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AASTU [Design And Simulation Of Automatic Fire Extingusher]

We hereby certify that project work titled “DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF AUTOMATIC
FIRE EXTINGUISHER” is our own work. No portion of the work presented in this project has
been previously and concurrently submitted in support of another award or qualification either at
this institution or elsewhere. Where material has been used from other sources it has been
properly acknowledged referred.

Mekdes Gemechu

Ets 0738/07

Signature …………………………

Bilen Tadesse

TEts 1160/07

Signature …………………………

Amanuel yihdedgo

Ets 0148/07

Signature …………………………

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I certify that this project report entitled “DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF AUTOMATIC
FIRE EXTINGUISHER” was prepared by the above listed students, and has met the
required standard for submission in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and mechanical engineering.

Approved by,

Project Advisor: DR.ADHAVAN BALASHANMUGHAM, Assistant


Signature: _________________________

Head of Department: Mr. Wondwosen Wubu Mersha

Signature: _________________________

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DECLARATION............................................................................................................................ I
CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................................ II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................... VII
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... VIII
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... IX
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. XI
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 MOTIVATION OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................... 3
1.4 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 General Objective of the Project .................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Specific Objective of the Project .................................................................................... 3
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................. 4
1.6 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 LAYOUT OF THE THESIS .......................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 History of Fires .................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1Old Tactics and Tools ...................................................................................................... 7
2.3 CAUSES OF FIRE ACCIDENT ................................................................................................... 8
2.4 CLASSIFICATION OF FIRES .................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Class A.......................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.2 Class B .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Class C .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.4 Class D.......................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS ............................................................................................ 12
2.5.1 Fire Main Systems ........................................................................................................ 12
2.5.2 Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems ......................................................................... 12

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2.5.3 Fixed Water Fire Extinguishing Systems ..................................................................... 13

2.5.4 Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems ................................................................................ 14
2.5.5 Gas Carrier Cargo Area Fire Extinguishing Systems ................................................... 15
2.5.6 Water Spray Type Fixed Fire Fighting System ............................................................ 15
2.5.7 Foam Water Spray Fire Fighting Systems .................................................................... 15
2.6 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .......................................................................................... 15
2.7 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................... 16
2.7.1Conventional Fire Alarm System .................................................................................. 16
2.7.2Addressable Systems ..................................................................................................... 16
2.7.3Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems .................................................................. 17
2.7.4Wireless Fire Alarm System .......................................................................................... 18
2.7.5 Key Components of a Fire Alarm System .................................................................... 18
2.7.6 Types of Fire Alarm System ......................................................................................... 20
2.8 POWER TRANSFORMERS........................................................................................................ 21
2,8,1 Transformer Faults And Protection Devices And Functions Used .............................. 21
2.8.2 The Need for Modern Firefighting Systems ................................................................. 24
2,8.3 The Firefighting System ............................................................................................... 25
2.9 Literature review.............................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 29
DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS SYSTEM ..................................................................... 29
3.1 SYSTEM LAYOUT .................................................................................................................. 29
3.2 INPUT UNIT .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 LM35 temperature sensor ............................................................................................. 31
3.2.2 Smoke Sensor ............................................................................................................... 32
3.2.3 Flame Sensor ................................................................................................................ 33
3.3 ARDUINO UNO...................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 OUTPUT UNIT ....................................................................................................................... 35
3.4.1 Relay ............................................................................................................................. 35
3.4.2 Pump ............................................................................................................................. 36
3.4.3 Light Emitting Diode (LED) ........................................................................................ 36
3.4.4 Buzzer ........................................................................................................................... 37
3.4.5 DC Motors .................................................................................................................. 38
3.4.6 Motor Driver ................................................................................................................. 38
3.4.7 Water Spray System ..................................................................................................... 39
3.4.8 DC battery..................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.9 DC servo motor ........................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 41
SIMULATION OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 41
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4.1 PROGRAMMING MICROCONTROLLER .................................................................................... 41

4.2 MACHINE CODE.................................................................................................................... 41
4.3 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE ......................................................................................................... 42
4.4 HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE ...................................................................................................... 42
4.5 CODE SIMULATOR ................................................................................................................ 43
4.6 DOWNLOAD A PROGRAM INTO MICROCONTROLLER ............................................................. 43
4.7 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................... 43
4.8 WORKING PRINCIPLE (FLOW CHART) ................................................................................... 43
4.8.1Algorithm....................................................................................................................... 43
4.8.2 Over all Predicted Results ............................................................................................ 49
4.8.2 Discussion .................................................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 50
IMPLEMENTATIONS AND RESULTS ................................................................................. 50
5.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................ 50
5.2 SIMULATION DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 50
5.3 HARD WARE IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................ 57
CHAPTER SIX ........................................................................................................................... 60
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................... 60
6.1 CONCLUSION: ....................................................................................................................... 60
6.2 RECOMMENDATION (FUTURE WORK)................................................................................... 60
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 61
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 63
APPENDIX-I ............................................................................................................................ 63
APPENDIX-II ........................................................................................................................... 76

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Figure1. 1Methodology flow chart ................................................................................................. 4

Figure3. 1Hardware block diagram .............................................................................................. 30
Figure3. 2LM35 Temperature Sensor ........................................................................................... 32
Figure3. 3Smoke sensor ................................................................................................................ 33
Figure3. 4Flame sensor ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure3. 5Arduino Uno microcontroller ....................................................................................... 35
Figure3. 6Relays ........................................................................................................................... 35
Figure3. 7Pump ............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure3. 8Light Emitting Diode (LED) ........................................................................................ 37
Figure3. 9Buzzer ........................................................................................................................... 37
Figure3. 10Motor driver................................................................................................................ 39
Figure3. 11Servo motor ................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4. 1Working Principle of automatic fire extinguisher ..................................................................... 45
Figure 4. 2Flow chart 1 .............................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 4. 3Flow chart 2 .............................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 4. 4Flow chart 3 .............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 5. 1The overall simulation diagram ................................................................................. 50
Figure 5. 2Case 1 .......................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 5. 3Case 2 .......................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 5. 4 Case 3 ......................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 5. 5Case 4 .......................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 5. 6Case 5 .......................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 5. 7Some other cases ......................................................................................................... 56
Figure 5. 8Sample photos of the automatic fire extinguisher ....................................................... 58
Figure 5. 9Sample video when the robot senses the fire.............................................................. 59

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Table2. 1 Fire Classifications .................................................................................................................... 11
Table2. 2 Types of fire alarm system ......................................................................................................... 20
Table4. 1The results when operating the system ........................................................................................ 49
Table 6. 1 work plan ................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 6. 2: work budget .............................................................................................................................. 77

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First of all we want to give special thanks to our almighty God for his protection, kindness, for
all things he have done to us and his invaluable help. Next we would like to express our deepest
gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this report.

A special thanks to our advisor Dr Adhavan Balashanmugham, for his follow up, advice,
comment ,suggestion, and kindness to help us in coordinating our project.

Also we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our lecturers who have helped directly
or indirectly for our project. Furthermore we pay our respects and love to our parents and all
other family members and friends for their love and encouragement throughout our career.
lastly we express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation in sharing their knowledge
and support.

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

IMO ………………………………………….International Maritime Organization

ISO……………………………………………International Standard Organization

NFPA ………………………………………....National Fire Protection Agency

IMO FS …………............................................International Maritime Organization Fire Safety

BLEVES …………..........................................Boiling Liquid Expending Vapor Explosions

UV …………..................................................Ultraviolet Radiation

IR …………....................................................Infra-red

DSP ………….................................................Digital Signal Processors

MCU …………............................................... Microcontroller

ADC ………….................................................Analog-to-Digital Converter

DAC …………..................................................Digital-to-analog converter

I/O ………….....................................................Input /Output

UART …………...............................................Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

VLSI ………….................................................Very Large Scale Integration

CU ………….....................................................Control unit

CPU …………...................................................Central Processer Unit

PC …………......................................................Personal Computer

NO …………......................................................Normally Open

NC …………......................................................Normally Close contact

AFFF ………….................................................Aqueous film forming foams

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AR-AFFF …………...........................................Alcohol-resistant aqueous film-forming foams

EEPROM …………............................................Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only

AVR …………....................................................Advanced Virtual RISC

AVRASM …………...........................................AVR Assembler

PIC …………......................................................Peripheral Interface Controller

SPDT ………….....................................................Single Pole Double Throw

SPST …………......................................................Single Pole Single Throw

LED …………........................................................Light Emitted Diode

ANSI …………......................................................American National Standards Institute

APG ………….......................................................Automatic Program Generator

IDE ………….........................................................Integrated Development Environment

PCB …………..................................................... .. Printed Circuit Board

GND ………….......................................................Ground

VCC ………….......................................................Digital Supply Voltage

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This project is related to automatic Fire extinguisher that works automatically by
examining aspects of the specification, design and also in terms of consumerism needs.
Fire emanating from sources that cannot be identified potentially endanger human life and
cause a loss of property this project have sensitivity to heat and to avoid obstacles in the
surrounding work area. This programmable system using Arduino microcontroller is able to
find fire, next extinguish fire automatically. The application of this system is specifically for
power transformers in substation, generation stations. The system uses set of LEDs, alarm to
indicate the presence of over temperature or fire flame, flame sensors, temperature sensors,
smoke sensors with two DC motor, servo motor ,and a pump on standby to extinguish fire
when needed and also light bulb as load of the transformer in case of fire it will be switched off
so that the transformer will not be connected to any load.

