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CAT B , New Delhi

S.NO. Name of the Company

1 Capital Finvest Ltd.(Earlier Name Capital Leasing & Finance

2 Panchkula Finvest Pvt. Ltd.

3 20Th Century Engineering Ltd.

4 8Natma Securities Ltd.
5 A B D Securities Pvt. Ltd
6 A K G Securities And Consultancy Limited
7 A To Z Securities Ltd.
8 A V L Leasing & Finance Limited
9 A V N Finance Limited
10 A V P Investments Pvt. Ltd.
11 A V P M Securities Pvt. Ltd.
12 A & A Capital Services Pvt.Ltd.
13 Aadhar Financial Services Ltd.
14 Aadidev Investment & Finance Ltd.
15 Aar Gee Fincap Private Limited
16 Aar Kay Finlease (P) Ltd.
17 Aar Shyam India Investment Company Limited
18 Aarambh Securities Limited
19 Aarthik Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
20 Aarti Marketings Pvt. Ltd.
21 Abhey Holdings Ltd.
22 Abhi Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
23 Abhilash Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
24 Abhinandan Investments Ltd.
25 Abhinav Leasing & Finance Ltd.
26 Abhisheik Portfolio Management Ltd.
27 Abhishek Finance Co. Ltd.
28 Abhyadoot Finance& Investments Ltd.
29 Abm Finlease (P) Ltd.
30 Access Equity Pvt Ltd
31 Accurex Traders Private Limited
32 Acee Enterprises
33 Acg Leasing Private Limited,
34 Acn Financial Services Limited (Formerly Sck Financial Servi

35 Active Finvest Pvt. Ltd.

36 Adam Finman Limited
37 Addies Innovations Ltd
38 Adharshila Capital Services Ltd.
39 Adhinath Investments Private Limited
40 Adhunik Bharat Finance Company Pvt. Ltd.
41 Adhunik Financial Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
42 Adhunik Investments Private Limited
43 Aditi Capfin Services Ltd.
44 Advert Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
45 Advik Finance & Properties Pvt. Ltd.
46 Advitiya Finance Pvt.Ltd
47 Adwel Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
48 Aerostar Finance Private Limited
49 Ag Securities Private Ltd.
50 Aganall Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
51 Agarsons Fincap Services Pvt. Ltd.
52 Agarwal Assignments Pvt. Ltd.
53 Agarwal Finestate Pvt.Ltd.
54 Agbros Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
55 Agf Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
56 Aggarwal Capfin Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
57 Aggarwal Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
58 Aggarwal Portfolio Services Pvt. Limited
59 Aggresar Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
60 Agile Finvest Limited(Earlier Name Archit Fincap L

61 Aglow Fin Trade Pvt. Ltd.

62 Aglow Financial Services
63 Agm Management Services Ltd.
64 Agr Investments Ltd.
65 Agraj Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
66 Agrawala Finserve Pvt.Ltd. (Formerly Agrawala Merchant B

67 Agrim Fincap Pvt.Ltd.

68 Agroha Finvest Private Limited
69 Agroha Savings Ltd.
70 Ahusons Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
71 Aishwarya Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
72 Ajanta Mercantile Limited.
73 Akaanksha Credit & Leasing Pvt.Ltd.
74 Akash Ganga Finvest Private Limited,
75 Akashdeep Metal Industries Limited
76 Akg Infin (P) Ltd.
77 Akg Investment Scenario (P) Ltd.
78 Akhand Investments Pvt. Ltd.
79 Akhil Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
80 Akj Fincap Ltd.
81 Akm Systems Private Limited
82 Akriti Financial Services (P) Ltd.
83 Aks Credits Ltd.
84 Aks International Ltd.
85 Alakhnanda Securities Limited
86 Alang Credits And Holdings Private Limited
87 Alankit Finsec Ltd.
88 Alarming Finvest Private Limited.
89 Alb Leasing & Finance Ltd.
90 Alchemist Holdings Liimited {Formerly‐Mahindra Finlease P

91 Alka Mercantile Private Limited

92 All Grow Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd.
93 Allegeny Finlease Pvt.Ltd
94 Allied Portfolios Private Limited
95 Alpha Stocks & Finservices Pvt. Ltd.
96 Alpine Capital Services Ltd.
97 Alps Investments Pvt. Ltd.
98 Altar Investment Pvt. Ltd.
99 Aman Fincap Ltd.
100 Aman Growth Fund Private Limited
101 Aman Holdings (P) Co.
102 Amar Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
103 Amar Vanijya Limited
104 Amardeep Construction Pvt. Ltd,
105 Amazer Investment & Finance Ltd.
106 Amba Credit & Investment (P) Ltd.
107 Amba Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
108 Ambarnuj Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
109 Ambica Securities Pvt. Ltd.
110 Ambience Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
111 Amer Investments (Delhi) Limited
112 Amer Traders And Investments(India)Ltd
113 Ameri Properties & Investments Pvt.Ltd
114 Amici Securities Ltd.
115 Amisha Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
116 Amogh Finman Ltd.
117 Ample Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
118 Amu Leasing Pvt.Ltd
119 Amulya Leasing & Finance Ltd.
120 Anaemica Fin‐Sec Pvt. Ltd.
121 Anagram Industries Ltd
122 Anamica Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
123 Anamica Portfolio Private Limited
124 Anamika Securities Pvt.Ltd
125 Anant Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
126 Anant Portfolios Private Limited
127 Anchal Leasing Private Ltd.
128 Andaz Builders Pvt.Ltd
129 Anila Financiers P. Limited
130 Anisun Finance & Builders India Ltd.
131 Ankit Leasing & Finance Co. Ltd.
132 Ankit Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
133 Ankur Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
134 Ankur Services & Growth Fund
135 Ankur Trade Links Pvt. Ltd.
136 Ansh Financial Services (P) Ltd.
137 Anshika Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
138 Anshika Investments Pvt Ltd ( Formerly Boeing Investments

139 Anshu Leasing Pvt. Ltd

140 Anshuj Leasing & Credit Limited
141 Anshul Auto Finance Private Limited
142 Ansun Investments Limited.
143 Antique Industries Ltd
144 Antique Investment Company Limited
145 Antriksh Investment (Pvt) Ltd.
146 Anu Colonisers Ltd.
147 Anu Shree Securities (P)Ltd.
148 Anup Leasing Pvt. Ltd,
149 Anupam Finvest Limited
150 Anupam Merchantile Ltd.
151 Anupam Securities Pvt. Ltd.
152 Anurag Trading Leasing And Investment Co. Pvt. Ltd.
153 Apar Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
154 Apex Capfin Services Pvt. Ltd.
155 Apex Home Finance Limited (Previous Name Apex Finance

156 Apj Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.

157 Apka Sahyog Finance & Mercantile Pvt.Ltd.
158 Apl Fincap Limited,
159 Apollo Finance Ltd.
160 Apollo Trading And Finance Private Limited
161 Apoorva Extrusion Pvt. Ltd.
162 Appeciate Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
163 Apple Portfolio Ltd.
164 Appu Impex Ltd.
165 Aprajita Finvest Pvt.Ltd.
166 April Investment & Finance Private Limited ( Formerly Kno

167 Aquarious Portfolios Pvt.Ltd.

168 Aradhnam Portfolio Investments Pvt.Ltd
169 Aravali Securities & Finance Limited
170 Archana Trading And Investment Company Private Limited

171 Archit Securities Pvt.Ltd.

172 Ardee Finvest Private Limited
173 Ardent Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
174 Ardour Investments Pvt.Ltd.
175 Arg Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
176 Argent Finvest (P) Ltd.
177 Argent Leasing & Finance Private Ltd.
178 Arham Finance & Investment Services Ltd.
179 Aries Portfolios Pvt.Ltd.
180 Arihant Exports Ltd.
181 Aristo Securities Pvt, Ltd.
182 Arjan Finance & Leasing Private Limited,
183 Arjun Properties & Hotels (P) Ltd.
184 Arora Credit Limited,
185 Arpna Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
186 Arpna Finstock Pvt. Ltd
187 Arride Finance & Leasing Pvt.Ltd
188 Arth Udyog Limited
189 Arya Fiscal Services Private Limited
190 Aryabhat Financial Services Ltd.
191 Ashish Fincap Limited
192 Ashit Shares & Stocks Pvt. Ltd.
193 Ashoka Commercials Limited
194 Ashoka Marketing Ltd
195 Ashoka Viniyoga Ltd.
196 Ashutosh Securities Pvt. Ltd.
197 Ashwini Investment Pvt. Ltd.
198 Asia Capital Ltd.
199 Asia Pacific Capital (India) Pvt. Ltd.
200 Asia Pragati Capfin Private Limited( Earlier Name Zwirn Pra

201 Asija Securities Pvt. Ltd.

202 Asimit Exports Pvt. Ltd.
203 Askrija Finance & Leasing Pvt Ltd
204 Asl Investments Private Limited
205 Asm (India) Investments Private Limited.
206 Associated Leasing Limited
207 Associated Teckno Plastics Pvt. Ltd.
208 Assured Fin ‐ Cap (P) Ltd.
209 Astha Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
210 Astha Finvest Limited
211 Atal Securities Pvt. Ltd.
212 Atam Vallabh Financiers Limited
213 Atb Finance & Investment (P) Ltd.
214 Aten Capital Private Limited.(Earlier Name Ateet Leasing (P

215 Atlantic Leasing Ltd.

216 Atm Credit & Investments Pvt.Ltd.
217 Atma Securities Pvt. Ltd.
218 Atna Investments Ltd.
219 Attractive Capital Services Pvt.Ltd.
220 Automatic Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
221 Ava Finance Private Limited.
222 Avail Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
223 Avi Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
224 Aviram Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
225 Avisha Credit Capital Ltd.
226 Avl India Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
227 Avp Finance Ltd.
228 Avs Fincap Ltd.
229 Ayodhya Finlease Ltd.
230 A.J. Capital Limited
231 A.K. Shorewala Securities Ltd.
232 A.N.R. Finlease (P) Ltd.
233 A.R. Brothers Private Limited
234 A.R. Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
235 A.T.N. Leasing & Finance Ltd.
236 A.U.S. Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
237 A.V.B. Finance Private Ltd. (Formerly Dabur Finance Limited

238 B L G Brokers & Securities Pvt. Ltd.

239 B M G Investments Pvt. Ltd.
240 B P Consultants Private Limited
241 Baba Nanak Financial Services Ltd.
242 Babul Holdings Private Limited
243 Bagrrys Finance Limited
244 Bahu Bali Hotels Pvt.Ltd
245 Bahula Finvest Co. Pvt. Ltd.
246 Bahumulya Finance Ltd.
247 Baid Stock Broking Services Pvt. Ltd.
248 Bajaj Chit Fund Co. Pvt. Ltd.
249 Bajaj Leasing And Finance Limited
250 Bajrang Investments Private Limited,
251 Bakshi Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
252 Balaji Commercials Limited
253 Balbros Leasing And Investments Pvt. Ltd.
254 Baljeet Leasing & Credit Pvt. Ltd.
255 Bampsl Securities Limited,
256 Bandana Securities Limited
257 Bansal In Finlease (P) Ltd.
258 Bansal In Hold Ltd.
259 Bansal Motor Finance Limited
260 Banwari Securities Private Limited
261 Bar Investments & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
262 Barcelona Investment And Trading Company
263 Barsaat Investment (P) Ltd.
264 Barwala Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd
265 Basant India Limited
266 Base Financials Ltd.
267 Basics Finhold Pvt.Ltd.
268 Basil Investment & Hospitality Services Ltd. ( Formerly Jovia

269 Basist Fin‐Cap Ltd.

270 Basist Leasing & Finance Co Ltd
271 Bathla And Company Pvt. Ltd..
272 Batra Fin Cap Limited
273 Bdg Portfolios Pvt Ltd
274 Behariji Dealers Pvt. Ltd.
275 Believe Securities (P) Ltd.
276 Bengal & Assam Co. Ltd.
277 Bengani Capital Services Ltd.
278 Bervin Investment & Leasing Ltd.
279 Beta Finance & Trading Private Limited
280 Betsy Growth Finance Ltd
281 Bhadana Finance Ltd.
282 Bhageria Credit & Holdings Private Limited
283 Bhageria Fin Cap Private Limited
284 Bhagyalaxmi Finlease & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
285 Bhaijee Infin Pvt. Ltd. (Pokhriyal Infin Pvt. Ltd.)
286 Bhandary Consultancy And Finance Ltd
287 Bhangarhia Credits & Securities Ltd.
288 Bharat Bhushan Share & Stock Brokers Ltd.
289 Bharat Ekansh Limited,
290 Bharat Investments Growth Ltd.
291 Bharat Nidhi Limited
292 Bharat Seeds Limited
293 Bharatpuria Finance & Investment Limited
294 Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance Ltd
295 Bhavani Techno Projects Ltd.
296 Bhawana Securities & Financial Services Ltd
297 Bhawna Portfolio Private Limited
298 Bhc Finance & Leasing Pvt.Ltd
299 Bhikshu Investments Ltd.
300 Bhimji Finance (P) Ltd.
301 Bhiwani Credit & Investment Ltd.
302 Bhola Motor Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Desh Raxak Securit

303 Bhushan Capital & Credit Services Pvt. Ltd.

304 Bic Investments Ltd.
305 Bifco Leasing & Finance Ltd.
306 Bigg Investments & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
307 Bigur Finance Ltd.
308 Bihariji Ispat Udyog Limited
309 Bilz Investments Ltd.
310 Bimla Investment & Finance Ltd.
311 Bindal Fin‐Sec Pvt. Ltd.
312 Bindra Fininvest (P) Ltd.
313 Bindu Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
314 Bindya Capital Limited (Earlier Name Bindiya Capital & Secu

315 Bishwanath Industries Limited

316 Bit‐Byte Investment Services Pvt. Ltd.
317 Bkb Securities Pvt. Ltd.
318 Bkp Commercial India (P) Ltd.
319 Bkr Capital Private Ltd.(Earlier Mahbir Coloniisers & Promot

320 Blb Holding Pvt. Ltd.

321 Blink Finance Pvt.Ltd.
322 Blink Investments Pvt.Ltd.
323 Blsb Financial Services ( P) Ltd.
324 Blue Chip Finance Pvt. Ltd.
325 Blue Horse Finance Pvt.Ltd
326 Blue Line Finance Pvt. Ltd.
327 Blue Stone Trade & Finance (P) Ltd.
328 Bmb Finvest Limited
329 Bmw Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
330 Bodhsons Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
331 Bombay Thread Mills Pvt.Ltd.
332 Bon Lon Pvt. Ltd.
333 Bon Lon Securities Ltd.
334 Bonus Developers Pvt.Ltd
335 Bpo Finance & Investment (Pvt.) Ltd.
336 Brahaspati Financiers Ltd.
337 Brahmputra Capital & Financial Services Ltd
338 Bravo Capital Services Private Limited,
339 Bretton Woods Finlease Limited
340 Brij Krin Investment Pvt.Ltd.
341 Brilliant Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
342 Brilliant Portfolios Limited
343 Britex (India) Limited
344 Brl Finlease Ltd.
345 Brmp Leasing & Finance Private Limited (Formerly Arham M

346 Brr Securities Private Limited (Formerly Kishore Securities

347 Btl Investments & Securities Ltd.(Formerly North Delhi Cred

348 Bulland Leasing And Finance Pvt.Ltd.

349 Bulls & Bears Portfolios Ltd.
350 Buxam Investment & Finance Ltd.
351 B.B.C.Financiers Pvt. Ltd.
352 B.H.L. Forex & Finlease Ltd. (Formerly Bhupindra Leasing &

353 B.M. Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.

354 B.N. Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
355 B.P. Capital Limited
356 B.P. Securities (India) Pvt. Ltd.
357 B.R. Merchantiles Pvt. Ltd.
358 B.S. Goel Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
359 B.V. Infin Ltd.
360 C G R Mercantile Finance Pvt. Ltd.
361 C M A Infin Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
362 C M D Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
363 C S S B Securities Pvt. Ltd.
364 C & N Investments Pvt. Ltd.
365 Camac Commercial Company Limited
366 Camel Farms & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
367 Camel Foods (P) Ltd.
368 Canter Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
369 Caparo Fianancial Solutions Limited (Formerly Cosmos Fina

370 Capfin India Ltd.

371 Capital Hind Finance (P) Ltd.
372 Capital Management Co. (India) Ltd.
373 Capital Trade Links Limited
374 Capital Trust Limited
375 Capriso Finance Ltd.
376 Capro Financial Services Ltd.
377 Caps Finstock Services Pvt. Ltd.
378 Carefree Investment Co. Ltd.
379 Cartel Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
380 Ccl Securities Private Limited,
381 Cdl Financial Services Private Limited
382 Cea Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
383 Cear India Finance Private Limited
384 Cecil Webber Engineering Limited
385 Century Credits Ltd.
386 Chadha Finance Pvt Ltd
387 Chanakya Finvest Pvt.Ltd
388 Chand Capital Services Ltd.
389 Chand Energy Pvt. Ltd.
390 Chandak Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
391 Chandigarh Finance Pvt. Ltd.
392 Chandra Cresec Pvt.Ltd
393 Chandra Vidya Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
394 Charat Ram Shriram Pvt. Ltd.
395 Charm Investments Pvt. Ltd.
396 Chase Investments Ltd.
397 Chawla Financial Services Limited,
398 Cheminvest Ltd.
399 Chenab Valley Leasing Ltd.
400 Chetana Inlease Pvt. Ltd.
401 Chharia Holdings Private Limited (Sumer Hire Purchase Priv

402 Chhavi Investments Pvt.Ltd.

403 Chhikara Investments Limited,
404 Chintamani Finlease Ltd.
405 Chobisi Finlease Services Pvt. Ltd.
406 Chopra Credits Pvt. Ltd.
407 Choraria Securities Ltd
408 Chowdry Associates
409 Cielo Finance Pvt. Ltd.
410 Circassia Pacific Finance Ltd.
411 Citigrade Finance Ltd.
412 Citizen Foods Ltd
413 Citland Commercial Credits Ltd.
414 City Credit Co. Pvt. Ltd.
415 City Leasing & Finance Company Limited
416 Classic Securities Pvt. Ltd.
417 Click Finance Limited.
418 Cliff Finvest Pvt.Ltd.
419 Combine Holding Ltd.
420 Combine Overseas Limited
421 Comero Leasing & Financials Pvt. Ltd.
422 Comet Leasing & Finance Ltd.
423 Comfort Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
424 Commitment Financial Services Pvt. Ltd
425 Compact Leasing & Finance Ltd.
426 Competent Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
427 Competent Investments Ltd.
428 Competent Securities (P) Ltd.
429 Composit Credits Pvt. Ltd.
430 Compusta Securities Pvt.Ltd
431 Comshare Investments (P) Ltd.
432 Concrete Techno Projects Ltd
433 Confluence Leasing And Credit Ltd.
434 Connoisseur Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
435 Consolidated Capital Services Ltd.
436 Consolidated Finlease Ltd.
437 Consolidated Portfolio Ltd.
438 Consolidated Securities Ltd.
439 Constellation Capital Limited
440 Core Lease Finance Pvt. Ltd.
441 Corporate Capital Services India Ltd.
442 Corporate International Financial Services Limited ( Former

443 Corporate Merchant Bankers Ltd.

444 Cosmo Capital & Investments Private Limited,
445 Cosmos Holdings India Pvt. Ltd.
446 Cozy Enterprises Ltd.
447 Creative Capital Services Limited
448 Creative Impex Ltd.
449 Creative Intra Limited
450 Credible Nivesh Ltd.
451 Credible Securities & Finance (P) Ltd.
452 Cross Inv Pvt.Ltd.
453 Crossbow Investments Pvt. Ltd.
454 Cubical Financial Services Ltd.

455 Cumulative Investments & Trading Co. Pvt.Ltd.

456 C.B.K. Estate Developers Ltd
457 C.K.B. Credit And Holding Private Limited
458 C.N.M.P. Investments Pvt.Ltd.
459 C.S. Capital & Computer Services Limited,
460 C.S. Lease ‐ Fin Ltd.
461 D B G Leasing & Housing Ltd.
462 D C M Shriram Credit And Investments Ltd.
463 D O S Lease & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
464 D S Capital & Finance Ltd.
465 D S G Investments Private Limited
466 Daanee Leasing Ltd,
467 Dadadev Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd
468 Daffodil Investment & Trading Co. Ltd.
469 Dahiya Finance & Leasing Pvt, Ltd.
470 Daksh Lefins Ltd.
471 Dalmia Finance Ltd.
472 Dalmia Housing Finance Ltd
473 Danfoss Holdings Pvt.Ltd
474 Danodia Investments & Finance Ltd.
475 Das Securities Private Limited
476 Dash Leasing & Finance (P) Ltd
477 Datta Finance & Trading Pvt. Ltd.
478 Dayal Finsec Limited (Earlier Name Surya Udyog Limited)
479 Dazzle Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
480 Dazzling Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
481 Dazzling Leasing & Finance(P)Ltd
482 Dc Anand Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
483 Dear Investment Pvt. Ltd.
484 Decent Consultancy & Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
485 Decent Securities Pvt.Ltd.
486 Decisive Finance Pvt. Ltd.
487 Decor Investment & Finance Ltd.
488 Deeksha Holding Limited
489 Deepak Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
490 Deepraj Investments Limited
491 Delfin Finance Limited
492 Delhi Instalment Finance & Investment Private Ltd.
493 Dev‐Aashish Capital (P) Ltd
494 Devansh Trading And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
495 Devmuni Leasing & Finance Ltd.
496 Devoted Leasing & Finance Ltd.
497 Dfcl Credits Ltd.
498 Dhaliwal Finance Private Limited
499 Dhamija Finance Leasing Ltd.
500 Dhanwaria Investments Private Limited
501 Dharam Portfolio Pvt.Ltd
502 Dhariwal Fuels Pvt.Ltd
503 Dharm Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
504 Dharower Financial Services Ltd.
505 Dhawan Leasing Private Ltd.
506 Dhingra Lease Finvest Pvt.Ltd.
507 Dia Vikas Capital Private Limited (Earlier Banke Bihari Estate

508 Digner Finlease & Investment Private Limited

509 Digvijai Finances Pvt. Ltd.
510 Digvijay Capital Management Pvt Ltd (Formerly Digvijay Ca
511 Dikshi Leafin Portfolio (P) Ltd.
512 Diligent Services Pvt. Ltd.
513 Dilwara Leasing And Investment Ltd
514 Dinero Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
515 Diplomat Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
516 Dishayen Leasing Pvt.Ltd.
517 Divine Investments Pvt. Ltd.
518 Divine Leasing And Finance Limited
519 Divya Capital Services Ltd.
520 Divyarth Leasing & Finance (P) Ltd.
521 Dkv Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
522 Docile Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
523 Dolf Leasing Limited
524 Dolphin Fincap India Ltd.
525 Dost Fincap Private Ltd.
526 Dpg Finance Pvt.Ltd.
527 Dpse Finance Ltd.
528 Dream Success Finlease Pvt.Ltd
529 Dream Team Investment & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
530 Dristi Securities Pvt.Ltd.
531 Drp Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
532 Dr. Mohindernath Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
533 Duluck Investment & Leasing Private Limited
534 Dupas Leasing Finance Co. Ltd.
535 Dwarkadhish Constructions Pvt.Ltd.
536 Dynamic Finvest Services Pvt. Ltd.
537 Dynasore Leasing &Holdings Ltd.
538 D. C. Sugar Pvt. Ltd.
539 D.G. Traders Pvt. Ltd.
540 D.L. Nagpal Finance & Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
541 D.Pal Leasing & Finance Co. Ltd.
542 D.R.Dhingra Finance Limited
543 D.R.Khanna Financers Pvt. Ltd.
544 E P S Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
545 Earnmore Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
546 Earth Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
547 East Delhi Leasing (P) Ltd.
548 Echo Holdings (P) Ltd.
549 Eclear Leasing & Finance Pvt Ltd
550 Eco‐Star Securities & Credits (P) Ltd.
551 Economic Capital Services India Pvt. Ltd.
552 Efficacy Finance Services Pvt. Ltd.
553 Ekam Leasing And Finance Co. Ltd.
554 Elar Securities Pvt.Ltd.
555 Elegance Capital Services (P) Ltd.
556 Elegant Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
557 Elegant Investment Pvt. Ltd.
558 Elephant India Finance Private Limited (Formerly Expo Inve

559 Embro Finvest Limited

560 Emkay Portfolio (India) Pvt. Ltd.
561 Empire Fincap Pvt. Ltd
562 Enaar Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
563 Energetic Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
564 Ennu Investment & Finance (P) Ltd.
565 Enpro Exports Pvt. Ltd.
566 Entrust Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
567 Eravat Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
568 Esbee Growth Funds (P) Ltd.
569 Escorts Asset Mqanagement
570 Escorts Automotives Limited
571 Escorts Finance Investments & Leasing Ltd.
572 Escotrac Finance And Investments Pvt. Ltd.
573 Esn Finance&Capital Services Limited
574 Ess Enn Investments Pvt. Ltd.
575 Ess Aar Finex Ltd.
576 Ess Aar Finlease Ltd.
577 Ess Kay Mercantiles Ltd.
578 Esteem Investments Pvt. Ltd.
579 Esteem Merchants Ltd.
580 Etisha Finance & Investments (P) Ltd.
581 Everwel Fincap (P) Ltd.
582 Excellent Agro Products Private Ltd.
583 Excellent Commercial Enterprises & Investment Ltd.
584 Excellent Fincap Private Ltd.
585 Exclusive Leasing & Finance Ltd.
586 Expert Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

587 Expert Credit & Holdings Pvt. Ltd.

588 Expo Leasing Pvt.Ltd
589 Expressions Portfolio Pvt.Ltd.
590 Extreme Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
591 F Mec International Financial Services Ltd.
592 Fab Fininvest (India) Ltd.
593 Fair Finvest Limited
594 Fair Securities Pvt. Ltd
595 Fairdeal Distributors (P) Ltd.
596 Fairway Securities & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
597 Fashinde Exports Private Limited
598 Fastfin Leasing & Credit Pvt.Ltd.
599 Fenzy Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
600 Ferro Plasts Ltd.
601 Ferrous Investments Private Limited( Formerly Gaurav Lasin

602 Finance House (India) Pvt. Ltd

603 Financial Arm India Pvt. Ltd.

604 Financial World (India)Pvt. Ltd.
605 Fine Auto Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
606 Finetech Securities Pvt. Ltd.
607 Finmac Investments Pvt. Ltd.
608 First Fiscal Services (P) Ltd.
609 Flawless Holdings & Industries Ltd.
610 Florida Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
611 Fly Hi ‐ Financial Services Ltd.
612 Fmi Investments Pvt. Ltd.
613 Focal Leasing & Credits Ltd.
614 Focus Industrial Resources Ltd.
615 Forerunner Capital Investments Limited
616 Foresight Finance Ltd.
617 Fornax Farms Private Ltd.
618 Fortune Fincap (P) Ltd.
619 Fortune Industrial Resources Ltd.
620 Fortune Portfolio Private Ltd
621 Foundation Finvest Lease Ltd.
622 Franklin Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
623 Fraternal Investments Private Limited
624 Freesia Investment And Trading Co. Ltd.
625 Frontline Securities Ltd.
626 Fundamental Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
627 Future Vision Securities Ltd.
628 Futuristic Solutions Limited (Formerly Moral Leasing Limite

629 G D L Leasing & Finance Ltd.

630 G D R Finance & Lrasing Pvt. Ltd
631 G R G Capital Services Ltd.
632 G S L Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
633 G & G Fincap Pvt Ltd.
634 Gagan Metals Ltd.
635 Gagandeep Services Ltd.
636 Gagar Metals Private Ltd.
637 Gajanand Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
638 Galaxy Commercial Ltd.
639 Galaxy Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
640 Gallant Leasing & Financial Services Ltd.
641 Gambit Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
642 Ganadhipati Finance & Leasing Limited
643 Ganesh Ganga Investment Pvt. Ltd.
644 Ganesh Leasfin Pvt. Ltd.
645 Ganga Vidhya Finance Limited(Formerlys.L. Leasing & Finan

646 Ganga Yamuna Investments (P) Ltd.

647 Gangu Ram Finance & Investment (P) Ltd.
648 Ganpati Finance Limited
649 Ganpati Fincap Services Pvt Ltd.
650 Ganpati Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
651 Gap Trading & Investments Pvt.Ltd.
652 Gargo Investments Pvt. Ltd.
653 Garuda Securities Pvt. Ltd.
654 Gaurangi Rathi Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
655 Gaurav Credits Pvt. Ltd.
656 Gaurav Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
657 Gauri Shankar Credit & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
658 Gautam Fin‐Invest Pvt Ltd.
659 Gaylord Impex Limited
660 Gcb Capital Finance Pvt.Ltd.
661 Gd Capital Pvt. Ltd.
662 Gda Finvest & Trade Pvt.Ltd.
663 Ge Capital Services India
664 Ge Capital Transportation Financial Services Ltd.(Formerly S

665 Ge Money Financial Services Privatelimited (Formerly Ge C

666 Geeta Leasing & Housing Ltd.

667 Gemini Portfolios Pvt.Ltd
668 Genesis Finance Company Limited
669 Gentech Chemicals Private Limited
670 Gera Leasing & Finance Ltd.
671 Gessup Logiststics & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
672 Ghs Finance Private Ltd.
673 Giltedged Industrial Securities Ltd
674 Ginni Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
675 Girdhar Finlease Pvt Ltd. (Formerly Slotco Chit & Finance P.

676 Girdhari Finlease Pvt.Ltd.

677 Girijesh Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
678 Girnar Investments Ltd.
679 Global Capital Ltd.
680 Global Corporation Limited
681 Global Credit Capital Ltd.
682 Global Jindal Fin‐Invest Ltd.
683 Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
684 Glofin Investment & Fin. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
685 Glosil Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
686 Glowmore Finance Pvt.Ltd.
687 Goal Securities & Credits Ltd.
688 Godfrey Leasing & Finance Ltd.
689 Goel Tempo Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Mahabali Rubbers

690 Gogia Leasing Ltd.

691 Gold Coin Investment Company Limited
692 Goldedge Estate & Investments Ltd.
693 Golden Overseas Ltd
694 Goldfields Leasing Finance & Investment Co. Ltd.
695 Goldline Finance Limited
696 Goldrich Agro Limited
697 Goldstar Securities Pvt.Ltd
698 Golu Leasing & Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
699 Gomati Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
700 Goodday Credit & Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
701 Goodluck Auto Finance (P) Ltd.
702 Goodluck Commercials Ltd.
703 Goodluck Securities Services Pvt.Ltd
704 Goodskill Securities And Services Limited
705 Goodwill Cresec Pvt.Ltd
706 Goodworth Build Invest Pvt. Ltd.
707 Goodworth Securities Private Limited
708 Gopal Overseas (P) Ltd.
709 Gopi Securities Pvt Ltd.
710 Goswamis Credits & Investments Ltd.
711 Goyal Granites Pvt. Ltd.
712 Gracious Portfolio (Pvt.) Ltd.
713 Graduate Portfolio Ltd.
714 Grand Motor & Finance (P) Ltd.
715 Graph Financial Service Pvt. Ltd.
716 Greatfin Leasing & Credit Ltd
717 Green Valley Agro Mills Ltd.
718 Green Valley Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd
719 Greenland Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
720 Grih Lakshmi Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
721 Grj Trades & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
722 Gross Holdings Private Ltd.
723 Growfast Securities & Credit Limited
724 Growth Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
725 Growth Well Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
726 Guchi Investments Pvt. Ltd.
727 Gujral Financiers & Traders Limited,
728 Gulmohar Investments & Holdings Ltd
729 Gunpar Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
730 Gupta Global Finance Ltd
731 Gurudev Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
732 Gurukripa Finvest Private Ltd.
733 Gvm Finlease Ltd.
734 Gyan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
735 G. M. Colonisers Pvt. Ltd.
736 G.K. Consultants Ltd.
737 G.S. Auto Leasing Ltd
738 H F L Investment Pvt. Ltd.
739 H G I Finance & Leasing Limited
740 H P L Securities Pvt. Ltd.
741 Hans Properties Pvt.Ltd
742 Har Shreejee Finance & Leasing Company Ltd.
743 Hare Shanker Investment & Trading Co Ltd.
744 Harinam Investment & Finance Pvt Ltd.
745 Hariom Holdfin Private Limited
746 Harman Securities Pvt. Ltd.
747 Harsha Capital Services Ltd.
748 Harshant Investments Pvt. Ltd.
749 Harshit Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
750 Haryana New Pulsar Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd
751 Havell's Financial Services Ltd.
752 Hawk Fincap & Lease (P) Ltd. ( Pan No Of The Coy A

753 Hb Leasing And Finance Company Limited

754 Hb Stock Holdings Ltd.
755 Hcl Corporation Limited(Earlier Pvt.Ltd.)
756 Heaven Finlease Ltd.
757 Help Line Securities Private Limited
758 Helpage Finlease Limited
759 Hemani Finlease And Hire Purchase Pvt. Ltd.
760 Hemani Forex Pvt. Ltd.
761 Hemani Trading Co. Pvt.Ltd.
762 Hena Investment Pvt. Ltd.
763 Hero Honda Finlease Limited
764 Hexa Securities & Finance Company Ltd.
765 Hi‐Tech Mercantile (India) Pvt.Ltd
766 Higain Investments Pvt. Ltd.
767 High Growth Securities &Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
768 High Link Finvest Limited
769 Highgain Finvest Private Limited
770 Highrise Securities & Trading (P) Ltd.
771 Highsky Finance & Investments (P) Ltd.
772 Highyield Securities Pvt. Ltd.
773 Hill Queen Investments (P) Ltd.
774 Hillman Capital Services Pvt.Ltd.
775 Him‐Kritika Capitals Private Limited
776 Himalaya Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
777 Himalaya Holdings Private Limited
778 Himansu Lease Fin Pvt. Ltd.
779 Himland Finance & Leasing Ltd.
780 Hind Comtel Limited
781 Hind Industrial Resources Limited.
782 Hind Leasing And Finance Limited
783 Hind Securities & Credits Limited
784 Hindon Investment Ltd.
785 Hindon Mercantile Limited
786 Hindustan Commercial Company Ltd.
787 Hindustan Commrcial Investment Trust Ltd
788 Hindustan Consultancy And Services Limited
789 Hitesha Finance And Investment Ltd.
790 Hiteshi Leasing And Housing Pvt.Ltd.
791 Honey Portfolio Pvt.Ltd.
792 Hope Consultants Ltd. (Avi Growth & Ample Consultants M

793 Host Finance & Investment (P) Ltd

794 Hotel Ambassador Building Pvt.Ltd.
795 Hotz Industries Limited
796 Htl Investment & Trading Company Ltd.
797 Hunt Commercial Limited
798 H.D. Asian Finance Ltd.
799 H.K.S. Capital & Finance Ltd.
800 H.L.A Investments Pvt.Ltd.
801 Idc Securities Ltd
802 Ifci Factors Ltd. (Formerly Foremost Factors Limited )
803 Ifci Limited
804 Ifci Venture Capital Funds Ltd.
805 Ifl Promoters Ltd. ‐ W.E.F. 19.7.2007( Formerely Indcap Fina

806 Ilac Inv Pvt.Ltd.

807 Impressions Portfolio Pvt.Ltd.

808 Incone Finance Ltd

809 Ind Global Securities Ltd.
810 India Lease Development Ltd
811 Indcom Investment Services Ltd
812 Indcorp Securities Limited
813 Indequip Leasing & Finance Limited
814 Index Securities & Research Pvt. Ltd.
815 India Texfab Marketing Limited
816 Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd

817 Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited

818 Indica Credits Private Limited
819 Indo Pacific Estates Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
820 Indocon Finance & Investment Ltd
821 Indocount Securities Ltd.
822 Indra Financial Services (P) Ltd.
823 Indrus Countertrade Pvt. Ltd. (Transferred From Kolkata)
824 Indus Valley Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
825 Inimeg Cunsultants Pvt. Ltd.
826 Innobyte Systems Private Ltd.
827 Innovative Finvest Ltd.
828 Instronics Ltd.
829 Instronics Trading Pvt. Ltd.
830 Intec Capital Limited (Earlier Name Intec Securities

831 Integer Leasing & Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.

832 Integra Capital Management Limited
833 Integrated Financial Services Ltd.
834 Integrated Leasing & Finance Pvt Ltd
835 Inter Credit India Leasing & Finance(P) Ltd.
836 Intercity Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
837 Intercontinental Trading And Investments Ltd.
838 International Commenter Ltd.
839 International Resources Ltd.
840 Intimate Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
841 Intlow Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
842 Investors India Limited
843 Isabelle Traders Limited
844 Ishaan Finvest &Securities Pvt.Ltd.
845 Ishan Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
846 Ishu Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
847 Ishu Securities Ltd.
848 It Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.
849 Itl Finlease & Securities Ltd.
850 I.M.Securities Pvt. Ltd.
851 J K Credit & Finance Limited
852 J R G Capital Pvt. Ltd.
853 J S T Engineering Services Ltd.
854 Jaap Finance & Investment (P) Ltd.
855 Jacaranda Capital Limited Formerly Archit Finescrip Limited

856 Jackpot Finance Ltd

857 Jacob Ballas Capital India Pvt.Ltd.(Formerly Vickers Ballas S

858 Jag Fininvest Ltd.

859 Jagat Trading Enterprises Ltd
860 Jagdamba Chemicals Private Limited,
861 Jagrawal Credits Pvt. Ltd.
862 Jagsonpal Finance & Leasing Limited
863 Jagtarni Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd
864 Jahangirabad Finance Company Pvt Ltd
865 Jai Bhikshu Credit And Holdings Ltd.
866 Jai Commercial Company Limited,
867 Jai Krishan Finlease (P) Ltd.
868 Jai Mata Pipes Pvt. Ltd.
869 Jain Foot Comforts Pvt. Ltd.
870 Jain Motor Finance & Leasing Private Limited
871 Jaina Fincap Services Private Limited
872 Jainco Finlease & Investment Pvt Ltd.
873 Jainvest & Lease Finance Pvt Ltd
874 Jaiprakash Overseas Finance Ltd.
875 Jakhar Estate & Investment (P) Ltd.
876 Jalco Financial Services Pvt Ltd.
877 Jangi Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
878 Jar Metal Industries Pvt. Ltd.
879 Jasch Financial Services Ltd.
880 Jatalia Finance Company Limited
881 Jawahar Credits & Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
882 Jawsav Investments Pvt.Ltd.
883 Jay Dee Ess Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
884 Jay Shree Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
885 Jay Subhash Fin Lease Ltd.
886 Jazz Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
887 Jeevan Jyoti Vanijya Ltd.
888 Jeewan Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
889 Jewel Commercial Pvt. Ltd.
890 Jfc Finance (India) Ltd.
891 Jfc Leasing (P) Ltd.
892 Jhamb Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
893 Jhv Finance & Leasing Ltd.
894 Jindal Capital Limited
895 Jindal Equipment Leasing And Consultancy Services
896 Jindal Holdings Limited
897 Jindal Leasfin Ltd.
898 Jindal Menthol & Investment Limited
899 Jindal Saxena Financial Services (P) Ltd.
900 Jinder Finance Pvt.Ltd.
901 Jnj Finance Co Pvt.Ltd.
902 Jolly Securities & Credits Pvt. Ltd.
903 Joy Commercial Private Limited
904 Jp Fincap Pvt.Ltd.
905 Jpbl Financial Services (P) Ltd.
906 Jpt Securities Ltd.
907 Jrm Securities & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
908 Jubilant Capital Pvt Ltd (Formerly Gomati Credits Pvt. Ltd.)

