Workshop Netiquette: // Are A Tool For Socializing and Communicating With Friends, Family or Even For Work

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Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

- What is your definition of Social Media?
// are a tool for socializing and communicating with friends, family or even for work.
- What do you think “Netiquette” means?
//Characterization of a web site
- Do you find it necessary to have a specific behavior to use Internet and Social Media?
Explain your answer.
//Yes, we have to prevent uploading so much personal information for security reasons, as some
people are very crazy.
- What do you know about 4th Revolution?
//I know nothing

1. Create a mind map using your own vocabulary and concepts related to Netiquette, Internet,
Social Media and the 4th Revolution. Use the images as well if you want as in the model given.

2.2.Listening practice
Before watching the video, discuss:
- What do you know about Netiquette?
//are a type of rules to regulate the behavior for communicating in the network.
- How can the misuse of Netiquette affect our personal or labour life?
//would have a bad way of communicating in social networks, so it gives to interpret a bad image of

What is Netiquette?
//are a set of rules that regulate the behavior for communicating in the network.

Mention 3 Netiquette rules learnt from this topic.

 do not write in capital letters

 avoid all lowercase letters
 use proper grammar and spelling
- Why is respect a crucial aspect in Netiquette? Explain your answer
//it is important to speak clearly because online you can not see the facial expression of the people
with whom you are conversing, having a good treatment and concise way of speaking.
What does capital letters mean in an email according to the Netiquette ?
//It is interpreted as if you were raising your voice.
2.3.Reading practice
Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions according to your background
- What is it called revolution?
//To the violent change generated by different ideas of a society to the stipulated political
- What have been the most important revolutions in history?

 industrial revolution
 french revolution
 independence of colombia

What do you know about the Industrial Revolution?

//it was a revolution to the daily way of doing the necessary human activities that were done with
manual labor as they were industrialized and machines replaced man's work.

exponential who has an ever-increasing rate of growth: his fortune is growing
interact two or more persons or things to exercise a reciprocal action or relationship

infrastructure Set of technical means, services and facilities necessary for the development of
an activity or for a place to be used.
chairman is the designation used to identify the man who directs a meeting, a work
session or an assembly.
Cyber-physical it.s a mechanism controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms and
tightly integrated with the Interne
convenience is the act of living and interacting with our social circle.

government is the main pillar of the State; the authority that directs, controls and
administers its institutions, which consists of the general political leadership or
exercise of the State's executive power.
digital device or machine That supplies data by means of digits or finite or discrete
training Action of forming something.

skill Dispute between people, animals or things that aspire to the same objective or
superiority in something.
computerizatio refers to technology developed for the automatic processing of information
n through the use of computers.

income Amount of money earned or collected.

After reading the article, read the statements and mark them T (true) or F (false)
A. The 4th Industrial Revolution describes the changes to the way we live, work and relate to one
another. ( T)
B. Connected machines will not be able to make any decisions. (F )
C. There has never been a time of potential to improve the quality of life for people. (F )

Using the words in the reading previous activity, write a short paragraph in which you can
summarize the main idea of the text.
the main drivers of the amazing changes we are witnessing include the declining cost of computing
and connected devices, the ease of implementation of AI algorithms, and the radical drop in the
price of genetic sequencing.

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