’s pre-test (8.125) and post-test (10.125) at a 0.05 significance

level, the decision of the researchers to reject the first null hypothesis stating:

“there is no significant difference between the scores of the students before

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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and after the intervention of the control group,” commends. Thus, the

intervention of manual solving discussion with basic algorithm reviews and

activities made a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test

scores of the respondents in the control group.

Table 4.2





Experimental -7.9284 0.0001 Reject H0 Significant


Table 4.1 reveals the test difference in the scores of the control group

before and after the intervention of the Trachtenberg System.

With a t-value of -7.9284 which is lower than the p-value of 0.0001 that

is computed through a paired-sample t-test involving the weighted mean of

experimental group’s pre-test (8.625) and post-test (18.5) at a 0.05

significance level, the decision of the researchers to reject the second null

hypothesis stating: “there is no significant difference between the scores of the

students before and after the intervention of the experimental group,”

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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commends. Thus, the intervention of Trachtenberg System discussion with

study modules and activities made a significant difference between the pre-

test and post-test scores of the respondents in the experimental group.

Table 4.3



(Trachtenberg System)


Control 10.125
-4.7124 0.0002 Reject H0 Significant
Experimental 18.5

Table 4.1 discloses the test difference after the intervention of both

Control Group (Manual Solving) and Experimental Group (Trachtenberg


With a t-value of -4.7124 which is lower than the p-value of 0.0002 that

is computed through an independent t-test involving the post test weighted

mean of both control group (10.125) and experimental group (18.5) at a 0.05

significance level, the decision of the researchers to reject the last null

hypothesis stating: “there is no significant difference between the scores of the

students after the intervention of the control group and experimental group,”

commends. Thus, the intervention of experimental group using the

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Trachtenberg System is revealed to be more effective and much significant

than the control group’s intervention discussing manual solving.

Tangible Outcome

The researchers were able to develop a study module consisting the

steps onto how the four (4) operations: addition; subtraction; multiplication;

division, and an additional squaring method works through learning the

Trachtenberg System. The said study module was validated by three experts

in the field of mathematics. Additionally, the study module served also as an

instrument for reviewing in the intervention of the respondents in the

experimental group. (See the tangible product at Appendix B: Trachtenberg

System Reviewer)

Intangible Outcome

After the intervention in the experimental group, the researchers sought

for the students’ perception in learning the Trachtenberg system.

All of the respondents (9 out of 9) in the experimental group said YES

when they are asked if they enjoyed learning the Trachtenberg System. Whilst

asked if Trachtenberg System helped them to develop their mathematical skill

and in what way, the students responded will almost the same answer as it

helped them solve math problems with big value in a lesser time. When it

comes to preferred operations: 3 for squaring, 3 for division, 1 each for

multiplication, subtraction, and addition. (The researchers will play a video

interview showing the students’ response about the Trachtenberg System.)

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 26


The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of Trachtenberg

System in developing the mathematical skills of the elementary students in

Grade School Department of HCC.

The respondents of the study, which are the selected grade 6 students

of St, Joachim and St. Anne, answered a profile sheet which contains blanks

for age, sex, and their third grading grades on math that became basis for

them to be divided into control group and experimental group. After stratifying

their profiles, they went with a pre-test and post-test examination to assess the

intervention given to their respective groups.

SOP 1: In terms of the students’ profile when it comes to age, it was

revealed that the majority of the Grade 6 respondents are 11 years old. When

it comes to sex, the male dominated the percentage of the respondents by

having 77.50% of the sampling population. With this given data, the

researchers construe that there are more males than females in the Grade 6

population of the HCC Grade School Department. Lastly, by way of getting the

over-all average grade of the selected students which is 85, the students

passed the standard qualification of being the respondents of this study and

the researchers conclude that they are capable of answering the examinations

that will be given to assess their mathematical skills.

As stated by Gellecania et al (2018), mathematics must be taught in

early ages to fully improve and develop students’ mathematical skills as they

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 27

grow up and fully understand higher form of mathematics such as algebra and

calculus. In addition, wherein a study by Fennema et al. (2015) was

conducted, sex as indicator in learning mathematics and with males dominant

in learning mathematics easily was evidently shown, the common notion that

males are the ones that understand and dominate in mathematics bonds in.