909 Jubilant Securities Pvt.Ltd. (Formerly Hawai Holdings Pvt. Lt

910 Juggilal Kamlapat Udyog Ltd.

911 Julania Finance Pvt. Ltd.
912 Juneja Finance Co (P) Ltd.
913 Juno Credit & Investment Ltd.
914 Junoon Capital Services (P) Ltd.
915 Jvd Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
916 Jwalaji Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
917 Jyotsna Holding Pvt. Ltd.
918 J. Bhasin Leasing Ltd.
919 J.B. Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
920 J.H. Trading & Fincap Ltd.
921 J.H.P.L. Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
922 J.L.K. Securities Pvt. Ltd.
923 J.N. Malik Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
924 J.P.S.K.Holdings Pvt.Ltd
925 J.R.B. Finsec Pvt.Ltd.
926 J.S. Fin‐Vest Pvt.Ltd.
927 J.S.Motor Finance Limited
928 K L G Capital Services Ltd.
929 K M G Leasing & Advances Ltd. (Formerly Vysya Leasing An

930 K P F Finances Ltd.

931 K R A Leasing Limited(Formerly Jaquar Leasing Ltd.)
932 Kaak Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
933 Kaar Lea Finvest Limited,
934 Kabirdas Investments Limited,
935 Kailaji Finance Company Pvt.Ltd
936 Kaizen Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

937 Kalati Holdings Pvt.Ltd.

938 Kalpa Capital Management (P) Ltd.
939 Kalptaru Fincap Ltd.
940 Kalyani Commercials Limited
941 Kalyani Manufacturing & Leasing Limited
942 Kamal Leasing Ltd.
943 Kamal Renu Credit & Invest Pvt.Ltd.
944 Kamdhenu Enterprises Ltd.
945 Kamkan Fincap Pvt.Ltd
946 Kamni Investment Limited
947 Kanak Global Securities Ltd.
948 Kanak Securities Pvt.Ltd.
949 Kandy Finlease Ltd
950 Kangan Consultancy Pvt.Ltd.
951 Kanika International Ltd.
952 Kansal Fin Cap Limited,
953 Kant Fincap (P) Ltd.
954 Kanta Credits & Holdings Pvt.Ltd,
955 Kantshree Securities (P) Ltd.
956 Kapil Capital Services Pvt.Ltd
957 Kapil Exports Pvt.Ltd
958 Kapital Kraft Financial Services Limited
959 Kapivar Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
960 Karan Estates Pvt.Ltd
961 Karn Securities Pvt.Ltd.
962 Karna Investments (India) Pvt. Ltd.
963 Karnani Finlease Private . Ltd.
964 Karriers Finance Pvt.Ltd.
965 Karsewa Investments Ltd.
966 Kartar Leasing Ltd.
967 Karuna Securities Ltd.
968 Karunanidhan Enterprises Pvt Ltd
969 Kasal India Pvt.Ltd.
970 Kasar Credit & Capital Pvt.Ltd.
971 Kaul Polymers (India )Pvt.Ltd.
972 Kaura Properties Private Limited
973 Kautilya Monetary Services Pvt. Ltd.
974 Kautilya Shares & Stocks Pvt.Ltd
975 Kavya Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
976 Kbr Securities & Finance Private Limited,
977 Kedia Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
978 Ketki India Limited
979 Kevalin Securities Ltd.
980 Key Finsec Pvt. Ltd.
981 Keyman Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
982 Khubsoorat Leasing & Finance (P) Ltd.
983 Khushboo Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
984 Killa Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
985 Kinetic Capital Services Ltd.
986 Kiran Capital Services Limited
987 Kiran Securities Pvt. Ltd.
988 Kisga Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
989 Kishori Lal Constructions Limited
990 Kith Securities & Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
991 Kmg Macra Investment Ltd (Formerly Mili Global Finance P

992 Kohinoor Services Ltd.

993 Kohli Investment (P) Ltd.
994 Konika Finvest Securities Ltd.
995 Kotilya Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Kotilya Propert

996 Krishna Finhold Pvt.Ltd.

997 Kriti Capital Services Ltd.
998 Krl Finlease Private Ltd.
999 Ksb Fininvest Pvt.Ltd
1000 Kwality Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
1001 K.C.M. Finance Services Limited
1002 K.C.M. Leasing And Finance Private Limited,
1003 K.G. Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1004 K.G. Finvest (P) Ltd.
1005 K.G.S.Capitals Pvt.Ltd.
1006 K.K. Capital Services Ltd.
1007 K.M.S. Finlease Ltd.
1008 K.R. Capitals Private Ltd.
1009 K.R. Finvest Limited
1010 K.V. Foundations India Ltd.
1011 L F S Securities Limited
1012 Labhkari Fincap Pvt.Ltd.
1013 Lahoria Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1014 Lal Motor & General Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1015 Lalima Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1016 Lanaka Leasing And Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1017 Larj Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
1018 Larkspun Investments Ltd.
1019 Laxman Investments Limited
1020 Laxmi Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1021 Laxmi India Finleasecap Pvt.Ltd.
1022 Laxmi Infin (P) Ltd.
1023 Layman Finance Limited,
1024 Le‐Roy Securities (P) Ltd.
1025 Lead Financial Services Ltd.
1026 Leading Leasing Finance And Investment Co. Ltd
1027 Leafin Lease & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1028 Leasemen Fin‐Invest (India) Ltd.
1029 Lehra Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1030 Lenient Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
1031 Leo Capital Services Ltd.
1032 Leo Industrials Ltd
1033 Leo Portfolios Pvt Ltd
1034 Letul Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1035 Lever Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1036 Liberty Sales Pvt.Ltd
1037 Libra Finance Ltd
1038 Libra Leasing Limited
1039 Limia Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd
1040 Link Agencies Pvt. Ltd.
1041 Link Financial Services (P) Ltd.
1042 Lionine Packaging Pvt. Ltd.
1043 Lipi Finstock Ltd.
1044 Liquid Investment And Trading Co.
1045 Lnj Financial Services Ltd.
1046 Lok‐Sewak Leasing & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1047 Lokpriya Tea Co Ltd
1048 Long View Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1049 Lord Fincap Limited
1050 Lord Krishna Financial Services Ltd,

1051 Lord Krishna Finsec Pvt. Ltd.

1052 Lotus Fincorp Ltd.
1053 Lotus International Pvt. Ltd.
1054 Lotus Leasing Ltd
1055 Lovekush Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1056 Lovely Investment Private Ltd.
1057 Lovely Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1058 Lucky Capital Pvt.Ltd.
1059 Lucrative Leasing Finance & Investment Company Ltd
1060 Lumax Investment & Finance Ltd.
1061 Lush Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1062 Lustre Merchants Pvt. Ltd.
1063 Lvs Financial Services (P) Ltd.
1064 L.D.Leasing & Credit Pvt. Ltd.
1065 M G Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1066 M G S Fincap Private Limited
1067 M L B Commercial Pvt. Ltd.
1068 M L B Securities Ltd.
1069 M S D Finance Company Limited
1070 M T V Investment & Finance (P) Ltd.
1071 M & M Finsec Pvt Ltd.
1072 Macl Securities & Finance Ltd.
1073 Madan Mohan Lall Shriram Private Limited
1074 Madhu Muskan Leasing & Financing Pvt. Ltd.
1075 Madhu Viniyog Pvt. Ltd.
1076 Madhubani Investment (P) Ltd.

1077 Magic Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

1078 Magnus Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1079 Maharani Lease & Credit (India) Ltd.
1080 Mahavir Finance Ltd.
1081 Mahavira Finlease Limited
1082 Maheshwari Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1083 Mahip Properties& Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1084 Mahodari Finvest Company Pvt. Ltd.

1085 Mahuwa Investment And Finance Ltd

1086 Main Land Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1087 Maitri Markfin Pvt. Ltd.
1088 Majestic Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
1089 Majestic Leasing Company Limited
1090 Makhan Chor Portfolios (P) Ltd.
1091 Malhan Investments Pvt Ltd.
1092 Malik Fincap Private Limited
1093 Malvika Investment & Services (P) Ltd.
1094 Malviya Leasing & Finance Co.(P) Ltd.
1095 Malwa Leasing & Credits Pvt. Ltd
1096 Man Mohak Fin‐Invest‐Lease Ltd.
1097 Manak Portfolios Pvt. Ltd.
1098 Manbhav Investments Pvt.Ltd .
1099 Maneesha Finlease Limited
1100 Maneswari Trading Company
1101 Mangalam Engineering Projects Ltd.
1102 Manglam Securities Limited,
1103 Manhattan Credits & Finance Limited
1104 Manhattan Financial Services Ltd.
1105 Manikaran Credit & Leasing Co.Pvt.Ltd
1106 Manisha Commercial Pvt. Limited
1107 Manjeet Securities & Finance Ltd.
1108 Manjushree Leasefin Pvt. Ltd.
1109 Manjushree Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1110 Mann Finance Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1111 Manohar Credit & Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
1112 Manohar Finance India Ltd
1113 Manoj Finvest Private Limited
1114 Manovik Leasing Limited
1115 Mansarover Investments Limited
1116 Mansi Finance Ltd.
1117 Mansukh Overseas Private Limited
1118 Manu Credit India Ltd.
1119 Manu Credits & Finance (Pvt.) Ltd.
1120 Manvi Investment Pvt Ltd
1121 Marathon Broking Services Ltd.
1122 Marathon Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1123 Marathon Money Market Ltd.
1124 Marktesh Trading Ltd.
1125 Mars Films Pvt. Ltd.
1126 Maruti Countrywide Auto Financial Services Private Limited

1127 Marwar Portfolio Pvt.Ltd

1128 Maryada Commercial Enterprises & Investments Co. Ltd.
1129 Master Finlease Ltd.
1130 Master Flow Pvt.Ltd
1131 Matrix Finance And Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1132 Matrix Merchandise Limited
1133 Maurya Holdings (P) Ltd.
1134 Maurya Industrial Resources Ltd.
1135 Maxopp Investment Ltd.
1136 Maya Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1137 Maya Finlease Private Limited
1138 Maya Finvest (Pvt) Ltd.
1139 Mayank Services Limited
1140 Mayfair Capital Ltd.
1141 Mayfair Investments Pvt.Ltd.
1142 Mayuka Investment Ltd.
1143 Mayuri Fincap Pvt.Ltd
1144 Mca Capital Finance Pvt Ltd.
1145 Mcf Finlease Private Limited
1146 Medicare Investments Ltd.
1147 Meet Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1148 Mega Corporation Ltd
1149 Mega Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1150 Megh Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1151 Megha Investment P. Ltd.
1152 Mehak Finpro (India) Private Limited (Formerly Kaul Stock B

1153 Mehar Leasing Pvt Ltd

1154 Mehul Finvest Pvt. Ltd.

1155 Mekaster Finlease Ltd.

1156 Menlo Finance And Investment Corporation Pvt. Ltd.( Form

1157 Mercantile Capital And Financial Services Ltd.

1158 Mercury Investments Ltd.
1159 Metos Investment Private Ltd
1160 Metro Leasing Leasing &Finance (India) Company Ltd
1161 Mewar Industries Limited
1162 Mewat Financiers Pvt. Ltd.
1163 Mgb Finlease Pvt Ltd.
1164 Mgf Services Ltd.
1165 Microtek Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1166 Midland Sevices Ltd.
1167 Milky Investments And Trading Company
1168 Mimoza Enterprises Finance Private Limited (Formerly Sha

1169 Minar Leasing (P) Ltd.

1170 Minda Finance Ltd.
1171 Minda Investments Ltd. (Formerly Lattu Finance & Investm

1172 Minimax Finvest Pvt. Ltd.

1173 Mission Trading Pvt. Ltd.
1174 Mittal Finsec Private Limited
1175 Mittaso Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1176 Mitushi Credits & Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
1177 Mitushi Traders & Financiers Pvt.Ltd.
1178 Mkg In‐Hold Pvt. Ltd.
1179 Mmd Securities Private Limited.
1180 Mns Global Finance Private Limited (Formerly Mns Global

1181 Moderate Credit Corporation Ltd. ( Formerly Suma Finance

1182 Moderate Investment & Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

1183 Moderate Leasing & Capital Services Ltd.
1184 Modern Credit Pvt. Ltd. Earlier Name Viru Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1185 Modi Reach Finance & Investment (India) Ltd.
1186 Modline Build‐Cap Private Limited
1187 Modline Finlease Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1188 Modline Finstock Pvt. Ltd.
1189 Mohan Global Financial Services Ltd.
1190 Mohan Meet Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1191 Mohipuri Finance & Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1192 Mohta Cotton Mills Private Limited (Earlier Name Mohta Co

1193 Molly Trading Company Pvt. Ltd

1194 Mona Portfolio (P) Ltd.
1195 Money Flow Portfolio(P) Ltd.
1196 Money Grow‐Over Finance Pvt.Ltd
1197 Money Growth Investment & Consultants Pvt Ltd.
1198 Montgomery Finance Co.Pvt.Ltd.
1199 Moon Star Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1200 Moon Star Securities Trading & Finance Co. (P) Ltd
1201 Moonbeam Finvest ‐Lease Ltd.
1202 Moongipa Capital Finance Ltd.
1203 Moongipa Finance Limited
1204 More Credit Securities (P) Ltd.
1205 Morgan Asia Limited
1206 Morgan Securities & Credits Pvt. Ltd.(Formerly Bold Securit

1207 Morgan Ventures Ltd. (Formerly Doogar & Associates Ltd.)

1208 Moulin Commercial Ltd.

1209 Mount Shikhar Financial Services Limited
1210 Move Traders & Credits Pvt.Ltd
1211 Mpa Investment Pvt.Ltd. (Formerly ‐New Vulcan Electro Co

1212 Mpn Fincap (P) Ltd.

1213 Mrb Credits & Leasing Ltd.
1214 Mudit Finlease Limited
1215 Mudraksh Investfin Pvt. Ltd.
1216 Mukut Finvest And Propoerties Pvt.Ltd.
1217 Multiline Share Mercantile Pvt.Ltd
1218 Multimedia & Entertainment Limited (Formerly Bestcorp Se

1219 Multiple Capstock Limlited

1220 Multiple Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1221 Multiplex Fincap Limited(Formerlymada Fininvest Ltd.)
1222 Mundra Credit & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1223 Munshi's Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1224 Mussoorie Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1225 Mva Finance Private Limited
1226 Mvs Leasing Private Limited
1227 Mysore Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1228 M.B. Finmart Private Limited (Formerlydabur Investment C

1229 M.C. Bansal Steel (P) Ltd.

1230 M.G.Portfolio Ltd.
1231 M.J.Finvest (P) Ltd.
1232 M.K. Finlease

1233 M.K.G. Financial Services (P) Ltd.

1234 M.L. Singhi & Associate Pvt. Ltd.
1235 M.N.R. Shares & Investments Pvt.Ltd
1236 M.R.Fincap Pvt.Ltd
1237 M.R.H. Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1238 M.S.Eximp Pvt. Ltd.
1239 M.S.R Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1240 N A Investments Pvt Ltd.
1241 N A P Investment & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1242 N D H Portfolio & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1243 N K A Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
1244 Nagdevi Growth Fund P. Ltd.
1245 Nahar Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
1246 Nahata Securities Pvt Ltd.
1247 Najafgarh Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1248 Nalwa Investments Limited
1249 Namedi Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1250 Nancy Finlease Ltd
1251 Nandal Finance & Leasing Pvt.Ltd.
1252 Nandwani Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd
1253 Naraini Gems And Investments Ltd.
1254 Narainsons Investments Finance & Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
1255 Narinder Singh & Sons Pvt Ltd.
1256 Narnaundia Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1257 Narwal Finance Pvt. Ltd (Formerly Gumas Finance Pvt. Ltd.)

1258 Nath Leasing Pvt. Ltd.

1259 Nav Bharat Vanijya Ltd
1260 Navdeep Portfolios Pvt. Ltd.
1261 Navkar Infin Pvt Ltd.
1262 Navyug Fin‐Sec Pvt Ltd.
1263 Ndh Securities &Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1264 Neelam Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
1265 Neelanchal Holdings Pvt. Ltd.

1266 Neelanchal Leasing Ltd.

1267 Neelkant Shares Pvt.Ltd
1268 Neelkanth Finbuild.Ltd
1269 Neena Impex Pvt.Ltd.
1270 Neesan Investment & Finance Pvt Ltd.
1271 Negolice India Ltd. (Formerly Prasidh Leasing Ltd)
1272 Neha Credits & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1273 Neotech Solutions And Securities Ltd.
1274 New Castle Finance And Leasing Pvt Ltd.
1275 New Delhi Industrial Promotors & Investors Ltd.
1276 New Era Leasing And Finance Ltd.
1277 New Line Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1278 New Ways Consultants Pvt Ltd.
1279 Newage Finlease Pvt Ltd
1280 Newtec Steels Pvt.Ltd
1281 Nidhi Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1282 Nigania Finance (P) Ltd.
1283 Nightingale Finance & Leasing Ltd.
1284 Nikat Finlease Limited
1285 Niki Mahima Finvest & Consultancy Pvt.Ltd.
1286 Nikki Global Finance Ltd.
1287 Nikon Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1288 Nikunj Agro Trading Company Ltd.
1289 Nimbus (India) Limited,
1290 Nipun Projects & Finance (P) Ltd.
1291 Nipun Securities Ltd.
1292 Nirman Securities Limited
1293 Nisakar Trade Links Ltd.
1294 Nischaya Finvest (P) Ltd
1295 Nischinta Commercial Private Limited
1296 Nishant Inbuild Limited
1297 Nishi Exports (P) Ltd.
1298 Nishtha Leasing Pvt Ltd.
1299 Nishu Leasing & Finance Limited
1300 Nitam Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1301 Nivedan Fin‐Invest‐Lease Limited
1302 Noor Mahal Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1303 North East Capital &Financial Services(P) Ltd.
1304 North India Carpet Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1305 North Ridge Finance Pvt Ltd
1306 North Zone Financial Services Pvt Ltd.
1307 Northern India Bricks Private Limited
1308 Novex Commercial Enterprises Ltd.
1309 Nsmk Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1310 Num Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1311 Nutan Growth Fund Private Limited
1312 N.A. Leasing& Credit Pvt. Ltd.
1313 N.K. Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
1314 N.N. Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1315 N.P.Automobiles & Finance Ltd.
1316 N.S.R. Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
1317 N.U. (Malwa) Finance & Leasing Co. Pvt.Ltd.
1318 N.Y. Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1319 Oasis Capital Services Pvt.Ltd.
1320 Oasis Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1321 Observers Credits & Leasing Ltd.
1322 Oceanic Auto Finlease Ltd.
1323 Ogden Trdng. & Investment Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1324 Ojswi Trades Investment And Finance Ltd
1325 Olin International Ltd
1326 Olly Investments Private Limited
1327 Om Sai Finlease Pvt.Ltd. Earlier Name Jammu Hotels Pvt Lt

1328 Om Fincap Pvt. Ltd.

1329 Om Ira Engineering Private Limited
1330 Om Securities Ltd
1331 Om Shubham Investment & Finance (P)Ltd.
1332 Omas Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1333 Omnipresent Credits Pvt. Ltd.
1334 On Wheels Auto Finance & Leasing Ltd.
1335 Onkar Investments Private Limited
1336 Opg Metals & Finsec Ltd
1337 Oracle Credit Ltd.
1338 Orchard Consultancy Services P. Ltd.
1339 Orient Bonds And Stock Limited
1340 Oscar Investments Limited
1341 Oswal Leasing Limited
1342 Outright Finance Private Limited
1343 Oval Inv. Pvt.Ltd.
1344 O.D.Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd
1345 P C Media Systems Ltd (Formerly Progressive Commercial E

1346 P N B Finance & Industries Limited

1347 P R L Leasing Ltd.
1348 P S P Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1349 Pace Education Pvt. Ltd.
1350 Pace Industries P Ltd.
1351 Padam Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1352 Padmanabham Leasing & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1353 Padmanabham Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
1354 Padmawati Leasing And Credit (P) Ltd.
1355 Pal Finleasevest (India) Ltd

1356 Pan Pacific Finance Pvt. Ltd.

1357 Panacea Services Pvt.Ltd
1358 Panafic Industrials Ltd
1359 Panchhi Financing & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1360 Panchsheel Investment Company
1361 Panchwati Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1362 Panipat Hire Purchase & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1363 Pankaj Services Ltd.
1364 Pankhuri Investment And Securities Ltd.
1365 Panny Leasing & Credit Pvt.Ltd.
1366 Pansons Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
1367 Paonta Finance&Deposits Private Limited
1368 Par Excellence Leasing & Financial Services P Ltd.
1369 Parakh Overseas Private Limited
1370 Param Investments Ltd
1371 Paramount Capfin Lease Private Limited
1372 Paramount Enterprises Limited
1373 Paras Fincap Private Ltd.
1374 Parika Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1375 Pariksha Fin‐Invest‐Lease Ltd.
1376 Parishek Finnance Pvt. Ltd.
1377 Parkash Chemtex (India)
1378 Parmatma India Pvt. Ltd.
1379 Parmesh Finlease Limited
1380 Parnami Credits Ltd (Earlier Cat‐A Coy)
1381 Parnami Habitat Developers Ltd
1382 Parnika Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1383 Parsee Leasing & Finvest Ltd.
1384 Parteek Finance And Investment Co Ltd.
1385 Parul Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1386 Parvati Finlease Ltd.
1387 Pasa Credit & Investment Ltd.
1388 Pasko Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1389 Patel Finlease (India) Pvt. Ltd.
1390 Pathetic Finance & Investments (P) Ltd.
1391 Pavitra Commercials Limited
1392 Pawan Finvest (P) Ltd.
1393 Pawansut Holdings Limited
1394 Pawansut Merchants Ltd.
1395 Pax Portfolios Pvt Ltd
1396 Payal Portfolio Pvt.Ltd
1397 Pci Leasing & Finance Private Ltd.
1398 Peak Securities Pvt.Ltd.
1399 Pearls Hire Purchase Corporation Ltd.
1400 Pepsons Leasing And Finance Pvt.Ltd
1401 Perfect Capital Services Limited
1402 Perfect Finsec ( P ) Ltd.
1403 Perfect Homfin Limited
1404 Perfect Leasing & Credits Pvt.Ltd
1405 Peristyle Securities & Finance ( P ) Ltd.
1406 Petorose Holdings & Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1407 Pickup Suppliers Private Limited
1408 Pillar Investment Company Ltd.
1409 Pinku Chits Pvt. Ltd.
1410 Pinnacle Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1411 Pioneer Finest Limited
1412 Pioneer Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1413 Pisces Portfolios Pvt.Ltd
1414 Pitambar Commercials Ltd.
1415 Pivet Finances Ltd.
1416 Pjs Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1417 Pka Capital Pvt. Ltd.
1418 Pksl Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1419 Plaza Fincap Private Limited
1420 Plb Financial Services Ltd.
1421 Plb Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1422 Pnb Gilts Ltd.
1423 Pnr Capital Services Ltd.
1424 Pooja Finlease Ltd.
1425 Poojasmit Investments & Trading Pvt.Ltd.
1426 Poonam Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1427 Poonia Exports Private Limited
1428 Popular Capfin Lease (P) Ltd.
1429 Portend Services Pvt. Ltd.
1430 Posh Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1431 Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
1432 Prabhash Motor Finance Co. (P) Ltd.
1433 Prabhat Capital Services Ltd.
1434 Prabhu Finsec Pvt. Ltd.
1435 Prabhu International Pvt.Ltd
1436 Pradeep Sons Pvt. Ltd.
1437 Pragati Fincap Ltd.
1438 Pragati Portfolio Pvt Ltd
1439 Praja Securities Ltd.
1440 Prakash Cresec Pvt. Ltd.
1441 Prakausali Investments (India) Pvt. Ltd.Ndsi
1442 Pranav Investment (M.P.) Company Ltd.
1443 Pranav Securities Pvt.Ltd.
1444 Pranav Trading Enterprises Ltd.
1445 Prasha Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1446 Prasidh Fincap Pvt.Ltd.
1447 Pratancha Finance & Lease Pvt. Ltd.

1448 Pratap Fincon Private Limited(Thar Manufacturerss& Expor

1449 Prateek Securities Private Ltd.

1450 Pratham Projects &Finlease Ltd.
1451 Pratibha Finvest Pvt.Ltd
1452 Pratiksha Fincap Pvt.Ltd
1453 Pratyancha Financial Services Ltd.
1454 Pravesh Credit & Securities Ltd
1455 Praxis Consulting & Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
1456 Prem Finsec Private Ltd.
1457 Premier Udyog Ltd
1458 Premium Exports Limited
1459 Premium Finlease Ltd
1460 Premium Linkers Limited,
1461 Premium Merchants Ltd.
1462 Premjee Truck Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd. ( Formerly Sheilash Finl

1463 Prichsit Investments Pvt. Ltd.

1464 Prifin Investments Private Limited
1465 Prime Caplease Private Limited
1466 Primus Capital Private Limited ( Formerly ‐ Rapid Growth Ca

1467 Prince Finance Limited

1468 Prince Global Financial Services Ltd.
1469 Prism International Pvt. Ltd.
1470 Priti Marketing Ltd.
1471 Priya Financial Services Private Limited
1472 Profile Systems Limited
1473 Profin Capital Services
1474 Profound Exports Pvt. Ltd.
1475 Progressive Finlease Limited
1476 Progressive Portfolio Pvt Ltd.
1477 Promain Limited
1478 Prompt Capital & Finser Pvt. Ltd.
1479 Propkar Securities (P) Ltd.
1480 Protech Financials Pvt. Ltd.
1481 Protect Securities Private Limited
1482 Proud Securities & Credits (P) Limited
1483 Provestment Securities Pvt.Ltd
1484 Prudent Data Services Pvt.Ltd.
1485 Prudential Commercial Enterprises Ltd.
1486 Psc Holding Pvt. Ltd.
1487 Psu Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1488 Psychotropics Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1489 Pulkit Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1490 Punam Stock Broking Pvt.Ltd
1491 Puneet Mercantile & Credits Pvt.Ltd
1492 Punjab Properties Limited
1493 Puran Associates Pvt.Ltd
1494 Puraskar Finance And Securities Ltd
1495 Pure Gold Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1496 Pure Value Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1497 Purolator Investments Ltd.
1498 Purshottam Investofin Ltd.
1499 Pushup Consultants Pvt.Ltd
1500 Puskar Portfolio & Holdings Ltd
1501 Pyramid Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1502 P. Seven General Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1503 P.A. Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1504 P.C. Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1505 P.H. Builders P. Ltd.
1506 P.K.B. Portfolio Private Ltd.
1507 P.L. Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
1508 P.L. Sood Finance Private Limited
1509 P.R.Kumar Capital Advisors Private Limited (Dynamic Consu

1510 P.V.T.Investment Limited

1511 Q‐Factor Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1512 Quasar India Fincap Private Limited
1513 Queen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
1514 Queens Gate Holdings (India)Pvt. Ltd.
1515 Quick Credit Ltd.
1516 Quick Infin Limited,
1517 Quick Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1518 R B A Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1519 R B G Leasing & Credit Limited
1520 R C J Investment Trust Pvt. Ltd.
1521 R J Shareholdings Pvt. Ltd.
1522 R K G Finvest Ltd.
1523 R M Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd.
1524 R N Consultants Pvt.Ltd
1525 R R Financial Consultants Ltd.
1526 R R Stock & Share Brokers Ltd.
1527 Raahul Financial Services (P) Ltd. (Rahul Financial Services (

1528 Rab Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

1529 Rachit Capital Services Pvt.Ltd
1530 Rachit Financial Services (P) Ltd.
1531 Radhika Construction Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1532 Radhika (India) Pvt.Ltd.
1533 Radico Khaitan Finance Ltd.
1534 Raghavi Finance Limited
1535 Raghu Trading And Investments Company Pvt. Ltd.
1536 Raghunandan Prasad Sarraf Pvt. Ltd.(Formerly Raghunanda
1537 Raghunath Holdings And Finlease Ltd.
1538 Raghuwar Exports Ltd.
1539 Raghvender Shanker Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1540 Rahul Finvest (Pvt) Ltd
1541 Rahul India Ltd.
1542 Railtrack India Limited
1543 Rainbow Credit & Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1544 Raj Profin Pvt.Ltd.
1545 Raj Pushp Finance &Investment (P) Ltd.
1546 Raj Sheela Growth Fund Pvt.Ltd
1547 Raja Devi Investment &Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd
1548 Rajan Holding Pvt.Ltd
1549 Rajasthan Global Securities Ltd.
1550 Rajat Exports Imports ( India ) Pvt. Ltd.
1551 Rajat Fincap (Pvt.) Limited

1552 Rajesh Projects & Finance Ltd. (Formerly Krs Financials Ltd.

1553 Rajindra Hire Purchase & Leasing Co Pvt Ltd

1554 Rajsi Infin Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
1555 Raju Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1556 Rajushree Capitals Pvt. Ltd.
1557 Rakuja Investments (P) Ltd.
1558 Ram Ban Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1559 Rama Investment Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1560 Ramajyoti Credit & Investment (P) Ltd.
1561 Ramaniya Finance And Investment Co. Ltd.
1562 Ramesham Ashcrete ( India) Limited
1563 Rameshchand Investments & Leasing Ltd.
1564 Ramgarh Leasing And Investment Ltd
1565 Rampur International Limited
1566 Ramsons Projects Limited,
1567 Ramsons Securities Limited
1568 Randeep Investment Private Limited,
1569 Rapid Credits & Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
1570 Raps Securities Private Limited
1571 Rasalika Trading & Investment Company Pvt.Ltd.
1572 Ratna Commercial Enterprises Private Limited
1573 Ravi Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1574 Real Lease And Credits Pvt. Ltd.
1575 Rector Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1576 Rediance Exports Pvt. Ltd.
1577 Reenu Fincap (P) Ltd.
1578 Reetu Finlease Ltd
1579 Refam Securities Pvt Ltd. (Formerly J.N. Malik & Associates

1580 Regent Finlease Private Limited

1581 Reliable Chit Fund Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1582 Reliable Securities Limited
1583 Religare Finvest Limited (Formerly Skylark Securities Pvt. Lt

1584 Remedy Finance Pvt. Ltd.

1585 Responsible Builders Pvt.Ltd.
1586 Revolving Investments Limited
1587 Rhine And Raavi Credits & Holdings Limited (Formerlynemi

1588 Richie Rich Overseas Pvt.Ltd

1589 Richman Fincap Limited
1590 Ridhima Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
1591 Rishabh Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1592 Rishabh Holding Private Limited
1593 Rishi Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1594 Rishi Growth Fund Private Limited,
1595 Rishiganga Finance Ltd.(Formerly Esteem Hire Purchase Ltd

1596 Rispana Leasing Finance And Investments Pvt.Ltd

1597 Rita Holdings Limited
1598 Ritika Textiles Private Ltd.
1599 Ritu Investments (P) Ltd.
1600 Riviera Hotels Pvt. Ltd.
1601 Riwaaz Investments Pvt.Ltd
1602 Rkc Stock Broking Services Ltd.
1603 Rmb Financial Services Ltd.
1604 Rnam Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1605 Rockman Holding (P) Ltd.
1606 Rolex Exports Pvt. Ltd.
1607 Rollon Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1608 Ronnie Finance Ltd.
1609 Roopam Financiers Pvt Ltd.
1610 Rosedale Marketing Ltd.
1611 Rovo Marketing (P) Ltd.
1612 Rozina Finance Investment & Leasing Co.Pvt.Ltd.
1613 Rpb Commercial Pvt. Ltd.
1614 Rpg Credit & Capital Ltd.
1615 Rpn Fintralease & Securities Pvt.Ltd.
1616 Rrb Securities Ltd.
1617 Rubicon Securities Private Ltd.
1618 Ruchi Leasing And Finance Pvt Ltd
1619 Rudawal Capital Trust Ltd.
1620 Runner Marketing Private Limited
1621 Rupayan Finance&Industrial Corpn. Ltd.
1622 Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.
1623 Rush More Leasing & Finance (P) Ltd.
1624 Rvl Finance & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1625 Rvs Financial Services Ltd.
1626 R. B.Capital Services Ltd.
1627 R. C.M.Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1628 R.D. Polymers Private Limited,
1629 R.Gopal Financiers Private Limited
1630 R.G.V. Fininvest Pvt. Ltd.

