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Chương 17

Bán cá nhân và Quản lý bán hàng

True / False Câu hỏi

1. Trong bối cảnh thị quốc tế, bước đầu tiên trong việc quản lý lực lượng bán hàng được thực hiện một quyết
định liên quan đến thiết kế của nó.

Đúng sai

2. Đối với bán ở các nước mối quan hệ định hướng, một lực lượng bán hàng bao gồm kiều Mỹ đã chứng minh
là hiệu quả nhất.

Đúng sai

3. Chỉ có một số hạn chế về nhân viên bán hàng có năng lực cao của Mỹ sẵn sàng sống ở nước ngoài trong thời
gian dài của thời gian như người nước ngoài.

Đúng sai

4. Đối với công ty, lợi thế chính của một lực lượng bán hàng nước ngoài là chi phí thấp tham gia vào quá trình

Đúng sai

5. Kể từ khi người nước ngoài không phải là người dân địa phương, họ thường có một tác động tiêu cực đến uy
tín của công ty và dòng sản phẩm của mình trong con mắt của khách hàng nước ngoài.

Đúng sai

6. Virtual expatriates find it easy to maintain close contact with subordinates and customers due to advances in
communication technology.

True False

7. Local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar distribution systems and
referral networks of a foreign land.

True False

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
8. The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals for an international sales force is the tendency of
headquarters personnel to ignore their advice.

True False

9. In relationship-oriented cultures, sales representatives tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.

True False

10. For an American company, one of the disadvantages of recruiting a U.S. home-country national for a
foreign sales assignment is the cost of double taxation.

True False

11. Though maturity and emotional stability are essential, the transnational manager is rarely expected to have
considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job.

True False

12. An international salesperson must have a high level of flexibility when working in a foreign country or in
the home country.

True False

13. Generally, the traits that make for successful sales representatives in the United States are important in other
countries as well.

True False

14. In the context of international sales management, a manager’s culture affects personnel decisions.

True False

15. In the context of international marketing, training for expatriates focuses on the company, its products,
technical information, and selling methods.

True False

16. Marketing is a business function requiring high motivation regardless of the location of the practitioner.

True False

17. Social recognition is a more important motivating factor for an American sales representative as compared
to a Japanese salesperson.

True False

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
18. Japanese sales representatives are motivated more by the social pressure of their peers than by the prospect
of making more money based on individual effort.

True False

19. Compensation packages in eastern European countries typically involve a substantially greater emphasis on
performance-based incentives than in the United States.

True False

20. In the context of motivating sales personnel, differences in languages and culture can make mutual
understanding between foreign managers and sales representatives difficult.

True False

21. In the context of motivating sales personnel, expatriate managers fear that they will lose opportunities for
promotion because they will be forgotten by the home office.

True False

22. Expatriates working in high-tax countries prefer direct income instead of fringe benefits as part of their
compensation package.

True False

23. Separation allowances are benefits paid when an expatriate manager leaves a company.

True False

24. In Europe, work councils are involved in setting compensation rules for sales people.

True False

25. In the context of American sales representatives’ performance, poor performers typically stay with the
company and are seldom fired.

True False

26. In the context of evaluating and controlling sales representatives, the primary control tool used by American
sales managers is the incentive system.

True False

27. The inability of a manager’s spouse to adjust to a different cultural environment adversely affects the
expatriate’s effectiveness in a foreign assignment.

True False

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
28. Personal career planning for the expatriate is a significant strategy that helps companies prevent returnee

True False

29. An expatriate with excellent management and technical skills is sure to excel in any environment even if he
or she lacks an understanding of cultural differences.

True False

30. An expatriate with excellent cultural skills does not tolerate ambiguity and upholds the superiority of his or
her culture.

True False

31. Most companies today limit their search for senior-level executive talent to their home countries.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

32. Which of the following is the final link in the culmination of a company’s marketing and sales efforts?

A. Chairperson
B. Marketing manager
C. Sales representative
D. General manager
E. Accountant

33. In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of information-
oriented cultures?

A. They require the most complete local knowledge possessed only by natives.
B. Personal selling has to be localized for even the most global of corporations.
C. People belonging to such cultures are hostile toward third-country nationals.
D. Such cultures allow for greater use of expatriates in the sales force.
E. Virtual expatriates are more efficient in selling consulting services in these countries.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
34. Countries such as Germany allow for greater use of expatriates in international sales forces. Which of the
following is most likely to be the reason for this?

A. Germany is a member of the World Trade Organization.

B. Germany is a relationship-oriented culture.
C. The German language is easy to master.
D. Germany is an information-oriented culture.
E. Germany is a member of the European Union.

35. In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of Japan?

A. Japan has an information-oriented culture.

B. Japan allows for greater use of expatriates.
C. In Japan, personal selling need not be localized.
D. Japan is not a member of World Trade Organization.
E. In Japan, complete local knowledge is important for salespeople.

36. In countries like Japan, a sales force is likely to be most effective if it consists mostly of:

A. professional expatriates.
B. local nationals.
C. virtual expatriates.
D. third world nationals.
E. expatriates from Asian countries.

37. A multinational company, with its headquarters in the U.S., wants to sell a new high-technology product in
foreign markets. For effective selling, the sales force for this company should consist mostly of:

A. local nationals.
B. college recruits.
C. temporary personnel.
D. American expatriates.
E. veterans.

38. The largest personnel requirement for international marketing for most companies is in the:

A. management team.
B. finance department.
C. information technology team.
D. advertising department.
E. sales force.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
39. Which of the following is true of an expatriate sales force?

A. In relationship-based cultures, an expatriate sales force proves to be most efficient.

B. An expatriate sales force is unsuitable when a company wants to sell high-technology products.
C. An expatriate sales force is found to be lacking in knowledge regarding the product line of the company.
D. Information-oriented cultures do not respond favorably to an expatriate sales force.
E. When selling requires an extensive background of information, an expatriate sales force is the best

40. In which of the following situations is an expatriate sales force most likely to have an advantage over a
native sales force?

A. When selling consulting services.

B. When selling in relationship-oriented countries.
C. When the product caters to a niche market.
D. When the product is highly technical.
E. When the product is global in nature.

41. Which of the following is one of the advantages of a sales force consisting of expatriate sales

A. They possess greater technical training.

B. They transcend cultural and legal barriers.
C. They cost less to maintain in a foreign location.
D. The cultural gap can be easily narrowed.
E. They have a better understanding of distribution channels.

42. Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with a sales force comprising expatriate salespeople?

A. Adverse effect on the prestige of the product.

B. Deterioration of product quality.
C. Lack of technological expertise.
D. Inadequate knowledge of the company.
E. Large cultural barriers.

43. Why are third-country nationals sought by American companies for their international sales forces?

A. They transcend legal and cultural barriers.

B. They are knowledgeable about a country’s business structure.
C. They are able to speak several languages.
D. They cost less to maintain than a staff of expatriates.
E. They can lead a company better through unfamiliar referral networks.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
44. Which of the following is a strategy that international companies use to encourage sales personnel to accept
foreign assignments?

A. International experience is considered important to join top management.

B. It is made mandatory for all sales personnel to take up expatriate positions.
C. A part of the headquarters of the company is set up at the foreign location.
D. A support team along with the expatriate manager is shifted to the foreign location.
E. Legal obligations are imposed on the expatriate sales representatives.

45. Which of the following is a characteristic of a professional expatriate?

A. They work abroad for a period of one month and then return to the home office.
B. They work for a foreign company in a third country for a short period.
C. They work abroad in country after country for the greater part of their careers.
D. They work in their home branches for most of their careers.
E. They manage operations in other countries but do not move there.

46. Norman, a German national, works as a sales manager for Black Oil Corporation in the Middle-East. Given
the benefits associated with the job, he works on one foreign assignment after another and rarely returns to
the headquarters in Germany. In view of the given information we can say that Norman is a:

A. virtual manager.
B. virtual expatriate.
C. third-country national.
D. professional expatriate.
E. native salesperson.

47. Which of the following best defines a virtual expatriate?

A. They can easily transcend the legal and cultural barriers of the assignment country.
B. They lack an understanding of how home-office politics influences decision making.
C. They work abroad in one country after another for the greater part of their career.
D. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.
E. They manage operations in foreign countries but do not move there.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
48. George, an American citizen, works as the sales manager at Blue Inc. He is posted at the company
headquarters in the U.S. and manages operations in China. He makes long visits to conduct business
meetings with his colleagues working in China. George may be considered to be a:

A. repatriate.
B. virtual expatriate.
C. third-country national.
D. professional expatriate.
E. local sales manager.

49. Which of the following is true of virtual expatriates?

A. They stay in hotels, make long visits to the foreign country to which they have been assigned, and
maintain their families at home.
B. They are expatriates working in a foreign country for a short period of a year.
C. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.
D. They are essentially professional expatriates, working abroad in country after country.
E. They are usually more knowledgeable about the foreign country’s business structure and systems.

