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Ilu.araaion 1. From the rolbsing T.i.l Belmce of sri R.

Rljan, prepsre the Trtdins

and Profi1 dd Los6 Ac.oun! lor ihe,err ended 3ls! March, 2009 rnd the Brllnce
Shcal as on that d.le aft r l.kine inlo accounitho D.ljusinenh givcnbetoR:


(i)Sidclron3lslMdfth.2009wasvolredatRs. 15,000 n, I$urMle !$ prepo r0

ihc oxlenl of Rs..100. (ii, Oulsldrdi4 liabiljries wer!: Siladestu 20003ndTlaes
8x. 1,300. tD) Dup.cciate Buitdnrg dr 2%!.a.
trNbh E. Beh KepsE x:l


flqo l J0?69

nlurtrorion2. lhcfollo\n,sis$clriil HalJnFofl\lr Anadooslsrll.rh loue:

F rqr ut\hnwae\jurn lt -\frl \'l)1. t. 'r
T:bns tto coEideration thc fouorins rdjust @t!, oFpare rhe ludrns ad ]]]ofii rnd
LossA(ounLfor dreled.ending3lslM3rh.2009 andr][Bal!n..Sbc.i r\rt 1l.llrre:
I Closiig Sltihai Drrket FNe as 3tjrlstMard,.2009. Rs
2 Provide Der.c.iarion o.lIarhn'..r @ lllr
I ,'\ lire orcrrrd on lBi Apnl 2009 -ioods.o lxg As iori
'rhe ridavl,..ler $N sold !i booll rduo on 1$ A'r1 2003.rd tsts csh lvai used for
doresric n.ed by r Anand A(ou l lir ihi\ unre.or.led


l OrtoftneannudpreniunofRs.600,>nd, t]1eneatye'
2 Closing S1lrrh hv.lued ii.o$ o, mlker pic. r' less
3 1r3:hdnaings as per Tial B:lanrc n ls 5,2,15. S.l. Dtuc.cdr of No rlLeeier*!s
nscd In. lersq,al lu.r!*e Rs.5,000 Therciore, ioial draNincs G ll.5,:14 +
Rs 5,000 = Rs. 10,215
I An ovent oco, lhc d!!. olihe ts31$ce Sheei 1, ?, nrp as on 1.1.2009)
illusiraiion 3_ r'hafolloring ri.t!.lan.e is rr!..ed o.31stM!.ch 2009 tona

Li!!!gq i 4?!q
'rakLne i iocoDsdersiion ihefoilosiog jusime.h, pEplre ihe l\'rdrns md Profit
,nd Lois A(.ouo! lor llie laareri,ns 31.tMar.h,2009 andlhe lalan.e Sheel or th.Lt
dalc Also, jiass ihe Jdun' lo.lhe !.ljusimanis:
1. Closins Sto& Rs. 90,000
12. OuLslardlns Srlari$ R! 3,200 !nd Oursr..d:dg wages lts 2.000
3. Prcpaid Insu.rnco Rs.900 rnd -{c.rnod Cohnlis$on Rs 1,200.
4. Charyr Doprecirtidn u Ntachino.! 109t p r


frt I totskLnplt, ttrltArs \ttl \tt!trTnt:

nlusrretio! 4. T]le rbatB.lance ot3 on31srNl dr 2oo9 is ster Letow:

A iin!bPh d Mahrury | r0rml

Daunh Entl BaahKeeprnE XJ

?.epare the TEdins Accouni and ihe Proft a Loss A..orrl, rb. t,d ycar todrog
3lst Msr.h.2009 and ihe B3hrca Sh.-"i:s on ih,r Jria rllar r^

1 Clo:idg slo.k vrrqd rrRs ? 000.

2 Ou!s1.odiog liabilitits lor wages Rs.600 and $laies Rs 1,100
3 D.prcirtion is to be lrovnled @5% r a on all ljred.sscts
.1 !rcnium plid in advanc. Rs. 200.


Pr dM hh:4lNde)

Note: Delre.iarion on l,lani = 15% orRs r,10,000) + (5/100 x Rs. 10,000 x 6/12) =
Sonerimcs, sonc De.ple uril io pay thei. du.s .iihar padxllt or rontlollll rha
inecoverrbl. .d,ouri is s loss and is tnovd as r ts3d Debt Tnc lollorlns .nhJ r
lrss.d rheo ! debt becomes inrcovcrrllc:
A:anellidolthis enirr. ih. dcbr.ors rc.out is closcd md x ncv lr.ouni.alledBad
Debis Account is oFened {hicl,s tlnstarred. xi tn. snd oIih. ro rhe Profii
a.d Loss A.couni (debii snl.) Th," anr.J isl

A: ah*dJdiscussed, il.n! rppcaingi. rh.Trial Balarce ale brnsaerred toTrading

Ac.ount or lrofi1 and Losr Arc.u.r or t]]e Balancc Sh..l [or e\drple. Bad Dltts
aprcdnngmthe TlialBalan.o torhr PtufiL r.d Loss,{c.onnt In
othcr $ords, se crn saj thri rdrusimani is noi..q!ircd for B3d llelb alr.rdy
rppearing in the lrial SslancD ft .lso ,ne!N rh3i dre anounl oJ n,ndrJ debtor!
rppea.i.g in ih. rrirl Balame is rllcr dedudins sad Debh
Il ih. ,houri of Bsd Debts is laven ouiside the Trial Balanc., ,. , bv {!t ol
adjrslnent. Rad Debts are knonn.s tunherBrd Debh.It 1. amounioJ
sundryd.biors i'r the Trial Balan.c is rrior h ihe enonnt olBad Dcbt' and srven as
adjuslncnr r. {ch a siinaiion, Bad coDs,dered 3s sny ofier a.LjusLmenL,
vhich hdrtu ih.! entnes lor sL.h Bad Dcbls have.ol bee. psssed in thc booLs ol
rccoml. Like dl adjuslD,enrs, ihese rlso nced to b. idiustud nr the frnal Accouns
rnd the adjusiing enhJ nill!e sane $ grven rLovo
1he olsuch Bad DcLG,n dre Fnrd,\.rounts i: $ lollons:
1 on ih. d,:biisnl.: il Froiit 3rd l-oss A.count. thosr will L
the Bad Dobls alra.dr {.iiten oii and
2 O. rhe asselsidcol lhehla... Sheet,iheseiill be Sundl, D.liors
Fun| iat.hb ptk\Ftnot4 -),\rr,,n4, r?,d,
Illustration 5, The lollorving Tlial B arc. isext.xrted thrLooksorNlkc.h a\

AidibmbA rdMahreryil r04@l

Pre0are lla r.adins Accounl snd honi and Loss lor the Jear ending 31sl
Mrch, 2003 and lhr Brlancc Sh.ri .s d. rhrl d.rc .tld l.king nh a..o!nt ihe
I Sto.k or 31st M.rh, 2009 Rs. 14,000
2 Oubtmdilg habilities for Wases Rs 1,200 Md Srld.ics Rs.2 300
3 DerF.iai,on @ 5., p.a is to be provided o! all nxcd rssets
.1 $rite-oll Rad Deb6 Rs 1.t00
5 lnsumce preniun pddin a.tvrnc tu a00
6. Accrued.onmission Rs 500

iau,lc EnL. BaaI Kn?in9-Xl

ll99 r.'

