153 Manualmanual Kisssoft

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I Description of the Public Interface 153

' release module

Call ksoft.ReleaseModule

' release server

Set ksoft = Nothing

End Sub

The second example shows how to display the KISSsoft user interface:

Public Sub ExampleKISSsoftCOM()

Dim ksoft As CKISSsoft

Dim da As String

Dim df As String

' get KISSsoft Instance

Set ksoft = New CKISSsoft

' get KISSsoft module for single gear

Call ksoft.GetModule("Z011", True)

' show interface

Call ksoft.ShowInterface(True)

' get values

da = ksoft.GetVar("ZR[0].da.nul")

df = ksoft.GetVar("ZR[0].df.nul")

Call ksoft.ReleaseModule

Set ksoft = Nothing

End Sub

The same example with "later binding" (the exact property or method is not determined until runtime,
which enables you to compile the Visual Basic client without having to know the exact function of the

Public Sub ExampleKISSsoftCOM()

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