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The Injection Molding of Quality Molded Parts

ATI 1146e Increasing Productivity through

Process Optimization

Business Group
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Contents Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Quality criteria and factors influencing productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Influence of the material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Influence of the molded part geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Influence of the mold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Influence of the injection molding machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Influence of processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Environmental influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Optimization strategies and concepts for process optimization . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Fault diagnosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

The difference between process optimization and fault diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Fault diagnosis procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fault diagnosis aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Example of fault diagnosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Selecting the most appropriate remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Introduction Output Input

The injection molding process has long been
established as a highly cost-efficient process Number of units produced Outlay on time and material
for the production of high-grade, complex
molded parts. The constantly increasing de-
mands placed on plastics parts in terms of
quality, deadlines and costs make it essential

for plastics processors to adopt appropriate
procedures to analyze and optimize the pro- inc
cessing operation and the factors that influ-

ence it [1].

The development of improved, automated
quality assurance systems has brought ad-
vances in process monitoring for injection
molding machines, thanks to new open-loop Fig. 1: Increasing productivity
and closed-loop control facilities. This has
been made possible through rapid advances
in microelectronics and sensor technology. Figure 2 shows an example of a clear in- In order to achieve cost-optimized produc-
Today therefore, it is feasible to achieve crease in productivity. Continual improve- tion with a high level of productivity (cost-
comprehensive (100 %) monitoring of the ments to the different segments of the efficient production), the next step involves
injection molding process on the basis of process chain have made it possible to re- optimizing the processing operation from
target/actual comparisons. In order to keep duce the cycle time for CD production from the angle of quality and reliability. Process
the amount of data involved to a manage- more than 20 s at the start of the 1980s to optimization generally forms part of the
able level, however, it is wise to restrict this approximately 3 s today. The clear reduc- start-up process for a new mold.
monitoring to a number of process parame- tion in the price of CDs since then has been
ters that affect quality [2]. due not least to this development.
An increase in productivity can be achieved
by increasing the output-to-input ratio. If it 25
proves possible to produce a greater num-
ber of units (the output) while simultane-
ously lowering the cost of molded-part pro- Share of machine and mold technology
duction (the input), then this will have ful-
Cycle time (s)

∆ tz = 19 s

filled the aim of achieving as many good-

quality, fault-free parts as possible which Share of processing technology
conform with the specifications (Fig. 1). 10

Share of material
5 Cycle time
1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
Fig. 2: Example of CD production

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

The aim is to produce the specified molded

part quality within the stipulated or agreed
Quality criteria and factors These properties are influenced directly
or indirectly by the following parameters
tolerances in as cost-efficient a manner as influencing productivity (Fig. 3):
possible. The outlay on optimization and
Before a start can be made on process opti- ● the material employed (selection, pro-
monitoring must, of course, be commensu-
mization, it is necessary to determine which cessing characteristics)
rate with the level of the quality require-
ments and, where appropriate, with the quality criteria are of relevance for the ● the design of the molded part (design
scope of the overall order and the batch size process and what possibilities exist for in- suitable for plastics, optimum wall thick-
of the individual series that are to be sup- fluencing these. The most important mold- nesses)
plied. ed part properties in the first instance are:
● the mold (gate design, thermal layout,
In addition to this, both the prevailing com- ● appearance mechanical characteristics)
petition and the proof of quality capability - color, transparency
● the machine (size, rigidity, speed, costs,
that customers generally require will pro- - surface selection, setting)
vide an added incentive to take further steps
- absence of faults
in the direction of process optimization. The ● the processing operation (process con-
more intense the competition, the greater ● mechanical and physical properties trol)
care processors must take to produce as - toughness ● the environment (location, peripheral
cheaply as possible while at the same time - stiffness units such as a dryer, employee skills,
ensuring a reputation for reliability in re-
- strength etc.)
spect of quality and meeting deadlines.
Proof of quality capability to DIN ISO 9000 and
ff. is provided by an audit carried out by the
customer or through certification by an au- ● dimensional and shape accuracy
thorized institute. Documentation of process
control and quality monitoring is essential
in all cases.

Material Molded part design Molds

Molded part

Machine Processing Environment

Fig. 3: Influences on quality and productivity

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

In order to achieve cost-efficient produc- The correlation between the point of origin These individual points will now be looked
tion, it is necessary to take a close look at of a fault and the impact of this fault is also at, taking a number of practical examples.
each individual link in this process chain described by the 'rule of ten'. This states, on
and then to optimize it, making due al- the one hand, that the outlay required to rec-
lowance for the interaction between the dif- tify a fault increases tenfold with each step
ferent parameters. Figure 4 shows just how from the idea for the part through to its de-
important it is to observe and optimize each ployment and, on the other hand, that the
individual segment at the earliest possible potential for influencing the production costs
stage. falls to a level of 10 %. This shows just how
important it is to clarify in good time the in-
The majority of faults have their origins in
fluence that the individual segments of the
the development phase, but these faults are
process chain have on quality and produc-
generally not rectified until the parts are in-
spected after production, since it is only then
that the faults are discovered.

Phases in the product life cycle

Rectification of fault

40 Origin of fault
Frequency (%)




Definition Development Operational Production Inspection Deployment
Fig. 4: Origin and rectification of faults [3]

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Influence of the material

Processing window of materials for optical data media
The material provides the first opportunity (cycle time = 3.5 s)
for increasing productivity. The potential
that the material holds in this respect can be • Makrolon CD 2005 • Makrolon DP 1-1265
illustrated with two examples. Optical data (standard) (15 % improvement in flowability)
media such as CDs and DVDs have estab-
50 50
Cooling water temperature (°C)

