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Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783

DOI 10.1007/s00421-012-2487-5


Different responses of selected hormones to three types of exercise

in young men
Keith A. Stokes • Kate L. Gilbert • George M. Hall •

Robert C. Andrews • Dylan Thompson

Received: 24 April 2012 / Accepted: 29 August 2012 / Published online: 13 September 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Exercise is a potent stimulus for release of testosterone and glucose. Sprint exercise elicited the largest
growth hormone (GH), cortisol, testosterone and prolactin, response per unit of work, but the smallest response rela-
and prolonged exercise inhibits insulin secretion. These tive to mean work rate in all hormones. In conclusion, the
responses seem to be specific to the type of exercise but nature and magnitude of the hormone response were
this has been poorly characterised primarily because they influenced by exercise type, perhaps reflecting the roles of
have not been compared during exercise performed by the these hormones in regulating metabolism during and after
same individuals. We investigated hormone responses to resistance, sprint and endurance exercise.
resistance, sprint and endurance exercise in young men
using a repeated measures design in which each subject Keywords Exercise  Cortisol  Growth hormone 
served as their own control. Eight healthy non-obese young Prolactin  Insulin
adults (18–25 years) were studied on four occasions in
random order: 30-s cycle ergometer sprint (Sprint), 30-min
resistance exercise bout (Resistance), 30-min cycle at 70 % Introduction
VO2max (Endurance), and seated rest in the laboratory
(Rest). Cortisol, GH, testosterone, prolactin, insulin and There has been a great deal of interest in the impact of
glucose concentrations were measured for 60 min after the different types of exercise on health, and beneficial roles of
four different interventions. Endurance and sprint exercise sprint exercise (Richards et al. 2010; Whyte et al. 2010)
significantly increased GH, cortisol, prolactin and testos- and resistance exercise (Breen et al. 2011) for metabolic
terone. Sprint exercise also increased insulin concentra- health have been identified alongside the traditionally
tions, whereas this decreased in response to endurance accepted benefits of sustained exercise (Garber et al. 2011).
exercise. Resistance exercise significantly increased only This is important in the context of promoting physical
activity and exercise options that individuals enjoy and to
which they will adhere, since different types of exercise
Communicated by Fabio Fischetti. appeal to different people. For example, high intensity
interval exercise has been reported to be preferred over
K. A. Stokes (&)  K. L. Gilbert  D. Thompson
Department for Health, University of Bath, continuous exercise in recreationally active men (Bartlett
Claverton Down, Bath BA2-7AY, UK et al. 2011) and individuals with coronary heart disease
e-mail: (Guiraud et al. 2011). Understanding the physiological
responses to different types of exercise is also important for
G. M. Hall
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, identifying ways to maximise their beneficial effects. In
St George’s, University of London, SW17-0RE, London, UK addition, this knowledge will be helpful in determining
what changes should be made in hormones such as insulin
R. C. Andrews
and cortisol in patients with conditions such as Type 1
Diabetes and Metabolism, School of Clinical Sciences,
Learning and Research, Southmead Hospital, diabetes and/or Addison’s disease to best mimic normal
University of Bristol, Bristol BS10-5NB, UK responses to different forms of exercise.

