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Fall – 2020

MIS207: E-Business

Section - 09

Group: 04

Final Project on “ShelterHunt”

Assigned to:
Dr. Samim Al Azad [SAA2]
Lecturer, Department of Management
School of Business and Economics (SBE)
North South University

Assigned by:
Md.mustafizur Rahman Dipto 1831193630
Md. Hafiz Uzzaman 2011886630
Prangan Roy Rudra 2011473630
S.m. Abeer Chowdhury Meem 2012311630

Date of Submission: 24th January, 2021

Letter of Transmittal

24th January, 2021

Dr. Samim Al Azad [SAA2]
Lecturer, School of business and economics
North South University
Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh.
Subject: Submission of a project on ShelterHunt

Dear Sir,
It is a grand contentment for us that, we have been capable to submit the project on ShelterHunt.
It’s been an enormous practice for us to bring about such a job and we took pleasure in the
whole project making actions. We tried our degree best with our knowledge to make a full
pledged project by analyzing all the available information. We hope that we have fulfilled all
the requirements you have asked for.

We would be delighted if you kindly accept the project and oblige us thereby.

Best Regards,

Md.Mustafizur Rahman Dipto – 1831193630

Md. Hafiz Uzzaman – 2011886630

Prangan Roy Rudra – 2011473630

S.m. Abeer Chowdhury Meem – 2012311630


Firstly, we would like to express thanks towards God for his showers of giving us the
opportunity to complete this project of ShelterHunt.

We would also like to thank to our faculty Samim Al Azad, for his kind concern, valuable
time, advice support and assistance and guideline in preparing this project. It was a great
pleasure and integrity to work and study beneath his supervision.

We are encompassing our appreciations to the Management Department of NORTH SOUTH


Finally, our cheers go to all the people who have reinforced us to crowned the project work
presently or obliquely.

Executive Summary

Bangladesh has a lack of a branded network of budget hotels in the E-Business sector.
ShelterHunt will furnish normalized hotel rooms with highlights, for example, a cooled room,
free breakfast, and Wi-Fi. Visitors can utilize the ShelterHunt App for booking rooms in a

Customer satisfaction will be the key to success for ShelterHunt. Customers are loyal to marked
hotels since they promise a predictable visitor experience. Consistency fabricates trust (or lack
of) with voyagers and is reflected in online audits. ShelterHunt Business Model - ShelterHunt's
main attention is on the quality of the service. Books a portion of the Hotel's Inventory
previously. Coordinate those hotel rooms under their organization name. The rise in equity will
remain in the hands of the company's owners and about 30% of equity is sold to customers.
The target users for ShelterHunt include individuals of both genders within the 20-50 age range.
360-degree marketing ensures that a business has a full presence on both online and traditional
media platforms. ShelterHunt can conduct an influencer campaign by gathering famous
Bangladeshi influencers that can attract the targeted customers. Youth are still very drawn to
the service of giving unmarried couples to ShelterHunt. Bangladesh has at present more or less
3500 properties that have been used for hotels, resorts, or private renting.

Table of Contents:
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
The proposed solution -.................................................................................................................................... 5
Reason - ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
The way ShelterHunt will help our business systems in Bangladesh - ........................................................ 5
Other considerations - ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Keys to success - ............................................................................................................................................... 5
E-Business Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
ShelterHunt objective - .................................................................................................................................... 6
Mission - ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Vision - .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
ShelterHunt Business Model - ......................................................................................................................... 6
ShelterHunt Revenue Model - ......................................................................................................................... 6
Product and Services - ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Start-up Costs and Funding’s - ....................................................................................................................... 6
Ownership and Management - ........................................................................................................................ 7
Market Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Market Segmentation and Target users - ....................................................................................................... 8
o Luxury Travelers -................................................................................................................................. 8
o Backpackers - ........................................................................................................................................ 8
o Business Executives - ............................................................................................................................ 8
Marketing Strategy of ShelterHunt -.............................................................................................................. 8
360- degree marketing: ......................................................................................................................... 8
Social Media Strategy: .......................................................................................................................... 8
Influencer Campaigning: ....................................................................................................................... 9
Strategy & Implementation ................................................................................................................................. 9
SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Strengths ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Weakness ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Opportunities ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Threats ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Marketing, Sales & Pricing Strategy ............................................................................................................ 10
Financial Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Challenges ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

