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ALL: Good morning panel of judges, good morning classmates

ORDOÑEZ: The group 2 of ABM 11- St. Alphonusu Liguori, with the members

Jamila Mesha B. Ordoñez

Mae A. Tamparong

Serigio Jim Esquivel

Kim Elle Joe Juarez

Maria Ericka Joy Cambel

And Mary Chris Joy S. Estrologo is now presenting to you a research plan entitled, Level of
Popularity of Milk Tea Among Accountancy and Business Management Students of St.
Anthony’s College


ORDOÑEZ: We chose this study and we come up with this title or topic because one day during
recess time, when I was at the canteen eating my food there, my attention was caught all of the
sudden by a long cue of costumer in a milk tea stall inside the canteen. I was shocked because
milk tea was very boom here, because back to my old school in a rural area, milk tea wasn’t a hit
and popular among us. But now, when I transfer in SAC, I was surprise by the trend of this

TAMPARONG: Also, when I went to the mall, like in Robinson and Gaisano, the milk tea stall
was swarmed by costumers also, especially during afternoon, after classes. Nearby stall of milk

tea in our school was also a thriving place for students, its cutesy background makes it more an
aesthetic to the eyes and will lure you to buy. Now, with all the scenario I seen on the Milk tea
stall here in our school and outside of the school, I decided to plan and come up this research
problem about Milk tea.
ESQUIVEL: It is qualitative, in a sense because many people knew and buy this product. Even
though I don’t drink milk tea, the idea sparked on our heads because of the people we seen on

JUAREZ: I am still curious on why do people keep spending milk tea even though it is
expensive, this question pops in my mind every time I saw people buying it. After the urge to
have a study about this, we excavated facts and history about milk tea in order for us to have a
deeper understanding of this product.

CAMBEL: In the article we’ve read, tea was the outset of this product. Tea was originated in
Southwest China during Shang Dynasty. In 1996, shop owner Tu Tsong-he of the Hanlin

Teahouse, made an innovation, he created a new product derive from tea, and this was the
current milk tea drink we are sipping today.

ESTROLOGO: After that, milk tea arrived in the Philippines 20 years ago, but when it came,
many people ignore the product the first when it firstly arrived and had its first stall. But right
now, as what I have seen, milk tea became a trend. According to the study back 2018,
Philippines was ranked second in milk tea consumption in South East Asia. This implies that
Filipino’s really love milk tea and it is a hit in our country.


ORDOÑEZ: The intent of the proposed study will be examined the level of popularity of milk

tea among accountancy and business management students of St. Anthony’s College.

Specifically, the study will seek answers to the following questions:

TAMPARONG: 1. Are milk teas more popular to female Accountancy and Business

Management students of St. Anthony’s College?

ESQUIVEL: 2. How popular are milk teas to Accountancy and Business Management Students
of St. Anthony’s College?

JUAREZ: 3. What is the most popular milk tea flavor among Accountancy and Business

Management students in St. Anthony’s College?


CAMBEL: To examine the given problem, the following hypotheses will be put forward:

ESTROLOGO: Ho: Milk teas are not popular among the Accountancy and Business

Management students of St. Anthony’s College.

ORDOÑEZ: Ha: Milk teas are popular among female students of Accountancy and Business

Management students of St. Anthony’s College.


TAMPARONG: The respondents of this study will be the selected Accountancy and Business
Management students from St. Anthony’s College who have a knowledge about milk tea. For
quantitative research, the proponents will conduct a preliminary survey to the Grades 11 and 12

Accountancy and Business Management students with the total population of one-hundred
eighty (180) students to obtain the target respondents who have a knowledge about milk tea.

ESQUIVEL: With the participation of these selected students, the research will gather enough
data with regard to the popularity of milk tea.

JUAREZ: To determine the sample size, the following sampling formula was used. (Lynch and

others, 2002);

CAMBEL: NZ 2 xP(1  p )
Nd 2  Z 2 p (1  p )

Z= value of normal variable

P=the largest possible proportion

d= sampling error


n=sample size


ORDOÑEZ; According to the article in the website written by McEneaney (2019), it was stated

there that even though many people claim that they are the one who first to create this now

world famous milk tea but the most credible creator of milk tea were

Liu Han- Chieh of Chun Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung and Tu Tsong-he of the Hanlin

Teahouse. Tu Tsong-He used white tapioca balls which is allegedly where the name is


ESQUIVEL: According to Zoleta (2019), it is stated there that milk tea was been here in the

country for quite some time. But recently, it’s popularity was exploded up to this time.

TAMPARONG: According to the article in the website of (2019), even though

the price of milk tea is a bit pricey which ranges from 90 Pesos and above but still it is the price

of their best selling milk tea flavor and people are still lured to buy them.

CAMBEL: According to the article in the website of (2017). it is sated there that we
Filipino’s are fond of drinking coffee and it’s like been part of our culture. Milk tea’s is suitable

for the coffee culture and the hot climate of the Philippines.

JUAREZ: In the data they’ve gathered, milk tea puts the Philippines as ranked second in Milk

Tea consumption in South East Asia.


ESTROLOGO: The proponents will use the following instrument to gather data for quantitative


ORDOÑEZ: Yes or No Type Question. It will be used in the questionnaires to indicate whether

the respondents agree or disagree about a certain question given.

TAMPARONG: Close-ended Questionnaire. It will be used to gather the desired data needed by

the proponents of the study.

ESQUIVEL: Content Validity. A type of validity used to validate the survey questionnaires

designed by the proponents.


JUAREZ: The Figure presented will serve as the guidelines of the proponents to follow in

gathering needed data of the study.

Design, Construction Distribution of Retrieval of
and Validation of Preliminary
Survey Survey
Survey Questionnaires Survey
Questionnaires Questionnaires

and Coding

Figure 2. Data gathering procedure on level of popularity of milk tea among Accountancy and of Data
Business Management students of St. Anthony’s College.


CAMBEL: The obtained data from the study will be subjected by the proponents to the

following descriptive statistical treatments:

ORDOÑEZ: 1) Mean - to determine the average profiles of the selected respondents and will be

used to derive the central tendency of the data in a question.

TAMPARONG: 2) Frequency and Percentage - to determine the number, proportion, or

percentage of items in a particular category in a set of data in the study.

ALL: That ends our presentation.

ORDOÑEZ: So panel of judges

ALL: The floor is now open for questioning!!!!

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