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University of Johannesburg

Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Lecturers: IK Letlhage, SM Simelane & V Sixaba

Dirac Delta Function

1. Introduction

So far, we have considered initial value problems for the constant coefficient equation ay00 + by0 + cy = f (t),
where f is continuous or piecewise continuous on [0,∞). In this section we consider initial value problems where
f represents a force that is very large for a short time and zero otherwise. We say that such forces are impulsive.
Impulsive forces occur, for example, when two objects collide. Since it is not feasible to represent such forces as
continuous or piecewise continuous functions, we must construct a different mathematical model to deal with them.
In nature, a sudden impulse of a very large magnitude can create havoc. Examples:
• An airplane making a hard landing,

• Tsunami wave hitting the coast,

• A sudden shock voltage that goes through an electrical circuit,
• A mechanical system being hit by a hammer-blow,

• A ship being hit by a single high wave,

• A tennis ball being hit by a racket,
• A vehicle hitting a pothole at top speed,
and similar examples appear in everyday life. All of these indicate to a force of large magnitude that lasts only for an
instant. We say that they are phenomena of an impulsive nature where actions of forcesmechanical, electrical, etc. -
are applied over short intervals of time.
All of these can be described as impulse functions. We can model such phenomena and problems by Dirac’s delta
function, and solve them very effectively by the Laplace transform. The definition of Dirac delta function is described
in the next frame.

2. The Dirac Delta Function

To model a force of large magnitude impacting on a system at an instant t = a, consider the function

 0 t,a

δ(t − a) =  .


 ∞

By the concept “large magnitude”, we indicate infinity. δ(t − a) is the notation for the Dirac delta or impulse function,
where the constant a indicates to the instant of impact. Graphically,

3. Laplace Transform of Dirac Delta Function

The Laplace transforms for Dirac delta functions are calculated as follows:

f (t) F(s)
δ(t − a) e−as
f (t)δ(t − a) e−as . f (a)

Example 1: Use the table above to find the following Laplace transforms.

L{7δ(t − 2)} = 7e−2s , with a = 2.


L{δ(t + π)} = eπs , with a = −π.


L{δ(t)} = e ps = 1, with a = 0.

π − s π π
L{sin(t).δ(t − )} = e 2 .sin , with a = and f (t) = sint.
2 2 2
− s
=e 2


L{cosh(t).δ(t − 2)} = e−2s .cosh2, with a = 2 and f (t) = cosht.

4. Solving DEs Involving Dirac Delta Functions

We now consider initial value problems of the form ay00 + by0 + cy = f (t), y(0) = k0 , y0 (0) = k1 , where a, b, and
c are constants (a , 0) and f is Dirac delta on [0, ∞). As mentioned earlier, problems of this kind occur in situations
where a physical system undergoes a force of large magnitude (an impulse causes a jump discontinuity in the system).

Example 2: Solve the IVP y00 + 2y0 + 2 = δ(t − 3) subject to y(0) = y0 (0) = 0.

Solution: We follow the same four step procedure as before,

First introduce the Laplace transforms on both sides

s2 L{y} − sy(0) − y0 (0) + 2(sL{y} − y(0)) + 2L{y} = e−3s
Substitute the initial conditions
s2 L{y} + 2sL{y} + 2L{y} = e−3s
Manipulate to make L{y} the subject
L{y}(s2 + 2s + 2) = e−3s
L{y} =
s2 + 2s + 2
Take the inverse Laplace transform
( !)
y = L−1 e−3s 2
s + 2s + 2
There are no factors, and so we complete the square
( !)
y = L−1 e−3s
(s + 1)2 + 1
y = e−(t−3) sin(t − 3))u(t − 3)

Example 3: At t = 2π, a sudden shock voltage is applied to a circuit and is model by the DE

x00 + x = 4δ(t − 2π)

with initial charge q = 1C and initial current i = 10A. Find the solution and discuss the motion as t → ∞.

Solution: We follow the same four step procedure as before.

s2 L{x} − sx(0) − x0 (0) + L{x} = 4e−2πs Introduce Laplace transforms on both sides
s L{x} − x + L{x} = 4e
2 −2πs
Substitute the initial conditions
L{x}(s + 1) = 4e
2 −2πs
+s Manipulate to make L{x} the subject
4e s
L{x} = +
s2 + 1 s2 + 1
( −2πs )
−1 4e s
x=L + Take the inverse Laplace transform
s2 + 1 s2 + 1
x = 4sin(t − 2π)u(t − 2π) + cost

The first term in the solution means that 4sin(t − 2π) will only be switched on with u(t − 2π) at time t = 2π. Hence
0 ≤ t < 2π : x = cost
t ≥ 2π: 4sin(t − 2π)u(t − 2π) + cost
Please see examples 8.7.1 on page 457, 8.7.2 on page 458 and 8.7.3 on page 459.

Exercise 1: Determine the following inverse Laplace transforms

( −2πs )
e 1
1. L −1
s2 + 1 s2 + 1
( )
2. L−1 2
s + 2s + 5
( )
3. L−1 4
s + 8s2 + 16
( )
4. L
s3 + 4s2 + 5s + 2

Exercise 2: Solve the following initial value problems

1. x00 + 5x0 + 4x = 3δ(t − 2) if x(0) = 2 and x0 (0) = −2.
2. y00 + 6y0 + 10x = 7δ(t) if y(0) = −1 and y0 (0) = 0.
3. p00 + p = costδ(t − π) if p(0) = 1 and p0 (0) = 0.
4. At t=0, a sudden shock is applied to an arbitrary system

θ00 (t) + 6θ0 (t) + 10θ = 7 f (t)

with initial displacement θ(0) = 1 and initial velocity θ0 (0) = 0. Find an expression for the displacement θ in
terms of t. Will the system eventually come to rest?
5. All the exercises in the Trench textbook (page 437 - 440). Work on problems 1. to 20.

c Compiled by SM Simelane

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