Task 4 - Reflective Essay

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Institut Pendidikan Guru

Kampus Tengku Ampuan Afzan

27200 Kuala Lipis
Pahang Darul Makmur

TSLB 3063
Intake : Jun 2019
Seme 1 /YEAR 2 ( aug-dec 2020)
Unit: PISMP Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling SJKT

Submission date : 20.11.2020


KHARRSYEENNIE A/P MANOGARAN 000728080286 2019112340171


Submission date : _______________________

I confirm that the feedback provided by the lecturer I have discussed and understood.

Tarikh :

We would like to express our special appreciation and thanks to our beloved lecturer and also
our advisor , Tuan. Hj Hishamuddin Abdul Rahman you have been a tremendous mentor for us.
We would like to thank you for encouraging our assignments and for allowing us to complete our
tasks. I would like to thank my teachers from St, Philomena Convent who also helped me and
gave me equal cooperation towards to complete this tasks.
Task 4
Reflective essay - Stimulated Teaching

Simulated teaching is an artificially arranged teachers training technique which helps the
student teachers to learn the art and techniques through role playing. I also conducted a stimulated
teaching with my classmates via online in Google Meet. The duration of my stimulated teaching was 39
minutes. We were allocated 30 minutes per person to conduct our stimulated teaching. My stimulated
teaching topic was based on year 5 adventure sports. I used some creative teaching and learning materials
in our stimulated teaching. Such as,textbook, pictures, task sheet and videos. The focus on my stimulated
teaching is listening and speaking. Whereas , learning objective of my stimulated teaching is by the end of
the lesson, pupils should be able to talk about adventure sports with guidance and listen to descriptions of
various sports and match them with the correct pictures.

First of all I started my stimulated teaching using a video as a introduction to tha topic of the day. This
is because using videos or audios in the classroom is a very good idea. Not only does this provide a teacher
with a wide range of extraordinary benefits but it's a fun experiment for the students as well. They will
certainly appreciate the entire experience to begin with a lesson. It's all about having the right
approach ,attention and specific content to deliver the best results.

On the other hand , I did comprehension listening among students to test their listening skills.
Listening comprehension is an important part of language learning. Learners want to understand native
speakers and a lot of multimedia videos , audios and the Internet. Listening is a significant skill to develop in
second language learning. According to Rost (2001) and Kurita (2012), a major difference between more
successful and less successful learners is related to their ability to use listening as an instrument of learning.
Listening skill is very important in a process of language learning because the key to learn a language is to
receive language input.

Lastly, I used some task sheets that I create my own as an enrichment task for the students and end of the
lesson.Enrichment promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills, improve student's ability to
concentrate, and make learning more meaningful, valuable, and rewarding. Enrichment activities are fun,
which helps students to become more engaged in their learning and retain more information.

In conclusion ,In a stimulating classroom, students are able to move around, learn new ways of receiving
knowledge, and are encouraged to question everything around them.

Apart from that , there some of the things I learn during my school based experience which I
conducted for a week . first of all, I learn that we need to understand subject matter deeply and flexibly as a
teacher.Teachers need to see how ideas connect across fields and to everyday life. Furthermore, teachers
need to prepare them with curriculum resources and technologies, this helps to connect their students with
sources of information and knowledge that allow them to explore ideas, acquire and synthesize information,
and frame and solve problems. Knowing about collaboration and working together is the best way to reach
students. Teachers will know how to structure interactions among students, how to collaborate with other
teachers, and how to work with parents to shape supportive experiences at school and home. Another
important point is , teaching and learning materials that teachers use in classes.Teachers are responsible for
selecting educational materials and activities at the right level and of the right type for all of the children in
their classes. Lastly , using English in school or during the lesson . this is because language we use may
improve the fluency and accuracy.As we know, nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. So, this
school based experience was really helpful and meaningful for me.

Ambrose, S., Bridges, M., Lovett, M., DiPietro, M., & Norman, M. (2010). How learning works: 7
research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

EDUCAUSE (2005). Potential Learning Activities. Retrieved April 7 2017, from EDUCAUSE website:

Fink, D. L. (2005). Integrated course design. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Center. Retrieved from

Gagne, R. M., Wager, W.W., Golas, K. C. & Keller, J. M (2005). Principles of Instructional Design (5th
edition). California: Wadsworth.

Videos :
Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 14. Adventure Sports

Content Standard :1.1

Learning Standards: 1.1.3,

Monday Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about adventure sports with guidance.
b. listen to descriptions of various sports and match them with the correct
9/11/2020 Teaching Aids : textbook, pictures, task sheet, video

CCE/EE: Thinking skills, multiple intelligences.

Subject Activities :
a. Pre listening-speaking:
1. Display a few pictures of adventure sports.
Class 2. Introduce these sports to the pupils.
Year 5 3. Prompt these questions for discussion.
 Are these activities suitable for everyone? Why?
 Which sport is the most exciting?
TIME  Which sport is the most dangerous?
 Which activity would you like to participate in the most? Why?

(30 minutes) b. While listening-speaking:

1. Distribute task sheets to pupils.
2. Explain to pupils how to do this activity.
3. Teacher reads Miss Sharmila’s descriptions of various sports.
4. Pupils listen carefully to the descriptions and match them with the correct
5. Teacher repeats step 3.
6. Remind pupils to listen carefully and check their answers.
7. Discuss the answers with the pupils.

c. Post listening-speaking:
1. Show a video to the students
2. Divide pupils into groups.
3. Each pupil chooses one adventure sport and talk about it groups.
4. Teacher randomly calls a few groups to role-play the conversation.

d. Closure:
1. have students briefly summarize their learning.
Attendance: Reflection:
a. ______ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about adventure sports with
____ out of ___ guidance.
Absent: b. ______ out of ___ pupils were able to listen to descriptions of various
sports and match them with the correct pictures.
Miss Sharmila talks about the various adventure sports. Listen and match
them with the correct pictures









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