776 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783

Physical exertion can elicit marked elevations in growth written and oral information about the protocol. The study
hormone (GH), prolactin, testosterone and cortisol, and was approved by the NHS Local Research Ethics Committee
prolonged exercise results in a decrease in circulating and was carried out according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
insulin concentrations (Galbo 1985). The magnitude of the
hormone response is influenced by factors such as duration, Design
intensity (Brandenberger and Follenius 1975; Felsing et al.
1992) and type (e.g. resistance, sprint, endurance) of The study was a repeated measures design with one study
exercise (Kraemer et al. 1990; Pritzlaff et al. 1999; Few group completing four trials (resistance, sprint, endurance,
1974). Hence, it is likely that the different and specific rest). Trial order was randomised using a latin square, with
metabolic demands of resistance, sprint and endurance participants finding out on the day which trial they would
exercise influence the hormone responses to these exercise be performing. Each trial was separated by at least 7 days.
bouts. Characterising these responses is an important step
in improving understanding of the roles of exercise- Preliminary testing
induced hormone release.
There is a large degree of inter-individual variability in Subjects attended the laboratory on two separate occasions
hormone responses to exercise, even when individuals are for preliminary tests. Each subject’s one repetition maxi-
homogenous for age, gender, mass and physical fitness mum (1RM) was determined using a Concept-2 DYNO
(Stokes 2003; Galbo 1985). In this context, it is difficult to (Nottingham, UK) for: seated bench press, leg press and
know whether previous descriptions of hormone responses seated bench pull. On a second visit, subjects practised
to one specific type of exercise can be compared with working against a resistance equivalent to 75 % of their
another, that is, whether any differences are genuine dif- 1RM, during a set of 10 repetitions of each of the exercises.
ferences in the hormone response, or an artefact of com- In the second visit (prior to the resistance exercise),
paring different individuals between studies. To our subjects also completed an incremental submaximal exer-
knowledge, no research has investigated the hormone cise test to determine the relationship between work rate
responses to sprint, resistance, and endurance exercise and oxygen uptake, followed by an incremental test to
within the same group of individuals to establish whether exhaustion to determine each subject’s maximal oxygen
the specific metabolic demands of these exercise types uptake (VO _ 2max). Both tests were carried out on a cycle
impact upon hormone responses. The GH response to ergometer (Monark, 824 E, Sweden). In the submaximal
resistance and endurance exercise within the same indi- test, subjects cycled continuously at 60 pedal revolutions
vidual has been studied, but the response to sprint exercise per minute at four progressively higher exercise intensities
was not addressed (Consitt et al. 2007; Kindermann et al. (applied resistance of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 kg) with each
1982) and the effect of these exercise bouts on other hor- stage lasting 4 min. Expired gas samples were collected in
mones that might influence metabolism was not studied the final minute of each stage. In the maximal test, subjects
(Consitt et al. 2007; Gilbert et al. 2008). The aim of this cycled continuously at 60 pedal revolutions per minute at
study was to characterise the response of selected hor- progressively higher exercise intensities with each stage
mones to three bouts of exercise with very different met- lasting 3 min. The starting load was based on heart rate
abolic demands (resistance, sprint and endurance exercise) data from the submaximal test and the applied resistance
performed by the same individuals. was increased by 0.5 kg every 3 min such that the test
lasted between 9 and 12 min. Expired gas samples were
taken in the last minute of each stage and for a final minute
Methods when the subject signalled that they could only manage one
more minute. From these data (the work rate vs. VO _ 2
Subjects _
relationship from the submaximal test and VO2max from the
maximal test), the work rate required to obtain an exercise
Eight healthy men aged 18–25 [mean (SD); 22 (1) year, mass intensity equivalent to 70 % VO _ 2maxwas calculated. During
84 (15) kg, VO _ 2max 53 (6) ml kg-1 min-1], who were this visit, subjects were also familiarised with a 30-s sprint
recreationally active but not trained in any specific sport, protocol on a cycle ergometer (Monark, 824 E, Sweden).
volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects were
excluded from the investigation if they smoked, took regular Experimental protocol
prescribed medication, had ever received endocrine therapy,
had experienced recent weight gain/loss, or were shift On the morning of each trial, subjects arrived following
workers. All subjects gave informed consent after receiving an overnight fast. Subjects recorded their dietary intake in