1631 R.K. Bansal Finance Ltd.

1632 R.K. Global (Finance) Pvt. Ltd.
1633 R.M. Cresec Pvt.Ltd.
1634 R.N. Finance Ltd.
1635 R.P. Narang Finance Investment & Leasing (P) Ltd.
1636 R.R. Corporate Securities Limited,
1637 R.R. Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
1638 R.R. Securities And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1639 R.S. Bros Leasing & Investment (P) Ltd.
1640 R.S. Services Pvt. Ltd.
1641 R.S. Singla Leasing & Finance (P) Ltd.
1642 R.V. Techno Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1643 S A Finvest Ltd.
1644 S A Portfolio Limited
1645 S K A Investment & Finance (P) Ltd.
1646 S K M Export Industries Pvt. Ltd.
1647 S L R Finance & Investments Ltd
1648 S L R Finlease Pvt.Ltd
1649 S M C Credits Ltd.
1650 S P A Capital Services Ltd(Earlier Name Aristocrat Leasing &

1651 S P G Business Services Limited(Previously Known As Vishva

1652 S P L Finance Ltd.

1653 S R Credits Pvt Ltd.
1654 S S B Stock & Shares Pvt. Ltd.
1655 S S P Finvest Pvt Ltd.
1656 S S R Finance Private Limited(Earlier Name Umang Fincap P

1657 S T S Finvestment Pvt. Ltd.

1658 S W Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
1659 S W H India Pvt. Ltd.
1660 Saaraj Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1661 Sab Holdings India Pvt. Ltd.
1662 Sabhya Financiers Limited
1663 Saboo Impex Pvt Ltd.
1664 Sachdev Securities Ltd.
1665 Sachdeva Land & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1666 Sachkhand Motors And Finance Co Pvt.Ltd.
1667 Sachsons Leasing & Finance (Pvt.) Ltd.
1668 Sacred Heart Investment Co. Pvt.Ltd.
1669 Safe Capital Services Ltd.
1670 Safe Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1671 Safeguard Finance Ltd.
1672 Saffron Holdings Private Limited
1673 Sagarmal Shimbhoonath Finance & Investment Co.Pvt.
1674 Sahal (India) Finlease & Investment Limited,
1675 Sahas Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1676 Sahayta Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1677 Sahdev Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1678 Sahib Finlease Ltd.
1679 Sahil Securities Ltd.
1680 Sahri‐Kahri Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1681 Sahu Jain Limited
1682 Sahyog Credit Ltd.
1683 Sai Capital Ltd.
1684 Sai Industries Ltd.
1685 Sainger Capital & Securities (P) Ltd.
1686 Saivi Finance Ltd.
1687 Sajan International P Ltd.
1688 Sajjan Commercial Enterprises Ltd.
1689 Sakar Portfolio Pvt.Ltd
1690 Sakshi Confin Pvt. Ltd.(Formerly Sakshi Construction Co.)
1691 Sakshi Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1692 Sakshi Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1693 Sallak Consultants Pvt Ltd.,
1694 Samarth Fincap Services (P) Ltd.
1695 Sanchauli Mercantile & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1696 Sanchetna Financial Services Private Limited (Formerly Ma

1697 Sandhu Finance & Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

1698 Sandhya Finance Ltd.
1699 Sandy Leasing Ltd
1700 Sangat Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1701 Sanghi Hire Purchase Ltd.
1702 Sanghi Steel Udyog Pvt.Ltd
1703 Sankalp Fin‐Sec Pvt. Ltd.
1704 Sanket Investments & Marketings Pvt. Ltd.
1705 Sankheshwar Holding Company Ltd.
1706 Sanksons Papers Pvt.Ltd
1707 Sanmati Properties Ltd.
1708 Sanmati Trading & Investment Ltd.
1709 Sant Dadu Dayal Investment & Finance Ltd.
1710 Sanyog Fin‐Lease Private Ltd.
1711 Sapna Cans Pvt. Ltd.
1712 Sapra Financial Services Pvt Ltd
1713 Saptrishi Finance Limited
1714 Sar Leasing Pvt Ltd.
1715 Saraf Credit & Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1716 Saral Fincap Pvt. Ltd.,
1717 Sarang Securities Limited
1718 Saraogi Investments Ltd.
1719 Saraswati Capital Services Ltd.
1720 Saraswati Commercial Enterprises Ltd.
1721 Saraswati Fincap Pvt Ltd.
1722 Saraswati Real Estates & Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1723 Saraswati Securities (P) Ltd.
1724 Sarawgi Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
1725 Sark Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1726 Sarla Oil Pvt Ltd
1727 Sarnimal Investment Ltd.
1728 Sarva Commercial Pvt. Ltd.
1729 Sarvottam Fincap Ltd. (Formerly D B Shares & Stock Ltd)
1730 Sarvottam Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1731 Satbehwaric Finance And Investment Pvt.Ltd.
1732 Satin Creditcare Network Ltd.
1733 Satish Finance Pvt.Ltd
1734 Satkar Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1735 Satsai Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1736 Satvik Bars Pvt. Ltd.
1737 Satya Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1738 Satyam Finlease (P) Ltd.
1739 Satyam Properties & Finance Ltd.
1740 Satykam Leasing Ltd.
1741 Savariya Investments Pvt. Ltd
1742 Saviour Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1743 Savitri Finlease & Securities Ltd.
1744 Sawalsha Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1745 Saya Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1746 Sbbp Financial Services (P) Ltd.
1747 Sbs Properties & Finvest (P)Ltd.
1748 Scholar Steels Private Limited
1749 Scud Finlease Ltd.
1750 Sehgal Televisions Pvt. Ltd.
1751 Sekhawati Capital Finlease Pvt. Ltd.,
1752 Sekhri Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1753 Select Infinlease Pvt. Ltd.
1754 Selvel Financial Services Private Ltd.
1755 Senior Finance Pvt Ltd.
1756 Sentinel Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1757 Sera Com Pvt. Ltd.
1758 Sethi Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1759 Sethia Intra Pvt. Ltd.

1760 Sethia Nivesh & Niryat (P) Ltd

1761 Seven Eleven Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1762 Sewstuti Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Abhishek Plantation Pv

1763 Sfs Infinite Limited

1764 Sfsl Investments Limited,
1765 Shabros Fin‐Vest Private Limited
1766 Shakuntalam Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1767 Shakuntlam Investment & Leasing Limited.
1768 Shakuntlam Securities Private Ltd
1769 Shalimar Agro Products Ltd.
1770 Shambhu Mercantile Limited,
1771 Shankar Fininvest (P) Ltd.
1772 Shankar Growth Fund Pvt Ltd
1773 Shankar Nandan Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1774 Shanker Radhey Finance & Investment Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1775 Shant Investments Pvt.Ltd.
1776 Shantanu Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1777 Shanti Gopal Finance Associates Limited (Formerly Shanti G

1778 Sharda Capsec Limited

1779 Shark Packaging (India) Pvt.Ltd.
1780 Sharnarthi Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1781 Sharsh Finance & Investment Co Pvt.Ltd.
1782 Shatabadi Finlease & Securities Ltd.
1783 Shatabdi Leaprofin Pvt. Ltd.
1784 Sheel Credits Pvt. Ltd.
1785 Sheela Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1786 Shefali Credits Ltd
1787 Sherya Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1788 Shewnarain Magraj Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
1789 Shield Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1790 Shilpi Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1791 Shinam Estate & Finvest Pvt.Ltd
1792 Shine Star Build Cap Pvt. Ltd.
1793 Shishir Finstock Pvt.Ltd.
1794 Shiv Arpan Investment & Trading Co (P) Ltd.
1795 Shiv Parvati Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1796 Shivalik Finlease Limited
1797 Shivam Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1798 Shivam Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1799 Shivangi Finvest Private Limited
1800 Shivbonanza Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1801 Shivlok Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1802 Shivpriya Finvest Ltd.
1803 Shivpriya Trading & Finance Company Pvt. Ltd.
1804 Shivshakti Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.(Malpani Securities (P)

1805 Shl Capital & Leasing Pvt.Ltd

1806 Shl Finance Ltd.
1807 Shorewala Investment And Properties Pvt Ltd.
1808 Shradhanjali Investment & Trading Company Ltd
1809 Shree Ank Finhold Pvt Ltd
1810 Shree Bhagwati Credit Portfolios Pvt.Ltd.
1811 Shree Daga Leasing & Investment Pvt. Ltd.,
1812 Shree Dhan Finance And Investment Co. Ltd.
1813 Shree Labh Lakshmi Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1814 Shree Laxmi Associates Pvt Ltd.
1815 Shree Mahalaksmi Investment & Property Co Pvt. Ltd
1816 Shree Swastik Motor Finance Pvt Ltd.
1817 Shree T.K. Leasing (P) Ltd.
1818 Shree Vishnupriya Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1819 Shree Worstex Ltd.
1820 Shreejee Finvest Private Ltd
1821 Shreekant Chemicals Industries Ltd
1822 Shresth Fincap Limited
1823 Shrestha Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1824 Shreyans Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.
1825 Shreyans Finlease Pvt Ltd
1826 Shri Bajrang Finance & Construction Pvt.Ltd.
1827 Shri Balaji Holdfin Pvt. Ltd.
1828 Shri Kunj Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1829 Shri Mahavr Ji Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1830 Shri Narayan Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd.
1831 Shri Niwas Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1832 Shri Ram G Financial Services Ltd.
1833 Shri Shindhuswarna Investment (P) Ltd.
1834 Shri Sukta Investment & Finance Ltd.
1835 Shri Varda Pacific Securities Ltd.
1836 Shrikripa Finlease & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
1837 Shrill Investments .Ltd. (Earlier Name Mmj Investments Pvt

1838 Shringarika Finance & Leasing (P) Ltd

1839 Shruti Finstock Ltd.
1840 Shuabhi Investments Pvt.Ltd
1841 Shubh Exim Ltd.
1842 Shubh Lakshmi Capital Pvt. Ltd.
1843 Shuklamber Exports Limited
1844 Shukriya Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1845 Shyam Basic Infrastructure Projects Ltd.
1846 Shyam Sai Finlease & Holdings (P) Ltd.
1847 Siddhanth Securities & Credit Pvt. Ltd.
1848 Siddhapavan Trading And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1849 Siddhartha East Pvt.Ltd
1850 Siddho Mal Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1851 Sidh Automobiles Ltd
1852 Sidh Leasing Limited
1853 Sidhu Leasing & Financing Co. Ltd.
1854 Silver Finance And Leasing Ltd.
1855 Silverline Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
1856 Simar Investments P. Ltd.
1857 Sincerely Finance & Investment Pvt Ltd.,
1858 Sind‐Wave Finance Services Ltd.
1859 Sindhu Holding Limited
1860 Sindhu Trade Links Limited(Converted From Cat A To Cat B)

1861 Sindhwani Metal & Engineering Pvt.Ltd.

1862 Singer India Trading Ltd.
1863 Singh Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
1864 Singhal Fincap Ltd (Formerly Jodhpur Investment Pvt Ltd)
1865 Singhman Finex Ltd.
1866 Sino Credits And Leasing Ltd.
1867 Siri Infinlease Pvt. Ltd.
1868 Sirohi Investment Limited,
1869 Sita Bhagwat Investment & Finance Ltd.
1870 Sita Investment Co. Ltd.
1871 Sital Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1872 Sitashri Trading And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1873 Skar Securities Pvt.Ltd.
1874 Skcs Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1875 Skjp Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1876 Skr Finance & Capital Pvt. Ltd.
1877 Skylark Leasing Ltd.
1878 Skymark Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1879 Skyrise Credit & Marketing Ltd.
1880 Slbp Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1881 Slv Finvest Limited ( Formerly Damini Finance & Leasing Ltd

1882 Sm Finlease Ltd

1883 Smart Leasing Ltd.
1884 Smb Securities Ltd.(Earlier Name Smb Securities Pvt. Ltd.)

1885 Sms Holdings Pvt.Ltd

1886 Snam Investments Pvt. Ltd.
1887 Sng Fincap Ltd.
1888 Soaltee Finance & Leasing Ltd.
1889 Sobell Finance Limited
1890 Sobhagya Capital Options Ltd.
1891 Solemn Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
1892 Soma Investments Ltd.
1893 Sona Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1894 Sonagiri Capital Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Sonagiri Chit Fu

1895 Sonagiri Finlease Pvt.Ltd

1896 Sonakshi Finlease Ltd.
1897 Sonal Mercantile Ltd.
1898 Sony Financial Services Ltd.
1899 Sophex Finvest Private Ltd
1900 Sound Finance Pvt. Ltd.
1901 Sourabh Investment & Finance Ltd.
1902 Source Commercial Private Limited,
1903 South East Investment & Finance (P)Ltd.
1904 Spa Securities Ltd.
1905 Spade Farms & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
1906 Span Holding Ltd
1907 Spark Exports Limited
1908 Spark Fincap Private Limited
1909 Sparkling (India) Finshares Ltd.
1910 Spg Finvest Pvt.Ltd
1911 Spick & Span Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1912 Splendor Finance Limited,
1913 Spurt Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1914 Sputnik Finlease & Portfolio Pvt Ltd.
1915 Srag Financial Services Pvt Ltd
1916 Sri Amarnath Finance Limited
1917 Sri Endrash Investment & Finance (Pvt.)Ltd.
1918 Sri Rajesh Financial & Management Services Pvt Ltd.
1919 Sriyash Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1920 Sss Portfolio Pvt.Ltd
1921 Stainless Investments Limited
1922 Standard Finhold (P) Ltd.
1923 Star Capital Management Ltd.
1924 Starlight Holdings (P) Ltd.
1925 Startrite Financial Services Ltd.
1926 Status Mark Finvest Limited (Formerly Known As Status Chi

1927 Stellar Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

1928 Stellar Enterprises Pvt.Ltd
1929 Stellar Investments Ltd.
1930 Steriplast Pvt. Ltd.
1931 Sterling Finlease Limited,
1932 Sterling International Finance Ltd.
1933 Strategic Credit Capital Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Kalinga Finlease

1934 Strategic Finvest Pvt.Ltd

1935 Striker Finvest Private Limited
1936 Subh‐ Labh Capital Services Ltd.
1937 Subhash Arora Investment (India) Pvt. Ltd.
1938 Subhavan Investments Private Limited
1939 Subhdeep Finlease Pvt.Ltd
1940 Subroto Trading & Finance Co. Ltd.
1941 Suburban Finance & Investment Pvt.Ltd.
1942 Sudha Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
1943 Sudvin Finvest Fairdeals Pvt Ltd.
1944 Sujala Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
1945 Sukam Capital & Crafts Limited
1946 Sulaxmi Finance Private Limited
1947 Sumangal Portfolio Pvt. Ltd.
1948 Sumant Investments Private Limited
1949 Sumesh Finaciars Pvt. Ltd.
1950 Summit Inport Services Pvt.Ltd
1951 Sun‐Star Securities & Credits Pvt. Ltd.
1952 Sun Invest Associates Ltd.
1953 Sun Investments Private Ltd.
1954 Sun Source Leafin Private Limited
1955 Sunbeam Control Systems (P) Ltd.
1956 Suneet Finman Pvt. Ltd.
1957 Sunflag Commercial Enterprises Ltd.
1958 Sunflame Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1959 Sunglow Fininvest Limited,
1960 Sunlog Credits Pvt. Ltd.
1961 Sunmarg Securities Pvt. Ltd.
1962 Sunrays Properties & Investment Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1963 Sunrise Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
1964 Sunshine Capital Ltd.
1965 Supan Finance Pvt.Ltd
1966 Super Growth Investments Pvt.Ltd
1967 Super Management & Portfolio Ltd.
1968 Super Wares Pvt. Ltd.
1969 Superior Finlease Ltd.
1970 Superline Fininvest Pvt. Ltd.
1971 Supermax Fincap Pvt.Ltd
1972 Supertech Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1973 Supra Financial Services Ltd.
1974 Supra Finlease Ltd.
1975 Supra Industrial Resources Ltd.
1976 Supra Portfolio Ltd.
1977 Supraneet Finance And Consultants Ltd.
1978 Supreme Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
1979 Supreme Securities Limited,
1980 Surabhi Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
1981 Suraj Holdings Limited
1982 Suraj Impex Pvt.Ltd
1983 Sureka Tubes Industries Pvt.Ltd
1984 Suren Electronics & Electricals Pvt. Ltd.
1985 Surge Trading & Finance (P) Ltd.
1986 Surmela Finance Ltd.
1987 Surmela Leasings Ltd.
1988 Surmit Investments Pvt Ltd.
1989 Surnidhi Investments Ltd.
1990 Surprise Leasing & Credit Pvt. Ltd.
1991 Survin Finance & Investments Limited

1992 Surya Finlease Pvt.Ltd.

1993 Surya India Limited
1994 Surya Jyoti Leasing & Finance Ltd.
1995 Surya Leasing Limited
1996 Suvridhi Financial Services Ltd.
1997 Sv Creditline Private Limited (Earlier Name Mantrana Finlea

1998 Svera Capital Services Ltd.

1999 Swarn Jyoti Investments Pvt.Ltd.
2000 Swarnim Leasing & Holdings Limited
2001 Swiss Leasing & Finance Ltd.
2002 Sybron Leasing & Finance Pvt.Ltd.
2003 Syndicate Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
2004 System Investment Pvt. Ltd.
2005 S. Dalip Singh Credits Pvt.Ltd.
2006 S. G.Financial Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
2007 S. K.Mittal Finance & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
2008 S. U.Securities Pvt. Ltd.
2009 S.A. Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
2010 S.B.N. Leasing And Finance Ltd.
2011 S.C. Industries Ltd.
2012 S.E. Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
2013 S.G.A. Securities (P) Ltd.
2014 S.H.M.A. Investments Private Limited
2015 S.J. Services Private Limited (Earlier Name S .J. Services Ltd

2016 S.K. Katyal Finance Co. Ltd.

2017 S.N.Electricals Pvt.Ltd
2018 S.N.M. Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
2019 S.R. Holdings Limited
2020 S.S.A. Credits Pvt. Ltd.
2021 S.S.Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
2022 T M L Investments Pvt. Ltd.
2023 Tanita Industrial Credit Ltd.
2024 Tanita Leasing & Finance Ltd.
2025 Tanvi Fincap (P) Ltd.
2026 Tapasya Finvest Pvt Ltd ( Formerly Tapasya Mercantile Pvt.L

2027 Target Fin‐Lease Limited

2028 Taru Agencies & Investment (P) Ltd.
2029 Tatharth Leasing Finance Pvt.Ltd.
2030 Tavishi Holdings Pvt.Ltd
2031 Team Plus Securities Limited
2032 Tedco Investment & Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
2033 Teekay Finvest Ltd.
2034 Teesons Fincap Pvt.Ltd
2035 Telecom Finance (India) Limited,
2036 Telic Finvest Pvt.Ltd.
2037 Texport Finance Pvt. Ltd
2038 Tfc Finvest Limited
2039 Thathi Infin Lease Services Ltd
2040 The Motor & General Finance Ltd.
2041 Theta Investments Private Limited
2042 Thukral Industrial Investments Private Ltd.
2043 Timely Fincap Pvt. Ltd.
2044 Times Leasing (India) Ltd.
2045 Tina Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
2046 Tinna Finex Limited
2047 Tirupati Balaji Finance Co Ltd
2048 Tish Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
2049 Titan Securities Ltd.
2050 Tm Investments Limited
2051 Tohangar Finance & Investment (P) Ltd.
2052 Top Notch Leasing And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
2053 Total Finance & Credit Pvt. Ltd.
2054 Totsol Financial Sewrvices Ltd.
2055 Tourism Finance Corporation Of India Limited
2056 Transnational Growth Fund Limited
2057 Transnational Securities & Finlease Ltd.
2058 Transworld India (P) Ltd.
2059 Trc Financial Services Ltd
2060 Treasure Finlease (P) Ltd.
2061 Trideep Leasing & Finance Ltd.
2062 Trinidhi Finance (P) Ltd.
2063 Triple‐ B Finlease Investments Limited
2064 Triumph Electronics Private Limited
2065 Triumph Trading Limited
2066 Trozen Finance & Securities Pvt. Ltd. ( Formerly Bank Street

2067 Tsl Holdings Ltd

2068 Tulip Investments Ltd.
2069 Turant Leasing & Finance Private Limited,
2070 Turrant Fincap Limited
2071 Tushar Leasing & Investment Pvt. Ltd.
2072 Twenty First Century Capital Ltd.
2073 Twenty First Century Marketing Ltd
2074 Twi‐Light Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2075 Twinkle Leasing & Finance (Delhi) Ltd.
2076 Two Bros Securities Pvt.Ltd.
2077 Two Brothers Holding Ltd.
2078 Twobro Investment & Finance Ltd.
2079 Tycoon Credit &Portfolio Ltd.
2080 Uddhav Investments Pvt. Ltd.
2081 Udit (India) Ltd.
2082 Uem Trading Pvt Ltd
2083 Ufl Leasing Ltd.
2084 Ujagar Holdings Private Ltd.
2085 Ujala Commercials Ltd
2086 Ujala Investments Pvt.Ltd
2087 Ujala Leasing & Financial Services Ltd.
2088 Uklana Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2089 Ultra Consultants Pvt Ltd
2090 Ultra Finance Ltd.
2091 Ultra Portfolio Management Pvt. Ltd.
2092 Umak Investment Co. Ltd.
2093 Umang Leasing & Credit Co. Ltd.
2094 Unicap Investments Private Limited
2095 Unicon Fincap Pvt.Ltd.
2096 Unified Holdings Ltd. (T/F From Jammu Office)
2097 Unipran Sales Pvt Ltd.
2098 Unique Intercontinental Limited
2099 Unisys Securities & Finance Ltd.
2100 Unitech Capital Private Limited
2101 United Finance & Agencies Pvt Ltd.
2102 United Hanware Pvt.Ltd.
2103 United India Finlease Ltd.
2104 Unitel Credit (P.) Ltd.
2105 Unitron Fin Lease Ltd
2106 Uniworth Secfin (P) Ltd.
2107 Unnati Mercantile Ltd.
2108 Upaj Leasing &Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
2109 Upercon Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2110 Uphar Finvest Ltd.
2111 Upvan Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2112 Urgent Finvest Ltd.
2113 Urmil Finlease (P) Ltd.
2114 Urvashi Finvest Pvt Ltd.
2115 Usha Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
2116 Usha Flowell Ltd.
2117 Usma Finlease Ltd
2118 Utkal Investments Ltd.
2119 Utsav Securities Pvt. Ltd
2120 Uttaranchal Leasing Ltd.
2121 Uttri Investment Pvt.Ltd.
2122 U. T. Leasing Ltd
2123 Vadra Overseas Private Ltd.
2124 Vag Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
2125 Vaikunth Motors Finance Pvt.Ltd.
2126 Vaishali Financial Services Pvt.Ltd.
2127 Vaishnavi Finlease Pvt. Ltd
2128 Valencia Credits Limited (Formerlygagar Marketing Private

2129 Value Ad Securities Pvt. Ltd.

2130 Value Leasing Ltd.
2131 Value Prolific Investments & Consulting Pvt Ltd (Formerly R

2132 Valueline Securities Pvt.Ltd.

2133 Vanaik Investors Ltd.
2134 Vanchal Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
2135 Vani Commercials Ltd (Earlier Regd With Guwahati Ro )
2136 Vanshul Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2137 Varaich Finance Limited
2138 Vardan Securities Pvt.Ltd
2139 Vardhan Securities Limited,
2140 Vardhman Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
2141 Vardhman Investment Ltd.
2142 Varistha Leasing (International) Ltd.
2143 Vashulinga Finance Pvt. Ltd.
2144 Vatsalya Holdings Private Limited
2145 Vayoonandan Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
2146 Vee Ess Capfin Private Limited,
2147 Veer Finvest Private Limited
2148 Veera Securities & Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
2149 Veeraj Investment & Financial Consultancy (P) Ltd.
2150 Vega Investment And Leasing Co. Ltd.
2151 Vemuri Finvest (P) Ltd.
2152 Venus Portfolios Pvt Ltd
2153 Vibgyor Investors & Developers Pvt. Ltd.
2154 Vibhavi Finlease Ltd.
2155 Vibhuti Integrated Finance(P)Ltd.
2156 Vic Enterprises P. Ltd.
2157 Victor Builders Ltd.
2158 Vidhu Finance & Leasing Ltd.
2159 Vidhya Shankar Investments (P) Ltd
2160 Vignette Investments Pvt. Ltd.
2161 Vijay Fininvest Ltd.
2162 Vijay Finlease Ltd.
2163 Vikhyat Finlease & Trading Pvt.Ltd
2164 Vikhyat Leafin & Portfolio Ltd
2165 Vikhyat Securities Private Ltd
2166 Vikram Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
2167 Viksit Trading & Holding Pvt. Ltd.
2168 Vinayak Vanijya Ltd.
2169 Vinayana Investment And Finance Pvt. Ltd.
2170 Vindhyanchal Finlease Pvt.Ltd.
2171 Vineet Infin Limited
2172 Vineet Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2173 Vineet Securities Pvt.Ltd
2174 Vini Financial & Management Consultants Private Limited

2175 Vinsan Credit & Securities Ltd.

2176 Vintage Credit & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2177 Vip Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd. (Earl. Name V I P Growth Fund Lt

2178 Vir Arjun Investment Pvt Ltd. ( Formerly Supermax Investm

2179 Virandavan Farms Pvt. Ltd.
2180 Virat Credit & Holdings (P) Ltd
2181 Virat Finvest (P) Ltd.
2182 Vireet Investments Private Limited
2183 Viren Investments Private Limited
2184 Virgin Securities & Credits Pvt. Ltd
2185 Virkant Investments Pvt.Ltd. (Formerly C..T.Investments Pv

2186 Virtue Finance Limited

2187 Virtue Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.

2188 Visage Holdings & Finance Pvt. Ltd.

2189 Vishal Foods &Investments Pvt. Ltd.
2190 Vishal Holdings & Capital Pvt. Ltd.
2191 Vishesh Credits (P) Ltd.
2192 Vishesh Securities (P) Ltd
2193 Vishu Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
2194 Vishveshwari Finlease Pvt. Ltd.
2195 Vision Securities Ltd
2196 Visisth Chay Vyapar Limited
2197 Vistrit Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
2198 Visu Leasing And Finance Pvt.Ltd.
2199 Vitkaar Leasing & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
2200 Vivek Portfolios Pvt. Ltd.
2201 Vivsun Properties Pvt Ltd
2202 Vls Finance Ltd, Pan Card No.Aaacv4183G
2203 Vma Finance Private Limited
2204 Volex Finance & Industries Limited,
2205 Volga Credit And Leasing Ltd.
2206 Vpc Financial Services
2207 Vrb Financial Services Ltd.
2208 Vrinda Finlease Limited
2209 Vrindavan Finvest Private Limited
2210 Vrs Fininvest Pvt. Ltd.
2211 Vyom Finance Pvt.Ltd.
2212 V.I.P. Finvest & Consultancy Private Ltd.
2213 V.K. Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
2214 V.K. Flats Pvt.Ltd.
2215 V.S. Growth Fund Pvt. Ltd.
2216 V.S. Infrastructure Capital Ltd.
2217 V.S.R. Finance Ltd.
2218 Wall Street Fincap Services Pvt. Ltd.
2219 Walton Finance P. Ltd. (Earliar Sukriti Software Services P Lt

2220 Wang Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.

2221 Weekline Investment & Trading Co. Ltd.
2222 Welken Traders Ltd.
2223 Welkin Commercials Pvt. Ltd.
2224 Wellcome Portfolio Ltd.
2225 Welltime Investments Ltd
2226 Welspun Finance Ltd.
2227 Whispering Properties Pvt. Ltd
2228 Wide Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
2229 Windpipe Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
2230 Winmore Leasing & Holdings Ltd.
2231 Woodland Securities Limited
2232 Worthwhile Portfolios Pvt.Ltd.
2233 W.L.D. Investments Pvt.Ltd.
2234 Xeraphin Finvest Pvt. Ltd.
2235 Xylophone Commercial Pvt.Ltd.
2236 Yadu (India) Limited
2237 Yaduvanshi Investments Ltd.
2238 Yaduvansi Leasing & Hire Purchase Pvt.Ltd.
2239 Yaksh Infinlease Pvt.Ltd
2240 Yama Finance Ltd.
2241 Yamunotri Financial Private Limited
2242 Yash Finvest
2243 Yashik Finlease Pvt.Ltd
2244 Yashika Finlease & Holdings Pvt.Ltd.
2245 Yerrow Finance & Investments Ltd.
2246 Yno Finvest Private Limited
2247 Yogindra Finance Limited
2248 Yojana Finvest Pvt.Ltd.
2249 Young Street Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
2250 Y.P. Finance & Securities Pvt. Limited
2251 Y.R.J. Finance Co. Pvt.Ltd.
2252 Zealous Financial Services (P) Ltd.
2253 Zed Leafin Pvt. Ltd.
2254 Zeel Fincap Services Pvt.Ltd
2255 Zelant Securities & Financial Services (P) Ltd.
2256 Zenith Finance Private Ltd.
2257 Zircon Traders Limited

2258 Zuha Financial Services Ltd.

1002, Arunachal, 19, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
95, Vindhya Aparment,, West
Enclave,Outer Ring Road, Pitampura,
New Delhi. ‐

F‐27/2, Okhla Industrial Area,, Phase‐I I,

New Delhi ‐ 110 020
811‐812,Aggarwa Cyber Plaza,, Netaji
132,1St Floor, Kalyan Vihar, ,Delhi
Place,, Pitampura,, Delhi‐ ‐
3776/309, Nirmal Market, Netaji
24, Ashoka Marg, Daryaganj,
Chambers, 5 ‐ B,Delhi ‐ 110
Park, Pusa Road,, New Delhi.
18, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar , New ‐ 110 060
Block ‐No.110087
2, House No. 15, Old Rajinder
Nagar, New
C A / 5 B , Phase Delhi.
‐ I‐I 110060
, Munirka, , New
Delhi. ‐ 110067
C ‐ 8/38, Yamuna Vihar, , Delhi. ‐
74‐7 6 Darya Ganj Road, Delhi, Delhi,
573, I ‐I 110 002 Main Road,, Chirag
I Floor,,
607‐608, New Delhi.
Gditl Tower,‐ 110B‐08,
017 Netaji
Naiwala,New Delhi,
Karol Delhi
Bagh, New‐ 110
Delhi. ‐ 110005
R R‐2, Mianwali Nagar, Rohtak Road,
110 087 Centre, Friends
D ‐ 1061,, New
New Delhi
Friends ‐ 110 025 , New
82 D, ‐D110001
D A, L I G Flats, Jhilmil Colony,
Vivek Vihar,Apartment,
97, Meena Delhi. ‐ 11078, 095I.P.
Extension,, Patparganj,,
610/ B, Sri Nagar, Delhi.Delhi.
Rani Bagh, ‐ 110092

