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240 STROKE VOL 11, No 3, MAY-JUNE 1980

artery occlusion in unanesthetized monkeys. Stroke 9: 143-149, in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Expericn-
1978 tia 32: 1019-1021, 1976
5. Halsey J, Capra N, McFarland S: Use of hydrogen for 10. Fujishima M, Omae T: Carotid back pressure following
measurement of regional cerebral blood flow — the problem of bilateral carotid occlusion in normotensive and spontaneously
intercompartmental diffusion. Stroke 8: 351-357, 1977 hypertensive rats. Experientia 32: 1021-1022, 1976
6. Paulson O: The effect of hemodilution on cerebral blood flow 11. Byrom F: The pathogenesis of hypertensive encephalopathy and
and blood gases in patients with polycythemia. A d a Neurol its relation to the malignant phase of hypertension. Experimen-
Scand 60 (Suppl 72): 588-589, 1979 tal evidence from the hypertensive rat. Lancet 2:201-211, 1954
7. Halsey J, Capra N: The course of experimental cerebral infarc- 12. Rodda R, Denny-Brown D: The cerebral arterioles in ex-
tion — the development of increased intracranial pressure. perimental hypertension. I. The nature of arteriolar constric-
Stroke 3 : 268-278, 1972 tion and effects on the collateral circulation. Am J Path 49:
8. Halsey J, Capra N: Physiological modification of immediate 53-76, 1966
ischemia due to experimental middle cerebral artery occlusion 13. Rodda R, Denny-Brown D: The cerebral arterioles in experi-
— its relevance to cerebral infarction. Stroke 2: 239-246, 1971 mental hypertension. II. The development of arteriolonccrosis.
9. Fujishima M, Omae T: Upper limit of cerebral autoregulation Am J Path 49: 365-381, 1966

Physiological Mechanisms Controlling

Cerebral Blood Flow

S U M M A R Y The major conceptions of cerebral blood flow (CBF) control dereloped In the 19th and 20th
centuries are listed. The systems of CBF regulation are considered from the viewpoint of automatic control. In
the classification of CBF regulation mechanisms, 4 types are identified. The effectors of CBF regulation, i.e.
the specific arterial segments through which each type of regulation is accomplished, were found to be mainly
the major arteries of the brain and the small pial arteries rather than the intracerebral arterioles. Review of
controlling influences on these effectors of regulation, (myogenic, humoral and neurogenic), show that priority
should be given to neurogenic mechanisms. Several criteria governing efficiency of CBF regulation are
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proposed. Review of interactions of different types of CBF regulation shows that there may be both synergistic
and antagonistic relationships. Information about the processes is important for medical practice.
Stroke, Vol II, No 3, 1980

SEVERAL CONCEPTIONS of the physiological cerebral blood vessels in regulation of CBF.711

mechanisms controlling cerebral blood flow (CBF) Investigators, being unaware of which blood vessels
regulation were developed during the 19th and 20th were responsible for CBF regulation, speculated that
centuries. The earliest was the Monro-Kelly doc- arterioles were responsible as arterioles were the
trine,1 which postulated that there are 3 incompres- smallest precapillary arteries with one layer of smooth
sible constituents inside the skull: cerebral tissue, muscle cells. The control of dilatation or constriction
cerebrospinal fluid, and blood. Therefore, the amount of cerebral blood vessels was believed to be the direct
of blood and, hence, the CBF, should remain constant effect of metabolic agents, e.g. CO, and O2.
under any physiological and pathological conditions. In the 1960s specific responses of particular por-
The doctrine actually meant an absence of active con- tions of cerebral arteries (i.e. of the major, pial and in-
trol of CBF. tracerebral arteries) were found to be under different
By the end of the 19th'century evidence had ac- control.10' u In this period experimental evidence ac-
cumulated to show that CBF may, nevertheless, cumulated on the important role of neurogenic control
change.1 According to this new concept, although the of CBF. 12 "
diameter of cerebral blood vessels remained un- The conceptions of the physiological mechanisms
changed, CBF could be altered and was thus con- regulating CBF mentioned above are schematically
trolled by changes of the systemic arterial and/or summarized in the figure.
venous pressures.
The next concept concerning regulation of CBF was Regulation of CBF: Automatic Control
developed in the 1930s when studies by Forbes and The physiological mechanisms for regulation of
associates2"9 showed that the pial arteries may actively CBF are triggered by disturbances such as a primary
constrict and dilate. During the 1940s and 1950s decrease in cerebral blood flow or by increase in
further evidence accumulated for an active role of the cerebral blood volume. In response to such distur-
bances, a regulatory mechanism becomes active and
From the Laboratory of Physiology and Pathology of the adjusts CBF to the new conditions within possible
Cerebral Circulation, I. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, limits. The mechanisms consist of 3 links: 1) afferent
Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, USSR. information indicating the type of disturbances in
PHYSIOLOGY OF CBF/Mchedlishvili 241