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783 777

rest, resistance,
Analytical methods
sprint or
exercise Whole blood glucose was immediately determined (YSI
Time (min) Pre-ex 0 20 40 60 2300 STAT plus, Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA), and the
remaining blood dispensed into serum tubes and refriger-
ated for 60 min before centrifugation (Heraeus Biofuge
Insert cannula Primo R, Kendro Laboratory Products Plc., Bishops’
Venous blood sample
Stortford, England) at 5,000g for 10 min at 4 °C. Serum
was frozen at -80 °C for subsequent analysis for con-
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the protocol centrations of GH, cortisol, prolactin, insulin and testos-
terone by routine ELISA (Diagnostic System Laboratories
Inc., Webster, TX, USA): GH (DSL-10-1900; standards
and controls were calibrated to the World Health Organi-
the 48 h before the first trial and reproduced this diet sation International Reference Reagent for GH 88/624)
prior to subsequent trials. Participants refrained from intra-assay precision coefficient of variation (CV)\4.3 %,
consuming alcohol for 24 h and performing strenuous inter-assay precision CV \ 6.6 %; prolactin (DSL-10-
exercise in the 48 h before each trial. On arrival at the 4500) intra-assay CV \ 8.2 % inter-assay CV \ 10.4 %;
laboratory, a cannula (BD Venflon Pro, Beckton Dickin- testosterone (DSL-10-4000) intra-assay CV \ 6.8 %, inter-
son & Co., Sweden) was inserted into an antecubital assay CV \ 4.9 %; cortisol (DSL-10-2000) intra-assay
forearm vein for blood sampling. The cannula was kept CV \ 6.2 %. Insulin concentrations were determined using
patent by periodic flushing with isotonic saline. A resting RIA (Diagnostic System Laboratories Inc., Webster, TX,
blood sample was taken with the subject in a seated USA; DSL-1600), intra-assay CV \ 8.3 %.
position at least 30 min after cannula insertion, just before
the warm-up. Further blood samples were taken in a Statistical analysis
seated position immediately post-exercise, and 20, 40 and
60 min post-exercise (Fig. 1). All data are presented as mean (SD). Area under curve
In the resistance trial, subjects completed a warm-up (AUC) was calculated using the trapezoid method for
(4-min treadmill walk at 5 km h-1 and self-selected 70-min from the pre-exercise sample. This time period
stretches) before commencing the resistance exercise. incorporated the exercise bout plus 40 min of recovery for
Resistance exercise lasted 30 min. Subjects completed five the resistance and endurance trials and the exercise bout
sets, with each set comprising 10 repetitions at 75 % 1RM plus 60 min of recovery in the sprint trial. Due to the
for seated bench press, followed by leg press, followed by disparity in exercise time and work done in the three
seated bench pull, with a 60 s rest between exercises and exercise trials, AUC was also adjusted for the total work
180 s of rest between sets. An estimate of total work completed (kJ) in each trial and the work rate (W) in each
performed (kJ) during the trial was calculated by the sum trial. Data were analysed using SPSS version 10 (SPSS
of the force exerted (N) multiplied by the distance (m) for Inc., Chicago, USA). One-way analysis of variance
each repetition. Work rate (W) was calculated by dividing (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used to investigate
total work performed by the time spent carrying out the the differences in AUC and adjusted AUC between trials.
exercise (8 min). In the sprint trial, subjects performed a Two-way ANOVA was used to investigate differences in
warm-up (cycling for 4 min at 60 W, 30 s at 80 W, and pre-exercise to peak/nadir concentrations of hormones
then 30 s at 100 W) on a friction-loaded cycle ergometer. between trials. Significant effects were followed up using
Following a 5-min rest period, an all-out 30-s sprint from Bonferroni adjusted t tests. Significance was accepted at
a rolling start was performed against an applied resistance P B 0.05.
equivalent to 7.5 % (75 N/kN) of the subject’s body mass
as previously described (Stokes et al. 2008). In the
endurance trial, subjects cycled for 30 min at a pedal Results
cadence of 60 rpm against a resistance required to elicit a
work rate equivalent to 70 % VO _ 2max. Work performed Serum hormones
was calculated using the applied resistance and the ‘‘dis-
tance covered’’ (flywheel circumference multiplied by Growth hormone concentrations were significantly differ-
flywheel revolutions). In the rest trial, subjects rested in ent between trials (P = 0.034) and over time (P = 0.002).
the laboratory in a seated position for the duration of the There was also a different pattern of GH concentrations
trial. between trials (interaction; P = 0.050). Post hoc t tests

778 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783

A 35 B 800 b
30 700

serum prolactin (mIU/l)

Serum GH (mg/l)

b 400

5 100

0 0
pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60 pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60
time (min) time (min)

C 35 a,b,c D 800
30 700
serum testosterone (nmol/l)

serum cortisol (nmol/L)


5 100

0 0
pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60 pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60
time (min) time (min)

E 20 b F 6
18 a,b
blood glucose (mmol/l)
serum insulin (mIU/l)

10 3

4 c

0 0
pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60 pre- end 10 20 30 40 50 60
time (min) time (min)

