Diffusion 1.6

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CHE 17 neighbor atoms and then cause some

lattice distortion during the

*At a specific temperature some small
• The phenomena of material fraction of the total number of atoms is
transport by atomic motion capable of diffusive motion, by virtue of
• A stepwise migration of atoms from the magnitudes of their vibrational
lattice site to lattice site energies. This fraction increases with
• A time-dependent process – that is, rising temperature
in a macroscopic sense, the quantity Vacancy Diffusion
of an element that is transported
within another is a function of time • Involver the interchange of an atom
from a normal lattice position to an
Diffusion Couple
adjacent vacant lattice site or
• Which is formed by joining bars of vacancy
two different metals together so that • This process necessitates the
there is intimate contact between presence of vacancies, and the
the two faces extent to which vacancy diffusion can
• There is a net drift or transport of occur is a function of a number of
atoms from high- to low- theses defects that are present;
concentration regions significant concentrations of
vacancies may exist in metals at
Interdiffusion elevated temperatures
• Also known as impurity diffusion is a Interstitial Diffusion
process whereby atoms of one metal
diffuse into another • Involves atoms that migrate from an
• May be discerned from a interstitial position to a neighboring
macroscopic perspective by changes one that is empty
in concentration which occur over • Occurs more rapidly than the
time diffusion by the vacancy mode, since
the interstitial atoms are smaller and
Self-Diffusion thus more mobile. Furthermore,
• All atoms exchanging positions of the there are more empty interstitial
same type positions than vacancies; hence, the
probability of interstitial atomic
2 Conditions for an atom to make such a movement is greater than for
move vacancy
1. There must be an empty adjacent site *Interstitial diffusion is generally faster than
2. The atom must have sufficient vacancy diffusion because bonding of
energy to break bonds with its
interstitial to the surrounding atoms is • One example of a steady-state
normally weaker and there are many more diffusion is found in the purification
interstitial sites than vacancy sites too jump of hydrogen gas
Concentration Profile
Diffusion Flux
• The resulting curve in which the
• Defined as the mass (or, equivalently, concentration is plotted versus
the number of atoms) M diffusing position (or distance) within the solid
through and perpendicular too a unit x
cross-sectional area of solid per unit

In differential form, this expression


Concentration Gradient

• The slope at a particular point on this

Steady-State Diffusion curve
• If the diffusion flux does not change
with time
• Is the diffusion of atoms of a gas
through a plate of metal for which Concentration gradient in linear form,
the concentrations (or pressures) of
the diffusing species on both surfaces
of the late are held constant
The flux is proportional to the concentration
gradient through the expression,

Diffusion Coefficient

• Is sometimes called Fick’s First Law,

which expressed in square meters
per second. The negative sign in this
Under nonsteady state, the partial
expression indicates that the
differential equation is,
direction of diffusion is down the
concentration gradient, from a high
to a low concentration
Driving Force
Which simplifies to,
• Used to explain what compels a
reaction to occur
*For diffusion reactions, several such forces
are possible; but when diffusion is according
to when flux is proportional to concentration Application of these boundary conditions to
gradient, concentration gradient is the Equation 6.4b, yields the solution,
driving force
Nonsteady-State Diffusion

• When the diffusion flux and the

concentration gradient at some point Diffusing Species
in a solid vary with time, with a net • The magnitude of the diffusion
accumulation or depletion of the coefficient is indicative of the rate at
diffusing species resulting which atoms diffuse

• Has a most profound influence on the

coefficients and diffusion rates
• For example, for the self-diffusion of
Fe in α-Fe, the diffusion coefficient
increases approximately six orders of
magnitude in rising temperature
3. They are created by substitutional
impurity ions having different charge
states from the host ions
Diffusion in Polymeric Materials

• Our interest is often in the diffusive

motion of small foreign molecules
between the molecular chains,
rather than in the diffusive motion of
chain atoms within the polymer
The temperature dependence of the • Its permeability and absorption
diffusion coefficient is: characteristics relate to the degree to
which foreign substances diffuse into
the material
• Penetration of these forces’
substances can lead to swelling
and/or chemical reaction with the
polymer molecules, and often a
degradation of the material’s
mechanical and physical properties
*Rates of diffusion are greater through
amorphous regions than through crystalline
Diffusion in Ionic Materials regions; the structure of amorphous
material is more “open”
• The phenmena of diffusion is more
complicated than for metals *This diffusion mechanism maybe
inasmuch as it is necessary to considered to be analogous to interstitial
consider the diffusive motion of two diffusion in metals – that is, in polymers,
types of ions that have opposite diffusive movements occur through small
charges voids between polymer chains from one
• Usually occurs by a vacancy open amorphous region to an adjacent open
mechanism one

In order to main charge neutrality in an *Foreign molecule size also affects the
ionic compound, the ff. may be said about diffusion rate: smaller molecules diffuse
vacancies faster than larger ones. Furthermore,
diffusion is more rapid for foreign molecules
1. Ion vacancies occur in pairs
that are chemically inert than for those that
2. They form in nonstoichiometric
react with the polymer
*One step in diffusion through polymer
membrane is the dissolution of the
molecular species in the membrane material
The diffusion properties of polymers are
often characterized in terms of permeability
coefficient, where for the case of steady-
state diffusion through polymer membrane

When the diffusing molecular species is in

the gas phase, solubility is equal to:

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