Bangladesh has a lack of a branded network of budget hotels in the E-Business sector.
ShelterHunt essentially connects with various hotels and gets them under its umbrella,
guaranteeing that they satisfy certain guidelines of administration, conveniences, evaluating,
staff, and security convention. At that point, it gives their rooms under its image for a specific
cut of the room cost. Bangladesh needs a big hotel chain for the tourism industry.
The proposed solution - ShelterHunt is such an organization of budget hotels in E-Business
that will solve the issue in Bangladesh. This sort of brand is now doing its business in numerous
nations. ShelterHunt will furnish normalized hotel rooms with highlights, for example, a cooled
room, free breakfast, and Wi-Fi with 24x7 client assistance. Visitors can utilize the ShelterHunt
App for booking rooms in a hurry. They can likewise arrange drinks and solicitation room
administration through the application. Hotel proprietors who cooperate with ShelterHunt are
associated using a tablet-based property the executives' App and turn out to be important for
the ShelterHunt brand. ShelterHunt will be known as a Bangladeshi hotel brand that claims and
works just as total normalized hotel rooms.
Reason - We ought to make such E-Business because the hotel industry is an essential part of
tourism. The extension of tourism is well inescapable drawing out the improvement of the hotel
business. The hotel industry is so closely linked with the tourism industry that it is responsible
for the foreign exchange earnings from tourism trade and enterprises.
The way ShelterHunt will help our business systems in Bangladesh - By creating business
opportunities and elevating room rates and occupancy in Bangladesh. Also, the growth of the
‘Hotel Industry in Bangladesh’ will increase along with the supply of rooms. The rates of
tourist visits will increase and demand will be high. Likewise, Online booking will be very
broad in the hotel business. Numerous restaurants likewise are starting to acknowledge them
as their popularity increments. There will consistently be a few people who like to get the
phone. However, web-based booking frameworks imply that clients can hold a room or a table
external to the setting's business hours, or whatever other time when calling isn't helpful. This
will carry another measurement to client assistance and business frameworks in Bangladesh.
Other considerations - Along with the tourist and for a business meeting, students and the
young couple also book a room for their tour in various places in Bangladesh via the
ShelterHunt app. They can register without any charge, the registration in the ShelterHunt will
be free. There will be other policies like guest policies. In guest policies, there are many parts
such as check-in policy (ex: The essential guest should be at least 18 years of age to be able to
check into the hotel.), child policy, triple occupancy policy, pet policy, hygiene, and conduct,
Keys to success - Basically, customer satisfaction will be the key to success for ShelterHunt.
Customers' satisfaction is very important to be successful in this project. Because customers
are loyal to marked hotels since they promise a predictable visitor experience across the
portfolio paying little heed to the city or country they are located in. Consistency is additionally
significant for free hotels as far as conveying assumptions. Consistency fabricates trust (or lack
of) with voyagers and is reflected in online audits and post-stay input, which directly affect
bookings and income. Another key to success is guest experience should line up with
assumptions. And should wish to assemble and keep a solid standing should not just focus on
how we market the brand, yet besides guarantee, we set assumptions effectively, and convey
on those guarantees once the visitor shows up.

E-Business Plan
ShelterHunt objective - ShelterHunt has a goal to provide the best experience at a reasonable
cost. ShelterHunt gives normalized lodgings highlights, for example, ac, TV, free breakfast,
and Wi-Fi with 24×7 client assistance upheld. ShelterHunt can be reserved internet utilizing
the Mobile application. Additionally, they have their quality in all the movement/booking sites.
ShelterHunt doesn’t own any of these properties, and instead, invests in marketing and
management quality improvement for the hotels under its fold.
Mission - ShelterHunt’s mission is to make a profit by ensuring luxury service, satisfying
demands, and fulfilling the expectation of the guests.
Vision - To revolute the system in which individuals avoid home.