ri0 oir
i!00 L

otr as b.d, il rcooverod subseqleniv, .16 crediGd lo th€


We krow that itr dr(ounhng *,r idlow il,e Correniion 0J Conse.eal.ism wnilp
!€(rding bus,ness tr.nsa.iions. Thh means th.! we nak provis,ons for .$aoed
ar ftc und of th. i.countiR Far for lihelr Brd Debis in rhc nc$ This ii r.. rhc
sin\tc reaso. ihal out of ihc c.cdjt i'les nadu dlln)g I puti.ul!. ycar. sons dehrs
I!!^eursLki,.dr F u .L !r r,r rl, i, /!

ere likrly to hcome badnrdrencrrrcfu duero non Fvrrnls I

is Lo iiik. pbrrion {or such likelt tsad Dcbl\.r.ry yasr Th. cntrt lor L.esl'ng I

'rhe debit lo rh. PlolitlndLoss A,ou^i$ill titurc ih.t. ': pronisritabl! larrhe
no*ible L$s and thc .!!un, {ill b. .ar.ied irhllrd to tn! nt\r !.ar N.xt vcrr,
;her Bad Drlit" alrurlly oc.ur xnd an' \tritien ofa thc !!d Ddns \rill be
h ebnad to the Prolir lnd Loss .\.rount sut. r debii rar alrrxdv g]!en lor it lasi
;irq+ hr d4iionolthcProvisior lorDoublall Ddnr $Ili.Drh.d.biis douhlluL of
."-'-!, it* F--"""r ofthe dcbtorrillroi he..ediied as Lhr...nrary G still
r.:s\b1e lhe Prot|in,t l.! Drtbtful; At.ount is,lEdud.d ta tht dD)atnl ai
lroah dttttt;n tfu udla e Shed but ltt nlnatarnlson {tu,a.? Thc l.ori:(m 1'
Doublli,l Debts,\.courini.r3Fpelras follorr lamourh assunrd)

Thc inoDnh nr thc rrcolnr sirer Rlovg, xs r illurr3ton ih.lolloru'g:

I ldfieProliirndlosstcoa200irslu,)l Rs 500\rasd.bncdrid.r.dn.droihc
PNvision br iroubtfirl D.rrls A/. rhus, ihir rcrounl qr!. !iih this ballr!r
2 ihe Jlar 21]l]3 Brd lr.bts ldalhd R. l30r rhese hrv. br.n d''b io ihe
A.cou.r .or i]lc x d 'ed
lrorrion Drubilll
for Denh rd io Profir i,oss
3 TlrLrlro.a re.ruirpdinihetn,tis,or!ldrocndoJ r00r is Rs nso This lis l)..r
.Di.d ile debir sid. 10l'e.an1ed do!{, ri rh. rPxi tear
l. ilia.redit sidc l- .orr sho br Rs 530, iddi.sting i]1. d.bil .oq Fqurcd b ino
lblit mii Los( A.couni h mrk. ut d,e l*lan.r
$I.n,irrlsopuindifi....tlr Oltolihoo!.n;Uotu!i,onorR:.500,Rs lilolusLE.r
u.eduF.lerrinsrbLan.eolRs ?0 Thcn.{txlln.ere.ruirrdi'Rs 6s0iiherelorr {hr
Pn,fi f rnd l-.r:.\.counishorl{ibrdehiedhrRl aro.,..R! fio ls i0
In rhc l'roni and Loss Ar!ouir thr 2003 dr. figurc \i I !rrr.! as lollo\s

I Under which accou.iihq .oncopr c Pro! s'on ror Doubrru DebLe made?
Douht, Ertry Badh xg.piq!-tl
tlllst'arion 6. Tlp mounr ol s.nd.y .LbtdF in a Tfi.l Aaldce isRs. ?,00,000. Yon
arc requir€d b w.iE ofi R5.5,000 ai Bad Dot'k dd 3 proviEion for doubraul
'nale ari.!es
debts @ l0% on suldrJdcbiors. P{ss 1i. n..Acsad Joureel

lB. iq odKoB de tu &!bf! dols € rd.dod'y&ud9

r lrd Debh Alcount hrs heen l,rinsrered !o lhc Profii dnd Lors Accounl becausd
thctu is no u$s1ing rotision tor doubtlul d|bts. TLc prcvision no$ crcared is
n. nt for r(rins Bad D€lls u, lF Nritlcn otr in the n€d veu.
2 P,rsr, . ad;,1 k..,oJ,ooo l. k. .0n,o0o R: .,uooJsbaoo,L-
r'.i!t.r ofil. 10% ofR3 6,95,000 = Rs.69,500
Always rorumbd, n€ prcwsion to. d@dul d€brs G eldld€d on rh6
61o$, ta, ai€r d€dldho
dhg Judher Bad
Ba Debls lrcm dgbtots, il any, OjvFn
-',,1 ;l
IllGhrrion 7. liollo$ing de ric .rt.i.ts lrom thc Trial Balano ol. lim as on
3lsi Ntoroh,20001

h, Addiiionai Bad D.bts Re. 10,000.

(ttr vnintain rhc porision aor dolbttul d&rs @
Pass th. necessor, JourDrlenr.ies ud shos ihe relovoni a.counh linduding nincl

*" Li.a* r!F LBrturt-c'lnl)

r -_]-
13.i9hed!r a badeh!redddl
I Dmo
Fi4t .iol Sbkm rs tFiant A],-\

rs!h!sdeft i irrcdbrdlonr redlrdsbs NU)

l&r! ft md da'!. M M' .!d rcs

bmaibhr siM br ioubni i€d! 3 r% m^red0i9


Da"bttE r Baah K{pin"-xI
IUustraiion 3.Sho ihe elted or llolii and Lo$ Ac.ounl .Dd Bslm.e Sheel lor lhe

ioi olT al Balan.s as on 31ri Mrrdr 2009

iil win,drli,dher Bad Debls Rs.500

i;;l Prdvis,on lorad and DonbtlulDehts G ro br man&;'ed 3i 3?. ordcbtors.
(t, Erhrcb olTrinl B.lan.e as on 3lst Ma..h,2009:

(i) sallol Monmt biMre.ovamble

r,,r Creaie I provision oa5% on debio.s.