Fig. 2 Serum GH (a), prolactin (b), testosterone (c), cortisol (d) and differences between pre-exercise and maximum change from pre-
insulin (e) and blood glucose (f) concentrations during the rest (open exercise in the resistance (a), sprint (b), endurance (c) trials and from
diamonds), resistance (filled diamonds), sprint (filled squares) and peak to nadir values in the sprint trial (d)
endurance (filled triangles) trials. Letters identify significant

revealed a significant increase from pre-exercise to peak revealed significantly greater GH AUC in the endurance
GH concentrations in response to both sprint (P = 0.014) trial compared to both resistance (P = 0.014) and rest
and endurance (P = 0.009) exercise (Fig. 2a). There was a (P = 0.024) trials (Table 1), but no significant difference
significant trial effect for GH AUC, and post hoc t tests between sprint and endurance trials.

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783 779

Table 1 Hormone responses to different exercise bouts. Data displayed as AUC (units per 70 min), AUC/kJ (hormone response per unit of work
performed in trial) and AUC/W (hormone response relative to mean work rate in each trial)
Rest Resistance Sprint Endurance

GH (ug/L/70 min)
AUC 90 (167) 232 (332) 401 (264) 758 (498)b,d
AUC/kJ – 4.3 (6.9) 19.7 (14.1) 2.3 (1.7)
AUC/W – 2.1 (3.3) 0.6 (0.4) 4.1 (3.0)c
Prolactin (mIU/L/70 min)
AUC 13,363 (5,760) 15,782 (6049) 24,204 (9,948)b,d 17,720 (5,627)
a a,b
AUC/kJ – 262 (137) 1191 (527) 52 (17)
AUC/W – 126 (66)c 36 (15) 94 (31)c
Insulin (mU/L/70 min)
AUC No data 582 (385)a 537 (323)a 261 (157)
AUC/kJ – 9.9 (7.7) 26.7 (18)a,b 0.8 (0.5)
AUC/W – 4.8 (3.7) 0.8 (0.5) 1.4 (0.9)c
Testosterone (nmol/L/70 min)
AUC 1,729 (256) 1,709 (346) 1,626 (287) 1807 (304)
AUC/kJ – 27.9 (9.7)a 78.5 (19.2)a,b 5.3 (1.4)
AUC/W – 13.4 (4.6)a,c 2.4 (0.6) 9.5 (2.5)c
Cortisol (nmol/L/70 min)
AUC 26,964 (6,071) 28,485 (8,381) 34,459 (10,223)d 35,979 (7,081)b,d
a a,b
AUC/kJ – 467 (209) 1,681 (642) 104 (29)
AUC/W – 224 (100)c 50 (19) 188 (52)c
Significantly greater than endurance trial (P \ 0.05)
Significantly greater than resistance trial (P \ 0.05)
Significantly greater than sprint trial (P \ 0.05)
Significantly greater than rest trial (P \ 0.05)

Prolactin concentrations were significantly different Cortisol concentrations were significantly different
between trials (P = 0.004), but there was no main effect of between trials (P = 0.006) and there was a change over
time (P = 0.076). There was a different pattern of pro- time (P = 0.003). There was also a different pattern of
lactin concentrations between trials (interaction; response between trials (interaction; P \ 0.001), and post
P = 0.007) and post hoc t tests revealed a significant ele- hoc tests revealed a significant elevation from pre-exercise
vation from pre-exercise to peak prolactin concentrations to peak cortisol concentration in response to sprint
in response to both sprint (P = 0.050) and endurance (P = 0.004) and endurance (P = 0.001) exercise (Fig. 2d).
(P = 0.003) exercise (Fig. 2b). There was a significant There was a significant trial effect cortisol AUC, and post
trial effect for prolactin AUC, and post hoc t tests revealed hoc t tests revealed a significantly greater cortisol AUC in
significantly greater prolactin AUC in the sprint trial the endurance trial compared to both rest (P \ 0.001) and
compared to the rest (P = 0.035) and resistance resistance (P = 0.022) trials. The sprint trial also resulted
(P = 0.032) trials (Table 1). Prolactin AUC was not sig- in significantly greater cortisol AUC than rest (P \ 0.001;
nificantly different in sprint and endurance trials. Table 1), but the response to sprint exercise was not sig-
Testosterone concentrations were not different between nificantly different from responses to resistance or endur-
trials (P = 0.373), but there was a change over time ance exercise.
(P \ 0.001) and this change was different between trials Insulin concentrations were significantly different
(interaction; P = 0.002). Post hoc t tests revealed a sig- between trials (P = 0.001) and there was a change over
nificant elevation from pre-exercise to peak testosterone time (P = 0.001). There was also a different pattern of
concentrations in response to resistance (P = 0.020), sprint response between trials (interaction; P = 0.001), and post
(P = 0.001) and endurance (P = 0.002) exercise (Fig. 2c). hoc tests revealed a significant elevation from pre-exercise
There were no significant differences in testosterone AUC to peak insulin concentrations in response to sprint
between trials (Table 1). (P = 0.051) exercise, and a significant decrease from