Cooling water temperature (°C)

lished a market as the storage media of
choice. The market success of these discs is
due, firstly, to the high-quality sound re-
production of audio CDs and, secondly, to 40 40
the low cost of CD-ROMs as storage me-
dia. This development has been accompa-
nied by a steady increase in productivity in
the manufacturing process, brought about 30 30
320 330 340 350 320 330 340 350
in no small measure by the optimization of
Melt temperature (°C) Melt temperature (°C)
the material. The example of "CD produc-
tion" illustrates how the cycle time for in- Fig. 5: Material optimization – a broad processing window
jection molding has been continuously re-
duced from more than 20 s at the start of the
1980s to around 3 s at present, thanks to op-
timization of the material. The two-shell overmolding technique pro- orate fusible core technique, since the burst-
vides a further example of how productivi- ing pressures attainable in welded parts
Apart from optimization of the material, this ty can be increased through optimization of made of standard PA6 GF30 were not high
clear reduction in cycle time has addition- the material. This process involves a number enough. Only when selective improvements
ally been achieved through optimization of of individual shells being produced by in- were made to the weldability of the materi-
the machine and mold, and also the pro- jection molding and then welded together. al did it become possible to join together
cessing operation itself (Fig. 2). Materials Figure 6 shows an air-intake manifold for two half-shells produced by the traditional
with a broad processing window offer the Mercedes A-Class in Durethan® KU 2- injection molding process using conven-
greater scope for adjusting the processing 2140/30 H2.0 (PA6 GF30). Previous air-in- tional welding methods (heated tool or vi-
settings, and the interaction of the different take manifolds were produced by the elab- bration welding).
parameters is readily evident here. Figure 5
illustrates the broader processing window
of Makrolon® DP 1-1265 compared with
Makrolon® CD 2005. Selective optimization
of the material (a 15 % improvement in Welding Injection
flowability) has contributed towards in- Extrusion molding
creased productivity and thus towards con-

siderably reduced costs. Non-Newtonian PA

KU 2-2140/30 H2.0

Standard PA
Durethan® BKV 30 H2.0


Fig. 6: Material optimization – weldability

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Adjusting this product to give it more pro- Influence of the molded part The target set by the customer for achiev-
nounced non-Newtonian characteristics led geometry ing more economical production was a wall
to a broad processing window, less flash at thickness of between 3.0 and 3.5 mm and
the weld and a reduced tendency to adhere The design of the molded part marks a fur- hence a weight of approximately 1.6 kg. The
to the heating element during heated tool ther link in the overall process chain. Para- cycle time was not to exceed 80 s. Working
welding [4]. The bursting pressure was in- meters such as wall thickness, rib-to-wall- on the basis of rheological and mechanical
creased by some 40 % in the course of ma- thickness ratio, positioning of ribs, bosses calculations, a design suitably tailored to the
terial optimization, and it also proved pos- and perforations, surface requirements and stress pattern was established, which not on-
sible to further extend the processing win- permitted tolerances play a part in deter- ly permitted the target to be attained but al-
dow in response to frequent requests from mining the requisite component quality and so led to further improvements. The opti-
welding engineers. In addition, it was only hence the productivity. Figure 7 shows an mized wall thickness was ultimately 2.5 –
by virtue of this optimization that produc- example of how productivity can be clearly 3 mm, bringing the weight down to only
tion by the two-shell overmolding technique increased through the selective optimization 1.45 kg, while the cycle time was reduced
was possible at all. Further success factors of wall thickness. to 65 – 70 s. The additional 10 % reduction
included improved potential for rheological in weight thus produced significant materi-
and mechanical computation. In its original wall thickness of 4 mm, the al savings, and the reduction in cycle time
lawnmower chassis shown below weighed led to a further increase in productivity.
1.83 kg and required a cycle time of 95 s.

Lawnmower Weight Wall thickness Cycle time

chassis: kg mm s
Current model 1.83 4.00 95
Successor model
Customer target: 1.6 3.0–3.5 80
Result after 1.45 2.5–3.0 65–70
optimization: -10 %

Fig. 7: Molded part design – optimization of the wall thickness

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Influence of the mold

The quality of the mold, together with its
temperature control, ventilation, number of
gates, gate design, type of hot runner and
mold rigidity are just a few of the key factors
that influence productivity. Uniform tem-
perature control, for example, will permit
both an improvement in part properties and
a reduction in cycle time, and the level of
inherent stress due to uneven cooling will
also be reduced. One means of achieving
conformal cooling is to employ the
CONTURA® heating/cooling system patent-
ed by Innova Engineering GmbH (Fig. 8).
This involves cooling channels being con-
figured to match the geometry of the mold-
ed part with the aid of the vacuum solder-
ing technique.
Figure 9 shows the potential that this sys- Fig. 8: The CONTURA® temperature control system
tem offers for cooling a door liner. The top
picture shows the temperature distribution
with conventional cooling while the bottom
picture shows this same door liner in a mold
equipped with the Contura system. It is clear
that the temperature distribution is consid-
erably more uniform and the temperature
level considerably lower with Contura. This
technology permits both a significant re-
duction in cooling time and an improvement
in part quality. As a general rule, the sav-
ings potential for improved mold cooling
works out at between 10 and 40 %, de-
pending on the part in question. Door liner with conventional cooling

Fig. 9:
Door liner with Contura Mold optimization –
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

A further element of the mold that has a pro-

nounced influence on the quality of the
molded part and the amount of waste, and
which thus also affects the cost-efficiency
of the production process, is the gate with
the sprue. The gate must be large enough to
avoid excessive shear acting on the melt and
prevent the melt temperature from rising to
a critical level. The gate should also not
place any restrictions on the processing win-
dow – in other words, it must be possible
for the holding pressure to be applied for a
sufficiently long period.
At the same time, cost-efficient production
means that the gate must not dictate the cy-
cle time, that sprue waste must be kept to a
minimum and that the sprue should be cut
off automatically if possible.
The design of the gate is one of the factors
that contribute towards trouble-free pro-
duction. One problem that frequently occurs
with direct pin-point gating on high-gloss
surfaces is the "matte circle". This is caused
by excessive shear and too great an increase Fig. 10: Gate system for graded injection
in temperature during the injection phase.
The thin layer of melt that has already so-
lidified close to the gate is torn apart again
by the hot melt flowing in afterwards, and
the surface takes on a matte appearance. The
remedy here can be to adopt a graded injec-
tion profile (slow –> fast). Figure 10 shows
a system that can be used to achieve graded
injection in a natural manner while keeping
the screw advance speed on a constant set-