Noticing that most mathematicians are male, this does not mean that females

are slow when it comes to learning mathematics, for there are female

mathematicians dominating too. And lastly, according to Muchinal (2013),

students’ grades predict chances of having better math skills. Students with

higher grades tend to learn and love mathematics with ease.

SOP 2: The control group’s pre-test weighted mean resulted to 8.125

which is fair. Thus, the researchers imply that even before the respondents in

St. Joachim receive the intervention, they are already psyched with the ability

to solve mathematical matters. After the intervention of the manual solving

with standard math algorithm reviews and activities, the post-test of the control

group resulted to 10.125. Compared to the pre-test’s weighted mean, it was

evident that the intervention made improvement to the students’ mathematical

ability. However, even if the students managed to assert good scores, their

score description stayed at being fair. With this being recurred, the

researchers instigate that the factor affecting the students for not acquiring

very good scores is the time duration of the test.

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For further implication regarding the control group’s result, the

conception of Brawner (2011) on discerning how to perform basic addition,

subtraction, multiplication, division and even squaring with or without

perplexity, complexity, and speed is integrated by every individual throughout

the world albeit solving numerical problems with big digits or not in various

ways can support this result of the control group’s pre-test and post-test result.

SOP 3: Conversely, the experimental group’s pre-test resulted to a

weighted mean of 8.625 with a description of being fair. Thus, the researchers

conclude that the students in St. Anne also have the mental ability to solve

numerous problems. After the intervention of the Trachtenberg System

discussion along with study modules and activities, the result of experimental

group’s post test weighted mean jumped to 18.5 with a very good description.

With this matter, the researchers affirmed that the intervention of Trachtenberg

System indeed helped in developing the students’ mathematical skill.

The result on the findings above can be supported by none other than

the proponent of Trachtenberg System itself. Trachtenberg (2011) avowed that

everybody has the ability to calculate with ease on different operations with

accuracy and speed. Nevertheless, the system still requires practice and effort

to achieve calculating numbers mentally with ease, speed and accuracy.

Sop 4.1: In terms of the test difference between the pre-test and post-test of

the control group, the computed t-value which is -3.1909 and since it is lower

than the p-value of 0.01526 at 0.05 significance level, the researchers have

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 29

the sufficient evidence to reject Ho 1. Thus, there is a significant difference

before and after the intervention of the control group for the respondents’

score moved from 8.125 to 10.125. This is similar to the journal article of

Alessandri, et al. (2017) stating that there is a statistical significant difference

that indicates the presence of efficient and systematic intervention program

regarding calculations and equations (Baluarte et al., 2019).

SOP 4.2: On the other hand, the experimental group’s pre-test and

post-test score test difference had a computed t-value of -7.9284 which is

lower than the p-value of 0.0001 at significance level of 0.05. With this given

data, the researchers have the sufficient evidence to reject Ho 2. Thus, there

is a significant difference before and after the intervention of Trachtenberg

system for it brought a big improvement to the students’ mental mathematical

ability by having a preliminary weighted mean of 8.625 to a post weighted

mean of 18.5.

To support this, the comparable journal article of European researcher

Musa, et al. (2013) stating that The Trachtenberg System can be applied

starting in primary school, the application of multiplication algorithms in

Computer Algebra System (CAS) proved that the Trachtenberg system

efficiently speeds up the calculation time in multiplying numbers, as well as

other standard mathematical algorithms and might also advance and develop

CAS calculations in the future could be apply.

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Holy Cross College 30

SOP 4.3: Consequently, there is a significant difference between the

post-test of control group and experimental group. Since the computed t-value

is -4.7124 which is lower than the p-value of 0.0002 at a 0.05 significance

level, the researchers have the sufficient evidence to reject the H0 3. It was

obviously shown that the intervention of the Trachtenberg System brought

more improvement to the students’ ability to solve numerous problems with

large set of digits than the intervention of Manual Solving.

This is close to the findings of Seyhan (2015) stating that students

obtain a certain level of success until they come to the post-test application

with the teaching by thinking strategies after pre-test application. Generally

speaking though in test and control group the difference between pre and

post-test points is significant, which means success rate is higher in test group

(Sarandin et al., 2018).