If the temperature increases beyond the predetermined threshold value, buzzer sounds to intimate
the occurrence of fire accident and a warning message will be sent to the transformer, if fire
accident is true, the robot moves to the direction to which the flame exists among the
flame sensors and extinguishes the fire with water pump provided to it. After extinguishing the
fire it comes back to its initial position.

This objective of this project is to design and develop a low cost, accurate , highly efficient
smart system for monitoring and controlling the fire and that is suitable and applicable for
different working areas.

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1.1 Background

Nowadays, securing one’s property and business against fire is becoming more and more
important. Monitoring commercial and residential areas all-round is an effective method to
reduce personal and property losses due to fire disasters.
Firefighting System used to prevent, Extinguish, localize, or put out fires in enclosed
spaces. The traditional fire protection units are widely deployed but that are actuated
manually by an operator, which may cost time and property.
Automatic fire-fighting systems are installed in buildings and rooms where the fire hazard is
relatively high, it includes a sensor capable of detecting combustion, alarm signaling devices,
fire-extinguishing equipment, starting and stopping devices, and feeders for the fire-
extinguishing substance; in some cases, it includes control equipment for the production
process being protected.

Atomizers, foam generators and pipe nozzles form and direct the stream of the fire extinguishing
substance which may be a liquid, foam, powder or gas. Fire extinguishing substances are fed into
the system from a centralized supply such as a water supply or from self-contained or combined
feeders .The most widely used systems employ water (sprinkler and drencher systems), carbon
dioxide, aerosols, or powders. A sprinkler system consists of a grid of pipelines located on
the ceiling of the room, with sprinkler heads attached to the pipes by threaded connections.
The opening of a sprinkler is kept closed by a disk held in a closed position by a thermal lock.
If the room temperature rises to a specified point, the lock is destroyed and the disk opens,
admitting water to the room.
Fire -fighting and rescuing the human beings is a risky job. Fire Fighters have to face many
dangerous situations while extinguishing the fire. Fire Fighters extinguish fires in buildings, drag
heavy hoses, climb high ladders, and carry victims from one building to another. They have to do
their job for long and irregular working hours. Fire fighters also face unfriendly environment like

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high temperature, dust and low humidity etc. Besides these, they have to fight against life
threatening situations like explosion and collapse buildings. To detect fire in the disaster prone
area and extinguishes fire on detection. It reduces the efforts of human labor and level of

Drencher systems, which use nozzles without thermal locks, are actuated either by a sprinkler
installed in a trigger airline or by a cable-type thermal lock. Automatic fire protection
systems are classified according to the time elapsed between the start of the fire and the
actuation of the system as ultrahigh-speed (to 0.1 second), high-speed (to 3 seconds), and
standard (to 180 second). The fire extinguishing substance can be applied for periods
ranging from 30 second to 3600 second [1].

 A simple automatic fire alarm system based on an microcontroller using sensors is

designed and implemented in this project. Recently , it has sometimes been impossible
for firefighting personnel to access the site of a fire, even as the fire causes
tremendous property damage and loss of human life, due to high temperatures or
the presence of explosive materials or the fire smoke hazard in tunnel fires. In such
environments, fire-fighting robots can be useful for extinguishing a fire, which can
replace firefighters near the scene to fight fire and rescue effectively and carry
out reconnaissance missions of the fire.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Fire disaster is a common threat to lives and property. According to National Crime Records
Bureau (NCRB), it is estimated that many deaths have been caused because of ire accidents in
the world .

 About 1% of all buses suffer some form of re incident each year.

 Transformers can be affected by fire, when a transformer failure results in a fire the
transformer will often be damaged to a degree where repair is not economic.

 Fire can cause in many areas like hospitals, schools, offices, public services .etc.

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Even though there are a lot of precautions taken for Fire accidents, these natural or man-made
disasters do occur now and then, this traditional firefighting systems have an invaluable role in
securing residential industrial buildings and facilities but there is no early detection mechanism,
In order to address these problem automatic extinguishing system must be designed. so that an
automatic fire extinguishing strategy provides real time monitoring, exploration and programmed
fire alarm.

1.3 Motivation of the study

The intension of making the automatic fire extinguisher system is in order to avoid the traditional
firefighting system with it’s draw backs and this project would improve the efficiency of fire
fighters and would also prevent them from risking human lives.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective of the Project

 The main objective of this project is to design automatic fire extinguisher system with
early detection mechanism to save human lives and materials from damage.

1.4.2 Specific Objective of the Project

The specific objective of this project:-

 To increase safety associated with firefighting.

 To create a way to check for fires without involving human beings directly such that they
are not exposed to any threats.

 To be capable of traversing an area without any concerns about inhaling smoke or

burning at any point during the exploration.

 To enable easy installation where in automatic fire-extinguishing should be effected .

 To allow a flexible arrangement of gas jetting nozzles according to the size and shape of
the region.

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1.5 Significance of the study

This project is still very necessary for our country as it brings new alternative fire
fighting system. The main significance of this project is to get a project which is capable of
fulfilling a basic requirement to obtain BSC degree in Electrical engineering from Addis
Ababa science and technology university and trying to design and simulate an automatic
fire extinguisher which is effective and efficient in case of any danger. hence we are an
electrical engineers we have an effort to innovate new things and to introduce our self in
different entrepreneurship so the sub significance of this project is compute in the
innovation computation in our university.

1.6 Methodology

In this section the basic procedural steps that are required and a set of methods followed in order
to realize our project will be discussed. The sequence we have followed in order to complete this
project will be portrayed in the flow chart below.

Stage 1: Literature Stage 2: Identify the

Introduction part
Review problem

Stage 4: Simulation
stage 5 :result and with Proteus 8.1 and Stage 3: Method to
conclusion hardware Solve


Figure1. 1Methodology flow chart

The methodologies to accomplish this thesis work will be as follows:

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 Literature review: Published materials about automatic fire extinguisher system will be
studied .

 Design: An overall design will be carried out using proteus8.1 software.

 Conclusion and recommendations will be made based on simulation studies.

1.7 Layout of the Thesis

This thesis includes six chapters:

Chapter One describes the introduction of the system, statement of the problem, the objectives of
the project, motivation of the project and significance of the project.

Chapter Two describes the literature overview of firefighting system constituents, their
classification of fires, portable fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing systems, and fire alarm

Chapter Three includes description of wireless firefighting system,basic design and

requirements, input system, tips for input system, processing system, and output system.

Chapter Four explain programming of Microcontroller and software description.

Chapter Five summarizes the implementations of the design, and the results detailed.

Chapter six the conclusion and the recommendations proposed for the future work.

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2.1 Overview

Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion,
releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. The flame is the visible portion of the fire. If
hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. Depending on the substances
alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.
Fire in its most common form can result in conflagration, which has the potential to cause
physical damage through burning. Fire is an important process that affects ecological
systems around the globe. The positive effects of fire include stimulating growth and
maintaining various ecological systems. Fire has been used by humans for cooking,
generating heat, light, signaling, and propulsion purposes.[1]

The negative effects of fire include hazard to life and property, atmospheric pollution, and
water contamination. Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter suppresses
and extinguishes fires to protect lives and prevent the destruction of property and the
environment. Firefighters may provide many other valuable services to their communities
including emergency medical services. Firefighting requires professionals with a high
technical skill who spend years training in both general firefighting techniques and specialized
areas of expertise. Some of the specialized areas of fire and rescue operations include
Aircraft/airport rescue; Wild land fire suppression; and Search and rescue.

One of the major hazards associated with firefighting operations is the toxic environment
created by combusting materials. The four major hazards associated with these situations are
smoke, the oxygen deficient atmosphere, elevated temperatures, and toxic atmospheres.
Additional risks of fire include falls and structural collapse. To combat some of these risks,
firefighters carry self-contained breathing apparatuses. The first step of a firefighting
operation is a reconnaissance to search for the origin of the fire and identification of the
specific risks and any possible casualties.

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A fire can be extinguished by water, fuel removal, or chemical flame inhibition. fires are
sometimes categorized as "one alarm", "all hands", "two alarm", "three alarm" (or higher)
fires. There is no standard definition for what this means quantifiable though it always refers
to the level response by the local authorities. In some cities, the numeric rating refers to the
number of fire stations that have been summoned to the fire. In others, the number
counts the number of "dispatches" for additional personnel and equipment.

This chapter discusses the phenomena and different mechanisms that work within a fire
and is intended to provide a better understanding of the requirements in fire-fighting

2.2 History of Fires

The earliest known firefighters were in the city of Rome. In 6 AD, emperor Augustus made the
Corps of Vigils to protect Rome after a disastrous fire. The Corps of Vigils consisted of 7000
people. They were equipped with buckets and axes, and they fought fires and served as police

2.2.1Old Tactics and Tools

In 4th century B.C, an Alexandrian Greek named Ctesibuis made a double force pump called a
'siphona'. As water rose in the chamber, it compressed the air inside which forced the
water to eject in a steady stream through a pipe and nozzle. In the 16th century, syringes
were also used as firefighting tools. The larger ones were usually put on wheels. Another tactic
that was used was the bucket brigade. The villagers would form two lines between the water
source and the fire. The men would pass along the full buckets of water to the fire. The women
and children would pass back the empty buckets to be refilled.