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

The transverse bar fitted just upstream of To ensure that complex cavities can be uni- and positioned (Fig. 11). The outlay on sub-
the gate causes the melt flow to divide into formly filled via a number of different gates, sequent alterations to the mold will be kept
three part-flows at the start of the injection it is important for a rheological calculation to a minimum, series production can com-
phase. This then reduces the speed at the to be performed at the mold design stage. mence sooner, and component properties
gate. Once the transverse bar has been com- This will enable errors and problems to be will be improved and the cycle time reduced.
pletely filled, the compound continues to pinpointed right at the planning stage, and
flow at the higher injection speed set on the permit the gates to be optimally designed
machine. The lower speed of the melt at the
start of the injection phase serves to reduce
the shear and the temperature increase, and
the thicker layer of melt then freezes on the
mold wall and can no longer be torn apart
by the melt flowing in afterwards. A flaw-
less, glossy surface results.

Fig. 11: Rheological layout of the mold

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Influence of the injection molding If the metering stroke is below this range the metering stroke is above this range
machine (<1D), the residence time will rise to inad- (>3D), then there is a danger that air will be
missibly high levels and there will be a con- introduced together with the molding com-
The injection molding machine must be ad- siderably increased danger of silver streaks pound, which will once again lead to streaks
equately dimensioned for the requirements. due to decomposition. The reproducibility on the surface of the molded part. The opti-
The chief selection criteria are: of the production process will also suffer on mum screw diameter for a specific part weight
account of the short screw displacement. If can be estimated with the aid of Fig. 13.
● clamping force
● metering volume
● permitted mold size
1D 2D 3D 4D

Apart from these fundamental selection cri-

teria, the following factors play a key role
in ensuring cost-efficient production:
● machine rigidity
● the type of open-loop or closed-loop con-
● the reproducibility of all the machine
<1D >4D
● machine costs (purchase cost and oper-
ating costs) 1D to 3D optimum range
3D to 4D possible in exceptional cases
<1 D and >4D not recommended
Apart from this, it is also important to se-
lect the appropriate screw with regard to the Fig. 12: Optimum metering displacement [6]
melting behavior and the residence time,
since the melt compounding has a direct in-
fluence on the quality of the molded part.
The screw size should be selected such that
the metering stroke is between a minimum 10,000
of 1D and a maximum of 4D. The best range
for achieving optimum melting is between
1D and 3D (Fig. 12). 1,000
Metering volume cm3

m rang


10 20 40 60 80 100 200 mm
Screw diameter

Fig. 13: Optimum screw size

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Influence of processing These parameters must therefore be estab- process (Fig. 14). It is of decisive impor-
lished during the initial processing trials that tance to achieve the correct machine setting
Once all the requirements have been ful- are conducted. and to ensure that this setting is reproducible
filled in respect of the optimum material, [7]. The machine settings for the injection
Apart from determining which process pa-
the molded part design, the mold and ma- and compression phase have a very clear in-
rameters affect quality, it is also necessary to
chine, this still leaves the processing opera- fluence on viscosity, molecular weight re-
know how these parameters affect individ-
tion to be optimized in a bid to ensure cost- duction, crystallinity and state of orienta-
ual quality characteristics, such as appear-
efficient production. The first step here is to tion, and this essentially affects the me-
ance, mechanical properties, and dimen-
establish which process parameters have a chanical and physical properties of the in-
sional and shape accuracy. The only para-
bearing on quality. The processing parame- jection molded part. The surface finish,
meters that have a direct impact on molded
ters with the greatest influence on the prop- shaping and weight are also clearly influ-
part quality during production are the pres-
erties of the molded part and the production enced during this phase, as is flash forma-
sure level, the pressure profile, the temper-
costs are the mold and molding compound tion. The holding pressure phase essential-
atures, and the flow front velocity inside the
temperature, the injection rate or injection ly affects crystallinity, orientation inside the
mold. The remaining parameters have only
profile, the point of switchover to holding molded part, shrinkage and hence dimen-
an indirect influence. It is possible to at-
pressure, the level and duration of holding sional stability, weight, and also voids, sink
tribute key quality characteristics to the in-
pressure, the cooling time and the residence marks and demolding behavior.
dividual phases of the injection molding
time of the melt at high temperatures. The
process parameters that are of relevance will
depend on the geometry of the molded part
and the requirements placed on this part.

Influencing variables Influencing variables Influencing variables

Injection phase: Packing phase: Holding pressure phase:
– injection speed – switchover to holding pressure – level and duration of holding pressure
– melt and mold temperature – pressure limit setting – mold wall temperature
– melt viscosity – mold deformation
– level of clamping force
Influencing of:
a) material parameters: Influencing of:
– viscosity a) material parameters:
Cavity pressure

– molecular degradation – crystallinity

– crystallinity Influencing of: – orientation inside molded part
– orientation in surface layer a) material – shrinkage
b) molded part properties:
b) molded part properties: – crystallinity
– surface quality – weight
– anisotropies
– dimensional stability
b) molded part properties: – voids
– extent to which part is filled out – sink marks
– flash formation – relaxation
– weight – ejection characteristics

t0 t1 t2 t3
Injection phase Holding pressure phase

Packing phase

Fig. 14: Factors that influence quality characteristics

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

By measuring the cavity pressure it is pos-

sible to highlight the individual process
phases that are important for the quality of
the molded part and then to use the corre-
sponding pressure curve to optimize the Too early Too late Correct
process. In order to achieve an optimum
Cavity pressure