780 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783

pre-exercise insulin to nadir (P = 0.031) in the endurance Discussion

trial (Fig. 2e). There was a significant trial effect for insulin
AUC, and post hoc t tests revealed that both sprint and The aim of this study was to investigate the hormone
resistance exercise elicited a significantly greater insulin responses induced by resistance, sprint and endurance
response than endurance exercise (P = 0.016 and exercise in the same individuals. The main finding was that
P = 0.03, respectively; Table 1). Due to limited sample sprint and endurance exercise elicited a significant
volume, no insulin data are available for the rest trial. response in all of the hormones studied, whereas resistance
When data were presented per unit of work completed in exercise only elicited changes in testosterone concentra-
each trial, the sprint trial elicited the greatest response for tions. The different types of exercise employed in this
all hormones measured, and the endurance trial elicited the study were designed to have very different characteristics
smallest response for all hormones measured (Table 1). in terms of the amount of work done and work rate and
When data were corrected for work rate within the three they elicited different hormone responses, pointing towards
exercise bouts, sprint exercise elicited the smallest the hormone response to exercise being specific to the
response in all hormones measured. Resistance exercise metabolic demands of the exercise stimulus. The findings
elicited the greatest response per Watt for prolactin, tes- also suggest that approaches to hormone administration in
tosterone, insulin and cortisol with endurance eliciting the patients with Type 1 Diabetes and/or Addison’s disease
largest GH response (Table 1). should be considered with reference to the specific exercise
being undertaken.
Blood glucose The starkest difference in any response to the different
types of exercise is for insulin. A single 30-s sprint elicited
Glucose concentrations were not different between trials an increase in insulin concentrations, whereas 30 min of
(P = 0.135), but there was a change over time (P \ 0.001) sub-maximal cycling resulted in a decrease in insulin
and the pattern of change was different between trials concentrations. This supports previous reports that exercise
(interaction; P = 0.001). Post hoc tests revealed a signifi- stimulates either an increase or decrease in insulin con-
cant elevation from pre-exercise to peak glucose concen- centrations depending on the metabolic demands of the
trations in response to sprint (P \ 0.001) and resistance exercise bout (Kindermann et al. 1982). During sub-
exercise (both P = 0.026) and a significant decrease from maximal exercise with stable or decreasing blood glucose
peak to nadir glucose concentrations in response to sprint concentrations, as seen in the endurance trial in the present
(P = 0.016) exercise (Fig. 2f). There were no significant study, insulin concentrations decrease probably as a result
differences in glucose AUC between trials. of elevated catecholamine concentrations (Wasserman and
Cherrington 1991) to ensure that the body preserves
Work performed, work rate and intensity enough glycogen to maintain function beyond the demands
of exercise. Increased insulin concentrations as seen fol-
Total work performed during the endurance trial [351 (39) lowing the sprint trial, and in a previous study (Stokes et al.
kJ] was significantly greater than that performed during both 2002), might facilitate muscle glycogen synthesis during
the resistance [64 (11) kJ; P \ 0.001] and sprint [21 (3) kJ; recovery through insulin’s actions on both glucose trans-
P \ 0.001] trials, and the resistance trial involved signifi- port and on glycogen synthase activity. The significant
cantly more work than the sprint trial (P \ 0.001). Mean increase in insulin concentrations following sprint exercise
work rate during the sprint trial [706 (96) W] was signifi- in the present study is followed by a suppression of blood
cantly greater than during both the resistance [133 (24) W; glucose concentrations to levels below pre-exercise. This
P \ 0.001] and endurance [195 (21); P \ 0.001] trials, and finding might have implications for individuals who have
the endurance trial was also performed at a significantly difficulty regulating blood glucose concentrations, such as
higher intensity than the resistance trial (P = 0.001). individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. In this con-
text, it is of note that as little as 2 weeks of sprint training
Plasma volume changes has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in healthy
(Richards et al. 2010) as well as sedentary overweight/
Data were not corrected for changes in plasma volume. The obese (Whyte et al. 2010) individuals. Similarly, a role for
greatest changes were observed between pre-exercise and sprint exercise in protecting against a fall in blood glucose
30 min after the start of exercise (-16, -16, -18 and -4 % in concentrations during subsequent endurance exercise in
resistance, sprint, endurance, and rest trials, respectively). By those with Type I diabetes has been proposed (Bussau et al.
60 min after the start of exercise, plasma volume had returned 2007).
to approximate values seen pre-exercise (0, 0, -1 and -2 % in Cortisol and growth hormone responses to exercise
resistance, sprint, endurance, and rest trials, respectively). have been reported to be related to exercise intensity

