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Recipes 2021
Dr. Achyuthan Eswar
Pongal Recipes 2021


You have taken the rst step to a healthier tomorrow

through our Sankranti & Pongal Recipe eBook from &!  

We hope you love it!

Starting the New Year on a sweet note

Pongal means festivity or celebration. Maybe

this is why a bite of sakkarai pongal or sweet
pongal is like a celebration in your mouth! Learn
how to prepare the healthiest versions of 10
Pongal & Sankranti Delicacies without using milk,
sugar, or oil, yet 100% lip-smackingly
delicious! Learn how to prepare the healthiest
versions of 10 Pongal & Sankranti Delicacies
without using milk, sugar, or oil, yet 100% lip
smackingly delicious!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

What makes Bhogi

Bhogi is the day before Pongal. What makes it


Bhogi is the nal day of the year, before Pongal

marks the dawn of the New Year. It is celebrated

by casting away old things, like clothes and

furniture, and setting them on re, to get ready

to embrace the New. Homes are cleaned with

neem and mango leaves.

In the spirit of celebrating Bhogi, let us cast

away our old habits and prepare to embrace

newer, healthier lifestyles this year.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

2020 has been a year of survival. Survival

against Covid-19 and all of its ripples across the
world. Speaking of survival, among those who
contracted covid-19, the highest chance of
survival was for those who were healthy to
begin with. Those eating healthy diets and not
su ering from diabetes, hypertension, obesity or
heart disease. Talk about the gift of good health!

New viruses have emerged after covid-19,

across the world, due to the practices of the
intensive and destructive animal farming

Let us cast away our old unhealthy habits and

embrace newer, healthier habits this year to
prevent the next pandemic and improve our
immunity to be safe from this one.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

What makes Sankranti

Pongal means festivity or celebration. Maybe
this is why a bite of sakkarai pongal or sweet
pongal is like a celebration in your mouth!

Sankranti celebrates the Winter Solstice. After

months of rain and cold weather, Sankranti

marks the longest night of the year, after which

the days get longer, brighter and sunnier.

The name Makara Sankranti comes from the

transit of the Sun into the Makara Raasi, or


Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Importantly, Sankranti is the harvest celebration.

All over India, across various cultures and

tongues, Sankranti is celebrated with til or

sesame, grains, and something sweet - jaggery,

bananas, or local fruits. From laddus to halwas

and porridge to payasam, there is a whole wide

range of lip smacking delicacies that are

prepared exclusively for Sankranti.

On this online course, you will learn how to

make these amazing dishes with zero animal
and processed foods. We show you how to use
100% healthy whole plant foods to recreate your
favourite dishes. We are talking about til laddus
without sugar and sweet pongal without milk,
but so delicious your family will fall in love with

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based

Venpongal Recipe
Needless to say, khara or ven pongal is a staple
during Makar Sankranti or ‘Pongal’, as the festival
is called in Tamil Nadu.

Pongal is a much loved dish. Perhaps because

of the avours from warm aromatic spices and

feeling of comfort with every mouthful.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

It is popular in many parts of India and known by

di erent names. Khichdi in North India, Ven

Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Khara Pongal in Karnataka

and Katte Pongali in Andhra Pradesh. For all its

di erent avatars, the same set of basic

ingredients are used—rice and split yellow lentil

or moong dal.

We show you how to make this popular dish

healthier and tastier! We use foxtail millet with

lentil instead of white rice

Needless to say, khara or ven pongal is a staple

during Makar Sankranti or ‘Pongal’, as the festival
is called in Tamil Nadu.

Try out this one-pot super healthy dish with

some tangy coconut chutney!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Ven Pongal

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Passive Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes

Servings: 4 people

1 cup Foxtail Millet

1/2 cup Moong dal split yellow lentil

1 inch piece Ginger

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

4 cups Water

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Ga rnishing

1/4 tsp Cashew

2 tsp Coriander Stems & Leaves chopped

1/4 cup Coconut paste

1/2 tsp Black Pepper

1 pinch Asafoetida / Hing / Perungayam

4 tsp Miso Paste (Healthy Salt Alternative)

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds / Jeera

1 strand Curry Leaves

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Wash and Soak millet and lentil for at least
30 minutes

2. Peel and chop ginger into small pieces. Mix

foxtail millet, moong dal, ginger and
turmeric powder with water. Cook with a

partially closed lid. Check the water once in

a while and add more if required. Ensure to

not let it boil over or get burnt. This is

easiest when using a clay pot.
3. Dry roast jeera mildly. Crush jeera and
black pepper coarsely.