50. Which of the following is an advantage of virtual expatriates?

A. They can bond well and work better with their subordinates in the foreign country.
B. They can establish closer relationships with their customers in the foreign country.
C. Their families do not have to be uprooted from their home country.
D. They possess complete local knowledge about cultural practices in the foreign country.
E. They can avoid cross-cultural communications problems with their foreign colleagues.

51. From an international firm’s perspective, which of the following is an advantage associated with virtual

A. Sales personnel can avoid health risks involved in flying frequently to foreign countries.
B. Customer relationship structures may be improved due to direct customer interaction.
C. The extra expense involved in an actual executive move may be avoided.
D. Problems related to low morale of personnel due to living in hotels can be avoided.
E. Misunderstandings due to lack of cultural skills may be avoided.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
52. Which of the following is a disadvantage of teams managed by virtual expatriates?

A. It is difficult to build a close contact with subordinates and customers.

B. The cost involved in an actual executive move is excessive.
C. The risk of losing visibility at corporate headquarters is very high.
D. Virtual expatriates lack the understanding of how home-office politics influence decisions.
E. The personnel at the headquarters tend to ignore the advice of the virtual expatriates.

53. The difference between professional expatriates and virtual expatriates is that:

A. professional expatriates can avoid misunderstandings that arise from cross-cultural communications.
B. for virtual expatriates, building a close contact with customers is much easier.
C. professional expatriates do not incur any extra expense to the company.
D. for virtual expatriates, establishing a good working relationship with subordinates is much easier.
E. virtual expatriates work from their home branch and do not relocate to the assignment country.

54. In the context of recruiting sales and marketing personnel for an international sales force, there is a clear
biased in favor of the locals. The reason for this is most likely that:

A. they transcend both cultural and legal barriers.

B. they have greater technological expertise than expatriates.
C. they are more knowledgeable and experienced as compared to expatriates.
D. they have a better understanding of home-office politics.
E. they are less likely to accept bribes as compared to expatriates.

55. Which of the following is an advantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force?

A. They are more efficient in communicating with and influencing headquarters’ personnel.
B. They are more knowledgeable about a country’s business structure and systems.
C. They are more knowledgeable of the company and its product line.
D. They are likely to have superior technical expertise.
E. They are less likely to accept any form of bribe.

56. Which of the following is an advantage that a sales force consisting of local nationals is likely to have over a
sales force of expatriates?

A. They are more efficient in communicating with and influencing headquarters’ personnel.
B. They cost the firm less with respect to maintenance.
C. They are more knowledgeable about the company and its product line.
D. They have greater technical expertise.
E. They are less likely to accept any form of bribe.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
57. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force?

A. Headquarters personnel tend to ignore the advice of local nationals.

B. Most local nationals turn out to be costlier in the long run.
C. Poaching of experienced personnel by competitor companies increases.
D. Cultural differences lead to communication issues.
E. National interests conflict with the corporate strategy.

58. A disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their advice.
Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for this tendency?

A. Foreign nationals are not keen on keeping relationships at the home office cordial.
B. Foreign nationals lack the understanding of how home-office politics work.
C. Foreign nationals have a good grasp of the local culture and prevalent practices.
D. Foreign nationals cannot build a close contact with subordinates and customers.
E. Foreign nationals have superior technical expertise which makes people at the headquarters insecure.

59. In the context of recruiting marketing and sales personnel, which of the following is true of local nationals?

A. They are not keen on maintaining a cordial relationship at the home office.
B. They lack the knowledge of local culture and prevalent practices.
C. They are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar referral networks.
D. They do not communicate with subordinates and customers directly.
E. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.

60. In relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives:

A. are available only during the peak hiring season.

B. tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.
C. are better paid than their U.S. counterparts.
D. lack proper knowledge of their culture.
E. are respected and held in high esteem.

61. Which of the following is considered to be the most common job in the United States despite being viewed

A. Construction worker
B. Truck driver
C. Office manager
D. Personal selling
E. Teaching

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
62. _____ are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in another country.

A. Long-term virtual expatriates

B. Native salespeople
C. Third-country nationals
D. Short-term virtual expatriates
E. Local nationals

63. David is a Canadian national who works for a U.S. company in Japan. David may be considered to be a

A. long-term virtual expatriate

B. native salesperson
C. third-country national
D. short-term virtual expatriate
E. local national

64. Which of the following is true of third country-nationals?

A. U.S. firms have to pay double tax when hiring them.

B. They are local nationals who work for a foreign company.
C. They work at the company’s headquarters and are located in their home country.
D. They manage their foreign offices from their home country.
E. Their nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom.

65. Which of the following is the most important quality that a recruiter should consider while hiring marketing

A. They should have little cultural empathy as this might distract them from their main purpose.
B. When working in a foreign country, they must be capable of taking decisions that are not influenced by
the habits of the market.
C. They should be able to represent a culturally superior image of their country and its products.
D. They should be hypersensitive to the behavioral variations in different countries.
E. They should possess a considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job.

66. The marketer who expects to be effective in the international marketplace should:

A. be antagonistic toward other cultures.

B. not let the local culture influence their decisions.
C. practice cultural chauvinism.
D. not let market behavior influence their decisions.
E. have a positive outlook on an international assignment.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
67. Cultural empathy involves:

A. being subservient to a superior culture.

B. the ability to understand another culture and not be antagonistic.
C. the belief that the people of inferior cultures should be enlightened.
D. the attitude that one’s own culture is superior to others.
E. being hostile to one’s own culture and adopting a new culture.

68. When hiring new personnel for international marketing, which of the following is considered to be the best
way to assess the traits necessary for success?

A. Paper-and-pencil ability tests.

B. Interviews and role-playing exercises.
C. Biographical information.
D. Checking references.
E. Handwriting analysis.

69. Japanese sales representatives are most satisfied with their jobs when:

A. their values are consistent with those of their company.

B. they receive high salaries and many perks.
C. they are better educated than their colleagues.
D. their technological knowledge is superior to that of others.
E. they do not have to travel too much.

70. Which of the following is the reason for the fact that continual training is more important in foreign markets
than in domestic ones?

A. Slow adaptation of foreign markets to innovative products.

B. Technological inferiority of domestic cultures.
C. The need to establish the superiority of domestic cultures.
D. Lack of technical knowledge among foreign salespersons.
E. Lack of routine contact with the parent company.

71. The training of foreign employees is likely to be most effective when:

A. a standard method is used to ensure uniformity.

B. it is tailored to the recipients’ ways of learning.
C. national differences are ignored during motivational sessions.
D. the superiority of their culture is emphasized over others.
E. it is different from the familiar ways of communication.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
72. Which of the following is likely to be most effective in making home-office personnel aware of the
problems of foreign operations?

A. Cross-cultural training.
B. Global selling techniques.
C. Advanced technical skills.
D. Telecommuting and teleconferencing.
E. Email etiquettes.

73. In the context of the rewards from work, Japanese and American salespersons are similar barring one aspect
which the Japanese rate as more important than their American counterparts. Identify this aspect.

A. Job security
B. Promotion
C. Accomplishments
D. Social recognition
E. Personal growth and development

74. Xét tính chất đặc thù của nền văn hóa của Nhật Bản, mà trong những chiến lược sau đây sẽ là thành công
nhất trong việc thúc đẩy người lao động trong các tổ chức của Nhật Bản?

A. hệ thống hoa hồng cá nhân

B. đề án Nhóm thưởng
C. xe công ty
D. phiếu quà tặng sinh
E. giải thưởng nhân viên
xuất sắc nhất

75. Phát biểu nào sau đây là lý do chính cho sự thất bại của biện pháp khuyến khích cá nhân để khuyến khích
người lao động ở Nhật Bản?