In the 17th century, fire engines were being made and the best one was made in Amsterdam .In
1721, Richard New sham made a fire engine that was very popular. It was basically a
rectangular box on wheels. The bucket brigade would pour water into the machine and the men
would supply the power to produce the water pressure.

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The first American attempt at fire insurance failed after a large fire in Charlestown,
Massachusetts in 1736. Later in 1740, Benjamin Franklin organized the Philadelphia
Contribution ship to provide fire insurance, which was more successful. The Contribution
ship adopted "fire marks" to easily identify insured buildings. Firefighting started to become
formalized with rules to provide buckets, ladders, hooks, and the formation of volunteer
companies. The chain of command was also established[7].

2.3 Causes Of Fire Accident

The three main groups of fire causes are accidental, natural and incendiary, the accidental
fire causes, electricity often plays a major part. Electricity can also be involved in incendiary
and natural causes. Fire investigators are faced with difficulty in determining the cause of
a fire, they have often relied on the phrase "the fire was electrically caused" as a "catch
all" to avoid the more appropriate phrase "the fire cause was undetermined". In fact, it is actually
quite difficult to start a fire with electricity. This article discusses the various ways in which
electricity can be involved in the cause of fires and recent developments in investigation
techniques. Three elements must be present in order for a fire to initiate. These are oxygen, fuel
and heat. Not only do these elements have to be present together at the same time, but the fuel
must be conditioned in a way that the heat source can initiate an exothermic oxidation reaction.
Electricity can play an important role in this process by providing the heat source. Some
cases that causes uncontrolled heat are :-

 Short Circuit

One example of an electrical heat source is a short circuit. There exists two main types of short
circuits; a dead short circuit and a limited short circuit.

o Dead short circuit

A dead short occurs when a live wire comes in contact with a common or ground wire (or the
positive and negative wires are connected in a DC circuit) and the circuit is subsequently
energized. In properly fused circuits this will cause the fuse to blow and the circuit to de
energize. This type of situation does not create sufficient heat to ignite combustibles.
However, it is possible that the circuit is not fused properly. If this occurs, the current can

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continue to pass through the wires causing them to significantly overheat, this type of situation
can ignite surrounding combustibles causing a fire.

o Limited Short Circuit

The other type of short circuit is a limited short circuit. In this case, wires come in contact such
that the volume of material through which the current flows is smaller than the fusible
link. This will create a spark or flash and result in melting of the copper of the wiring.
Characteristic beading of the copper wire is normally observed. This situation can also cause
ignition of combustibles provided the mass of the combustibles contacting the heat source is
small enough that the heat source can cause it to reach ignition temperatures and initiate
a self-sustaining exothermic oxidation reaction or fire. It is difficult to ignite concentrated,
solid combustibles such as wood, plastic and even paper with this type of heat source.
However, cotton products, sawdust, wood chips and combustible gases can be ignited.

 Overloaded Circuits

Another electrical heat source can be created when a circuit is over fused. Over fusing of a
circuit can result in high current flow through the wires overloading the circuit. Although
electrical wiring is designed to carry current at much higher than its rated capacity,
increasing current above this rated capacity causes the wire to generate excess heat. This is not a
problem as long as the heat can be dissipated from the wire. However, if the wire is enclosed
within a small insulated space, such as the holes through which wires run through floor joists
in a home, the heat in these areas may not be able to dissipate as quickly as it is being
generated. As a result, the surrounding combustibles can pyrolize and eventually ignite, causing
a fire.

 Leakage Current
Fires can also be caused electrically through what is called leakage current. Leakage
current occurs when water is in the presence of electricity. Exposed wiring, which exists
primarily at connectors and switches, can come in contact with water. Since water
conducts electricity, a current will flow through the water between contacts or from the live to
ground or common. Over time, the water will accumulate salts which, increases its ability to

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conduct a current this current can eventually develop to a point where it generates a significant
quantity of heat which begins to pyrolize and carbonize the combustibles in the area, this
can eventually result in a situation where a carbon bridge is formed, creating a continuous arc or
significant generation of heat. Ignition of surrounding combustibles can result in a fire.

 Electrical Contacts
Electrical contacts can also fail resulting in uncontrolled heating. Each time a contact is opened
or closed, a small spark is generated. This causes degradation of the surface of the contact.
Contacts can fail "open" in which case the circuit simply becomes inoperable. However, they can
also fail "closed" and weld together resulting in uncontrolled heating.

 Electrical Spark
A simple spark can initiate a fire or devastating explosion if a combustible gas/air
mixture is located at the position of the spark. As discussed previously, a spark is usually created
whenever a contact is opened or closed. For this reason, specially designed switches and
contacts are required for installation in an environment in which you can reasonably expect
combustible gaseous mixtures to be present. The requirements for this equipment are listed in the
Building and Fire Codes.

2.4 Classification of Fires

Fires are classified by the types of fuel they burn. As follow

2.4.1 Class A
Ordinary, combustible materials i.e. wood, cloth, paper, some rubber and plastic materials[7].

2.4.2 Class B
Class B includes: - Flammable liquids, gases, greases, and some rubber and plastic
materials [7].

2.4.3 Class C
Live electrical equipment, when equipment is reenergized, extinguishers for class A or B
fires could be used safely; however, in fighting an electrical fire there are two important things
to be taken into consideration: namely (a) damage to the equipment far beyond what the fire

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could do, and (b) danger to the individuals fighting the fire. To avoid these two
possibilities, deenergize the circuit and use only the types of extinguishment recommended for
class C fires[7].

2.4.4 Class D
Combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, sodium, potassium, lithium, and
zirconium.The International Maritime Organization (IMO) mentions two standards in IMO
Resolution A. 602(15) which define the various classes of fires. The first is the International
Standards Organization (ISO) Standard 3941, and the second is the National Fire Pro tection
Agency (NFPA).

Table2. 1 Fire Classifications

ISO Standard 3941 NFPA 10

Class A: Fires involving solid materials, usually Class A: Fires in ordinary

of an organic nature, in which combustion combustible materials, such as
normally takes place with the formation of glowing wood, cloth, paper, rubber and many
embers plastics.
Class B: Fires involving liquids or liquefiable Class B: Fires in flammable
solids. liquids, oils, greases, tars, oil-
based paints, lacquers and
flammable gases.
Class C: Fires involving gases. Class C: Fires which involve
Electrical equipment where the
electrical non conductivity of the
medium is of importance.
Class D: Fires involving metals. Class D: Fires in combustible
metals, like magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, sodium, lithium .

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2.5 Fire Extinguishing Systems

Fire extinguishing systems hare various types by fire main, water, foams, sprays or water spray
etc. Other uses gas inert. All systems conform to ISO.

2.5.1 Fire Main Systems

The fire main is a system consisting of sea inlet(s), suction piping, fire pumps and a distributed
piping system supplying fire hydrants, hoses and nozzles located throughout the vessel. Its
purpose is to provide a readily available source of water to any point throughout the vessel which
can be used to combat a fire and is considered the backbone of the firefighting systems onboard a
vessel. Through the fire main system, the firefighter is provided with a reliable and
versatile system capable of providing a number of different methods with which to engage a
fire. Water can be supplied as a straight stream for combating deep seated fires, as a spray for
combating combustible liquid fires where cooling and minimum agitation is desired or as a
means to protect personnel where cooling is the primary effect desired. [8]

2.5.2 Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems

Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems typically suppress fires by reducing the available oxygen
in the atmosphere to a point where combustion can no longer take place or by interrupting the
chemical reaction necessary for the progression of the fire.

Advantages of fixed gas systems over water-based systems are that:

• Damage to sensitive equipment can be avoided, especially electronic equipment.

• Clean up time and equipment down time is substantially reduced.

Disadvantages are that:

• Some gaseous agents are hazardous to personnel.

• Cooling effect of gas systems is significantly less than water-based systems.

• Unlike the unlimited supply of water for fire-fighting systems, the quantity of gas available is
limited to that carried in the cylinders protecting the space.

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Due to the above disadvantages, it is essential that fixed gas fire-fighting systems be deployed as
quickly as possible to minimize heat buildup. Also, care should be taken to avoid the possibility
of a fire being restarted due to dissipation of the fire-extinguishing gas and the
introduction of fresh air from protected compartments being prematurely opened after a fire.[8]

In new installations, the most common fixed gas extinguishing systems encountered are
either high/low pressure CO2 systems or those utilizing Halon “alternatives”.