4. Once foxtail millet ven pongal is cooked,

add crushed black pepper, crushed jeera,
miso paste, perungayam / asafoetida,

chopped coriander leaves, curry leaves,

coconut paste and cashews.
5. Allow to cool completely and serve fresh

with avial .

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best Ven

Pongal Recipe
1. "Pongal is only authentic when you add

copious amounts of ghee", you may hear

your relatives saying. Don't worry, though,
because copious amounts of freshly

ground coconut paste will make your

pongal recipe taste divine!

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Ven Pongal Recipe
1. Why whole grains? Whole grains are
healthier than re ned grains such as white

rice, re ned ours, maida, rava, etc., as the

bran layer is intact, with all its vitamins,

minerals, and phytonutrients. Whole grains

have been found to be protective against a

whole range of chronic diseases, including

heart disease, diabetes, and lifestyle-

related cancers.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Vegan Sakkarai Pongal Recipe

A ghee-free, millet sweet pongal which makes
for a healthy, guilt-free indulgence.

Pongal means festivity or celebration. Maybe

this is why a bite of sakkarai pongal is like a
celebration in your mouth!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Sakkarai Pongal is a traditional dessert. It is

especially prepared during the Makar Sankranti

or Pongal festival in Southern India. Traditionally,

it is a preparation with rice, moong dal and

We have for you a dish that will melt in your

mouth and leave you wanting more. A ghee-

free, millet sweet pongal which makes for a
healthy, guilt-free indulgence.

Whole Food Plant Based Sakkari Pongal

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4 people

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

2/3 cup Foxtail Millet

1/3 cup Payatham Paruppu / Pasi Paruppu /

Yellow Moong Dal / Split Yellow Lentil

1 cup Date Syrup

1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder / Elaichi

2 tbsp Almond Butter

1/4 cup Mixed nuts

3 cups Water as required

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Soak Foxtail Millet and Payatham Paruppu

/ Moong Dal for at least 30 minutes. Drain

the water. Cook them together with 2 cups
of water with a partially closed lid. Check
on it once in a while and adjust water if

required. Do not allow it to boil over or get


2. Once the foxtail millet and moong dal is

cooked, mix in almond butter, date syrup
and cardamom powder. Dilute almond

butter with a little water before mixing to

make this step easier.
3. Wait until it cools down completely.

Garnish with mixed nuts. Serve Fresh!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best

Sakkarai Pongal Recipe
1. Add cinnamon and cloves for a greater
range of avor.

2. Cooking foxtail millet and moong dal

separately is safer if you don't have time to
check on them often.

3. Cooking foxtail millet & moong dal in a clay

pot is easier than a steel vessel, as it gets
cooked evenly.

4. While partially covering the boiling moong

dal and foxtail millet with a plate for sweet
pongal recipe, it is wise to pour some
water on the plate. If the plate remains

cool, the boiling mixture will not boil over!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Sweet Pongal Recipe
1. Why not honey, sugar or jaggery? Sugar

and Jaggery are processed foods.

Although jaggery is healthier than brown

sugar, which, in turn, is healthier than white

sugar, all forms of processed foods are

unhealthy when compared to whole plant

foods. Honey is healthwise as good as

jaggery, which isn't saying much. In

addition to not being very healthy, honey

production kills millions of bees every year,

a ecting our environment adversely. The

best sweetener alternative is a whole fruit

or dry fruit. The easiest method of using

these is date syrup, as it does not involve

peeling or chopping.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Avial

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4 people

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1 Raw Banana

100 g Avare Kaalu

3 Carrots medium sized

200 g Beans

100 g Peas

40 g Peanuts

1 tsp Jeera Powder

1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

4 tsp Miso Paste

1 pinch Asafoetida / Hing

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

2 tbsp Coriander Stems & Leaves chopped


1. Peel, string and cut vegetables into long, 1 inch

pieces. Put all of them together with peas in a

vessel with just enough water to cover the

vegetables and cook with the lid closed.

2. Dry roast peanuts until they are just cooked, but

not browned.