CBP • constant

PRIOR TO 1930s:

Systeaic arterial

1940s > 1950a:

Systeaic arterial
FIGURE. Schematic presentation of essential
conceptions of CBF regulation of the 19th and
CerebroTaaoular resistance 20th centuries.
\ (arterloles),
fauBoral control only

1960s - 1970si

Systemic arterisl
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/ Hajor arteries,
car naurogenlc control
\ CerabroTMcular

\ Saall plal arteries,

n euro genic control

regulation; 2) the controlling mechanism originating changes in regulation with other processes, i.e. the
in specific nervous centers and, 3) the effector hemodynamics of the systemic circulation.
mechanisms of regulation. These links together The effectors of regulation include the blood vessels
provide for a feed-back mechanism. in the circulatory bed which respond to the controlling
The afferent information may be of various kinds, signals and the hemodynamic events occurring in the
including the degree of stretch of vascular smooth vascular bed as a result of regulation. These parts of
muscles resulting from changes of the intravascular the regulatory mechanism make up control loops
pressure, which may be caused by diffusion of vasoac- which start from the subject of regulation, the arterial
tive metabolites accumulated in the tissue, or it may tree, and terminate on it.
be from specific nervous receptors located in the vessel The efficiency of CBF regulation has gradually
wall, or in the surrounding tissue such as baro- and developed during the processes of phylogeny and on-
chemoreceptors. togeny. The known basis for efficiency of CBF regula-
In response to the afferent information, the con- tion will be considered below.
trolling effects occur. They may be either direct reac-
tions of the arterial smooth muscles to stretch
(myogenic mechanism), the direct effect of Types of Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation
metabolites or other active substances upon the vessel Review of investigations of CBF regulation9"11- "• "
walls (humoral mechanism), or efferent vasomotor shows that there are several types. The characteriza-
effects upon the particular blood vessels (neurogenic tion of types is based on differing circulatory and
mechanism). In the last, the controlling signals are metabolic disturbances which bring about the opera-
generated in specific neuron association centers whose tion of respective regulatory mechanisms as well as
function is also concerned with the coordination of the central regulatory centers. Four types of CBF
242 STROKE VOL 11, No 3, MAY-JUNE 1980

