Biomolecules (KH, Lemak, Protein) - Topik 3 FBS 1

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DR. Masfufatun, M.

Biochemistry Departement
 Entire organism

 System
 Tissue
 Cells
 Organelle
 Molecules
 Atoms

Molecular/atoms lowest
level of organization
 Bentuk ion
 CHNOPS  kalium (K+),
 natrium(Na+),

 kalsium(Ca2+),
 magnesium(Mg2+), dan
Organic Compounds  fosfor dan belerang

Biomolecules  Several Trace Minerals

 Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn,Co, I, Cr


 Consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen
◦ Carbon atoms bond covalently with up to four other
atoms, often in long chains or rings

 Functional groups attach to a carbon

◦ Influence organic compound’s properties
 Cells form complex organic molecules
◦ Simple sugars → carbohydrates (Polisaccaride)
◦ Fatty acids → lipids
◦ Amino acids → proteins

 Condensation: combines monomers to form

All are polymers
All are organic (C) compounds

 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Lipids
 Nucleic Acids

Differ in terms of composition and function

 Compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen arranged as monosaccharide or
multiple monosaccharide g (Ch2O)n.

 Main energy sources

 -OH Several OH (alcohol) groups
This group LOVES water
Makes sugars solids and water soluble

 C=O C with a double bond to an oxygen

Aldehyde or ketone

 Polihidroksi dari aldehyde dan ketone

Aldose Ketose
1,5 ether linkage

OH anomer


β-D-Galactopiranose α-D-Galactopiranose


D-Galactose D-Glucose
β-D-glucopiranose α-D-Glucopiranose

Open Chain (Fisher) Cyclic (Howarth)


Gabungan -D-glukosa dan -D-fruktosa melalui ik.
Glukosidik dan fruktosidik
Bukan gula pereduksi

Loss of H and -OH Loss of Water !!!!!

 Lactose = Milk Sugar
 Lactose = Glucose and
 Lactase = Enzyme that
digests lactose
 Most mammals express
lactase only as juveniles
 Adults are lactose
 Once weaned = NO MILK!!!!!
Gabungan 2 molekul  - D - glukosa
pada ikatan glikosida  (1,4)

-(1→4) –glycosidic bond

Starch...bonds between Cellulose…bonds
glucose can be digested between glucose cannot
Amylose=plant Glycogen =animal be digested by mammals
 Starch stores glucose  Cellulose is a rigid
molecules for energy molecule of support

 Amylose  Maltose  Cellulose  Cellobiose

Amylase  Cellulase

 Maltose  2 Glucose  Cellobiose  2Glucose

 Cellobiase

 Good for providing  Good for

energy making paper
Function of carbohydrates
• Glucose:
 Main energy source for brain, nerve, blood and adrenal gland.
 Protein sparring/ prevent protein utilization as an energy sources.
 Prevent lipid utilization as an energy source in large amount, thus
glucose could
 prevent ketosis

• glycogen: Energy reserve

• Glycolipid and glycoprotein: Cell structure.
• Dietary fibers:
 Add volume and meal portion and prolonging food in the stomach,
provides senses of fullness.
 Water holding, increase fecal bulk.
Source of carbohydrates
• Glucose/dextrose
Fruits, honey, sweet corn, carrot, hydrolized sucrose, maltose, lactose

• Sucrose (glucose + fructose):

Sugar (99,5%), red sugar (90-95%), candy, chocolate, soft drink, sweetened
tea, cake, biscuit, ice cream, cendol, kolak, rujak, etc.

• Lactose (glucose + galactose): Milk

• Maltose (glucose + glucose): Bean sprouts

• Starch, amylum (plant)

Rice: cooked rice, porridge, bihun, serabi, flour (noodle, bread, pizza, biscuit,
etc), potato, tapioca, bean soybean, peanut, corn (popcorn, corn flakes), fruits:
salak, sawo, banana, etc.

• Cellulose (fiber): Vegetables cell membrane, fruits, peanuts

Biomolecule Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing
•C=O, OH
Carbohydrate Energy/Support Monosaccharide •Substitute -OH
•The way they
are connected
• An organic compounds composed C, H and O,
that includes triglycerides (fats and oils),
phospholipids and sterols.