Dds';idim0 ] d0]
Fn4a!irrsk, n,d\,rr4,tA/6 \\' tt \trrrt\t.13
Somenmes. dF lDLsn.e Ln thc P.ovision lor Doubilnl D.bis,\ccouni is Dore iher
sffncicnr ton.ct ihc Bd Debb snd rhe new Frovi:i.n rqu;ed rhr .omaining
rnornr is thon crcdilcd tu ihe Profit and Los:]\.counr
nllsrration9,ThclolloiinsistheTiallalrceolNlr SS o.31stDecenil,e..2005

Tahing inro a..oun fie loll.{,ns Das ih. n.cssa4 Jounal enrrres
ard trep..o thcTradinsand l,rofii and l-oss.{..ounis rd.l tl,e &l.a( Sh(t
r sto.k,i H3.d on 3rs1DecenLo., 2005 is Rs. 13,500
2 Marhircry is ro bs depre.bied 3r ihe rai-" ol10:i..dd oxtcnls d lh. r,ll ot 201,i
3 Srl..i.s lor the month ofDerenber.2006 amou.bngio lts 3.000 wer lioa
,1 rnsur,..e ,i.ruded i r.enium orRs.1?0 tor ncxrlcar.
5 Wages include x sum olRs 1,000. sp.rt otr.h-aer,Ad,on ol a.rdo sh.d lo. crrdoFrs
6 A P.orbioo lbr lrouLLtut Drbrs is to bc (Lrtrd to the e(ent

3id tu8tr6lr0ad F! r:.d!l)

i8?h!he ou di ?nr-midnasl
DaubL. E\try Baah K(pinP XI

c. !me;@s$ 1oi s{r!i m a $e $drsrerd b

]L l!1t 411
9 I'


i8eruh,€'.usqFniar ierd b s, &b ror he

hetr'&,dfrclRMresAmo! b rh! c4E ar)

Noae wages paid ro. cr€ctioD .J a crde shed benrg capitd exraddirue shontd be
debiled to itre Bunding Account



' rrui6i
Ill6lratior r0. FroD i\e tolto\dns balan.cs a\r,ruclod dre bools of Sharm,
lEprre rhe Tr.dins and lrolii and Loss A.coDnh lor i.tro Jear ended tlsl tlarch,
2000 md the Brrr.ce shuer as on ilar dat aficr iaknig jnio considerriioD rhe
adDsrnens grver beloR:
Dauble Ent4 Baar K?crinr-xl

(tl Closi.g Slorhnas vrlued arR3.61,700.

(ri) DepE.tuie Furnnu.c and ve.llmry (o 104; f.n.rnd sates vm rl.20+ p.a.
{r"r ouhtrndi.s Renr rmounl.d io Rs. 900
r!) \lahe e llorisbn tor Do$tfut Debis rd ii+ or lrebrors
(r,) chrrse one fou r orsalarles and lvases to rhe Tr.dins r\ccouni
(rnt A i.w hachinsry (as purcha3ed on credt md Dsrr .d on Stsr Decenber
.osting Rs 15,000. No entl},lor the eno has yri been psssed ii rhe bodks.
t on.iqr srdra?nrs lr'rM1.,I !


Darble EntD Baah KeeDru-xt

The lolloains a.t!!rh.ah !.e to be nade:

r Sio& nr Hand on 3lst Nlarch, 2009 rvrs Rs. 32,500.
2 Depreciate Buildins O 5t, Furnue md Filiirys @ 10* and Motor V.nirles @ 20+
3 Rs s50 is due lor intercst on Brk Ovedrafr
I r t..e.o 0003'd14d p r00".eo,
5 Inrurance lmobtins t Rs 1.000 F preldd. '',d,
6. On! thnd otihe.onnnission receired is in reslect ol iork io be don? next year
1 000 as D.lbitul Debts and Pr ovis,on lor Donbtlul Debts ir
io be nrdt {aal|o 5n on Su.dry Deblors
Prcpxr. ihc Tradins.nd P.olit .nd Loss Amouni lor lhe J*r endins 31sl Ma.rh,
2009 snd ihe Balance Shcci rs on rhat date.

Fia rr .l\tantr!1t\

Ddbs ortstandtrg.t Lhr ond otihe ycxr makc paJm.d! io Lhr n.xr vexr rnd ih.J
" l , " 1, d o . sd,r'.
l I 0, ,
l" " ,.. ".',
1 , . " ,. ,b .oi.
',be L.
ycd Thns, a rrolsion tn;Dis.;""r on DcbLu." i" -d"
Tl,rrroless is sonc as is ld. ur prori!tu' ri,r doubttul debrs Thr liheh anjourr olLbo
]tovision lar lrbrNnt Ac.0u.t Thc bal,nce rn rhe LlLLrr r.count F d.d!.rrd Itum
bootr drbts (debiox) in the Balarce Sheel rnd is.rued lo.r.,rd r. the nexi ie!.
Discoudh.llo$cd to the er(Lingdcbrors i. tbe n.\ilrxr are d.hjid Lo Lho phrnron
for Ds.ou.l Ar(ounl md mi t0 ihc Proni a.d Loss A..ounr. The debr Fdu!o: th.
bxlanc. in the proisn,n .rconnrr it is rnsdt ur ro tho requn{i Jigu.. by a dcbr t0 rhc
t'rolir ud Loss,\c.ouni,nd crrdit io the provsiotu rr.onnrjus tikc Llrc pu,Gror
ror D.uLrJnr nobLs A.conni
An i porran t po i.t to ote is t hot.t i s.o t i s n.t a lt o,ted 04 debts t ha! b.!
ht'1, Therefore, th. !.rrisiot fo, dircount is nn le for Eoo.l d"6rs onl:!. ln otirr
sords, il* ,ooonr ollhe lr.v^ion to. Dr..uri c rdelared sft.r d.d;dins brd
.l .. d \" o ... fo. oo, ,,r . .t
,l"t . ro,. tq . _,,0
.r,"o,, oob,t.",.,..;c ,0,..t.. ,, .e
!nornrisRs 19,000 Th.provinonti,rd;ronnr{illbe2r,,Jrotthritg,trf.._ir*iIb;

ta trt t)lt nt'.l

Dorhle E ry B@h Keping-Xl

liii Fat trnnNf!'t ts tb unxrut af dis.ault Ia Ptaljt an t LasE arN\\tnt:

tntI fnk.\itine/tAi.nappqtsi the boohs, thr thzdirornt nlloued tutU6a

t rnnsfan,.t rt tht hotisi.n fot Dinunt on D.n/oB Aroa"t ,tst.dtt ot t he Prcft
tn'l Las At!, t The eatry uokl.l be:

l&,!d$ tr ir€dtft $ rd03ifru!di.Gad

tit P isi. f.t Di!.o t on rkhLtr:
Fot rttdL,E

lltustr.rion 1,2. Thc Sindry Ddrs ol a firdt or 31sl l)acembor, 200?, wore
8s. '10000 On Lfildatc. irv's dlfided lo.reaic I Pturisionfor I) scouni xt 2rr' on
Su dN Dcbbrs Durihg 200a. d! rclu.l anounL ofdk.ounl all r€d rrs Rs. .!00
Tle dclros o. :llst D€Fnbe.. !o0g {e.c Rs. 30.0t 0 and ir $os asii. de.tdod to
rcxn.P.oIisnDforDismnn!ove.DeblDrs't21t P$riheJou.n l.nrri.s.Di$ount
A..o!ht and Proeision r.r lliscount A!.ouni fo. Lolh the )ca.s.


