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Nauman Tariq
Roll number:
Submitted To:
Ma’am Ayesha Rashid
Operating system
How Computer performs multi-tasking in one scenario of the machine?

Multitasking- Performing multiple tasks is the capacity of the operating system (OS) of running several
applications simultaneously. It is in this manner profoundly identified with the OS capacity for managing
shared assets or resources. In a multitasking environment, the entirety of the PC's assets (CPU time,
memory, documents) are allotted to various applications, and they are managed so that every task gets
a chance on a priority basis.
For example- When we open a Web browser and then open Word or excel at the same time, it is
because of operating system to do multitasking. 

A system's CPU can deal with numerous processes all at once with complete precision. However, it will
just deal with the guidelines sent by the system's software. Hence, to utilize the CPU's abilities, the
product should have the option to deal with more than each task in turn, or perform multiple tasks. If a
resource—CPU time, I/O device—is available to one of them, it may not available to the others. The
operating system provides inter-process communication mechanisms, like pipes or signals. They are
meant to enable communication across applications. In the event that an asset—CPU time, I/O device, is
accessible to one of them, it may not accessible to the others. The operating system gives between-
measure correspondence systems, similar to lines or signals. 

Exchanging among various processes normally actuates an execution overhead. At whatever point an
interaction switch happens, all the processes should be saved. For eg, there are a few open documents,
the record handles that distinguish each record, just as the record pointers that recognize the current
situations inside each document, should be saved.

Some Daily life example of Multitasking are-

1. Running to work
2. studying or reading while having a meal.
3. Listening to audio songs, lessons etc while doing simple tasks that don’t require much thinking
e.g walking, gym work-out etc.
4. Prioritizing complaints in a customer service office
5. Making notes during a lecture,
6. Scheduling workers while managing their job responsibilities
7. Answering the phone calls, while doing some other work.

Single-User/Single-Tasking OS
An operating system that allows a single user to perform only one task at a time is called a Single-User
Single-Tasking Operating System. Functions like printing a document, downloading images, etc., can be
performed only one at a time. Examples include MS-DOS, Palm OS, etc.

 This operating system occupies less space in memory.


 It can perform only a single task at a time.

Single-User/Multitasking OS

An operating system that allows a single user to perform more than one task at a time is called
Single-User Multitasking Operating System. Examples include Microsoft Windows and
Macintosh OS.

Some real life examples of Single user Multi-tasking are as follows:

 Responding to emails while listening to a podcast

 Taking notes during a lecture
 Completing paper work while reading the fine print
 Driving a vehicle while talking to someone.
 Monitoring Social media while creating new content
 Teaching children in a classroom while handing out assignments.

Some of the examples of Single user Multi-tasking operating system could be:

 Printing a picture while working on Microsoft PowerPoint.

 Filling up the entries in a form, while reading a note online.
 Listening to music on system while making a project.
 Writing a command while listening to online tutorial.

 It is time saving as it performs multiple tasks at a time yielding high productivity.

 This operating system is highly complex and occupies more space.

Multiuser/Multitasking OS

It is an operating system that permits several users to utilize the programs that are
concurrently running on a single network server. The single network server is termed as
"Terminal server". "Terminal client" is a software that supports user sessions. Examples include
UNIX, MVS, etc.
 It is highly productive as it performs multiple tasks at a time.
 It is time saving as we don’t have to make changes in many desktops, instead can
make changes only to the server.


 If the connection to the server is broken, user cannot perform any task on the client as it is
connected to that server.

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