A. Nhấn mạnh vào chế độ gia

B. mức độ tham nhũng
C. Thực hành chủ nghĩa Sô vanh văn
D. hình thức dân chủ của chính phủ.
E. chủ nghĩa cá nhân đáng
khích lệ.

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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
76. Perks không chịu thuế như một chiếc xe công ty trao cho một người nước ngoài là một ví dụ của một (n):

A. phí bảo hiểm nước

B. bồi thường gia đình.
C. trợ cấp di dời.
D. lợi ích rìa.
E. phụ cấp tách.

77. Overseas premiums that are paid to the family of expatriates during short-term assignments if they do not
relocate to the foreign country are called:

A. resettlement claims.
B. pension plans.
C. displacement reserves.
D. official benefits.
E. separation allowances.

78. Which of the following agencies or bodies is actively involved in setting rules about compensation
companywide in Europe?

A. Pension committees.
B. Work council.
C. The World Health Organization.
D. The European Union.
E. The World Trade Organization.

79. In the context of designing compensation systems, the program element most often determined at the global
level is:

A. Program Design Principles

B. Pay Mix
C. Job Grades
D. Formula Mechanics
E. Performance Measures

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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
80. Which of the following is true of sales compensation practices across the globe?

A. Most companies in Japan have adopted the U.S. system with its emphasis on commissions based on
individual performance.
B. Government intervention in pay determination aimed at leveling pay scales, is gaining popularity in
European countries.
C. Most multinational companies describe their sales compensation plans as global in nature.
D. The International Labor Organization plays a key role in determining compensation practices worldwide.
E. Most companies establish sales compensation practices locally either at the country or regional levels.

81. In the context of global compensation, which of the following strategies should be practiced?

A. A similar framework should be created for jobs with different responsibilities.

B. The support of senior sales executives need not be sought before taking action.
C. Local managers should not decide the mix between base and incentive pay.
D. Consistent communication and training themes should be used worldwide.
E. The incentive plan should be designed centrally and dictated to local offices.

82. Unlike the Japanese, the American sales managers do not have to worry about the problem of motivating
poor performers. Which of the following is the reason for this situation?

A. The group incentive system balances pay differences and thus is motivating enough.
B. Companies are more focused on long-term loyalty and are willing to compromise on performance
C. Sales personnel are shifted to areas where their performance levels can meet expectations.
D. The system of peer-mentoring takes care of the progress of low performers.
E. The team usually does not have any low performers as they either quit or are fired.

83. Which of the following practices, with respect to motivating sales personnel, is most common in
relationship-oriented countries like Japan?

A. Companies lay greater emphasis on incentives that are based on individual performance.
B. Companies do not allow local managers to decide the mix between base and incentive pay.
C. Commissions are measured by sales revenues generated by each employee.
D. Companies are not very tolerant of poor performers and fire them immediately.
E. Companies motivate sales representatives through frequent interaction with supervisors.

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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
84. In the context of evaluating and controlling sales representative, the primary control tool used by American
sales managers is the:

A. threat of termination.
B. quota system.
C. incentive system.
D. attraction of a foreign assignment.
E. threat of foreign postings.

85. Qualified and ambitious sales personnel refuse to take up foreign assignments for fear of hampering their
career development. This “out of sight, out of mind” fear is most closely linked to the problems of:

A. conflict of interests.
B. acculturation.
C. skill redundancy.
D. variable compensation.
E. repatriation.

86. Which of the following is the single most important reason for expatriate dissatisfaction?

A. Unsuccessful family adjustment.

B. Cultural conflict in the foreign country.
C. Non-cooperation of foreign colleagues.
D. Communication issues with home-country headquarters.
E. Redundant skills in a foreign country.

87. Which of the following is a reason for an expatriate’s failure to function effectively in a foreign assignment?

A. Differing customer expectations on product features.

B. Lack of personal career planning.
C. Reduced compensation and benefits.
D. Unsuccessful family adjustment.
E. Interference from work councils.

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
88. Which of the following factors differentiates companies with the least amount of returnee attrition from
those with the highest attrition?

A. Specialized expatriate department.

B. Personal career planning for expatriates.
C. Continued cultural training.
D. Increased compensation.
E. Family migration planning.

89. In the context of international marketing, most expatriate failures are caused by a lack of:

A. management skills.
B. technical skills.
C. an understanding of cultural differences.
D. knowledge of the product line.
E. knowledge of the company.

90. Which of the following is a trait of a person with good cultural skills?

A. They have a clear set of principles and do not tolerate ambiguity.

B. They are proud of their culture and practice cultural chauvinism.
C. They monitor the behavior of their employees and remain judgmental.
D. They convey a sincere interest in people and their culture.
E. They do not allow their culture and values to influence one’s judgment.

Essay Questions

91. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an expatriate sales force?

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
92. Write a short note on virtual expatriates. What are the disadvantages associated with virtual expatriates?

93. Why do American companies favor third-country nationals from other English-speaking countries for
overseas assignments?

94. What are the specific characteristics and skills that a company should look for when selecting sales and
marketing personnel for international marketing positions?

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
95. What should be the nature of a training program for international marketing personnel?

96. What is the reason for the failure of individual incentives to motivate employees in Japan?

97. Discuss how compensation plans of American companies vary substantially around the globe.

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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
98. What are the reasons for the low morale and growing amount of attrition among returning expatriates?

99. How important is the family in the success of an expatriate manager?

100. In the context of international marketing, how important is a second language for a manager?

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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
Chapter 17 Personal Selling and Sales Management Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. In the context of international marketing, the first step in managing a sales force is making a decision
regarding its design.


The first step in managing a sales force is its design. Based on analyses of current and potential
customers, the selling environment, competition, and the firm’s resources and capabilities, decisions
must be made regarding the numbers, characteristics, and assignments of sales personnel.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

2. For selling in relationship-oriented countries, a sales force consisting of American expatriates proves to
be most efficient.


Selling in information-oriented cultures such as Germany allows for greater use of expatriates. However,
relationship-oriented countries such as Japan will require the most complete local knowledge possessed
only by natives.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
3. Only a limited number of American high-caliber sales personnel are willing to live abroad for extended
periods of time as expatriates.


The chief disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the
limited number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

4. For a company, the chief advantage of an expatriate sales force is the low cost involved in the process.


The chief disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the
limited number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

5. Since expatriates are not locals, they often have a negative effect on the prestige of the company and its
product line in the eyes of foreign customers.


The expatriate salesperson may have the advantages of greater technical training, better knowledge of the
company and its product line, and proven dependability. Because they are not locals, expatriates
sometimes add to the prestige of the product line in the eyes of foreign customers.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
6. Virtual expatriates find it easy to maintain close contact with subordinates and customers due to
advances in communication technology.


Close contact with subordinates and customers is tougher for virtual expatriates.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

7. Local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar distribution systems
and referral networks of a foreign land.


Usually more knowledgeable about a country’s business structure and systems than an expatriate would
be, local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar distribution
systems and referral networks.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

8. The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals for an international sales force is the tendency of
headquarters personnel to ignore their advice.


The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their
advice. Even though most foreign nationals are careful to keep relationships at the home office warm,
their influence is often reduced by their limited English communication skills and lack of understanding
of how home-office politics influence decision making.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
9. In relationship-oriented cultures, sales representatives tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.


In the more relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives tend
to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

10. For an American company, one of the disadvantages of recruiting a U.S. home-country national for a
foreign sales assignment is the cost of double taxation.


American companies often seek third-country nationals (TCNs) from other English-speaking countries to
avoid the double taxation costs of their American managers.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

11. Though maturity and emotional stability are essential, the transnational manager is rarely expected to
have considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job.


Managers or salespeople operating in foreign countries need considerable breadth of knowledge of many
subjects both on and off the job. The ability to speak one or more other languages is always preferable.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
12. An international salesperson must have a high level of flexibility when working in a foreign country or in
the home country.


An international salesperson must have a high level of flexibility, whether working in a foreign country
or at home.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

13. Generally, the traits that make for successful sales representatives in the United States are important in
other countries as well.