E‐1/57, Sector ‐ 7, Rohini, Delhi. ‐ 110
105, Ashoka Estate, 24, Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi
28, , Najafgarh ‐ 110New
Road, 001 Delhi, New
F‐12, ,‐ Green
110015Park Extn., , New Delhi ‐
148,, Kalyani Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
410, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba
B‐19/2,Connaught Place, New
, Okhla Industrial Area,Delhi
Phase‐ 110
I I,
New Delhi ‐ 110 020
185, 1St Floor,, Ashok Vihar, Block I,
Defence‐ Colony, ., New Delhi ‐
Accurex Traders Private Ltd., 112,
Basement , Savita Bhawan,,
I V Floor,, Punjabi Vihar, , New 10,Delhi
102‐A, Ekta New Delhi. Peeragari,
Enclave, ‐ 110 002 New
Delhi ‐ Floor, Shantiniketan Building,
S‐4, 2Nd
3834/11, Pataudi House Road, Darya
Ganj, New Delhi ‐ 110002
A ‐ 5/2, Mianwali Nagar, ., New Delhi ‐
A‐111,, Preet Vihar,, , Delhi. ‐ 110092
149E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi, Delhi, Delhi ‐
E ‐ 24, I I I Floor,, Jawahar Park,, Laxmi
A F 1 & 2, Delhi.
First‐ Floor,
110 092 2 ‐ Jaisav Place,
5006 ‐ Hamdard Marg, Hauz Qazi, Delhi
Railway Road, Truck Union, Shamli,
A‐91,K G Marg,Nagar.New‐ Delhi, J, New Delhi
‐ 818, New Friends Colony, , New
Delhi. ‐ Subhash Marg,, Darya Ganj ,,
35, Netaji
New Delhi.
F ‐ 12, Ground ‐ 110002
Floor, Green Park
Extention, New
203 Allied House, Delhi. ‐ 110016
1, Lsc, Opp. Pushpa
Bhawan, Madangir, New
7 Raj Narain Roadd, Civil Lines,Delhi. Delhi,
‐ 110
F ‐ 13,‐ Vijay
110054Chowk, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.
110092Kirti Nagar , , New Delhi. ‐ 110015
47, Gagan Vihar, , Delhi. ‐ 110 092
1005, Akash Deep Building,,
E ‐ 16, Green Road,, Connaught
Park Extn., Place,,
, N.Delhi. ‐
H‐311B,Krishna Nagar, Near Vijay
Chowk, Delhi, . ‐ 110
40‐41, Community 051 , New
Friends Colony,Floor,
F ‐ 12, Ground New Delhi
Green‐ Park
110 065
Extension, New Delhi.
Cw‐ 49, , Sanjay Gandhi‐ 110016
Tpt Nagar, ,
Delhi ‐ 110042
1/4611, Street No.9, Ram Nagar Extn.,
M‐4, HarshaRoad, Shahadra,
House, Delhi, Delhi ‐
F ‐ 75 A, StreetComplex, New
No. ‐ 11, Delhi,
Laxmi New
606,6Th ‐ 110 092Vikrant Tower 4,Rajindra
Place, New Delhi,
412‐C, Usha Kiran,, New Delhi ‐ 110008
Complex,, Azadpur,, Delhi. ‐ 110033
261, Deepali, Pitam Pura, Delhi. ‐ 110
312, S‐524 Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi
Amar Colony Mkt., Lajpat Nagar I V,
8931,Delhi ‐ 110
Gali No. 1,024
Multani Dhanda,
Paharganj, 110055 ‐
A‐5/11, Sector‐16, Rohini, New Delhi. ‐
F‐13, I I Floor, , Vijay Chowk, Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110 092
203, Ansal Vikas Deep Plaza, Laxmi
Nagar Distt. Centre,
412, Arunachal Laxmi19‐
Building, Nagar,, Delhi
88 Baldev Park, Road, Connaught
, Parwana Road,Place,
Delhi. ‐ 110033
C W ‐ 49, Sanjay Gandhi Tpt. Nagar , ,
1627\33, ‐ 110042
Naiwala, Karol Bagh, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐Cell,
1/7, Ram Kishore 110005
Civil Lines,, Delhi.
110 ,054
West Patel Nagar, , New Delhi ‐
Shop008N0 6,, D D A Shopping Complex,
Panch Sheel Park,,
100, Vaishali, New Delhi
Pitampura, Delhi.‐ 110017

2131/26, Pech Paras Ram, Anaj Mandi,
Rohtak ‐ 124001
A ‐ 6, Group Indl. Area, Wazirpur, Delhi ‐
110 052
Nehru House, 4, Bahadur Shah Zafar
Marg,, NewColony,,East,
60, Friends Delhi ‐ 110 002New Delhi,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110065
E ‐ 217,, Greater Kailash, Part ‐I, New
Aalianz‐ 110 048 2Nd Floor, 273 Capt
C ‐ 8, L G F I Sriniwaspuri,
Marg, New New
I , East Of Kailash, Delhi. ‐
Delhi. ‐
511/2/1, Village Rajokari, New Delhi,
‐ 1110028
Tower‐ I I, ,
12, District Centre,, Janakpuri,,
I‐83,, Lajpat Nagar ‐‐Ii, New Delhi, New New
98, Kohat‐ 110024
Enclave, Pitampura,, , Delhi. ‐
234, D D A Office Complex,
47, Gagan Vihar,, Extn., Cycle‐Market,
, Delhi. 110 092New
B‐11,First Floor, Shivalik, , New Delhi ‐
405, Jyoti Shikhar Tower, Janakpuri
District Centre, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
11/6B, , Pusa Road, New Delhi, New
B‐105,‐ , Greater Kailash 1, New Delhi,
2365,DelhiSatya‐ 110048
Chambers, Rajguru Road,
V ‐ 34,Ganj,GreenNewParkDelhi
Main, ‐ 110 055Delhi. ‐
, New
308/8 016 , Veer Savarkar Block,,
Shakarpur,, Delhi ‐ 110092
10/21, Old Rajinder Nagar, , New Delhi.
110 060
Greater Kailash,, Part‐I, New
House‐No. 1106,048
Pocket 40,, Chittaranjan
205, Rajindra JainaNew
New Delhi, DelhiWazirpur
Tower, ‐
L ‐ 4, Green ParkComplex,
Extn.,, ,New
Delhi.‐ ‐
L‐4, , Green Park Extn. , , New Delhi ‐
C ‐ 9/9518, Vasant Kunj, ., New Delhi ‐
105,Southex Plaza‐‐2, Leela Ram
C B‐ 60B,New HariDelhisouth
Nagar, , Delhi Extension‐‐Ii,

107, Bharat Chambers, 70, Scindia
House, Connaught
J G ‐ I I/769 A, VikasPlace, New Delhi,
Puri, New Delhi ‐
New Delhi
1 E / 15, ‐ 110 018 Extension, , New
Delhi. ‐ 110 Tower
B ‐ 4, Satya 055 , 36, Comm.
C‐646, Sarita Wazirpur
Vihar, Industrial
, New Delhi Area,

A ‐ 247/2 , Phase‐I, Ashok Vihar, New
4596/7, ‐ 110052
Mahavir Niwas, I I Floor , 11,
Daryaganj, New Delhi.Chawri
4034,, Charkhewalan, ‐ 110 002 Bazar,
Delhi ‐ 110 006
1112, Ansal Tower, 38,Nehru Place,
New Delhi
S ‐ 169, ‐ 110 Kailash
Greater 019 ‐ I I, , New Delhi
110 048
B‐1 Extn., , Mohan Co‐Operative
4353/4C, Ist Estate,,
Ansari Road, NewDarya
Ganj, NewBarmi
62/2191, DelhiChamber,
‐ 110 002 I I Floor,
952 Pyarelal Road,Karol
Road, BankBagh,
Bagh, New Delhi, New Delhi
G‐10, Pushkar Enclave , Top Floor, ‐ 110005
2/30, AnsariVihar, Delhi
Road, ‐ 110063
Darya Ganj, New
Delhi ‐ 110 002
201 Radha Chamber, Plot No.19‐20, G
304‐305, Vikaspuri Community
Vikas Deep, Centre,
Laxmi Nagar,
304‐305,Centre, Delhi ‐Laxmi
Vikas Deep, 110 092 Nagar,
District Centre,, Delhi. ‐
G L‐2,, Ansal Bhawan, K.G. Marg,110 092 New
Delhi ‐ 110Floor,
305, Third 001 Bhanot Corner,
Pamposh Enclave,
9/16A, , Pusa Road, Greater
New Delhi,Kailash ‐ I,
Delhi ‐ 110005
D1/6, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110064
C‐8/8780, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110070
5926, I Ind Floor, Room No.10,
Room No. 203,, , Basti Harphool
Vardaan Singh,,1/52,
Punjabi Bagh (West), New
Stilt Floor, Devika Tower, 6, Nehru Delhi ‐ 110
Place, New
F U ‐ 72, Delhi Enclave,
Vishaka ‐ 110 019Pitam Pura,
2 E/6,Delhi ‐
Jhandewalan Extension, New
137, Ansal Chambers‐Ii,055
New Delhi ‐ 110 6, Bhikaji Cama
T‐24 A,,, New
Green Delhi
Park‐ 110064
Extn.,, , New Delhi ‐
110 016 Apartments, Sector 9, Rohini,
61 Jamna
Delhi ‐ 110085
110, Bhanot Corner, I Floor, Pumpash
Enclave, Greater
110, Bhanot Corner, Kailash ‐ I, New
I Floor, Delhi. ‐
Enclave, Greater Kailash ‐ I, New Delhi. ‐
94, Meena Apartments, Plot No 78,
Patpar Ganj, Delhi
1204, Nirmal Tower,‐ 110
26, 092
Road, Connaught Place,
4, Chitra Gupta Road, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi.New

Delhi ‐ 110 055
A‐40, , Kailash Colony,, , New Delhi. ‐
G‐3,Lawrence Road, Industrial Area,
Delhi, DelhiOffice
A‐23, New ‐ 110035
Complex, Defence
Colony, New Delhi.
H L‐20A, Anand Vihar, ‐ 110Jail024
Road, New
Delhi ‐ 110 064
1/7521‐A, Street No. 13A, East Gorakh
Park, Delhi. ‐ 110
101, Chhabra 032 8‐ Veer Savarkar
A‐88 3Rd Shakarpur , Delhi ‐ 110
Floor Masoodpur 092Road ,
T ‐ 302,Kunj,
Delhi, Delhi
Main‐ Bazar,
Pahar Ganj,, New Delhi. ‐ 110
W‐2, , Greater Kailash ‐I I, , New Delhi ‐055
110 048
16, Community Centre, New Friends
Colony, New Delhi
I I Floor,, Indraprakash ‐ 110Building,
065 21,
Barakhamba Road, New
307, M. J. Shopping Centre, 3, VeerDelhi ‐ 110001
D‐28, S MBlock, Shakarpur,Industrial
A Co‐Operative Delhi ‐ 110
136, Sfs,G.Hauz
T. Karnal
Khas, Road,,
New Delhi. Delhi‐‐ 110
Thapar House, 1St Floor, Central Wing,
124 Janpath
1511/3, , New Delhi,
Wazirnagar, KotlaNew Delhi ‐
Priti New Delhi
Nagar,, ‐ 110003
Hisar, Haryana ‐ 125
414/1 4Th Floor, Dda Commercial
10, IshwarDistt,.
Nagar,Centers, Janak‐ Puri
, New Delhi ‐
110 065
110, Bhanot Corner, I Floor, Pumpash
111 Okhla Greater Kailash
Industrial Estate‐ I, Phase
New Delhi.
3, ‐
Okhla Industrial Road
C‐15, Lawrence Estate, Phase 3,Area,
Industrial N
Tolstoy, New Delhi15,
House, ‐ 110 034 Marg,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
301, I I I Floor, 16 ‐ A, Uday Park, New
Delhi ‐ 110
B‐2 B‐3, 049 Janak Puri, , New
I I Floor,
Delhi. ‐ 110 058
H‐72, , Connaught Circus, New Delhi,
1170,Delhi ‐ 110
Kucha Pati001
Ram, Bazar Sita Ram,
Delhi ‐ 110 006
Third Floor, Uco Bank Building,,
Parliament Street,,
I I Floor, , Indra New Building,,
Prakash Delhi ‐ 110 21,001
Bara Khamba Road,, New Delhi ‐
803, Manjusha,, 57, Nehru Place, , ,
New Delhi. Dr.
X V I Floor, ‐ 110019
Gopaldas Bhawan, 28,
C‐59, C‐Block, Arya New
Road, SamajDelhi.
Road,‐ 110001
Nagar ‐ 110059
House No.91,Lig Flat, Gangotri
F ‐ 12, Green Park Extension, , New Dwarka,
Delhi. ‐ 110 016
S F S ‐ 256, A ‐ 5B, Paschim Vihar, New
Delhi ‐ 110,063
B G ‐ 222, Sanjay Gandhi Transport
Nagar, G.T. Karnal
103, Agarwal Towers, Road,
L S Delhi.
C , C U‐ 110
Pitampura, Delhi. ‐ 110088
401, Padma Tower‐I I, 22, Rajendra
101, AkashNewDeep
‐ 110, 008
Barakhmba Road,
2659/2, Gurudwara Road, , New Delhi
Karol‐ 110001
Bagh, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
Shop No 10 & 11, 18\20, W.E.A. , Karol
E ‐ 202,New203,Delhi ‐ 110Nagar,
Ramesh 005 , Delhi ‐
M ‐ 75, Greater Kailash , Part ‐ I, New
Delhi ‐ 110 048 Chambers, 9/54, D.B.
303, Namdhari
510 New Road,
Delhi, New
House,Delhi. ‐ 110 005Road,
3603,, Shyam Place, New Delhi
Bhawan, ‐ 110 001
City Business
Centre, Daryaganj, New Delhi
I V Floor, Times House,, 7, Bahadurshah‐ 110001
Zafar Marg, , ,Floor,West
21/8,Ground New Delhi.Patel
‐ 110002
20/15, I I Floor, West Patel Nagar,‐ ,
Delhi, New Delhi, New Delhi
New Delhi.
68/2276, ‐ 110008Road, Naiwala,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi
10/16, 2Nd Floor, West‐ Patel
110 005Nagar,
New Delhi. ‐ 110008
1005, Akash Deep Building, Barakhamba
Road, Connaught
10, Daryaganj, Place, New
Daryaganj,, NewDelhi ‐ ‐
110 002
10 , Daryaganj, Daryaganj , New Delhi ‐
Flat No. 23, I I Floor, Deepak Building,
Nehru Place,
39 A, Ring NewLajpat
Road, DelhiNagar
‐ 110 019
I V, New
Delhi ‐ 110 024
100, Vaishali, Pitampura, , Delhi ‐
Sector C‐ 8/8112,Vasant Kunj,, New
801‐807, New Delhi,House,
Tolstoy New Delhi ‐ 110 070
15, Tolstoy
Marg, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
F F ‐ 43, Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi. ‐ 110092
F‐55/D,G.T.B.Enclave, Dilshad Garden,
Delhi, Elhi
C‐9/35, First ‐ 110O93
Floor, Sector‐8, Opp Saroj
C ‐ 57/31,Rohini, New Delhi
Janta Garden, ‐ 110085
Pandav Nagar,
New Delhi. ‐ 110 091
Pardeep Mill Store,, Industrial Area,,
AF1& Road,, Hisar
2, First (Haryana)
Floor, ‐ 125005
2 ‐ Jaisav Place,
5006 ‐ Hamdard Marg,
N.G.House 176, Gautam Nagar, Hauz Qazi, Delhi
Gulmohar Park Club,
C C‐80C, Shalimar New
Bagh, Delhi.
Delhi, ‐ ‐
Room 088 No. 104 & 105, 1/42, Lalita Park,
Vikas Marg, Delhi. Paharganj,
1649, Main Bazar, ‐ 110092 New
Delhi. ‐ 110055
9/94, Shastri Gali, Vishwas Nagar, Delhi.
‐ 110032
105, Ashoka Estate, , Barakhamba
M 136,, New Delhi. ‐Circus,
Connaught 110001 , New Delhi. ‐
No 5 Block E Mezzanine Floor Lsc ,
Masjid Moth, , New Delhi ‐ 110048
32‐A, , Main Patel Road, New Delhi,
5 A\8Delhi
Ansari ‐ Road, Daryaganj,, New
752, Gali New Delhi ‐
Kundewalan, Ajmeri Gate,
Delhi. ‐
17‐18 Nehru Place, New Delhi, , New
Delhi ‐ 110019
A ‐ 2/162, Prateek Apartments, Paschim
Vihar, New
10/19, Automatic Delhi ‐House,
110 063East Patel
217, Dhruva New Delhi
Appt.,‐ 110008
Plot No. 4,, Patpar
Ganj,, Delhi. ‐ 110092
555, Double Storey, I I Floor, New
B‐98, GuruNagar, NanakNew Pura,Delhi
Mangal‐ 110Bazar
2/39, RoopLaxmiNagar,
Nagar,, Delhi
Delhi.‐‐110 092
Flatt No.606, Plot No.26,, Kailash Bldg.,
, Double New Delhi,Ashok
Storey, New DelhiNagar,‐ ,
New Delhi. ‐ 110018
108, Sri Nagar, Rani Bagh, , Delhi ‐
622 A, I I Floor, Gururamdas Nagar,
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi
M‐3, Deewan House,, ‐ 110092
Ajay Enclave,,
Shubhas Nagar,, New
1521‐ A, Devika Tower, 6, Nehru Delhi. ‐ 110018
Place, ,
New Delhi. ‐ 110 019
2524, Lajpat Rai Street,, Bazar Sita Ram,
Asaf Ali Road), Vihar,
Ii,, Ashok Delhi ‐Delhi,
110 006
Delhi ‐ 110052
501, Vishal Bhawan, 95, Nehru Place,
New Delhi.
110, Ist Floor, ‐ 110 019 Corner,, Pumposh
66/2253, SarvpriyaKailash‐
Greater , GurudwaraI, NewRoad,
Delhi ‐
RamaBagh,House, New Delhi ‐ 110005
23,Najafgarh Rd Ind Areai,
Shivaji Marg, New Delhi
4Th Floor, Punjabi Bhawan, 10, Rouse‐ 110015
Avenue, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
New Delhi ‐ 110002
92, Defence Colony, Flyover Market,
New Delhi.
I Floor, DCM ‐ 110024
Building, 16, Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi.
D ‐ 16/D, Hauz Khas, ‐ 110001
, New Delhi ‐
302 Dhaka Chambers, 2068\39,
F‐56, Ground Floor, Bagh,Greet
New Delhi, New
Park Main,
X ‐ 2, Delhi, New Delhi
Hauz Khas, , New‐ Delhi.
110 016 ‐ 110016
311, Deepshika, Rajendra Place, New
Delhi ‐ 110 008Jaina Tower,, Plot No. 18,
428, Rajendra
D‐19, 1St Centre,, Wazirpur
Floor, Okhkla Indl. Aera,
Industrial Area,
Phase I, New Delhi ‐
2459/10, Beadonpura, Gurudwara110020
Road, Karol Bagh,
K G ‐ 1/315, New ,Delhi.
Vikas Puri, ‐ 110005
New Delhi. ‐
Bajaj House,, 97, Nehru Place,, New
Be‐61,‐ Shalimar
110 019 Bagh(West), , Delhi, E,
Delhi ‐ 110088, Tolstoy Marg, New
13 Mohandev
5/5761, New DevDelhi
Nagar, ‐ 110001
Karol Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ 110 005
G‐4 Pushpanjali Farms , Shahi
8521, , Roshanara No. 194/3Road,, Village
Delhi, Delhi ‐
110 007
100 A, Cycle Market,, Jhandewalan
Shop No.New31, Delhi, NewCh.
I I Floor, Delhi ‐ 110
Balbir 055
Shopping Complex,
5, Pushpanjali, VikasPaschim Vihar, ,
Marg Extension,
Delhi ‐ 110092
742, Guru Ram Das Nagar Extn., Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110
103, Vardhman 092 Plaza, Plot No.
House Rani2,Bagh, Delhi ‐Road,
Old Rohtak
Delhi. ‐ 110Floor,
B‐15, 2Nd 035 Main Road, Shalimar
Village Delhi. ‐ 110088
4Th Floor,Punjabi Bhawan,, 10‐ Rouse
25, Chitra, New
Gupta Dellhi
Road, ‐ 110 002Ganj, New
Delhi ‐ 110055
411 ‐ Itl Twin Tower, Netaji Subhash
912, IndraprakashNew
Pitampura, Delhi21,
Building, ‐ 110034
904 ‐ A, ChiranjivRoad, New Delhi,
Tower, New
43, Nehru
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110 019
116, Allied House 2, Old Rohtak Road,
21/18,‐ 110 035 Shakti Nagar, New
, I I Floor,
Delhi ‐ 110 007
35 ‐ A, I Floor, Pili Kothi, M.B. Road,
35 A, FirstNew Floor, Delhi. ‐ 110062
Mb Road, Khanpur,
New Delhi ‐ 110062
Bgf I, Dilkhush Industrial Complex,
E ‐ 42/3, OkhlaRoad, Azadpur,New
Industrial Delhi ‐‐ I
Area, Phase
, NewXi/Delhi. ‐ 110020
1, Netaji Subhash Marg, Darya
Ganj, New Delhi
2838, I Floor, Peepal ‐ 110002
Mahadev, Hauz
Quazi, Delhi. ‐ 110006
D ‐ 1061, New Friends Colony, , Delhi. ‐
4Th Floor, Link House, 3, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg,
4805/24, New Ram
Bharat DelhiRoad,
‐ 110002
New Delhi ‐ 110002
607, Rohit House, 3, Tolstoy Marg, New
Delhi. ‐ 110001
45, Ishwar Nagar, , New Delhi ‐ 110065
201, Bhanot Plaza I I, 3, D.B. Gupta
Road, NewNehru
B‐363‐65, Delhi Ground,,
‐ 110 055Faridabad,,
Haryana, Faridabad
306, Munish Plaza, 20, ‐ 121001
Ansari Road,
Daryaganj, Delhi ‐ 110002
306, Munish Plaza, 20, Ansari Road,
F‐63, , Green N.Delhi ‐ 110002
Park (Main), , New Delhi ‐
Ag‐394,, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi ‐
129 Transport Centre, Rohtak Road,
Plot No.10Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110035
Sector‐4,Pocket‐D, Dsidc
Industrial Estate,Bawanai,
5 E, Rani Jhansi Road, Jhandewalan New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110055
4\2‐B , Jwala Mansion, Asaf Ali Road,,
New Delhi,
Bhilwara New Delhi
Bhawan, ‐ 110002
Centre, New Friends
10, Daryaganj, Colony,
New Delhi, New New Delhi
Delhi ‐
110 002
1307, Vikram Tower, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi
G‐60,Ii ‐ 110
Floor,, 008 Park,Shakarpur,,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110092
66 Hemkunt Colony, 2Nd Floor, Greater
Kailash ‐I, New Delhi ‐Ansal
Room No.101,Lb‐10,, 110 048
Bhawan,16,K.G Marg, New
F‐8/5, , Krishna Nagar,, Delhi,
Delhi, DelhiNew