regulation are recognized, each having particular arteries. Though the precapillary arterioles have the
tasks: greatest resistance under resting conditions, regula-
tion is accomplished by means of those arterial
Systemic Arterial Pressure branches which are most strongly affected by con-
trolling influences and change their lumen and, hence,
1. The regulation of CBF during changes of the resistance within wide limits.11 Thus, to elucidate
systemic arterial pressure is the first type. This which of the cerebral arteries represent the actual
mechanism of maintenance provides a relatively con- effectors for each type of CBF regulation, the func-
stant CBF in spite of changes in the perfusion pressure, tional behavior of different portions of the cerebral
and is called "autoregulation." This is not exact since arterial system (the major arteries, pial arterial
all of the presently known types of CBF regulation ramifications and the intracerebral arteries and
may be called autoregulatory to some extent. This arterioles) was studied.
type of regulation was identified in the 1950s both
from animal experiments and studies on humans.26"19
Evidence has accumulated showing that CBF is com- Systemic and Pial Arterial Changes
paratively independent of the systemic arterial With changes in the systemic arterial pressure, ac-
pressure level. Since changes of the arterial pressure tive changes in the pial arterial diameter were
result in alterations of the perfusion pressure observed as early as the 1930s.2'4t * Further studies
(arteriovenous pressure difference) for the brain, the showed that both constriction and dilatation of the
comparative constancy of CBF indicates that it is small pial arteries appeared with a considerable and
regulated by active changes of vessel lumina and, thus, variable delay lasting from 25 seconds to 4 minutes.41
of resistance in the cerebral blood vessels. Thus, the diameter changes were proven not to be a
direct response of intraluminal pressure changes. The
Changes of O, and CO2 diameter of the cortical arteries was also observed to
change insignificantly during hypo- and hyperten-
2. The regulation of CBF in response to changes of sion.42 As the result of these observations, small pial
O2 and COi content of arterial blood has been the sub- and cortical arterioles are not believed to be concerned
ject of many experimental and clinical investigations primarily with regulation of a constant CBF during
which showed that a decrease of arterial Po 2 , as well changes in the systemic arterial pressure.
as an increase of Pco 2 , results in a rise of cerebral Resistance in the major arteries of the brain, both
blood flow.17' S0"M but hyperoxia and a decrease of the internal carotid and vertebrals, as judged from the
arterial Pco, results in a decrease of CBF."- a 6 pressure gradient in them, increases with rising
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systemic arterial pressure which results in an almost

Adequate Blood Supply constant pressure level at the circle of Willis. 43 '" It
3. The assurance of an adequate blood supply to has been recently shown that the larger pial arteries
brain tissue is the most important type of regulation. (with a diameter more than 200 /*m) respond to an in-
Adequate in this case means a correspondence crease in systemic arterial pressure.4" Thus, it may be
between the actual rate of capillary blood flow and the concluded that the principal effectors for CBF regula-
metabolic demands of the surrounding cerebral tissue. tion in response to blood pressure changes are the ma-
Regulation provides an active change of CBF as soon jor arteries of the brain and the large pial arteries. The
as this balance is disturbed because of a primary in- small pial arteries (diameter less than 200 ^m) play a
crease in metabolic rate or a decrease in blood supply secondary role, since they act only when the response
to the tissue. The existence of this type of CBF regula- of the larger arteries is insufficient, i.e. when the ade-
tion was assumed as far back as the end of the 19th quate blood supply of cerebral tissue is disturbed (see
century,** but only during the 1930s was it proved by below).
many investigators using different experimental
procedures.11- "• *>-" Increased Cerebral Blood Volume
With increased cerebral blood volume, caused by
Restriction of Blood Volume the simultaneous occlusion of the jugular veins or
4. The regulation of cerebral blood volume implies rapid injection of blood into the venous sinuses of ex-
elimination of superfluous accumulation by an active perimental animals, a drop in blood pressure in the
restriction of blood inflow through the arteries. This circle of Willis occurred while the systemic arterial
regulation of CBF, first demonstrated at the end of the pressure remained unchanged. This proved that an in-
1950s, starts to operate under conditions of blood out- creased resistance in the major arteries of the brain
flow restriction and/or following superfluous arterial had occurred."- 4 " These vascular responses (along
inflow.""40 Regulation consists of restriction of blood with the collateral blood outflow from the skull) com-
inflow to the brain resulting in normalization of pensate for the circulatory disturbances which reduce
cerebral blood volume. blood outflow from the brain. In this situation, there
was no venous stagnation in the brain as the blood
pressure dropped in the pial arteries. The capillaries of
Effectors of Cerebral Circulation Regulation
the cortex did not dilate, and the pressure in the
In the peripheral vascular bed, the effectors of blood venous sinuses increased only for a short period and
flow regulation are the resistance vessels, i.e. the insignificantly.
PHYSIOLOGY OF CBF/Mchedlishvili 243

