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3/31/2021 First Order Linear PDE Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

Partial Di erential Equations Questions and

Answers – First Order Linear PDE
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This set of Fourier Analysis and Partial Di erential Equations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
(MCQs) focuses on “First Order Linear PDE”.

1. First order partial di erential equations arise in the calculus of variations.

a) True
b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: The calculus of variations is a type of analysis in the eld of mathematics (branch of
calculus) which is used to nd maxima and minima of de nite integrals.

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2. The symbol used for partial derivatives, ∂, was rst used in mathematics by Marquis de
a) True
b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: Partial derivatives are indicated by the symbol ∂. This was rst used in mathematics
by Marquis de Condorcet who used it for partial di erences.

3. What is the order of the equation, \(xy^3(\frac{∂y}{∂x})^2+yx^2+\frac{∂y}{∂x}=0\)?

a) Third Order
b) Second Order
c) First Order
d) Zero Order

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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation having only rst derivative, i.e., \(\frac{∂y}{∂x}\) are said to be rst order
di erential equation. Since the given equation satis es this condition, it is of rst order.

4. In the equation, y= x2+c,c is known as the parameter and x and y are known as the main variables.
a) True
b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: Given: y= x2+c, where c is known as an arbitrary constant. It is also referred to as the
parameter to di erentiate it from the main variables x and y. 2/9
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5. Which of the following is one of the criterions for linearity of an equation?

a) The dependent variable and its derivatives should be of second order
b) The dependent variable and its derivatives should not be of same order
c) Each coe cient does not depend on the independent variable
d) Each coe cient depends only on the independent variable

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Answer: d
Explanation: The two criterions for linearity of an equation are:

The dependent variable y and its derivatives are of rst degree.

Each coe cient depends only on the independent variable


6. Which of the following is a type of Iterative method of solving non-linear equations?

a) Graphical method
b) Interpolation method
c) Trial and Error methods
d) Direct Analytical methods

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Answer: b

Explanation: There are 2 types of Iterative methods, (i) Interpolation methods (or Bracketing
methods) and (ii) Extrapolation methods (or Open-end methods). 3/9
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7. Which of the following is an example for rst order linear partial di erential equation?
a) Lagrange’s Partial Di erential Equation
b) Clairaut’s Partial Di erential Equation
c) One-dimensional Wave Equation
d) One-dimensional Heat Equation

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Answer: a
Explanation: Equations of the form Pp + Qq = R , where P, Q and R are functions of x, y, z, are
known as Lagrange’s linear equation.

8. What is the nature of Lagrange’s linear partial di erential equation?

a) First-order, Third-degree
b) Second-order, First-degree
c) First-order, Second-degree
d) First-order, First-degree

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Answer: d
Explanation: Lagrange’s linear equation contains only the rst-order partial derivatives which
appear only with rst power; hence the equation is of rst-order and rst-degree.

9. Find the general solution of the linear partial di erential equation, yzp+zxq=xy.
a) φ(x2-y2 – z2 )=0
b) φ(x2-y2, y2-z2 )=0
c) φ(x2-y2, y2-x2 )=0
d) φ(x2-z2, z2-x2 )=0

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Answer: b
Explanation: Given: yzp+zxq=xy
Here, the subsidiary equations are, \(\frac{dx}{yz}=\frac{dy}{zx}=\frac{dz}{xy} \)
From the rst two and last two terms, we get, respectively,
\(\frac{dx}{yz}=\frac{dy}{zx’}\) or xdx-ydy=0, and
\(\frac{dx}{zx}=\frac{dy}{xy’}\) or ydx-zdy=0,
Integrating these we get two solutions
x2-y2=a , y2-z2=b

Hence, the general solution of the given equation is,
φ(x2-y2, y2-z2 )=0.

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10. The equation 2\(\frac{dy}{dx} – xy = y^{-2},\) is an example for Bernoulli’s equation.

a) False
b) True

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Answer: b
Explanation: A rst order, rst degree di erential equation of the form,
\(\frac{dy}{dx} + P(x). y = Q(x). y^a,\) is known as Bernoulli’s equation.

11. A particular solution for an equation is derived by eliminating arbitrary constants.

a) True
b) False

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Answer: b
Explanation: A particular solution for an equation is derived by substituting particular values to
the arbitrary constants in the complete solution.

12. A partial di erential equation is one in which a dependent variable (say ‘y’) depends on one or
more independent variables (say ’x’, ’t’ etc.)
a) False
b) True

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Answer: b
Explanation: A di erential equation is divided into two types, ordinary and partial di erential 5/9
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A partial di erential equation is one in which a dependent variable depends on one or more
independent variables.
Example: \(F(x,t,y,\frac{∂y}{∂x},\frac{∂y}{∂t},……)= 0 \)

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