SOP 5.1: A study module about the Trachtenberg System is made at

the end of the findings of this study and was given to the respondents of the

experimental group.

SOP 5.2: Nine of out the nine respondents affirmed that the operations

they learned through Trachtenberg System is enjoyable and it lessens the

calculation time in any basic mathematical operations and its techniques make

solving large numerical problems easier compared to manual solving.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 31


Conclusion stated in this part derives the validity of the factual determined


1. Majority of the Grade 6 students are 11 years old and the sampling population

is dominated by males with grades ranging from 82-87.

2. The control group’s pre-test weighted mean is 8.125 with a score description

of fair. After the intervention of manual solving, the respondents’ post test

weighted mean exceeded at 10.125. Although there is a recorded good score

in their post-test, their descriptive score stilled at being fair.

3. The experimental group’s pre-test weighted mean is 8.625 with a score

description of fair which is similar to the control group. However, after the

intervention of the Trachtenberg System, their post-test weighted mean

rounded at 18.5 making their descriptive score a very good.

4. There is a significant difference before and after the interventions of both

control group and experimental group since both of the groups managed to

improve the respondents’ mental mathematical ability by. Accordingly, there is

also a significant difference after the interventions of both groups for the

implementation of the Trachtenberg System appeared to be more effective

than of the Manual solving.

5. All of the students under the experimental group who went through the

intervention of Trachtenberg System stated that they enjoyed learning it and

Trachtenberg System helped them in solving math problems with big value in

a lesser time. In addition, majority of the students said that the Trachtenberg

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 32

System is not only speedy: it is also simple and easy. Out of the 9

respondents: 3 chose squaring; another 3 for division; 1 for subtraction; 1 for

addition; and another 1 for multiplication as their preferred operation when it

comes to Trachtenberg System.


The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the

study. The respondents and the school staff may consider the

recommendations for the improvement of the academe.

1. Students must be taught how to solve problems with large values at an early

age for it will not just help them academically but it would also enhanced their

mental abilities to tackle problems with practical applications.

2. Since the students in experimental group got higher scores than the control

group, an extensive Trachtenberg System exercise should be implemented for

better improvement and development of the students’ mathematical skills.

3. To the same extent that the basic operations and squaring were effectively

been taught through the Trachtenberg System, the algebra in this sense

should also follow for the students actually inquired about it while the

intervention was on-going.

4. An expert in the field of mathematics, for instance math teachers, should

consider using Trachtenberg System in teaching basic algorithms to their

students for it will save their time and the students will probably participate

actively in this new learning.

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 33


Musa et al. (2013) , The Development in Algorithm Thinking in Lower

Education: Retrieved from:

Ziatdinov (2013), Trachtenberg System lessens time of Computing Operations

Retrieved From:

Heirdsfield (2011), Importance of Enhancing Children's Math Reasoning

Processes. Retrieved from:

Hom (2013), mathematics is integral to the attempts of understanding the

world and the actions of the people living on it Retrieved from:

Brocardo (2016), Mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in

understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social
studies, and even music and art. Retrieved

Alessandri, Guido et al. "Evaluating Intervention Programs with a Pretest-

Posttest Design." A Structural Equation Modeling Approach, March
2017: vol. 8 223.


EDUCATION. Accessed November 16, 2019.
Burchinal M, et al. ScienceDirect . August 13, 2002.
(accessed November 11 , 2019).

Claessens A, et al. ScienceDirect. November 5, 2008.
155 (accessed November 16, 2019).

Cutler A., & McShane R. Trachtenberg Speed Math. December 3, 1999. (accessed November 15,

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Holy Cross College 34

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD]. (2009).

Mental computation and estimation. Retrieved

Dole, Shelley, and Alistair McIntosh. "Mental Computation: A Strategies

Approach: Module 2, Basic Facts Addition and Subtraction." (2004).

FAPE (1998). Mathematics is a gateway for National Congress. n.d. Accessed

November 16, 2019

Fatima, R. 2006. Role of Mathematics in the Development of Society. August

21. Accessed January 20, 2019.

Fennema E., & Sherma J. SAGE journals. January 1, 1977.
(accessed November 11, 2019).

