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Simfox – Technical Specifications

Computer specs for Simfox Server (physical and virtual)

• CPU: Intel Xeon Quad-Core or AMD Phenom Quad-Core (min 3.5GHz per core) or equivalent
• Memory: 16 GB
• Disk space: 300 GB
• Minimum 1 USB port or availability of a network USB hub
• OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 (64bit) (strongly recommended) or Windows
8.1 /10 (64 bit) for standalone training classroom

Computer specs for Simfox User Workstation

• CPU: Intel i5 / i7 or Intel Xeon or AMD Phenom/Athlon (min 1.8GHz per core) or equivalent
• Memory: 6 GB RAM
• OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
• Microsoft Excel - for computers with Teacher access

Software and hardware components provided by Renful:

• Apache Tomcat
• MS SQL Server 2014
• Unity3D
• Java
• Hasp HL NetTime key (USB dongle)

• LCD/LED display minimum 20” size
• Minimum resolution: 1366x768 pixels

Network speed
• Min 2Mbit/s download and 0.5Mb/s upload speed required.

Copyright 2021 Renful Premier Technologies 1

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