2.5.3 Fixed Water Fire Extinguishing Systems

Water is an ideal extinguishing medium for many shipboard applications. It is readily

available, has great heat absorbing capabilities and can be used on a variety of fires. There
are several mechanisms involved in the extinguishment of a fire with water. First, there is the
cooling of the flame temperature when water passes through the combustion zone and absorbs
heat through evaporation. Cooling of the flame temperature results in a reduction in the amount
of radiant heat released by the fire, and therefore, a reduction in the amount of heat radiated back
to the fuel surface. Secondly, there is the cooling effect of the fuel surface by the direct
impingement of water droplets on the surface. With a reduction of the radiant heat received
at the fuel surface and the additional cooling of the fuel surface by direct contact with the
water droplets, there is a reduction in the amount of combustible gases released. With sufficient
cooling of the flame temperature and/or the fuel, the rate of pyrolysis or vaporization of
combustible vapors will be reduced to a point which combustion will no longer be self-
supporting. Water has the important additional effect of when it evaporates it turns into
steam, which is in the immediate vicinity of the chemical reaction, displaces the air that
supplies oxygen for the combustion process and results in a smothering of the fire.[8]

Fixed water extinguishing systems are normally considered to include water spray, water
sprinkler and water mist systems. These systems utilize fixed piping systems with distributed
arrays of nozzles located in the overhead, which are supplied from dedicated pump(s).
However, the particular fire hazards and safety concerns vary depending on the particular
type of space being protected. For example, in a machinery space, one would anticipate Class
“B” combustibles to be involved, while in an accommodation space, one would anticipate
the involvement of Class “A” combustibles. Even the degree of anticipated supervision has a

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role. There are many locations in the accommodation spaces and service spaces that are not
continuously supervised (cabins, storage closets, etc.) and a small initial fire could easily go
unnoticed by shipboard personnel.

There are also certain differences in the extinguishing mechanisms at work for a water mist
system as compared to those involved in water spray or water sprinkler system.
Accordingly, the system designs, as well as the requirements, vary depending upon the space
to be protected and the type of system to be installed.[8]

2.5.4 Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems

Foam is produced by the combination of three materials:

• Water

• Air

• Foam making agent.

Foam is formed by first mixing the foam-making agent (foam concentrate) with water to create
a foam solution. The actual foam bubbles are created by introducing air into the foam
solution through an appropriate aerating device. The correctly chosen foam concentrate, when
properly proportioned with water and expanded with air through an application device, will form
finished foam. The foam concentrate is required to be thoroughly mixed with water at a
particular concentration to produce the foam solution needed to create the desired foam.
Two of the most common concentrations are 3% and 6% foams. These values are the
percentages of the concentrate to be used in making the foam solution. Thus, if 3%
concentrate is used, three parts of concentrate must be mixed with 97 parts of water to make
100 parts of foam solution. If 6%concentrate is used, six parts of concentrate must be
mixed with 94 parts of water. [8]

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2.5.5 Gas Carrier Cargo Area Fire Extinguishing Systems

Gas carriers present a number of unique fire hazards. Therefore, the fire-fighting systems used
must be carefully reviewed to ensure they are adequate for the dangers involved. The
unique hazards associated with gas carriers include:

• Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions (BLEVEs).

• Vapor release of cargo, leading to creation of gas clouds

• Jet fires .

2.5.6 Water Spray Type Fixed Fire Fighting System

Water spray is defined as water in a specific form having a specific pattern, particle size,
density and velocity which is discharged from specially designed nozzles or equivalent
devices. Types of fire hazard are protected by water spray systems.

2.5.7 Foam Water Spray Fire Fighting Systems

Foam water systems generally work by allowing foam concentrate to mix with water flowing
into the piping system. These systems are equipped with a bladder tank containing foam. When
a fire is detected a signal is sent to the releasing panel to open the deluge valve allowing
water to flow. At the same time, piping to the bladder tank flows and pressurizes the outer
shell of the bladder tank which forces foam concentrate to travel into the system piping and
then into the Foam Proportioned. The foam solution produced by water and foam concentrate
flows into the system piping and is discharged through the open nozzles or sprinklers. [8]

2.6 Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers will work as intended to provide a first line of defense against fires of
limited size. A fire extinguisher is a storage container for an extinguishing agent such as
water or chemicals. It is designed to put out a small fire not a big one. An extinguisher
is labeled according to whether the fire on which it is to be used occurs in wood or cloth,
flammable liquids, electrical, or metal sources. Using the wrong type of extinguisher on a fire
can make the fire much worse.

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2.7 Fire Alarm Systems

All Fire Alarm Systems essentially operate on the same principle. If a detector detects smoke or
heat or someone operates a break glass unit (manual break point), then alarm sounders
operate to warn others in the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate. It may also
incorporate remote signaling equipment which would alert the fire brigade via a central

Fire Alarm Systems can be broken down into four categories:

 Conventional

 Analogue Addressable

 Addressable

 Wireless systems

2.7.1Conventional Fire Alarm System

In a Conventional Fire Alarm System, a number of call points and detectors are wired to the Fire
Alarm Control Panel in Zones. A Zone is a circuit and typically one would wire a circuit per
floor or fire compartment. The Fire Alarm Control Panel has a number of Zone Lamps. The
reason for having Zones is to give a rough idea as to where a fire has occurred. This is important
for the fire brigade and of course for the building management. The accuracy of knowing where
a fire has started is controlled by the number of Zones a Control Panel has and the number of
circuits that have been wired within the building. The Control Panel is wired to a minimum of
two sounder circuits which could contain bells, electronic sounders or other audible devices.
Each circuit has an end of line device which is used for monitoring purposes [3].

2.7.2Addressable Systems

The detection principle of an Addressable System is similar to a Conventional System except

that the Control Panel can determine exactly which detector or call point has initiated the
alarm. The detection circuit is wired as a loop and up to 99 devices may be connected to each
loop. The detectors are essentially Conventional Detectors, with an address built in. The address

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in each detector is set by dill switches and the Control Panel is programmed to display the
information required when that particular detector is operated. Additional Field Devices are
available which may be wired to the loop for detection only i.e. it is possible to detect a normally
open contact closing such as sprinkler flow switch, or a normally closed contact opening.
Sounders are wired in a minimum of two sounder circuits exactly as a Conventional System.
Loop Isolation Modules are available for fitting on to the detection loop/loops such that the loop
is sectioned in order to ensure that a short circuit or one fault will only cause the loss of a
minimal part of the system [3].

2.7.3Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are often known as Intelligent Fire Alarm Systems.
There are several different types of Analogue Systems available which are determined by the
type of protocol which they use. The bulk of standard Analogue Detectors available are
fairly stupid as the Detectors can only give output signals representing the value of detected
phenomena. It is left up to the Control Unit to decide whether there is a fire, fault, pre-alarm or
other. With a true Intelligent Analogue System each detector effectively incorporates its own
computer which evaluates the environment around it, and communicates to the Control Panel
whether there is a fire, fault or the detector head needs cleaning.

Essentially Analogue Systems are far more complex and incorporate far more facilities
than Conventional or Addressable Systems. Their primary purpose is to help prevent the
occurrence of false alarms. With the Analogue Addressable System, up to 127 input
devices i.e.: Smoke Detectors, Call Points, Heat Detectors, Contact Monitors and other
interface devices may be wired to each detection loop. In addition to the 127 Input
Devices, up to 32 Output Devices such as Loop Sounders, Relay Modules and Sounder
Modules may be connected. Analogue Systems are available in 2, 4 and 8 loop versions
which means large premises can be monitored from one single panel. Isolator units should
be connected between sections of detectors as described for Addressable Systems [3].

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2.7.4Wireless Fire Alarm System

Wireless fire alarm systems are an effective alternative to traditional wired fire alarm systems for
all applications. They utilize secure, license-free radio communications to interconnect the
sensors and devices (smoke detectors, call points, etc.) with the controllers. It is a simple
concept, which provides many unique benefits and is a full analogue addressable fire detection
system without the need for cable[3].

2.7.5 Key Components of a Fire Alarm System

The key components of the fire alarm system are the control panel, detector, and the alerting
devices [4].

1. Control (Alarm) Panel

The control panel is the brain of the fire alarm system. The control panel constantly
monitors the detectors installed throughout the protected facility for signs of fire. When a fire
condition is detected the control panel can carry out a range of activities including:

 Sound the evacuation alarms for the facility.

 Notify the Fire Service.

 Notify the building management.

 Close fire and smoke doors.

 Start up smoke handling and ventilation systems.

 Initiate operation or shutdown of other building services.

2. Detectors

The Fire Protection is able to offer a full range of detectors to suit a range of different
environments and hazards including:

 Heat detectors

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 Linear heat detectors

 Fiber optic linear heat detectors

 Ionization smoke detectors

 Optical smoke detectors

 Intelligent multi-criteria detectors

 Aspirating smoke detector

 Beam detectors

 Flame detector

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2.7.6 Types of Fire Alarm System

Table2. 2 Types of fire alarm system

Types Description
Type 2 A manual fire alarm system only,
activated by manual call points.
Type 3 An automatic fire alarm system
activated by heat detectors and manual
call points.
Type 4 An automatic fire alarm system
activated by smoke detectors and
manual call points.
Type 5 Variation to a Type 4 that allows smoke
detectors in some fire cells to
sound a local alarm only, provided that
heat detectors are also installed
in those fire cells
Type 6 An automatic fire sprinkler system
and Type 2 manual fire alarm
Type 7 An automatic fire sprinkler system
and Type 4 automatic fire alarm

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2.8 Power transformers

Power transformers are a critical and expensive component of the power system. Due to the long
period required for repair or replacement of transformers, a major goal of the transformer
protection is limiting the damage to a faulted transformer. Transformers are protected primarily
against faults and overloads. The type of protection used should minimize the time of
disconnection for faults within the transformer and to reduce the risk of catastrophic failure to
simplify eventual repair. Any extended operation of the transformer under abnormal condition
such as faults or overloads compromises the life of the transformer.