An analogous situation was observed when an in- increase. Hence, the luminal contraction of the cor-
creased cerebral blood volume was caused by an in- tical arterioles with a diameter up to 40 ^m did not in-
creased arterial inflow to the brain (e.g. following terfere with the acceleration of CBF in the respective
recovery of CBF after 1-2 minutes stoppage). Under areas of the cerebral cortex. This may be explained, at
these conditions a post-ischemic (reactive) hyperemia least partially, by an increase in blood fluidity as noted
simultaneously appeared with an increase in resistance by the Fahraeus-Lindqvist rheological phenomenon.
in the major arteries." The experimental evidence seems to allow the conclu-
A similar constrictor response of the major arteries sion that the smallest pial arterial ramifications and
of the brain was also observed during asphyxia47' ** specific microvascular effectors located on the brain
when hyperemia appears in the whole brain because of surface are the principal vascular effectors of regula-
dilatation of the pial arteries8' 48 and following an tion of adequate CBF.
intra-arterial injection of strychnine causing seizures
and functional hyperemia throughout the cerebral Feedback Mechanisms Controlling CBF
Knowledge of the physiological feed-back
Consequently, with a superfluous increased cerebral
mechanisms regulating CBF was neither complete nor
blood volume this disturbance is eliminated by a con-
conclusive for many years. A considerable advance in
strictor response of the major arteries to the brain (the
understanding occurred during the last 2 decades and
pial arteries may be either constricted or dilated under
was, at least partly, due to discovery of the effectors of
these conditions depending upon the adequacy of
CBF regulation, i.e. of the specific function of the
blood supply to cerebral tissue).
cerebral arteries which are responsible for various
kinds of regulation.
Changes in O, and CO2
In studies of CBF regulation it was shown that feed-
During asphyxia O s decreases and CO 2 increases, back was accomplished by: a) the myogenic
causing dilatation of the pial arteries. 8 ' 48 The major mechanism which occurs at the level of arteries, b) the
arteries of the brain behave differently. Their reaction humoral mechanism which is believed to have direct
was investigated by measuring both the pressure effect upon the vascular walls through humoral factors
gradient along them and the perfusion pressure in a either circulating in the blood (CO2 and O2) or ac-
circulatory-isolated internal carotid artery in dogs.47"49 cumulated in the tissue (acid metabolites, K + , etc); c)
With asphyxia, these measurements showed evidence the neurogenic mechanism which has materialized as a
of constriction. The intracortical arteries also behave true vasomotor reflex or a simplified variation like an
differently from the pial blood vessels, showing a axon reflex. These feed-back mechanisms may operate
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pronounced tendency to constrict.48 Thus, the effectors not only isolated from each other but also in various
of CBF regulation which cause CBF to increase under combinations.
conditions of hypoxia and hypercapnia seem to be the
pial arteries which undergo considerable dilatation. Myogenic Mechanism
Neither the small cortical, nor the major cerebral
arteries take part in this regulation. The constrictor The myogenic mechanism was believed to operate
responses in these vessels are a manifestation of by the well known Bayliss-effect which is an increase
regulation of cerebral blood volume. in vascular tone in response to muscle stretch, and vice
versa. Theoretically, this mechanism may participate
in the regulation of CBF when it is to be maintained
constant under conditions of changes in systemic
Regulation of Adequate CBF arterial pressure. It is assumed that changes in the
There are several experimental models for the study stretch of the arterial walls cause changes in the level
of the role of effectors in the regulation of adequate of depolarization of muscle cell membranes and
CBF. These include deficient CBF caused either by a result, in turn, in their constriction."-" It was also
primary decrease in blood supply to the cerebral tissue believed that the myogenic mechanism is responsible
(occlusion of respective arteries) or a considerable in- for vasodilatation during the development of
crease in the metabolic demands of the brain (seizure collateral blood flow and post-ischemic (reactive)
activity, etc.). Under these conditions47' M' " the pial hyperemia, since the drop of the intravascular
arteries regularly dilate,47' M' M especially the smallest pressure during ischemia is believed to cause a
ramifications with a diameter of 30-100 ^m (in rab- decrease of vascular tone during the period of CBF
bits), and the specifically active microvessels, i.e. the recovery."
sphincters of their off-shoots, the precortical arteries The myogenic responses of vascular smooth
and the interarterial microanastomoses which control muscles have been experimentally observed.
blood supply to the smallest areas of the cerebral cor- Stretching the wall of caval vein results in an increase
tex.42- " The functional behavior of the smallest cor- in both spike and contractile activity of smooth mus-
tical arteries and arterioles under these experimental cle cells." However, a problem remains as to whether
conditions was distinctive in that their external regulation of CBF can be achieved only by the
diameter never showed an increase but the internal myogenic effects of cerebral arteries. It seems that
one, on the contrary, decreased regularly,41 though the vascular responses dependent only on a myogenic
CBF in the same areas (measured by the "krypton or effect would never control CBF as well as it actually is
hydrogen clearance method) showed a considerable controlled during changes in the systemic arterial
244 STROKE VOL 11, No 3, MAY-JUNE 1980

