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j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

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Original Article

Prediction of residual stresses in turning of pure

iron using artificial intelligence-based methods

Ahmed B. Khoshaim a, Ammar H. Elsheikh b,*, Essam B. Moustafa a,

Muhammad Basha a, Ahmed O. Mosleh c
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), P.O. Box 80204,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Tanta University, 31527, Tanta, Egypt
Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Shoubra St. 108, Shoubra, P.O. 11629, Cairo, Egypt

article info abstract

Article history: Residual stresses (RS) induced in machined components have substantial impact on the
Received 11 January 2021 quality and lifetime of the final products. There are several cutting parameters and conditions
Accepted 9 February 2021 that affect the generation of RS, so understanding the relationship between the RS generation
Available online 17 February 2021 and those parameters to minimize the induced tensile RS is a crucial issue. This paper pre-
sents a study on the utilization of artificial intelligence-based methods to model the RS
Keywords: generation during dry turning of DT4E pure iron. The experiments were designed based on
Machining central composite design method. The effects of the cutting parameters such as cutting
Turning speed, feed and cutting depth on the generated RSes in both circumferential and radial di-
Pure iron rections are investigated. Two hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) models are used to
Artificial neural network predict the process responses after training them using the experimental results. The pre-
Particle swarm optimization diction accuracy of the two models are enhanced via integration with two different meta-
Flower pollination algorithm heuristic optimization algorithms, namely particle swarm optimization (PSO) and flower
pollination algorithm (FPA). These optimization algorithms are used as subroutine algo-
rithms to determine the optimal parameters of the ANN model. The predicted results by the
proposed models were compared with the experimental results as well as those obtained by
standalone ANN. The accuracy of all models was evaluated using different statistical mea-
sures. The ANN-FPA had the best prediction accuracy followed by ANN-PSO. The coefficient of
determination of ANN-FPA has high values of 0.996 and 0.997 for radial RS and circumferential
RS, while they were 0.971 and 0.992 for ANN-PSO and 0.649 and 0.815 for standalone ANN.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

aspects in assessing the functional behavior and the quality of

1. Introduction the machined components due to their direct influence on the
product performance in service. According to its attributes
Residual stresses (RSes) created in the surface and subsurface (compressive or tensile), these stresses can be either beneficial
layers of machined components are one of the most crucial

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.H. Elsheikh).
2238-7854/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativeco
2182 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