There is evidence that some traits that make for successful sales representatives in the United States may
not be important in other countries.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

14. In the context of international sales management, a manager’s culture affects personnel decisions.


Evidence indicates that a manager’s culture affects personnel decisions. One study reports “that
managers given an identical [personnel selection] problem do not make the same decisions nor do they
value the criteria often used in recruitment and promotion decisions equally.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
15. In the context of international marketing, training for expatriates focuses on the company, its products,
technical information, and selling methods.


Training for expatriates focuses on the customs and the special foreign sales problems that will be
encountered, whereas local personnel require greater emphasis on the company, its products, technical
information, and selling methods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-05 The special training needs of international personnel
Topic: Training for International Marketing

16. Marketing is a business function requiring high motivation regardless of the location of the practitioner.


Marketing is a business function requiring high motivation regardless of the location of the practitioner.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

17. Social recognition is a more important motivating factor for an American sales representative as
compared to a Japanese salesperson.


In one study, sales representatives in comparable Japanese and American sales organizations were asked
to allocate 100 points across an array of potential rewards from work. The only real differences between
the two groups were in social recognition, which, predictably, the Japanese rated as more important.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
18. Japanese sales representatives are motivated more by the social pressure of their peers than by the
prospect of making more money based on individual effort.


Due to Japan’s emphasis on paternalism and collectivism and its system of lifetime employment and
seniority, motivation through individual incentives does not work well because Japanese employees
seem to derive the greatest satisfaction from being comfortable members of a group. Japanese sales
representatives are motivated more by the social pressure of their peers than by the prospect of making
more money based on individual effort.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

19. Compensation packages in eastern European countries typically involve a substantially greater emphasis
on performance-based incentives than in the United States.


Compensation packages in eastern European countries typically involve a substantially greater emphasis
on base pay than in the United States, and performance-based incentives have been found to be less

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

20. In the context of motivating sales personnel, differences in languages and culture can make mutual
understanding between foreign managers and sales representatives difficult.


Communications are important in maintaining high levels of motivation; foreign managers need to know
that the home office is interested in their operations, and in turn, they want to know what is happening in
the parent country. Differences in languages, culture, and communication styles can make mutual
understanding between managers and sales representatives more difficult.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
21. In the context of motivating sales personnel, expatriate managers fear that they will lose opportunities for
(p. 512) promotion because they will be forgotten by the home office.


Because promotion and the opportunity to improve status are important motivators, company needs to
make clear the opportunities for growth within the firm. One of the greatest fears of expatriate managers,
which can be easily allayed, is that they will be forgotten by the home office.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

22. Expatriates working in high-tax countries prefer direct income instead of fringe benefits as part of their
compensation package.


Fringe benefits play a major role in many countries. Those working in high-tax countries prefer liberal
expense accounts and fringe benefits that are nontaxable (such as company cars) instead of direct income
subject to high taxes. Fringe benefit costs are high in Europe, ranging from 35 to 60 percent of salary.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

23. Separation allowances are benefits paid when an expatriate manager leaves a company.


In general, short-term assignments involve payments of overseas premiums (sometimes called separation
allowances if the family does not go along), all excess expenses, and allowances for tax differentials.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
24. Tại châu Âu, Hội đồng làm việc là tham gia vào việc thiết quy tắc bồi thường thiệt hại cho người bán


Tại châu Âu, Hội đồng làm việc (có nghĩa là, các ủy ban đoàn lao động nội bộ) đều được tham gia rất
nhiều trong việc thiết quy định về bồi thường toàn công ty, ngay cả đối với những người bán hàng.

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Ghi
Độ khó: 2 Medium
Học Mục tiêu: 17-07 Làm thế nào để thiết kế hệ thống bồi thường cho một lực lượng bán hàng quốc tế
Chủ đề: Thiết kế hệ thống đền bù

25. Trong bối cảnh hoạt động đại diện bán hàng của Mỹ, người biểu diễn nghèo thường ở lại với công ty và
hiếm khi bị sa thải.


Tại Hoa Kỳ, người biểu diễn kém hoặc bỏ (vì họ không thực hiện bất kỳ tiền), hoặc họ bị sa thải. Tại
Nhật Bản biểu diễn nghèo ở lại với công ty và hiếm khi bị sa thải.

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Ghi
Độ khó: 2 Medium
Học Mục tiêu: 17-07 Làm thế nào để thiết kế hệ thống bồi thường cho một lực lượng bán hàng quốc tế
Chủ đề: Đánh giá và đại diện kiểm soát bán hàng

26. Trong bối cảnh của việc đánh giá và kiểm soát đại diện bán hàng, công cụ kiểm soát chính được sử dụng
bởi các nhà quản lý bán hàng của Mỹ là hệ thống khuyến khích.


Các công cụ kiểm soát chính được sử dụng bởi các nhà quản lý bán hàng của Mỹ là hệ thống khuyến

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Ghi
Độ khó: 2 Medium
Học Mục tiêu: 17-07 Làm thế nào để thiết kế hệ thống bồi thường cho một lực lượng bán hàng quốc tế
Chủ đề: Đánh giá và đại diện kiểm soát bán hàng

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
27. Sự bất lực của người bạn đời của một người quản lý để thích nghi với một môi trường văn hóa khác nhau
ảnh hưởng xấu đến hiệu quả của người nước ngoài trong một giao nước ngoài.


A study of personnel directors of over 300 international firms found that the inability of the manager’s
spouse to adjust to a different physical or cultural environment was the primary reason for an expatriate’s
failure to function effectively in a foreign assignment.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

28. Personal career planning for the expatriate is a significant strategy that helps companies prevent returnee


Companies with the least amount of returnee attrition differ from those with the highest attrition in one
significant way: personal career planning for the expatriate.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

29. An expatriate with excellent management and technical skills is sure to excel in any environment even if
he or she lacks an understanding of cultural differences.


Most expatriate failures are not caused by lack of management or technical skills but rather by lack of an
understanding of cultural differences and their effect on management skills.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Developing Cultural Awareness

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
30. An expatriate with excellent cultural skills does not tolerate ambiguity and upholds the superiority of his
or her culture.


Tolerating ambiguity and coping with cultural differences and the frustration that frequently develops
when things are different and circumstances change are qualities of an expatriate with good cultural

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Developing Cultural Awareness

31. Most companies today limit their search for senior-level executive talent to their home countries.


Fewer companies today limit their search for senior-level executive talent to their home countries.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-09 The changing profile of the global sales and marketing manager
Topic: The Changing Profile of the Global Manager

Multiple Choice Questions

32. Which of the following is the final link in the culmination of a company’s marketing and sales efforts?

A. Chairperson
B. Marketing manager
C. Sales representative
D. General manager
E. Accountant

As presenter of company offerings and gatherer of customer information, the sales representative is the
final link in the culmination of a company’s marketing and sales efforts.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
Learning Objective: 17-01 The role of interpersonal selling in international marketing
Topic: Global Perspective: International Assignments Are Glamorous, Right?

33. In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of information-
oriented cultures?

A. They require the most complete local knowledge possessed only by natives.
B. Personal selling has to be localized for even the most global of corporations.
C. People belonging to such cultures are hostile toward third-country nationals.
D. Such cultures allow for greater use of expatriates in the sales force.
E. Virtual expatriates are more efficient in selling consulting services in these countries.

Selling in information-oriented cultures such as Germany allow for greater use of expatriates.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

34. Countries such as Germany allow for greater use of expatriates in international sales forces. Which of the
following is most likely to be the reason for this?

A. Germany is a member of the World Trade Organization.

B. Germany is a relationship-oriented culture.
C. The German language is easy to master.
D. Germany is an information-oriented culture.
E. Germany is a member of the European Union.

Selling in information-oriented cultures such as Germany allows for greater use of expatriates.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
35. In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of Japan?

A. Japan has an information-oriented culture.

B. Japan allows for greater use of expatriates.
C. In Japan, personal selling need not be localized.
D. Japan is not a member of World Trade Organization.
E. In Japan, complete local knowledge is important for salespeople.

Relationship-oriented countries such as Japan will require the most complete local knowledge possessed
only by natives. Writing about Japan, two international marketing experts agree: “Personal selling as a
rule has to be localized for even the most global of corporations and industries.”

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

36. In countries like Japan, a sales force is likely to be most effective if it consists mostly of:

A. professional expatriates.
B. local nationals.
C. virtual expatriates.
D. third world nationals.
E. expatriates from Asian countries.

