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Lesson Plan in MAPEH

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. determine the arts and its classification;

b. perform the classification of arts; and

c. express the importance of art.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Arts and Its Classification

Reference: http//: www., arts for grade 6 pp128-134

Materials: Powerpoint, LED TV, pictures

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

b. Greetings

c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation

- Group the class into 4; arrange the puzzle given to each group.
- Give their insights about the art that they arranged.

C. Discussion
What is art?
Refers to a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artefacts
(artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual idea, or technical skill, intended to be
appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
What Are The Classifications Of Art?
The various classifications of art include: fine art, visual art, plastic art, performance art, applied
art and decorative art.
Fine Art

 Developed primarily for aesthetics or beauty, distinguishing it from applied art, which
also has to serve some practical function.

This category includes works of art that are created primarily for aesthetic reasons. Fine arts
Drawing – charcoal, chalk, crayon, pastel, pencil, or pen and ink
Painting – oils, watercolor, gouache, acrylics, ink and wash, tempera, or encaustic paints
Printmaking – woodcuts, stencils, engraving, etching and lithography, or screen-printing, foil
imaging, or giclee prints
Sculpture – bronze, stone, marble, wood, or clay
Calligraphy – beautiful and stylized handwriting

Visual Art – anything perceive by our eyes.

The visual arts include all the fine arts, in addition to the following:

New media – digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art,
interactive art, video games, computer robotics, 3D printing, and art as biotechnology

Plastic Art
The term plastic art includes art works that are molded and not necessarily plastic objects. This
category consists of three-dimensional works like clay, plaster, stone, metals, wood and, paper
Performance Art
This classification consist of an art form that refers to public performance events which occur
mostly in the theatre. Performance arts includes:
Traditional performance art – theatre, opera, music, and ballet
Contemporary performance art – mime
Hyper-modern performance art – happenings
Applied Art
This category encompasses the application of aesthetic designs to everyday functional objects.
Applied arts are intended for the use of a career. It includes architecture, computer art,
photography, industrial design, graphic design and fashion design

Decorative Art
This classification refers to functional but ornamental art forms, such as jewelry, ceramics,
mosaic art and other items that are embellished by ornaments and other designs. It also
includes works in glass, clay, wood, metal, textile fabric, furniture, furnishings, stained glass and
tapestry art.

IV. Generalization
There are a lot of types or forms of arts buts still when we say ‘art’ it refers to different human
creations or activities intended to appreciate the beauty or emotional power of the creator. Art
does not mean only drawings but can be dance, songs, things we use, sculpture and etc.

V. Application
a. each group will create a slogan that shows the importance of arts in our
daily life and after 10 minutes they will present their work and explain it in front of

Creativity 5 points
Cooperation 5 points
Explanation 5 points
Total 15 points

VI. Evaluation
Answer the following questions:
_____________1. Developed primarily for aesthetics or beauty, distinguishing it from applied
art, which also has to serve some practical function.
_____________2. Includes art works that are molded and not necessarily plastic objects. This
category consists of three-dimensional works.
_____________3. Anything perceived by our eyes.
_____________4. This classification refers to functional but ornamental art forms, such as
jewelry, ceramics, mosaic art and other items that are embellished by
ornaments and other designs.
_____________5. This category encompasses the application of aesthetic designs to everyday
functional objects.

VII. Assignment
Create a poster about the ‘evolution of arts’.

Prepared by: Decalan, Jesica

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