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Chapter 12

Objective: To understand the basics of intake design.

Desired Learning Outcomes:

1. Realize the purpose of air intakes.

2. Analyze subsonic intakes.

3. Analyze supersonic intakes.

1.      The design and principle of operation of gas turbine needs a large amount of
air for it to operate efficiently.  The intake should provide this air as efficiently as
possible with the minimum pressure loss. The ideal intake should:
(a) Provide the engine with the amount of air which it demands.
(b) Provide the air over the full range of Mach numbers and engine throttle
(c) Provide the air at all operating altitudes.
(d) Provide the air evenly distributed over the compressor face.
(e) Accelerate or decelerate the air so that it arrives at the compressor face at
the required velocity (normally about M0.5 (160-220 m/s)).
(f) Provide optimum initial air compression to augment compressor pressure
(g)     Minimize external drag.
2.      The intake effectiveness is expressed in terms of pressure recovery. It is
defined as the “ratio of the mean total pressure across the engine face (P t1) to the
free stream total pressure (Pt0)”.  This is always less than unity (Pt1/ Pt0 < 1), though
great efforts are made to minimize total pressure losses which arise through surface
friction, the intake shock-wave system, and shock-wave boundary layer interaction.

Chapter 12

Fig 12-1 Pressure Recovery

Airflow through Ducts

3.      Before considering intakes in any more detail, the behaviour of airflow through
a duct, and the consequent affect the cross sectional area has on the pressure,
temperature, and velocity need to be understood.
4.      With steady continuous airflow through a duct, the mass flow rate at any cross
section must be the same, i.e. m = ρAV.  It follows therefore that at a minimum cross
sectional area the velocity is highest, and at a maximum cross sectional area the
velocity is lowest.
5.      Because of the change in velocity there is also an effect on the pressure and
temperature of the airflow at these points.  Where the velocity is highest the static
temperature and pressure are lowest, and where the velocity is lowest the static
temperature and pressure are highest.

Fig 12-2 Airflow through a Duct

6.      The above paragraph can be expressed using a modified version of Bernoulli’s
equation, representing the total pressure of the airflow.  The first term (pressure) is
often referred to as the static pressure, and is the pressure of the surrounding air,
whereas the second term (½ρV2) is referred to as the dynamic pressure and
represents the kinetic energy of the airflow.
P + ½ρV2 = Constant
      Where P = Static Pressure
Chapter 12

ρ = Density
V = Velocity
     and the Pressure law :

= Constant
      Where P = Static Pressure
T = Temperature
7. At constant density, any increase in velocity will cause a decrease in static
pressure, and be accompanied by a decrease in static temperature.  Conversely,
any decrease in velocity will cause an increase in static pressure, and therefore an
increase in static temperature.

8.      This relationship holds for airflows below the speed of sound (Mach 1).  As the
airflow approaches M1.0, the density of the air decreases dramatically so that an
increase in the duct cross sectional area causes an increase in velocity.  (Note: at
low speeds air density also decreases as velocity increases, but the effect is not very

Subsonic Intakes
9.      In operation, the subsonic intake captures the required air mass flow and
delivers it to the engine compressor at the correct speed.  This is achieved by
converting the dynamic pressure of the airflow to static pressure using a divergent
duct or diffuser.  This method is used by all subsonic fixed wing aircraft using a ‘pitot’
intake (Fig 12-3).  The pitot intake has thick, well rounded lips to prevent flow
separation, particularly during yawing maneuvers.  Proper design enables high
intake efficiency over a wide operating range.

Fig 12-3 Subsonic ‘Pitot’ Intake

10. Boundary Layer Effects. Fuselage boundary layer air is a slow
moving region containing little kinetic energy that must not be allowed to enter the
compressor as it may cause compressor stall.  There are three widely used methods
to avoid this:
(a)      Diverter. By setting the intake a few centimeters from the fuselage
and using ramps and ducts to divert the boundary layer air away from the intake
(Fig 12-4).

Chapter 12

Fig 12-4

(b)      Fence. This device prevents the boundary layer from entering
the intake by ‘fencing off’ the intake region from the fuselage (Fig 12-5).

Fig 12-5

(c)      Bleed.   In this method the boundary layer air is bled away to a low
pressure region using perforations or slots inside the intake (Fig 12-6).