Relationship-oriented countries such as Japan will require the most complete local knowledge possessed
only by natives.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
37. A multinational company, with its headquarters in the U.S., wants to sell a new high-technology product
in foreign markets. For effective selling, the sales force for this company should consist mostly of:

A. local nationals.
B. college recruits.
C. temporary personnel.
D. American expatriates.
E. veterans.

Selling high-technology products may allow for the greater use of American expatriates, whereas selling
consulting services will tend to require more participation by native sales representatives.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-02 The considerations in designing an international sales force
Topic: Designing the Sales Force

38. The largest personnel requirement for international marketing for most companies is in the:

A. management team.
B. finance department.
C. information technology team.
D. advertising department.
E. sales force.

The largest personnel requirement abroad for most companies is the sales force, recruited from three
sources: expatriates, local nationals, and third-country nationals.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
39. Which of the following is true of an expatriate sales force?

A. In relationship-based cultures, an expatriate sales force proves to be most efficient.

B. An expatriate sales force is unsuitable when a company wants to sell high-technology products.
C. An expatriate sales force is found to be lacking in knowledge regarding the product line of the
D. Information-oriented cultures do not respond favorably to an expatriate sales force.
E. When selling requires an extensive background of information, an expatriate sales force is the best

When products are highly technical, or when selling requires an extensive background of information
and applications, an expatriate sales force remains the best choice.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

40. In which of the following situations is an expatriate sales force most likely to have an advantage over a
native sales force?

A. When selling consulting services.

B. When selling in relationship-oriented countries.
C. When the product caters to a niche market.
D. When the product is highly technical.
E. When the product is global in nature.

The number of companies relying on expatriate personnel is increasing as the volume of world trade
increases and as more companies use locals to fill marketing positions. However, when products are
highly technical, or when selling requires an extensive background of information and applications, an
expatriate sales force remains the best choice.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
41. Which of the following is one of the advantages of a sales force consisting of expatriate sales

A. They possess greater technical training.

B. They transcend cultural and legal barriers.
C. They cost less to maintain in a foreign location.
D. The cultural gap can be easily narrowed.
E. They have a better understanding of distribution channels.

The expatriate salesperson may have the advantages of greater technical training, better knowledge of the
company and its product line, and proven dependability.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

42. Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with a sales force comprising expatriate

A. Adverse effect on the prestige of the product.

B. Deterioration of product quality.
C. Lack of technological expertise.
D. Inadequate knowledge of the company.
E. Large cultural barriers.

The chief disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the
limited number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
43. Why are third-country nationals sought by American companies for their international sales forces?

A. They transcend legal and cultural barriers.

B. They are knowledgeable about a country’s business structure.
C. They are able to speak several languages.
D. They cost less to maintain than a staff of expatriates.
E. They can lead a company better through unfamiliar referral networks.

Third country nationals often are sought because they speak several languages and know an industry or
foreign country well.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

44. Which of the following is a strategy that international companies use to encourage sales personnel to
accept foreign assignments?

A. International experience is considered important to join top management.

B. It is made mandatory for all sales personnel to take up expatriate positions.
C. A part of the headquarters of the company is set up at the foreign location.
D. A support team along with the expatriate manager is shifted to the foreign location.
E. Legal obligations are imposed on the expatriate sales representatives.

Companies with well-planned career development programs have the least difficulty. Indeed, the best
international companies make it crystal clear that a ticket to top management is an overseas stint.
Korn/Ferry International reports in a survey of 75 senior executives from around the world that
“international experience” is the attribute identified as second most important for CEOs—experience in
marketing and finance positions were first and third, respectively.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
45. Which of the following is a characteristic of a professional expatriate?

A. They work abroad for a period of one month and then return to the home office.
B. They work for a foreign company in a third country for a short period.
C. They work abroad in country after country for the greater part of their careers.
D. They work in their home branches for most of their careers.
E. They manage operations in other countries but do not move there.

Some expatriates have one-time assignments (which may last for years), after which they return to the
parent company; others are essentially professional expatriates, working abroad in country after country.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

46. Norman, a German national, works as a sales manager for Black Oil Corporation in the Middle-East.
Given the benefits associated with the job, he works on one foreign assignment after another and rarely
returns to the headquarters in Germany. In view of the given information we can say that Norman is a:

A. virtual manager.
B. virtual expatriate.
C. third-country national.
D. professional expatriate.
E. native salesperson.

Some expatriates have one-time assignment, after which they return to the parent company; others are
essentially professional expatriates, working abroad in country after country.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty Level: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
47. Which of the following best defines a virtual expatriate?

A. They can easily transcend the legal and cultural barriers of the assignment country.
B. They lack an understanding of how home-office politics influences decision making.
C. They work abroad in one country after another for the greater part of their career.
D. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.
E. They manage operations in foreign countries but do not move there.

The Internet and other advances in communications technologies, along with the growing reluctance of
executives to move abroad, are creating a new breed of expatriate, the virtual one. Virtual expatriates
manage operations in other countries but do not move there.They stay in hotels, make long visits, and
maintain their families at home.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

48. George, an American citizen, works as the sales manager at Blue Inc. He is posted at the company
headquarters in the U.S. and manages operations in China. He makes long visits to conduct business
meetings with his colleagues working in China. George may be considered to be a:

A. repatriate.
B. virtual expatriate.
C. third-country national.
D. professional expatriate.
E. local sales manager.

The Internet and other advances in communications technologies, along with the growing reluctance of
executives to move abroad, are creating a new breed of expatriate, the virtual one. Virtual expatriates
manage operations in other countries but do not move there.They stay in hotels, make long visits, and
maintain their families at home.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
49. Which of the following is true of virtual expatriates?

A. They stay in hotels, make long visits to the foreign country to which they have been assigned, and
maintain their families at home.
B. They are expatriates working in a foreign country for a short period of a year.
C. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.
D. They are essentially professional expatriates, working abroad in country after country.
E. They are usually more knowledgeable about the foreign country’s business structure and systems.

Virtual expatriates manage operations in other countries but do not move there. They stay in hotels,
make long visits, and maintain their families at home. Some spend up to 75 percent of their working time

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

50. Which of the following is an advantage of virtual expatriates?

A. They can bond well and work better with their subordinates in the foreign country.
B. They can establish closer relationships with their customers in the foreign country.
C. Their families do not have to be uprooted from their home country.
D. They possess complete local knowledge about cultural practices in the foreign country.
E. They can avoid cross-cultural communications problems with their foreign colleagues.

Virtual expatriates’ families do not have to be uprooted, and executives can stay in closer touch with the
home office.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
51. From an international firm’s perspective, which of the following is an advantage associated with virtual

A. Sales personnel can avoid health risks involved in flying frequently to foreign countries.
B. Customer relationship structures may be improved due to direct customer interaction.
C. The extra expense involved in an actual executive move may be avoided.
D. Problems related to low morale of personnel due to living in hotels can be avoided.
E. Misunderstandings due to lack of cultural skills may be avoided.

From a firm’s perspective, a virtual assignment is often the only option and often a good way to avoid
the extra expenses of an actual executive move.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

52. Which of the following is a disadvantage of teams managed by virtual expatriates?

A. It is difficult to build a close contact with subordinates and customers.

B. The cost involved in an actual executive move is excessive.
C. The risk of losing visibility at corporate headquarters is very high.
D. Virtual expatriates lack the understanding of how home-office politics influence decisions.
E. The personnel at the headquarters tend to ignore the advice of the virtual expatriates.

Close contact with subordinates and customers is tougher for virtual expatriates.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
53. The difference between professional expatriates and virtual expatriates is that:

A. professional expatriates can avoid misunderstandings that arise from cross-cultural communications.
B. for virtual expatriates, building a close contact with customers is much easier.
C. professional expatriates do not incur any extra expense to the company.
D. for virtual expatriates, establishing a good working relationship with subordinates is much easier.
E. virtual expatriates work from their home branch and do not relocate to the assignment country.

Virtual expatriates manage operations in other countries but do not move there. On the other hand,
professional expatriates work abroad in country after country.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

54. Trong bối cảnh kinh doanh tuyển dụng và nhân viên tiếp thị cho một lực lượng bán hàng quốc tế, có một
thiên vị rõ ràng ủng hộ của người dân địa phương. Lý do cho điều này là có khả năng nhất:

A. họ vượt qua cả rào cản văn hóa và pháp lý.

B. họ có chuyên môn kỹ thuật cao hơn người nước ngoài.
C. họ có kiến thức hơn và kinh nghiệm so với người nước ngoài.
D. họ có một sự hiểu biết tốt hơn về chính trị tại nhà văn phòng.
E. họ ít có khả năng chấp nhận hối lộ so với người nước ngoài.