pressure curve like the one shown in Fig. 14

(with a gentle transition from injection pres-
sure to holding pressure), it is important to
select the correct switchover point from the
injection phase to the holding pressure
phase. Figure 15 shows the potential pres-
sure curve for different switchover points.
If the switch to holding pressure is made at
too early a stage, it is possible for molten Time
plastic to flow back into the space in front of
the screw again, and the cavity will only be Fig. 15: Cavity pressure profiles for different switchover points
completely filled when holding pressure is
applied. This will lead to surface defects. If
the switchover is performed at too late a
stage, the pressure will increase to an ex-
cessively high level during the injection Apart from these switchover types, there are good results will be achieved with all three
phase and, after the switch to holding pres- also further ways of performing the switchover types. Their advantages and
sure, it will be possible for melt to flow back switchover, all of which have their advan- drawbacks are set out in Table 1.
into the space in front of the screw again. tages and drawbacks. Generally speaking,
High inherent stresses will then develop in
the area around the gate, and overfilling may
occur. Switchover type Advantages Drawbacks
Screw Simple to set, accurate, Reproducibility depends on
displacement- independent of injection the sealing characteristics of the
A distinction is drawn between three com- dependent velocity non-return valve and accurate
mon types of switchover: positioning of the metering
● screw displacement-dependent unit, sensitive to wear
● time-dependent Time-dependent Can be set highly accurately, Correction required if the
independent of wear and injection time is altered,
● pressure-dependent fluctuations in metering sensitive to wear
Cavity pressure- Independent of screw Reacts sensitively to viscosity
dependent displacement and fluctuations and to changes in
injection time the processing parameters
Table 1: Advantages and drawbacks of different types of switchover to holding

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

The injection velocity should normally be

set as high as possible. The installed injec-
tion capacity (injection pressure x volume
flow) must be high enough for the set in- vs,max
jection velocity not to be restricted by too
low an available injection capacity, since mm/s
vs,target = 500 mm/s
Screw advance rate vs

this would mean that the desired injection 400

velocity was not attained. Figure 16 shows 400 mm/s
the injection velocity that can actually be at-
tained on an injection molding machine as a 300
300 mm/s
function of the injection pressure required
(in this case, hydraulic pressure). It is clear
that the injection velocity is restricted by the 200
performance limit of the injection molding
machine. 100
0 40 80 120 bar 160
The permitted injection pressure must be set
at a sufficiently high level for the desired Hydraulic pressure pH
injection velocity to be attained without this
setting having to be exceeded. If this is not Fig. 16: The performance limit of the machine
the case, the injection velocity will be re-
stricted by the injection pressure. This is
why it is necessary for the set injection ve- The holding pressure should be set just high The holding pressure is then increased until
locity to be compared with the injection ve- enough for voids and sink marks to be no further weight increase occurs in the
locity actually attained. A high injection ve- avoided on parts of a flawless design and to molded part, and there is no longer a kink
locity will facilitate mold filling and ensure ensure that other quality criteria, such as di- in the cavity pressure curve [7]. If the hold-
better reproduction of the cavity surface. At mensional stability, etc. are similarly ing pressure is maintained for too long, the
the same time, relaxation processes will en- achieved. In addition to the holding pres- cycle time will be lengthened unnecessarily
sure that orientation and inherent stresses sure level, the time for which the holding and, if the cycle time is kept constant, only
are eliminated more reliably. It may, how- pressure acts also plays a decisive role. The a shorter metering time will be available.
ever, be necessary to limit the injection ve- holding pressure can only act until the gate An excessively short holding pressure du-
locity if excessively high shear develops in is frozen. The optimum holding pressure du- ration will lead to voids, sink marks and a
narrow gates or if the molded part incorpo- ration can be established by determining the non-reproducible molded part quality.
rates localized thin walls. sealing point (Fig. 17).

Too early Too late Correct


tN Recommended

Cavity pressure
Hydraulic pressure

Fig. 17: Sealing point and the set holding pressure time
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

The melt and mold temperature affect the Figure 18 shows the pronounced differences file then adopts a saw-tooth profile due to
quality of the molded part, the amount of that can emerge here. While the inflow tem- the heating during the injection phase and
waste that results, the cooling time and perature can be kept constant over the en- the cooling during the holding pressure and
hence the productivity. The melt tempera- tire processing operation, the actual mold cooling phase.
ture should be established from the pro- wall temperature increases as production
cessing data provided by the raw materials progresses on account of the hot melt, and
producer and kept as constant as possible settles at a high level. The temperature pro-
during processing, as well as during opti-
mization. The mold temperature has a con-
siderable influence on both the attainable
cycle time and the quality of the molded
part. A higher mold temperature will gen- 70
erally be required in cases where stringent 1
requirements are to be met in terms of the
surface finish, the inherent stress level, and 2
Temperature (°C)

the dimensional accuracy and stability of
the molded part. It should be borne in mind
that all material-specific figures and rec- 3
ommendations given for the cavity temper- 50
ature relate to the cavity wall temperature 4
and not to the melt inflow temperature or
the temperature set on the cooling unit.
0 5 10 15
Time (min)

1: Molded part surface 3: Surface of cooling channel

2: Center of wall 4: Inflow

Fig. 18: Cavity temperature profiles after start-up

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

It is a good idea to measure the actual cav- again, and it may be necessary to optimize Environmental influences
ity wall temperature (via the surface tem- other parameters once more in order to make
perature of the molded part immediately af- corrections to dimensions and weight. This The environmental influences acting on the
ter demolding, for example) and to have this will ultimately take a great deal of time and injection molding process include
temperature monitored during optimization incur costs that have a negative impact on
and processing. At all events, it is important productivity. This makes it clear just how ● drying and material conveyance
to be aware of the correlation that exists be- important it is to maintain the optimum op- ● the machine location
tween the inflow temperature and the actu- erating point during the start-up phase, and
al cavity temperature. If malfunctions oc- to keep to this during production. Interrup- ● cleanliness
cur, for instance (causing interruptions to tions to production and subsequent correc- ● ambient temperatures and relative hu-
production), or if the mold wall temperature tions to processing parameters should be midity
is altered by a change in the inflow temper- avoided as far as possible, and the melt and
ature or the cycle time, then this can result cavity temperature should be taken as the ● the energy, air and water supply
in dimensional and weight changes (Fig. basis for all optimization steps. ● the handling of the injection molded
19). It is then essential to wait until the equi- parts
librium temperature has become established
● the skill level of the work force.