or detrimental to the performance of machined parts [1e3]. surface roughness of AISI 1040 steel [35], tool wear during
Machined components often exhibit tensile and/or compres- turning of 100Cr6 bearing steel [36], surface roughness of
sive RSes, which are induced by surface thermal gradients hardened EN 24T steel [37], chipetool interface characteristics
[4,5] and/or by differential plastic deformation [6e8]. It is well- during hard turning of C-60, 42CrMo4 and 17CrNiMo4 steel
known that tensile RSes in the surface and subsurface layers alloys [38], surface roughness of hardened SS410 steel [39] and
are usually detrimental to creep life, fatigue life and stress cutting forces during turning of AISI 4140 [40]. However, few
corrosion cracking resistance, while compressive RSes are attempts have been reported in literature regarding the
usually beneficial to the same properties [9e11]. RSes may be application of ANN techniques in prediction of RSes induced
created by inhomogeneous plastic deformation resulted from in machined components during machining operations. Ma-
thermal and mechanical loading during chip formation pro- chine learning algorithms (radial basis function neural
cess, the interaction between the tool nose and flank regions network (RBFNN), back-propagation neural network (BPNN)
and the freshly machined surface, and structural deformation and support vector machine (SVM)) have been employed to
of the workpiece [12]. Among all surface integrity character- predict the RS induced in of ball screw raceway during
istics, RSes have the greatest effect on fatigue life of the whirling milling process [41]. SVM showed a superior predic-
machined components [13]. Many investigations have been tion performance compared to the other two algorithms. In
carried out to model the formation mechanism of RSes state another study, ANN was integrated with genetic algorithm to
during different machining process. Theoretical in- minimize surface roughness and surface residual stress of
vestigations (including analytical modeling and numerical Inconel718 alloy during turning operation [42]. A hybrid ANN/
modeling) as well as experimental investigations have been FEM model was developed to predict the RS profile of hard
reported literature. Finite element method (FEM), as a machined 52100 bearing steel [43]. ANN was integrated with
numerical-based modeling technique, has been applied to particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the
model the induced RSes during the cutting process, in spite of generated RSes profile during machining 100Cr6 steel.
its limitations such as high computational cost, simplification Measured experimental data were used to train the ANN and
assumptions and the limited material behavior models [14]. then the predicted data were optimized using genetic algo-
Response surface methodology (RSM) has been employed to rithm to obtain the optimal cutting parameters. In another
model the induced RS as a function of cutting variables during study, ANN was applied as direct and inverse prediction tool
ultrasonic assisted machining of 4340 hardened steel [15]. The to predict RS during turning of 52100 bearing steel [44]. How-
vibration amplitude was the most significant parameter that ever, the investigations on the application of ANN in modeling
affects RS generation followed by feed rate and cutting ve- turning operations are still in its cradle, but it showed many
locity. However, the depth of cut had an insignificant effect on potential. Besides, the integration between traditional ANN
RS generation. The optimized cutting parameters at which models and the innovative metaheuristic optimization algo-
compressive RS are induced were determined. The effects of rithms to obtain the optimal ANN parameters that maximize
tool geometry on the RSes generation in orthogonal turning of its prediction accuracy of ANN is considered as a new era in
Inconel718 alloy have been modeled using a hybrid Eulerian- the application of ANN in engineering [45e49].
Lagrangian model [16]. A semi-analytical model was estab- Pure iron is used in many engineering applications such as
lished to determine RSes in thin-walled parts based on shells the manufacture of gaskets, magnets, welding rods, fuse wire,
and plates theories [17]. Another analytical model was lighting conductors and magnetic resonance imaging scan-
developed to model of the RSes formation mechanism based ners due to its enhanced properties such as magnetic
on multivariable decoupling technique [18]. RSes distribution permeability and thermal conductivity [50]. From machining
during turning process has been determined using linear point of view, pure iron is classified as difficult-to-cut material
inversion method considering various cutting parameters by with poor machinability due to its high plasticity and low
[19]. Nevertheless, the formation mechanism of the RSes is too hardness [51]. The high plasticity of pure iron causes a high
complex and the developments in the theory of plasticity are surface tensile residual stress and severe tool wear after
not adequate to enable accurate prediction of RSes; addition- machining process [52]. The prediction of induced residual
ally, most of material properties required to achieve theoret- stresses after machining of pure iron is a critical subject that
ical calculations are not accurately known [20]. Therefore, the should be investigated to enhance the lifetime of the products.
application of advanced artificial intelligence (ANN) based Nevertheless, very little work on machining of pure iron has
techniques to model RS in turning operations is a critical been reported in literature. As previously mentioned, analyt-
subject to overcome the limitations of conventional modeling ical and numerical modeling techniques suffer from model
techniques. ANN has been shown promising application in complexity, existence of many simplification assumptions,
modeling different mechanical processes and systems with limitations of plasticity theories and high computational cost.
excellent accuracy and high generalization capabilities Therefore, artificial intelligence-based modeling techniques
[21e25]. ANN could be trained using experimental data ob- could be used as a good alternative for those conventional
tained using different design of experiment approaches which modeling techniques.
have been reported as powerful statistical tools [26e31]. Then, In this study, hybrid artificial intelligence models are
it can be used as a virtual machine to obtain more results that developed to model the RSes generation in both of circum-
could be used in optimizing the process using advanced ferential and radial directions during turning of pure iron
metaheuristic optimization approaches [32e34]. disks reported by Luo and Sun [54]. The experiments were
Various ANN models were employed to model different designed according to central composite design to minimize
machining responses of different materials such as the the number of performed experiments. Then, statistical tools
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4 2183

Table 1 e The elemental composition of pure iron (DT4E).