pressure. There is an increasing accumulation of ex- have supported the hypothesis that functional
perimental evidence that the responses of the major hyperemia may be triggered by K + increase and then
and pial arteries during changes of the systemic maintained by H+.85"87 Other possible humoral fac-
arterial pressure are not myogenic. First, the arterial tors causing dilatation of the pial arteries included
smooth muscles respond only to a stretch having adenosine. This is an activator of adenylcyclase,
specific characteristics" 1 "• " while CBF is maintained producing cyclic AMP in the vascular smooth
virtually constant, independently of the rate and dura- muscle. 88 ' m These humoral factors affecting the
tion of the arterial pressure changes. Second, the cerebral vessels may be interactive.84-70
smaller pial arteries dilate earlier and more than the There is evidence for a role of several humoral fac-
larger arteries during arterial hypotension.41 The drop tors in the regulation of adequate blood supply to
in intravascular pressure, and, thus, decrease in the brain, but under some experimental conditions
stretch of vascular muscles, should be more there has been no correlation between the mentioned
pronounced in the larger vessels. Third, the com- metabolic factors and functional hyperemia,
paratively long and considerable variations of latency which suggests that they could not be its immediate
in dilatation and constriction of the pial-arteries dur- cause.71-71
ing changes in arterial pressure41 is a further argument It is possible that humoral factors may be the
against a major myogenic mechanism. Thus, it might trigger of local vasomotor reflexes and may par-
be conjectured from these observations that the ticipate in the neurogenic regulation of CBF. It could
myogenic responses of both the major and pial arteries be conjectured that when they are not an independent
play a secondary role in CBF regulation during controlling mechanism, changes of the chemical en-
changes of the systemic arterial pressure, but they vironment in vessel walls may contribute to those
may favor the initial changes in vascular tone which other vascular regulators like the neurogenic ones.
respond to quick changes in intravascular pressure. If the humoral mechanisms have an independent
role in the control of vascular responses during regula-
Humoral Mechanism tion of adequate blood supply to the brain, the
responses should be diffuse. If this is the case, it would
The humoral mechanism may operate during the
be difficult to explain the very localized reactions in
following 2 types of regulation of CBF. It may operate
the microvascular effectors (sphincters of the offshoots
when changes are caused by primary alterations in the
of the pial arteries, precortical arteries and pial
content of blood gases and when adequate blood
arterial microanastomoses) as these appear52 to be
supply to cerebral tissue is maintained. Under these
responsible for distribution of blood among the in-
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conditions the sources of afferent input are changes in