2,8,1 Transformer Faults And Protection Devices And Functions Used

Faults in transformers can be classified into:

 Internal faults such as winding failures due to short circuits (phase to phase, phase to
earth),core short circuits due to bad insulation, bushing and tap changer failures.

 External faults and abnormal operating conditions such as overloads, overvoltage,

external short circuits.

To protect the transformer from internal faults, high voltage power transformers are equipped
with technological protections (Buchholz relay and pressure relief devices) and differential
protections (usually one differential protection in each protection group).

 The Buchholz relay

The Buchholz relay (gas detector relay) is placed in the piping between the transformer main
tank and the oil conservator. Under normal conditions, the Buchholz relay is full with oil. It
consists of two mercury switches attached to a float and a flap valve. The float closes the alarm
circuit when oil level drops due to gas accumulation, while the lower flap valve closes the trip
circuit in case of serious internal faults. When gas gets accumulated in the upper part of the
Buchholz relay and the oil level drops, the float closes the contacts of the mercury switch
attached to it. This completes the alarm circuit and signals it in the substation control room
where the operator will know that there is some incipient fault in the transformer. The
transformer is then disconnected and the gas sample is tested in order to find out what type of

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fault has started developing in the transformer. A very good setting of the mercury switch is
required in order for it not to be too sensitive otherwise, the relay can operate due to bubbles,
vibration, earthquakes and mechanical shocks. When a serious internal fault occurs in the
transformer, a considerable amount of gas gets generated. The pressure in the transformer tank
increases and thus the oil rushes towards the conservator through the Buchholz relay hitting the
flap valve. The flap valve closes the mercury switch contacts and completes the trip circuit,
which opens the circuit breaker separating the transformer from the network. A general
protection relay does not indicate the appearance of any type of fault. It only operates when fault
occurs. The Buchholz relay has a big advantage because it gives an indication of the fault at its
early stage due to the gas accumulation and operates the alarm circuit. The gas in oil level can be
monitored on the Buchholz relay When protecting a high voltage power transformer, two
Buchholz relays are being used: one to protect the transformer tank and one to protect the tap
changer chamber.

 The pressure relief devices

The pressure relief devices detect a sudden increase of pressure inside the transformer. As well
as the Buchholz relay, pressure relief devices are provided for both the transformer tank and the
tap changer chamber. As a pressure relief device is recommended for each 25 tons of oil, the tap
changer chamber usually has only one, whereas the transformer tank has more than two.

The most common form of pressure relief device is the frangible disk type . The surge of oil
caused by a heavy internal fault bursts the disk and allows the oil to discharge rapidly. Limiting
the pressure rise prevent explosive rupture of the tank and fire. Recently, all pressure relief
devices are mounted with pipes to direct the surge of oil to the base of the transformer. The
pressure relief devices are usually fitted with two sets of contacts for tripping: one for the
protection group one trip and the second for the protection group two.

 The differential protection

The differential protection is based on current comparison. In normal operation, a transformer is

transited by a current I that enters through one side and exits at the other side. If we have two
current transformers (CT1 and CT2) mounted on both sides of the transformer, the secondary

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currents of the current transformers can be connected to form a closed electric circuit with
secondary current i.e The differential protection which is connected to the electrical balance
point, measures a zero current in normal operation. When a fault occurs in the area between the
two current transformers, the measuring element is fed with a secondary (i1+i2) current that will
make the differential protection trip due to a fault inside the protected zone.

The following two currents are calculated by the measuring element:-

-a tripping or differential current

Idiff = |I1 + I2|

-a stabilization or restraining current:-

Istab = |I1| + |I2|

In normal conditions or external faults, the current enter through one side and exits on the other
side of the protected zone, therefore::-

𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = |𝐼1 + 𝐼2| = |𝐼1 − 𝐼1| = 0

Istab = |I1| + |I2| = |𝐼1| + |𝐼1| = 2|𝐼1|

When a fault appears inside the protected zone, the current will enter through each side of the
protected zone and presuming that the two currents are equal, the measuring element of the
differential protection will calculate:-

𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = |𝐼1 + 𝐼2| = |𝐼1| + |𝐼1| = 2|𝐼1|

𝐼𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏 = |𝐼1| + |𝐼2| = |𝐼1| + |𝐼1| = 2|𝐼1|

Therefore, in case of a fault inside the protected zone, the differential protection will issue a trip
command to the circuit breaker on both voltage levels because the current is within the tripping
zone of the trip characteristic. To protect the transformer from external faults and abnormal
operating conditions, high voltage power transformers are equipped with technological
protections (oil and winding temperature indicators) and overvoltage and thermal overload
protections (usually integrated in the differential protection device).
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 Overvoltage and overload protection

The overvoltage protection is needed to protect the transformer from insulating problems caused
by abnormally high voltage levels, which can appear due to incorrect manual operation of the
generators excitation system, faulty operation of the automatic voltage regulator, prolonged weak
loads on overhead lines etc.

The overvoltage protection has two stages. In case of high overvoltage, the trip command is
issued with short-time delay, whereas in case of lower overvoltage, the trip command is issued
with a longer time delay. The voltage limit values and delay times can be set individually for
both stages. The thermal overload protection prevents damage to the transformer caused by
thermal overheating. The protection function takes into consideration the current value that
transits the transformer over a period and a thermal replica of the transformer. Both overvoltage
and thermal overload protections can be blocked or switched off via a binary input signal in the
protection device.

 . Oil and winding temperature indicators

The oil temperature indicator and winding temperature indicator have two essential roles in
protecting the transformer. The first one is to measure and display the oil and temperature of the
transformer and the second one is to issue the trip command to the circuit breakers on both sides
of the transformer in case the temperature value exceeds a settable value, These indicators can be
equipped with contacts that close at different temperature values. Usually they are equipped with
three sets of contacts: one for signaling the temperature increase and two for issuing the trip
command to the circuit breaker via the numerical protection devices .

2.8.2 The Need for Modern Firefighting Systems

The need for use of transformer firefighting systems has been discussed for many years and
varieties of practices have evolved. Some transformers have been constructed and are in use with
firefighting systems while others have no fire suppression systems installed. Transformer fires
are rare but the impact they have is huge. Even though a transformer involved in a fire will likely
be destroyed almost immediately, the fire’s effect on adjacent equipment and structures can be

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contained and therefore must be considered. An uncontained fire can do a significant amount of
damage and result in a prolonged, unscheduled outage .

Many of the transformers in use are equipped with water firefighting systems intended to
extinguish a transformer fire. Conventional firefighting systems have proven to combat
transformer fires effectively but they consume large quantities of water and therefore require a
complex dimensioning of the firefighting system. Additionally, the discharged water can be
contaminated with transformer oil and will need to be collected for later processing. To this end,
the floor pan must be dimensioned to ensure that it can collect not only the oil, but also the
water. A disadvantage of the traditional water firefighting system is that it is started by one of the
following two conditions: a Buchholz relay trip or a differential protection trip. There have been
cases when a Buchholz relay issued the trip command without a real fault inside of the
transformer due to ageing and sealing problems. Water got inside of the Buchholz relay thus its
contacts “got closed” and the transformer tripped.

2,8.3 The Firefighting System

The modern firefighting system uses a nitrogen injection system. This system is designed to
prevent tank explosion and fire during internal faults, and extinguish the external oil fires on
transformer top due to tank explosion, bushing fires etc. The system shall drain a quantity of oil
from the tank top to reduce the tank pressure and inject high-pressure nitrogen gas to the lower
side of the tank to reduce the oil temperature at the top of the tank in order to extinguish the fire.
There are two types of nitrogen injection systems:

a. One that protects the transformer tank and tap changer compartment,

b. One that also protects the transformer bushings additionally to the previous two

The nitrogen injection system can work in manual or automatic mode. In manual mode, to
start the nitrogen injection, it is required that a working staff member to press the manual
injection button. In automatic mode, the system has three operation modes:

a. Prevention mode: To active the prevention mode, the system needs to receive a
rubber disk rupture signal + Buchholz relay / Differential protection trip signal. When the

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prevention mode is activated, the system will start the nitrogen injection with a time delay of
5 minutes.

b. Extinction mode: To activate the extinction mode, the system needs to receive a linear heat
detection signal + Buchholz relay / Differential protection trip signal. When the extinction mode
is activated, the system will start the nitrogen injection instantaneously.

c. Out of service mode: If the system receives only one signal (rubber disk rupture signal / linear
heat detection signal / Buchholz relay / Differential protection trip signal) for 30 minutes, it will
automatically switch to the out of service mode.

2.9 Literature review

 J. Reinhart V. Khandwa (2003) was discussed about design and the implementation of
the fire-fighting robot. The key design elements of the robot to be discussed
include: the assembly and construction of the robot hardware, the processing
algorithm based on the sensors response, and the navigation algorithm that will
enable the robot to find an efficient path in and out of the house model [1] .

 Lynette Miller Daniel Rodriguez (2003) was discusses the development of each
component of the robot that is designed to find a small fire represented by a light emitting
diode in a model home and extinguish it. This paper will talk about each component of
the robot from the start signal to the robot platform to the line following and room finding
and finishing with the fire detection [2].