Element Ni Cr Cu Cr S Mn Si Al P Fe
Weight (%) 0.035 0.02 0.034 0.02 0.02 0.029 0.028 0.0023 0.0072 Bal.

are used to analyze the experimental results. The experi- oscillation ranges between 45 to þ45 and 6 to þ6 ,
mental data are used to train and test an ANN model in respectively, and a dual position detector with angular reso-
addition to two hybrids ANN models, in which the ANN is lution of 0.029 /pixel. The symmetrical inclining technique
optimized using PSO and FPA. The prediction accuracies of the was used by applying different c values of 0⁰, ±24.1⁰, ±35.3⁰,
three proposed models are compared using different statisti- and ±45.0⁰. The X-ray tube voltage and current were set at
cal measures. 20 kV and 2 mA, respectively. The applied diffraction plane
was (2 1 1) and diffraction angle was 156.4⁰ with an exposure
time of 8 s. Besides, the Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus
2. Material and methods were set as 0.28 and 207 GPa, respectively. Surface residual
stress was calculated using sin 2 c method by XTronic soft-
The experiments were carried out on DT4E pure iron samples ware. The measurements were performed at three positions
[54]. The elemental composition and mechanical/thermo- on the cleaned machined surface of the samples. The final
physical properties of the investigated material are tabulated value of RSes was calculated as the mean of the three
in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. The samples were cut into measured values. Both radial and circumferential RSes were
disks (100 mm diameter and 8.5 mm thickness). All samples measured and tabulated in Table 4.
were subjected to an annealing process to relief internal
stresses prior to the turning operation. A positioning disk
(95 mm diameter and 29 mm thickness) was used to fix the 3. Hybrid artificial intelligence models
samples on the cuck of the lathe. The surface of the posi-
tioning disk was covered with foam to absorb the mechanical 3.1. Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
vibrations and minimize the cyclic impact during turning
operation. The experiments were carried out on CKA6140 CNC ANNs are artificial intelligence modeling techniques that
horizontal lathe with spindle power of 5.5 Kw in dry condition. mimic the behavior of the human brain. They can learn by
The positioning accuracy is 0.04 mm in Z direction and examples and find out the nonlinear relationship between the
0.03 mm in X direction. The repeatability of positioning ac- inputs and responses of a certain engineering system. They
curacy is 0.016 mm in Z direction and 0.012 mm in X direction. have shown promising prediction capabilities in modeling
Carbide turning inserts (DCGT11T302) coated by TiAlN was different engineering systems. One of the common used ANN
used to cut the samples. The inserts have a rhombic shape techniques is the multilayer perceptron (MLP) which is
with 55 including angle. The corner radius, relief angle and considered as a feed-forward ANNs. In a typical MLP, there are
rake angle of the inserts were 0.2 mm, 7⁰ and 12⁰, respectively. three main layers: input layer, hidden layer and an output
A fresh insert was used for each experiment to minimize the layer, as shown in Fig. 1a. The input layer acts as a data
effects of tool wear on the machined surface. The inserts were receiver to the input data as it consists of a number of the
fixed on a tool holder with a type of SDFCR2020K11. The processing units (neurons) equals to the number of the inputs.
positioning of samples was performed using dial indictor. Then, the data is transferred to the hidden layers at which the
The experiments were designed according to central data is processed via passing through connected neurons. The
composite design to minimize the number of performed ex- neuron acts as a summation unit to sum the inputs weights as
periments [[54]]. Three control factors with five levels, namely well as a predefined bias as shown in Fig. 1b. The total sum-
cutting speed (80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 m/min), feed (0.04, 0.08, mation is passed through an activation function. Finally, the
0.12, 0.16 and 0.20 mm/rev) and cutting depth (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, processed data are transferred to the output layer neurons.
0.20 and 0.25 mm) were considered in this study, as tabulated The training process of the MLP could be expressed in a
in Table 3. The designed experiments and the experimental mathematical form considering M neurons in the input layer.
results extracted from [54] are tabulated in Table 4. The input xi is received by k1 -th neuron, the neuron output
The RSes were measured using X-ray stress analyzer O1;k1 is calculated using Eq. (1) [55]:
(XSTRESS 3000). The main measuring units consist of an X-ray
tube powered by a high voltage generator (5e30 kV and X
O1;k1 ¼ wmk1 xm ; k1 ¼ 1; :::; K1 (1)
0e10 mA), Xstress 3000 goniometer with c-inclination and c- m¼0