dividual radial arteries supplying the smallest areas of
the arterial Pco 2 and Po,, or changes in metabolic
the cerebral cortex.
content (e.g. acids, K + or other substances) actually
occurring in cerebral tissue. This humoral mechanism
for CBF regulation implies that the afferent informa- Neurogenic Mechanisms
tion directly reaches arterial walls without participa- Neurogenic mechanisms of CBF regulation were
tion of neural structures but by diffusion of gases, previously rejected by many research workers. Since
metabolites or other substances. the 1960s, however, experimental evidence has
In the 1950s and early 1960s the most important gradually led to general acceptance of the important
humoral factor was believed to be carbon dioxide. role of neurogenic control of CBF.12"16'18' 2O"24
This is the final product of metabolism and is believed The experimental evidence for neurogenic control
to be the most potent vasodilatating substance for of CBF during changes of the systemic arterial
cerebral blood vessels. The speculation is that CO, ac- pressure is: First, the elimination of such regulation by
cumulates in the cerebral tissue (e.g., during deficiency brain trauma, 73 - 74 hypercapnia76' " and hypoxia78- "• 7 8
of blood supply), diffuses to the arterial walls, and may be used as evidence for a neurogenic, rather than
causes vasodilatation.'- "• " Another hypothesis for a myogenic, mechanism as neural elements are
suggests that vasodilatation is a result of the pH more easily damaged than vascular smooth muscle.
changes which, in turn, are caused by accumulations Second, complete deprivation of the internal carotid
of CO 2 or other acid products (e.g. lactate) in the en- arteries of neural innervation eliminates their active
vironment of vessel walls." 1 " Finally, as CBF in- reactions responsible for constant blood inflow to the
creases during hypoxia, it has been speculated that brain.44 Third, the role of the carotid sinus presso-
vasodilatation may be caused by a decrease of Po, in receptors for this type of CBF regulation has been
the environment of arterial walls.81- " Evidence has ac- demonstrated experimentally.79 Fourth, the active
cumulated indicating the absence of a direct effect of responses of the pial arteries to changes in the
blood gases on cerebral blood vessels.*7' 41-S(M!1 systemic arterial pressure are eliminated following
Possible humoral factors which could trigger func- blocking of cholinergic and adrenergic nerves.80"83
tional vasodilatation in the cortex have been under ex- Changes in CBF which eliminate superfluous
tensive study in recent years. It has been shown that cerebral blood volume are brought about by the con-
an increase in the concentration of K + within strictor responses of the major arteries to the brain,
physiological limits causes dilatation of pial and have been demonstrated to function reflexly
arteries.*2"84 Estimation of K + and H + concentration following distension of the cerebral venous system.48
by selective microelectrodes within the cerebral cortex Experimental evidence has gradually accumulated
PHYSIOLOGY OF CBF/Mchedlishvili 245