3. Once cooked, grind peanuts to a ne paste with

just enough water, jeera powder, black pepper

powder, lemon juice, miso paste and hing, and

mix into avial.

4. The dish should be like a stew, but not too thin.

Garnish with coriander leaves and serve fresh

with Ven Pongal !

Plant Based Chef Pro T ips for the Best Avial


1. Add cooked peanut mylk or even peanut curds

to make avial thicker.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Avial Recipe

1. Why Miso Paste? Miso paste is fermented &

salted soya bean paste. The AHA

recommended maximum daily salt intake of

3.75 grams per person to minimise risk of high

BP, stomach cancer and chronic kidney

disease. Replacing salt with miso paste also

helps by neutralising the negative e ects of

salt by soya phytonutrients. The simplest way

to achieve this is make your own miso paste

at home, or just measure out and use 3.75g

salt per person per day and use 10g of soya

beans or soya our per person per day in any

dishes, like dal, sambar and roti.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based

Pacchadi Recipe
Tender coconut pulp is creamy, dense and rich
because of which it is often the crowd favourite.

Woah! WFPB Raw Vegan Pacchadi? Yes! It sure

is a mouthful, one that is absolutely yummy! It’s

a delicious, dairy free yogurt based Vegan

Pacchadi. This creamy, melt-in-the mouth raitha
is not only tasty but healthier as well. This is a

raw recipe which requires no fermentation. So

you can have instant yogurt and instant Vegan

You can use it to make a myriad of healing

dishes including this Raw Vegan Pacchadi

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Raw

Vegan Pacchadi Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4 people

1. 1 Tender Coconut
2. 1 Lemon

3. 1/2 Cucumber
4. 1/4 inch Fresh Ginger
5. 1 Green Chilli
6. 1 plant Coriander

7. 1/4 tsp Black Pepper Powder

8. 2 tbsp Water
9. 4 tsp Miso Paste

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Scoop out tender coconut pulp. Squeeze
in lemon, add miso paste, pepper powder,
and water, and blend into a smooth paste.
This should give you a yogurt-like

2. Chop cucumber. Remove roots and chop
coriander. Slit green chili along its length.

Chop and crush ginger. Add these to the


3. Serve with millet pulao or pongal, or as a

dip with salads!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights

for Whole Food Plant Based
Raw Vegan Pacchadi
1. Why not dairy? Dairy products have been
found to be associated with increased risk

of chronic diseases, such as diabetes

mellitus, hypertension, obesity, asthma,

PCOS, and heart disease. We can still enjoy

our milk, cream, and butter though - as

long as they are made from whole plant


Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Vegan Thambuli Recipe

Serve Coconut Thambuli to your guests and
surprise them with the fact that it has no dairy in

If you are Indian, depending on which part of the

country you are from, you will most likely have
either curd or buttermilk with every meal! It is an

inevitable part of a meal that goes towards

making it wholesome. Only the few who do not
like milk or curds would not want to have a cup

of buttermilk during meals. This Coconut

Tambuli is a wonderful alternative to this well-
liked dairy product. Serve your guests and

surprise them with the fact that it has no dairy in

it. Serve it with this delicious Millet Pongal.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Coconut

Thambuli Recipe
Prep Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2 Glasses

1/4 cup Fresh Coconut grated or chopped

1/4 Green Chili

1/2 Gooseberry / Nellikkai / Amla

Juice of 1 Lemon

2 tsp Miso Paste

1 pinch Asafoetida / Perunkaayam / Hing

1 tbsp Coriander leaves chopped

Water as required

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Chop amla into pieces and remove the
amla seed pod.

2. Cut or grate fresh coconut and grind along

with amla pieces, lemon juice, miso paste,

and hing into a smooth paste. Add 1 3/4

cups of water and dilute.
3. Chop green chili and coriander leaves and

mix in. Stir well and serve fresh!

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for the Best

Coconut Thambulli Recipe
1. Coconut Thambuli is a Dairy Alternative for
buttermilk. Serve towards the end of

meals, with rice or without, or just as a

snack on a hot afternoon!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Coconut Thambuli Recipe
1. Why herbs with buttermilk? Herbs and
spices are the highest antioxidant foods.

Period. However, if we eat herbs without

added fat, we would probably just excrete

all those amazing phytonutrients. They

don’t get absorbed well. If we add nuts to

the same dish - even a small quantity like 6

almonds for an entire meal, most of the

phytonutrients get absorbed by the body!