Each of these points has a significant influ-

ence on the quality of the molded parts and
Cavity-pressure-controlled process on productivity, since each one can interact
115.50 with the process parameters. The residual
moisture in the material, for instance, can
Dimensions (mm)

influence both the surface finish and the me-

chanical properties of a molded part. In ad-
dition to this, the location of the machine
115.40 (ambient temperature, relative humidity,
cleanliness, etc.) is of paramount impor-
115.35 tance. This is because the control response
of the temperature control systems can be
44.90 adversely affected by constant changes in
Weight (g)

44.80 ambient temperature if a machine is posi-

44.70 tioned near to the door of a production shop
44.60 that is always being opened and closed.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 19: Influence of external factors

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Optimization strategies and

concepts for process optimization α
Working on the basis of the quality criteria
and influencing factors that have been dis- Set: ϑ1, ϑ2,...ϑD, pSt, pSp, pN, (tS), vS, tN, tK, tP, FS, T1, T2, SD, Sp, nS
cussed above, it is possible to derive the fol-
lowing start-up and optimization strategy Start-up
for new molded parts and molds (Fig. 20):
First of all, the machine and mold must be G = constant
pre-heated in order to ensure that a state of
equilibrium is attained as rapidly as possible. Change ϑ1, ϑ2,...ϑD
The requisite temperature settings can be Measure ϑM
found in the processing data sheets provid-
ed by the raw materials producers or taken No
ϑM target ?
from the results of previous simulation cal-
culations (which can similarly be performed
by the raw materials producers). The settings G = constant ?
for the cylinder and mold temperatures should
Change T1, T2 on thermostat
be taken from the processing data sheets sup-
plied by the raw materials producers. Measure ϑW1 and ϑW2

The clamping force must be set at a suffi- No

ciently high level to avoid flash. Mold ϑW1 and ϑW2 = ϑW target ?
breathing additionally influences both the Correct vS
dimensions of the molded part in the clamp- Monitor vS
ing direction and the weight of the molded
part. It is important for the granules to have No
been correctly prepared in respect of dry- ϑ1, ϑ2,... = Cylinder temp. vS = vS target ?
ing/pre-warming. ϑD = Nozzle temp.
pSt = Back pressure
Once the preparatory measures have been Optimize tN
pSp = Injection pressure
completed, a basic setting is selected (using pN = Holding pressure Correct pN
processing data taken from the product doc- tS = Injection time G = Gmax
umentation or from simulation calculations) vS = Injection velocity
and a series of shots is run with the metering tN = Holding pressure
displacement being gradually increased. An time Quality control
assessment of the short shots will provide tK = Cooling time
information on how the melt flows into the tP = Waiting time
G = constant α
mold, and a comparison can be drawn with FS = Clamping pressure
simulation calculations. The position of the T1, T2 = Heating/cooling
switchover point is also determined during agent, temperature Series production
this phase. SD = Metering
Taking the basic setting that has been es- No
Sp = Melt cushion Assessment x = xtarget ? Correct pN
tablished, the individual process parameters nS = Screw speed
should then be optimized by the concepts G = Part weight
set out below until such time as the quality Production
x = Mean dimensions
requirements are fulfilled in respect of sur-
face formation and freedom from voids and
sink marks. Fig. 20: Optimization strategy
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

To do this, the parameters are varied in the There are different methods that can be It is important for the processing parame-
following order (using the topmost value as adopted for optimization. The chief targets ters and all the measured data to be docu-
seldom as possible in a test series and the of process optimization are: mented for each of the parameter variations.
lower values more frequently): The setpoint values and the actual values
● production with a "robust" process set-
obtained with these should be recorded for
● melt temperature (by changing the cylin- ting. Although this will not smooth out
the individual processing parameters, since
der temperatures); since changing the inevitable disturbance factors such as
these two values can deviate from each oth-
melt temperature is a highly time-con- temperature fluctuations, control toler-
er. Each time the setting is modified, it is
suming process, this should be changed ances for velocities and pressures, or
essential to wait for a state of equilibrium
as rarely as possible batch-conditioned changes in molecular
to be established again. Only then will the
weight, additives and filler contents, etc.,
● mold temperature – this is similarly a reproducible molded part quality be
it will nonetheless minimize the impact
highly time-consuming change achieved that forms the basis for stable pro-
that they have on molded part quality [8]
duction. The dimensions of the molded part
● injection velocity
● improved cost efficiency through a re- should be checked both immediately after
● holding pressure level duced reject rate and a shorter cycle time. cooling and after the time stipulated in DIN
16901 (24 to 98 h after production), since
● holding pressure time (to establish the
Precisely this requirement for a high level the dimensions can still change a long time
sealing time)
of process reliability can make it necessary after the injection molding process has end-
● cooling time. to perform subsequent corrections to the in- ed. A relationship can then be established
jection mold. The most appropriate way of between the molded part dimensions directly
Once a reliable setting has been attained establishing a robust process setting and de- after cooling and the definitive dimensions
which will give flawless parts, the next step termining the changes required to the mold following an appropriate storage period,
involves checking the remaining quality cri- is to use systematic optimization tools, such which can be used in future start-up process-
teria, such as as statistical test planning. The optimum op- es. Following this, all the setpoint values
erating point can be established by means and resultant actual values for the optimum
● dimensional and shape accuracy
of regression calculations or an assessment operating point should be recorded so that
● stress status aided by neural networks. These studies al- they can be reproduced as rapidly as possi-
so provide information on the potential cen- ble for future start-up processes. This will
● material degradation
tering parameters. A number of manufac- keep downtime and waste to a minimum and
● mechanical and physical properties turers [9] offer predictive models based on considerably improve productivity.
these data which use the data documented
The associated parameters must then be cor-
during the process to determine whether the
rected, where necessary, making sure that
molded part will probably be of good qual-
the optical properties are retained and that
ity, poor quality, or still needs to be assessed.
production is not run with settings right on
The subsequent outlay on measurement and
their upper or lower limits.
documentation can be reduced considerably
in this way.