erud$ou rlier idbtur3dAfurl


It I
providne ror riisdoufr on debio


Sdr.,l .i. ih..,rnrrrr F r',rilld !, x.onr i,ron or Drofi$ \]ri(n i. u,Drllt

,xlrulxed s r .,lrcrce.rrsoollll r)r)fib Si t,!osp rln,profft. rned br th.lirn
i.Ii,30.000\fih'utc u'dc'i"grhcn{!r,in,on \hi'h is r':i.. Th, q
hf rhen lr" r.uoo 'lh3 pr,fit \ill |f r.dututl rd R: 7ri000 .{r rh?'rnndd\!ill
eDr rni ot
unDGsnD Rs .1.000 ,s <ill ,o bc l nl, lr shorld b. lr,r,rd :s ouGrrndrns
crDon:e A,0r.dinx r rhe.rr'y ts ',

$er itr ih. Er[tr.e Sri.ri

I u)d,issi,r, fsvrl,l(. is a,on0rn L,rl,ilirr 3.d i:
son,ernr- l$\.\r , tha ftnhisiion F dl.ull rl oD rrilr s re ,x n nF lnr,llr rfter
rlrr romnrnnrr. Il tln, .rtr ol rhr lonnni.non n 5r,, and rl,. profi,
tli0 ron!,trirm s n ld ba R: l0oilh.i rh. p,rli. beaon (h. co'drrron rlr rld bp
lls 105. ll!( ir xr rliis rase rlir onnnirsnrn of lr t should b? ou! "r s $ R. lO5
ot p.ofi,lrLre thr cdnnii,!on lln, rar'nDli h.rlculd!,h..!

l-e,..n','a ^f '1,, r"m ..,r, \et Pronr l)rlor. cl'.'rsrng

I ihc nroi{ belnN ronnLsn.n is rt! s0.i0r) rnd *r Dxnns.r is rniirld ro a

Nmnislor ult.i rlid dedu!.i.s dx r !mm.jon. r$ rnr)u{ $ill lx- R- 1.r 10. r.e
ri: a00t0 i 5/10; Tiis.onn!s!!,n,rbuni ern ba rdifiod roo 1hr p.o61 ar1!r rha
76r90 rhd Rs 3 810,s t' rr lhis lilore. rhrr
n).alcula! it aist olRs 30.{ro0 \yillb. \rro.gsr.e Rs.4.or)0 is nor i.; ofRs ?ri,ooo
Illusl.aiion 13, n). nct profir ol a rifln amounb io R! 21.000 berore !4ring
coNhission The madrg?. ofthc fiD, s ontilled to s nimNis$.. dl str on n'. ne!
.on: Cakulare th. connii!!ion prlrbl! ro rhe nan.s.! undd rhc lollo\ing
Douhk Ert," Raah k?etn1s xl
Cn+ r, lrl],
connission, md
cos€, IlthcDanas.risallowed.omfissrononiheoar jrrofit!ne.dradlgsuch
ronnission aho sh.s the lrdilmlnt in ih. fin.l Acrouts cndins on Jlsi

Cas. 1 Lco,,nirsion allou.d o,t the ?t rtalit brf.r? .haryilE sL.:h*er4)
(i,mnissior-Nei proni berbie o,.-t""r-, a"l c"iii""i""
"r*.si.g """r,

a^ee2lc. r1($nnuurta!' th! ut Falit itte' tha.!:tu flth lDvri*iarl

rinnnissio - Nd porir r,e|or chdsrns cnenni$ion r 1i:g;rl:!rl

Illusi.aii.' 5.. i,nnission is lard to the fidoN nanaser on the net prolit
rdirad .h3rqi.a iha Caoerdl iurnalcls (ou,r,G\ion rnd 10.l,connission is
Ai alier
prid to th. Ccneml Managcr on ila nei pblit srrired !r sfter ch:,si.g rhe F.cio,J
ll lhe prtii b.forc chxl3rng ih.s. l{o conni$ior E is 3,000,
ih.. ntrd oli tha anrod.h.l.o.iD(sn oarabl. io r[e ]rr(ory r anagor and drr
.omocsiod ol l.rLd.! Nanng.r s {
x -100 13.000 r

r =
19 ,"nnn v, y=a,rmo r,
or 101' = ti.000 X or
,\lta Druk,F\ins Equ!1ion L1rlx 10 lreqetrhe
?00r -30.000-r0l'
\0r dedurr Equa'nr l!) liun Equltion (3)
199-\ = 72.000 or
ra = 361 31
-,... ladoN Ianaseri conniss on is Rs 361 S1 sar Rs 362
ttnon !tstakndrr ixnt4L) \v;Lt a,li I t ,nt:

No$ subsiiiutcralu! orx'n Equrton 121

36131 = 3,000 10I or 10v = 3.000 36131
or rof = ?633 rgj oi Y = 763 32. sr} Rs. 76,r.
Iuusbat;o. 15. Fronr the lollo{insbal!. ..: ol ihe Ja!.endms3lsiDc.cnb.r, 2006
.nd additioml informaiion rircrlrc llie rrsdnrs and Profit and loss A(n,di and rhe
lalaNe shc.i olx A It3D iil rDd sons

la) ClosingSto.t \8 yxlu.d ri lh 20,000

(6) ?.dvide DeDreosijoD on Luildins@5t ard on rurnihre (d 10ir
(r) Outsi or dnrs srlaric s Rs r,000.
lrr Li.expi.ed insrranco Rs 50
ki Aceued coonissio. Rs 3011.
(, Prn, de f.r l\lMase, s Comnis.iun ir rc on .el protii alt.r charghg su.h

r. M alsscomn$ii1tt5! 3001
Douhtt Ert., Booh Kz.rinP lJ

$hcn ye noti.e 3lD.n arcouni ir rhe Trirl Balance. rve Jhduld rscerrio whother the
f.r ,,,, . 'l a,-
.i"." "P"
h.,td" .\..\.. , \"a, ,i,,",."s,,., ,t ""1 ,.,rt eor!l
the anouni olinteF* g vDn in rhe T.iat Balance Sonaiinrcs vou rviltlt.d ihni lhr
," I' d P
' r.., ,t I ,t
anout ol xfe,.:t dur catcnhr.d h! vou h suchrsnurlion, the djfa..n(c' ',c,,
ihet{isrclr deds n\hn.hnginrarsl sinnar jsihe.a$oflnphedA.tjdsr .nr
I\" \r , ,o", ,.,.,. ,,..
diu+ed st L c ,n vrDrco narlrFrnrl \eo ni!
sonr c{mples ol rc siven bdor:

N.i,:lrn3,. Y . . - rtr. \tuiu i ni \!r

r adlD$nicnt shonld he ,,xdo tor bui mi re.ej!
\F uu. t", oo4
Rs. 6.00.000 x !/]2 i r0/t00 = Rs 10.000
the in.urL {ill be credii.d io rhe frofir 30d Los A.couni arll shoen on dre
$ser side ol ih. Brl'nce shPar.
Fii,r,d/ shriidrs r,ntrr1n5l \riLh!\apst ut:
Adlus!.enr snounl h. inde for int.r!!i dle nol p|itl !n Rs 90000 (i a'1 for
5 drorths iNo\oniber l.20oB io
Rs. 900U0 x 3/100 i r,r2 = R> 3.00ri
Thc rmou.r will be io thc Ptulii Lo:s i! uni 3rd sho$n n the
liabiLiir sid. ol iho B.hnre She.l 'nd
l0n,odrhsiDtorcslool*nklornrn5 1.00,000i12/100:10/12)o.15 i0.000qili
bc debiiod bl-l,e ltonr aDd Loss lc.onnl rs .10a*e for lniouroll]Ln,
Rs. 2.500 lsee ilcn I n, Tri3l lahnt) his bc.n paid The bahnt ol ils t.a0r
$ | nc !ld{, q, $e 3ssei sidc ol rl,P tsalanrc sh..r
1/10ih olihc cosi orlere,, r.lts 1.00,000 $illbe d.hted 10 Lh. PronL 3nd Losr
Ac.ornL ls :notisaiion ol le,se rnd thi! \lll b. shor 3r .ledudior rnrn
d 6 dl
' '
On. ioDrl sala (Rs 1.10.000 : r/l l r lh 10 000 i' irill ouGianding il ilusr bc
iLtded to srlarr dn rh. drbit snte olrhe ltofii xnd !,oss rnd slx^!n or lh.
liabilily snlP oath. Balrr.. Sheei ^.couri
l/5rh of ih. (si ol riirhrs, i (, Rs. ?0 tl0, *rll be d.bitcd Lo rl,! l'rotu rnrl
Loss Acf,,uni as rmorrh.f.D of prtrnk .ighi and fie srn. rvrll bc shovr! is
d..ld.iior ion !rLenls .igtt on th. isset sid. ol rht !aLan.. Shr.r
AdjDstnml nluld be n dr jn. urerpirrd nrursn.e or prctrid rnsu. ( 1or

Rs 1:.000 i .
Rs i1.000
Tnii.ilolnt {ill b. d.duded ft ho iicln side of
th.ltonr and LFs Ac.ourt nd shoin on th! rsnn sLde ol if. ilaL3n.c Shr.i
\inrnrd$s lrs 6,10.000:9n2:10/100rorl. 1i000(illbouediiad
& rhcltolirrndlrs A(ourias i,romellrihrJcar' l)!r olrhis ls ilo00lr]las
[aq] rp(lvql lhe blllnrc Rs. 15.000 *ill li. Ji.rrn o! th. rssel s eolurc
Bilrrt shcei as r.c.ucd nrome
As perlha cBsE syllabds, the f
so lar should be dlscussed. Blt orhe' adilstnenrs, discussad
iecassary lor bet€r undedsndinq l

Fund,lnvesed br a ptur'lctor to ih. husi.ess mnsLilLn. ihP Crpital l,ke oih6r

bo.rcNn,!:./lo!ns,niorlharroPictDi:finthr.xpitrlrl$ sqrpose
thr Clrrnal is Rs 1l],l]OO ind tle rrle 1)l Lnterer h a't Trr.n ihe ntol.n liL be
Rs 2.000 lt is h.aLcd lik! 3.y orhe..rueo.a lnd i: dcbit.d ro ine lrotu rul l''ss
rdd.redred Lo lh. C.!t31.\(.ornl AdiunNnt .ni.ic: lnr .hlurns nn
Druble Entt! Baoh KtpinE tj
rle F:.!t ArounG. n arpesr: a; follolls:

IntrNt Capiial E attoscd on thc openine b.t.ncc s.d tr addjironal Capitlt is
introdunat durnrsiha rrr. inter* on iddiin''rt Calnd $.rl.ulated ti.m ure date
on {hi.h n was inboduc.d in ihe hlsiness
Illurrar,on rG. -'" roto. r t:, 8,3,. .,.,s,
rrr ," , \. l ,. ,. ,or:
''jr' u3,d .3.'s,"){!r- o ha.r


lri, Rfes a.d Tdes Rs 2.10

(r,r Arprcntica r',eniun Rs .100. L ) 5r. intereq on capiial
l,r clo$Dr srock Rs 29,390 \ I./-s 20a7, Mo.tntll
Faah.tat sta,:n!n $ tF trL E+\rith^.tju!r!rt



hry .ho rcalise itrat when!$s Donev for hr otrn usc. th. linn
'nre propnetor
lds$ intere* lheralore. Lhc r.oprietor mar be dcbit.d sirh dre n ere{ oi ih.
Dar,le Enhl Booh Ke?F,tP Xl

'r.r' i. lel -o,,...,,o, 1"d,

;Lde erenl! rhronshorr rheyearrtle..tdr., inieresi js drarged tor sx nont# on ihe
ft,ll anonnt su!I]o-!e, dr-a total dmNinss Rs. 1o,o0o and rhc rsie orjorerest is
5t,theinterensillb.Rs 2r0 rh. enhies'.eio bc passcd are:

Itlusii,iion r?. lreFare

sheei Jion rc toltor:ins

r|fh. arosinssto.k {3r rrlued 3r Rs r4.500.

Lnr Delren.b Plant md Mrrhinerj- Rs 4.000.
n,n Allo{ aq ,nr.t{ on ar3piLal rnd.hDee rnrptsl dr cd 6.,
ltr ) A n,n olJls 100 tr dur lor relr.h!
1!) X ch..qur of Rs 2.000 d.po,ailed ri ih. la+ n.ct of lr...nber io
hrv. beer d(hdDourud.
F mn itshkqnt.\riaat alr \1)t, Adr td.n.

lnieresr Drust b. ra oD lons rvbcthcr ihetu i3 I]rfii or loss II is ral.ulaipd by

rle ng 10 the .ah oI interest asreed io be paid by ihe rirDr r
perrod of ihe loan suplosa ! loan ol R: 2,000 is 13ke. on 1st llav 2007 ri 13* ll
llosetl on 31st Dr..nrber, lne inrorcsi lor thc.v.rr (ill be
Rs 1.10 i.! . Rs 2,000 i 13/100:3/r2. ]Le inrerest anouri ilD.t p3id rn.xsh, m3y
be oedned erherto ihe Fersonxra..ount orihele eroriothc I.r.r.:1ouls.nding
A..ouri The debt, olcourse. lvill be 10 rhe lltareei A..o!n, Th..diustn,[

nlusharion 14.frcn thc lollorring tial Ialanc. ofRan Narrnr as on lllsi De.ember,
?003, Dlepa.e rhc Trrdins rd Frotft rnd Loss A.counl
barblL Enb\ Baar JturrnE xr