This is because phytonutrients are fat

soluble. When combined with dairy foods,

however, the increased absorption may be

cancelled out by the increased

in ammation caused by the dairy itself.

Herbs with plant-based buttermilk could

give you the best of both and the best

antioxidant boost overall.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Coconut Chutney Recipe

| How to Make Coconut
Coconut chutney – can you imagine eating
pongal without it? It is a must have for us! Yum!

Coconut is a super versatile nut, and goes well

with any sort of recipe, savory and sweet,
adding its unique avor to the dish. In South

India, coconut is used in pretty much every dish,

from chutney to sambar to poriyal to avial!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Raw fresh coconut is a neutral food, health-wise.

If you want to make this even healthier, replace
coconut with almonds or walnuts!

Here’s a super easy and delicious coconut

chutney recipe. It can be used as dip with

vegetables or salads, or with pongal, idli, dosa
or roti. We have replaced green chili with
pepper, to bring out spice that does not irritate

the intestines. Bring out the creative side in you

using herbs and spices to avor this versatile
chutney. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Whole Food Plant Based Coconut

Chutney Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 2 people

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1/2 cup Fresh Coconut grated or cut

1/4 tsp Black Pepper

1 cm piece Ginger

2 tsp Roasted Gram Hurigadale, putani,


2 tsp Miso Paste (Healthy Salt Alternative)

1 tsp Mustard Seeds

2 tsp Coriander leaves chopped

Water as required

1 pinch Asafoetida / Hing

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Grind coconut with black pepper, and
make it into a ne paste. Add just enough

water to get the right consistency.

2. Pour the chutney into a bowl and garnish
with chopped coriander leaves.

3. Dry roast mustard seeds until they just

start popping. When they do, immediately
pour them on to the coconut chutney, and

serve with pongal, dosa or roti!

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips

1. Squeeze some lemon juice or add amla to
make it tangy.

2. Do not add too much water as coconut

chutney will become too watery.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Coconut Chutney Recipe
1. Why nuts instead of oil? Whole foods are

healthier than processed foods. When nuts

are pressed and oil is extracted, ber and
phytonutrients are lost, along with many
other nutrients. Therefore, whole nuts are
much healthier than oils, whether cold-
pressed or re ned.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Dairy-free Foxtail Millet

Curd Rice Recipe | Samai
You can still enjoy delicious curd rice and make
it a healing dish by simply using Almond Curds
and Foxtail Millet.

This Foxtail Millet Curd Rice is a preparation that

neither requires rice nor curd. Surprised? What’s

more, it’s also creamy and delicious. In most
parts of South India, curd rice is a must have at

the end of every meal and the go to meal when

one is unwell.
Try our delicious and super healthy Foxtail Millet
Curd Rice Recipe and tell us how you like it!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Foxtail Millet

Curd Rice Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4 people

1. 1 cup Foxtail Millet
2. 1/4 cup Almonds
3. 1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds
4. 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
5. 1 tsp Split Black Gram Urad Dal
6. 1 Green Chilli slit
7. 1/2 inch Fresh Ginger minced
8. 5-6 Fresh Curry Leaves
9. 1 handful Fresh Coriander Leaves

10. 1 Lemon
11. A pinch Asafoetida
12. 4 tsp Miso Paste

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Cook foxtail millet with 2 1/2 cups of water.

Stir from time to time, ensuring it does not

get burnt. Cook until well cooked and
mashable. Once cooked, spread on a plate

or large vessel to cool down completely.

2. Soak almonds for 4 to 8 hours. Grind with a
little water to as smooth a paste as
possible. Mix with foxtail millet rice once it

is completely cool.
3. Heat a pan. Dry roast split black gram on a
low ame till it acquires a golden brown

tinge. At this point, add mustard seeds,

cumin seeds, slit green chili, chopped
ginger, curry leaves, asafoetida and roast it

for a few seconds.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

4. Add this tempering to the millet and curd

mix. Squeeze lemon and mix in miso as
well. Stir well. Adjust the sourness by

adding more lemon juice if required. Add

more water if you prefer a watery

5. Garnish with nely chopped coriander

leaves and serve fresh!

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best

Foxtail Millet Curd Rice Recipe
1. You can use onions as well while roasting.