Các sở thích lịch sử cho các nhà quản lý người nước ngoài và nhân viên bán hàng từ quê hương được
nhường chỗ cho một sở thích cho dân địa phương. Ở cấp độ bán hàng, các hình ảnh được thiên vị rõ ràng
ủng hộ của người dân địa phương vì họ vượt qua cả rào cản văn hóa và pháp lý.

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Hiểu
Độ khó: 2 Medium
Học Mục tiêu: 17-03 Các bước để tuyển dụng ba loại nhân viên bán hàng quốc tế
Chủ đề: Tuyển dụng Marketing và nhân viên bán hàng

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
55. Phát biểu nào sau đây là một lợi thế của việc thuê công dân địa phương trong lực lượng bán hàng?

A. Họ là hiệu quả hơn trong giao tiếp với và ảnh hưởng đến nhân viên trụ sở.
B. Họ có kiến thức thêm về cấu trúc doanh nghiệp và hệ thống của một quốc gia.
C. Họ có kiến thức nhiều hơn nữa của công ty và dòng sản phẩm của mình.
D. Họ có thể có chuyên môn kỹ thuật cao.
E. Họ ít có khả năng chấp nhận bất kỳ hình thức hối

Thường am hiểu thêm về cấu trúc kinh doanh của một quốc gia và hệ thống hơn so với một người nước
ngoài sẽ, nhân viên bán hàng địa phương có khả năng để lãnh đạo một công ty thông qua các mê cung
của các hệ thống phân phối quen thuộc và mạng lưới giới thiệu tốt hơn.

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Hiểu
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

56. Which of the following is an advantage that a sales force consisting of local nationals is likely to have
over a sales force of expatriates?

A. They are more efficient in communicating with and influencing headquarters’ personnel.
B. They cost the firm less with respect to maintenance.
C. They are more knowledgeable about the company and its product line.
D. They have greater technical expertise.
E. They are less likely to accept any form of bribe.

At the sales level, the picture is clearly biased in favor of the locals because they transcend both cultural
and legal barriers. More knowledgeable about a country’s business structure and systems than an
expatriate would be, local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar
distribution systems and referral networks. Furthermore, pools of qualified foreign personnel available in
some places cost less to maintain than a staff of expatriates.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
57. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force?

A. Headquarters personnel tend to ignore the advice of local nationals.

B. Most local nationals turn out to be costlier in the long run.
C. Poaching of experienced personnel by competitor companies increases.
D. Cultural differences lead to communication issues.
E. National interests conflict with the corporate strategy.

The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

58. A disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their advice.
Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for this tendency?

A. Foreign nationals are not keen on keeping relationships at the home office cordial.
B. Foreign nationals lack the understanding of how home-office politics work.
C. Foreign nationals have a good grasp of the local culture and prevalent practices.
D. Foreign nationals cannot build a close contact with subordinates and customers.
E. Foreign nationals have superior technical expertise which makes people at the headquarters insecure.

The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their
advice. Even though most foreign nationals are careful to keep relationships at the home office warm,
their influence is often reduced by their limited English communication skills and lack of understanding
of how home-office politics influence decision making.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
59. In the context of recruiting marketing and sales personnel, which of the following is true of local

A. They are not keen on maintaining a cordial relationship at the home office.
B. They lack the knowledge of local culture and prevalent practices.
C. They are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar referral networks.
D. They do not communicate with subordinates and customers directly.
E. They are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country.

Usually more knowledgeable about a country’s business structure and systems than an expatriate would
be, local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar distribution
systems and referral networks.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

60. In relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives:

A. are available only during the peak hiring season.

B. tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.
C. are better paid than their U.S. counterparts.
D. lack proper knowledge of their culture.
E. are respected and held in high esteem.

In the relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives tend to be
on the bottom rung of the social ladder. Thus, recruiting the brightest people to fill sales positions in
foreign operations can be very difficult indeed.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
61. Which of the following is considered to be the most common job in the United States despite being
viewed negatively?

A. Construction worker
B. Truck driver
C. Office manager
D. Personal selling
E. Teaching

Personal selling is the most common job in the United States. Indeed, the United States has been
described as “a nation of salesmen".

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

62. _____ are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in another country.

A. Long-term virtual expatriates

B. Native salespeople
C. Third-country nationals
D. Short-term virtual expatriates
E. Local nationals

The internationalization of business has created a pool of third-country nationals (TCNs), expatriates
from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country. The TCNs are a group whose
nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
63. David is a Canadian national who works for a U.S. company in Japan. David may be considered to be a

A. long-term virtual expatriate

B. native salesperson
C. third-country national
D. short-term virtual expatriate
E. local national

The internationalization of business has created a pool of third-country nationals (TCNs), expatriates
from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country. The TCNs are a group whose
nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

64. Which of the following is true of third country-nationals?

A. U.S. firms have to pay double tax when hiring them.

B. They are local nationals who work for a foreign company.
C. They work at the company’s headquarters and are located in their home country.
D. They manage their foreign offices from their home country.
E. Their nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom.

The internationalization of business has created a pool of third-country nationals (TCNs), expatriates
from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country. Their nationality has little to
do with where they work or for whom.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
65. Which of the following is the most important quality that a recruiter should consider while hiring
marketing personnel?

A. They should have little cultural empathy as this might distract them from their main purpose.
B. When working in a foreign country, they must be capable of taking decisions that are not influenced
by the habits of the market.
C. They should be able to represent a culturally superior image of their country and its products.
D. They should be hypersensitive to the behavioral variations in different countries.
E. They should possess a considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job.

Managers or salespeople operating in foreign countries need considerable breadth of knowledge of many
subjects both on and off the job. The ability to speak one or more other languages is always preferable.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

66. The marketer who expects to be effective in the international marketplace should:

A. be antagonistic toward other cultures.

B. not let the local culture influence their decisions.
C. practice cultural chauvinism.
D. not let market behavior influence their decisions.
E. have a positive outlook on an international assignment.

The marketer who expects to be effective in the international marketplace needs to have a positive
outlook on an international assignment.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
67. Cultural empathy involves:

A. being subservient to a superior culture.

B. the ability to understand another culture and not be antagonistic.
C. the belief that the people of inferior cultures should be enlightened.
D. the attitude that one’s own culture is superior to others.
E. being hostile to one’s own culture and adopting a new culture.

Successful adaptation in international affairs is based on a combination of attitude and effort. Cultural
empathy is clearly a part of the basic orientation, because anyone who is antagonistic or confused about
the environment is unlikely to be effective.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

68. When hiring new personnel for international marketing, which of the following is considered to be the
best way to assess the traits necessary for success?

A. Paper-and-pencil ability tests.

B. Interviews and role-playing exercises.
C. Biographical information.
D. Checking references.
E. Handwriting analysis.

Most of the necessary traits for international marketing can be assessed during interviews and perhaps
during role-playing exercises. Paper-and-pencil ability tests, biographical information, and reference
checks are of secondary importance.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
69. Japanese sales representatives are most satisfied with their jobs when:

A. their values are consistent with those of their company.

B. they receive high salaries and many perks.
C. they are better educated than their colleagues.
D. their technological knowledge is superior to that of others.
E. they do not have to travel too much.

One study compared sales representatives in the electronics industries in Japan and the United States.
Americans who cared more about money and were more educated tended to perform better and be more
satisfied with their sales jobs. Conversely, the Japanese sales representatives tended to be more satisfied
with their jobs when their values were consistent with those of their company.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel

70. Which of the following is the reason for the fact that continual training is more important in foreign
markets than in domestic ones?

A. Slow adaptation of foreign markets to innovative products.

B. Technological inferiority of domestic cultures.
C. The need to establish the superiority of domestic cultures.
D. Lack of technical knowledge among foreign salespersons.
E. Lack of routine contact with the parent company.

