Assignment-1: English Composition

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​English Composition

Name​: ​Shayan Ali

Reg No​: ​200101001
Section: ​B

Practice Exercise 1​(List Structure)

As I jogged along the highway early this morning, I

thought of all the different roads my friends from
college were starting on. I thought of Jan, who was
headed for London to major in Broadcast
Journalism. I thought of Mark, who was chasing
his dream of becoming an astronaut. I thought of
June, who got admitted to MIT for computer
science. I thought of Christina, who was going to
Turkey for her research. And I thought of everyone
we lost during our journey through college. I
thought of the things they could’ve done, and I
thought of the paths they would’ve taken if they
were here.
Practice Exercise 2
(Chain Structure)

In the next hundred years, the exploration of outer

space will undoubtedly change people’s relation to
Earth. Earth will be just one of the many places
where men and women may choose to live. The
Moon and Mars will become habitable. People may
choose to live on Earth, or the Moon or Mars.
People living on Earth will be called “Earthlings”.
Habitants of Mars will be called “Martians”. The
people living on the Moon might be called “The
Lunar inhabitants”. There are many possible
names to give to people living on the moon.
“Loonies” , “Lunatics” , “Selenites” , “Moonlings” ,
“Moonwalkers”. The least preferred term is
“Lunatics”, since it has another meaning that is
“mentally ill”. Such a name is stereotypical and
should not be given to habitants of the Moon.

Practice Exercise 3
(Statement/Example structure)

Traveling is the best kind of education.

Whether you want to learn about history, culture,
language or any other thing, traveling is the best
way to learn it. For instance, if you want to learn
Japanese, the best way to learn it would be to go to
Japan. The best way to learn a language is by
listening and speaking.
There you would try to converse with the locals,
speak with them and listen to them, go to
restaurants and order food there in Japanese, go to
shops and buy things by speaking Japanese, watch
local news to gain more understanding about the
way of speaking formally. On the other hand, if you
try to learn Japanese at home or online, it would be
quite difficult, because you probably won’t have
anyone to converse with. You might become good
at writing it but speaking swiftly will be a problem
for you. Traveling is the best way of educating
yourself because you engage yourself with the very
thing you want to educate yourself about. This is
the most efficient way of learning.

Peel Structure practice:

Thesis: ​Islamophobia in western countries is
worsening day by day. In America alone, 63% of
the people view Muslims as hostile and dangerous.

Body Para: ​To promote prejudice and hatred

towards Muslims, anti-Muslim groups spend
millions of dollars annually.A report from the
“University of California Berkeley” and the
“Council of American-Islamic relations” estimated
that $206 million was funded to 33 groups across
America whose primary purpose was “​to promote
hatred towards Muslims and Islam”.​ According to
a survey 65% of the anti-Muslim Americans have
never actually met a Muslim. This stereotypical
behaviour towards Islam and Muslims has resulted
in many hate crimes. When a black Muslim male
submitted an EEOC charge of discrimination and
filed a law suit against an anti-Muslim group, he
was fired from his job and brutally a killed.
Muslims are also not preferred for jobs in some
companies because of their “religious appearance”.
A hijab wearing Muslim lady was not given a job
because according to the company’s CEO she did
not fit the Abercrombie look, and violated the
company’s “Look policy”.
While Muslims try to live peacefully in this
prejudiced environment, the Islamophobes are
trying their best to drive them out of America.
According to a news channel “The Quba Islamic
Institute” in Houston was set alight by
Islamophobes. Islamophobia is a huge problem in
western countries, and should be dealt with or it
will result in more agitation and uproar in the

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