ShelterHunt Business Model - ShelterHunt’s main attention is on the quality of the service.
Thus, to keep up the name, they cause the accomplices to offer types of assistance at
foreordained guidelines while they make them more noticeable to their client base.
Books a portion of Hotel's Inventory previously.
Coordinate those hotel rooms under their organization name - ShelterHunt.
These accomplice lodgings offer normalized support to clients of those rooms as chosen
in an agreement with ShelterHunt.
Appointments are made through the ShelterHunt site and mobile application
ShelterHunt Revenue Model - ShelterHunt is as of now in its presentation stage in numerous
urban communities and it needs to weigh limits to the clients because for arriving at their
fascination. These limits regularly bring about costs that are even not exactly the cost of these
lodgings and consequently bring about misfortunes to ShelterHunt but when the Brand value
will gain we will provide the fewer amount of discounts and will be able to gain profit
The revenue model of ShelterHunt is unassuming.
ShelterHunt books a portion of the hotel’s inventory (EXPENSE)
These rooms are put to coordinate the normalized quality like free Wi-Fi, clean latrines,
and so on (Cost)
These Rooms are offered to the clients at ShelterHunt Website/Application
Clients purchase these from ShelterHunt at a foreordained cost. (Income)

Product and Services - ShelterHunt will provide a Hotel booking service, where visitors can
book rooms online via the ShelterHunt website and they can pay the money via both pays at
the hotel or online payment.
Start-up Costs and Funding’s - ShelterHunt intends to make its initial funding through a
series of investments & we do not sell more than 30% of our equity to the business. Investors
could be individuals or businesses (both national or foreign) upon discussing company
agreements and policies the below charts show the estimated cost of ShelterHunt for the fiscal
year 2021-2022


ShelterHunt January 2021


Advertising/Marketing 12 50,00,000 90,00,000

Employee Salaries 12 3,00,00,000 75,00,000

Employee Payroll Taxes

and Benefits 12 1,00,00,000 80,00,000

Payments/Utilities 12 80,00,000 45,00,000

Operating costs 12 5,00,00,000 70,00,000

BUDGET 1,03,000,000 360,00,000

Grand Total Cost $139,000,000

Ownership and Management - In the first few years of our venture, we do not plan to go for
an IPO (the initial public offering). We aim also to provide ShelterHunt for an LLC so that the
company is not listed on the Dhaka Bourses in this manner (DSE). The rise in equity will
remain in the hands of the company's owners and about 30% of equity is sold to customers.
Determined classification holders.

Post Name
CEO Animesh Chowdhury
CFO Md Mustafizur Rahman Dipto
Chief Technology and Product Officer Prangan Roy Rudra
Chief Operating Officer Abeer Chowdhury Meem
Chief Human Resources Officer Hafizuzzaman Tuhin
Chief Strategy Officer Mollik Goswami
President of Corporate Affairs Nicolas Biswas

Market Analysis
Market Segmentation and Target users - Market segmentation is a must and needs to be the
prior focus of any business whether new or old or established. The market segmentation of
ShelterHunt must be such as a demanding business forum in the Bangladeshi market, to build
awareness and excitement among the masses of companies. That's why-
● The primary focus must be on mass retention and acquisition to retain its rating and
performance above all.
● Using the Digital Marketing segment for client acquisition and lead generation.
● Social media is the biggest power for the company. So, its strategical use in all
platforms and targeting the customers can be a plus point for ShelterHunt.
● Based on their behaviour, interest, and other factors that are widely available through
digital marketing, they target a mass target audience.
The target users for ShelterHunt include individuals of both genders within the 20-50
age range. In general, these individuals are from urban backgrounds of the major towns of our
country like- the divisional and district cities and are mainly the society's lower-income or
middle-income earning classes group. ShelterHunt targets students and working professionals
also who, mostly alone, love to fly and make short trips. In segmenting the customers more
precisely ShelterHunt follows the following-
o Luxury Travelers - People in this group belongs to high-class society who love
Destination Holidays, 5star hotel, and do not do any negotiations on quality and
o Backpackers - They are frequent travellers who are extremely budget conscious and
do negotiate on quality.
o Business Executives - This is a special group of frequent travellers too. But they look
for pocket-friendly accommodation where they do not compromise on luxury.