Continual training may be more important in foreign markets than in domestic ones because of the lack
of routine contact with the parent company and its marketing personnel.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-05 The special training needs of international personnel
Topic: Training for International Marketing

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
71. The training of foreign employees is likely to be most effective when:

A. a standard method is used to ensure uniformity.

B. it is tailored to the recipients’ ways of learning.
C. national differences are ignored during motivational sessions.
D. the superiority of their culture is emphasized over others.
E. it is different from the familiar ways of communication.

Continual training may be more important in foreign markets than in domestic ones because of the lack
of routine contact with the parent company and its marketing personnel. In addition, training of foreign
employees must be tailored to the recipients’ ways of learning and communicating.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-05 The special training needs of international personnel
Topic: Training for International Marketing

72. Which of the following is likely to be most effective in making home-office personnel aware of the
problems of foreign operations?

A. Cross-cultural training.
B. Global selling techniques.
C. Advanced technical skills.
D. Telecommuting and teleconferencing.
E. Email etiquettes.

The best companies provide home-office personnel with cross-cultural training and send them abroad
periodically to increase their awareness of the problems of the foreign operations.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-05 The special training needs of international personnel
Topic: Training for International Marketing

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
73. In the context of the rewards from work, Japanese and American salespersons are similar barring one
aspect which the Japanese rate as more important than their American counterparts. Identify this aspect.

A. Job security
B. Promotion
C. Accomplishments
D. Social recognition
E. Personal growth and development

In one study, sales representatives in comparable Japanese and American sales organizations were asked
to allocate 100 points across an array of potential rewards from work. The only real differences between
the two groups were in social recognition, which, predictably, the Japanese rated as more important.
However, the authors of the study concluded that though individual values for rewards may be similar,
the social and competitive contexts still require different motivational systems.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

74. Considering the specific characteristics of Japan’s culture, which of the following strategies would be
most successful in motivating employees in Japanese organizations?

A. Individual commission systems

B. Group bonus schemes
C. Company cars
D. Birthday gift vouchers
E. Best employee awards

With Japan’s emphasis on paternalism and collectivism and its system of lifetime employment and
seniority, motivation through individual incentives does not work well because Japanese employees
seem to derive the greatest satisfaction from being comfortable members of a group. Japanese bonus
systems are therefore based on group effort, and individual commission systems are rare.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
75. Which of the following is the main reason for the failure of individual incentives to motivate employees
in Japan?

A. Emphasis on paternalism.
B. High corruption levels.
C. Practice of cultural chauvinism.
D. Democratic form of government.
E. Encouraging individualism.

With Japan’s emphasis on paternalism and collectivism and its system of lifetime employment and
seniority, motivation through individual incentives does not work well because Japanese employees
seem to derive the greatest satisfaction from being comfortable members of a group. Japanese bonus
systems are therefore based on group effort, and individual commission systems are rare.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

76. Nontaxable perks such as a company vehicle given to an expatriate is an example of a(n):

A. overseas premium.
B. family compensation.
C. displacement allowance.
D. fringe benefit.
E. separation allowance.

Expatriates working in high-tax countries prefer liberal expense accounts and fringe benefits that are
nontaxable (such as company cars).

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
77. Overseas premiums that are paid to the family of expatriates during short-term assignments if they do not
relocate to the foreign country are called:

A. resettlement claims.
B. pension plans.
C. displacement reserves.
D. official benefits.
E. separation allowances.

Short-term assignments involve payments of overseas premiums (sometimes called separation

allowances if the family does not go along), all excess expenses, and allowances for tax differentials.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

78. Which of the following agencies or bodies is actively involved in setting rules about compensation
companywide in Europe?

A. Pension committees.
B. Work council.
C. The World Health Organization.
D. The European Union.
E. The World Trade Organization.

In Europe, work councils (that is, internal labor union committees) are very much involved in setting
rules about compensation companywide, even for salespeople.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
79. In the context of designing compensation systems, the program element most often determined at the
global level is:

A. Program Design Principles

B. Pay Mix
C. Job Grades
D. Formula Mechanics
E. Performance Measures

The only program elements more often determined at the global level are Program Design Principles
(53.9 percent) and Program Approval (52.3 percent).

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

80. Which of the following is true of sales compensation practices across the globe?

A. Most companies in Japan have adopted the U.S. system with its emphasis on commissions based on
individual performance.
B. Government intervention in pay determination aimed at leveling pay scales, is gaining popularity in
European countries.
C. Most multinational companies describe their sales compensation plans as global in nature.
D. The International Labor Organization plays a key role in determining compensation practices
E. Hầu hết các công ty thiết lập thông lệ bồi thường bán hàng trong nước hoặc ở các quốc gia hoặc cấp

Hầu hết các công ty thiết lập thông lệ bồi thường bán hàng trong nước hoặc ở các quốc gia hoặc cấp

AACSB: phân tích

Blooms: Hiểu
Độ khó: 2 Medium
Học Mục tiêu: 17-07 Làm thế nào để thiết kế hệ thống bồi thường cho một lực lượng bán hàng quốc tế
Chủ đề: Thiết kế hệ thống đền bù

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
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trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
81. Trong bối cảnh toàn cầu bồi thường, mà trong những chiến lược sau đây cần được thực hiện?

A. Một khung tương tự nên được tạo ra cho công việc với trách nhiệm khác nhau.
B. Sự hỗ trợ của nhân viên kinh doanh cấp cao cần phải được tìm kiếm trước khi hành
C. các nhà quản lý địa phương không nên quyết định sự pha trộn giữa các cơ sở và
động lực lương.
D. Phù hợp truyền thông và đào tạo chủ đề nên được sử dụng trên toàn thế giới.
E. Kế hoạch khuyến khích nên được thiết kế trực thuộc Trung ương và đọc cho các
văn phòng địa phương.

In the context of global compensation, the use of consistent communication and training themes is a
favorable practice.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

82. Unlike the Japanese, the American sales managers do not have to worry about the problem of motivating
poor performers. Which of the following is the reason for this situation?

A. The group incentive system balances pay differences and thus is motivating enough.
B. Companies are more focused on long-term loyalty and are willing to compromise on performance
C. Sales personnel are shifted to areas where their performance levels can meet expectations.
D. The system of peer-mentoring takes care of the progress of low performers.
E. The team usually does not have any low performers as they either quit or are fired.

According to a study, the distribution of performance of American salespersons was as follows—a few
high, most in the middle, but almost no low performers. In the United States, poor performers either quit
(because they are not making any money), or they are fired. Thus sales managers in Japan have a
problem their American counterparts do not: how to motivate poor performers.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Evaluating and Controlling Sales Representatives

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
83. Which of the following practices, with respect to motivating sales personnel, is most common in
relationship-oriented countries like Japan?

A. Companies lay greater emphasis on incentives that are based on individual performance.
B. Companies do not allow local managers to decide the mix between base and incentive pay.
C. Commissions are measured by sales revenues generated by each employee.
D. Companies are not very tolerant of poor performers and fire them immediately.
E. Companies motivate sales representatives through frequent interaction with supervisors.

Corporate culture and frequent interactions with peers and supervisors are the means of motivation and
control of sales representatives in relationship-oriented cultures like Japan.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Evaluating and Controlling Sales Representatives

84. In the context of evaluating and controlling sales representative, the primary control tool used by
American sales managers is the:

A. threat of termination.
B. quota system.
C. incentive system.
D. attraction of a foreign assignment.
E. threat of foreign postings.

The primary control tool used by American sales managers is the incentive system.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Evaluating and Controlling Sales Representatives

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
85. Qualified and ambitious sales personnel refuse to take up foreign assignments for fear of hampering their
career development. This “out of sight, out of mind” fear is most closely linked to the problems of:

A. conflict of interests.
B. acculturation.
C. skill redundancy.
D. variable compensation.
E. repatriation.

This “out of sight, out of mind” fear is closely linked to the problems of repatriation. Without evidence
of advance planning to protect career development, better qualified and ambitious personnel may decline
offers to go abroad.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

86. Which of the following is the single most important reason for expatriate dissatisfaction?

A. Unsuccessful family adjustment.

B. Cultural conflict in the foreign country.
C. Non-cooperation of foreign colleagues.
D. Communication issues with home-country headquarters.
E. Redundant skills in a foreign country.