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783 781

(Kindermann et al. 1982; Wahl et al. 2010). The present the protocol employed did not include eccentric muscle
study was designed to harness the large differences in actions. However, concentric contractions appear to be
factors such as total work done, work rate and the meta- primarily responsible for the GH response to resistance
bolic demand between resistance, sprint and endurance exercise as the addition of eccentric contractions did not
exercise. Our findings suggest that the hormone response is alter the GH response (Yarrow et al. 2007). This suggests
associated with the specific demands of a given exercise another explanation for the lack of a GH, prolactin and
bout, and in order to try to account for the differences in cortisol response in the present study; possibly that the
total work performed and work rate in the exercise bouts, protocol employed was not sufficiently demanding. As
AUC was adjusted for these factors. Differences between alluded to above, the hormone response to exercise
trials remained when these adjustments were made, sug- depends on factors such as the exercise intensity, volume
gesting that although work done and work rate are and duration of exercise and rest periods (Kraemer et al.
important in regulating exercise-induced hormone release, 1990; Davis et al. 1981; Few 1974), and testosterone
there are other factors that play a role. In this context, it is concentrations have been reported to either increase
notable that peak concentrations of both cortisol and (Hakkinen and Pakarinen 1995; Kraemer et al. 1991) or
growth hormone were observed at the end of endurance decrease (McCall et al. 1999) in response to resistance
exercise, when insulin was lower than pre-exercise and exercise in young men depending on the protocol
blood glucose concentrations were stable. These combined employed. In the present study, although testosterone
responses likely promote the availability of free fatty acids concentrations were significantly elevated in response to all
toward the end of exercise and into recovery via increased exercise trials, the percent increases were very similar to
lipolysis. In contrast, peak cortisol and growth hormone the decreases seen in plasma volume, suggesting that
concentrations occurred 30–40 min after sprint exercise, exercise might not have caused significant secretion of
when insulin had returned to pre-exercise concentrations testosterone, but rather altered concentrations might be due
but glucose concentrations were falling. These findings to a reduction in plasma volume (Kindermann et al. 1982).
support the notion of co-ordinated primary counter-regu- Notwithstanding the possibility that the resistance
latory roles against insulin for both cortisol and growth training protocol employed in the present study was not
hormone in the exercise context, and it is possible that sufficiently demanding, the fact that there was no differ-
these hormones have important roles to play in the regu- ence in the testosterone response in the three exercise trials
lation of post-exercise substrate utilisation (Pritzlaff et al. and that there was a large GH response to endurance
2000). exercise brings into question the purported anabolic role of
The present findings also suggest that the pituitary the GH and testosterone response to resistance exercise.
hormones respond to a specific demand induced by the This adds to the growing debate regarding the contribution
exercise bout rather than exercise acting as a stimulus for a of exercise-induced hormone secretion to training adapta-
global hypothalamic-pituitary stress response. The evi- tion (West et al. 2010) and indicates that concepts of
dence for this is that endurance exercise stimulated the anabolic (e.g. testosterone and growth hormone) and cat-
greatest release of GH while sprint exercise stimulated the abolic (e.g. cortisol) hormones might be over-simplistic. In
greatest release of prolactin. Prolactin has previously been this context, it is likely that hormones are permissive
reported to have a pronounced response to short duration within a physiological range, with excess or deficit of
high intensity exercise, but not to endurance exercise hormones impacting on performance and health; however,
unless it is of long duration (Rojas Vega et al. 2012). It we have reported an association between overnight tes-
would be interesting to carry out an investigation similar to tosterone (but not growth hormone or cortisol) concentra-
the present study in untrained and highly trained individ- tions and overnight protein synthesis (Betts et al. 2011),
uals, since it is possible that a generalised stress response suggesting an effect of elevated testosterone, particularly at
would be observed in untrained individuals, and a response the upper end of the physiological range. Overall, it is
that is more specific to the demands of the exercise in difficult to identify specific physiological roles in adapta-
athletes (Crewther et al. 2011). tion for either the individual hormone or overall hormone
Resistance exercise resulted in a small but significant response to exercise. However, the growth hormone
testosterone response, but not a significant GH, prolactin or response might impact upon tendon collagen synthesis
cortisol response. In contrast, previous studies have (Doessing et al. 2010), while the prolactin response to
reported significant GH and cortisol responses to resistance exercise has been proposed to have a role in neurogenesis
exercise (Kraemer et al. 1999; Kraemer and Ratamess (Rojas Vega et al. 2012). Studies that selectively and
2005). In the present study, the cortisol response showed a specifically block the secretion and/or action of these
gradual decline more similar to the pattern observed in the hormones will be helpful in uncovering the roles of the
rest trial. A possible reason for these findings might be that hormone response to exercise.