Table 2 e The mechanical/thermophysical properties of pure iron (DT4E).

Yield Tensile Elongation Hardness Density Thermal Thermal
strength strength (%) (HB) (kg/m3) conductivity expansion
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa) (W/m.K) coefficient (1/K)
166 313.6 30e50 50e80 7820 41.8e62.8 10.2e6-12.2e6
2184 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

3.2. Particle swarm optimization

Table 3 e The levels of the used control factors.
Control factor Level Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a metaheuristic optimi-
2 1 0 þ1 þ2 zation technique proposed in [56]. The PSO mimics the birds
Cutting speed (m/min) 80 120 160 200 240 behavior during seeking the food sources. During the imple-
Cutting depth (mm) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 mentation of the PSO, there are many particles, each of them
Feed (mm/rev) 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 has zi position which represents a solution of the problem.
Each particle has independent memory to store his best po-
sitions as well as the universal best position. The position of
The output of the input layer is used as an input to the the particle is updated to a new position zi ðt þ1Þ based on the
hidden layer, and the hidden layer output could be calculated information stored in the particle memory and its own ve-
using Eq. (2): locity vi .
! The population of the PSO is generated randomly using Eq.
Oh;kh ¼ f wkh1; kh Oh1;kh1 ; kh ¼ 2; …; Kh ; h ¼ 1; …; Nh (4):
Kh1 ¼0

(2) Z ¼ BL þ rand * ðBU  BL Þ (4)

where fð:Þ denotes the activation function, w0;kh denotes the where BU and BL denote the search domain upper and lower
applied biases in the input layer, kh ¼ 1; …; Kh denotes the boundaries, respectively. Each particle zi of Z can update its
applied biases in the hidden layers, andwkm; kh wm,k1denotes velocity vi using Eq. (5):
the synaptic weights connecting the input and hidden neu-  p   g 
vi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ wvi ðtÞ þ c1 r1 zi ðtÞ  zi ðtÞ þ c2 r2 zi ðtÞ  zi ðtÞ
rons. Nh M and Kh Khdenote the number of the hidden layers
and the number of neurons of each layer, respectively.
The final output of the neuron is computed as summing all where r1 and r2 are numbers selected randomly, wdenotes the
weighted outputs of the hidden layer and could be computed inertia weight applied to accelerate the convergence, mean-
using Eq. (3): while c1 and c2 are the acceleration coefficients and tdenotes
the iteration number.
Then, the new particle position is calculated using Eq. (6):
yl ¼ wkN; l ON;kN ; l ¼ 1; …; L (3)
kN ¼0
xi ¼ xi þ vi (6)
where L L denotes the total number of the output layer neu-
After that the PSO algorithm computes the fitness function
rons andwkN,l wkh ;l lare the synaptic weights connecting the g
of each particle. Then, the universal best solution zi and the
hidden and output neurons.
best particle positionzi are determined. These procedures are
implemented until a predefined stopping criterion is fulfilled.
The procedures of the PSO algorithm are presented in Algo-
rithm 1.

Table 4 e The designed experiments and the measured responses [[53]].