Marketing Strategy of ShelterHunt - Few key components of the marketing strategy for
ShelterHunt can be 360-degree marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media
marketing, contests and campaign, influencer campaigning, etc. The use of such approaches
as an e-business market strategy for the company will bring possible expanding opportunities
throughout the country and acceptance of the country’s people.
360- degree marketing: 360-degree marketing ensures that a business has a full
presence on both online and traditional media platforms. With digital, by posting videos
on YouTube and offering discounts to websites, and using mobile apps,
ShelterHunt can effectively use social media to connect with its potential
customers. Google ads should be crisp and to the point, so they should not only be fast
for the reader to absorb but also ensure that they are easy to understand and provide all
the required information. Physically the company can collaborate with the hotels
around Bangladesh and as per the business strategies and provide housing services.
Social Media Strategy: In the communication-based world, social media is a very
helpful business strategic tool for the business to step forward. Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, etc. are the platforms mainly used by ShelterHunt for social media marketing.
On Facebook, the company should share location-based posts, posts that detail the
organization's success over the years, and daily promotional posts. These three types of
posts help appeal to all sorts of clients. The location posts help people search travel

destinations, the progress posts help to form a link and interaction with the supporters
of the company, and the daily promotional posts include deals and discounts to
consumers, enabling them to book. On the other hand, Instagram helps to repost
pictures taken by travellers and ShelterHunt’s employees. It increases the customer and
fan base of the company.
Influencer Campaigning: Influencer marketing refers to collaborating to promote the
brand with social media influencers. As influencers have a significant social media
following, they are an outstanding way to meet the target audience and enhance the
access of the brand. Thus, ShelterHunt can conduct an influencer campaign by
gathering famous Bangladeshi influencers that can attract the targeted customers. In
this process, the company can connect climbers, travellers, cyclists, media
personalities, and many more.

Besides all these, ShelterHunt should keep in mind the key market trends for the Bangladeshi
market to be successful holding as a leading company in the sector. Such as-

1. Rising Number of International Tourists

2. Government infrastructures to attract more Tourism
3. Competitive landscape of the country
4. Roads and transportation issues in providing services etc.

Strategy & Implementation

SWOT Analysis


1. With the whole one-stop budget in Bangladesh, the concept of the ShelterHunt is
extremely revolutionary.
2. The fresh notion of privacy for travelers in Bangladesh at the time made it the ancestor
of the countries hotel chains.
3. ShelterHunt subsidized for inexpensive stays in new business chains that were
successfully established.
4. ShelterHunt has a large network of thousands of properties around the world.


1. The co-branding technique of ShelterHunt can be troublesome without owning a house.

2. Through their standardization, their consistency and continuity of operation will
sometimes be doubted.
3. The small margins of hotel supply can be dangerous and cannot be prevented by Shelter


1. The growing demand on the hotel aggregator market, where most budget hotels have
losses, will raise aggregators like ShelterHunt's reach.
2. People prefer to find stays conveniently reserved and more budget-friendly. This means
that budget hotels which can provide good accommodation and accommodation are
today in high demand.
3. The number of travelers is growing, even in Tier-II cities live couples are growing. This
adds to more business possibilities for luxury spaces, Huntlife, Hunttown apartments,
etc. This is also possible.


1. With new contractors such as travel agencies on the market, they go on zayaan, etc.,
which offer a range of ShelterHunt related services.
2. Many hotels are reportedly facing insecure stays and abuse. Though ShelterHunt has a
moral commitment, not to such unjust accidents.