782 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:775–783

If area under the curve is taken as a reflection of the Conclusion

overall response of each of these hormones to the exercise
bout, it is interesting to note the effect that calculating this This study has shown that selected hormones respond
in relation to the amount of work performed (AUC/kJ) and differently to the exercise models investigated in the same
the mean work rate (AUC/W) in each exercise (Table 1). individuals, indicating a specific response to the demands
When reported without any adjustment for these variables, of the exercise, rather than a global exercise-induced hor-
the endurance exercise trial resulted in the greatest growth mone response. These variations in the nature and magni-
hormone, testosterone and cortisol concentrations, but tude of the hormone responses might reflect the specific
when expressed as area under the curve per unit of work, roles of these hormones in regulating metabolism in the
sprint exercise resulted in the greatest values for all hor- face of differing demands during and after resistance, sprint
mones and endurance exercise resulted in the smallest. and endurance exercise, which might, in turn, impact upon
Furthermore, when expressing values relative to mean adaptation to training.
work rate, resistance exercise resulted in the greatest values
for prolactin, insulin, testosterone and cortisol, although Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge Con-
cept-2 for the loan of the DYNO resistance exercise machine used in
this must be considered in the context that resistance this study.
exercise did not elicit a significant response in any hor-
mone other than testosterone, and this interpretation is Conflict of interest The authors do not have any conflicts of interest
therefore a function of low work rate. If the hormone to declare.
response to exercise is considered to be important, under-
standing how different ways of expressing the hormone
response to exercise can change the interpretation of the
data is important. That said, the total response of a hor-
mone (in addition to factors such as pattern of secretion, Bartlett JD, Close GL, MacLaren DPM, Gregson W, Drust B, Morton
presence of binding proteins/globulins and tissue receptor JP (2011) High-intensity interval running is perceived to be more
levels) is key to the biological action and so inferences enjoyable than moderate-intensity continuous exercise: implica-
must always be made with reference to the absolute (not tions for exercise adherence. J Sports Sci 29(6):547–553. doi:
adjusted) hormone concentrations. Nevertheless, under- Betts JA, Beelen M, Stokes KA, Saris WHM, van Loon LJC (2011)
standing how the amount of work performed and the work Endocrine responses during overnight recovery from exercise:
rate influence hormone responses to exercise might be impact of nutrition and relationships with muscle protein
useful in terms of exercise prescription. This is particularly synthesis. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 21(5):398–409
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