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Different concepts can be employed for pur- The evolution strategy, for instance, is based characteristics. The computer can then main-
poses of establishing the optimum operat- on the evolution theory (Fig. 21). This in- tain the optimum operating point established
ing point as rapidly and reliably as possible volves the optimum operating point being in this way within pre-set tolerance limits
and hence for achieving optimum molded established automatically with the aid of [7]. If this approach is compared with the
parts. A number of these are listed here by computer programs when a new mold is run heuristic method in which the parameters
way of example: in or when production is already running. are modified on an individual basis and the
The computer modifies the process para- impact of the modification assessed (trial
● the evolution strategy (with the appro-
meters within meaningful limits to this end. and error), then the evolution strategy has
priate hardware and software)
The quality results obtained in this way are clear advantages in that it is quicker to use,
- intelligent trial-and-error rated either automatically or manually and since more than one parameter can be varied
notified to the computer. Drawing a com- at a time and the impact assessed automati-
- use of the evolution mechanisms
parison with the preceding settings and re- cally [2]. A further advantage compared
● statistical test planning (different methods) sults, the computer repeatedly selects new with the single-point method is that the in-
settings, thereby approaching the point of teraction effects of the individual parame-
- design of experiments
operation that offers the most favorable ters can be detected and assessed.
- planning by the Shainin method compromise between the individual quality
- neural networks (for assessments)
- regression analyses (for assessments)
● start-up aids from machine builders or
raw material producers, some of whom
employ the concepts listed above.


er 1

Parameter 2

Fig. 21: The evolution strategy [2]

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Apart from this system, which runs fully au-

tomatically with the appropriate hardware
and software, it is similarly possible to vary
more than one parameter at a time when us-
ing methodically-compiled test plans (sta-
tistical test design) that proceed from a "cen-
tral point". A parameter variation with eight
to sixteen machine settings and five to ten +
cycles per setting is sufficient to generate
informative process models for the individ-
ual case [9]. Figure 22 shows the method
used to compile a test design. Starting with
Parameter 2

a central point, such as the basic setting es-

tablished during start-up, both an inner ex-
periment (with just a slight change in the in- Central point
(basic setting)

dividual parameters) and an outer experi-


ment (with large-scale changes in the indi-


vidual parameters) are performed. A test se- experiment

ries is first conducted with the central point
to this end. As the next step, the corner – Parameter 1 + Outer
points are approached by varying the three experiment
previously-chosen parameters that have a
bearing on quality. This step is then repeat- Fig. 22: Statistical test plan for three free parameters
ed in order to check the reproducibility of
the central point. A total of 2 x 8 + 2 tests are
thus required for this example. Figure 23 shows the evaluation of the test characteristic taken for the evaluation. The
with the aid of multi-dimensional regression graphic shows the mean values that emerge
analysis. In this example, which involves for the length dimension, the signal-to-noise
the optimization of a length dimension, three ratio and the variance within the individual
processing parameters (holding pressure lev- measurement series. The signal-to-noise ra-
el, holding pressure time and cooling time) tio constitutes a measure of the robustness of
were varied around the central point in both the process and is calculated as follows [8[:
an inner and an outer experiment. The three-
S/G = log (y2/s2) in [dB]
dimensional parameter variation range is
where: y = mean value of characteristic
worked through on a uniform basis, and the
s = variance of each test setting
impact of each parameter on the specific

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

The ratio is expressed in decibels and is a

comparative value which is independent of 161.28
the units used for the characteristics. It can 161.24
Mean value [mm]
thus be taken as a quality index for all the 161.22
quality characteristics being observed at any SW 161.20
one time. If the correlations between pro- 161.18
cessing parameters and molded part prop- 161.14
erties become too complex, a high outlay
will be required to present these with the aid 90
of regression analysis. It then makes sense to 88
S:N [dB]

use neural networks both for describing the 86

correlations between the processing data and
the properties of the molded part and for 84
purposes of process optimization. 82
Figure 24 shows a test plan for five param- 0.00020
eters in which the number of tests required
is reduced to a minimum by applying the 0.00015

DoE method (Design of Experiments). In 0.00010

this plan, the settings are moved towards 0.00005
eight different points arranged around a cen-
tral point. Counting the control test con- 0
A– J– Z J+ A+ A– J– Z J+ A+ A– J– Z J+ A+
ducted on the basic setting at both the start
Holding pressure (hydr.) Holding pressure time Cooling time
and the end of the overall test series, only
ten tests need to be evaluated here. Fig. 23: Effect of parameter variation on the length characteristic
Stage plan
Parameter/unit Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5
Test plan
Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Cycle time
1V Z Z Z Z Z
2V M M M M M
3V M M M P P
4V M P P M M
5V M P P P P
6V P M P M P
7V P M P P M
8V P P M M P
9V P P M P M
10V Z Z Z Z Z
Part removal
Number Assessment Designation
M minus lower limit
5 for coordinate measuring table xV1. xV5 Z central point mean value
10 for attributive assessment (overheating marks completely excluded) xV1. xV2 P plus upper limit

Fig. 24: Statistical test plan for five free parameters

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Fault diagnosis The difference between process Fault diagnosis procedure