2. Add extra coconut curd if you like it

3. You could also grind up tender coconut
pulp instead of mature coconut pulp. This

gives a much creamier curd rice!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights

for Whole Food Plant Based
Foxtail Millet Curd Rice Recipe
1. Why cool whole grains? When cooked

grains are allowed to cool on the counter

or in the fridge, its starch crystallises to
form resistant starch. This can be eaten by
our good gut bacteria and also reduces
the glycemic index (the rate at which
glucose is absorbed), making the whole
grain even healthier. For the same reason,
parboiled whole grains can be used as

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Barnyard Millet Ribbon

Pakoda Recipe | Oil Free
Millet Recipes
How to make this recipe healthier? Use an oven
instead of a frying pan. And, replace oils with
whole nuts. That will amp up the nutrient
quotient signi cantly.

Who doesn’t love a good ribbon pakoda? Or a

dozen? How about when it’s baked? And oil-

free? And made from Barnyard Millet? 😀

How to make this recipe healthier? Use an oven

instead of a frying pan. And, replace oils with
whole nuts. That will amp up the nutrient

quotient signi cantly.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Barnyard Ribbon

Pakoda Recipe
Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 20 min

Servings: 8 servings

1 cup Barnyard Millet Flour

1/2 cup Fresh Toor Dal / Pigeon Peas 

1/2 cup Groundnuts

1/2 cup Flax Seeds

8 tsp Miso Paste

1 tsp Black Pepper Powder

1/3 cup Water

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Ba rnya rd Millet Doug h Prepa ra t ion

1. Grind groundnuts in a mixie without water

until you get raw peanut butter. You may

need to scrape the sides of the mixie a few

times. Use a small jar!
2. Grind ax seeds to get ax seed powder.

3. Grind fresh whole pigeon peas or peas or

potato to a ne paste.
4. Mix all ingredients together with water and

knead well to make a soft dough.

Ba king  

1. Preheat oven to 160 deg C

2. Line a baking tray with unbleached parchment

paper or a silicone sheet. Do not apply any oil on
the paper or the tray.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

3. Use a murukku machine or press machine

with long, at holes to squeeze out long ribbon

pakodas on the parchment paper. Be careful not

to make too many layers, as they will remain
soft. Squeeze a single layer for best results.

Bake at 180 deg C. Flip once after 10 to 12

4. Remove Barnyard Millet Ribbon Pakoda once

cooked, but before it turns brown. It will be

ready in about 20 - 30 minutes, depending on
the thickness. 
5. Once done, Cool down completely and enjoy

with a vegetable or nut dip!

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best

Barnyard Ribbon Pakoda Recipe
1. This may taste a little drier than fried ribbon
pakoda. This is normal.
2. Serve with a watery dip or dish to enjoy

barnyard millet ribbon pakoda better!

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB

Barnyard Ribbon Pakoda Recipe
1. Why not frying? Oil is a processed food,
even if it is cold pressed oil. In whole nuts,

the calories from the oil are balanced out

with the ber and nutrients in the nut. For

example, peanuts are healthier than

peanut oil, sesame seeds are healthier than

sesame oil. Hence, a healthy diet excludes

oil and includes whole nuts. We can easily

achieve a 'fried' e ect of di erent recipes

by baking the same dishes instead, like this


Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based

Ellu Unde Recipe
The ever so popular Ellu Unde is as healthy as it
is tasty. But we already know this. Traditional

wisdom talks about the various bene ts of

eating ellu, and the best way is the yummy ellu
unde! Sugar/jaggery-free, vegan, oil-free - this

yummy sweet just got healthier with the added

bene ts of dates!

Whole Food Plant Based Ellu

Unde Recipe
Prep Time: 10 min

Servings: 10 servings

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

⅛ cup black sesame

½ cup peanuts

1 cup deseeded dates

¼ tsp cardamom powder

1. Preheat oven to 160 deg C

2. Line a baking tray with unbleached parchment

paper or a silicone sheet. Do not apply any oil on
the paper or the tray.

3. Arrange peanuts in a single layer and bake at

160 deg C for 15 minutes until cooked but not

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

4. Remove peanuts, arrange sesame seeds in a

single layer and bake at 160 deg C for 8-10
minutes until cooked but not browned.