Fig 12-6

11.    Intake Operation. Subsonic intakes are designed to operate most efficiently
at the aircraft design cruising speed.  In subsonic operation ambient air will be
affected by a pressure wave in front of the intake.  The air diffuses in preparation for
entry into the intake at a lower velocity, according to the mass flow continuity
equation. The effectiveness of the intake can be expressed as a ratio between the
cross sectional area of the free stream volume of air entering the intake (the capture
stream-tube) to that of the intake entry plane. This is termed the Capture Area Ratio,
and the intake operates under three basic conditions, critical, sub-critical and super-

Chapter 12

Fig 12-7 Capture Area Ratio

(a)   Critical Operation. An intake is said to be in the critical

condition when the capture ratio is unity. Critical operation should occur at the
aircraft design cruising speed, however, in practice most intakes are designed
to be just sub-critical at cruise conditions.

Fig 12-8 Critical Intake Conditions

(b)    Sub-critical Operations. This situation occurs when the engine requires
less air than the intake is delivering.  When this happens a back pressure will
be felt in front of the intake causing the excess air to spill over the cowl,
thereby matching intake delivery to engine demand.  Sub-critical operation is
undesirable because it gives rise to high drag forces.

Fig 12-9 Sub critical Operation

Chapter 12

Fig 12-10 Super Critical Operation

(c)   Super-critical Operation.   Super-critical operation occurs when the
engine demands more air than the intake can deliver (Fig 12-10).  The suction
created causes the boundary layer to separate inside the intake and could
starve the engine of air.  This condition is caused by a combination of high
engine rpm and low flight speed. During take-off severe super-critical
operation occurs and to overcome the problem aircraft are fitted with auxiliary
intake doors to increase the effective cross sectional area of the intake. 
These doors are often spring-loaded and are “sucked-in” when compressor
demand exceeds intake delivery. The positioning of the intakes are influenced
by the location of the engines and aircraft design, which can mean that aircraft
handling in flight will dramatically affect the airflow into the intake.(Fig 12-11)

Fig 12-11

Chapter 12

Supersonic Intakes
12.    Shock Waves.   At supersonic speed the intake still has to
produce air at about M0.5 at the compressor face, requiring the air to be decelerated
which will cause the formation of shock waves.  There are essentially two types of
shock wave, a normal shock which is perpendicular to the air-flow, and an oblique
shock which, as the name implies, is created at an angle to the air-flow.  Both types
of shock wave decelerate the air flow but the pressure loss which occurs when
supersonic flow is decelerated to subsonic speed across a normal shock wave is
greater than the loss occurring when flow is decelerated across an oblique shock
wave to a lower supersonic speed.  Combinations of the two shock wave formations
are usually employed to achieve the desired effect. At high speeds shock waves
form at the intake entry, the values of the pressure and heat generated depending on
the Mach number and number of shocks present. The pressure recovery across a
normal shockwave is near unity up to approximately 1.4M. At higher speeds the
pressure recovery behind the normal shock drops off rapidly. The Mach no.
downstream of an oblique shock wave is supersonic at almost all the combinations
of upstream mach no. and the pressure recovery is close to unity for all mach
numbers up to 2.5 mach. Therefore, the deceleration of a supersonic free stream
flow is most efficiently achieved by a sequence of shock waves. For speeds above
1.4M the intakes must be designed to produce oblique shocks since this is the
smoothest method of deceleration.

Chapter 12

Fig 12-12
13. Types of Intake for Supersonic Flight. There are
several different supersonic intake concepts, however, two - the pitot and external
compression type, are currently used for the majority of supersonic aircraft.
(a)      Pitot Type.   This type uses a single normal shock across the intake
lips and is suitable for maximum supersonic operating speeds of up to about
Mach 1.5.
(b)      External Compression. This uses a combination of oblique shocks
outside the intake and a normal shock at the duct entrance.  This type of intake
is used on aircraft with maximum operating speeds in excess of Mach 2.
14.    Pitot Intake. At supersonic speed the pitot intake forms a normal shock wave
at the intake lip. The Mach number of the air stream is instantaneously reduced
below unity through the shock, the intake then acts as a subsonic diffuser.  However,
as the normal shock is very strong, there is a sharp loss of total pressure across it,
and so the pressure recovery is poor.  At Mach 2, the pressure recovery of the pitot
intake is only some 70%, compared with as high a figure as 97% for more efficient
multi-shock intakes.  As the Mach number drops across the shock a static pressure
rise occurs, causing the intake to act as a compressor, contributing some thrust to
the power plant.  The pitot intake is used on some aircraft with supersonic capability
as the simplicity gained outweighs the slight loss of efficiency.  One problem with the
supersonic pitot intake is that the lips must be sharp to prevent shock detachment
causing reduced efficiency at low speed.