Marketing, Sales & Pricing Strategy

ShelterHunt will be one of Bangladesh's most popular online hotels. In contrast with other
online room reservation platforms or online travel agencies, ShelterHunt works operate on a
different scale. ShelterHunt’s work methodology is simple that they pitch the hotels available
in different locations to the customers and on booking they take a commission fee as their
income. Often they even do one thing by reserving a few ShelterHunt from a hotel every month
at the behest of the customers, then also renting these ShelterHunt at a cheaper rate from the
hotel. This offer draws customers and makes their travel at a low cost smoother. Youth are still
very drawn to their service of giving unmarried couples to ShelterHunt without any difficulties.
ShelterHunt will be taking about 2-3 days to conclude a hotel deal after all the offerings have
been evaluated. ShelterHunt will build a special team as a convenient service to make sure you
remain in your hotels for a certain time of your stay. With confirmation, you can book online
and you can use the facilities on the day of arrival at the hotel you book.

Financial Plan

START-UP COSTS Income Statement Publish on January 2021

2500 properties*25,000 each unit 750,000,000

REVENUE 2500*25000*12

2500*5000*12 150,000,000
Less Sales Returns & Discounts

Net Sales 600,000,000

Gross Profit


2500*15000*12 450,000,000
Salaries & Wages

Marketing/Advertising 50,00,000

Sales Commissions 90,00,000

Total Expenses 464,000,000

NET INCOME 136,000,000

Bangladesh has at present more or less 3500 properties that have been used for hotels, resorts,
or private renting. We plan to get registered with ⅔ (two-third) of them. And the way we valued
of business with 2500 properties and around 25k monthly revenue from each property. This
represents our first-year financial statement that will bring about 136,000,000 BDT. if we could
implement our plan in the Bangladesh market.


Travelers need ShelterHunt in the Budget category at low rates, including simple facilities such
as wireless access, clean linens, breakfast, air conditioning, and hot showers. ShelterHunt will
establishes infrastructure upgrades with existing hotel owners to provide travellers with these
important facilities. Hotel owners prefer to invest in these facilities to give their consumers
quality service. Travelers have the promised experience of any ShelterHunt property, which
contributes to the repeated purchasing and word of mouths.

ShelterHunt’s nominal price from BDT. 799/- until BDT. 14000/-, depending on the booked
room type. They keep their promises. In comparison to other internet portals, the images on the
website or the smartphone are authentic and unedited. Each ShelterHunt’s room provides
complimentary breakfasts and free Wi-Fi. Each ShelterHunt room also features a flat-screen
TV. The ShelterHunt has entered Bangladesh's big-city markets, so it can be found everywhere.


1. Bangladeshi hotel partners' allegations of outstanding dues

2. Hotel associations and hoteliers' police concerns
3. US hotel owners' protests regarding the entrance of ShelterHunt
4. Profitability gap
5. Bangladesh Competition Committee scrutiny
6. The Asset Intensive Model Issues

Thank you, sir

Dr. Samim Al Azad [SAA2]

Sir, it’s been a great pleasure for us to be your student, we learned a lot
from you....


This page is confidential and will NOT be seen by the class.

Group Number: 04

By signing on Table 1 each member acknowledges his or her agreement with the stated
contribution to the overall report made by each individual.

First Name Student ID Contribution Signature

Md Mustafizur Rahman Dipto 1831193630 A

Md. Hafiz Uzzaman 2011886630 A

Prangan Roy Rudra 2011473630 A

S.m. Abeer Chowdhury Meem

20123116 2012311630 A

Table 1: Membership and Individual Contribution.
Use the following “grade” to state each member’s contribution to the total effort
• A = very good contribution, the group member went above the expected participation
• B = good contribution, the member participated as expected and was diligent in
performing the assigned tasks.
• C = less than satisfactory contribution, the member participation and contribution was less
than the average for the group.
• D = the member had minimal participation on the group effort, shown lack of commitment
to the group and significantly increased other members’ workload.
• E = the group member did not contribute at all to the team.

The group shall agree on the contribution level for each group member. Your signature on
Table 1 indicates your agreement with the assessment of contribution. Reaching agreement
is part of the exercise. In filling up the table lecturer is expecting highest level of ethical
standard from the group. To encourage the teams to strive to perform as a team, penalties will
be assigned to students that perform below the minimum expected level (see Table 2).

Individual contribution to the group’s Penalty to be applied to the assignment’s

effort. mark for the particular student

A 0%

B 5%

C 15%

D 50%

E 100%

Table 2: Penalties


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