110 051
24, Ssi Industrial Area, G.T.Karnal Road,
Delhi ‐ 110003
8551\2, , Roshanara Road, Delhi, Delhi ‐
1 K/19, N I T, , Faridabad ‐ 121001
26, Jor Bagh, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
110 003Prashant Vihar, Delhi, Delhi. ‐
340/1, Than Singh Nagar, Anand Parvat,
Delhi ‐ 110005
F‐Block,1St Floor,, International Trade
Tower, Nehru, Place,
57, Jor Bagh, New‐Delhi
New Delhi ‐
110 003
D‐15, Kalkaji, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
38, D019
D A Commercial Complex, Kailash
Colony Extn., Zamrudpur,
1511/3,Wazir Nagar, KotlaNew Delhi. ‐ ,
New Delhi ‐ 110
602, Chiranjiv 003 43, Nehru Place,
D D A‐ Flats,
110 009Madangir, New Delhi ‐
110 062
111Rdfloor .,Shakuntalam Plaza, Sector
Gali No.New
5 , 5,Delhi
Anand‐ 110 040 Indl.
I ‐ 289,Dl05,
MainNew Delhi
Road, ‐ Pura, New
Delhi. ‐ 110015
A B ‐ 26, Shalimar Bagh, , Delhi. ‐
Basemant, Vikas Complex, , 37, Veer
Savarkar Block, Vikas Marg, Delhi ‐
4596/7, Mahavir Niwas, I I Floor,
301 Vardhman NewPlazaplot
Delhi. ‐ 110002
No. ‐14, Road
20, Vikram Vihar,, Community
44, Pitampura Centre,
Block ‐C, Ferozeshah
2459/10 New Delhi ‐
Beadonpura, Gurudwara Road,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi
10174\1A Gurudwara Road,, ‐ 110 005
Bagh,, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110005
16/22,, Wea Karol Bagh , , New Delhi ‐
20/1, Punjabi Bagh Extn., New Delhi,
F‐207,Delhi ‐ 110
Rashmi 026
Apartment ,Harsh Vihar,
111, , Daryaganj, , New Delhi034
New Delhi ‐ 110 ‐ 110002
Bff‐1A, Ansal Dilkhush Industrial Estate,
G T Karnal Road, Azad
B‐13,Commercial Pur Delhi ‐
8380/7, Roshanara Nagar, Delhi,
Road, DelhiDelhi
Delhi, ‐ ‐
F ‐ 3/25, Krishna Nagar, , Delhi ‐ 110051
H‐3, 1St Floor, Shivaji Park, Punjabi
G F ‐ 3,Delhi ‐
Antriksh Bhawan, 22, Kasturba
D‐1/57, , Janakpuri,Delhi
Marg, New , New‐ Delhi
110 001‐
35N, Basti Harphool Singh, Sadar Thana
A ‐ 48,Delhi ‐ 110
I Floor, 006Pur Indl. Area,
A ‐ 48,‐ I110052
Floor, Wazirpur Indl. Area, Delhi
Sagar Apartments, 6,Tilak
Apartments, , NewShakur
F‐404, First Floor, Delhi ‐Pur,
001 ‐
4, Central Lane,, Bengali Market,, New
Delhi, New Delhi
28, Najafgarh ‐ 110001
Road, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110015
412, Deepshikha, Rajindra Place, New
Delhi ‐ 110Hari
1681/36, 008Singh Nalwa Street,
Naiwala, Karol Bagh,Kaish,
S‐524,, (Gf) Greater New Delhi ‐ 110
Part‐I,, New
Delhi ‐ 110049
1748/55,, Naiwala , , Karol Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ New Friends Colony, , New
C ‐ 660,
Delhi ‐ 110065
Hindustan Times House , 9Th Floor, 18‐
1306, VikramGandhi
Kasturba Tower,Marg, , New
Rajendra Delhi ‐
New Delhi ‐ 110008
Raajghar, Flat No. 6B, Ganpati Cottage
1A, Court Road Civil Lines, Delhi ‐ 110
507,Prabhat Kiran,, 17, Rajendera
Place, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110008
Flat No 202,2Nd Floor, , 27, New Delhi
House,, Barakhamba Roadi, New Delhi ‐
2137 Masjid Khajoor,, Gali Girdhari Lal,
B‐132 Delhi ‐ 110006
, Ground Floor, Preet Vihar, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110034
H‐1, Ashok Vihar, Phase‐I, Delhi ‐ 110
3922‐23,, Roshanara Road, , Delhi ‐
6, Mohan Singh Place, Connaught Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
877, East Park Road, Karol Bagh, New
A‐165,‐ 110005
Preet Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110
702 Arunachal Building, 19,
B.P. Complex,Roadgd,
I X / 1328,Connaught
Bagichi NandPlace
Kishore, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi.
401, Shyam Chambers, 2944/3, Bhagat ‐ 110031
Singh Street
D‐1020,, New, Paharganj,
Friends Colony,New ,Delhi
Delhi ‐ 110065
I/10413, Mohan Park , Navin Shahdara, ,
Delhi ‐ 110
302, Shakuntala032 Apartments,, 59, Nehru
Place,, , New
409, M G House,, DelhiWazirpur
‐ 110 019Community
1332, Desh Wazirpur,,
BandhuDelhiGupta‐ 110
Road, 052Karol
Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110 005
111, , Darya Ganj,, , New Delhi ‐ 110 002
8, Commercial Complex,, Malcha Marg,,
Times House, Puri,,
7, New Delhi ‐ 110
Bahadurshah 021
New Delhi
Gopal ‐ 110 103 Vikas
64 Old Shakarpur,, Delhi Nagar,
Anarkail, Krishna ‐ 110 092, New
Delhi ‐ 110051
206‐207, Deep Market,, Community
5Th Floor Wazirpur
Bhawan,Area,, Delhi,
210 Deen
Dayal Upadhyay Margt,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 0002
C ‐ 12, Raj Nagar C.H.B. Society,
29, Transport Delhi ‐ 110New
Centre, 034 Subzi Mandi,
Azadpur, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110033
206, Hans Bhawan,, 1, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg,, , Floor,
F‐12, Ground New Delhi.
Green‐ Park
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110016
47,, Community Centre, Friends Colony,
, Rani‐ Jhansi
110001Road,, , New Delhi ‐
6A\1 , Karol Bagh, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110005
801, International Trade Tower,, Nehru
Place,, , New Delhi
504‐A, Skylark Building,,‐ 110 60,
Place,, , New Ranjit,
48‐49, Hotel Delhi ‐Maharaja
110 019 Ranjit
E‐4, , Iind Floor, Defence‐ 110002
Marg, New Delhi. Colony,, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110024
R Z E ‐ 184, New Roshanpura, Najafgarh,
Delhi ‐ 110 043 Centre, New Friends
52, Community
K‐15, South, New Delhi ‐ 110065
Extention, Part‐1, New
Delhi ‐ 110 049
108, Ansal Bhawan, 16, Kasturba Gandhi
151A, ,NewEktaDelhi ‐ 110Peeragarhi
Enclave, 001 Chowk,
Delhi ‐ 110 087
Bg‐314, Sajay Gandhi Transport Nagar, ,
69 Dda ‐ 110042
Flats Jwala Heri,A, , Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi, Kirti
B‐34, Kiran Kunj,, NewNagar,,
Delhi ‐ New
110 015
, Najafgarh Road,, , New Delhi ‐
110 015East Of Kailash,, , New Delhi ‐
306, Sarvpriya Apartments,, Sarvpriya
Vihar,, New Floor,
S‐547, First Delhi ‐School Block,
Shakarpur, Delhi,
B‐44, Greater Kailash,,DelhiPart‐
‐ 110092
I,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 048
42 B, 4 Th Floor,, Himalaya House,, 23,
K. G. Marg,,
3927/28, New KDelhi
Arora's D C,,‐ Padam
110 001Singh
Road,, Karol Bagh,,
49, Community New New
Centre,, DelhiFriends
‐ 110 005
Colony,, , New Delhi ‐ 110 065
416 Gf, Bhera Enclave,, Paschim Viharr,,
Tower,‐ 110X087
I I Floor,, 6, Nehru
Place,, , New Delhi
B‐52, Kuthiala Building, ‐ 110Connaught
O S H UNew Delhi344/3,
House, ‐ 110 Lado
001 Sarai, New
Delhi ‐ 110 030
2, Gujrat Vihar, Vikas Marg, , New Delhi
‐ 110092
A‐17, , Sham Nagar, New Delhi, New
48‐49,‐ Sham
110 018 Lal Market,, Hissar Road,
G‐73, Main Haryana
Vikas ‐Marg,,
124 001
Laxmi Nagar,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110 092
Kranti Chowk, Meham, , Meham
410, R. D.‐ Chambers,,
124 112 16/11, Arya Samaj
Road,, Karol Bagh,,
S‐431, Greater New Delhi
Kailash‐I, New ‐Delhi,
110 005
New Delhi ‐ 110 048
4 Th Floor, Punjabi Bhawan,, 10, Rouse
Avenue,, , NewIndustrial
B‐66,, Naraina Delhi ‐ 110 002 Phase ‐ I
28,,New Delhi
Sardar ‐ 110
Patel 028 , New Delhi ‐
8A/6021W.E.A., Hotel Singh Continental,
Karol Bagh,
11708/3, SatNew Delhi,
Nagar, New
Karol Delhi
Bagh, ‐
38, D ‐D110 005
A Commercial Complex,, Kailash
Colony Extn.,, Zamrudpur,,
T‐2393, Faiz Road,, Karol Bagh,, New ,Delhi
New ‐
Delhi ‐ 110 005
59 Shankar Vihar, Vikas Marg, New
Delhi, New Delhi
113, Sector ‐ 110092 , Faridabad ‐
‐14, Faridabad,
104,Mcd Market,Arya Samaj Road,,
9/94, Bagh,,
ShastriNewGali,Delhi, New
Vishwas DelhiDelhi
Nagar, ‐
110 032
Daryaganj, Daryaganj, New Delhi ‐
110 002
E‐65, 6Th Floor, Himalaya House, K.G.
Marg,, NewEnclave,
24, Sadhna Delhi ‐ 110 001 Nagar,
New Delhi,
207‐208, New Green
C‐1/B, Delhi ‐Park
110 Extension,
Sri Aurobindo
E‐57, West Vinod Marg, NewDelhi,
Nagar, Delhi Delhi
‐ 110 ‐
110 092
4346/4C, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New
Delhi ‐ 110002
110, Deepali,, 92, Nehru Place,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 019 Centre,, Mayapuri
18 Community
Phase‐I, , New Delhi
18, Community ‐ 110
Centre, 064
, Mayapuri,
39\23, ThirdNewFloor,Delhi,Old
New Delhi ‐ Nagar,,
Rajinder 110064
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
F‐196 D, Mangal Bazar Road, Laxmi 110006
C‐8/38,Delhi ‐ 110 092
, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
71‐B, S G Pocket, Dilshad Garden, Delhi
110 095
Lawrenence Road Industrial Area,
R Z ‐ Floor,
20/275, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110035
, Geetanjali Park,, West
Sagar Pur,, Delhi ‐ 110 046
34, Engineers Enclave,, Pitam Pura,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110Gupta
F‐31, D.B 034 Market, Karol Bagh,
F‐31, Delhi ‐ 110 005
D.B. Gupta Market, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi, New Delhi
F‐31, D.B. Gupta Market,,‐ 110005
Karol Bagh,,
Delhi ‐ 110 005
8/19, 3Rd Floor, Wea Pusa Lane, Karol
204, I INew Delhi
I Floor, ‐ 110Vihar,
Kalyan 005 Delhi. ‐
D‐910,, New Friends Colony,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 065 Apartments, Vikas
B‐53 Gujranwala
306 , New Delhi,
Sita Ram New Delhi
Mansion, ‐
21/718 , Joshi
Road , Karol Bagh, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110005
1/27,1St Floor,Lalita Chamber,, Lalita
Park,, Laxmi
Plot No.3, Nagar,, Delhi
Block‐M,, ‐ 110 092
Connaught Place,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
20 B, Old Gupta Colony, , Delhi ‐ 110
302, Iii, 26/1503, Naiwala,, Karol Bagh,,
Vikas‐ 110
Marg, 005Shakarpur, Delhi ‐
Lb‐10, Prakash Deep Building, 7, Tolstoy
W‐106,New Delhi,Kailash,
, Greater New Delhi Part‐ ‐ I I, New
Delhi ‐ 110
Flat No. 048 11Nd Floor, 4/1 Db
Flat NoRoad
‐A‐13,Paharganj, NewMoth
324 ,, Masjid Delhi,South
House No 6, Pocket 40,, Chittaranjan‐
‐2, New Delhi, New Delhi
NehruNew Delhi,
House,, New Delhi
4,Bahadur Shah‐ Zafar
Marg,, New Delhi,
902, Aggarwal New Delhi
Millennium ‐ 110Netaji
Tower, 002
Subhash Place, Wazirpur Distt. Centre,
Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110034
A‐60, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase‐I,
New Delhi Harphool
5801,Bast ‐ Singh., Sadar Bazar,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110006
19, New Market, Ramesh Nagar, New
2/19, ‐Kalkaji
110015 Extn., New Delhi, New
310, Sewak009
‐ 110 Chamber 38\2099,
Naiwala,, Karol
C ‐ 88, Lajpat Bagh,,
Nagar ‐ I New Delhi,
I, , New DelhiNew‐
110 024
803, Manjusha, 57, Nehru Place, New
Delhi ‐ Kanchenjunga Building, 18,
V Floor,
F ‐ 83, MansaroverRoad, Garden,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
, New Delhi.
‐C ‐ 66, South Extension, Part ‐ I I , New
Delhi ‐ 110049
A ‐ 3/6, Vasant Vihar, , New Delhi. ‐
752 Mathura Road,, Opp Hotel Rajdoot,
MainNew Road,Delhi
Sadh‐ 110014
Nagar, Palam
Colony, New Delhi ‐ 110045
Top Floor Plaza Cinema Building, H
C‐102, Connaught Circus, New
Kaveri Apartment, Delhi
Kalkaji, ‐ ‐
Rz‐97‐98B, Narsingh Garden, Khyala
2Nd Floor, New Delhi, New Delhi
Indraprakash,, 21, ‐ 110018
Barakhamba Road,, New
2Nd Floor, Indraprakash Building, Delhi, New 21,
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi,
D‐28, Ist Floor, Greater Kailash Enclave‐ New
I, New Delhi, New
410/1Akhara Delhi ‐ 110048
Gali Mohala Maharam I,
Shahdra, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110092
201, Anarkali Bazar, Jhandewalan Extn.,
21/1381,‐ 110 055 Street, Karol Bagh,
‐ 110 005 Bhawan,, Rajendra
Am‐112, Shalimar Bagh,Delhi
New Delhi, New New ‐Delhi,
C‐7,2Nd Delhi ‐ 110088
Floor, Vikas Puri, Ndelhi , Delhi
110018 , Ist Floor, Krishna Nagar, Delhi ‐
302,Mg House Community Center,
Wazirpur Industrial
1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,Area, Delhi,
New Delhi
Delhi, New‐
House‐ No.6,
110 016 Pocket 40,, Chittaranjan
Park,, New
Lg‐1, Ashoka Delhi, New Delhi
Place,877,, East‐ Park
Road,Karol Bagh,, New
Tp 146, , Pitampura, Delhi,
Delhi, New‐ Delhi
2659/2, Gurdwara Road, Karol Bagh,
F‐7/21,Delhi ‐ 110Nagar,
Krishna 005 Nehru Place,
401, World Trade051
Delhi ‐ 110 Centre, Barakhamba
Lane, New Delhi.
5334,Bbasti Harphool ‐ 110001
Singh, Sadar
Bazar , Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110006
3 ‐ B, Vandhna, 11,Tolstoy Marg,, New
Delhi, New Delhi
11‐B, Mathura ‐ 110New
Road, 001Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 014
1/24, Asaf Ali Road, , New Delhi ‐
B‐4/160 A, , Lawrence Road, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110035
Inox Group, 612‐618 Narain Manzil, 6Th
Floor,23 Barakhamba
71‐A\B‐4 Keshav Puram, Road, New Delhi ‐
Road, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110035
A‐370, , Kalkaji, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
B‐4/160 A,, Lawrence Road,, New Delhi,
RoomDelhiNo.18 ‐ 110035
Isbt, Sarai Kalen Khan,
New Delhi‐110
65, South Anarkali 013,Extn.,
New Delhi,
Delhi ‐, 110
Delhi ‐
52/45,W.E.A., Prabhat Road,(Ramjas
16,TaraKarolChand Bagh,
Dutta New Delhi2Nd
Street, ‐ 110 005
B ‐ 2/136, Kolkatta
Paschim ‐Vihar,700073 New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 063
1/1, Vijay Nagar, Delhi, , Delhi ‐ 0110009
A ‐ 30, Block B‐1, 3Rd Floor, Mohan Co ‐
J G ‐ I I/767Indl. Estate,Ring
A , Outer Mathura
Road, Road,
Puri, New Delhi ‐ 110 018
A‐138, Shakarpur, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110 092
302,Kirti Deep, Nangal Raya, New
Delh1, New Delhi ‐ 1110046
R‐52, 3Rd Floor,, Vikas Marg,
Shakarpur,, Delhi, Hotel,
The Ambassador Delhi ‐Sujan
110 092
Park, , New Delhi ‐ 110 003
Suite‐4G, Uppals Tower, M6,Plaza,
Jasola,New Delhi ‐ 110076
208, Allied House, 2 Old Rohtak Road,,
A ‐ 1/137 New Delhi ‐ Garden,
‐ B, Dilshad 110 035 , Delhi ‐
4034, Charkhewalan, Chawri Bazar,
A‐3, 7Th Delhi ‐ 110006
Floor South Tower, Girdhar
40‐41, Community 28, Ferozshah
Centre,Road, Delhi ‐
New Friends
Colony, New Delhi
Ii/468 Telewara, ‐ 110065
Near Geeta Bghawan,
Shahdara, Delhi ‐ 110032
Diamond Press Building, 8 ‐ E, Rani
504‐A, Road,Skylark Jhandewalan
Building, 60,Extn.,
New Delhi. ‐ 110019
F‐196 D, Mangal Bazar Road, Luxmi
E‐202,RameshNew Delhi ‐ 110New
Nagar, 092Delhi, , Delhi
‐B‐99,Pundrik Vihar , Pitampura, Delhi,
216‐A, Dda‐ 110034 Mig Flats , Rajouri Garden,
C‐151,‐ Okhla
110 027 Industrial Area, Phase I,
A ‐ 104 ‐ A, Ashok020
Delhi ‐ 110 Vihar, Phase ‐ I I I ,
Delhi ‐ 110052
75,, Vijay Block, Vikas Marg, Delhi ‐
690 , Chowk Bara Tooti, Sadar Bazar,
375, Ch. ‐ 110 006
Mamchand Marg, Rampura,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110035
X/3065, Raghuvar Pura No 2, Gali No 4,
654/2,, MainNagar,RohtakDelhi ‐Road,,
110 031 Mundaka,,
Delhi ‐ 110 041
Dakha Chambers 2068\38, 310, Naiwala
Karol Bagh,
BastiNew Delhi ‐Singh,
Harphool 110 005
Thana Road, Delhi, Delhi
13/31, Aryasamaj Road, Karol Bagh, ‐ 110006
Second Delhi,
Floor,DelhiMcd ‐ 110005
Building, Desh
Bandhu Gupta
C‐106,, Mayapuri, PhaseRoad, Paharganj, New
Ii, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110064
B‐65/1 , Wazirpur Industrial Area,
Delhii, Delhi Village,
12 Shahipur ‐ 110052Shalimar Baghr,
340/1, NewThanDelhiSingh‐ Nagar,
110052Anand Parvat,
New DelhiNagar,
1/1, Vijay ‐ 110005 Delhi, , Delhi ‐ 110009
92, Defence Colony, Flyover Market,
H ‐ 68, Delhi ‐ 110024Circus, , New Delhi ‐
A‐83001 G. T. Karnal Road Industrial Area,
B ‐ 11, Raj Delhii,
Kamal DelhiSadan, ‐ 110033
Centre, Preet Vihar,
20‐B Old Gupta Colony, Delhi, Vikas Marg,, Delhi
New ‐
38/2079, I I Floor, Naiwala, Karol Bagh,
Shastri‐ 110
Gali,005Vishwas Nagar, Delhi.
110032 I I Floor, Padam Singh Road,
LoniNew RoadDelhi. ‐ 110 005
,, Shahdara, , Delhi ‐
1E/15, , Jhandewalan Extn., , New Delhi
110 055
Dda Flats, Madangir, New Delhi ‐
205, I.J.Complex, G ‐ 29, Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi ‐ 110 092
201, Inderjit Singh Place, Main Bazar ,
Delhi Gate , New
B ‐ 124 ‐ A, Near Tar Delhi ‐ 110 002
Factory, Vishwas
2Nd Floor, 11, Rani Jhansi Road,‐, New
Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
Delhi ‐ 110055
401 Nipun Tower, 15 Community
C‐135 , Karkardooma,
Anand Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐Delhi
110 092
‐ 110
105,Sagar Plaza, Laxmi Nagar,Distt.
Centre, Delhi,Pocket‐40,,
House No.6, Delhi ‐ 110092
Park,, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110019,
C‐60,1St Floor,, South Extention‐‐1,
New Delhi ‐ 110 049
39, Saubhagya Apartments,, Sector‐9,
D‐180, , Delhi,SavitriDelhi
Nagar,‐ 110085
New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110017
1 E/18, I V Floor, Noble House,
Room No 3 & Extension, New Delhi
4, I Floor,, 1649, Main‐
Bazar, Pahar Ganj, New
246 Sarpanch Ka Bara, Shanker Marg,Delhi, New
B ‐ 2/136, Paschim Delhi. ‐Vihar,
110092 New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 063
X X I Floor, Ambadeep Bldg., 14,
B‐4456, Gali Gandhi
Pahadi Dhiraj,, Delhi, Delhi
2838, , Peepal Mahadev, Hauz Quazi, ‐ 110006
1100064749, Roshanara Road,
Delhi ‐ 110 007
N‐6, Pratap Bldg., Connaught Circus, ,
New Delhi ‐
11, Scindia House,,110001 Connaught Circus,,
New Delhi ‐
N‐6, Pratap Bldg., 110 001 Connaught Circus, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
N ‐ 6, Pratap Building, Connaught
Circus, New Delhi
2682/2,Beadon ‐ 110
Pura, 001Bagh, New
H.No.713, NewAhataDelhi Himalaya
‐ 110005 Transport,
Kalka Distt., Panchkula,
31/36, Old Rajinder Nagar, Haryana,
New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 060
G ‐ 90, Preet Vihar, , Delhi. ‐ 110092
1002,, Arunachal Building, 10Th Floor,
B ‐ Barakhamba
125, Anand Vihar, Road,, New
Delhi.Delhi ‐
‐ 110092
16/11 Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh,
, Mukund NewHouse
Delhi ‐Commercial
H‐5/1,, Krishan Azadpur, Delhi,
Nagar, Delhi
, Delhi ‐ 110033
‐ 110051
131/H ‐ 34, Sector ‐ 3, Rohini, Delhi. ‐
504, ‐A, Sky Lark Bldg. , 60, Nehru Place,
Floor‐ ,110019
, Babar Road , Bengali
Market, New Delhi
861, Joshi Road, Karol ‐ 110001
Bagh, New Delhi ‐
110 005
Parmesh Corporate Tower,309 Iii Floor
Plot No.13,Karkardooma, Community
Centre , Delhi, Delhi ‐ 11009
B‐50,, Sarita Vihar, , New Delhi ‐ 110044
A‐232, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area,
1022 1St I, New
AryaNewSamajDelhi ‐ 110020
Rood, Karol
Bagh, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
1666 ‐ B, Govind Puri Extn., , New Delhi. 110 005
110019 Building",
H‐3/41, Sector‐18, Road,, New
Rohini, NewDelhi,
110 085
212, Jaina Tower‐I, Distt Centre,
C ‐ 5 Basement,New Delhi
Lajpat‐ Nagar
110 058 ‐III,,
New Delhi. ‐ 110024
79‐A, , Kamla Nagar, , 110007 ‐
23965698, 23937933
Room No.117‐118, M.J. Shopping
Centre, 3 Veer Savarkar
C ‐ 61, Preet Vihar, , Delhi. Block,
‐ 110092
Flat No 4225, Block B,, Pocket 5&6,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
D 28, Sma Co‐Operative Industrial
Estae, G.T.East
C‐8, Lgf‐Ii, Karnal
Of Road, Delhi
Kailash, ‐ 110
, New 033‐
3‐B, Vandhna,, 11, Tolstoy Marg,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 001
Now Changed To 49, Eklaya Apartment
W.E.F 26‐12‐2007, Sector ‐13, Rohini ,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110
D ‐ 315, Defence Colony, , New Delhi ‐
110 024
G ‐ 83/207, Vijay Chowk, Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi ‐ 110Naiwala,
1383\22, 092 Karol Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ 110 005
C 8/38, Yamuna Vihar, , Delhi ‐ 110 053
E ‐ 6, Greater Kailash I I , , New Delhi ‐
3605,048I Floor, Street No.8, Vishwas
Nagar, Shahdara,
505, , Chiranjiv Delhi, ‐Nehru
Tower 110 032
New Delhi ‐
A ‐ 1/241, Safdarjang Enclave, , New
Delhi ‐ 110029
3/11708, Sat Nagar, Karol Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ 110
13, Golf Links,005N.Delhi, N.Delhi ‐ 110 003
24, Lok Vihar Apartments, Vikas Puri,
407, Delhi
Kundan ‐ 110 018 Commercial
Plot No.‐6Azadpur,
, 100 FeetDelhi.
Road,‐ 110033
204, Pratap Chamber, I I Floor, New
House‐4 ,, Village ‐Ghitorni,
Gurdwara Road,
C ‐ 646, Sarita Karol, New
Vihar, Bagh,Delhi
New‐ Delhi
110 ‐
705 A/4C, Ward No.3,, Mehrauli,, New
Delhi, New Delhi
127, Nirankari ‐ 110030 Nirankari
E‐985, 100 Delhi, Delhi ‐Near
Ft Road,, 110 Babarpur
009 Bus
Terminal, Sahadarai, Delhi
1E/13 , Iind Floor, Jhandewalan ‐ 110032
C ‐ 50, D.D.A. New Delhi, New
Complex, Opp.Delhi
Chand Hospital,
1687 ‐ Kacha Defence
Bazar, Ambala Colony, New
Cantt., ,
Ambala Cantt. ‐ 133001
Iris House, 16, , Business Centre, Nangal
M‐6, 2Nd NewFloor
Delhi, M‐Block
‐ 110046Market,
F‐6, VijayKailash‐Ii,
Chowk, LaxmiNew Delhi ‐ 110048
Nagar, , Delhi ‐
6 ‐ B, Pocket ‐ A, Phase ‐ I I I , Ashok
M‐50, Delhi ‐ 110 Greater
2Nd Floor, 052 Kailash‐I, M
Block Market, New Delhi ‐ 110 048
B‐3/91, , Ashok Vihar,, Phase ‐ I I,, Delhi
110 052
, Ground Floor,, Shalimar Bagh,
A‐207, 110
‐ , New088
Friends Clolony,, , New
Delhi ‐
209, Raja House,, 30‐31, Nehru Place,, ,
New Delhi
305,Sita ‐ 110
Ram 019
Mansion,, 718, Joshi
E‐15/12,, Krishna Nagar,,Delhi
Karol Bagh,, New ‐ 110005
, Delhi ‐ 110
206, Puja House‐, C 3 Karampura
3‐B,Vandhna,, Centre, , New Marg,,
11, Tolstoy Delhi ‐ New
A 208,New Delhi
Unesco ‐ 110 001 55 I.P.
206, GroverNew Delhi ‐ 110092
Chambers, 4 ‐ B, Pusa Road,
10, G.F. Paschim Enclave,110
Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 005Rohtak
Road, , New Delhi ‐ 110087
39, Community Centre Zamrudpur,
Kailash Colony, , New Delhi ‐ 110048
R R ‐ 2,, Mianwali Nagar,, Rohtak Road,
Delhi ‐ 525Sadar
2, , West 1572,Thana
525 1573
Road,, I I Floor,
Delhi ‐ 110 006
16/3, Abdul Aziz Road,, 110, Ajiash
House, , Karol
G D ‐ 76,, Bagh,,
Vishakha New Delhi
Enclave,, Pitam‐ 110
Pura,, Delhi. ‐ 110034.
B ‐ 206‐208, Nehru Ground, , Faridabad

10\71, , Punjabi Bagh,, New Delhi, New
C‐51\6,‐ Mahendru Enclave,, G.T. Karnal
Road,, Azadpur,
130, L.G.F., World Delhi.
Trade‐ 110 033
B 9/13, Miya Lane,, New Delhi,
Wali Nagar, Rohtak New
New Delhi ‐ 110 087
S‐1, Vikas Apartment, 34/1,, Punjabi
7/9‐B,East, New
Sector 15,,Delhi. ‐ 110026
Rohini,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110085
19 Tilak Bazar, Hisar, Haryana, Hisar ‐
125 001Kalakunj, I V Floor,, No 1, Ansari
B‐110, Darya
Office Ganj,,
No. 107, NewIstDelhi
Floor,‐ South
110 002
Ganesh Nagar, Delhi
3‐B, Vandhna,, ‐ 110 092
11, Tolstoy Marg,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 001
B‐268, , Yojna Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
33, Prakash Apartments,, 5, Ansari
Road,, Darya‐ Ganj,,
190, Pocket New Delhi
I I I, , Paschim ‐ 110
Puri,, 002
, New
Delhi ‐ 110 063
Pcl Complex, Dr Jha Marg, Okhla, New
Delhi, New Delhi
306, Krishna House,‐ 4805\24, Bharat
Ram Road,
69/5‐A, Daryaganj,
, Najafgarh DelhiNew
Road,, ‐ 110Delhi,
Rohtak‐ 110015
Road, Assam Timber
Market, Mundka,
A I F A C S Building,, Nangloi,
1, Rafi Delhi
Marg,,‐ 110
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 001
Aifacs Building, 1, Rafi Marg, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 001
401,402,4Th Floor,Aggarwal Millenium
Tower, E‐1,2,3 Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110 034
A‐69, Group Indus. Area, Wazir Pur, ,
H‐72,,‐ Connaught
110 052 Circus,, New Delhi,
4, M MDelhi ‐ 110
T C/S T C001
Market, Geetanjali,
New Delhi ‐ 110 017
Diamond Press Building, 8 ‐ E, Rani
B ‐ 12, Road,
East OfJhandewalan Extn., ‐New
Kailash, , N.Delhi.
Khasra No.48/53 , At 430 Mirzawali Gali,
KatraNew Delhi
Lachhu ‐ 110030
Singh, Fountain,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110 024
40‐41, Community Centre, New Friends
Colony, NewPark
P ‐ 7, Green DelhiExtn.,
‐ 110New
065 Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 016
B‐15 Rashmi Apartments, Harsh Vihar,
Pitampura, New Delhi ‐ 110034
18/12, W E A,, Pusa Lane,, Karol Bagh,
Shastri‐ 110
Vishwas Nagar,
Shahdara, Delhi ‐ 110032
105, Ashoka Estate,, 24, Barakhamba
414/1,4Th , New Delhi
Floor ‐ 110
, Dda 001
Commeercial ,
A ‐ 8, I Floor, Chittaranjan Park, New ‐
Center ,, Janakpuri, New Delhi
202, I ‐I 110 019
Floor, Oriental House,, 20,
Community Centre,, Yusuf Sarai,, New
Plot No. 30 , Institutional Sector 44, ,
Flat No. 22 ‐ 122
A Ist002
Floor, Shankar Market,
Connaught Place, New Delhi
46, Chitrakut Apartments, ‐ 110
East 001
82 D, DShahdara,
D A L I GDelhi.
Flats,‐ ,110 092
Colony, , Vivek Vihar, Delhi ‐
J‐102, Sainik Farms, Khanpur, Delhi, 110 095
72 ‐ A,Delhi ‐ 110062
Teachers Colony, Samaipur, Delhi
‐202, Triveni Complex, E 10‐12, Jawahar
Centre,Delhi ‐ 110092
1St Floor, S‐524,
Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi ‐ 110 092
541 , 2Nd Floor, Pocket‐B, Sector‐13
1004 A, Chiranjiv Delhi ‐ Tower,
110 07543 Nehru
51/18,New , OldDelhi ‐ 110Nagar,
Rajender 019 New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110060
Dhanuka House, 861‐862, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi Plaza
Top Floor, ‐ 110005 Cinema Building,, H‐
Block, Connaught
G‐5,‐6 , Plot No.H‐3 Circus,, , New Delhi
Vardhman Plaza,‐
Netaji Subhash
Plot No.564, Main Place,
Rohtak Pitim Pura, Delhi
Mundka,, New Delhi,
2069 Hs Nalwa Street No 39,, Karol New Delhi ‐
Bm‐5,,New EastDelhi,Shalimar NewBagh,,Delhi,‐Delhi
110005‐ 110
2936/43, Beadon Pura,, Saraswati
Marg,, KarolHaider
506. Haveli Bagh,,Quli,,New Delhi
Chandni ‐ 110 005
Chowk,, , Delhi ‐ 110
Bhagwan Ganj Mandi, Modi Nagar, , 006
Distt. Ghaziabad
211 Bansal Plaza,(U.P.)
2122 ‐Bahadurgarh
‐ 110 006 Delhi ‐ 110
Room No.113, Vardaan House, 7/28,
G ‐ 7/563,Street , Darya
Gali Bahel Ganj,Mori
Sahib, NewGate,
69, D.‐B. 110 006 Road,, Paharganj,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110
C ‐ 61/2, 055Nagar, Safdarjung
Office No.Delhi 107,‐ First
110 029 Floor, B‐110, South
Cottage No. 13 A, FlatEast
Nagar, Delhi, No. Delhi ‐
G‐5,, West
Patel Nagar,,
86, Shakti , New Delhi
Apartments, ‐ 110 008
, Ashok Vihar,,
Phase ‐ I I I,, Delhi ‐ 110 052
K D ‐ 175, I I Floor,, Pitampura,, , Delhi ‐
110 088 , South Basti, Harphool Singh,
Sadar Thana Road,
A‐90 Ramdutt Enclave,NewEast Delhi ‐ 110 006
Nagar,, New Delhi,Road,
4570,, Roshanara New Delhi,
Delhi ‐Delhi
110 007
B ‐ 9, Thapper Chamber ‐ I I, 2, Desh
150‐ P SectorGupta‐1, Road,
Rohtak, Pahar Ganj, New
Rohtak ‐ 124001
A‐1/22,, Safdarjung Enclave,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110
A ‐ 218, Suraj 029 Mal Vihar, New Delhi,
New Delhi
306, Sharp Bhawan ‐ 110 092, Commercial
3/123, Scindia Azadpur,House,,DelhiConnaught
‐ 110 033
1448, Pan Mandi,, Sadar 001
, New Delhi ‐ 110 Bazar,, Delhi,
Delhi ‐
4Th Floor, Vardhman Plaza Corner,
Inder Enclave, Paschim
103/37,Community Vihar,
Centre, NewDeep
Surya Delhi
12 ‐ A,Wazirpur
Kamla Nagar, Industrial Area,
, Delhi. Delhi ‐
‐ 110007
8, Punjabi Bagh (West), Jawahar
Market, , New Delhi ‐ 110026
B‐133, Shivalik Enclave,, Panchsheel
C‐616, New Road,,
Friends , New DelhiNew
Colony, ‐ 110Delhi.,
F‐35/1, Delhi.
Okhla ‐ 110065
Inddustrial Area,, Phase
Ii,, New Delhi,
301‐309, I I I Floor, New Vardhman
Delhi ‐ 110020Plaza ‐ I, J
G‐3, Deepali 92, NehruNew
Rajouri Garden, Place,Delhi
New‐ Delhi
110 019
Rani Jhansi Road, , New Delhi ‐
110 055
Unit No.250, Block 3, Tribhuvan
C‐8,L G F ‐Ishwar
I I, EastNagar, New Delhi.
Of Kailash,, New ‐
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 065
4Th Floor, Panjabi Bhawan,, 10, Rouse
Avenue,, , New Delhi
E‐24, I I I Floor,, Jawahar ‐ 110 002 Laxmi
302, G.K. Delhi
House ‐ 110 092 Sant Nagar, East
, 187A,
Padma , New Delhi ‐Rajindra
Tower‐1, 110 065 Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
603, Sethi Bhawan, 7, Rajendra Place,
Road,‐ Nangloi,
110 008 , Delhi. ‐ 110 041
803, Vishal Bhawan, 95, Nehru Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110019
1‐A, Banarsi Dass Estate,, Timarpur,
North Delhi, Delhi
F‐52, Khanpur Extn.,‐ 110054
Behind D.T.C.
Depot., New Delhi,
E‐601,, Jhulelal Apartments, New DelhiRoad
‐ 110062
44, Pitampura, New Delhi
101, Hargobind Enclave, , Delhi ‐ 110 ‐ 110 034
B‐8/88, Sector‐3,, Rohini,, Delhi, Delhi ‐
A‐49(Basement), Hauz Khas,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110Tower,,
115, Jagdamba 016 Preet Vihar,
B ‐ 1/D ‐Complex,
2, MohanDelhi Co‐Op.‐ 110092
A ‐ 48, I Floor, Wazirpur Ind.Delhi.
Mathura Road, New Area, ‐Delhi.
Humayunpur, Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi,
1/7, Ram New Delhi
Kishore Road,‐ 110
Lines, Delhi
110 054
, L G F, Geetanjali Road, Shivalik,
New Delhi ‐ 110 017
Plor No. 31, Echelon Instititional Area,
Sector 32, Gurgaon,
Plot No.31, Haryana ‐ 122001
Echelon Institutional Area,
806,Siddharth,96,Nehru Place, New001
32, Gurgaon, Haryana ‐ 122
19 ‐ A,,Ansari
New Delhi
Road,‐ 110019
Daryaganj, New
Delhi ‐ 110002
H‐39/D ,Sfs, Add. Chanded Vide
8A,Recd., Saket,
Shah ZafarHouse,,
B‐3, Ram Marg,,A‐18,
New Delhi, New Delhi
Basement, New‐3,Delhi
Ram ‐House,,
18,Connaught Place,
Basement ‐3,, Ram House, , New A‐18,
Delhi ‐
Connaught Place, New
T‐6 Super Market, NewDelhi
Moti ‐Nagar,
New Delhi, Lok,
34, Basant NewVasant
Delhi ‐Vihar,
110015New Delhi
110, 057
Najafgarh Road,, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110015
303 Himland House, D‐5 Karampura
Comm. Complex, New 43,
404, Chiranjiv Tower,, Delhi, NewPlace,
Nehru Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110009
92, Defence Colony, Flyover Market, ,
New Delhi ‐
203, Prakash House,, 4379/4B, Ansari
Road, Darya Ganj,
1603, Chiranjiv Delhi43,
Tower,, ‐ 110002
Nehru Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
An‐7, , Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi ‐
18A , Yp Block , Dda Flats, Pitampura,
226, I IDelhi
Floor,‐ 110034
1900, Sri Ram Market,
S ‐ 492/A, GreaterQuazi,
Walan, Hauz KailashNew
‐ I, ,Delhi.
New ‐
Delhi ‐ 110 048
B‐1554 , Shastri Nagar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
1443, Urban Estate‐2,, Near Yashoda
No. 102,School, Hisar, Haryana
Csc,Gh‐13/Gh‐17, ‐ 125005
Bg‐6, Block
B, Paschimpuri, New Delhi ‐
166, Pocket C ‐ 7, Sector‐7, Rohini,110063
1264/6, ‐Near
110085Aggarwal Dharamshala,
Talkie Road, Ambala‐City ‐ 134001
A G ‐ 101, Sanjay Gandhi Transport
M ‐ 19,,Munish
Delhi ‐ 110
Building, No. 20,
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
6/3,1St Floor,, Roop Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110002
., Delhi ‐
A F 1 & 2, First Floor, 2 ‐ Jaisav Place,
5006 ‐ Hamdard
2318/22, Tota Ram Marg, Hauz
Bazar, TriQazi,
B‐110,‐ Office
110035No. 107, First Floor, South
, Joshi Delhi
Road,,‐ 110092
Karol Bagh,, New
Delhi ‐ 110005
504 ‐ A, Skylark Building, 60, Nehru
Place, New No.2B,
Apartment Delhi ‐ 110
28,, 019
Feroshah Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
Kanchenjunga(7Th Floor),, 18‐
Barakhamba Road,, New
58, A Block Shopping Delhi, Naraina
Complex, New
Vihar, New Delhi ‐ 110 028
Wz‐139 B Iind Floor, Ring Road, Naraina,
New Delhi,
1020/18, New Delhi
Naiwala, ‐ 110028
Karol Bagh, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110005
M‐6, Greater Kailash ‐Ii, , Market, , New
Delhi ‐ 110048
30/1574, 3Rd Floor, Naiwalan , Karol
Bagh, New Delhi, New
Hotel Ambassador, SujanDelhi ‐ 110
Singh 005
New Delhi, New
32, Hanuman Delhi
Road, ‐ 110Delhi
, New 003 ‐ 110
Hindustan Times House, 9Th Floor, 18‐
20, Kasturba
39/1386, Gandhi Chowk,
, Chandni Marg,, , Delhi,
New Delhi
Mandakini Enclave,, Alaknanda,
New Delhi, New Delhi
B Q 82 , Shalimar Bagh,‐ 110019
Delhi, Delhi ‐
110 052
401, Padma Tower ‐ I I, 22, Rajendra
Place, NewApartment,Plot
22,Sharda Delhi ‐ 110 008No.3, West
2, Pawan House, Ring Road, Pitampura,
Ifci Tower, 61,Centre,
Place, Colony
P.B. No.Ext.,
4499, New 61
Ifci Tower, Delhi ‐ 110019
Nehru Place, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
9/9. W.E.F 12‐01‐2008, South Patel
Nagar, , New Delhi ‐ 110008
House No 6, Pocket 40,, Chittaranjan
Park,, New Delhi, M‐6
Suit# 4‐G,Uppals NewPlaza
Delhi, ‐Jasola
District Center, 27 Barakhamba Road,
Connaught Place, New Delhi ‐ 11
811, E‐Block, 8Th Floor, International
3019/2,Tower, Nehru
I I Floor, Place,
Chuna NewPahar
Mandi, Delhi ‐
Ganj, New Delhi
NEW DELHI‐110002.
1014, Ambadeep Building, PHONE 14,NO.011‐
K G Marg,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
406, Sector‐19, Faridabad, Haryana ‐
302, Ansal Chamber‐I I,, 6, Bhikaji Cama
Place , , NewTower,,
401, Amber Delhi ‐ 110066
Nani Wala Bagh,
Azad Pur, New Delhi.
40‐41, Community Centre, ‐ 110033
New Friends
Colony, New Delhi. ‐ 110065
U G Floor, East Tower, N B C C Place,
Bhisham Pitamah Marg, Pragati Vihar,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi ‐ 110 0
India Habitat Centre, Core 4 ‐ A, East
B ‐ 328,I Floor,
I Floor,Lodhi
Nehru Road, New Delhi. ‐
Faridabad ‐ 121 001
C‐520,, Defence Colony,, , New Delhi ‐
A‐56 Naraina Industrial Area, Phase ‐1,
705, PragatiNewTower,,
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110063
26, Rajindra Place,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 008
E ‐ 985, 100 Feet Road, Near Mala Devi
School, Babarpur,
A‐67, Lajpat NagarShahdara, DelhiNew
Ii, New Delhi, ‐ 110
414/1,‐ 110024
4Thfloor, Dda Commercial
B‐3, Oriental District Center
House,, Janakpuri,
20, Gulmohar
1/1, , Vijay Community Center,,
Nagar,, Delhi, New
Delhi ‐
E ‐ 45/2, Phase ‐ I I, Okhla Industrial
48/53NewAt 430 Delhi ‐ 110Wali
, Mirza 020Gali, Lado
208‐210New Delhi ‐ 110030
Rectangle I, Saket District
Centrerajendra Place,
701‐704, Manjusha,, 57, Saket, New
Nehru Delhi
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 019
M‐98, Ground Floor, Saket, New Delhi ‐
110 017 Building, Sansad Marg, New
32, Regal
Delhi ‐ 110 001
604, Nirmal Tower, , 26, Barakhamba
B‐6/124, , New Delhi
Shiva Road,‐ 110001
Rohini Sector‐8,
New Delhi ‐ 110085
B ‐ 6, I Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi. ‐
18 Bhera Enclave , Paschim Vihar, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110018
Hansalaya (7Th Floor), 15, Barakhamba
Road, , New Delhi
302, Akashdeep ‐ 110001
Building, 26‐A,
Barakhamba Road, , New
504‐A, Skylark Bldg., 60, Nehru Delhi Place,
‐ 110001
New Delhi ‐ 110019
A‐19 Naranina Industrial Area,, Phase
7‐B,, New DelhiRama
I I Floor, ‐ 110028
Place, Neelam Fly
Over, Faridabad,
40‐41, Community Haryana
Centre,‐ New Friends
101, Padma NewPalace,
Delhi. ‐, 110065
86, Nehru Place,
New Delhi, New Delhi
Mb‐80, Shakarpur, , Delhi ‐ 110019
‐ 110092
101, Sita Ram Mansion, 718/21, Joshi
365‐ 1St, Karol Bagh,
Floor,, NewEncalve,
Kohat Delhi ‐ 110
26/25,Pitampura, New Delhi
Iind Floor, Rajinder ‐ 110034
Nagar, , New
Delhi ‐
Flat No. 22‐A First Floor, Shankar
Market, ConnaughtGurudwara
Pratap Chambers, Place, NewRoad,
Delhi ‐
Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110005
G‐1, Basement, Preet Vihar, , Delhi ‐
"Link House" (I V Floor), 3, Bahadur
A ‐ 26,Zafar Marg,,
Naraina New Delhi,
Industrial Area,New
IM, New Delhi. ‐ 110028
‐ 14 B, N.D.S.E., Part ‐ I I , New Delhi ‐
301,3Rd Floor, Priyanka Tower,, Kirti
Nagar,Behind Natraj Cinema,, New
412‐C, Usha Kiran Bldg., Commercial
Complex, Azadpur, Delhi ‐ 110033
B‐532, 2Nd Floor, Nehru Ground, Nit,
First Floor, Haryana, Haryana ‐ Plaza,
Radisson Hotal Delhi National Highway
No. 8, Mahipalpur, New D
J ‐ 15, Vikas Puri, , New Delhi ‐ 110018
208, Magnum House I I, Karampura
D‐52, I Floor,, Centre,
East OfNew DelhiNew
Kailash, ‐ 110 015
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 065
B ‐ 9, Gupta Palace, A ‐ 2/42, Rajouri
Garden, New Delhi.Greater
R ‐ 104, Basement, ‐ 110027 Kailash‐I,,
New Delhi ‐ 110 048
Greater Kailash Polish Stationr, Greater
S‐524, Vikas Part‐1, NewShakarpur,
Marg, Delhi ‐ 110Delhi
019 ‐
F‐89\11 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I,
New Delhi, New
Kanchenjunga Delhi
(7Th ‐ 110020
Floor), 18 ‐
28/1, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara,New
Road,, New Delhi, Delhi ‐
8, Veer Savarkar Block, Madhuban
4566/13, Shakarpur,
Jai MataDelhi.
Market,‐ 110092
Tri Nagar,
Delhi. ‐ 110035
1/14, Asaf Ali Road, New Dehli, Delhi ‐
M ‐ 8, Green Park Main, , New Delhi ‐
110 016 Janak Puri, New Delhi, New
2073/5, ‐ 110058
Chuna Mandi,, Paharganj,, New
Delhi ‐ 110
2066/6, , Chuna 055 Mandi , Paharganj, New
E ‐ 1/2, ‐ 110 055Vihar, , N.Delhi ‐ 110057
House No.6, Pocket 40,, Chitranjan
D‐19, 1St NewFloor
Delhi, New Delhi
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐As On‐ 110019
2.4.07 ,
Okhkla Industrial Area, Phase
F‐9, Shalimar Apartments, , Delhi. I, New

