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Lesson Plan

Meeting :2
Subject : English
Skills : Reading and Speaking
Component : Pronunciation
Class :X
Semester :2
Theme : Information about Turkish Culture
Time Allocated : 1 x 45 minutes (1 meeting)

 Competence
1. Basic Competence
No. Basic Competence
3.4 Implementing the social functions, 4.4 To make dialogues asking and
text structures, grammar, and giving information about the
transactional interaction in relation between two things or
speaking and writing that involves action depending on the context.
asking and giving information
about the relation between two
things or actions depending on the
Grammar : Language elements :
both ... and; not only ... but also;
either ... or; neither ... nor.

2. Achievement Indicators
 Students are able to correct the pronunciation of the word
 Students are able to identify the information about Turkish culture using correlative
conjunction in the passage they read.
 Students are able to answer the questions using correlative conjunction in the
passage they read.

 Students are able to make a dialogue using correlative conjunction from the
information they read
 Students are able to communicate bravely through the dialogue
Learning Materials
 The passage about the information of Turkish Culture
 Role-play Cue card
 Worksheet for reading comprehension

 Teaching Method and Techniques

1. Teaching Method : Teaching Reading, Communicative Language Teaching
2. Technique : Role-play, Reading Comprehension Questions
3. Learning Media : Worksheets and Laptop

4. References

Teacher’s Notes (Meeting 2)

Theme : Information about Turkish Culture
Class :X
Time : 1 x 45 minutes
1. Learning Outcomes
1. Students are able to correct the pronunciation of the word
2. Students are able to identify the information about Turkish culture using correlative
conjunction in the passage they read
3. Students are able to answer the questions using correlative conjunction in the
passage they read.
4. Students are able to make a dialogue using correlative conjunction from the
information they read
5. Students are able to communicate bravely through the dialogue

2. Pre Instructional Activities

1. The teacher greets the students and checks the attendance list
2. The teacher gives some triggering questions about Turkish Culture
3. Whilst Instructional Activities
1. The teacher gives the students the passage about Turkish Culture
2. The teacher applies Reading Comprehension Technique
 The teacher asks the students to read the passage individually
 The teacher asks students to do the exercise
 The teacher checks the answer together
3. The teacher asks the students to make pairs
4. The teacher tells the students to do a role-play
5. The teacher gives a role-play clue card
6. The teacher asks the students to do a role-play
7. The teacher gives feedbacks to the students
8. The teacher checks the pronunciation

4. Post Instructional Activities

1. The teacher reviews today’s lesson
2. The teacher ends the class
Pre- Greeting and checking the attendance list
Instructional 1 minute
Activities “Good Afternoon, students. How are you “I’m fine thank you, and you?”

“I’m fine too, thank you”

(Students response)
“Well, before we start our class today, let me
introduce myself. My name is Faika
Khairani and you can call me Miss Faika” 2 minut

“Okay, before we start our lesson, let’s call (Students response)

the roll. Don’t forget to raise your hand
when I call your name”

Giving some triggering questions about

Turkish Culture
1 minute
“Does anyone here know about Turkish (Students response)
culture ?”

“ Of course some of you know a little bit

information about Turkish culture”

Whilst Giving the students the passage about

Instructional Turkish Culture (
“ Now I will give you the passage about
Turkish Culture, in this passage there are
some information about traditions and
cultures in Turkey ” 3 minute

“ You can read it first by your self, I give Students get the passage)
you two minutes to read it ”

“ Have you finished?” (Students response)

Applying Reading Comprehension


 Asking students to do the exercise

“ Next, here are several questions about

Turkish culture that you have to answer ”
8 minut
“ Have you finished to do your exercise?”
(Students response)
“ Great, now let’s discuss the answer.”

 Checking the answer together

“ Can I have ( student’s name) to read the

first answer?” (Student reads the answer)

“ Okay, any other answer? Yes that’s right”

(Students response)
.................. 5 minute
“ Great, Now let’s we move on to the next
activity” (Students response)

Asking the students to make pairs

“ Now, I want you to make a pair”
2 minute
“ have you got your pair?” (Students find their partner)

Giving a role-play clue card

“Okay, here I have cue card that contain of
several questions about what you have read
before on the first activity and you have to 2 minute
ask these questions to your pair”
“ Don’t forget to use correlative conjuction
“ Yes miss”
that we have learn before on the last meeting
as well as you can”

(Students response)
“ Do you understand?”