 Sahil S.Shah (2013) was discussed about design a Fire Fighting Robot using embedded
system. A robot capable of fighting a simulated household fire will be designed and
built. It must be able to autonomously navigate through a modeled floor plan while
actively scanning fora flame. The robot can even act as a path guider in normal case and
as a fire extinguisher in emergency. Robots designed to find a fire, before it rages out of
control, can one day work with fire-fighters greatly reducing the risk of injury to victims.
The result shows that higher efficiency is indeed achieved using the embedded system

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 U.Jyostna Sai Prasanna, M.V.D.Prasad (2013) was design the fire detection system using
four flamesensors in the firefighting robot, and program the fire detection and fighting
procedure using sensor based method. The firefighting robot is equipped with four
thermistors/flame sensors that continuously monitor the temperature. If the temperature
increases beyond the predetermined threshold value, buzzer sounds to intimate the
occurrence of fire accident and a warning message will be sent to the respective
personnel in the industry and to nearby fire station with the GSM module provided to it

 Swati A. Deshmukh (2015) was discussed about the fire detection system using sensors
in the system, and program the fire detection and fighting procedure using sensor based
method [5].

 Saravanan P (2015) discussed about the Design and Implementation of this project is
mainly based on control of Semi - Autonomous mobile robot (SA-BOT). The system
controls four DC Geared motors which is powered by the Atmega2560 and controlled
autonomously by Navigation system which comprises of integrated ultrasonic and infra-
red sensors. The bot is outfitted with wireless camera which captures the video and
transmits it to the base station. The fire detection system comprises of LDR and
temperature sensor, if there is a fire, the sensors detects it and the bot will be moved to
the source and starts extinguishing it. The Extinguishing System comprises of a BLDC
motor with water container. The SABOT can also be operated manually for extreme
conditions. We have provided a GUI support through which the bot can controlled from
the base station [6].

 Swati A. Deshmukh (2015) was discussed about the fire detection system using sensors
in the system, and program the fire detection and fighting procedure using sensor based
method [10].

 Abhilash Dhumatkar, Sumit Bhiogade (2015) was Automatic Fire Fighting Robot”
project employs the electrical thermostat technology for the controlling the fire 24 hrs.
The system is cost effective, has a wide applications which when implement can show

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good and effective result. Synchronization of various equipment involve in the system i.e
Thermostat Sensor, water jet, wireless remote and wireless android device WiFi enabled
Camera. This ismean to simulate the real world operation of Robot performing a fire
extinguishing function. Fuzzy logic provided an appropriate solution to the otherwise
complex task of mathematically deriving an exact model for the non-linear control
system upon which conventional control techniques could then be applied [11].

 By review the various studies show that firefighting robot using arduino system
for power transformer in ethiopia is not yet the aim present work is
firefighting robot using simple programming and arduino microcontroller system
has been performed, and the project is designed by following blocks fire sensor,
Arduino board , Motor with driver circuit and Driver circuit with relay and Fire

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3.1 System Layout

The block diagram of the hardware implementation of the entire system is as shown in
Figure 2. The aim of the project is to illustrate the usage of the fire fighter and its
applications and the minimum equipment required to construct the fire fighting system is a
microcontroller, pump water, smoke sensor, temperature sensor, flame sensor, LED's, and

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power supply



motors drivers motor

PUMP cotrol

LEDS & pump


Figure3. 1Hardware block diagram

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3.2 Input Unit

Input system consists of three sensors. The mechanism of the input system is described as

3.2.1 LM35 temperature sensor

The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature with an
electrical output proportional to the temperature (in oC),

 It has an output voltage that is proportional to the Celsius temperature.

 The scale factor is .01V/oC

 The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming and maintains an
accuracy of +/-0.4 oC at room temperature and +/- 0.8 oC over a range of 0 oC to +100

 Another important characteristic of the LM35DZ is that it draws only 60 micro amps
from its supply and possesses a low self-heating capability. The sensor self-heating
causes less than 0.1 oC temperature rise in still air.

o In our project we have used this LM35 temperature sensor on the simulation part ,so that
this sensor has given threshold value of 50 oC and it will senses the whole environment
condition. When temperature is above thereshold value it will automatically sense and
other protective devices will start their work.

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Figure3. 2LM35 Temperature Sensor

3.2.2 Smoke Sensor

A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire.

Commercial, industrial, and mass residential devices issue a signal to a fire alarm system,
while household detectors, known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible or
visual alarm from the detector itself. Smoke detectors are typically housed in a disk-
shaped plastic enclosure about 150 millimeters (6 in) in diameter and 25 millimeters (1
in) thick, but the shape can vary by manufacturer or product line. Most smoke
detectors work either by optical detection (photoelectric) or by physical process
(ionization), while others use both detection methods to increase sensitivity to smoke.
Sensitive alarms can be used to detect, and thus deter, smoking in areas where it is banned
such as toilet and schools. Smoke detectors in large commercial, industrial, and
residential buildings are usually powered by a central fire alarm system, which is powered
by the building power with a battery backup. However, in many single family detached and
smaller multiple family housings, a smoke alarm is often powered only by a single
disposable battery [6].

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Figure3. 3Smoke Sensor

3.2.3 Flame Sensor

Flame type detectors are sophisticated equipment to detect the flame phenomena of a fire. These
detectors have various types depending on the light wavelength they use. Such as ultraviolet,
near infrared, infrared, and combination of UV/IR type detectors.

 UV detectors generally work with wavelengths shorter than 300 nm. This type of
detectors can detect fires and explosions situations within 3 - 4 milliseconds
from the UV radiation emitted from the incident. However to reduce false alarm
triggered by UV sources such as lightning, arc welding etc. a time delay is often
included in the UV flame detector. The near Infrared sensor or visual flame
detectors work with wavelengths between 0.7to 1.1μm.

One of the most reliable technologies available for fire detection, namely multiple channel or
pixel array sensors, monitors flames in the near IR band. The Infrared (IR) flame detectors work
within the infrared spectral band (700 nm - 1 mm). Usual response time of these detectors is 3
- 5 seconds. Also, there is UV and IR combined flame detectors, which compare the
threshold signal in two ranges to detect fire and minimize false alarms. Flame detectors are
expensive and complex, though they provide very reliable and accurate response. They can
operate in highly sensitive environment where other detectors can’t be used. Aircraft
maintenance facilities, fuel loading platforms, mines, refineries, high-tech industries etc. use
these flame detectors for safety .

 We use 3 flame sensors in our project that is on the left side ,on the right side ,and
on middle side so that when fire occur in any of this direction it can sense and

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automatically the motor starts to rotate so that the servo motor moves left to right
with the pump and extinguish fire.

Figure3. 4Flame sensor

3.3 Arduino Uno

It is a microcontroller based on Atmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog

inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a
reset button. The Atmega 328 has 32 KB of flash memory for storingthe code. It also has
2KB of SRAM and 1KB of EEPROM. The Atmega 328 provides UART TTL serial
communication, which is available on digital pins 0 and 1. An Atmega16U2 on the board
channels this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port to
software on the computer.

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Figure3. 5Arduino Uno microcontroller

3.4 Output Unit

An output device is any piece of hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data
processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a microcontroller) which
converts the electronically generated information into sensors.

3.4.1 Relay

Relays are operated switches many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching
mechanism mechanically but other operating principles are also used.

Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low power signal with complete
electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits or where several circuits must
be controlled by one signal. Relays and switches come in different configurations. The
most common are Single Pole Single Throw SPST is the simplest with only two contacts.
Single Pole Double Throw SPDT has three contacts. The contacts are usually labeled
Common COM, Normally Open NO and Normally Closed NC. The Normally Closed contact
will be connected to the Common contact when no power is applied to the coil. The Normally
Open contact will be open i.e. not connected when no power is applied to the coil. When the coil
is energized the Common is connected to the Normally Open contact and the Normally Closed
contact is left floating. The Double Pole versions are the same as the Single Pole version except
there are two switches that open and close together.

Figure3. 6Relays

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3.4.2 Pump

A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), or sometimes slurries, by mechanical
action. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to
move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps.[1]

Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy
to perform mechanical work by moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy
sources, including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power, come in many
sizes, from microscopic for use in medical applications to large industrial pumps. Mechanical
pumps serve in a wide range of applications such as pumping water from wells, aquarium
filtering, pond filtering and aeration, in the car industry for water-cooling and fuel injection, in
the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for operating cooling towers. In the
medical industry, pumps are used for biochemical processes in developing and manufacturing
medicine, and as artificial replacements for body parts, in particular the artificial heart and
penile prosthesis. [11]

 In our project we used 5V pump that will get supply from Ardiuno 5v and it will
act only when there is fire so that it will pump and extinguish the fire.

Figure3. 7Pump
3.4.3 Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source that resembles a basic
pn-junction diode, except that an LED also emits light. When an LED's anode lead has a voltage

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that is more positive than its cathode lead by at least the LED's forward voltage drop, current
flows. Electrons are able to recombine with holes within the device, releasing energy in the
form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color of the light
(corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy band gap of the

 We have two LED’s (green and red) that are used for indication of fire existence
on the transformer, the green LED will be on when there is no smoke , no flame
and also when the temperature is below the threshold value ,if from this case one
is not fulfilled the red LED will be glow up, thus the transformer will be protected

Figure3. 8Light Emitting Diode (LED)

3.4.4 Buzzer

A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device which may be mechanical, electromechanical, or

piezoelectric. Typical uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers and
confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke.