Thc lollowtLs fLLibe. intormrtton was grver

ia rvaces lo, D..rmba.,2003 smountinsto Rs 2,100 havr
liir lndudrdin ce..r.l Xxpens.s is lB!.rn.e l\emtun Rs.
endids 3rsi Marcb 200s
inr frovis,on ror doubihldebh(d i9t on debio.s is re.lssarrr
1,r) Derrec,xdon is i. ho.h*gcd as follo!,s
r,.nd and BriLdins 24. Nhdrine,_v 10rL sod FurniiD.e ud lirru.cs 15s.
t, Th. lorn lro.r ]'Irs Ram Narain [as rd!.n on ]stJutv.2OOB Inierasr.h'sntr

r) thc vrlu,olSroc! at Hlnd o Br* De.ehbd, 2003 sas Rs 1.1,900

(rit 1he n,rnase.n cniided 1o a colrmirion of r0.r or the nai p.ofi1die..haqnq



Nol€: Prolit bclorc .haryrng ConDission is Rs.31.tJ00. Connission payablo'!
ol n.t u olir .tto .hnr$ng $nrf CoDD,issioD.
vi igla\ r', ',


Su.n losses o(nr becanse ollire, *rthqnales dr r..idents Tirs. n.! dcstrdr son.
lircd rsses orlhe li.m. h srlh a.'se mAsrtAcronnt is credned 3nd the lrolit snd
Loss lc.onnr debted dre debii mar be sprerd ora, rrn, o. o,rc.!ern.
SiocLolgood! nrJ rlso b. drst.oyedor drmaged bv nre. oroih€
inar becanse ofthis. ihe vrluo oriho sto.k rril hc toyf ihrn othcNisc Thn $ill
.educ.lhe sqioonr ol!tus and ret profi1. ftir. ho(erer. bede, to 3s.e&n, ih eb!!
Froni*hrheorld hara bee eao,ed r\n[oo, rhe lNs since this en$les the nnn io
Da bb Enta Baak Ke,p"4 :ar
4c.d un t is ..ednad !ir.h th.cosrolrheeoods dcsr.oved lrrh.goodsdesrroyedrreno!
ionrcd then fie .ost pncc of fia qodds d*rroyed is delrited 10 proni lnd toss
A.counr Ildregoods arinnued. rhen th. dain adnried by r insumr.e co,np an!
isdedudedandr\.drimnotr.tniiired;debtedrorherrofir&dLoss,{.coui Tbe
rdluiide.rrics re as toloN:
D l-l ? l.J o rtmlmi 0..]

1r) i5utrca.rtrmu cc. r LAm d m!€iilcrml

ht' n czc.mpln!\ Acnuna uin6c rhobn as aL ass?t in aabn.e sheet,

Norc: /l s,.t L- r,i r, f?d, tb ablnEntry bil tu Dasld:

nlustmtion 19- or t3th llarch,2009.

stocLs rvorth Rs 30.000nardcstuIedbyfiF
the og[ $jtuurcda intu.,oreconpanJ admiiied a ctaim otR: ti0.000onl]
Gi,c ihe N.essl,f Jfornal dhes and 3nd\ how it will tre ba3rld D dre Final A.couDis.

Fmtr a 4@m, rrimdrtrri!.nrn

t\t o al Sttqr?nt " lF,iol N "i lvrt A.,tl i1^!a.
nlJst..iion 20. From ihe rollosing ledser bsllnces ol \II Ch$an Sinsh, p.cpr..
the Tradn,g rnd loss A..out for th. vea.c od31slMxr.h2009nndlh.
Balmc? Sncci as on rhal dxi, .lle. Dnkinsthe ne.essry 3djunnens:

ii) Slo.k o. 3lsr Mar.h. 2009 wxs Rs 11,000

1nr Wrire offRs ri00 as Bad Debts
(iii) Provision ro! DouL,Uul Debh n b be Dainranred @5+
(,rr hovis,oD forDcprcciriion,Iurnllur. ldd fixru(* lt tt p3 sndor!l!rimd
ird'nrcry 3i 209t r a
lu) Insurlnce Frepaid {N Rs. 100.
(r, Afteoc.ur.edi. recodow. and *ockollhrvrlue olRs 5,000vt\dL*royed
Ii *rs insur.d xDd thc inn,rxn.c.ompany.dmiibd lull chinl
Datblr Enlr Baan K.zp"tp XI

nlrsf,rirn 2t. rh.l\'i.Lllalrn.e ol\t ral & Co r:on illsi lrece rr.2003w$
Ftnot,.lstdkndrlF?xl,tL) \\|t tr irt.4 t; ilo T.rdins and Prolit and Loss A.couni for ihe veu Decenber, 2003 md
'I,8t",, (',. id , dq lolo^ : n,3,o
(r) Depre.,ation on! 10t io be drarged
rit) DcbtorsindndcanftcnotRs 500dnc lionr a.usrorerqhoh$ bocone insolveni
Ln, &o!sio. lbr Bad Ileb[ (d sii. rn Surd.y l]eL'rrs is lo Lc ma,nojntd
rilr Coodsulued atRs r,t00 destroyedbllue and adnried a
l!) slock on 31sr D..cnbor 2003 nas Rs 12,5s!


DaLbtrEDtry Bnnsiqh! xt
ltlusiraiion 22. Thc T'irt tsat.ore ol ltr GolslD,s asdn 3tsi M!r.h,2009 s,!s rs

Prep*-a ih.liiriog rnd P.ont Rnd Loss Alcouni tor ih.I,car ended rr3r.h 31.2009
lnd ihe Ril,nr! 5h.ri as on ihit daip rltari.k ng rto (onsiderations iha tblt.J*,njj

tt) sLork 0! 31sl *3s Rs 61,750

(i, lrepra.l:itu. on ni.niinre is io lra dralged@ 10.r.
Itr) frorison fo. DoubilDl Debh is i' b. mrintrined@ r.t on D.|rfs
'. s, tr,,. i
-! rnrh--
( ) coods ol rhe ralue or Rs ?,500 nrlc been deiroy.d hy nr. xnd in rance
rompuy edmttad r.lajnr tor Rs 5000
({,i) fu.eived Rs.6.000 ro.lh of soods or 27rh March. 2000 tu1 rhe invoi.e ot
pur.h$e w,s noi re.o cd in pur.hases look

Aa'frr Siakna r: Fl? 1 {c rl? rJr ri d3

Notc Fallau u4 .Ltt nL!] he pasvtl h a .at.l a,)itted ru.claNts

10 s4r slc@b'l

Son.lin.s goods 3'e seni to.usio',.*.D ihe condirion thxl h!,Rn reium thr loods
if rhq i.enoirpFrov.d Nn.nsll.viI.tinrfflrl,sRlsoslreofi..lNnIlnrbrhthe
goods should hc riumed Ho{.vrr. wlren ihr !oDd: ai.:..r or llproul Lasis iL is
u ally .redited t! the SrLes A..ourr and ih. Cn*omels Acronnt i! d.hir.d llaring
end ol rh. 1u.. ,here ere ceririn goods iill ]r'jng $irl, rbe odoftY. r\.iiing
rpp.ovrl t.. i]le c'stom.. nnl bas ine nlLl io raiLrn ih. loodc lhe lolloning
adrusrna crtica are passld,
rr ,{r se 4 P,dt