“ After that, I want you to come forward to

do a role-play with your partner using these
several questions in your cue card”
“ Do you get it?” (Students response)

“ Good, are you ready?”

Asking the students to do a role-play

(Students response)
“ So can I have the first pair to come
foward? “
Students do a role-play (Students come foward) 15 minu
“ Very good, you can go back to your sheat”
“ The next pair please”
(Student back to their sheat)
(Students come foward)
“ Alright, now the last pair please come
(Students come foward)
“ Great, you can go back to your sheat”

Giving feedbacks to the students (Students come foward)

“ To all of you, you have done a great job.
You can give your opinion about the
information that you have got. You are also 3 minute
speak confidently and bravely.”
Checking the pronunciation
“ But I have to correct several pronunce
here.... should be .....”
“ I hope you can pronounce it correctly
later,but overall thank you for you

Post- Reviewing today’s lesson

Instructional “So, what have you learned today?” (Students response)
“Good job students!”

“Before we end the lesson, is there any (Students response) 3 minute



“See you on the next meeting and have a “See you too miss”
nice day, students!”

Turkish Culture and Traditions

There are lots of nations and countries in the world. Every country has more or less
different culture and traditions. And now we are reading about an interesting country Turkey
and its great people Turks.

The citizens of the Republic of Turkey are known as the Turkish people (or Turkish;
Turk; Turks). Being 'Turkish' is a geographical name. Turkish people have a very different
culture. Because, Turkey is a bridge between Asia and Europe. It has various elements the
Oguz Turkic and Anatolian, Ottoman, and Western culture and traditions. The Westernization
began in the Ottoman Empire and continues today. So the Turkish culture has Central Asia,
Anatolia and Western features. During the first years of the Republic, the government invests
lots of money into fine arts, such as museums, theaters, and architecture.

99% of Turks are Muslim. Religion has an important role in the Turkish Customs and
Traditions. During the Ottoman Empire, it was more important. There are religious festivals,
for example Ramadan and Kurban Festival. During these festivals, there are four days'
holiday. Because of the Islamic calendar, religious festivals date change every year. Religious
festivals are good times for Turks to visit their relatives and hometowns.

Some interesting things about Turkish Culture. They drink a lot of tea; they drink tea
in the mornings, afternoons and at nights, shortly every time. Also Turkish coffee is very
popular. Coffee houses are very popular in Turkey. Even in small villages you can see coffee
houses. Turkish people like their flags and national anthem a lot. You can see Turkish flag
every time and everywhere. They are very warm people. They are fond of football. Football
match days are like festivals. And they like visitors a lot.

There are lots of different folk dances in Turkey. Each region has its own, special folk
dance. Some of them are Horon (generally played in the Black Sea region), Kaşık Oyunu
(Spoon Dance) (generally played in Konya and Silifke), Kilic Kalkan (The Sword and Shield
Dance) (generally played in Bursa, and played by only men), Zeybek (generally played in
Aegean region – and played only by men).As a result culture of Turkey is very different and
enjoyable, like Turks.

Answer these questions about the passage!

1. What is the passage about?
It is about Turkish Culture and Traditions.
2. Say the names of religious festivals celebrated in Turkey.
Ramadan and Kurban Festival.
3. What do Turks generally drink?
They generally drink a lot of tea.
4. In which region do people play Horon?
In the Black Sea region.
5. How many folk dances are said in the passage?
There are four folks dance. Horon (generally played in the Black Sea region), Kaşık
Oyunu (Spoon Dance) (generally played in Konya and Silifke), Kilic Kalkan (The
Sword and Shield Dance) (generally played in Bursa, and played by only men),
Zeybek (generally played in Aegean region – and played only by men).

True or False exercise.

T/F The turkish cultures not only has central Asia feature but also Australia and Western
feature. T
T/F During the first year of the republic,the goverment invest a lot of money either into
religion or lifestyle. F
T/F Neither religion nor traditions is not an important role in the Turkish culture. F
T/F Both Turkish tea and coffee are very popular. F
T/F There are lots of different folk dances in Turkey such as, Horon , Kaşık Oyunu and
Kilic Kalkan. T
Role-play Cue card

Questions :
- What do you think is intersting about turkish culture?
- Either turkish tea or turkish coffee do you want to try? Why?
- In your opinion why do people come to Turkey?
- Say two interesting things about Turkish culture.

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