optimization and fault diagnosis
The different types of fault that can occur As with process optimization, it is worth-
in injection molding are just as varied as the While process optimization generally pro- while adopting a systematic approach to
different factors that influence the injection ceeds from a reliable process and sets out to fault diagnosis too. The causes of the faults
molding process. In view of the number of optimize this process, fault diagnosis is em- that occur must similarly be sought in all six
potential faults, it is not the individual faults ployed when too many non-conforming factors that have an impact on the quality of
or classes of fault that are set out below but molded parts are produced. The chief target the molded part (Fig. 3). The following step-
rather the basic procedure that should be of fault diagnosis is thus to analyze the cause by-step approach can be taken as a guide to
adopted for fault diagnosis, illustrated with of the fault as rapidly as possible and to find fault diagnosis:
an example. At the same time, a number of and implement the production conditions
aids are listed which contain essential in- that will give conforming molded parts. ● Precise description and classification
formation on fault diagnosis. Maximum cost-efficiency in the process of the fault
then ranks behind the aim of eliminating the Photographs and descriptive texts constitute
fault as rapidly as possible. The different essential aids for fault classification. The
targets and procedures for process opti- causes of the fault can be further differenti-
mization and fault diagnosis are set out in ated by employing technical aids such as
Table 2. moisture measurement units, balances,
After the fault has been successfully diag- calipers or measuring gauges, microscopes
nosed and eliminated, process optimization and, where appropriate, chemical analyses.
can be conducted in order to increase pro-
ductivity once the process has sufficiently ● Establishment of boundary conditions
stabilized. A description of the boundary conditions
makes a decisive contribution to fault diag-
nosis. These can be clarified with the fol-
lowing questions:
Where did the fault occur?
- close to the gate
- remote from the gate
Process optimization Fault diagnosis - on ribs or bosses
- on perforations
Starting Stable production conditions Production with a high percentage - on weld lines
situation permitting reliable series of parts that do not meet - ...
production the specifications
What does the fault look like?
Target Improved cost-efficiency Elimination of the fault,
establishment of reliable production When did the fault occur?
conditions - during start-up
- during initial sampling
Increased output-to-input ratio Cycle time and resource deployment - after a production stoppage
only of secondary importance - after a material or batch change
Procedure Use of statistical experiment Determination of the cause of - suddenly, without any evident change in
planning or similar measures to the fault the boundary conditions
optimize the production conditions; Determination of remedial measures - sporadically, or on every part
productivity then increased through Where appropriate, elimination of - ...
further adjustments to the injection the identifiable defect through
molding machine and mold alternative measures
Table 2: Comparison between process optimization and fault diagnosis
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Which material was used? ● Classification of these additional faults Fault-diagnosis aids
- semi-crystalline or amorphous
The questions set out above regarding the
- unfilled, fiber-reinforced, mineral-filled Machine operators can eliminate a large
boundary conditions should then be an-
- hygroscopic number of faults very rapidly by virtue of
swered for these additional faults that have
- especially sensitive to processing their general experience of injection mold-
been established either on the molded part or
- ... ing or their knowledge of the particular
during the production process, and the po-
What mold structure was employed? tential causes of the faults determined. process employed. When it comes to recti-
- with a hot runner fying more complex faults, the operator can
- a three-platen mold ● Determination of the most probable call upon advice from experienced col-
- with direct gating causes of the faults leagues or from experts at the machine man-
- ... ufacturer's or raw material producer's.
Determining the causes that most faults
What measurements were recorded for the would tend to suggest. More detailed information on troubleshoot-
actual processing conditions? ing can be found in both the printed litera-
- melt temperature ● Establishment of the best remedial ture [10, 11, 12, 13] and the electronic lit-
- mold surface temperature measures erature [14]. Where several faults have oc-
- injection time (injection velocity) curred simultaneously, the most probable
Allocation of remedial measures to the most cause can readily be established with com-
- fluctuations in the processing conditions
probable causes of the fault, selection of puter-based aids. Background information,
- ...
promising remedial measures on the basis such as integrated "Application Technolo-
of the following criteria: gy Information" can then be used to select
● Determination of potential causes of
- efficiency the best corrective action.
the fault
- implementation outlay
The information that is established should - economic impact (cycle time, energy re-
be compared with recommendations from quirement, finishing work).
troubleshooting guides, start-up aids from
The best solution is always to eliminate the
the machine builders or raw material pro-
actual cause of the fault (due to the machine
ducers, or with the appropriate computer
or the mold, for example). Only in excep-
programs or expert systems.
tional cases should the symptoms be elimi-
nated by adjusting the processing parame-
● Search for further detectable faults
In many cases, a closer inspection will re-
veal further faults on the reject parts. These ● Rectification of the fault and continu-
additional faults, known as symptoms as in ation of production
medicine, will provide further information
on the most probable causes of the fault and
thus permit a more reliable diagnosis.

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

An example of fault diagnosis

Figure 25 shows just how difficult it can be
to provide a precise description of a fault,
along with its probable causes.
All four faults would appear to be almost
identical at first sight. A more detailed ob-
servation and knowledge of the different
fault types is required before the faults can
be precisely allocated to the appropriate cat-
egories. Figures 26 to 28 show potential
types of fault, together with their causes and
remedies. In this case, the faults are classi-
fied on the basis of the subtle differences
that make it possible to give a precise de-
scription of the faults at all.
In the case of faults with a similar appear-
ance, further tests will frequently be required
before the fault and its most probable caus- Fig. 25: Different types of fault
es can be precisely classified. To assist in
classification, the TVI test can then be con-
ducted to determine the moisture in the gran-
ules, and the cycle time can also be extend- Cause
ed. Extending the cycle time increases the Excessive thermal stressing
probability of charred streaks occurring, of the melt
while the longer residence time in the dryer 1 Melt temperature too high:
will reduce the probability of moisture Optimize processing conditions
streaks. If the streaks are oriented in the di-
rection of demolding, this would suggest 2 Melt residence time too long:
that the surface is being damaged during de- Select a different machine
molding. 3 Screw speed too high:
Optimize processing conditions
4 Nozzle and flow channel cross-sections
too small:
Optimize machine or mold
5 Production interrupted without
the temperature being reduced:
Train personnel