indicating that the cerebral arterial responses to ramifications with a diameter more than 100 nm in
changes of Po 2 and Pco 2 in the blood are in part rabbits provides minimum resistance.102 For smaller
neurogenic because cholinergic blocking," removal of pial arteries the criteria for function efficiency seem to
vascular efferent nerves," and lesions of the respective be different (see below).
parts of the brainstem69 can eliminate or substantially Other criteria for efficiency of CBF regulation are
decrease the dilating effect of the blood gases on related to the function of cerebral blood vessels, as
cerebral blood vessels. effectors of regulation. This function is the most
There is also evidence for a neurogenic vasodilatory rapidly operating of the systems. This means that both
mechanism responsible for regulation of adequate structure and function of the system should permit a
blood supply to the brain: a) microsurgical removal of very rapid change in resistance and, hence, provide a
nerve fibers connecting the pial arteries with the rapid redistribution of blood to various parts of the
cerebral cortex stop vasodilatory responses during in- brain. The rapid operation is provided for by the
crease in cortical activity.8* b) the vascular responses following presently known peculiarities of the cerebral
with functional hyperemia in the cerebral cortex occur vascular system. There are considerable windings
with a very short latency.1' along the course of major arteries to the brain (both in
Abundant efferent innervation in the walls of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries) where tur-
cerebral blood vessels has been demonstrated by bulence can occur in blood flow.103 This should result
histological, histochemical and electronmicroscopical in a tangible change in resistance when luminal
techniques which show both adrenergic and changes occur even though they may be insignificant.10
cholinergic nerves in the walls of the major87 pial 8 8 " In smaller pial arteries (under 100 jtm in rabbits) the
and intracerebral arteries."1 M actual relation of angles and diameters of
When CBF is regulated by a neurogenic mechanism ramifications causes considerable resistance under
the necessary afferent information originates from normal conditions, but vasodilatation occurring after
specific nervous receptors located either in the walls of a deficiency of blood supply to the cerebral cortex
cerebral vessels or in the brain tissue. The following results in the changes mentioned, a relationship that
kinds of receptors are believed to be present: a) provides a minimum resistance for blood transport
mechanoreceptors in the vascular walls indicating the through the blood vessels.102
intravascular pressure (baro-or pressoreceptors), 79 '" The third criterion for efficiency of the regulatory
b) mechanoreceptors of the cerebral veins and system is the optimal selection of the possible effectors
meninges8*1" activated by an increase in cerebral of regulation. An increase or decrease of CBF may be
blood volume or brain volume changes; c) achieved in different ways, i.e. by a change in the per-
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chemoreceptors in cerebral blood vessel walls and fusion pressure or in the resistance in some parts of the
probably in the cerebral tissue. These have not yet cerebral arterial system: in the major, pial, or in-
been definitely identified. Little is known about the tracerebral arteries. Regulation of CBF is achieved
afferent neural pathways carrying information to usually in the most rational way. For instance, during
respective central neurons in specific centers. There is an increase in the metabolic demand of cerebral tissue,
also little knowledge about the localization of specific an increase of its blood supply does not result from a
centers. It can be only conjectured that some are rise of the systemic arterial pressure, as this would en-
localized in the hypothalamus and medulla tail an increase of the perfusion pressure for the whole
oblongata.69- "• •* It is possible that the neurogenic brain and for all other organs of the body as well. Nor
mechanism responsible for reactions of the small pial does it occur by a decrease in resistance in the major
arteries during regulation of cerebral blood supply to arteries of the brain as blood flow would become in-
the cortex may be local. Afferent input may be from adequate for the whole brain. Further, blood supply
nerve fibers which directly connect the cortex with the does not result from dilatation of the cortical
pial arteries.*9' 10° arterioles as this would entail compression of the sur-
rounding tissue elements. What does occur is dilata-
Efficiency Criteria of CBF Regulation tion of the respective small pial arteries which allows
an increase of blood flow only in those regions where
The regulatory system of blood flow to and in the the metabolic demands are increased.
brain, gradually developed through evolution. The
Maintenance of a constant CBF during changes in
criteria for efficiency depend on anatomical and
systemic arterial pressure is achieved by changes in
physiological peculiarities of the cerebrovascular
resistance in the major arteries (internal carotid,
vertebral and larger pial arteries). Use of the small
One of the criteria depends mainly on blood vessel
pial arteries as effectors of regulation would interfere
structure and is the minimum energy lost by blood
with the simultaneous regulation of adequate blood
when flowing through cerebral blood vessels. This is
supply to the microvascular system.
especially important under unfavorable conditions for
blood supply to the brain, such as pronounced arterial
hypotension. Evidence for existence of this criterion Interaction of Different Types of CBF Regulation
appears in the size of angles and the relation of radii in
arterial ramifications which should provide minimum Synergism and Antagonism
resistance.101 Studies of the geometry of pial arterial Different types of CBF regulation operate not in
ramifications show that the radii and angles of arterial isolation but in various combinations, and there is
246 STROKE VOL 11, No 3, MAY-JUNE 1980

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