Fig 12-13

Chapter 12

15.    External Compression Intake. For aircraft that operate at high Mach
numbers, the pressure recovery of the pitot intake is unacceptably low, because of
the large total pressure loss across the normal shock.  By using a multi-shock intake
this loss can be considerably reduced by doing most of the compression through a
series of oblique shocks, and using a final shock to bring the Mach number below
unity.  Because oblique shocks are weak and involve only small losses, the normal
shock now occurs at a lower Mach number and is therefore much weaker than in a
pitot intake.  There are various multi-shock intake configurations:
(a)      Two-shock Intake. The two-shock intake is the simplest form of multi-
shock intake, consisting of one oblique shock followed by a normal shock.  The
oblique shock is created by introducing a ramp (or wedge) into the intake, which
is so designed that the shock touches the cowl lip at the design Mach number.  
Since the oblique shock angle depends upon Mach number, the shock will not
touch the lip except at the design point.

Fig 12-14

(b)      Three-shock Intake. By introducing a further oblique shock a

higher pressure recovery can be obtained.  This causes the final normal
shock to occur at an even lower Mach number.  Such an intake is known as a
three-shock intake with the second oblique shock created by an additional
ramp or wedge.

Fig 12-15

(c)    Variable Geometry Intakes. The preceding examples are fixed

geometry intakes; although having the advantage of simplicity they only operate
efficiently at the design Mach number.  At any off-design point, sub-critical or super-
critical operation will occur when the oblique shock is not positioned on the lip,
because shock angle depends on Mach
Chapter 12

number.  This will cause spillage below the design Mach number.  For aircraft which
operate over a wide range of Mach numbers, the penalties imposed by a fixed
geometry intake may be unacceptable. 
In such cases, variable geometry intake systems are fitted, with the following
(i)   A movable ramp or wedge to position the oblique shock on the lip.

Fig 12-16
(ii)   A system of auxiliary intake and dump doors to take in
extra air when engine demand exceeds supply, or dump some air
when supply exceeds engine demand.

Fig 12-17

16.    Variable Position Intakes.

This type of intake is found increasingly on modern fighter aircraft where high angles
of attack (AOA) are experienced.  The front of the intake can pivot or rotate forward
presenting the intake entry into the air stream during high AOA manoeuvres.

Fig 12-18

Supersonic Intake Criticality

17. As with subsonic intakes, supersonic intakes may operate under the 3 basic
conditions of critical, sub-critical or super-critical:
(a)      Critical Operation.  A supersonic intake is said to be critical when the
shock system rests on the cowl lip.

110 Fig 12-19

Chapter 12

(b)      Sub-critical Operation. If the engine requires less air than the
intake delivers, then pre-entry diffusion will occur after the shock wave, pushing
the shock system forwards and spilling air. Under certain severe sub-critical
conditions shock wave resonance (intake buzz) can occur.

Fig 12-20

(c) Super-critical Operation. Super-critical operation occurs when

the engine demands more air than the intake can deliver.  The suction created
causes the normal shock to occur inside the intake, and at a higher Mach
number as the diffuser now acts as a supersonic duct and accelerates the air
ahead of the shock. This condition is preferable to sub-critical operation since
no drag is generated, although there may be some instability inside the intake. 
Note that A0 cannot exceed A1.

Fig 12-21

Questions for Study and Discussion

1. What are the purposes of air intakes?

2. What happens in a divergent duct?

Chapter 12

1. What are the benefits of round lip intakes?

2. What is critical operation?

3. Which operation occurs at cruising speeds?


1. How do shock waves affect intake performance?


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