Exp. No. Cutting speed (m/min) Cutting depth (mm) Feed (mm/rev) Results
Radial RS (MPa) Circumferential RS (MPa)
1 160 0.15 0.12 132.9 341.9
2 120 0.2 0.16 135.7 355.4
3 80 0.15 0.12 102.3 315
4 160 0.15 0.12 135.3 338.2
5 120 0.1 0.08 86.8 286.3
6 160 0.05 0.12 143.8 356.4
7 160 0.15 0.12 132.3 341.8
8 200 0.2 0.08 111 331.8
9 160 0.25 0.12 124.2 331.5
10 160 0.15 0.12 144.3 342.9
11 160 0.15 0.12 125 353
12 160 0.15 0.2 197 404.6
13 160 0.15 0.04 78.7 261.4
14 120 0.1 0.16 143.5 360.2
15 160 0.15 0.12 137.1 339
16 240 0.15 0.12 169.8 366
17 200 0.1 0.08 102.6 327.1
18 200 0.2 0.16 191.5 374.3
19 120 0.2 0.08 88 297.4
20 200 0.1 0.16 196.8 382
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4 2185

Fig. 1 e a) ANN structure; b) ANN neuron.

Algorithm 1. PSO procedures. 3.3. Flower pollination algorithm (FPA)

1 Initialization of the model parameters such as dimen- FPA is an evolutionary metaheuristic optimization technique
sion d, number of particles Nand the search domain that emulates the flowers pollination process [57]. The natural
upper and lower boundaries (BU and BL ). pollination process of flowers is accomplished via transferring
2 Generation of random solutionsZ. pollen by pollinators such as insects, bats and birds. Some
3 Generation of the solutions velocities vi . kinds of flowers have special pollinator partnership with some
4 While stopping criterion is not fulfilled. kinds of pollinators. In other words, some flowers can be
5 For all model particles. pollinated by a certain kind of insects.
6 Compute the value of the fitness function. Natural pollination has two main kinds biotic and abiotic.
7 Update the best position of the particlezi . Biotic pollination occurs via transferring pollen by pollinators
8 Update the best universal position zg . and it may be found in more than 90% of flowers. On the other
9 Update the particle velocity using Eq. (5). hand, abiotic pollination occurs via diffusion caused by wind
10 Update the particle position using Eq. (6). without any pollinators and it may be found in less than 10%
11 End for. of flowers. In FPA, pollinators are called pollen vectors and
12 End while the universal best solution is obtained. they have numerous kinds. There is also a very important
phenomenon that occurs in some kind of pollinator called
2186 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

Fig. 2 e Flow chart of the ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA for prediction of RS.

flower constancy which means that pollinators visit some considered as global pollination as it occurs via transferring
flower species and bypass other species. This phenomenon the pollens for long distance by pollinators. Pollinators of this
helps in increasing the reproduction of certain kinds of flower kind of pollination may also follow Levy distribution during
species via maximizing the pollen transferred to them. It also flying or jumping.
helps in enhancing the performance of exploring and learning The pollination process can be summarized in the
process of pollinators. following rules [57]:
There are two main kinds of pollination: cross-pollination
and self-pollination. The biotic cross-pollination is
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4 2187

Fig. 3 e Effect of cutting factors means on: a) radial RS; b) circumferential RS.

1. Global pollination occurs via biotic cross-pollination which 4. Both of global and local pollination follow a switch
follows Levy distribution. probability.
2. Local pollination occurs via abiotic self-pollination.
3. Flower constancy is the phenomenon that represents the The global biotic optimization could be defined using Eq.
reproduction probability of two flowers. (7):
2188 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