Hamak, Sherlynmay, Jai Astilla, and Hazelle R. Preclaro. "The acquisition of

mathematics skills of Filipino children with learning difculties." The
Routledge International Handbook of Dyscalculia and Mathematical
Learning Difculties (2014): 203.

Janssen D., & Janssen C. Techopedia. June 15, 2018. (accessed
November 11, 2018).

Labid, Sherrie Ann9C. "Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in

of Preservice Teachers in the Countryside." COUNTRYSIDE

Linn, Robert L., and Jefrey A. Slinde. “The Determination of the Significance
of Change Between Pre- and Posttesting Periods.” Review of
Educational Research 47, no. 1 (March 1977): 121–50.

Mathematics, Institute of. Math Careers. March 11, 2017. (accessed
November 11, 2019).

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Holy Cross College 35

Muchinal. 2000. The National Academies Press. March 27. Accessed
December 16, 2018.
Musa S. & Ziatdinov R. ResearchGate. May 25, 2013.
School_Students_Development (accessed November 11, 2019).

Mutawah, Masooma Ali Al. International Journal of Education and Literacy

Studies. November 2, 2016.
(accessed January 26, 2020).

Trachtenberg, J. Trachtenberg Speed Math. January 20, 2001. (accessed November 11, 2019).

Ward. 2018. Trachtenberg Speed Math. January 1. November 12,


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Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga



Name: _______________________ Group:_______________________

Direction: Perform the indicated operation. Write your solutions and answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

Part I. Addition

Part II. Subtraction

Part III. Multiplication

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Part IV. Division

Part V. Squaring

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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(Trachtenberg System Study Module/Reviewer)

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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(Orientation – Examination Validation - Pretest – Intervention – Posttest –

Tool Validation)

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 41

Orientation (Profile sheets: age, sex, grades – given preliminarily to the

students to determine who among them will be included in the study.)


Mrs. Arliza Reyes, MAEd Mr. Jay Villalon, LPT Mr. Mikko Rei Ramos, LPT


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1 10 11

2 12 13

3 11 14

4 11 15

5 8 8

6 2 7

7 5 6

8 9 10

9 7 8

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

10 11

Mean 8.125 10.125

Variance 11.55357 11.83929

Observations 8 8

Pearson Correlation #N/A

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

df 7

t Stat -3.1909

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.007629

t Critical one-tail 1.894579

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.015258

t Critical two-tail 2.364624

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 48

Experimental Pre-test Post-test

1 11 25
2 8 22
3 12 20
4 6 17
5 13 20
6 3 12

7 9 23
8 3 15
9 15 19

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

11 25
Mean 8.625 18.5
Variance 20.26786 13.42857
Observations 8 8
Pearson Correlation 0.645118
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 7
t Stat -7.92837
P(T<=t) one-tail 4.83E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.894579
P(T<=t) two-tail 9.65E-05
t Critical two-tail 2.364624

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1 11 25

2 13 22

3 14 20

4 15 17

5 8 20

6 7 12

7 6 23

8 10 15

9 8 19

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

11 25

Mean 10.125 18.5

Variance 11.83929 13.42857

Observations 8 8

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

df 14

t Stat -4.71244

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000167

t Critical one-tail 1.76131

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000333

t Critical two-tail 2.144787

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Immersion, Investigation and Inquiries
Humanities and Social Sciences – (HUMSS) Strand



Schedule of Class Intervention and Tests

Grade 6 – St. Anne and St. Joachim


February 21, 2020 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Control Group
(Friday) (1 hour)
11:30 am to 12:00 noon
February 24, 2020 (30 minutes)
Experimental Group
(Monday) 9:30 am to 10:00 am
(30 minutes)


Pretest (Control Group and February 21, 2020 9:30 am to 10:00 am

Experimental Group) (Friday) (30 minutes)

Post-test (Control Group & February 26, 2020 9:00 am to 9:30 am

Experimental Group) (Wednesday) (30 minutes)

February 26, 2020 10:00 am to 10:20 am

Survey & Interview
(Wednesday) (20 minutes)

Noted by:

Grace P. Gulapa

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Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
Tel No. (045) 409 - 101

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

January 28, 2020
Grace G. Gulapa, LPT
OIC. Grade School Principal
Grade School Department