Fig. 26: Needle-like streaks in the direction of flow

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Selecting the most appropriate Causes

remedial measures ● Excessive residual moisture in the
Figure 26 shows a fault in the form of "nee-
dle-like streaks in the direction of flow" with Remedial measures
its key cause and the appropriate remedial
measures. Once the potential causes of "ma- ● Check the drying process
terial too moist" and "air incorporated dur- (temperature, time and hourly through-
ing plastication" have been excluded, the put)
most probable cause is that the melt is being ● Examine dryer filter for contamination
subjected to excessive thermal stressing. ● Check direction of rotation of drive
This can be due to the following more de- motor
tailed faults and can be rectified by the ap-
propriate measures:
Melt temperature too high: Fig. 27: U-shaped streaks open towards the flow direction
Optimize the processing conditions
Melt residence time too long:
Select a different machine,
● Entrapped air
Optimize the cycle time
● Metering stroke of the plasticating unit
Screw speed too high: too long
Optimize the processing conditions
Remedial measures
Nozzle and flow-channel cross-sections too ● Optimize the plasticating conditions
● Increase the back pressure (within accept-
Optimize the machine or mold able limits); reduce the screw retraction
Production interrupted without the temper- ● Position injection nozzle tight up against
ature being reduced: the hot runner mold
Train personnel ● Use a larger plasticating unit to reduce
the length of the metering stroke (< 3D)
These different remedial measures involve
varying degrees of time, trouble and ex- or
pense. Optimizing the processing conditions ● Increase the temperature of the feed section, reduce the screw speed, increase the
is generally the cheapest option, but per- cycle time and, as an additional, optional measure, increase the melt cushion by
forming an optimization to remedy the fault 1 D if possible
that has occurred can also have a negative
impact on other quality criteria or on the Fig. 28: Brush-shaped streaks over a large area
cost-efficiency of production. The other fault
causes should therefore also be taken into
consideration for purposes of a detailed fault ● rectification of the actual cause of the
rectification. A step-by-step approach will fault during a production stoppage or
frequently prove successful in these cases: planned maintenance interval
● rectification of the fault by implement- ● optimization of the process to achieve
ing the easiest remedial measure and an enhanced quality level and reduced
then continuing with production production costs
Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

Prospects Summary The justifiable outlay on optimization is al-

so conditioned by the number of articles to
Raising productivity levels will continue to The level of productivity that can be attained be produced. The extreme cases here are
play a key role in the production of parts by in injection molding is conditioned by a packaging, on the one hand, where even the
injection molding in future too. Advances large number of different factors. While ob- injection molding machines are series-pro-
in machine and mold technology, new spe- serving a process solely from the optimiza- duced, and small series, on the other, where
cial processes and combinations of existing tion angle will certainly contribute towards production runs are so small that just the
processes, plus tailor-made materials will increasing its productivity, this will not be as few molded parts produced for a statistical
all ensure that the injection molding process effective as a holistic observation of all the test plan will be sufficient to cover the an-
becomes more cost-efficient and that new factors in the process chain: the material, nual production requirement.
markets are opened up for thermoplastic in- molded part design, mold, machine, pro- Where injection molding faults occur and
jection moldings at the same time. cessing and the environment. It is thus im- prevent the production of flawless parts, run-
portant for optimization to start at the de- ning production at the lowest possible cost
sign phase and continue right through to the ceases to be the prime concern. The main
Process optimization and control strategies final quality inspection (Fig. 29). target in this case will be the re-establish-
will also contribute towards achieving in- ment of a reliable production process. Only
creased productivity. Establishing the opti- when this has been achieved can the process
mum process conditions will assume greater be further optimized.
importance, as will automatic process mon-
itoring. Advances in data technology will
permit large quantities of data to be handled
in future and will make image data pro-
cessing accessible for commercial-scale ap-
plication. It will then be possible for both 1. 2.
the start-up process and fault diagnosis to Audit of Identification and
be largely automated. These measures will high-potential articles elimination of problems
● less mold proving, with fewer alter- Material
ations to the mold
● higher product quality
● production close to the theoretically at-
tainable limits
Molded part design Machine
Mold Environment


Fig. 29: Increasing productivity through process optimization

Increasing Productivity through Process Optimization

[1] B. M. Bauer Investigations into the use of an automatic optimization
system for material assessment in injection molding,
Diploma Thesis (in German),
University of Erlangen 1996
[2] H. Offergeld, J. Lochner Darwinian optimization of operating points (in German),
Kunststoffe 85, Carl Hanser Verlag 1995
[3] H. Jahn Production quality, the logical consequence of the
quality of workmanship (in German), VDI-Z,
130 (1988) 4, pp. 4-12
[4] Anon Durethan® KU 2-2140/30 H2.0
Application Technology Information 0953e
Bayer AG 1996
[5] Anon CONTURA System, Presentation documents from
Innova Engineering GmbH
[6] A. J. Kaminski, Relationship between screw diameter,
F. W. Lambeck metered volume, density and shot weight
ATI 1103e, Bayer AG 1997
[7] S. Joisten Injection molding: process optimization and control
PI 061e, Bayer AG
[8] R. Bourdon Quality optimization in injection molding through
robust process settings,
Seminar on optimum injection molds (German),
Süddeutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum, Würzburg 1999
[9] Hohenauer, Michaeli, Injection molding: reliably predicting the quality of each
Vaculik, Savoie dividual part (in German), QZ 39, Carl Hanser Verlag 1
Rapperswil, Wybitul
[10] K. Niemann (Ed.) Machine-setting strategy for thermoplastic injection
molding machines (in German),
Hüthig Verlag, Heidelberg 1992
[11] M. Bichler Injection molding flawless plastic parts (in German),
Hüthig Verlag, Heidelberg 1999
[12] P. Thienel, R. Sass, Troubleshooting guide for surface defects on
C. Vitz, J. Wahle thermoplastic molded parts (in German),
Kunststoffinstitut, Lüdenscheid 1992
[13] A. J. Kaminski, Spritzgießen – Fehler, Ursachen, Abhilfen
F. W. Lambeck Injection moulding – Faults, causes, remedies
Moulage par injection – Défauts, causes, remèdes
CD-ROM, Bayer AG 1999
[14] Anon Guide to Injection Moulding, CD-ROM,
Bayer AG 1999
Bayer AG
Bayer plastics on the Internet: Bayer Polymers D-51368 Leverkusen

This information and our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing Unless specified to the contrary, the values given have been established
or by way of trials – are given in good faith butwithout warranty, and on standardized test specimens at room temperature. The figures
this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum
Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the in- values. Please note that, under certain conditions, the properties can be
formation currently provided – especially that contained in our safety affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mold/die, the
data and technical information sheets – and to test our products as to processing conditions and the coloring.
their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application,
use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by
you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, 2002-09
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