9 Else.
  10 Select ε randomly from a uniform distribution.
i ¼ yti þ LD yti þ F (7)
11 Select randomly the pollens of two different
whereydenotes the position for pollen iat iteration t, Fdenotes flowers (jand k).
the most fittest solution and LD denotes the pollination 12 The local pollination is computed based on Eq. (9).
strength defined from the levy distribution and could be 13 End if.
expressed using Eq. (8): 14 Update the population using the new solutions.
15 End For.
LD  (8) 16 Find the universal best solution F.
17 End while.
where GðmÞdenotes the gamma function, sdenotes the long
distance step and q denotes the step constant.
The local biotic optimization could be defined using Eq. (9): 3.4. Implementation of hybrid models
i ¼ yti þ ε ytj  ytk (9)
The training of ANN could be considered as a minimization
where jand kdenote the pollens of two different flowers and problem in which the biases and the weights of the ANN
εis a randomly selected parameter from a uniform distribution should be determined to minimize the error between the
such that 0  ε  1. The procedures of the FPA algorithm are predicted values and the actual ones. Back-propagation such
presented in Algorithm 2. as LevenbergeMarquardt algorithm is the commonly used
algorithm during the training process. However, the applica-
Algorithm 2. : The FPA procedures tion of this algorithm in the training process consumes long
time and there is high tendency to trap into local minima.
1 Setting the objective function and the optimization Therefore, the integration between ANN and the advanced
factors. metaheuristic optimization techniques is highly desirable to
2 Initialization of the population with n flowers with avert the drawback of the conventional training algorithms
random solutions. and consequently improve the prediction accuracy of the
3 Compute the fittest solutionF. ANN.
4 Define the reproduction probability. Both ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA are proposed here as hybrid
5 While stopping criterion is not fulfilled. ANN models in which PSO and FPA are utilized as optimiza-
6 For all model flowers. tion techniques to minimize the prediction errors of the ANN
7 If the random solution is less than the reproduction by determining the optimum values for the weights and bia-
probability. ses of the network. The objective function can be defined
8 The global pollination is computed based Eq. (7). using Eq. (10):

Fig. 4 e Contour plots of radial RS as a function of: a) cutting depth and feed, b) cutting depth and cutting speed, c) feed and
cutting speed; circumferential RS as a function of: d) cutting depth and feed, e) cutting depth and cutting speed, f) feed and
cutting speed.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4 2189

Fig. 5 e a) The predicted radial RS using the three proposed algorithms; b) The absolute error between the predicted radial RS
obtained by the three developed algorithms and experimental data; c) The predicted circumferential RS using the three
proposed algorithms; d) The absolute error between the predicted circumferential RS obtained by the three developed
algorithms and experimental data.

on the induced RS in both of radial and circumferential di-

u X rections. Additionally, cutting speed has a moderate effect on
u1 S X H
OBðwi ; bi Þ ¼ t Tij  Pij ðwi ; bi Þ (10) the induced RS in both directions, while cutting depth has
s i¼1 j¼1
insignificant effect on them. Increasing the feed and cutting
speed causes a significant increase and a moderate increase in
where OBdenotes the objective function, Tij denotes the target
the induced RS, respectively; whereas, the RS slightly de-
value and Pij denotes the predicted data using wi and bi as
creases by applying large cutting depth. From Fig. 5, it is
weight and bias, respectively. Sand Hare the number of
detected that the effects of all investigated cutting factors on
training samples and hidden neurons, respectively. The PSO
the induced RS in both of radial and circumferential directions
or FPA updates the ANN until reaching the stop criterion. The
have the same trends. Therefore, the total induced RS is
flow chart of the ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA for prediction of RS is
significantly affected by increasing the feed and cutting speed,
presented in Fig. 2.
while it is slightly affected by cutting depth.
The contour plots of radial and circumferential RS as a
3.5. Model assessment measures
function of different process factors are shown in Fig. 4. To
minimize the circumferential and radial RS, while preserving
To assess the prediction accuracy of the three investigated
the material removal rate as high as possible, it is recom-
artificial intelligence models (ANN, ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA) to
mended to use high cutting depth, moderate cutting speed
predict circumferential RS and radial RS during turning of
and low feed as shown in Fig. 4. The use of high cutting speed
pure iron, six statistical measures are computed, namely
minimize the heat absorbed by the machined samples as the
determination coefficient (R2), mean absolute error (MAE), root
largest portion of heat is evacuated via the chip; consequently
mean square error (RMSE), variation coefficient (COV),
the thermal effects which are responsible for the tensile RS
efficiency coefficient (EC), and overall index (OI) [55].
generation is decreased. On the other hand, increasing the
cutting speed more than 180 m/min results in decreasing the
4. Results and discussions plastic deformation of the machined surface; consequently
the tensile effects are dominant and the RS increases.
4.1. Effects of control variables on the residual stresses Increasing the feed increases the material removal rate and,
generation consequently, the cutting forces also increase. The high cut-
ting forces generate excessive heat and consequently the
In this section, the effects of the investigated process factors thermal effects are dominant, which cause a considerable
(cutting speed, cutting depth and feed) on the induced RSes of increase in surface tensile RS. Among all process factors,
the machine surfaces are investigated. The measured data of cutting depth has a trivial effect on the induced RS which may
radial and circumferential RS for all tested samples are tabu- be neglected compared with the effect of cutting speed and
lated in Table 4. The circumferential RS is much higher than feed. Therefore, it is recommended to apply high cutting
radial RS for all investigated samples. Figure 3 shows the main depth to obtain maximum material removal rate with mini-
effect plots of the investigated cutting factors on the induced mal induced RS to compensate the reduction of feed and
RS. The plotted data reveal that the feed has a dominant effect cutting speed.
2190 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4