5. Take some roasted peanuts and til in a mixie

jar and grind to a ne powder. Add some dates
to the same mixie, along with a pinch of
cardamom powder, and grind it all together

using pulse mode. Be careful if the mixie gets

stuck overloaded or overheated. For best

results, use a high speed blender or commercial

6. Batch by batch, grind all your ingredients

similarly, then make 10 laddus from the mix.

Store in an airtight container.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Colocasia Seppan
Kizhangu Podi Pota
Poriyal | Oil Free Poriyal
Upgrade to Whole Food Plant Based Diet.

Seppan kizhangu is usually deep fried in oil to

reduce its stickiness and make it crunchy. Here's

a healthy twist - bake it instead! Just as yummy,
twice as healthy!

Whole Food Plant Based

Colocasia / Seppan Kizhangu
Podi Pota Poriyal Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Servings: 6 people

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1 kg Seppan kizhangu / Colocasia / Arbi

2 tbsp Dhaniya / Coriander Seed Powder

1 tbsp Jeera / Cumin Powder

1 tbsp Turmeric Powder

1 tbsp Black Pepper Powder

1 pinch Asafoetida / Perungayam / Hing

6 tsp Miso Paste (Healthy Salt Alternative)

1 tbsp Almond Powder

2 tsp Coriander Leaves

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

1. Soak seppan kizhangu / colocasia / arbi
for 30 minutes to soften the mud sticking
to them, if any. Wash well to remove all the

mud and dirt. Steam whole for 10 minutes

until half cooked.
2. Peel and chop into 1 cm thick slices. It will
be sticky at this point. This will go away

after the next step.

3. Grind or mix dhaniya powder, jeera
powder, turmeric powder, black pepper

powder, miso paste, and asafoetida /

pankayam into a powder. Toss chopped
seppan kizhangu / colocasia / arbi slices

with the powder to coat all of them evenly.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

4. Line a baking tray with unbleached

parchment paper or silicone sheet.

Arrange spiced seppan kizhangu /

colocasia / arbi slices on the tray without

letting them touch each other.
5. Bake at 160 deg C for 20 minutes, then ip
and bake for 5 more minutes or so until

fully cooked.
6. Remove from the oven and wait until they
cool down fully. Garnish with almond

powder and fresh coriander leaves and

serve fresh!

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best

Seppan Kizhangu Podi Pota Poriyal
1. Serve Colocasia / Seppan Kizhangu Podi

Pota Poriyal along with a watery dish, such

as raitha / pachadi, to balance out the

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights

for WFPB Seppan Kizhangu
Podi Pota Poriyal Recipe
1. Why wait until starchy vegetables are
cool? When cooked starchy vegetables

are allowed to cool on the counter or in the

fridge, the starch crystallises to form

resistant starch. This can be eaten by our

good gut bacteria and also reduces the

glycemic index (the rate at which glucose

is absorbed), making the starchy vegetable


Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Vendakkai Sambar
Recipe without Tamarind
| Okra or Bhindi Sambar
Lentil Stew Recipe
Vendakkai Sambar Recipe without Tamarind.
Without Oil. How to Make it? Super Simple. Try it

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Sambar traditionally calls for tamarind to be

used as the souring agent in the lentil-based

dish. Tamarind was in widespread use in Tamil

Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and surrounding areas

for many reasons – one important reason being,

the ground water contained a lot of uoride, and

tamarind impeded uoride absorption. It also

helps prevent kidney stone formation when your

food is dry on a daily basis.

On a healthy diet, tamarind is not necessary and

does not give any additional bene ts. The good

news is, you can make amazing sambar by

using any other sour food – tomato, amla

(nellikai / gooseberry), kokum (punarpuli /

garcinia), raw mango, dry mango powder, or

even lemon juice! 

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Whole Food Plant Based Vendakkai

Sambar Recipe Without Tamarind
Prep Time: 15 minutes

Passive Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4 people

Da l / Pa ruppu

1/2 cup Toor dal Pigeon Peas

Veg et a ble ba se

10 pieces Ladies nger Vendakka / Bhindi

6 Tomatoes

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

To taste Asafoetida

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

4 tsp Miso Paste

2 Green Chili

S a mba r Pow d er

2 tsp Bengal Gram Dal

2 tsp Toor dal

1/2 tsp Urad Dal

1/2 tsp Fenugreek seeds Methi seeds

1 tsp Black Pepper

1 tsp Jeera Cumin seeds

2 tsp coriander seeds Dhania seeds

10 leaves Curry Leaves

1 tsp Mustard Seeds

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Ga rnishing

2 tbsp Peanut Butter

1 small bunch Coriander plants

Da l / Pa ruppu

1. Soak dal in water overnight, or for 2 - 3

hours. This makes it more nutritious and

easier to cook. If you are unable to soak it,

no issues, use dry dal.