Accounllng Treahenl ol Goods Sent on ApprovalBasis

1 S.les value olsurh goods is dlorvn on iho (cdn sid," Lry nsy oldedndon Jio'l

2. Cost oa cn soods is shosD on the crediL sjde br $,r ol eddtion to thr dosing

3. l. the lalmce Shcti, Sundry Deblors shall siand rdu.ed lryihe sale laluc xnd
C los nrs Sioch shall stand infeased by th! con of
Illusrrdlion 23, On 3rJt Mar.h,200S t]le lollo' ins Tj.ial Balance {as exr.R.ied n on

lrep8n the trdins ard Froit 5nd Loss lccount for the y.!r cDd.d 3li Mddr,2009
and Brlln.e Sherl rs on thrt date, after naking adjLNinents for i]le folloning naiters
rt, De0'ecrale Land &d BuLlding.l 2r:ir lnd rloror vehi.les ar 20i.
rit) lnreresi on Lorn ai 6t! per rnnum is unplid lor six nonths
aiir Coods (srn,gRs 500 $..c"ror Lo a rusr,n.roi r
3tst Msrh, 1009 and had been recordcd in thc books as r.tual srlcs.
ri|j saliri.sdouoiineioRs ?503ddnia3anouninrgioRs 350*eouhilndins
1.r lrepad lNnran(e anonnted lo Rs. tto
iri) P.ovision lor DouLllul DrLts is ro L. dainiaL..d rl5tl on Sund.r Dcblors.
(lii) l'rov,de lor U!n5ser\ rjo')Dissior si 101, or .ei pmfis r{ter.ha.sing such
(u.itr Stock nr Hind on 31siMxrdr.2009, *$ulucd ri Rs 6,250

Fh tt4tst t r!t tFirott\,t Ll\r\AJ;titn.t.




Notes: r. !r,rro!rlh!v. baen induded LnrheliLosnrgSto.k

2 ThcMmascriConnnssidnonn.lD.oiiis..lculal.da!10/1l0olR; 3,?12

Coods nr TraNit refe$ to fiose eoods rvhi.h nrve becn pu.hared bui har rol Lem
tucdved dur;'glhe.urenl r(oud!,ngFi,od thasagoods Ie a oidol rha t)los,ng
Sioc}. th accounbng heabrcni is as follo-'.sl
Da61? Ent4 tsaah r4rr4 xr

rlusir,.i.n 2.1, Inroicos for soods co$n,s Ri 20,000 havc bccn cniercd on N&dr 26.
2009 Lur ihe so.d3 h!r. not J.t receieed iill N3-h 31. 1009. TaLins rhe
..couniinsrar as ihe F$ thc nectssarr adjusrins.rries and sho*
tle r.r.nd.r1 in tho rinal A(oun*

lBeidg r.he goods D!rrh$.d brirot yet E.e,ved)

lvha. ihe 0roD.irlor drrm somegoods tioi,lrni lor his peEonal use

\r' il yon fiDd ibat ihis hxr oot b(n r(ordcd in ile Loohs. Jou iiake rhe
o.Gs!.r riljrilm.nts io iahe ir ntu i\-A FnrsL A.! rhm. thc irerDent ol su.l
drr\rinss oleood: by ih. pn,Fictor in the !.jnal.\c.odnlr ,s !.61|ILs
I D!dud ii tr.,n rLi.has.s on tns debir side olibe lrlll!,sA(couni
2 Lrpilld n.irh.r f.on dFiirt or add io dnvnlgs oi 1[c liatilib sidr ot rhc Bdancr
Accounting Treahent ol Drawings

odds€ 1rys1 sm$\)m$


!'or sdeFronoiion. somcolih.soodsnatbcdistibured as lieasrnples. ro.cxrtpl..
,fgoodslorthRs 5,000.!cdise,buiedAl|ccs. ,tlesrh.dii\allbeanrdv.nistnonr
lbr ihecomenbnlon Lhcoih..hand iIe $o.ks rvill bolossLyloods ol such vRlue In
ordar b Lrry this inlothobooL( ol3..ouri. ine follo{ing cnr.t is prssed:

'rhe rvo lold efl!.t oftli" rrlrr Lrill be:

11 is shoin on ih. cr.dir snle ol tlre 'tradins A.cornl, or d.duded f.on ihc

[lustn{ion 25. rrod]ilre tollosnrs fiirlBrlrn... tr.Dxft il.l}ldnrs lnd Profir r
rissA.connL lor llcFarcnded Msch 31,2009 and ll,ell.l!d.P Sheet as on lhrt d.r.'

(t Cl6nrg Sro.k Rs 6,000

nri Coods .o$ins Rs. 1,000 vcft jstihliad $ llea samlles ihih !od& cosiit'g
r A cedii sale olRs.2.000 rvas.oi re.orded u ihe ssles book
riu) Cldsing Stock nrluded eoods costing Rs r,000 vhi.h\.resoLd rdd r{o.ded$
ssl6 bul not delvercd Lo rhc !u"iod,.r
l!) Mainlah f risnin Jir' lroulitul Dcbb @ 5!,
1Lt) (Jnlv one third advetisin* cxp. n s. s ar. to be w.itie. ofi:
Da$h EdrD BaaA k.pirz-Xl



/dd:0u6hid@ dd4Lol@n

Illfttntior 26, Cilcr belos ir rho ]lial Bal.ncs ofl's Glph & Sos as dn 31.3.2009
\trn)olN ) \litl \\r tt,?r\

(t) On s.r!.i.r n i hund thrl bank balancc as per curreni.c.o

3132009nxsRs.5,73,000 .hequaolRs 70.000 {ar (ollcdd a dcbtor
rdurned dishonoued and 3 drcqL. or rk 1G.000 rv$ d.Fo:red by arodle.

ltti Clos,nssl.o(k * 0r 31.3.2009 nas Rs 10.000

(rt) r'u(hlser rel,urn Rs. 2000 was rvmnglr Foned 3\;rl.! r
debiLcd to strlpliert amou.i
(i,) Pur.hases DaJ Book is Jbu.d.verri Lr R\ 6,000
(,r Sales Day Bookis fou.d u.dc.eri h! Rs 2,000
tou rr. io lr) re&rlt tne 1.Ii3l l]3l,n.e, a.d L2) ptupt!.c rinrlA(lmts ol

rR AL BAeNcE rFehis4 d, !5r r,i:u ?e!

Pudd4 (Rs 6r@0 n5 6@0l

saA Fdui lB5 trft|.R5,.01o

PudA*idui lBs cm0+a3 r@0) ] 1';;
Smit} Ddbn lF! 8!m0rF5 7i.m0.3: t.oN]

c*hdB klFs 6.!oi! Rs 70c!0+Fs r0N)

Drubh Etun Aatt K,?pinC X]


Note thc ol SuqrD.e Accouli;n the .cctifisd T.idi tsalancc implioB iha!

