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Docente: Asignatura: Inglés Dècimo

GUÍA # 4 Primer período.

NAME:____ ___________ GRADE: ___

1.Lea el siguiente texto:

Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is an annually celebrated feast that takes place on March 17th which is the date of death of
the patron saint of Ireland; Saint Patrick. It is a national celebration in the republic of Ireland, and a custom but
not official in Northern Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is also worldwide celebrated for all Irish and even people
who have no Irish origin. People celebrate the feast wearing green garments, enjoying the Irish gastronomy
which includes alcohol, Irish drinks, and attending parades. Some pubs sell green beer for the holiday.

As a religious holiday it was made an official Christian commemoration at the beginning of the 17th century and
throughout the history, it has been observed by many other churches and countries, even in South America by
Argentina which is the 5th Irish community out of Ireland.

It is said that Saint Patrick was born in a Romano-British family in the 4th century and his father and grandfather
were linked to the Christian church. One day at the age of 16 Saint Patrick was kidnapped by Irish raiders and
taken as a slave, during that time while working as a shepherd he “found God” and God himself showed him
how to scape, once Saint Patrick made it he started evangelizing all pagan Ireland until he died on March 17.

People used to wear green during this celebration because of what is said about the shamrock which was a green
three-leaved plant that Saint Patrick used to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.

2.Responda las siguientes preguntas; marque o subraya la respuesta que crea es la correcta en cada una de las

1. March 17th is: 6. When did Saint Patrick find God?

The day Saint Patrick died. While he was sleeping.

The day of the Holy trinity. While he was having dinner.

Saint Patrick’s Day of birth. While he was working.

2. What kind of people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day? 7. Why did Saint Patrick use the Shamrock?

People from Ireland only. Because it was a good luck item.

Irish and not Irish people around the world. To explain a religious idea.

People from England only.

3. What happened with liquor during this celebration?

Its cost increases 10 times.

It is prohibited

People celebrate drinking it.

4. Which churches commemorate Saint Patrick’s Day?

Many different churches.

Jehovah Witnesses only.

Christians only.
5. As used in paragraph number three the
word linked means:




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