2. Boil dal with 1 cup water in a closed vessel.

Stir every few minutes and add more

water as the dal cooks if required, to

prevent burning.
3. Once fully cooked, remove from the stove

and mash well.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

S a mba r Pow d er Recipe

1. Dry roast all the ingredients - dals, methi

seeds, pepper, jeera, dhaniya and curry

leaves - on low ame. If you wish to make
it spicy, use 2 tsp of pepper powder. Use a
small, thick-bottomed pan to prevent
burning. To ensure that each one is roasted
the right amount, roast each separately.
Otherwise, put the dals and methi on the
stove rst, roast until half done, then add
the other spices to roast fully. Remember,
do not let any of the ingredients get burnt
or browned too much.
2. Grind to a ne powder.

3. Dry roast mustard seeds. As soon it starts

sputtering, mix into the powder. Keep aside
to cook with vegetable base.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Veg et a ble Ba se for Vend a kka i S a mba r

1. Wash vegetables, cut ladies ngers into 1

inch pieces after removing stalks. Grind

tomatoes to a paste. Put them in an open

vessel and cook.

2. Add the sambar powder you have

prepared, turmeric powder, and

asafoetida. Cook with a closed lid until the

ladies nger is cooked well and the raw

smell goes away. Add dal towards the end

and mix well.

Vend a kka i S a mba r Recipe

1. After the vendakkai sambar is cooked,

remove from the stove. Grind peanut

butter to a smooth paste with miso paste,
adding water if required, and mix.

2. Add chopped coriander plants (leaves and

stems) on top before serving. Serve with a
cereal dish - rice, porridge, modakas, etc.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best

Vendakkai Sambar Recipe
1. To try di erent varieties of Sambar, use

amla / kokum / raw mango / lemon juice

instead of tomato! Sourness gives Sambar

its trademark taste, and prevents okra

from becoming gooey! 😀

2. If you wish to make the curry leaf avour

stand out, pinch some fresh curry leaves

and drop them in.

3. If you wish to make it spicy, you can add

one or two green chilis. Slit along one side

and drop them in. This makes it easier to

remove them while eating.

4. You could also try using some cinnamon in

the sambar powder, or fresh herbs like

pudina in the garnish to give your own spin

to the Sambar! Have fun! 🙂

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

Nutrition Science Highlights for

Vendakkai Sambar
1. Why legumes? Legumes are the #1

number food associated with long life in

many recent large studies! They also fuel
your gut microbiome through their
resistant starch content and slow down
glucose absorption, keeping your blood
sugar levels steady - even in the next meal!
This has been called the Second Meal
E ect. This recipe is one of the yummiest
ways to include pulses and legumes in
your daily diet.

Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021

After Helping thousands of people successfully

prevent, treat and reverse chronic diet-induced

diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity,
and heart disease, we started,

when they all wishfully said ‘if only someone cooked

for us like this daily, we would happily eat and
become healthy’. Pioneered by Dr. Achyuthan Eswar,
Lifestyle Physician and Co-founder, came into being in July 2019. 

We strive to bring a whole variety of lip-smacking

goodies in their healthiest avatar. Delicious cakes,
crumbly cookies, whole wheat breads, oil-free snacks,
sugar-free sweets, vegan spreads, creamy nut butters

and a whole lot more! Indulge in the goodness of

whole plant food to your heart's content.

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Pongal Recipes 2021

Pongal Recipes 2021 co-founded by Dr. Achyuthan

Eswar is a one-stop learning and support platform for

evidence based nutrition. The platform has over 200

FREE Whole Food Plant Based recipes, a host of

courses, exclusive webinars, evidence based blogs,
videos and more. 

Through, Dr. Achyuthan Eswar has

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chronic lifestyle disease through focussed programs .
In an age of information overload and misinformation, not only provides the best

available balance of evidence but also a robust

community of people all on their journey towards
perfect health!

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