Fig. 6 e Comparison of experimental data and predicted radial and circumferential RS obtained by the three proposed

4.2. Models validation data followed by ANN-PSO predicted data, while ANN pre-
dicted data showed the worst agreement with measured ones.
The measured RS data in both circumferential and radial di- The absolute error between the predicted radial RS data using
rections are used to train the proposed artificial intelligence the three proposed models and the actual measured ones is
models, namely ANN, ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA, which are plotted in Fig. 5b. The predicted results using ANN have the
utilized as prediction tools to determine the induced RS under highest absolute error among all investigated models. The
the investigated cutting parameters. These models are used to maximum ANN absolute error reaches a high value of
learn the relationship between process control factors (cutting 67.65 MPa, while the maximum absolute error for ANN-PSO
speed, feed and cutting depth) and process control responses and ANN-FPA was 23.11 MPa and 5.01 MPa, respectively. The
(circumferential RS and radial RS). The experimental data are same trend could be observed in case of circumferential RS as
allocated into two datasets; the first is the training dataset, shown in Fig. 5c. The best agreement is observed between the
which represents 70% of the experimental data, while the measured data and ANN-FPA predicted data followed by ANN-
second is the test dataset, which represents 30% of the PSO predicted data, while ANN predicted data showed the
experimental data. This division is applied for the two worst agreement with measured ones. The predicted results
measured RS (circumferential RS and radial RS). After the using ANN-FPA have the lowest absolute error among all
training of the models and obtaining the optimal model con- investigated models. The maximum ANN absolute error rea-
figurations and parameters that maximize the model accu- ches a high value of 38.31 MPa, while the maximum absolute
racy, the models are tested and evaluated using different error for ANN-PSO and ANN-FPA was 8.62 MPa and 4.73 MPa,
statistical measures. The ANN-FPA accuracy is compared with respectively. Moreover, in some cases, the predicted results
the other two models, namely ANN and ANN-PSO, for pre- using ANN-FPA have extremely low absolute error, which
dicting the induced RS under various combinations of cutting approaches zero. Therefore, the results plotted in Fig. 5 proved
parameters. the outperformance of the ANN-FPA model over ANN and
Figure 5a displays the measured and predicted the radial ANN-PSO in predicting the process responses (circumferential
RS using the three proposed models. The best agreement is RS and radial RS).
observed between the measured data and ANN-FPA predicted Figure 6 presents a comparison between the measured
data and the predicted data by the three established models
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 1 : 2 1 8 1 e2 1 9 4 2191