Dear Ma’am,

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of HUMSS students (S.Y. 2019-20202) in
Immersion, Investigation and Inquiries at Holy Cross College, please be informed that
we are conducting a study entitled, “Trachtenberg System: A Way of Developing
Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency.”
In this connection, we would like to have an intervention in the class of Grade 6 - St.
Anne and St. Joachim for one week starting this February 20, 2020 (Thursday) until
February 26, 2020 (Wednesday) to obtain the necessary data needed in our study. A
thirty minute to one hour session for the chosen students of control group and
experimental group on the selected days (see schedule on the next page) will be
executed. Along with these interventions, pre-test and post-test constructed by the
researchers and validated by math teachers will also be given to assess the treatment
Rest assured that the data gathered will remain confidential and for academic purposes
Thank you very much for your kind response.

Very sincerely yours,

Noted by:
Yabut, Anne Kate R.
Researchers’ Representative Clareska Mae S. Chan
Research Teacher

Maria Teresa A. Edejer, LPT,

SHS Principal

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 56

Erica Mae S. Cura

Purok 3, San Mateo,Arayat, Pampanga
Contact #: 0955-122-0060

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Secondary (Junior) : CAMBA HIGH SCHOOL
Camba, Arayat, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
San Mateo, Arayat , Pampanga
2008 – 2014

-Problem Solving -Adaptability
-Communication -Computer Skills

Date of Birth :August 22, 2002
Place of Birth : Arayat, Pampanga
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’3
Weight : 41 kgs


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge

Erica Mae S.Cura


Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 57

Nicole Andrea T. Gonzaga

#605 Dalan Laun, Candaba, Pampanga
Contact #: 0935-778-1607

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Secondary (Junior) : PARALAYA HIGH SCHOOL
Paralaya, Candaba, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
Cainta, Rizal
2008 – 2014

- Communication -Public Speaking

Date of Birth :October 28, 2001
Place of Birth : Fairview, Quezon City
Age : 18 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Iglesia ni Cristo
Height : 5’4
Weight : 53kgs


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge

Nicole Andrea T. Gonzaga


Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 58

Ma. Alec-Nicole H. Lozano

Purok Wakas, Sto.Rosario, San Luis, Pampanga
Contact #: 0906-189-2687

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Sta Maria , Santa Ana, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
Sto. Rosario, San Luis, Pampanga
2008 – 2014

- Public Speaking -Communication
-Computer Skill

Date of Birth :April 26, 2002
Place of Birth : San Luis, Pampanga
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’
Weight : 39kgs


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge
Ma. Alec-Nicole H. Lozano

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 59

Kimberly Mae M. Magcalas

Purok 5, San Isidro, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
Contact #: 0955-455-58706

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Secondary (Junior) : SAN ISIDRO HIGH SCHOOL
San, Isidro, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
San, Isidro, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2008 – 2014

- Public Speaking -Management Skill
-Communication -Leadership

Date of Birth November 27, 2001
Place of Birth : Arayat, Pampanga
Age : 18 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’1
Weight : 41 kgs


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge
Kimberly Mae M. Magcalas

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 60

Nicole Anne M. Patawaran

#003 San Nicolas, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
Contact #: +69467235384

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Secondary (Junior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 7-10)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
Santiago, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2008 – 2014

- Adaptability - Computer Skill
- Leadership - Problem-solving

Date of Birth : September 11,2002
Place of Birth : San Luis, Pampanga
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Height : 5’3
Weight : 44


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge

Nicole Anne M. Patawaran


Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 61

Anne Kate R. Yabut

Contact #: 0955-377- 9649

Secondary (Senior) : HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (Grade 11-12)
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
2018 – Present
Secondary (Junior) : CAMBA HIGH SCHOOL
Camba, Arayat, Pampanga
2014 – 2018
San Agustin Norte , Arayat , Pampanga
2008 – 2014

- Public Speaking - Adaptability - Research Skills
- Flexibility - Computer Literate - Management and Leadership Skills

Date of Birth : May 29, 2002
Place of Birth : Arayat, Pampanga
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’7
Weight : 60 kgs


I hereby certify that all information mentioned above is correct and true with the best
of my knowledge

Anne Kate R. Yabut


Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

Holy Cross College 62

Trachtenberg System: Way of Developing Elementary Students’ Mathematical Skill Efficiency

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