Figure3. 9Buzzer

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3.4.5 DC Motors

An electrical motor is a motor which converts electrical energy to mechanical energy, very
typically through the interaction of magnetic fields and a current-carrying conductors. It is a
DC motor type where it runs on direct current (dc electricity). In this we are using 2 dc
motors with rating of 12v, hence A 12v DC motor is small and inexpensive, yet powerful
enough to be used for many applications.

3.4.6 Motor Driver

Motor drivers are made from discrete components which are integrated inside an IC. The input to
the motor driver IC or motor driver circuit is a low current signal. The function of the circuit is to
convert the low current signal to a high current signal. This high current signal is then given to
the motor.

Drivers are not used only for motors. They are used for any device that usually draws more than
50-100 mA. Maximum current of microcontroller output (typically 10-20mA) is not enough
to drive motor coil. Connecting motor directly to microcontroller will damage microcontroller
output transistor.

 In our project we used L298N motor driver .The L298N Motor Driver Module is a
high voltage Dual H-Bridge that are used to drive inductive loads that requires
forward and reverse function with speed control such as DC Motors, and Stepper

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Figure3. 10 motor driver

3.4.7 Water Spray System

In this system, a water pump is connected to Arduino through relay and a water pipe is attached
to servo motor. Relay is an electrically operated switch. Relay use an electromagnet to
mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used. Relays are used
when it is necessary to control a circuit by low power signal. Water pump is used to extract water
from the container and provide it to the nozzle which sprays water to extinguish fire.

3.4.8 DC battery

The DC battery is used for supply for different motors when neeeded. There are different types
of DC battery like acidic battery(battery that work by filling acid inside it),rechargable
battrey(battery that can be recharged when it dead and can be used as original one ,direct
(alkaline battery that is used by contacting with direct supply hence this battery is much
applicable or remote control and commonly it is use &throw battery i:e when it is dead we have
to buy another and etc. In our project we use a variable DC supply that has voltage from 0v-15v.
it can be used by varying the voltage level as needed hence we have 12 v motor we use 12v
fromthis DC supply checking using multimeter.

3.4.9 DC servo motor

It is an electrical device which can push or rotate an object with great precision. It is useful when
we want to rotate and object at some specific angles or distance, . It is just made up of
simple motor which run through servo mechanism, this motor has been used to control the

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movement of the flame sensor to right and left to detect the f lame in everywhere of the
place. In our Project we use DC servo motor because it is DC powered.

Figure3. 11servo motor

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4.1 Programming Microcontroller

Programs are known as software. A program is a set of instructions that the microprocessor
can execute. The program is stored in the microcontroller’s memory in the form of binary
numbers called machine instructions. All microcontrollers operate on a set of instructions
stored in their memory. Microcontroller fetches the instructions from its program memory
one by one, decodes these instructions, and then carries out the required operations.
Microcontrollers have traditionally been programmed using the assembly language of the
target device. And when we write a source code with the C language the compiler of the C
language is necessary .

4.2 Machine Code

A machine instruction is a combination of 0s and 1s that informs the CPU to perform

certain operation. The most fundamental program form is machine code is the binary instructions
that cause the CPU to perform the desired operations.

Machine code or machine language is a system of instructions and data executed directly by
CPU. Machine code may be regarded as a primitive programming language or as the lowest
level representation of a compiled assembled computer program.

Programs in interpreted languages are no represented by machine code however their interpreter
which may be seen as a processor executing the higher level program. Machine code is
sometimes called native code when referring to platform dependent parts of language
features or libraries. Machine code should not be confused with byte code, which is executed by
an interpreter.

Every processor or processor family has its own machine code instruction set. Instructions
are patterns of bits that by physical design correspond to different commands to the machine.
The instruction set is thus specific to a class of processors using the same architecture[4].

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4.3 Assembly Language

One step removed from machine code is assembly language where abbreviations called
mnemonics memory aids substitute for the machine codes. The mnemonics are easier to
remember than the machine codes they stand for. Since machine code is ultimately the only
language that a CPU understands, you need some way of translating assembly language
programs into machine code for very short programs you can hand assemble or translate the
mnemonics yourself by looking up the machine codes for each abbreviation. Another option is
to use an assembler which is software that runs on the desktop computer and translates the
mnemonics into machine code.

4.4 High Level Language

High level languages such as C, C++, and Java were invented to avoid the Problems of
assembly language programming. High level languages are close to plain English and hence a
program written in a high level language becomes easier to understand. Statements in
high level language often needs to be implemented by tensor even hundreds of assembly
instructions. The programmer can now work on the program logic at a much higher level
which makes the programming job much easier. A program written in a high level language is
also called a source code and it requires a software program called a compiler to translate
it into machine instructions. A compiler compiles a program into object code. Just as there are
cross assemblers there are cross compilers that run on one machine but translate programs into
machine instructions to be executed on a computer with a different instruction set.

Some high level languages are interpreted that is they use an interpreter to scan the user's source
code and perform the operations specified interpreters do not generate object code.
Programming languages that use this approach include Basic, Lisp, and Prolog. .

High level languages are not perfect one of the major problems with high level languages is that
the machine code compiled from a program written in a high level language is much longer
and cannot run as fast as its equivalent in the assembly language. For this reason, many
time critical programs are still written in assembly language [15].

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4.5 Code Simulator

Now once have the object file we can transfer the op-codes into the microcontroller .

4.6 Download a Program into Microcontroller

After compiling a microcontroller program it will be able to generate hex files from the
program codes. hex file is a machine code that corresponds to our language codes. Only
microcontroller and microprocessor can interpret it. After building a hex file write it to
the memory of microcontroller. This process is called burning of microcontroller using
proteus and make the design which will include the required microcontroller and the double
click on the microcontroller and then include that hex file which was created. This way we
simulate our design.

4.7 Software Description

Software programs, called sketches (Arduino program code), are created on a computer using
the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE enables us to write and
edit code and convert this code into instructions that Arduino hardware understands. The
IDE also transfers those instructions to the Arduino board (a process called uploading). To
develop a code for our project we choose Arduino program code based on the following practical
consideration that is Simple, clear programming environment .The Arduino programming
environment is easy-to-use and flexible., Open source and extensible software. We can upload it
to protues software easily. The software code is seen on Appendix .

4.8 Working Principle (Flow Chart)

Figures 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4 explain the flow chart of implemented automatic firefighting system.


Step1: Start.

Step2: Initialize microcontroller.

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Step3: Sense atmospheric temperature.


 If the temperature > threshold value , sound alarm &red LED on, transformer will
automatically switch off from supply hence no load connected to it. & early
protection mechanism will be done, Otherwise continuity of supply will be held
and bulb will be bright the transformer will work at normal condition but further
checking of next step (step5).

Step5: Sense smoke

Step 6:

 If intensity of smoke>= predetermined ADC value., sound alarm, LED red,

transformer will automatically switch off from supply hence no load connected to
it & early protection mechanism will be done, Otherwise continuity of supply will
be held and bulb will be bright the transformer will work at normal condition but
further checking of next step (step 7).

Step7: sense fire flame in each direction.

 Left, right, middle

Step8:If flame exist go to step 8

Step9:Sound alarm ,led on (red)

Step10: motor starts to move with in the fire direction.

 Fire is on left, left motor move to left direction.

 Fire is on right, right motor move to right direction.

 Fire is on middle, both motor move forward direction.

Step11: servomotor starts to rotate.

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Step12: Fire extinguishing by pump.

Step 13: Ende to rotate

Sending signal to Arduino flame

motor through motor sensor getting signal
driver to rotate of fire flame.

LM35 getting
Moving signal of
smoke sensors
towards fire. temperature

stops and relay switch fire extingush ing by

make the pump on water

Figure 4. 1Working Principle of automatic fire extinguisher

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Initializing Arduino

Reading sensors

If temperature value
no >threshold value yes A

no yes value
If smoke value>threshold B

If flame sensor senses C

F no yes


Figure 4. 2flow chart 1

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Start Alarm Sound and LED red

Motor starts
to rotate

Bulb will be off

,transformer disconnected
from supply

Relay close trip circuit and

initiate pump



Figure 4. 3flow chart 2

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LED green, no
buzzer alarm

Motor stops
no movement

Bulb will
glow up

Transformer is safe


Figure 4. 4flow chart 3

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4.8.2 Over all Predicted Results

The system performs automatic fire fighting task when the system assures the fire
occurrence .Table 4.1 below shows the results when operating the system. The table
indicates the action taken for each happening.

Temp. sensor Flame sensor Smoke sensor Hazard LED’s ACTION

and buzzer

0 0 0 Off No action
0 0 1 Off Alarm led on
0 1 0 On Pump on
0 1 1 On Pump on
1 0 0 Off Alarm led on
1 0 1 on Pump on
1 1 0 On Pump on
1 1 1 on Pump on

Table4. 1The results when operating the system


 Logic 1 = sensor is activated,

 Logic 0 = sensor is idle (not activated).

4.8.2 Discussion

As shown in table (3), the alarm led switch on when smoke sensor or temperature sensor
activated. While pump, hazard led, and buzzer are switch on when flame sensor activated, or
both smoke sensor and temperature sensor activated, or all the sensors activated and at condition
when all sensors are not activated i:e when there is no flame. smoke, and no over temperature the
green LED, bulb will be switched on so that transformer will operate it’s function properly.

