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Answer to the Question No.

To support the company as a marketing manager my course of action will be as


1. Try to provide customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the prime objective of any organization. As a marketing

manager I have to ensure the customer demand and look forward to meet the demand.
As a fruit business the fruits should be fresh and formalin free so that customer will be
more motivated to purchase the product. Suppliers should be more reliable and
responsible to provide us quality product so that we can give proper service and get
the customer feed back

2. Create customer relationship

If customer relationship ensured then the the customer will be delighted and he will
promote for our organization. Once he will be our customer then he will bring more
customer to our company. And if he is satisfied then he will buy more. If he is not
satisfied then he will never come to visit the store again.

3. Work according to the customer’s demand and determine the need of customer

Some customer wants variety of products if they have the faith we can provide the
product according to there wants than they would be motivated to come again to the
store. And if we fail then he would look for alternatives and competitors will gain
advantage over us so we have to be vary responsive.

4. Customer satisfaction will be the prime objective

The customer of Dhaka city are having negative thoughts of fruits as it has formalin in
it. So customers do not want those fruits what is harmful. So if we ensure our fruits
are formalin free then the customer will be satisfied and purchase more fruits and we
can become market leader.

5. Exchange the product in a comparative price with competitors

By providing a comparative price the customer will be more interested to have the
product. There would be more reasonable option for the customer but we will ensure
the quality they are looking for so that customer will be more happy purchasing from

6. And research Market of the product

We have to look for the demand of our product so that we can meet the demand on
time. So that we can hold our market and have our organization in a leading position.
Answer to the question No.03

Marketing concept is a customer-oriented, integrated and goal-oriented philosophy for

an organization in relation to marketing. This philosophy greatly influences the
management of marketing efforts. There are five marketing concepts. These are:
production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept and societal
marketing concept.

The different marketing management philosophies that guide a firm’s marketing

activities are explained below.

1. The Production Concept : The production concept holds that consumers will favor
products that are available and highly affordable. Here management should
concentrate on making availability of products through all out use of distribution
channels. Making the price of product low so that consumers can easily afford them
going for mass production to keep cost of production low. This concept is applicable
in a situation where demand always exceeds production or supply.
Example- Following this concept Toyota has mass produced the affordable cars that
can be bought by the consumers who want comfort as well as the transportation in an
efficient price. And Amazon is also following production concept by gathering the
suppliers to give the maximum efficient price for the product

2. The Product Concept : The product concept holds that consumer will favor
products that offer the most quality, performance and features. Here management
function always try to modify product features and improve product quality. And also
try to keep close observation to the market and technological innovations. This
concept is applicable in a situation where customers are of high income-group and
attached with high quality products.
Example- Apple is one of the world’s largest tech companies and it falls under the
category of top 5 tech companies of the world. iPhone, TV, Store, Music, Videos, and
iPad are some of the main products of Apple. The company also follows the product
concept by the focus on delivering a quality product. The customer market of Apple
doesn’t care about the price. They are more focused to provide responsiveness for the
product concept.

3. The Selling Concept : The selling concept holds that consumers will not buy
enough of the organization's products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and
promotion efforts. Here management function is to try matching the product to the
market. Heavy selling and promotional measures must be taken for this concept.This
concept is applicable in a situation where the production over-flown and quick
recovery of capital is needed and where business is short-term targeted.
Example- Insurance companies follow the selling concept by assuming that it’s good
for everyone and everybody should buy insurance. The insurance agents focus on
selling more and more products because that’s how they earn their commission and

4. The Marketing Concept : The marketing concept holds that achieving

organizational goals depend on determining the needs of the target market and
delivering the desired satisfaction effectively than do competitors. This concept is
based on three criteria customer orientation, co-coordinated marketing function and
profit through customer satisfaction. Here management function is continuous and
intensive market research to find out the needs of the market. It integrate the
marketing functions to serve the market most satisfactorily. In long-run market plan to
attain the business objectives.This concept is applicable in a highly competitive
market with rapid changing situation where customers are well-aware.

5. The Societal Marketing Concept : This concept holds that organization should
determine the needs of the market and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively
than do competitors and attain the business objectives still thinking about the society's
well-being. Here management function is keeping watchful eyes over the demand of
the market and deliver the most satisfaction. By maintaining and enhancing society's
well-being by delivering socially acceptable products. This concept is applicable in a
highly competitive, well-informed and knowledge-based market where consumers are
well-organized and their rights are well-protected.
Example- The body shop is a natural cosmetic, skincare, perfume Company. The
company uses plant-based ingredients to make its products and it does not test its
products on animals. So this product is a perfect example of societal marketing.

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