108‐109, Shivlok‐Ii,, Karampura
308, Lusa Tower, Complex,, NewI IDelhi,
A ‐ 2/3, I Floor,New
F‐7/21, Krishana Nagar, Delhi, New ‐
Complex, Azadpur, Delhi.
Delhi ‐ 110051
H 4, Masjid Moth,, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 048
573, Main Road , Chirag Delhi, , New
132, New ‐ 110017
Four Storey, Raja Garden,
Y‐42 Loha‐ 110027
Mandi,, Naraina, Delhi, Delhi ‐
C‐1/16, Safdarjung Development Area,
New Delhi,Marg,,
76, Poorvi New Delhi
Vasant‐ 110016
Vihar,, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110057
4593/3, 9, Daryaganj, New Delhi ‐ 110
39/1386, , Chandni Chowk, Delhi, Delhi
110006 I I Floor, School Block,, Vikas
Marg,Shakar Pur,, New
C‐67, Shivaji Park, DelhiDelhi,
‐ 110 092
New Delhi
110 026
I Floor, Indra Vihar, Delhi. ‐ 110009
139, Mohammadpur, New Delhi, New
79‐A, ‐Kamla Nagar, New Delhi, New
37, , ‐Najafgarh
110 007 Road,, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110015Road , Moti Nagar
28, Najafgarh
110, Babar Area,
Road,New Delhi,
Opp. New
World Delhi ‐
Centre, New Delhi ‐ 110 001
110, Babar Road, Opp. World Trade
301‐303,NewC.A.Delhi ‐ 110 001
Chambers, 18/12 W.E.A. ,
1\261, Subhash Nagar, Near 005
Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110 Tilak
Nagar,, New Delhi ‐ 110 027
E‐27, Nehru Ground, N I T, Faridabad,
Haryana ‐ 121001
C‐16, Shivaji Park,, Punjabi Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ 110 026
C‐1/2,, Model Town,, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110009 Chamber Iv,, 27, Veer
208, Aggarwal
Sawarker Block, New
111, Daryaganj, Shakarpur, Delhi,Delhi
Elhi, , New Delhi‐
A D ‐ 97, , Shalimar Bagh, , N.Delhi ‐
110 088 Kaushalya Building,, Ansari
Road, DaryaFloor,
1517, 15Th Ganj, Devika
New Delhi ‐ 110002
Towers, Nehru
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110 019
1517, 15Th Floor, Devika Towers, Nehru
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110 019
4Th Floor, Link House, 3, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg,
A ‐ 101, GroupNew Delhi
Indl. ‐ 110002
Area, Wazirpur,
Delhi. ‐ 110052
846, Joshi Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐
Y‐14005Naveen Shahdara, Naveen
104 ‐ Mukand EastHouse,
Delhi, Commercial
Delhi ‐ 110 032
D‐14, Rajan Azadpur, Delhi.Adarsh
Babu Road, ‐ 110033
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110033
R ‐ 6/52, Sector ‐ 9, Rohini, Delhi. ‐
411, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba
28, RajaNew Delhi New
Garden, ‐ 110Delhi,
001 New Delhi ‐
1022, 015
1St, Floor, Arya Samaj Road,,
Bh‐39,Bagh, NewBagh,
Shalimar Delhi,Poorvi
New Delhi
Delhi,‐ ,
D ‐ 19,‐ Nizamuddin East, , New Delhi. ‐
2816, Chail Puri,, Kinari Bazar,, , Delhi ‐
3, C S006
C , R B I Colony Market,
Panchsheel Club, New
15Th Floor,Chiranjiv Delhi.43,Nehru
Tower, ‐ 110016
Place, New
D‐34, Ist. Delhi,
Floor, New
East Of Delhi ‐ 110019
Kailash, , New
Delhi ‐ 110019
B‐194, , Yojna Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
175,Ram Vihar,Vikas Marg Extension,
C‐11, ,Qutab
Delhi ‐ 110092Area, , New
Delhi ‐ 110016
375, Main Road, Gazipur, Delhi, Delhi ‐
110 096
118‐A, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave,
D‐28,Delhi. ‐ 110029
Sma Co‐Op Industrial Estate, G.T.
Karnal Raod,, Delhi, Delhi Centre,
3, Kaak House, Transport ‐ 110033
Rohtak Road,
2006, Bank New Delhi.
Street,, ‐ 110035
Karol Bagh,, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐
4, Scindia House,, New Delhi, New Delhi
110 001
Dharma Apartments, 2,
E‐47/2 Extn., Delhi (‐ 110
Changed On 03.06.2008), Okhala i
Industrial Area,,Phase ‐Ii, Okhala, Delh
40‐41, Community Centre,, New Friends
Colony,, New Delhi
114, Deepshikha ‐ 110
Bld., 065 Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 008
C‐8/10, , Model Town, , Delhi ‐ 110009
B G‐222, Sanjay Gandhi Transport
Atmaram G.THouse,,
Karnal Road, NewMarg,,
1, Tolstoy Delhi, New
Delhi, New DelhiAppartment,
306, Sarvapriya ‐ Sarvapriya
E‐4/120, 1St Floor,‐Sector‐7,
, New Delhi 110 016 Rohini,
New Delhi ‐Bhavan,
108, Ansal 110 08516, K.G. Marg, , New
2, Clive‐ 110001
Ghat Street, I I Floor, Room No. ‐
1, Kolkata
409‐410, Padma ‐ 700001 Tower , 22, Rajendra
Place, , New
Room No.5, Ground Delhi ‐ 110008
Floor Front, X‐2,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi
M‐3 , Gupta Tower, Azadpur ‐ 110 016
Wz‐H/2, Sanatan Complex,
Mandir Delhi.
66\2253, Nagar, New Delhi
Sarvpriya ‐ 110059
B‐1\22 , Ashok Vihar,, Phase ‐INew
Road, Karol Bagh, I, Delhi ‐
110 052
4630/18 B, I I Floor,, Ansari Road, Darya
306 Taj New Delhi ‐ 1102,002
Appartment, Factory Road ,
133, Tilak Bazar,, Delhi, DelhiDelhi
Road,, New Delhi, New ‐ 110‐ 006
4345/2/4C, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
New Delhi ‐ 110
168, Arihant 002Punjabi Bagh West,
35 N, ‐Basti
110 Harphool
026 Singh, Sadar Thana
Road, Delhi ‐ 110 006
B‐29 (I Floor), Gulmohar Park, New
Delhi, New Delhi, ‐ Lajpat
B‐14, Basement 110 049 Nagar‐Iii, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110024
66\2253, Sarvpriya, Gurudwara Road,
A‐1/23, Bagh,MohanNewGarden,
Delhi, NewUttamDelhi ‐
New Delhi ‐ 110
Mahalakshmi 059516 1St Floor,
M‐3, Gupta Tower, Chandni
Haider Quli, Azadpur Chowk,
Complex, Azadpur, Delhi ‐ 110033
Jindal House, 1\9B, Asaf Ali Road, New
6, Mohan‐ 110Singh
002 Place,, Connaught
211 Vikas New DelhiPlaza,
Surya ‐ 110Plot‐7,
409‐410, Padma Tower ‐ I I , 22,Road‐
Centre, Pitampura,
612, Devika Place, New6 Delhi.
Tower, Nehru‐ Place,
110008 ,
New Delhi ‐ 110019
H‐15, South Extension, Part‐I, New Delhi
Ch. Man Chand Marg, Rampura,
, West ‐ 110035
Patel Nagar, , New Delhi ‐
110 008
6Th Floor, 7‐Tdi Centre, District
18/25A, Moti Nagar, New Delhi.
, New‐ Delhi.
D‐11/1, Model Town‐Ii, New Delhi, New
A‐13 , New
Prashat Delhi ‐ 110019
Vihar, , Delhi. ‐ 110085
D‐10, , Ashok Vihar, Phase‐I,, Delhi ‐
110 052, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New
Delhi ‐ 110 055
5 B, Navkala Apartments, Plot No. 14,
I.P.Extension, Patparganj,
F‐105, , Bali Nagar,, New Delhi
3833/7,‐ 110015
Kanhiya Nagar, Tri Nagar, Delhi
110035 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj.,
New DelhiNaiwala,
21\1381, ‐ 110 002 Karol Bagh, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110005
53‐B, New Rohtak Road, Near Kamal
Hotel, New Delhi ‐ 110 005
40, First Floor, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi
110008 Apra Plaza, Road No.44,
No.16, NwaCommunity Centre,Bagh,
Market,, Punjabi NewNew
Delhi. ‐ 110026
1003, Pragati Tower,, Rajendra Place,,
C‐31, Dsidc,‐ 110
Delhi 008Road, Industrial
Complex, Nangloi,
F‐7/21, Krishna New.,Delhi
Nagar, New ‐Delhi

Shop No.3 , Lower Ground Floor ,, C‐
375, Saraswati Vihar,
Main Bazar,, Delhi,Delhi,
Gazipur, DelhiDelhi
‐ ‐
4675‐A\21, Ansari Road,, Darya Ganj,,
New Delhi, New
200, Ambika Delhi
Vihar,, ‐
Paschim Vihari,
Newdelhi ‐ 110 087
G‐20 , Dewan House (Near Ajanta
Cinema), Ajay
302, World Enclave,
Trade Centre,New DelhiRoad,
Babar ‐
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
Wz‐258\3 , Nangal Raya, New Delhi,
1936,Delhi ‐ 110046
, Leshwa Gali, Bazar Sita Ram,
Delhi ‐ 23529799,
2F Iifloor, Khana Mrket, 23679799 Tiz Hazari,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110054
2044/6, Chirtra Gupta Road, Paharganj,
New Delhi ‐ 110055
29, Hanuman Road, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 001
F ‐ 16, Preet Vihar,, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110
F‐55/ D, Gtb Enclave, New Delhi, New
12/57,‐ 110 093Bagh, New Delhi, , New
Delhi ‐ 110026
125,, Vasant Apartments, New Delhi,
48, Harsh Vihar, 057
Delhi ‐ 110 Pitampura, New Delhi. ‐
215, Anarkali Complex, Jhandewalan
D‐2\11, NewMainDeli ‐ 110 055Road,, Ashok
Nagar,, Delhi, Delhi, C‐25/5,
Kolaba Chambers ‐ 110093 Connaught
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110001
54/55, Shyam Bhawan, Bagh Diwar,
Fatehpuri, Delhi ‐Dhanda,
8931/1, Multani 110 006Paharganj,
New DelhiRam
101, Sita ‐ 110 065
Mansion, 718, Joshi Road,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi
356,Tarun Enclave , Pitam Pura, ‐ 110 005 New
Delhi, New Delhi
6‐A, Rajguru ‐ 110034
Market, , Near Vaster
J‐186, , Rajouri Garden, ‐New
Hisar, Haryana 125 Delhi,
New Delhi
Fiat No. ‐ 110027
206, 4832/24 Ansari Road,
Office No. 1, , D‐4,Delhi
Ganj, New ‐ 110002Aera ,
Vasant Kunj,Ex.
210 , South New Delhi
Plaza, 389,‐ 110070
Moth , Sputh Ex. Part
1\5812, Loni Road,, Shahdara, Ii, New Delhi
Delhi‐ ‐
110 032Loha Mandi,, Naraina,, New
Delhi, New Delhi
153, Shakti Vihar,‐ Pitampura,
110028 Delhi ‐
4, M.B. Road, Main Market Khanpur,
New Delhi, New
B‐4\139‐A, DelhiPuram,,
, Keshav ‐ 110062 Delhi,
Delhi ‐
122, Deepali, Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110 034
4\2, Jwala Mansion, Asaf Ali Road,, New
Delhi, NewRam
101, Sita Delhi ‐ 110002
Mansion ,, 718/21, Joshi
Road ,, Karol Bagh
F‐3/4, Okhla Industiral ,, New Area,Delhi. ‐ 110
Phase I,
New Delhi ‐ 110 020
A‐207, , New Friends Colony,, New
Delhi,, Delhi ‐ 110065
301,Vadhman Plaza (As Per Coy
Letter Dt.17.03.2008), Plot
401, X V/3198, Gali No. 1, Sangatrashan,No‐14,Road
B‐407, NewNew Delhi
Friends ‐ 110 055
Colony, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110065
206, Hemkunt House, 6, Rajindra
Ground, New Floor,Delhi ‐ 110008
4735/22, Prakash Deep,
H‐72, Connaught Circus, New
Road, Daryaganj, , NewDelhiDelhi‐ 110