The most important reasons a growing number of companies are including an evaluation of an
employee’s family among selection criteria are the high cost of sending an expatriate abroad and
increasing evidence that unsuccessful family adjustment is the single most important reason for
expatriate dissatisfaction and the resultant request for return home.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
87. Which of the following is a reason for an expatriate’s failure to function effectively in a foreign

A. Differing customer expectations on product features.

B. Lack of personal career planning.
C. Reduced compensation and benefits.
D. Unsuccessful family adjustment.
E. Interference from work councils.

A study of personnel directors of over 300 international firms found that the inability of the manager’s
spouse to adjust to a different physical or cultural environment was the primary reason for an expatriate’s
failure to function effectively in a foreign assignment.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

88. Which of the following factors differentiates companies with the least amount of returnee attrition from
those with the highest attrition?

A. Specialized expatriate department.

B. Personal career planning for expatriates.
C. Continued cultural training.
D. Increased compensation.
E. Family migration planning.

Companies with the least amount of returnee attrition differ from those with the highest attrition in one
significant way: personal career planning for the expatriate.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
89. In the context of international marketing, most expatriate failures are caused by a lack of:

A. management skills.
B. technical skills.
C. an understanding of cultural differences.
D. knowledge of the product line.
E. knowledge of the company.

Most expatriate failures are not caused by lack of management or technical skills but rather by lack of an
understanding of cultural differences and their effect on management skills.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Developing Cultural Awareness

90. Which of the following is a trait of a person with good cultural skills?

A. They have a clear set of principles and do not tolerate ambiguity.

B. They are proud of their culture and practice cultural chauvinism.
C. They monitor the behavior of their employees and remain judgmental.
D. They convey a sincere interest in people and their culture.
E. They do not allow their culture and values to influence one’s judgment.

People with cultural skills can communicate respect and convey verbally and nonverbally a positive
regard and sincere interest in people and their culture.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Developing Cultural Awareness

Essay Questions

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
91. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an expatriate sales force?

Among the advantages of hiring an expatriate are greater technical training, better knowledge of the
company and its product line, and proven dependability of an expatriate salesperson. An expatriate sales
force adds to the prestige of the product line in the eyes of foreign customers. Moreover expatriates
usually are able to effectively communicate with and influence headquarters’ personnel. The chief
disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the limited
number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

92. Write a short note on virtual expatriates. What are the disadvantages associated with virtual expatriates?

Virtual expatriates manage operations in other countries but do not move there. They stay in hotels,
make long visits, and maintain their families at home. Some spend up to 75 percent of their working time
traveling. Close contact with subordinates and customers is tougher for virtual expatriates. Moreover,
they are vulnerable to foreign bugs that are often more virulent and easier to catch on long international
flights. Crime and violence against expatriates and travelers in foreign cities is a real hazard, traffic and
short-hop flights in less developed countries are dangerous, and living in hotels is lonely.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
93. Why do American companies favor third-country nationals from other English-speaking countries for
overseas assignments?

The internationalization of business has created a pool of third-country nationals (TCNs), expatriates
from their own countries working for a foreign company in a third country. The TCNs are a group whose
nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom. Overall, the development of TCN
executives reflects not only a growing internationalization of business but also an acknowledgment that
personal skills and motivations are not the exclusive property of one nation. These TCNs often are
sought because they speak several languages and know an industry or foreign country well. American
companies often seek TCNs from other English-speaking countries to avoid the double taxation costs of
their American managers.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-03 The steps to recruiting three types of international salespeople
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

94. What are the specific characteristics and skills that a company should look for when selecting sales and
marketing personnel for international marketing positions?

To select personnel for international marketing positions effectively, management must define precisely
what is expected of its people. International personnel requirements and preferences vary considerably.
However, some basic requisites leading to effective performance should be considered. These
characteristics or skills are (a) maturity, (b) emotional stability, (c) breadth of knowledge, (d) a positive
outlook, (e) flexibility, (f) cultural empathy, and (g) energetic and love for travelling.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-04 Selection criteria for international sales and marketing positions
Topic: Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
95. What should be the nature of a training program for international marketing personnel?

The nature of a training program depends largely on both the home culture of the salesperson and the
culture of the business system in the foreign market. Also important is whether expatriate or local
personnel will be representing the firm. Training for expatriates focuses on the customs and the special
foreign sales problems that will be encountered, whereas local personnel require greater emphasis on the
company, its products, technical information, and selling methods.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-05 The special training needs of international personnel
Topic: Training for International Marketing

96. What is the reason for the failure of individual incentives to motivate employees in Japan?

Japan’s emphasis on paternalism and collectivism and its system of lifetime employment and seniority
are the main reasons why motivation through individual incentives does not work well. Japanese
employees seem to derive the greatest satisfaction from being comfortable members of a group. Thus, an
offer of an individual financial reward for outstanding individual effort could be turned down because an
employee would prefer not to appear different from peers and possibly attract their resentment. Japanese
bonus systems are therefore based on group effort, and individual commission systems are rare. Japanese
sales representatives are motivated more by the social pressure of their peers than by the prospect of
making more money based on individual effort.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-06 Motivation techniques for international sales representatives
Topic: Motivating Sales Personnel

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
97. Discuss how compensation plans of American companies vary substantially around the globe.

Compensation plans of American companies vary substantially around the globe, reflecting the
economic, legal, and cultural differences in the diverse markets served. Asia and Western Europe require
the most localization, while practices in the emerging markets are more pliable. European managers tend
to use larger incentive components in countries with high personal income taxes, as the higher taxes
negate the incentive to perform. In Europe, work councils are very much involved in setting rules about
compensation companywide, even for salespeople. In Austria and Germany, for example, work councils
not only codetermine compensation plans but also must approve them before implementation.
Meanwhile, in Japan, cultural differences play a key role.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-07 How to design compensation systems for an international sales force
Topic: Designing Compensation Systems

98. What are the reasons for the low morale and growing amount of attrition among returning expatriates?

Low morale and a growing amount of attrition among returning expatriates have many causes. Some
complaints and problems are family related, whereas others are career related. The family-related
problems generally pertain to financial and lifestyle readjustments. Family dissatisfaction, which causes
stress within the family on returning home, is not as severe a problem as career-related complaints. A
returning expatriate’s dissatisfaction with the perceived future is usually the reason many resign their
positions after returning to the United States. The problem is not unique to U.S. citizens; Japanese
companies have similar difficulties with their personnel. The most frequently heard complaint involves
the lack of a detailed plan for the expatriate’s career when returning home. New home-country
assignments are frequently mundane and do not reflect the experience gained or the challenges met
during foreign assignment. Some feel their time out of the mainstream of corporate affairs has made
them technically obsolete and thus ineffective in competing immediately on return. Finally, there is some
loss of status, requiring an ego adjustment when an executive returns home.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

© 2013 bởi McGraw-Hill Education. Đây là tài liệu độc quyền duy nhất để sử dụng giảng viên có thẩm quyền. Không được uỷ quyền để bán
hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.
99. How important is the family in the success of an expatriate manager?

The most important reasons a growing number of companies are including an evaluation of an
employee’s family among selection criteria are the high cost of sending an expatriate abroad and
increasing evidence that unsuccessful family adjustment is the single most important reason for
expatriate dissatisfaction and the resultant request for return home. In fact, a study of personnel directors
of over 300 international firms found that the inability of the manager’s spouse to adjust to a different
physical or cultural environment was the primary reason for an expatriate’s failure to function effectively
in a foreign assignment.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 17-08 How to prepare Americans for foreign assignments
Topic: Preparing U.S. Personnel for Foreign Assignments

100. In the context of international marketing, how important is a second language for a manager?

Opinions are mixed on the importance of a second language for a career in international business.
Proponents of language skills argue that learning a language improves cultural understanding and
business relationships. Others point out that to be taken seriously in the business community, the
expatriate must be at least conversational in the host language. Some recruiters want candidates who
speak at least one foreign language, even if the language will not be needed in a particular job. Although
most companies offer short, intensive language-training courses for managers being sent abroad, many
are making stronger efforts to recruit people who are bilingual or multilingual.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Mục tiêu học tập: 17-09 Hồ sơ thay đổi của doanh số bán toàn cầu và giám đốc tiếp thị
Chủ đề: Kỹ năng Ngoại Ngữ

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hoặc phân phối trong bất cứ cách nào. Tài liệu này có thể không được sao chép, quét, sao chép, chuyển, phân phối, hoặc đăng tải trên một
trang web nào, toàn bộ hoặc một phần.

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