Table 5 e Evaluation of the three proposed algorithms using different statistical measures.
Radial RS ANN 0.64999 22.70861 17.942 18.42955 0.549823 0.678932
ANN-PSO 0.97102 6.582459 3.290623 4.988055 0.962175 0.953266
ANN-FPA 0.996893 2.085536 1.222107 1.546918 0.996203 0.989287
Circumferential RS ANN 0.81576 15.56632 10.94026 4.602145 0.765858 0.828577
ANN-PSO 0.99267 2.794531 1.33366 0.82004 0.992454 0.986469
ANN-FPA 0.997528 1.815983 0.926801 0.534973 0.996813 0.992066

for the circumferential RS and radial RS. The results of the RS. The MAE of the ANN-FPA model for the radial RS repre-
predicted data by each model for both RS directions are sents only 6.81% and 37.13% of that of ANN and ANN -PSO,
plotted as subfigures in Fig. 6. For the subfigures of ANN-FPA, respectively, whereas it represents 8.47% and 69.49% of that of
predicted points are scattered very closely around the straight ANN and ANN-PSO, respectively, in case of circumferential
line, which indicates the high accuracy of the ANN-FPA RS. The lower RSME and MAE values indicate the high pre-
model. On the other hand, predicted points of ANN are scat- diction accuracy of the model ANN-FPA compared with other
tered randomly away from the straight line, which indicates models.
the low accuracy of the ANN model. The high accuracy of the The COV of the ANN-FPA model for the radial RS is lower
ANN-FPA model over the ANN and ANN-PSO models is than 6.81% and 37.13% of that of ANN and ANN-PSO, respec-
attributed to the vital role of the FPA to determine the optimal tively, whereas it is lower than 8.47% and 69.49% of that of
ANN parameters. For ANN-FPA results, R2 has high values of ANN and ANN-PSO, respectively, in case of circumferential
0.99 for both of circumferential RS and radial RS. This R2 is a RS. The low value of the COV of the ANN-FPA revealed the
little bit higher than that of ANN-PSO, which has 0.97 and 0.99 high accuracy of the model compared to the others. The
for radial RS and circumferential RS, respectively. Both of values of EC and OI are very close to unity in case of ANN -PSO
ANN-FPA and ANN-PSO have much higher R2 compared with and ANN-FPA and they are very far from the unity in case of
ANN, which shows 0.64 and 0.81 for radial RS and circumfer- ANN. This is another indicator of the outperformance of ANN
ential RS, respectively. -PSO and ANN-FPA over ANN. The results tabulated in Table 5
Comparisons between the three proposed models using are graphically presented in in the spider charts shown in
different statistical measures (R2, RMSE, MAE, COV, EC and OI) Fig. 7, which clearly reveal the variance between the six sta-
for both of circumferential RS and radial RS are presented in tistical measures (R2, MAE, COV, RMSE, EC and OI) for the three
Table 5. The results presented in that table indicated that established models and for radial RS and circumferential RS.
ANN-FPA has the highest values of R2, EC and OI followed by The high values of R2, OI and EC and low values of RSME, VC
ANN-PSO and ANN. Besides, ANN-FPA has the lowest RMSE, and MAE reveal a better accuracy of the model, and thus better
COV and MAE values compared with ANN-PSO and ANN fit between predicted and experimental results is obtained.
models. The increase in R2, EC and OI values, as well as the Overall, based on the results plotted in Figs. 5e7 and
decrease in RMSE, COV and MAE values, points out the out- tabulated in Table 5, it can be concluded that the ANN-FPA
performance of ANN-FPA over ANN-PSO and ANN models. and ANN-PSO models are more accurate than ANN model
The RMSE of the ANN-FPA model for the radial RS is rep- and they can be utilized to predict circumferential RS and
resents only 9.18% and 31.68% of that of ANN and ANN -PSO, radial RS during turning of pure iron with high accuracy.
respectively, whereas it represents 11.66% and 64.98% of that
of ANN and ANN-PSO, respectively, in case of circumferential

Fig. 7 e Spider plot of the statistical measures of the three proposed models for: a) radial RS, b) circumferential RS.
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