2/19, Kalkaji Extension, , New Delhi. ‐
I I I Floor, Grover Mansion, 3/17, Asaf
Ali Road, , New
7‐8,Oberoi Delhi. ‐ 110002
Apartments, Sham Nath
Marg, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110054
B‐2, Bhargava Lane, Boulevard Road,
Delhi ‐ 110054Lane,, Boulevard Road,,
B‐2, Bhargava
4645/2, 110Chandi
054 ‐ 110
Mal 054
Building, Roshanara
Road, Delhi, Delhi ‐
I‐1794, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, ,
A‐ 503, Delhi
Rishi‐ 110019
Aprtment, Alaknanda, ,
New Delhi ‐
S F S ‐ 256, A‐5B,, Paschim Vihar, New
C W‐592,‐ 110Sanjay
063 Gandhi Tpt. Nagar,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110042
15, Aurangzeb Road, , New Delhi, , New
Delhi ‐ 110011
40‐41, Community Centre , New Friends
Colony, , New Delhi
N‐14, Gurudwara ‐ 110N.D.S.E.
Road,, 065 Part‐I,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
B‐2/8, Mayur Apartments, Sector‐9,
Rohini ‐ 110085
316, Pocket A3, Sector ‐8, Rohini, New
Delhi, New Delhi. ‐ 110085New Delhi,
E‐82A,, Greater Kailash‐I,,
32\102, Delhi ‐ 110048
Indira Deep Building, Wazirpur
Commercial Complex, Ring Road, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110052
302,Dhaka Chambers, 39,Naiwala,Karol
A‐2\30, New Delhi,Safdarjung
Ii Floor,, New Delhi Enclave,,
‐ 110005
A ‐ 213,Delhi,
I I I New
Floor,Delhi ‐ 110029
Shanti Gopal
Chamber, Vikas Marg,
35, Netaji Subhash Marg, Shakarpur,
Darya Ganj,Delhi.
‐ 110002 Karol Bagh, New
House‐No.6,110005 Pocket‐40,, Chittaranjan
Park,, New Delhi,
N ‐ 60, Amar Colony, NewLajpat
‐ 110019New
Delhi ‐ 110 024
61 ‐ A, Gokhle Market, , Delhi. ‐ 110054
145,Tribhuvan Complex,, Ishwar Nagar,
B‐86, MayapuriRoad, New DelhiArea,
Industrial ‐ 110065Phase I,
New Delhi ‐ 110064
Gh‐2, G‐17, 132‐A, Paschim Vihar, New
Delhi, New Delhi.
301 Padama ‐ 110063
Tower‐1, Rajendera Place,
Central Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110008
F‐13,2Nd Floor, Vijay Chowk, Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi,Park
K ‐ 19, Green Delhi ‐ 110092
Ext., , New Delhi. ‐
151, Kailash Hills, East Of Kailash, New
30/3, ‐Shakti
110065 Nagar, , Delhi ‐ 110007
2459/10, Beadonpura, Gurudwara
Road, Karol Bagh,
302, Pratap New Delhi.
Chambers, Gurudwara ‐ 110005
Road, Karol Bagh,,New
115, Kanjhawala, DelhiDelhi ‐ 110005
‐ 110081
B ‐ 17, I Floor, Community Centre, B ‐
Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi ‐ 110058
D‐34,, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110049 Centre, New Friends
18, Community
2, Rajdoot , New
Marg, Delhi ‐ 110065Puri, New
Delhi ‐ 110
C‐5/33, 021 , New Delhi ‐ 110016
, S.D.A.,
Kanchenjunga( 7Th Floor),, 18,
Green Field Farms, Road, Khasra
New Delhi, New
No. 8/(1/1,
10/2) & 9/(3,4,5,6), Gadaipur ‐ Janakpur
Road, Village Jaunapur, Teh
310, Eros Appts., 56, Nehru Place, , New
Delhi ‐ 110019
105 Southex Plaza Ii, Ndse Ii, , New
Delhi 110049 ‐ 110005 16, Kasturba
G L‐1, , Ansal Bhawan,
Gandhi Marg, 7,
Times House, New Delhi ‐ 110Zafar
Bahadurshah 001
Marg, New Delhi,
143,, Rishabh Vihar,New Delhi
Delhi, ‐ 110002
Delhi ‐
304, Mohan Tower , I.C.C., Wazirpur
Sagar Delhi
1/1501/A,‐ 110052 East Gokakh Park ,
Road No.13, Shahdara,
383, I I I Floor, Rajendra's Delhi ‐ 110032
Tower 29‐30 , Community Centre,
Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi. ‐ 11
4034, , Charkhewalan, Chawri Bazar,
House‐ No.
110 381,
006 , Sector ‐8,, , Faridabad ‐
1/157‐A, Gali No. 3, Vishwas Nagar,
ContinentalDelhi House, ‐ 110032
28, Nehru Place,
New Delhi. ‐ 110019
20 ‐ B, Nema Complex, Indrapuri,
1/11170‐A,‐ West Subhash Park, Naveen
J‐3/316, Dda Delhi ‐ 110032
Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi ‐
C W ‐ 239 (D), I Floor, S.G.T.P. Nagar,
New DelhiDda
B‐1/154, ‐ (Sfs) Flats, Janak Puri, New
, /809‐Vishwa
110058Sadan Diistt Centre Janak
Puri New DelhiMarket,
15, Ghokhale 110058, R, , Tees
Opp. New Hazari
Court, DelhiHouse,
104, Palco ‐ 110054 2162/10 Guru Arjun
Nagar, Main
111, Daryaganj, Patel Road,
, New New‐ Delhi.
Delhi. 110002 ‐
210, Shah Puria Tirath Singh Tower,, C‐
58, Community
Maneesha FinleaseCentre, Janak153,
Limited, Puri,, New
4Th FloorRao Tula Ram
Punjabi BhawanMarg,,
, 10NewRouse Delhi
Avenue , New Delhi, New
New Asiatic Building, (2Nd Floor),, Delhi ‐
4630/18 B, 11Th Place,,Floor,
New Ansari
Delhi, New Road,Delhi
49, Community DelhiCentre,
‐ 110 002
Friends Colony,
Delhi. ‐ 110065
B2/16 , Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
, Fateh ‐ Nagar, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110018
42B, 4Th Floor, Himalaya House, 23,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
A‐138, Shakarpur, Delhi,New Delhi,
, Delhi ‐ New
2459/10, Beadonpura, Karol Bagh, New
Delhi ‐ 110005
4345‐2/4 C, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
35/4, Ashok‐ 110002
Delhi Nagar, Double Storey, New
Delhi ‐ 110018
25/39, West Patel Nagar, , New Delhi. ‐
Manohar House, 2531‐A, Hudson Line,
D.B. GuptaDelhi Market,,
‐ 110009 Karol Bagh,,
New Delhi ‐ 110 005
1, West Guru Angad Nagar,, Main
Patpar Ganj Road, Delhi
Shakti Apartments, 86,Sfs ‐ 110
Flats,Ashok Vihar Phase
2395,Tilak Street,, ChunaIii, Delhi, Delhi ‐
Office No. 107, FirstNew Floor, Delhi, NewSouth
Ganesh Nagar, , Delhi ‐
278, Katra Pedan, Tilak Bazar, Khari110092
Baoli, Delhi‐C,
A‐13, Block ‐ 110006
, Jhulelal Appts., Road
Vipps Centre , BlockDelhi
Pitampura, ‐ E F‐G110034H, 2 , Local
Shopping Centre, G K ‐
183, Cariappa Marg,, Sainik Farm,, I I, New Delhi New‐
Delhi ‐ 110 062
304, I I I Floor, U ‐ 203, Main Vikas
Marg, Shakarpur,
183, Cariappa Marg Delhi ‐ 110092
,, Sainik Farm,, New
Delhi ‐ 110 062
612, Devika Tower, 6, Nehru Place, New
2/6070,‐ 110019
Gali No. 3,, Dev Nagar, Karol
401,402, N.Delhi ‐ 110 005
4Th Floor, Aggarwal Millenium
Tower, E‐1,2,3 Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110 034
101Group Ind Area , Wazirpur,,
Newdelhi, Delhi ‐ 110
C‐9/9375, Vasant Kunj,052 ‐, Delhi ‐ 110070
606 , Kailash Building, Kasturba Gandhi
6091/5,, New Delhi,
D‐6, Vasant New Delhi
Kunj, ‐ 110001
New Delhii ‐
110 070
A‐90 I Floor, Lajpat Nagar‐1, ‐, New
Delhi. ‐ 1100241
10 Daryaganj , J, J, New Delhi ‐ 110 002
49/5893, , Basti Harphool Singh, Sadar
Thana Road, Delhi
811, E‐Block, 8Th Floor,‐ 110007 International
Devika Tower, 6Th Floor , 6,New
Tower, Nehru Place, NehruDelhi ‐
Place, , New Plaza‐Ii,,
209, Bhanot Delhi ‐ 1100193,D.B.Gupta Road,
C‐18, Green ParkDelhi
New Main,‐ 110055
, New Delhi. ‐
110 016
12‐L, Sona Bazar, Bhagirath Place, Delhi
110006 Padam Singh Road,, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi,
C ‐ 41, MayfairNewGardens,
Delhi ‐ 110005 , New Delhi. ‐
C‐41, Mayfair Gardens, , New Delhi ‐
110 016 House, , Connaught Place, ,
4, Scindia
1106,Delhi ‐ 110001
Gd‐Itl Tower, Netaji Subhash
B‐6/5, Mz.Flooor,,Delhi‐110034
Pitampura, Local Shopping ‐
Centre, Safdarjung Enclave,
B‐204, Vikas Tower, Community Centre, New Delhi ‐
20‐A, Puri,
RinghNew Road,, Delhi,
LajpatNew Delhi‐ ‐Iv,,
W.E.A., NewPadamDelhiSingh‐ 110024 Road, Karol
Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110005
Nsic Complex, Maa Anandmaee Marg ,
Okhla Industrial
55‐A Sainik Farms Estate Phaseiii,
, C‐4 New
1410, , Dr./Khanpur,
Mukerji /N Delhi,
Nagar, New ‐Delhi. ‐
, Delhi
Pushpanjali, F‐29, (First Floor), N.D.S.E.
B‐27,C.C New Delhi ‐Near
Colony,, 110049 Rana Pratap
Bagh, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110007
5933/75, South Basti Harpool Singh,
Sadar Thana,
9Th Floor Sadar Bazar,
Hindustan TimesDelhi
House,‐ 18‐
20 Kasturb Gandhi Margr, New
Delhivillage Khirki, New Delhi ‐ 1100
203/10178,Ii Floor Ravindra Plaza,
Abdul Aziz Road Wea Karol Bagh,, New
Flat No.1,Singal Story Janta Flat (Coy
Letter Dt 09.03.2008), 1St Floor B‐3
Block, Paschim Vihar, New Delh
G‐71 Gf, World Trade Centre, ,
Bakhamba Road, N.D.S.E.
E‐15, 3Rd Floor,, , New Delhi ‐ 110001
Partii, , New
Delhi ‐ 110049
G‐126 , Ashok Vihar Phase‐I,, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110052
101,Jyoti Bhawan, A‐25‐26‐27,, Dr.
4117, I Floor,Nagar
Bazar, Delhi ‐ 110
Wz‐124, Shiv Nagar, Jail Road , ,
954 E, 100 ‐ Feet. Road, Babarpur Extn. ,
4/17‐B, Mgf Delhi ‐ 110
House, 032Ali Road, New
D ‐ 7, ‐Udyog
110002 Nagar, Main Rohtak Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110
196, , Sainik Farms041, , New Delhi ‐
4Th Floor, Punjabi Bhawan, 10, Rouse
C‐6/6048, ,Vasant
New Delhi ‐ 110 002 Kishan
Garh, New Delhi, New Delhi, ‐ ‐ 110070
4, University Road, Delhi, Delhi ‐
A‐15, Ashok Vihar, Phase ‐ I, Delhi ‐
B‐64/1, Wazirpur Indl. Area , Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110052
215/10178, Iind Floor Ravindra Plaza,
Karol Bagh,, Abdul
39/1386, Chandni Aziz Road, Delhi,
Chowk, New Delhi.
2Nd Floor, Aradhna Bhawan,,
Azadpur, , Delhi. ‐ 110033
C ‐ 115, Maharana Partap Enclave, Rani
Bagh, Delhi. ‐ 110084
11 Chitragupta Road, Paharganj, N
, New ‐ 110055/
Moti Nagar,9810368368
Delhi, Delhi ‐
202, Iind Floor , , S‐524, Vikas Marg,
Shakarpur, Delhi ‐ 110092
Room No. 16/194, 2Nd Floor, Faiz Road,
Karol Bagh,, New Delhi ‐ 110, New
F‐1204, , Chittaranjan Park, 005 Delhi
‐ 110019
1366/21, I I I Floor,, Naieala,, Karol
Bagh,, New Delhi ‐ 110 005
504 ‐ A, Skylark Building, 60, Nehru
Place, New Delhi.
7/35, Ansari Road,,‐ 110019
Darya Ganj,, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110002
701,Manjusha, 57, Nehru Place, New
Delhi ‐ 110 019Centre,, New Friends
4, Community
Colony, New Delhi, Road,
1588 Gurudwarwa New Delhi ‐ 110 065
Colony, Nit Faridabad, New Delhi. ‐
1118/11, Ist Fl , , Naiwala, Karol Bagh,
Wp‐504,‐ Shiv
Market , Ashok Vihar,
Phase‐Ii, Delhi ‐ 110052
5413, Basti Hardhool Singh,, Qasab Pura
396, Main Mathura Road, Delhi
Sadar Bazar,, Delhi, ‐ ,,
New Delhi ‐ 110044
B ‐ 1/168, Janak Puri, , New Delhi. ‐
Atma Ram House, 1, Tolstoy Marg, ,
New Delhi. ‐ 110001
101 Kusal Bazar, 32‐33, Nehru Place,
New Delhi ‐House,
108, Allied 110019Old Rohtak Road,
Inderlok, Delhi ‐ 110035
Cottage 13A, , Flat No. G‐5,, West Patel
B‐7 2NdNew Delhi
Floor, B ‐‐Block
110 008
, Janak Puri,
New Delhi ‐ 110056
8931/1, Multani Dhanda, Pahar Ganj,
3968,Delhi ‐ 110005 House, Roshanara
C ‐ 8, C G F IDelhi
New ‐ 110007
I , East Of Kailash, New
Delhi ‐
E‐20 4Th Floor, Internatoinal Trade
Tower, Nehru Place,
E‐1 (Basement), PreetDelhi ‐ 110019
Vihar, , Delhi ‐
18/14, W.E.A., Pusa Lane, Karol Bagh,
B N ‐ Delhi. ‐ 110005
8 (West), Shalimar Bagh, , Delhi ‐
129 ‐ D, Kamla Nagar, , Delhi ‐ 110 007
J ‐ 4/57 ‐ A, Khirki Extn., Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi ‐Colony
53, Friends 110 017 (East), , New Delhi ‐
110 065
53, Friends Colony (East), New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 065
63, , Daryaganj , , Delhi ‐ 110002
A ‐ 134, Vivek Vihar, Phase ‐ I, Delhi. ‐
P‐7, Green Park Extn, New Delhir, Delhi
‐ 96,016
Anand Niketan, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 049
1‐220, Naraina Vihar, , Delhi ‐ 110028
K‐19A, 2 Nd Floor , Lajpat
Nagar‐Ii, , New Delhi ‐ 110024
Csc‐5, Unit No.2 (First Floor) , Dda Gole
Market, Rohini
D‐288‐289, GaliSector‐9, Delhi ‐ 110085
No.10, Wadhwa
Complex , Chamber No.219, Laxmi New
C‐37 , East Of Kailash, New Delhi,
F‐232‐, Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi, Delhi
72 Regal ‐ 110092
Building (West), 2Nd Floor,
Connaught Place, New Delhi, New Delhi
‐ 110 001
108C, Maruti Apartments, B‐
5,I.P.Extension,Behind Mayur
Inside Nagori Gate, Hissar, Public
, Hisar ‐
100/28 Iiird Floor, #04B Emla House, 23‐
410‐412, Road,
W E Delhi ‐ 110002
A , Arya Samaj
R‐10A, Green Park Extn., New‐ Delhi,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110005 ,
New Delhi ‐ 110016
C ‐ 26, Westend Colony, , New Delhi ‐
308, Akashdeep Building, 26A
43, IndustrialRoad, New
Estate,, Delhi ‐Yamuna
Phase‐Ii, 110001
Nagar,, Haryana, Haryana ‐
201, M.S.Chambers(Above Obc), Main
Harsha Marg, Laxmi
Bhawan, E ‐Nagar,
Block,Delhi ‐ 110092
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110001
E ‐ 15/12, Krishna Nagar, , Delhi ‐
Wz‐447,Iii Floor, M.S.Block, Hari Nagar,
C‐7/19‐ 110 064 ‐5, Rohinidelhi, Delhi ‐
, Sector
12 Ff K M Market/337‐U, Tomer
Appartmentghanta Ghar/Tower
Appartments, Bhivani/Pitampura, Delhi
A ‐ 963, Pankha Road Colony, Uttam
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110 059
M‐3, Gupta ‐Tower, Azadpur
208 Chanakya Complex,
Complex, Azadpur, Delhi ‐
B‐11 Subhash
10203 GaliDelhi,
West‐ 110092
Gorakh Park,
Shahdra, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110032
2/4 , East Patel Nagar, , New Delhi ‐ 110
2/349, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi, New
1112, ‐11Th
110027 Floor, Surya Kiran Building,
101, 1St Floor,Gandhi
Kasturba 72‐73,Marg,
ScindiaNew Delhi ‐
24 Lok ViharPlace, New Delhi
Apartments, ‐ 110001
Vikas Puri,
New Delhi,, Delhi ‐ 110 018
A‐1/362 Ii Floor , Paschim Vihar, Nd,
Qu 268C,‐ 110062
Visakha Enclave, Pitampura,
Delhi ‐ 110
A‐15 Ground 088Floor,, Sri Nagar Colony,
Bharat Nagaar,
105, Ashoka Estate, NewBarakhamba
Delhi ‐ 110052 Road, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
4718/21A, Dayanand Marg,, Darya
Ganj,, , New Delhi
1640, Thana Road,,‐ 110 002 , New
37, , ‐Najafgarh
110043 Road, New Delhi, New
E‐7, , ‐East
Of Kailash, , New Delhi ‐
T U ‐ 38, Pitam Pura, , Delhi ‐ 110034
2153 D‐Ii , Vasant Kunj, New Delhi,
New Delhi
23,Neta ‐
Ji Colony,Sanoli Road, Panipat,
Haryana, Haryana ‐ 122103
C‐11, , Connaught Place, , New Delhi ‐
101, Laxmi Tower, Commercial
Enkay House, Azadpur,
, 3 & 4,Delhi. ‐ 110033
Malcha Marg
Shopping Centre,, Diplomatic
T‐8, Pankaj Plaza,Plot No.5, Pocket Enclave,,
5,Sector 12,Dwarka, New
House No. 7, Sector 14,, H U D A, Delhii ‐
Rohtak, Haryana, Haryana ‐ 110056
2807, Shankar Gali,, Bazar Sitta Ram,,
Delhi ‐ 110006
4Th Floor, Link House, 3 Bahadurshah
Zafar Marg, New Delhi
2318/22, Ii Floor, ‐ 110002
Tota Ram Bazar, Tri
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110035
1873, Street No. 2,, Kailash Nagar,, ,
A‐120,‐ 110
No.3,, Kabir Nagar,
A‐1/362 Ii Floor, ‐Paschimvihar,
Delhi 110 094 , Delhi ‐
A‐15 Gr Floor, Ist Floor, Okhsrinagar
Flat No. Bharat Nagar House
104,, Harsha Road, New
Karam Delhi
Comm Complex.,, Moti Nagar Police
Station,, New Delhi ‐ 110 015
2601\4, Beadon Pura,, Karol Bagh,, New
1/9904,New WestDelhi ‐ 110005
Gorakh Park,, Gali No.1,
306, Munish Plaza, 20, ‐Ansari
Delhi, Delhi 110032Road,
135, Vir Nagar, Jain Colony, , Delhi ‐‐
Ganj, New Delhi, New Delhi
54/55, Sham Bhawan,, Bagh Diwar, ,
Delhi ‐ 110006
E‐34, 2Nd Floor,, Connaught Circus,
105, AshokaNew
Delhi, Delhi
Estate, ‐ 110001 Road, ,
912, Delhi
, Nehru ‐ Place, New Delhi, New
E‐24, ‐I 110019
I I Floor,, Jawahar Park, Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110 092
Khasra N0 808,Tikri Kalan, Rohtak Road,
Nh10, New Delhi
303, Padma Palace, ‐ 110041
86, Nehru Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
B‐4/148C,, Safdarjung Enclave, , New
10159,‐ 110029
Padam Singh Road, 3Rd Floor,
Karol Bagh, , NewLaxmi
1/27, Lalita Park, Delhi Nagar,
‐ 110005Vikas
Marg, New Delhi ‐ 110 092
F‐16,Pnb Building, 1St Floor,, Preet
1378/21, Delhi, Delhi Karol
Naiwala, ‐ 110092 Bagh,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110005
106, Durga Chambers, 1333, D.B.Gupta
1/2873, Karol
Road,New Delhi ‐ 110005
Shahdara, Delhi ‐
304, E ‐ 35, Shri Ganesh Complex,
Jawahar Park, Laxmi
E‐165 , Naraina Vihar, Nagar,
110028 Extn., New Delhi, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110055
M‐1‐2, Pratap Bhawan, 5, Bahadurshah
Zafar Marg,Bhawan,
101, Ansal , New Delhi ‐ 110002 Gandhi
16, Kasturba
Marg, , New Delhi ‐
313‐315 Vikas Deep Building, District
C‐55, IstLaxmi
Floor,, Nagar,,
Preet Delhi,
Vihar, Delhi
, Delhi‐ ‐
C‐55 Ist Floor , Preet Vihar, , New Delhi ‐
201, Iind Floor, Prakash House, 4379/4B
Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
1E‐1,Jhandewala Extension,,DelhiLink
‐ 110002
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
F‐9, 3Rd Floor, Shalimar Apartments,
South Extn Part
8 Mahalaxmi 2I, New
Market #RdDelhi ‐ 110049
E‐45,, IindChowkindustrial
Floor, G.K.Enclave‐I, Area, New
, Delhi ‐
Delhi ‐
C‐61, Preet Vihar, Delhi, , Delhi ‐
156, Ram Lal Chowk, , Model Town,, ,
77 E/3 Gf( Haryana
Gali No 2) (Changed
‐ 132 103 W E F 02‐
House,,Road,ConnaughtMukesh Nagar,
Place, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
119, Defence Enclave, Delhi, Delhi ‐
Umang Plaza, , 1017, Arya Samal Road,,
Karol Bagh,, New
1/4649/174, BudhDelhi
Bazar, ‐ 110005
New Modern
Shahdara, Delhi ‐ 1100032
A‐15Gr Floor, Srinagar Colony, Bharat
B‐333 , New
Nehru Delhi ‐ 110052
Ground, Nit Faridabab,
Haryana ‐ 110009
A‐232,Dda Flat, New Ranjit Nagar,
Newdelhi, Newdelhi Development
C ‐ 4/43, Safdarjung ‐ 110008
Area, , New Delhi. Centre,,
A‐10, Community ‐ 110016Naraina
Vihar,, New Delhi,
124, Kailash Hills, East NewOf Delhi ‐ 110028
Kailash, New
Delhi ‐ 110065
946 Sector15A, Sector 16 ‐ A, ,
L ‐ 4, Green‐ 121002
Park Extn., , New Delhi. ‐
K‐19, , Green Park Extn., , New Delhi ‐
2‐R,2Nd Floor, D.C.M. Building,,
5,Laxmi Garden,,Road,, Opp.Kirti NewNagar
Office, NajafgarhBuilding,
106, Ambadeep Road, New Delhi, New
21/18, IBagh,
I Floor, New
ShaktiDelhi ‐ 110001
Nagar, Delhi. ‐
3998, , Roshanara Road,, Delhi, Delhi ‐
J‐111, , West Patel Nagar, , New Delhi ‐
X‐2, Hauz Khas, I, , New Delhi ‐ 110 016
X ‐ 2, Hauz Khas, , New Delhi. ‐ 110016
No 19,Main Market, , Lodhi Road , ,
Delhi ‐
95,Iind Floor, Wazir Nagar, Kotla
Mubarakpur, New Delhi
105,, Ashoka Esate, ‐ 110003
24 Barakhamba
Road, New DelhiChambers,
303, Namdhari ‐ 9/54,
D.B.Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New‐, Delhi
6/3 East Patel Nagar New Delhi, ,
Delhi ‐ 110 008
38, D D A Commercial Complex, Kailash
1555,S PExtn., Zamrudpur,
Mukherjee MargNew Delhi. ‐
, Delhi,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110006
Shop No.4 Malka Ganj, Palam Marg,
Delhi, Delhi Vihar,
66, Ambica ‐ 110007 , Delhi ‐ 110087
33, North West Avenue, Punjabi Bagh,
New Delhi ‐Tower,
109, Gupta 110026Azadpur, , Delhi ‐
'Sagar' I / 7501/ A, East Gorakh Park,
Road No. 13,
Aggarwal Shahdara,
Chambers Delhi.Shop
Ii Floor, ‐ 110032
465, 26 Veer Savarkar Block,
18/13, , W E A , Karol Bagh, New Delhi Delhi ‐ ‐
110 005 (S F) , Malviya Nagar, , New
G ‐ 3/20
5440, ‐Basti
110 017
Harphool Singh, Sadar
Thana Road,
P‐7, Green Park Delhi ‐ 110006
Extn., New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 016
30, , Sadhna Enclave, , New Delhi ‐
Hansalaya (V I I Floor), 15, Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi
55, Hanuman Road, ‐ 110001
Connaught Place,
105, Ashoka Estate, 24,‐ 110
Delhi, New Delhi 001
14, CscNew Delhi.Sukhdev
Market, ‐ 110001 Vihar, Delhi ‐
110 044
B‐97 2Nd Floor , Amrit Puri,, New Delhi,
New Delhi
201, Raj ‐ 110065
Tower I I, Alaknanda
Commercial Complex,
7Th Floor, Antriksh Kalkaji,22,
Bhawan, New Delhi
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi ‐ 110
10, , Darya Ganj,, , New Delhi. ‐ 110002
34/1, Vikas Apartment, East Punjabi
Shop No.New18, Delhi. ‐ 110026
I I Floor, Shahzad Market, ,
1484, Old Court Compound,,
Flat No. 22A, Ist Floor, Shankar Kashmere
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
Flat No. 22‐A, First Floor, Shankar 110001
106 PrakashConnaught
House, Place,4379/4B New Delhi ‐
, Ansari
Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi
Office No. 107, First Floor, B‐110, South ‐ 110 002
Ganesh Nagar, First
Office No.107, , Delhi. ‐ 110092
Floor, B‐110, South
Ganesh Nagar, , Delhi.
E‐95, Himalaya House,, 23, Kasturba‐ 110092
Gandhi Marg,, New
208 Vardhman Golden Delhi, New
Plaza Delhi ‐
Road No 44 Community Centr , .Pitam
Pura Rani Bagh, Delhi ‐ 110
18/22, Abdul Rehaman Road,, Swagath
A‐19, GaliKarol
No.3, Bagh,,
GuruNew Nanak Delhi
Pura, ‐ 110
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110 092
4566/13, Jai Mata Market, Tri Nagar,
566/20,‐ 110035
Prem Nagar, , Jail Road, Rohtak
(Haryana) ‐ 124001
D L F Centre,, Sansad Marg,, , New Delhi
‐A110 001
‐ 213, Shanti Gopal Chamber, Vikas
S.C.O. Shakarpur,
64, New TransportDelhi ‐ 110092
Nagar, Sector:
25, Panipat(Haryana)
3/14, Palmohan Appts., ‐ 132103
N.W.A., Karol
Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110026
M‐116‐A ,2Nd Floor,, Connaught Place,,
ModelNew Town, Delhi ‐ Haryana,
Haryana ‐
A‐62, , Group Industrial, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110052
308, Lusa Tower,Azadour,Delhi,
E‐1/19, 2Nd , Delhi,
Floor,DelhiVasant‐ 110033
Vihar, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110057
175, Ram Vihar, I.P.Extension ‐ I I ,
C ‐ 60,‐I 110092
Floor, South Extension Part I,
New Delhi
52, Community ‐ 110Centre,
049 New Friends
Colony, New Delhi.
Hansalaya(V I I Floor), ‐ 110065
15 ‐ Barakhamba
Road, , New Delhi. ‐ 110001
88 Baldev Park , Parwana Road, , Delhi ‐
1555, , S.P. Mukharjee Marg, , Delhi ‐
E ‐ 24, I I I Floor,, Jawahar Park,, Laxmi
306, Lusa Delhi.
Tower,‐ 110092
Azadpur Commercial
Complex, Delhi.
208 , Magnum House ‐ 110033 I I , Karampura
E‐35, Ii Floor,, ConnaughtDelhi.
Centre, New Circus,, ‐ New
Delhi, New Delhi
104,A/8‐9,, Ansal‐Building,
110001 Dr Mukerjee
Nagar,Delhi, Delhi
Parnami House, 189/2/1, ‐ 110009 Civil Lines,
Gurgaon, Haryana ‐ 122
129 Trasnport Centre, Rohtak Road, 001
Punjabi Bagh, New
90‐A,Shakarpur Khas,, Delhi ‐ 110035 Delhi,
Am‐112,‐ 110092
Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi,
New Delhi.
401 White House ‐ 110088 382 Sant Nagar, East
20, Community Centre,New
Kailash, New Delhi, 101,Delhi
Pankaj ‐
C ‐ 8 ,, L G Lawrence
F ‐ I I , EastRoad, Industrial
Of Kailash, New
Delhi. ‐
54‐55,Syam Bhawan, Bagh Diwar,
S309, School Delhi
Block‐ 110 006
, Shakarpur, Delhi. ‐
A‐19Whs , W.H.S. , Kirti Nagar, New
Ak‐97,‐ Shalimar
110 015 Bagh, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110
108, Ansal Bhawan, 16, Kasturba Gandhi
83 KhannaNew Market,
Delhi ‐ 110 001 Near Tis
Ist Floor
Hazari Court,
303, Elite Delhi,
House,, 36,Delhi ‐ 110054
68, S S I Co‐Op. Industrial New Delhi,
Estate,, NewG. T.
Karnal Road,, , Delhi ‐ 110
3489, Gali Lalloo Missar, Sadar Bazar, 033
Delhi ‐ 110006
Shop No. 86, Chitra Gupt Road,
19, , Rajendra DelhiPark,,
‐ 110New 055 Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110
G‐2, Plot No.06016,, M.L.U., Pankaj Arcade,
Sector‐X, Dwarka,,
409 ‐ 410, Padma Tower New Delhi ‐ I I ,,‐ 22,
110 075
Rajendra Place,, , New Delhi.
H No 12 Ii Floor Pkt 11, Rajiv Enclave ‐ 110008
Sector 5 ,, New
51, I I Floor, Delhirohini,
Mandir Wali Gali, New Delhi ‐
T ‐ 24 New Delhi.Park
A,, Green ‐ 110016
Extn., , New Delhi.
( Changed Wef 15‐3‐08), Neeti
313/730, New Delhi.Nagar,
, Anand ‐ 110049 Inder Lok, New
Delhi ‐ 110 035
Csc‐5 Shop No.38 , Dda Gole Market,
Sector 9, Rohini,
207 Allied HouseDelhi. , 2 Old‐ 110085
Rohtak Road
Inderlok, Delhi 110035,
5140/34 Chaudhary Market, Gali Delhi ‐ Pati
Wali, Sardar Bazar, Delhi
A‐15Gr Floor, Srinagar Colony, Ibharat ‐ 110005
Nagar, New Delhi ‐ 110 052
B‐156 , Prashant Vihar, , Delhi ‐ 110 034
C ‐ 48,, N.D.S.E. ‐ 2, , New Delhi. ‐
C‐502, Millaneuim Apartment, Sector
Skyline,, Delhi
Skyline‐ 110 085 85 Nehru
Place,, New Delhi ‐ 110019
H‐72, Connaught Circus, New Delhi,
10159, Delhi ‐ 110Singh
Padam 001 Road,, Karol Bagh,,
1 JhaDelhi,
Marg,New Okhla, DelhiNew ‐ 110005
Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110020
401, Ansal Pragati Deep, Laxmi
L ‐ 206, 24 Veer Centre,
Savarkar New DelhiVikas
Block, ‐ 110
Marg, Delhi ‐ 110
203, Mahavirji 092 Rishab Vihar
151 Kailash , Delhi
Hills‐ ,110095
East Of Kailash, ‐,
Delhi. ‐ 110052
416, Dreamland,, 1/18B, Asaf Ali Road,,
F‐13, Delhi, New Delhi
Kirti Nagar, Delhi,‐ , Delhi ‐ 110015
5,, Sansad Marg,, , New Delhi. ‐ 110001
R‐5, Green Park Market, Delhi, , Delhi ‐
J‐398,, I I I Floor, New Rajinder Nagar,,
H‐19A, Delhi ‐ 110 060
Ist Floor, Main Road,, Kalkaji,
New Delhi ‐ 110019
443 , Mathura Road, Bhogal, New Delhi
065 Building, 19‐
Barakhamba Road,
Nd‐42,Ist Floor. , Vishakha Connaught Place,
Pitam Pura, New Delhi ‐ 110088
B ‐ 40 Madhu Vihar, I P Extension, ,
Shop No.‐ 110092
6 , Near Alipur Block ,, G.T.
Urja Nidhi, 1, Alipur,,
Road, Barakhamba Delhi.Lance,
‐ 110036
D_56/2 , IstPlace, New Delhi
Floor,Yadav ‐ 110Samay
Nagar., 001
Pur Badli, Delhi ‐ 9350453814
402, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba
Road,, New Delhi, New
405, M.G.House,, Delhi ‐ 110001
Community Centre,,
F‐23, , Preet Vihar, Delhi, Delhi ‐ ‐110
Industrial Area,, Delhi.
803,Manjusha , 57, Nehru Place, , New
8/28, ‐Wea,, Abdul Aziz Road, Karol
52/78,New Delhi
Punjabi ‐ 110005
Bagh, ., New Delhi ‐
A ‐ 80, New Griends Colony, , New
Delhi. ‐ 110065Road, Kolkata, West
27, Brabourne
Bengal, Kolkata
C‐41, Mayfair ‐ 700001New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 016
Link House (4Th Floor), 3, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg, , New Delhi
1666 ‐ B , Govind ‐ 110002
Puri Extn., New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
6, L S C, Okhla, Industrial Area Phase‐Ii,
, Old ‐Rajinder
110020 Nagar, , New Delhi ‐
313 Mj Shopping Centre ,, Veear
AggarwalMarg,BuildingDelhi, New Delhi
& Material ‐ Opp
Post Office Street, Jhajjar Road Rohtak,,
Haryana, Haryana ‐ 1240
471,Jheel, Khuranja, Delhi, Delhi ‐
301, Dhaka Chamber, 2068\39, Naiwala
Karol Bagh, New
288, Ghalib Delhi, New
Appartments, Delhi ‐
Road, Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110034
84, Daryaganj, Iiird Floor, Opp.
Cambridge School, New Delhi, Delhi ‐
82/84, Tolstoy Lane, Janapath, New
Delhi ‐
202, Lusa Tower, Azadpur, Delhi ‐ 110
Bg 40, Pushpa Shopping Complex, Delhi
, Rishi‐ 125001
Appartments, Alaknanda,
New Delhi
718/21, Joshi ‐ 110019
Road, I Floor, Karol Bagh,
308, Lusa Tower,005
Delhi ‐ 110 Azadpur, Delhi ‐
G F ‐ 61, World Trade Centre,
Barakhamba Lane, New
474‐74 Auto Market Delhi.
, Hisar, ‐ 110001
Haryana ‐ 125001
406, Prabhat Kiran Building,, 17,
Rajendra Place,,Bagh,,
A‐1,, Maharani New Delhi,
, New New
‐ 110‐
7974/4, Nai Basti, Congress Bhawan
Road, Ambala City, Haryana ‐ 134003
3,, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg,, , Delhi ‐ 110
6/274, Geeta Colony, , Delhi ‐ 110031
C ‐ 72, Basement, N D S E ‐ I I , New
Delhi. ‐ 110049
3C,, Vandana Building, 11, Tolstoy Marg,
New Delhi ‐ 110001
Ag‐85, Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar,
Delhi , Delhi
407, Kusal ‐ 110042
Bazar,, 32‐33, Nehru Place,,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
R‐215, First Floor,, Greater Kailash Part ‐
I,, , New Delhi
10174/1A, ‐ 110 048Road, Karol
Bagh, NewMkt.
J‐8, Milap Delhi,, ‐Beri
Wala Bagh,
Subhash Nagar, New Delhi
C ‐ 64/4, Okhla Industrial Area, ‐ 110064
Phase ‐ I
, New Delhi. ‐ 110020
Nidhi House,, B‐2/1 B, , Safdarjung
Enclave,, NewAliDelhi
1/18 B , Asaf Road, ‐ 110
Darya 029Ganj, New
Delhi. ‐ 110002Udyog Nagar,, G.T. Karnal
38, Rajasthani
144 SagamDelhi,Appartments
Delhi ‐ 110033 Pkt24,
Sector24, Rohini., Delhi ‐ 110009
Hansalaya ( V I I Floor ), 15, Barakhamba
Delhi. ‐ 110001 Estate, ,
D‐372 Sector Road, , Delhi
1 Laxmi ‐ 110033
Store, Rz‐65A,
Avantika Rohini, Delhi,
906, Chiranjiv Towers,, 43, Nehru Delhi ‐ Place,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110017
C‐18, Green Park Main, New Delhi, New
Suite+‐ 4‐G
110 Uppal's
016 , M‐6 Plaza , 27 Bara
B‐4/148‐C, , SafdarjungDelhi
District Centre, ‐ 110076
Enclave, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110029
37, Bungalow Road,, Kamla Nagar,
A‐15 Gr Delhi ‐ 110007
Floor, Srinagar Colony, Bharat
Nagar, New
Plot No Rz‐27 Delhi
Nihal ‐ 110052
Vihar Nangloi Delhi
110041, Delhi, , Delhi
301 ‐ 302, Surya Towers, ‐ 31,
C ‐ 257, EastendCentre, Paschim Vihar,
Apartments, Chilla,New
Near Ashok
229, Anar Nagar,
Kali Bazar, Delhi ‐ 110096 Ext. ,
Delhi. ‐ 110055
19, New Market, Ramesh Nagar, New
B‐156,‐ ,110015
,Prashant Vihar,, Delhi, Delhi ‐
10, Darya Ganj, , New Delhi. ‐ 110002
Punjabi Bhawan, 4Th Floor, 10, Rouse
16/8 , AryaNewSamajDelhi,Road,
New DelhiKarol ‐Bagh,,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
Na‐182, Vishnu Garden, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110018
Cp‐230,, Pitampura,, Delhi, Delhi ‐
1,, Sri Aurbindo Marg, , , New Delhi ‐
110 016
46 Raj Nagar.,, Pitam Pura,, New Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110034
B‐ 70/36, Dsidc. Complex,, Lawrence
Road, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110035
4034, Charkhewalan, Chawri Bazar ,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110 006
1/9904, West Gorakh Park,, Gali No. 1,
Shahdara,, , Delhi ‐Plaza,
105/33 Vardhman 110 032Community
Centre Road No
M ‐ 3 , Magnum House44, Pitam Pura, New
I, Karam Pura
Commercial Complex, New Delhi.
F‐3, , Shankar Mkt. , Connaught Place, ‐
1401,Delhi ‐ 110001
Vikram Tower, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110008
26/11, Shakti Nagar, , Delhi ‐ 110007
A‐325 , Vardhman Grand Plaza I,
Manglam Place Building,,
H ‐ 12, Tropical Sector ‐3,HRohni ‐
‐ Block,,
Connaught Circus,,Development
C‐2/4, Safdarjung New Delhi. ‐ Area,
110 001
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110016
Max House 1, Dr.Jha Marg, Okhla, New
Delhi ‐ 110I I020
253‐A/3, I Floor,, Shahpur Jat,, , New
7 ‐ 110 049
( Address Changed Wef 01/‐
30,, SadhnaMother Terresa
Enclave, NewLane, Bhati
Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 017
A‐3/2, , Vasant Vihar, , New Delhi ‐
F‐26 , Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi,
New Delhi, Ansari
4832\24, ‐ 110016Road,, Daryaganj,,
New Delhi ‐ 110 002
A‐5 Chhotey Lal Park, Above Raunak
Restaurant, , Najafgarh
Wa‐26B, Shakarpur, Road,
Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ Delhi
4 ‐ A, Najafgarh Road, , New Delhi. ‐ 110
A ‐ 281/304‐305 Vikas Deep Bldg.Distt
V Floor,Laxmi
, 91, Nehru
22 Rajindra Park,, ‐‐‐,110
New Delhi 019 Delhi ‐ 110
‐‐, New
103, Tarun Enclave,, Pitam Pura, Delhi ‐
21‐D,034, Friends Colony(West), New
Delhi, NewGrover
Iiird Floor Delhi ‐Mansion,
110065 3/17‐A Asaf
Ali Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
Iiird Floor, Grover Mansion, 3\17A‐ Asaf
Ali Road,,2Nd
1511/3, New Delhi,
Floor, NewNagar,
Wazir Delhi ‐Kotla
Mubarakpur, New Delhi ‐ 110003
C‐266, Vivek Vihar , Phase I, Delhi ‐
A‐503, , Rishi Apartments, New Delhi,
New Delhi
11 / 5‐B, Ist‐ Floor, Pusa Road, New
Delhi, New Delhi
5926. Basti Harphool ‐ 110005
Singh , Sadar
B‐66, Naraina Industrial ‐Area.,
Delhi, New Delhi 110006Phase‐I I,
New Delhi ‐ 110 028
D‐105 First Floor , Defence Colony, ‐,
New Delhi ‐ 110Centre
10, Community 024 No. ‐ I I , Ashok
Vihar, Phase, B‐47,
Shiv Mahal ‐ I I , Delhi ‐ 110 052
2Nd Floor,
Connaguht Place, New
2630, Kali Maszid, HinduDelhi ‐ 110001
Bara, Asaf Ali
Road,, Delhi ‐ 110 006
6926, Jaipuria Mills, , Clock Tower,,
Subzi Mandi,,World
129, L.G.F.,, DelhiTrade
‐ 110 Centre,,
A G ‐ 5, Shalimar Lane,, New, Delhi.
Bagh, Delhi ‐‐ 371110 052
S 17/18Chanakya Place, Opp C‐I Janak
Room‐I,No. New117, Delhi ‐ 110059 Centre, 3,
Mj Shopping
57, Jor Saverkar
Bagh, .,Block,
New DelhiShakarpur
‐ 110003 , Delhi ‐
Plot No Rz‐D‐27 Nihal Vihar Nagloi,
Delhi, , Delhi125
Plot No.3,/ ‐ 110
Veer092Nagar, Jain Colony
A‐136, , Meera Bagh ,Sadar
Delhi 110009, East , NewThana
Delhi ‐Road,
L‐4, , Green Park Extension, New Delhi,
78/3,Delhi ‐ 110016
I I Floor, Janpath, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐
C‐128 ,5Th Floor Farmers; Society, Plot
8/19, 8, Sector
3Rd Floor,13, Rohini,
Wea, Pusa Delhi ‐ 110Karol
Lane, 085
A ‐ 134, New Delhi
Arjun ‐ 110Kotla
Nagar, 005 Mubarakpur,
182, 1StDelhi ‐ 110Aggersain
Floor, 003 Market, Near
Panchayat Bhavan, Chawla Colony,
Ballabgarh (Haryana) ‐ 121004
225, R G Complex, I I Floor, Plot No. 1, D
D A Community Centre, Sector ‐ 14,
Rohini, Delhi ‐ 110 085
2036, 1St Floor H.C.Sen Road, Fountain ,
304‐B, Apra Chowk,
Plot‐28, Delhi ‐ 110006
Pitampura Community Centre,
F‐6, Ff Manish Chamber, Saini Enclave, Delhi ‐
Delhi ‐ 110 092
4345/2/4C,, Ansari Road,, Darya Ganj,,
New Delhi ‐
120 Ansal Bhawan, 110 00216, K.G. Marg, New
2199/3, New Delhi
Chuna ‐
Mandi, Pahar Ganj,, New
4,, Scindia House,,‐ 110055
New Delhi , New Delhi ‐ 110 001
307, Ajesh House, 10/3, Abdul Aziz
207, SuryaWea Kiran
Karol Building,,
Bagh, New Delhi ‐
Gandhi,, New Delhi,
Shanti Niketan, 2Nd NewFloor,Delhi ‐
Pataudi House Road, Darya
B‐97, All Heavens Building,, Wazirpur,, Ganj, , Delhi
4034,, Road,, Delhi ‐ 110Chawri
Charkhewalan, 052 Bazar,
Plot J_1 ‐ 110 006B‐1, Mohan Co Op
A‐222, New Area, Mathura
Friends Colony. Road,
, NewNew
Friends Colony, New Delhi,
D‐227, L G F, Lajpat Nagar ‐ I, New New Delhi ‐
110 024 Dda Flats, G‐8* Area Hari Nagar,
A12, MohanNew
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110064
Cooperative Industrial
Estate,, Mathura Road, Delhi
10 Mandi Hills,, Vill Mandi, Meharauli, ‐ 110 044
New Delhi. ‐ 110 30
C/O Lakhotia Associates, 73, G. B. Road,
Delhi ‐ 110
I V Floor, 006 Bhawan, 10, Rouse
Avenue, New Delhi.
C‐8/38,, Yamuna ‐ 110002
Vihar,, , Delhi ‐ 110
799, Iind Floor, Main Market, Rani Bagh,
Delhi ‐ 110034
B‐4, , New Multan Nagar, Main Rohtak
Road, New Delhi ‐Mayur
297‐A, Pocket‐C,, 110056Vihar, Phase ‐ I
I, , DelhiBrotherhood
B‐131, ‐ 110 091 Appartment,
Vikaspuri, New Delhi
F‐196 D, Mangal Bazar ‐ 110
Road,018 Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110 092
D‐1, Soami Nagar, South, New Delhi. ‐
96 ‐ D, Shivam Enclave, Dda, Mig Flats
M ‐ 10, Delhi
Guru ‐Harkrishan
110 032 Nagar, , New
Delhi. ‐ 110087
104 ‐ Mukand House, Commercial
Complex, Azadpur,
D3,P3B Distt. Delhi.
Centre, ‐ 110033
Saket, New Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110 017
B‐2/104, , Safdarjung Enclave,, New
Delhi, New
G F ‐ 25, DelhiTrade
World ‐ 110029
Barakhamba Lane, New
8, , Shaheed Bhagat Singh Delhi ‐ 110New
Marg,, 001
Delhi, New Delhi
13 Ist Floor ‐
Rear Lane, Sunder Nagar
Market, .0, New Delhi ‐ 110003
1598, Main Bazar., Paharganj,, New
Delhi ‐ 110 055 Apartment, Sector ‐ 9,
69, Pragatisheel
Rohini, Delhi. ‐ 110085
3‐A, Vandhna,/14D Dda Flats Ms Park
Shadara Delhi110032, 11, Tolstoy
A‐9, Jhilmil Industrial Area,, Shahdara,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110 095
B‐206 , Okhla Indl. Area Phase‐I, New
Delhi, New Delhi
207, Trivevi Plaza,‐ 17‐A/56,
110020 W.E.A.,
Karol Bagh,
A‐15 Gr New
Floor,, Delhi ‐ Colony,
Srinagar 110005 Bharat
Nagar Road,
120 Ekjot New1Pitampura,
Appts, Delhi ‐ 110 052
, New
Delhi ‐ 110034
12‐A,, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi, New
"Anand ‐ 110 015 2, Community Centre,
20‐B , ,New Delhi ‐Colony,
Old Gupta 110 017, Delhi ‐
C‐26, , West End Colony, , New Delhi ‐
Basement‐4, Ram House, A‐18,
Cottage No.Place, NewNo.
13A, Flat Delhi
G‐5,‐ 110001
M‐27 Vikaspuri., =, Vikas Puri, New ‐
Nagar, New Delhi, New Delhi
Delhi ‐ 110 018
35, Neelam Bata Road,, Nit, , Faridabad
G ‐ 5, Shalimar Bagh, , Delhi. ‐ 110 052
1E/15, , Jhandewalan Extn., , New Delhi
110No.055206, 4832/24, Ansari Road,
25, Road No.60,New Delhi.
Punjabi ‐ 110002
Bagh West,
New Delhi ‐ 110 026
C‐83 Shakti Nagar Extt, Kundan Bhawan
7974/4 Paradise Complex,, , Delhi
Building, Nai ‐ 110 052
118, Lower Ground City, Haryana, Ambala
Floor,, Workd ‐
1205/ 1307, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehru‐
Barakhamba Lane,, New Delhi
Unit No., New
Block‐ No.
3, Tribhuvan
Complex, New Delhi, New
20‐B,, Old Gupta Colony, , Delhi Delhi ‐‐ 110
Da‐5, Main Vikas Marg, , Iii Floor,
Shakarpur, , DelhiPlot
105, Apra Plaza, ‐ 110092
No.29, Road
No.44, Community Centre,
Plot No.31,, Echelon Institution Pitampura,
Sector ‐32, Gurgaon, Haryana
208, Ashirwad Commercial Complex,, D‐ ‐ 122001
1, Green
403, FarshPark,,
Bazar,New Delhi ‐ 110
Shahdara, Delhi016

1E/184Th Floor Jhandewalan Extension,
West Delhi, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110
404 ,Pragati Deep, Laxmi Nagar Distt.
C‐54/1, Delhi, DelhiFloor,
Mezzanine ‐ 110092Wazirpur
Industrial Aera, , Delhi ‐ 110052
Core‐4, S C O P E Complex,,, 7, Lodhi
Road,, , NewKunj,
34, Nishant DelhiMain‐ 110Road
003 ,,
Pitampura, , Delhi ‐ 110034
Rama House, 23, Najafgarh Road
E‐15/127 ,Area,Sector Shivaji Marg, Delhi
‐8, Rohini, New Delhi

1351 E1, Gali No.13, Govind Puri,, Kalka
38,New Delhi ‐Centre,,
Transport 110 019New Subzi
Flat No 5 (11) 2NdDelhi
Azadpur, Floor,‐ 110 033
26/109, Shakti 6 Tilak
Nagar, Marg, New‐ 110007
, Delhi. Delhi,
6Th Floor, Rishabh Corporate Tower,
Plot No.16,, Karkardumma Community
Centre, Vikas Marg Extn., Del
25/60, , West Panjabi Bagh, , New Delhi
No.5(Ii), Sagar Appartment,2Nd
126, New 6,Tilak Marg,, Road,
Kanjhawla New Delhi,
MangolNew Pur
Kala, Delhi ‐ 110 085
D‐110, Kamla Nagar , , New Delhi ‐
235, First Floor, Gujranwala Town, Part‐
13,Delhi ‐ 110 009
Community Centre,, East Of Kailash,
New Delhi ‐ 110
G‐71,, World Trade 065Centre, Barakhamba
A ‐ 172,New DelhiBagh,
Meera ‐ 110001
, New Delhi. ‐
Delhi Cold Storage Building,, 15, New
Subzi Mandi,
5926 Basti Azadpur,
Harphool Delhi,Sadar
Singh, DelhiBazar,

