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Muslim Vs Sadhguru

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The Da'wah Disaster

Truth is a universal object of desire for human beings.

We desire to know what is true, to be on the side of the truth, and to not be duped or deluded. Even if
we choose to conceal or contort what we know to be true, we are doing so with a prior idea of what
constitutes truth and what constitutes a betrayal of truth. In fact, the urge to conceal some truths from
others, may be motivated by a warped desire to be 'truer' than others. This penchant for superiority over
others itself presupposes the superiority of truth over falsehood.

If truth is an inaleinable human desire, then the desire of truth itself is that it be shared. Light shines and
desires to shine. Truth demands sharing. Truth demands compassion. Concealing the truth can rarely be
done in good conscience.

Thus truth-sharing is essentially an act of compassion.

This is the difference between the mystic and the prophet. *


In a sense, it is precisely this instinct that motivates religious proselyitzation. However, proselytization -
does it mean with the intent to convert? - and what is conversion? Converting to what?

There is a charge against abarahic religions that they are proselytizing or missionary religions.

One can share or invite without being on the nose. And anyone who does not desire that, does not care
at one level. should at least be discussed. Such as mediation or something good for mental health. With
the due diligence in intellectual humility and respect.

Zakir Naik, Sadhguru, IERA as some contemporary dawah models.

Muslim Vs Sadhguru.

Pakistani, Indian history, Indian traditions etc. I only need to know Islam "Smile to Jannah"

Whose reading lists are Islam, Islam, Islam.

There was so much Islam, it was suffocating - jamat bookstore. This was idolatory. Islam-worshippers.

To avoid idolatory, MUST include non-Islam!!

The Medium is the Massage.

Reaction vidoes.

Truth is an inconvtrovertible virtue for all human beings.

But truth as an object of desire, as sought after,

Truth is a value that demands sharing.

Truth demands compassion.

Muhammad of Arabia went to heaven and came back. The Boddhisatva, Omid Safi

"Say (O Prophet): This is my path - I inivite towards God upon clear evidence, and so do those who follow
me." (Surah Yusuf)

The invitation towards God that the prophets performed was upon clear evidience.

concealing or contorting what one knows to be true, presumes the idea of truth as virtue. Knowing the
truth is always a virtue. Truth-telling, on the other hand, as opposed to lying, may be open to relativity
depending on the circumstances.

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