13e(.n!de@bd flo sd d by 4do,l


1&hq Nrch$ retun woe r red&d s

Frr4rrur Strrtrn!, L L'r;i' 4i

li) I ltrdedm1nesto.Linth!tcginiLngoflis.5.l50,the*ockofit.UonlrroJRr 150

(ii) ln.luded i. the General Erp$sa A..ouni. ihe expen:es olstalioner! Dr(hosed

ld.luded nr thc siock a1fi. edd Rs t,200, inc sto.L olsrtti.nery lts 200
Ho$ {ill Fu adFsi th.ligu(s oJ opennrs md Closin! Sto.hs ol linel ac.ouls lur
pos.:?Shor!rh.rno nrotsiat,oruryused,ob.shorrninihel,lofitrndLorsAcoudi

ajpeningSlodrvilltreiho\r*i$redu.edfisu..t,i..lis 5.000lRs s,lt0 Rs.150)

ontnc.ioliisid.dltheTrldngA.count Slo.har rhe -".d. t.. Rs 5,000tRs 5:00
Rs 20l]rrill be dro\rn on thecrrd sid. oalheTradingAc.ount xnd on Llt rseh side

'lhe6gxrcol rrionrJ lsed io be sholvn on fic dcbil s,d. olPnnii 3nd

Illuslrliion 23. The folLo$ins Tri.l

(,r Storh r 31st Mrd 2009 rss vahed at Rs 30.000
(ii) Olthc Sundry Debiox Rs 3,000 arc trd.dd nxrld h-" rvdiien ofl
L;tt) Mainian r prorision ol Sti on Slndry Debtorr ior Doubtlul dehls
ii') Coodsrosljng}rs a,000'eresenito.usto,net o. Slle on ApFrcval Basis on Soih
Msnh, 2000 Lrt rccDrdd $ acr u3l $lei nrc rab olsxoss ptu6r \r!! l/iih or co$
(,.r Trro ol tle exDendnure on.rnasc pe.lana m ihe eoods Purchas.d
lo.allJ and LmFricd lnd USrd.elated io sales
(Dt) Rs r,200 paid !s oni.e rani rvere d.bihd tD thc lrndlddi sc.odri md seP
nrLuded D the Surdrt Debrors.
D. bt2 Enr4 ,t ol K.rpinP-xl

oii) C€neral Mnnlgor to begiven.ommission oll0{ aitcr charghg Lhe.onmission

ol wo.ks manogcr ard his o{D on net proni.
(utii) Wofk! ic ro be givcn a! 5i,.onmislion att . cheglng comnission dl ilan!{$ md his own o. ner profit. Such connission shall be
calculrt d to ti€ ne est nulriplc of rupe
Yor oF.equied 10 prep!rc tlc trading and Ptufir dnd hss Adount to. the yeo.
ended:lrstMrrch.2009 a llrc Bal.nle Stect asont[:l dale.


f .i6

G*d d'r4is c4m$r rNft t

I $i"r6o

t ?sr?
Lrry 'j!9
I Tllul cariaee is lts 6.000, 2/3.d is relaied 10 purhases and l,1ld h related b
ral.N. Thcrcfore, R. 4,000 will b. dqbit€d to n,c TrudingAccount 6!d Rs 2,000
ivlll bedehil,edto the lrofi1and Lo$ Acrounl.
2. GroNsP.oEionCosl=V5thor20%olcmi. let rNt p.ic. otgod& $ld on appbral
- 100, Gfts Protit = R:.20, Sellin8 Pn.e = Rs r 20, Srlliry nricc olstftk or s@d,
*cnt on $lp on ApproHl Brsis - tL4. rrlo'Its. r0O x Ps. i,ooo - R\.6,000
Ftnrtt at sto'a'a rl.i nntAh\+\\'n nt'

Cl,): nslr.htor=Rs 35.000 Rs 3,000rBadDebhi Rs 6,000(SalesorAlprorxl
Brsnr Rs 1.200 (Renr = Rs 2,1,3u0
5 cak:Lllti.n ofcont i$ion:
N.i P!.lli lrefore arJ co'nncsion = 96,260 ,1.000

Ccneral M.nageri ConmEsion

N{ll!!!!9!r:s4raltto : Rle or'(i rl.'s c{n]nisim
100 + RareolC.XI t Cotunissio. + R:ie ollv M.'s Comnnssion
R.32e60!ro R. sr.eeo, lll=R. ?21+
100+ 10+5
Illustntion29. From in. bools ol MA shyanTrade.s tlr lollosjng TrialBah!.e
h3s beer p.epared on SrstMrr.h,2009

PEplr. thr Trrdidg a.d f.otir ard Loss Ac.onnt lor thc !.a. d.ded 31* Mar.h,
2009. mdincBalanrc Sl,cer,s od ilri daie, iakinginio consid.ration th. aduslmeni

hr On 1* October, 2003 planr $ Rs 10,000 ras !dr.h$ed on .r.dit bui no

ennr has been Fassed
notbLE r. D ar x{prn9 xI
h, or rsdlri4 tryfl&s: Renl Rs 500 sal&.J Rs 600
(it) Pzpatl t4rr6j lnsuance Rs 250, wasls Rs ,100
.0, I"oirF rp-o1' b.i... ..

r') $r eofDeprecl.iion on Phnt F!.niturs@ r01! a

1o) Wit offR: 'dd Debts xnd crcaie lrNEiod
i00 iiom neltors asArd
D.hls 1.51; and 2ti llrorisionlor Disconnt or trchro.s

Nors lJepre.hiiod on Ptani = Rs 5,000 (i..., Rs 5r.000:10/to0)+Rs.500(r..

Rs 10,000 ! 10/100:6n2r - Rs 5.500.
Fin qi wtt,Att)r r .t .


r S!1.: Trx roll..lcd is roi a revenue tb. rbe busirtss., ho$c!or. n is I r.ccipl
roll(trdorth.bchalfoltheLtovernneDi sot sli.uld li. usnlcrd I llxbjlity lor
rhc busl ,ss llll i; paid offro dre Goye.mpni
2. lnromo Trxto bc txkcn as dlrnDss

Pfur,a.c thr Trading and lroit rnd Loss Accouri lor t Jc..endins lhrch 3t,2000
and in8 Balance sheei as on ihrl dare ror n!k;,g thc folo{ins adjusrDerrs
t) nerireclalo lurniture and Filtings bJ 10t or orjsiddl.o
(ii) nhhe ! Prolision lo. Doubtlnl Dcbb cqnal to sti ofDehi.*
liti) SrlrioslorthenoniholM .hmrountinc!rR3.3,000nereunpaidNhi.hnDn
bsproyided lor Thebahnc. in rhc..couni indudes ls 2,000 pa Ln.dvancr
1t) Insuranre i3 prctaid to thc catc olRs 2,000
(o) lrovide Rs 3,000 ror omlc expenses.
Dauble Ent4 BDahtutrie xI
s'..r v,h,.d ,1Rs $ere Fnt up by Ranr lor hE Fer\onrluce, ihc.ost of
") \rhi.!hrs nol beeD 6,000
adju*ed rD
(rii) closins sio& valued ar Rs 63000 lNer lre3lissLrle vatuc R3.60000).

NDre A(odinsio Acronnting srandard 2 issued by lcAI closiresiochis vslled al

3 lorver.o* or nat r.ilisxr'1. rxlu.

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