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Customized Research

July 31, 2013


Key Rates Rates on the rise: Why?
MONEY MARKET RATES Did you notice the mix trend cut offs have shown in the last few auctions?
Gove rnm e nt Se curitie s Wonder which maturity would be the safest bet at the moment?
Te nors Avg Yie lds
Overnight 8.51% All questions are answered here, but for that first lets have a look at the cut
1 w eek 8.56% off trend with an analytical eye. It is a preconceived notion that market
2 w eeks 8.59%
1 month 8.71%
expectations about the policy rate drive the cut off yields. True to some
2-months 8.79% extent! But the picture has another side to it as well. For example, the
3-months 8.84%
recent hike in the cut-off yield of three-month papers in auction held on 10th
6-months 8.90% July 2013 was more to do with the fact that the settlement date delayed due
9-months 9.00%
to first of Ramadan was a holiday, consequently reducing tenure of paper
1 year 9.01%
from 84 to 83 days.
Source: JS Treasury
T Bill Rate s
On the other hand, government securities of relatively longer tenure
Cut offs 3-m onths 6-m onths 12-m onths including PIBs and T Bills (12 months) are showing upward trajectory too.
Current 8.96% 8.99% 8.98%
These rising yields indicate rising expectations in the bond market of a
Previous 8.97% 8.97% 8.98%
near-term increase in the policy rate, possibly of 50-100bp.
9.00% Current Previous
8.99% Discount rate to hike 50-100bps in…
The news that is making rounds is the expected hike in policy rate. But the
8.96% million dollar question is when is the reversal in rate expected?
8.94% We base our expectation of rise in policy rate on the following factors:
3-mo nths 6-mo nths 12-months
Rising inflation due to sharp looming hike in power and gas tariffs,
Source: SBP
PIB Rate s Higher currency devaluation followed by continuous depleting foreign
Cut offs 3 Ye ar 5 Ye ar 10 Ye ar reserves,
Current 10.44% 10.90% 11.65%
Previous 9.69% 10.15% 11.05%
And most importantly, possible monetary tightening under the IMF
Current Previous
Apart from this, with monthly figures yet to be updated by SBP of Balance
8.00% of Payment for 1MFY14, we cannot say if the conditions on the external
6.00% front are favorable or still deteriorating. In months to come, imported
inflation is also to keep a watch at. If international oil prices start rising,
0.00% which remained stable throughout FY13 around USD 108-109/bbl, we can
3 Year 5 Year 10 Year
expect serious threats to our import bills.
Source: SBP
Taking all above points into consideration, we believe that a rate hike may
JS BANK LIMITED NOT be a call for upcoming monetary policy. Likelihood of reversal in
Tre as ury Analys t: Sana Taw fik
October’s policy too seems bleak. Thus, investing in short tenures; in 3
Em ail: s ana.taw fik @js
UAN: +92-21-111-JSBank (572 265) Ext: 213 months T Bill to be precise, would be a prudent decision for now and a safe

Disclaimer: This report has been prepared for information purposes by the Treasury Department of JS Bank Ltd. The information and data on which this report is based are obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable
but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete. In particular, the report takes no account of the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of investors who should seek further professional advice
or rely upon their own judgment and acumen before making any investment/decision. This report should also not be considered as a reflection on the concerned company’s management and its performances or ability, or
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