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Devera(2020) defined flexible learning in a news on Rappler written by Bonz

Magsambol that it is intended for tertiary education institutions that involves a

combination of digital and non-digital technologies and doesn’t require being always
connected to the internet. He also explained that flexible learning ensures the inclusivity
and accessibility of education. He also emphasized that this mode of learning has 3
types which are online, offline and blended. Online is a flexible mode of learning which
uses online classroom for the delivery of instructions. While offline is a flexible mode of
learning that doesn’t use internet at all. Learning is done through modules or digital
forms like video and audio. And lastly blended is a flexible mode of learning which
combination of both online and offline mode of learning.

Lee(2019) defined academic performance as the skills and knowledge that a learner
have mastered in a program. He also emphasized that academic performance also the
measurement of how well learners have perform in various tests set for them based on
criteria regarding education as determine by professionals in educators. Moreover
through the performance of the students in assessments such as test, examinations,
and essays their performance are distinguish in ranking as to the educational standards
they passed. These standards normally recognized as standards in admitting among
higher institutions.
Morrall(2019) explained that academic performance reflect as the adage which are
public and perish. He also defined that the academic performance of learners measured
upon grading of achievement evident in their grades earned, Highschool diploma,
Bachelor Degree and many more. Moreover learners don’t publish but they continuously
keep pace with some instructions and be able to convey high standards of knowledge
and literacy through the score and grades of their test and completion of their
educational benchmarks that will surely help them to move up and improve to the ladder
of their performance academically.

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