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5.1 Overview

The Automatic firefighting designed system is controlled by a microcontroller unit contain

three sensors (temperature, smoke, and flame). It is a simple robot using Arduino that could
move towards the fire and pump out water around it to put down the fire. The system uses set
of LEDs, buzzer to indicate the presence of smoke, over temperature or fire in any places , and a
firefighting pump on standby to put out the flames when needed.

5.2 Simulation design

Figure 5. 1The overall simulation diagram

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 The main brain of this project is the Arduino, but in-order to sense fire we use the Fire
sensor module (flame sensor) these sensors have an IR Receiver (Photodiode) which is
used to detect the fire . When fire burns it emits a small amount of Infra-red light,
this light will be received by the IR receiver on the sensor module. Then we use an
Op-Amp to check for change in voltage across the IR Receiver , so that if a fire is
detected the output pin will give 0V(LOW) and if the is no fire the output pin will be
5V(HIGH). So, we place three such sensors in three directions to sense on which
direction the fire is burning. We detect the direction of the fire we can use the
motors to move near the fire by driving our motors through the L293D module.
When near a fire we have to put it out using water. Using a small container we
can carry water, a 5V pump is also placed in the container and the whole container is
placed on top of a servo motor so that we can control the direction in which the water has
to be sprayed.

 The working principle is that both the three flame sensors senses the fire and when fire is
occur at any of each direction, there will be fire detection the left and right flame sensors
try to push the fire to the middle i:e when fire exist in the left or right side the left or the
right motors will rotate according to flame direction and push it towards the middle flame
sensor so that the servo motor try to act and rotate, the relay will automatically trip and
close the circuit so that the pump will extinguish the fire by releasing the water ,also the
LED light will be red if any of these flame sensors senses fire and with additional of
these above case the ;LED light will be red when the temperature is above 50◦CAnd if
there is no fire or temperature is below the threshold value the condition will be normal
so that there will be no hazard hence the LED light will be green, this means we are in
safe condition, hence we try to make this project specifically for transformer so that we
have the transformer body and also bulb as load so that when fire caused on the
transformer either by above temperature occurrence or when there is existence of flame
the red LED will be on hence the buzzer will alarm sound at this time the transformer
bulb will not be lightened it doesn’t give light this means the transformer will be
disconnected from the supply and also from the load.

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 If not in this case the transformer will be safe and continue with its normal operation, and
the LED will be green, no buzzer and alarm sound.

 So we try to see all cases one by one depending on simulation code:

Case 1:

 When the temperature is below the threshold value, and there is no flame detected there
will be no action it will continue with its normal operation there will be light in bulb and
LED will be green, the bulb will be glow up i:e the transformer will continue to operate
its normal operation.

Figure 5. 2case 1
Case 2:

 When the fire is on left side, the left motor rotate, and push towards the middle hence the
servomotor will rotate and the pump will release the water and extinguish the that
the buzzer starts to alarm and the LED will be red and the bulb doesn’t glow up so that
the transformer will not be connected to the load it will be disconnected from the supply.

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Figure 5. 3case 2
Case 3:

 When fire is in the middle ,the flame sensor senses the fire so that automatically act and
release the water ,so that buzzer on ,LED red on, and the bulb doesn’t glow up so that the
transformer will not be connected to the load it will be disconnected from the supply and
the relay will activate alarm circuit to close the trip circuit and fire will be extinguished
by the pump.

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Figure 5. 4 case 3
Case 4:

 When the fire is on right side ,the right motor rotate, and push towards the middle hence
the servomotor will rotate and the pump will release the water and extinguish the fire. the
pump will release the water and extinguish the that the buzzer starts to alarm and
the LED will be red and the bulb doesn’t glow up so that the transformer will not be
connected to the load it will be disconnected from the supply and fire will be

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Figure 5. 5case 4

Case 5:

 When flame is in all directions the flame sensor senses the fire so that automatically act
and release the water ,so that buzzer on ,LED red on, the transformer bulb will also
become on .so that the transformer will switched of supply and extinguish the fire. the
bulb doesn’t glow up so that the transformer will not be connected to the load it will be
disconnected from the supply and fire will be extinguished

Figure 5. 6case 5

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 Another simple cases can be seen roughly with pictures below:-

Figure 5. 7some other cases

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5.3 Hard ware Implementation

The hard ware part is done by using different equipment’s that the cost of each material is coverd
by group members .

Material Required:

1 . Arduino UNO

2 . Fire sensor or Flame sensor (3 No’s)

3 .DC battery (12v)

4 .L298N motor Driver module

5. Servo Motor & pump motor

6 . Small Breadboard

7 . motors(12v) and wheel (4)

8 . A small can

9. Connecting wire

10. LED light (Green and red)

11. relay

12. buzzer

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5.3.1 Sample diagram

Figure 5. 8sample photos of the automatic fire extinguisher

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Figure 5. 9sample video when the robot senses the fire

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6.1 Conclusion:

 The designed firefighting system is able to detect and deal with over temperature,
smoke and flame. After develop and testing the software the automatic firefighting
system has successfully completed the tasks as expected and as outlined in the report.
The system is capable of indicating its status on an LED, buzzer, and detecting and
putting out fire. The Ardiuno uno microcontroller is used to process the sensor circuitry
input and control the indicator panel, and also used to control a firefighting pump to
put out flames when detected. A simulation of the system is created and it gave a good
performance. This paper studies and implements the method to build a robot that will
automatically sense and extinguish fire for the safety of human before danger using
the early warning system.

6.2 Recommendation (Future Work)

 In the future work we will be of making a robot with embedding image algorithm
to the entire monitoring camera with wireless communication to the robot. That
provides more supple to our robot to put out the fire in an entire building. Such a kind
of robot will detect the kind of fire and according use an appropriate extinguishing
system. Adding multiple security schemes in this robot will make it as advanced security
and surveillance robot. If we do this innovative project on large scale it will surely save
many lives. As we go into the Future, we will be entering a technological Era
where humans and robots are going to co-exist .

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 Arduino Software code

#include <Servo.h>

const int sensorPin1 = 2;

const int sensorPin2 = 3;

const int sensorPin3 = 4;

const int servoPin = 11;

const int Int1 = 7;

const int Int2 = 8;

const int Int3 = 9;

const int Int4 = 10;

const int EN1 = 5;

const int EN2 = 6;

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const int tempSensor = A0;

float reading;

float temperature;

const int greenLed = 13;

const int redLed = 15;

const int relay= 12;

boolean stateOfTemp;

boolean fire = false;

const int pwmValue = 255;

const int pwmValue2 = 0;

const int pos1 = 90;

Servo myServo;

void setup() {


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void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

int state1 = digitalRead(sensorPin1);

int state2 = digitalRead(sensorPin2);

int state3 = digitalRead(sensorPin3);

float currTemp = myTemp();

Serial.print("currTemp = ");


if(state1 == HIGH && state2 == HIGH && state3 == HIGH && currTemp <50){






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fire = false;


if(state1 == HIGH && state2 == HIGH && state3 == HIGH && currTemp>=50 ){







tone(17, 1175, 100);


fire = false;

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if(state2 == LOW){









fire = true;


if(state1 == LOW){




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fire = true;


if( state3 == LOW){








fire = true;

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if( state1 == LOW && state2 == LOW ){








fire = true;


if( state3 == LOW && state2 == LOW ){




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fire = true;


if( state1 == LOW && state3 == LOW ){








fire = true;

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while(fire == true){


void MotorRunForward(int IntPin1, int IntPin2,int EN) {

digitalWrite(IntPin1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(IntPin2, LOW);

analogWrite(EN, pwmValue);


void MotorRunBackward(int IntPin1, int IntPin2, int EN) {

digitalWrite(IntPin1, LOW);

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digitalWrite(IntPin2, HIGH);

analogWrite(EN, pwmValue);


void MotorStop(int IntPin1, int IntPin2, int EN ) {

digitalWrite(IntPin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(IntPin2, LOW);

analogWrite(EN, pwmValue2);


float myTemp(){



return temperature;

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void fireOff(){




for(int i = 0;i< 180;i++){



for(int i = 180;i>180;i--){





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fire = false; }

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 Work Plan

Table 6. 1 work plan

No. of weeks from 18/03/2019 up to 17/06/2019
S.No Proposed Task Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1&2 3 4,5&6 7&8 9&10 11&12 13&!4
1 Proposal 
submission and
2 Data collection 

3 Simulation  
methods and

4 Components 

5 Testing circuit 
and recording
of results
6 Design 

7 Compile the 
final paper

8 Prepare PPT 
and ready for

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 Work Budget

Table 6. 2: work budget

 S
Name of Specification Quantity Cost of Total
. s each item Cost
N in ETB in ETB

1 Arduino UNO 1 500.00 500.00

2 Fire sensor or Flame 3 150.00 450.00

sensor (3 No’s)

3 DC Motor 2 200.00 400.00

4 Small Breadboard 1 200.00 200.00
5 LED light (Green and 2 10.00 20.00

6 Buzzer 1 30.00 30.00

7 . relay 1 30.00 30.00

8 pump motor 1 300.00 300.00

9 . Connecting wire 30 5 150
10 Servo Motor 1 100.00 100.00

11 wheel 4 150.00(2), 420.00

12 .motor Driver module L298N 1 350.00 350.00

13 Other 700

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