• Lipids are as molecules that are hydrophobic or

Hydrophobic..they don’t dissolve in water
Amphiphilic nature = some lipids form
structures such as vesicles, liposomes, or
membranes in a water environment
 Made of mostly C-H

 Some oxygen
 Some phosphorus
 Might see nitrogen

 Made of mostly C-H

 That’s why they are

They Don’t like water…They Don’t like water..They don’t like water
 Simple lipid (Based on chain length, Based on
degree of saturation)
 Triglycerides

 Compound lipid
 Phospholipids

 Derived lipid
 Sterol
 Animal fat and
plant oils

 Energy storage

 Composed of
glycerol and fatty
 Saturated fats..All  Unsaturated fats..A
C-C single bonds few to many C = C
double bonds

 Molecules pack together  Molecules don’t pack

well—a solid –or fat--at together—a liquid—or oil—
room temperature at room temperature
 Found primarily in cell

 Similar to triglycerides
except…these have a
phosphate group

 Makes the molecule

capable of interactions
with water

Phosphate = polar head

 Phosphate = A
negative charge

 Hydrophilic-phosphate
 Hydrophobic-fatty acid

 Make membrane
bilayer in water
environment (like the
 Overlapping rings
of C-H
 Complex molecules
with many
◦ Horomone
◦ Pigments
◦ Vitamins
◦ Cholesterol one of
most important
 energy source
 helps to hold the body organs and nerves in
 vital organ protection
 body temperature isolation
 cell wall structure
 skin and hair lubrication
 aids transport and absorption of the fat-
soluble vitamins
• SFA sources
meat and products, poultry, especially the skin par
• MUFA sources
Avocado, olive, peanut, almond.
• PUFA sources:
o Omega-6: leavy vegetable, seeds, nuts, grains,
vegetable oil, meat, etc.
o Omega-3: fats and oil (canola, soybean, walnut,
wheat germ, margarine and
shortening), nuts and seeds (butternuts, walnuts,
soybean kernels), vegetables
(soybeans), human milk, etc.
Bio Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Test
molecule Features

•C=O, OH Benedict’s
group Test
Carbo Energy/ Mono- •Substitute -OH
hydrate Support saccharide •The way they Lugol’s Test
are connected

Lipids Energy Glycerol and Mostly C-H

Support fatty acids? Grease spot
Signaling Cholesterol Insoluble in water test
 A compound of C,H,O and N molecules that
bind in a fashion way to form amino acids
Amino acids bind to each other to form
 Essential amino acid (EAA)
o Could not synthesized by the body
o Should get from outside the body (Exogen)
o Adults need 8 essential amino acids which
are : isoleusin, leusin, lysin, phenilalanin,
methionin, threonin, tryptophan, valin
o Children need histidin & arginin adjacent
to the 8 essential amino acids mentioned
 Non essential amino acids (Non EAA)
o Synthesized by the body from nitrogen
and amino acid carbon chain
 Polymer of many amino acids

Amino Acid

Central Carbon

R group
 Twenty different amino acid
are found in proteins
 Most microorganisms and
plants can biosynthesize all
 Animals (including humans)
must obtain some of the
amino acids from the diet.
 The amino acids that an
organism cannot synthesize
on its own are referred to as
essential amino acids.
 Humans require 8 essential amino acids
Also called a
An octapeptide
condensation reaction
 The order in which
amino acids are bonded
is called the sequence
 The sequence of amino
acids determines the
primary structure of a
 Determined by the
genetic code (sequence
of DNA)
 Some amino acid
groups are
attracted to each

 Some amino acid

groups are repelled
by each other
 Amino acid groups
determine the
overall shape of

 Proteins are not

long straight
molecules, but are
usually folded into
a 3-D shape
 Structural proteins confer
stiffness and rigidity to
otherwise-fluid biological

 Most structural proteins are

fibrous proteins.

 Polymerize to form long,

stiff fibers that comprise
the cytoskeleton, which
allows the cell to maintain
its shape and size
Provide amino acids for growth and development,
maintain the body tissues, produce energy, protein
 Structural…. Bones,skin, nails, hooves, hair

 Enzymatic… Digest sugar, makes DNA, makes fatty acids

 Transport… Carries oxygen and fats in blood, Ca2+/Cl-

 Contractile.. Muscles for movement, move chromosomes

 Hormone…. regulate blood sugar, increase heart rate

 Immunity... Antibodies fight foreign substance

 Pigment….. Pigment in skin, eyes

 Recognition. On cell surfaces—Other molecules (receptors)

 Toxins…… Stops nerve transmission, effects movement of

ions, enzymes that destroy red blood cells
 Animal protein food sources:
 Milk (contain 1-4% of protein)
 Egg (± 12%), Fish (10-20%)
 Meat (18-20%)
 Chicken, etc

 Plant protein food sources:

Grain products (rice, wheat (flour)), Nuts, etc.
Bio Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Test
molecule Features

•C=O, OH Benedict’s
group Test
Carbo Energy/ Mono- •Substitute -OH
hydrate Support saccharide •The way they Lugol’s Test
are connected

Lipids Energy Glycerol and Mostly C-H

Support fatty acids? Grease spot
Signaling Cholesterol Insoluble in water test

Protein Regulation/ Amino Acid Central C w/H

support -NH2 Biuret
-COOH Reagent
R groups

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