210,2Nd Delhi ‐ 110 006 Chambers,,
2099/38 Naiwala,
R‐87, Greater KarolPart‐I,,
Kailash, Bagh,,New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110 048
301, C‐2\4, Pragati Market,, Ashok
161, Vasant Delhi, Delhi ‐Raotula
Enclave, 110052Ram Marg,
New DelhiRoad,
344, Joshi ‐ 110 057Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Mansion,, 1/8‐B,, Asaf Ali Road,,
B‐38,,Delhi ‐ 110 002Shivalik Road,
B‐7\1A, Nagar,
, VasantDelhi ‐ 110
Vihar, 017Delhi,
New DelhiChambers,
24, Ashok ‐ , 5‐B, Rajindra
Park,, Pusa Road,, New
D‐927, , New Friends Colony, Delhi ‐New
110 060
Delhi, New Delhi ‐
25, New Anaj Mandi , Bhiwani, Haryana
‐ 125021
R‐40,, South Extension ‐ I I,, , New Delhi
110 049 Prahlad Lane,, Ansari Road,,
Type ‐ Ganj,, NewNorth
I V, , 131,, Delhi West
‐ 110 002
Bagh,, New Delhi ‐ 110 021
12 (G/F), Chitra Vihar, Near Laxmi Nagar
District Centre,
346,, Sector 19,,Faridabad,
Delhi ‐ 110Haryana
092 ‐
E‐122,, West Jyoti Nagar,, Shahdara,,
Delhi ‐ 110 094 Centre,, New Friends
52, Community
2469/10,, Beadonpura,
New Delhi ‐ 110 065
Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi. ‐ 110005
Bg‐147,, Sanjay Gandhi Transport
Nagar,, , Delhi ‐ 110 042
806,Devika Tower, 6,Nehru Place, N,D,
D ‐ 28,Delhi
S M‐A110019 Co‐Operative Industrial
Estate, G.T.Karnal
2423,, Shardhanand Road, Delhi.
Marg,, ‐ 110033
, Delhi ‐ 110
502, Vishal Bhawan, 95, Nehru Place,,
New Delhi, Gsli
G‐7/2782,, NewNo.21,
Delhi ‐Beadonpura,
Karol Bagh
D‐1\153, I I ‐Floor,
110 005Lajpat Nagar‐I, New
Delhi ‐ 110 024
58/9, Ashok Nagar, Tilak Nagar,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110I I018
2459/10, I Floor, Beadon Pura , Karol
Y‐59,, New
HausDelhi Khas,‐,110
New005 Delhi ‐ 110016
A ‐ 3/110, Sector ‐ 7, Rohini, Delhi ‐ 110
D‐15, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi, New Delhi
110 015Vikas Deep, Laxmi Nagar,
A ‐ 134,Centre, Delhi ‐Kotla
Arjun Nagar, 110 092
New Delhi ‐ 110 003
195, Sahal Bhawan, Saran, N I T ,
104, , Rishabh Haryana
Vihar,‐ 121005
Delhi, Delhi ‐
107, Main Market,, Sector‐8,, ,
172, Rajendra ‐ 121Bhawan,
004 Rajendra
Place , , New Delhi ‐ 110008
B‐4/3183,, Vasant Kunj,, , New Delhi ‐
S‐8 &070
S‐2, D D A Shopping Complex,,
Opp. Mayur
303, Namdhari Vihar, Phase I,9/54
Chambers, , Pocket‐1,
Gupta Road, Karol Bagh,
10,Daryaganj, ‐,, New Delhi, New New Delhi ‐ ‐
63, Saidula Jab,, Neb Sarai,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110030
202, Aurobindo Marg,, Hauz Khas,, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110
202, Aurobindo Place,, 016 Hauz Khas, , ,
21/33,1St Floor,,016
Delhi ‐ 110 Shakti Nagar,, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110007
743, Pocket‐E,, Mayur Vihar Phase I I,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110 092
310, Kumar Tower, Wazirpur
Room No. 1,Centre, 2044/6,DelhiChuna ‐ 110 052
Pahar Ganj,, , New Delhi
4‐D,L.S.C., , A‐ Block Ring Road, ‐ 110 055
Naraina, New Delhi
A‐350,, Derawal ‐ 110028
Nagar,, Near Model
Town, Delhi ‐ 110 009
4415/14,, Gali Lotan Jat,, Pahari Dhiraj,,
W‐110,‐ 110 006 Kailash,, Part ‐ I,, New
, Greater
Delhi ‐ 110 048
H‐195, , Karampura, , New Delhi ‐ 110
F‐12, , Green Park Extn., , New Delhi ‐
1/4233, 2Nd Floor,, Ansari Road, Darya
Ganj, Delhi,
77,Third Delhi
Floor, ‐ 110001
Bhera Enclave, Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110063
96, Transport Centre,, Punjabi Bagh,, ,
New Delhi
A‐3/97, ‐ 1107 035
Sector Rohini, Delhi, Delhi ‐
5582, Lahori Gate, ., Delhi ‐ 110006
219‐220,, Priyanka Tower, , Basai
Darapur Complex,,
M.G.House,, 12 K MNew Delhi.
Stone, ‐ 110015
, Delhi
7255 2NdHisar ‐ 125
Floor 044 Markett, Prem
Nagar, Shakti NagarStreet
406.A.J.Chambers, Chowk, Delhi, Delhi
Naiwala,Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110005
B ‐ 50, Sarita Vihar, , N.Delhi ‐ 110044
105, Ashoka Estate,, 24, Barakhamba
C‐15, ,New LajpatDelhi ‐ 110, 001
Nagar‐I, New Delhi ‐
Times House,, 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar
10,Darya 4 Th Floor,
Ganj, ‐, ‐,New
NewDelhiDelhi‐ ‐110 002
Bichla Bazar, Bhiwani, , Bhiwani ‐
B‐550, Nehru Ground,, Nit,Faridabad,
Haryana, HaryanaRohini,
87/A‐1, Sector‐4, ‐ 121001 Delhi ‐ 110085
C‐763, New Friends Colony, ., New Delhi
Bazar Lane, Bengali Market, , Delhi ‐
C‐157, Sarita Vihar, Mathura Road, ,
New DelhiApartments,
49, Ek‐Jot ‐ 110 044 Road No. 44,
4988,, Roshan DelhiAra‐ 110
Road, 034 , Delhi ‐ 110
B‐9, Thapar Chamber‐I I, 2 , Desh
4/78, PunjabiGuptaBagh(West),
Road , , NewNew Delhi ‐ 110
New DelhiRam
307, Sita ‐ 110026
Mansion,, 21/718, Main
Joshi Road,, Karol
10 Sagar Appartments,, Bagh,,6New TilakDelhi
Marg, ‐
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
131/H‐34, Sector 3, , Rohini,, , Delhi ‐
12‐A,085Vandhna Building,, 11, Tolstoy
Room No. , New304,Delhi
117,‐ M.J.
110 001 Shopping
Centre,, 3‐ Veer Savarkar
10056/2, Street No. 2,, Multani Block,
301, M.J. Shopping Centre,Delhi
Paharganj,, New ‐ 110
, 3. Veer
4456,‐B,, Block,,
Gali Nihal Shakarpur
Singh,, Sadar, Delhi. ‐ 110
Delhi ‐ 110006
203, Deepali ,, 92, Nehru Place , , New
Delhi ‐ 110019
18 ‐ 19, Aditya Commercial Complex, I
12/401, Nangal
Sunder Raya, New
Vihar, Delhi. ‐ Vihar,
, Paschim 110046
A‐49,Delhi ‐ 110 Garden,
Bhagwati 087 Uttam Nagar,
Delhi ‐ 110 059
5180,, Lahori Gate, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110006
306, Lusa Tower , Azadpur Commercial
63, , SavitaAzadpur, DelhiDelhi
Vihar, Delhi, ‐ 110033

B‐168,, Yojna Vihar,, , Delhi ‐ 110 092
A‐31, Navkunj Apartments,, Patpar
Office ,No. Delhi
107,‐ 110
Floor, B‐110, South
Ganesh Nagar, ,
407, South‐Ex, Plaza‐Ii,,East Delhi ‐ 110 092
107 ‐ A,South Extn‐Ii,,
Shivlok HouseNew Delhi, New
‐ I, Karampura
10,Daryaganj, Complex,
Ground New Floor,Delhi.
New ‐Delhi,
Zorawar‐ 110002
Singh Marg,, Mori
Gate,, , Delhi
3,, Dr. G. C. Narang‐ 110 006 Marg,, , Delhi ‐ 110
C‐108, , Dayanand Colony , Lajpat
Nagar, New Kailaso
4774 Part‐I, Delhi ‐ 110063
Street,, 23,Darya
Ganj,, New Delhi, New
23, Lig Flats,, Sanjay Enclave Delhi ,‐ 110002
Jahangirpuri, New
123,Pocket 1, Jasola(Near Delhi ‐ 110038
Dav Public
School), ‐, New Delhi
111, , Darya Ganj, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110 025 ‐ 110
401, Xv/3198,, Gali No. 1, Sangtrashan,,
L‐1, GroundDelhi Floor,‐ 110055
South Extension, Part
Ii, , New Delhi
C‐53, , Himalaya ‐ 110049
House , K.G. Marg,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
1004 A, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehur
A‐62,, New
GroupDelhi ‐ 110 019
Industrial Area,, Wazirpur,,
Delhi ‐ 110 052
B‐231‐D, Iindfloor, Greater Kailash I, ,
Ba‐1,Delhi ‐ 110048Indl. Area ‐Ii, , New
, Mangolpuri
Delhi ‐ 110034
304, E‐35, Shri Ganesh Complex,
Jawahar Park , Laxmi
A‐6/63,, Paschim Nagar,
Vihar,, Delhi
, New ‐ ‐
C‐5/1, , Wazirpur Industrial Area,, I
Floor, Delhi
42 B 4Th ‐ 110
Floor, 052 House, 23, K.G.
Marg, New Delhi,
Shop No. 8, W/Z 112,,NewGanesh
Delhi ‐ 110001
Nagar ,
Tilak Nagar, New Delhi ‐ 110018
Sethia Intra Pvt. Ltd., C‐4/72, Rajasthali
Appartment,, Near Madhuban Chowk,
Pitampura, Delhi ‐ 110034
Mahalaxmi Market Flat No.6, 3Rd Floor,
812, Main Palace,
Bazar, ,Delhi
Mandi,, Delhi ‐ 110
908, Arunachal 007 Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi ‐ 110001
3406, I I I Floor,, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol
5Th Floor,NewKirti
‐ 110 005 19, Rajendra
Place, New Delhi ‐ 110
B‐194, , Yojna Vihar,, Delhi, 008 Delhi ‐
310, Ansal Majestic Tower, Pvr
Drivewell Vikas
ServicePuri, NewComplex,,
Station Delhi ‐
1555, S.P Mukherjee Marg,, Delhi,
Dilshad Garden,, Delhi. Delhi

110 006 Tower,, 26, Rajindra Place,,
New Delhi, Building,
414, Osian New Delhi 12,‐ 110008
Nehru Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
507, Express Tower, Azadpur
Commercial Complex,
C‐7/65, Sector‐8, Rohini,Delhi,
DelhiDelhi ‐
‐ 110085
M‐3, Gupta Tower,, Azadpur
Commercial Complex,,
A G ‐ 5, , Shalimar Bagh,Azadpur,, Delhi‐ ‐
Delhi, Delhi
536,052Ist Floor, Chandni Chowk, , Delhi ‐
7/17,, Roop Nagar,, , Delhi ‐ 110 007
A ‐ 213, I I I Floor, Shanti Gopal
Chamber, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi.
‐ 110 092
D ‐ 34, L.G.F., East Of Kailash, New Delhi
110 065
Dda Flat, Mansarovar Park, Delhi,
Z‐P.74, 110032
‐ Pitampura, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110034
B‐5/13 , Azad Apptts., Sri Autobindo
ShatabdiNew Delhi,, New
House, 3, L. S.Delhi ‐ 110017
C., Rohit Kunj,,
Pitam Pura, Delhi ‐ 110 034
101,1St Floor,, Rohit House,, 3,Tolstoy
71‐Bhera Enclave,, Delhi ‐ 110 Vihar,,
Paschim 001 New
Delhi, New DelhiIndustrial
B‐86, Mayapuri ‐ 110087Area, Phase 1,
South‐ 110 064 Nagar, Delhi, Delhi
No.10, C‐1/2, Model Town, Delhi ‐
S‐482, Gk Part‐Ii, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
Zeenat Bari,, Hamilton Road,,
Kashmiri Gate,,
602/2 B, G.T. DelhiShahdara,
Road, ‐ 110 006Delhi ‐
110 032
17‐A/56 , Wea Karol Bagh, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
49, Ek‐Jof Apartments, Road No. 44,
Pitampura, Delhi. Chamber,
Iind Floor, Shanti ‐ 110034 11/6 B Pusa
Road, New Delhi
203, Mukund ‐ 110015
House,, Commercial
31‐33, First Floor, Khalsa‐School
Azadpur, Delhi 110 033
Complex, Railway Road, Karnal,
Ii‐J/2 A, Lajpat Nagar‐Ii,, Near Alankar Haryana
501, AmbadeepNew Delhi, New Delhi
Building, ‐ 110024
14, Kasturba
F‐14, Loni Marg,
Road,,New GokulDelhiPuri,,
‐ 110Shahdara,,
Delhi ‐
18\75‐1,East Moti Bagh,Gali No.2,, Near
Enclave, Sarai Rohilla,,
, Outer RingDelhi,
210, Shivlok Vihar,
HouseNewIi,, Delhi ‐ 110087
13, , Okhla, Complex,
New Delhi, , New
5/83 Dda Flats, Madangir, New Delhi,
Shop Delhi
No 332 ‐ 110062
Vardhman City Mall,,
Sector No.23 Dwarka, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110077
304, 3Rd Floor, Krishna Apra Business
Shop No.Netaji SubhashComplex,
103, Munjal Place, Rohtak,
Haryana, Haryana ‐
2524, Lajpat Rai Street,, Bazar Sitaram,,
Hindustan AsafTimes
Ali Road,
House, Delhi9Th‐ 110
20 K.G. Marg, New Delhi
75, Vijay Block, Vikas Marg, Delhi ‐ ‐ 110001
Flat No. 305 3Rd Floor, Progressive
House, RohitCommunity
F‐8, Triveni Kunj, Pitampura, Centre,, New
Top Floor, Plaza Cinema Building,,017
Phase‐ I,, , New Delhi ‐ 110 'H'
M‐16, Balrama House,, B‐1,Karampura‐
Connaught Circus,, New Delhi
Community Centre,, New
Ist Floor, 4598/12‐B, , AnsariDelhi, New
Darya Ganj,, New Delhi
536, 1St Floor, Mahalakshmi Building,‐ 110 002
Haveli Haider
Cw‐239(C), Quli, Chandni
, Sanjay Chowk,
Gandhi Transport
F/8 Sheikh , Delhi ‐ 110Community
Sarai‐I, 042 Centre,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
1511/3,2Nd Floor,, Wazir Nagar, Kotla110017
Anand House,, , New Delhi. ‐ 110003
2, Community Centre,
Saket, New Delhi ‐ 110 017
Be‐14, Dda(Sfs) Flats, Janak Puri, New
Delhi ‐ 110058 Centre, Naraina Vihar,
102 , Delhi,
Surya NewDeepDelhi ‐ Community
Centre, Wazirpur Industrial
Cd Block, C‐79, Vishaka Enclave, Area,,(Janta
33, SriPitam
NagarPura,Colony,, Delhi, DelhiNagar,
Bharat ‐ 110034,
Delhi ‐ 110 052
L Gf (Front) 54, Mandakini, Greater
9931, New ‐ I V,, , NewRoad,
Rohtak Delhi Prem
‐ Shoping
2318/22, Tota Ram Bazar,,Delhi
New Delhi, New ‐
Tri Nagar,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110 035
Office No. 107, First Floor, B‐110, South
415, Gupta Nagar,
Market,, Delhi ‐ 110Nagar
Lajpat 092 Iv,
New Delhi, New
602, Chiranjiv Delhi ‐43,
Tower,, 110065
1837/138 Shanyi Nagar,,,019
, New Delhi ‐ 110 Tri Nagar,,
New Delhi,Apartments,,
98,, Deoli New Delhi ‐ ,110035 New Delhi ‐
110 062
24, Sadhna Enclave, New Delhi, New
110 017 , Bhiwani, , Bhiwani ‐
410, Pratap Bhawan, 5, Bahadurshah
Zafar Marg, New Delhi ‐ 110 002
437, Katra Choban,, Chandni Chowk,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110
15111/3 006
2Nd Floor, Wazir Nagar, Kotla
Mubarakpur, New Delhi ‐ 110003
295, Chand Nagar,, Tilak Nagar, New
2023, ‐Gaki
No. 7,, Chuna Mandi,, Pahar
Ganj,, New
116, Haiderpur DelhiThana,,
‐ 110 055
Shalimar Bagh,,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110052
L B ‐ 10, New Delhi House, 27,
Barakhamba Road, New
G‐12, Allied House,, Delhi ‐ 110
Old Rohtak Road,,001
Inderlok, , Delhi ‐ 110 035
24, Ashoka Chambers , 5 ‐ B, Rajindra
Park, Pusa Road, New
Flat No.103(Bharat Delhi ‐ 110
Chamber), 060
Ist Floor,
NarainaHouse, Connaught
Industrial Place,
Area,, Phase‐I,,
0‐75,Delhi, New Delhi
Upadhayaya ‐ 110028
Block,, Vikas
Marg,Shakarpur, Delhi,
112, Deshbandhu Apartments, Delhi ‐ 110092
New Delhi ‐ 110 019
Inox Group, 612‐618, Narain Manzil,
6Th Floor,23,
Nd‐24, Barakhamba
Pitampura, Road,
New Delhi, NewNew
Delhi ‐ 1100034
Inox Group (W.E.F.25‐04‐2005), 612‐
Ist Floor, 14Manzil,
Narain Najafgarh6ThRoad,
23 Delhi,
New Delhi
A‐2/61, ‐
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 029
83‐84, Ghokhale Market, ., Delhi ‐
House No. ‐ 45, Sector ‐ 8, Panchkula,
Haryana ‐ 134109
Flat No.206, 4832/24, Ansari Road,
Darya Ganj,, New Delhi,
1‐B, Mohammadpur,, New Delhi
B.C.Place,, ‐
, New
Delhi ‐ 110Punjabi
81‐C/41,, 066 Bagh(West),, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 026
Unit No.250, Block No.3, Tribhuvan
G ‐ 65, BaliIswar
New‐ Delhi
110 015
Lower Ground Floor, New Multan
Nagar, Newdelhi, New Delhi ‐ 110056
C‐72, Freedom Fighter Enclave, Neb
3, DevikaNewTower,,
Delhi ‐ 6,
Nehru Place,, , New
Delhi ‐ 110 019
Wz‐294/1, I I Floor, G‐Block,, Hari
15,, Gopal JailNagar,
Road,, Delhi,
New Delhi
Delhi‐‐110 058
Bf‐7,, Tagore Garden, , New Delhi ‐
308, Arunachal,, 19, Barakhamba Road,,
New ,Delhi ‐ 110 001
Rani Jhansi Road,, , New Delhi. ‐
Paper Godown, Khasara No.675, Baba
C ‐ 51, NNear
D S E,Radheyshyam
Part ‐ I I, NewMandir,
Delhi ‐ 110
4, , Scindia House,, , New Delhi ‐ 110
516, I Floor,, Chandni Chowk,, , Delhi ‐
Connaught Place,, , New Delhi ‐
110 001
I I Floor, Room No.209,, 111,Darya
Ganj,, New Vihar,,
G‐1,, Preet Delhi ‐ ,110 002
Delhi ‐ 110 092
Ug/3‐4, Somdutt Chambers‐Ii, Bhikaji
Shop No Place, New Groud
3,Lower Delhi ‐ Floor,,
110 066C‐
573,Saraswati Vihar, Delhi, Delhi
914, Railway Road, Rani Bagh,, Delhi ‐ ‐
110 034
M‐3, Dewan House, , Ajay Enclave,,
Subhash Nagar,, New Delhi ‐ 110 018
Kd117, Near Kohatenclavemetro
Station, Pitampura,
172 Rajendra New
Bhawan, Delhi ‐ 110
Rajendra 088
New Delhi,, New
C‐4F‐291, Delhi
Janak Puri,‐ 110008
New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110058
4/4., , East Patel Nagar, New Delhi,
New DelhiRohtagi
2582/27, ‐ Mansion, Lothian
1511/3, 2 F, Gali No.1, Delhi
Kashmere Gate, Wazir‐Nagar,
110 006
Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi ‐ 110003
A ‐ 77, Swasthya Vihar, Vikas Marg,
101, Kusal‐ 110Bazar,
092 32‐33 Nehru Place,
2/3364, Delhi ‐ 110 019
, Christian Colony , Karol Bagh,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
Chamber No. 1, 307, Sharp Bhawan,
Flat No.103, Commercial Complex,
Skylink,, E‐588, Azadpur,
E‐227, , East New Delhi, New
Of Kailash, , NewDelhi ‐ ‐
110 065 Enclave, Main Rohtak
7, Paschim
Tiwari, House,,
, New Delhi ‐ 110087
11‐B/8, Main Pusa Road,,
I Floor,,Loni
New Delhi ‐ 110 005 , Delhi ‐
Road,, Shahdara,
783,032 D.B. Gupta Road Near Faiz Road
Crossing, Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110
H‐25, G.S. Apartmentsplot 38 , Sec.‐13,
B‐1/245,, Delhi ‐ 110 Vihar,,
Paschim 085 , New Delhi ‐
105/33, 063 Vardhman Golden Plaza,Road
2Nd Floor,,Delhi Ansari‐ 110Road,034Darya
Ganj, New Delhi ‐ 110002
3/13,, Roop Nagar, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110007
116,Syndicate House, Inderlok, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110035
416, Pratap Bhawan,, 5, Bahadur Shah
Zafar Marg,,
39/1386, , Chandni , New Delhi Chowk, ‐ 110Delhi,
002 Delhi
Ashoka Estate, 24, Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi
25 C‐ Block ‐ 110 001
Community Centre, Tanak
Puri, , New Delhi ‐ 110058
A‐213, Shanti Gopal Chamber, Vikas
Marg, Shakarpur,Bagh,
G‐15, Maharani DelhiNew ‐ 110Delhi,
092 New
A‐46 ‐, 110011
Mount Kailash,, New Delhi, New
A‐708,‐ 110065
Unesco Apartment, 55‐ I.P.Extn.,
Delhi ‐ 110092
3, Narinder Bhawan,, 448, Ring
406, Ansal Bhavan, Delhi,K GDelhi
Marg, ‐ 110033
New Delhi
110 001 Jhandewalan Extension, New
Dlhi, New
F ‐ 38\2 Delhi Industrial
, Okhla ‐ 110 055 Area,, Phase I
I, New3Rd
R‐52, Delhi ‐ 110Vikas
Floor, 020 Marg, Shakarpur,
Delhi ‐ 110092
354, Kohat Enclave,, Pitampura, , Delhi ‐
110 034
407, South‐Ex Plaza I I,, 209, Masjid
Moth, SouthPark,,,
22 Rajindra Extn ‐NewI I, , New
Delhi,Delhi ‐ 110
Delhi ‐ 110060
209, Bhanot Plaza ‐Ii, , 3, D.B. Gupta
38/2079, I I Floor, ,‐ Naiwala,,
, New Delhi 110055 Karol
Bagh,, New Delhi
201, Welcome ‐ 110 00513/10, Wea,
B‐86A , Kalkaji, 2NdEFloor,
Marg, W A Karol NewBagh, New
Delhi ‐
86, Shakti Apartments, Ashok Vihar,
Phase‐ I I I, Delhi
5875, Basti ‐ 110052
Harphool Singh, Sadar
452/7, Bhushan Bhawan,‐Azadpur
Road, Delhi, Delhi 110006
Flyover, Delhi ‐Gali
4/33, Subhash 110033
, Vishwas Nagar,
Shahdara, Delhi ‐ 110032718/21, Joshi
102, Sita Ram Mansion,
Road, Karol Colony
53, Friends Bagh, New Delhi
(East), ‐ 110
, New 005‐
63, , Sunder Nagar, , New Delhi ‐
A‐37, Vasant Marg , Vasant Vihar, New
Delhi ‐ 110Sangatrashan,
3198/15, 057 Gali No.1, Db
Gupta Road, Pahar Ganj, New DelhiArea
A‐232, First Floor, Okhla Industrial ‐
2180\62 I, New Delhi,
Aerens South
Plaza, Delhi ‐ 110
Road,, Karol Bagh,, New Delhi,
E‐28,, Geetanjali Enclave,, , New New
Delhi ‐
110 017
F‐44, Prashant Vihar, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110085
666, Gali No.11, Sadar Bazar, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110006 Plaza, Plot No. 14, Road
301, Vardhman
R ‐ 8,44, PitamNagar
Prasad Pura, Community Centre,
I I , M I G , New
Delhi. ‐ 110005
101, Kusal Bazar, 32‐33, Nehru Place,
M‐13, Punj‐House,
Delhi 110 019Connaught Place ,
Wz‐92B Ring110001
Delhi ‐ Road, Raja Garden, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐
K‐19 A, I I Floor,, Lajpat Nagar ‐ I I,, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110 024
48B,, Dda Janta Flats, Rampura, Delhi ‐
2‐R,2Nd Floor,D.C.M. Building,, 16,
W‐75,First Floor Road,, New Delhi,
(Front),, Greater New
2459/10, ‐ I Beadonpura,,
I,, , New DelhiGurudwara
‐ 110 048
G‐28, ,Karol
Masjid Bagh, NewGrater
Moth,, Delhi Kailash‐I
‐ 110 005I,,
New Delhi ‐ 110048
Vats Complex, 2nd Floor, C‐ 7/230,
Sector ‐7, Rohini,
1721‐A/125, NewNagar
, Shanti Delhi‐Extn.,
11085 Tri
Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110035
C‐65 , South Extension Part Ii, New
5926, INew Delhi
I Floor, ‐ 110049
Room No. 10,, Basti
O S H U House, 344/3,Bazar,,
Singh,, Sadar Delhi New
Lado Sarai, ‐ 110
Delhi ‐ 110 030
205, I I Floor,, G‐29, I.J.Complex,, Laxmi
C‐38, F.F. Delhi ‐
Complex,, Jhandewalan,, New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110055
Jindal Centre, 12 Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi, New
Y‐4‐A‐C,Loha DelhiNaraina,
Mandi, ‐ 110066New
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110028
Office No. 107, First Floor, B‐110, South
201, M. Nagar,
S. Chamber , Delhi ‐ 110092
(Above OBC
F‐591, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, NewDelhi
Vikas Marg,, Laxmi Nagar,,
D S E,, Part I I,, New Delhi ‐ 110
1368, , Kashmere Gate,, Delhi, Delhi ‐
E C ‐ 43, Maya Enclave,, Hari Nagar,, ,
, Rohit ‐ 110 064Pitam Pura,, Delhi ‐
414/1,4Th Floor, Dda Commercial
30, , CommunityDistrictCentre,,
Delhi ‐ 110 017
209, Bhanot Plaza‐Ii, 3, D.B.Gupta Road,
New DelhiSangatrasan,
‐ 110055 Paharganj,
Delhi, Delhi ‐Apartments,
8, Chitrakut 110055 East Arjun
Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi
26, Hotel Metro N‐I,, Connaught ‐ 110 032Place,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
Diamond Press Bldg., B‐E, Rani Jhansi
Road, Jhandewalan
8 , Harcharan Extn., New
Bagh Farm,, Delhi‐ ‐
Modh,, New Delhi
20, Community ‐ 110030
Centre, 102, Pankaj
5182, I I Floor, Street SultanIndustrial
Lawrence Road, Yar Khan,
4/33, Subhash Delhi ‐ 110
Gali, 006 Nagar,
E‐985, 100Delhi ‐ 110032
Ft Road,, Near Babarpur Bus
985, 100 Ft Road, Near‐ Badarpur Bus
, New Delhi
Terminal Shahdara,
811, E‐Block, Delhi,
8Th Floor, Delhi ‐
Trade Tower, Nehru Place,
803, Manjusha,, 57, Nehru Place,, New Delhi
, New‐
A ‐ 17,‐ Adarsh Nagar, G.T. Karnal Road,
Delhi ‐ 110Ganj,
82,, Darya 033 , New Delhi ‐ 110 002
3Rd Floor R.D. Chambers, 16\11, Arya
412 A, Road,,
Tower Bagh,
‐ I I,,New Delhi ‐
Centre,, Janak Puri,,
House No.‐156 New Delhi ‐ 110
B1A/Ba,,New Delhi, Mig
Janakpuri NewFlats,DelhiNew
‐ 110085
Delhi, New Delhi
602, Chirinjiv ‐ 43, Nehru Place,
1/10203, West Gorakh‐ Park,
Delhi, New Delhi 110019 Shahdara,
Delhi ‐ 110 032
1246 , Chhota Bazar, Kashmere Gate,,
Delhi ‐ 110 006
13G ,Gopala Towers , 25 Rajendra
Place, N Del,,
Surmela House,, New2/3Delhi ‐ 110 008'A',,
A,, Jangpura
New Delhi ‐ 110 014
D‐8,, Model Towen,, , Delhi ‐ 110 009
3073,Nnear Golcha Cinema, Darya
1/34, I,VNew Delhi
Floor,, ‐ 110Ram
Ganga 002 Hospital
Road,, Old Rajinder
1497,Bhardwaj Nagar,, New Delhi ‐
College Def. Col.), Bhism Pitamah Marg,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110003
Surya Mansion, 1,Kaushalya Park,Hauz
Khas, New
B‐1/H‐3, Delhi,Cooperative
Mohan New Delhi ‐ Induatrial
27‐B/66, Mathura
Industrial Road,
Area,New Delhi ‐
Chowk, N I T, Faridabad ‐
310, Madras House, 67/4, Darya Ganj, 121001
New Delhi,
F‐170B, New Delhi
Western Avenue, ‐ 110002
Sainik Farm,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110062
A‐222,New Friends Colony New Delhi,
Nd, Nw, New Delhi ‐ 110065
H‐11, Lajpat Nagar ‐I I, , New Delhi ‐
B.B. 9‐A,, Janak Puri,, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110058 Mayur Vihar, Phase I,
742, Pocket‐5,,
A‐41, ‐Nanda
110091 Marg,, Adarsh Nagar,, ,
Delhi ‐ 110
8358, Ell Aar033
House, Model Basti, New
Delhi ‐ 110 005
307 , Ajiesh House , 16/3 ,Abdul Aziz
N‐22, ,W.E.A.
Greater, Karol Bagh,
Kailash, New New
Part‐Ii,, Delhi,
Delhi, New
A‐25/34, Delhi ‐ 110048
Connaught Place, New Delhi, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110001 Road,, Karol
10174/1A, Gurudwara
Bagh,, , New Delhi ‐ 110 005
9/78, , West Punjabi Bagh,, , New Delhi ‐
110 026 , Gali Lotan Jat,, Pahari Dhiraj,,
D‐19 ,‐Ist
110 006 Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase I, New
A‐20, Bada Delhi, New
Mohalla,, Delhi ‐ New
Khanpur,, 110 020
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110062
1/7521‐A Street No. 13A, East Gorakh
Park, Delhi,
24/4866, DelhiRoad,
Ansari ‐ 110Daryaganj,
032 New
Delhi. ‐ 111002
1626\33, Naiwala, Karol Bagh, New
Delhi, New Delhi
507,, Padma ‐
Tower‐Ii, 22,Rajindra Place,
Delhi ‐ 110008
8‐D, Hansalaya, 15, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
Flat No. ‐101, 16/3, Ajiesh House, Abdul
Aziz Road, Karol
401‐A,Usha KiranBagh, NewCommercial
Building, Delhi ‐
135 / H ‐ 34, Sector ‐ 3, Rohini, ‐Delhi.
Delhi, Delhi 110033

C‐252, , Defence Colony,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ Chamber,,
405, Pratap 110 024 Gurudwara
Road,, Karol‐Bagh,,
393, Sector 16 A, ,New Delhi ‐‐ 110
Faridabad 005
C‐5,, Chirag Enclave, , New Delhi ‐
443, Basement, Mathura Road,
A‐2/3, LusaNew Delhi3Rd
Tower,, ‐ 110014
Floor , Azadpur,
Delhi ‐ 110033
M/S. Tanvi Fincap (P) Ltd., 6/233
Doongar Mohalla,,
2459/10,Beadon Farash
Pura,, Bazar,,
Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110005
10, Daryaganj,, New Delhi, New Delhi ‐
110 0021St Floor,Commercial Market,
A‐341,Patel NewNagar Metro
Ranjeet Station,
Nagar, NewSouth
New Delhi ‐ 110008
309, , Asian Games Village, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐Chambers,
303,Dakha 110 049 2068/38, Hari
M‐72,Nalwa Street,Karol
, Connaught Circus,,Bagh,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
C‐654, , New Friends Colony, , New
20/22,‐ 110065
, ,East Punjabi Bagh, Delhi, Delhi
Khanna Tennis Stadium, Dua
1\566, GandaWestNala
Wing, Africa
Bazar, Avenue,,
Gate, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110006
A‐202, Shivalik Colony, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ Sector‐18, Rohini, Delhi ‐ 110
301, Vardhman Plaza, Plot‐14, Road‐44,
4/17‐B, Asaf Community
Ali Rd, AsafCentre,
Ali Road,Delhi
New ‐
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110002
N ‐ 92, Panchsheel Park, , New Delhi. ‐
1417,Devika Tower,, Nehru Placei , New
Delhi, New Delhi.
209, Bhanot Plaza‐‐Ii,,
3, D.B. Gupta
Road, Paharganj, New
2, Community Centre,(1St Delhi ‐ 110055
Naraina, New Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110028
A‐18, , Kailash Colony, New Delhi, New
No.6, ‐Sultan Pur, Mandi Road, Mehrauli,
New Delhi ‐ 110030
202 Magnum House‐I, Opp Milan
Cinema, Karampura
6Th Floor,7‐Tdi Centre,,, Commercial
A‐2\3, Lusa Tower,, I Delhi
, Jasola, New ‐ 110025
I I Floor, Azadpur,,
Delhi ‐ 110 033
10,Darya Ganj, New Delhi, , New Delhi ‐
A‐71, Hcg Housing Society,, Plot No 10,
Dwarka ‐ 110 075Singh Market, Nahar
2Nd Floor,Nahar
Pur, Sector‐7,Rohini,
H‐3/41, Delhi Delhi
Sector‐18, Rohini, ‐ 110085
‐ 110
54A, Brothers Aapparments , 16,
Patparganj, , Delhi1,‐ 110052
Nbcc Plaza Tower 4Th Floor, Sector V
Pushap ‐‐Vihar Saket,
53, Friends Colony (East), New, New
‐ ‐
18, Community Centre, New Friends
A‐69 VijayNew DelhiAruna
Block, ‐ 110Park,
065 Laxmi
Nagar, Delhi Road,
A‐45, Radial ‐ 110 092
Connaught Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
102/17, Meera Tower Commercial
H‐56A, LaxmiWazirpur
Nagar,, Industrial Area,
Vikas Marg, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110092
21,Dayanand Marg, Daryaganj,, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110002
295, Sant Nagar, East Of Kailash, New
Delhi. ‐ 110065
1‐E, Jhandewalan Extension,, Naaz
Cinema Complex,,
39, , Hanuman NewNew
Road, Delhi, NewNew
Delhi, Delhi
Delhi ‐ 110001
3507,Pyare Lal Road,, Bank Street, Karol
Bagh , New Delhi ‐ 110005
204, Raj Tower, Alaknanda Commercial
H‐4 , Masjid Kalkaji,
Moth,New NewDelhi ‐ 110019
Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110 048
Flat No. 205,, A‐13, Kailash Colony, New
B‐1, Jai‐ 110 048
Shive Appt., , C‐2, West
Flat No.20 , D D Pura,,
Pitam A (S FDelhi ‐ 110034
S) Flats, Dr.
Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi ‐ 110
60‐D, Street No. C‐5, Sainik Farms, New009
Delhi, New Delhi
417, Kucha Brijnath,‐ 110062
Chandni Chowk,
Delhi ‐ 110 006
0, I I Floor, Shakti Nagar, Delhi. ‐ 110
1/5‐B, , Asaf Ali Road,, New Delhi,
226, IDelhi ‐ 110002
I Floor, 1900, Shri Ram Market,
Sirki Walan, Hauz Quazi,
A‐6 Group Industrail New
Area,, Delhi.
Wazir ‐
Am‐112, Delhi ‐ 110052
Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi,
Delhi. ‐ 110088
1, Laxman Chambers,, 370‐371, Hospital
90‐A, ,Shakarpur
Jungpura,Khas,New Delhi ‐ 110014
Shakarpur, New
Delhi ‐ 110092
Hindustan Times House (9Th Floor), 18‐
20, Kasturba
D‐19,, Kalkaji,Gandhi Marg,,‐ 110019
, New Delhi New Delhi,
104‐A, Chiranjeev Tower, 43, Nehru
Place, New Delhi 15,
8 ‐ D, Hansalaya, ‐ 110019
Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
C ‐ 5A/62, Janak Puri, New Delhi, New
18‐19,‐ Community
110 058 Centre, Saket, New
Delhi ‐ 110 017
234‐A, Chandi Plaza, Sant Nagar, New
Delhi ‐ 110065
Rz‐401/A, Pardhan Chowk,, Palam
10159, PadamNew Delhi,
Road,‐ 110045
Karol Bagh,
New Delhi ‐ 110005
Wz‐3, Ii Floor,, Meenakshi Garden, ,
New Delhi
204, Raj ‐ 110018
Tower‐ I I, Alaknanda
S‐135,, Greater KailashKalkaji,
Complex, Part‐ Ii,New
, NewDelhi
Delhi ‐ 110048
401,Opp.Vasant Vihar Dtc .Bus Depot,
Munirka Village, , New Delhi ‐ 110 067
201, 2Nd Floor, Sagar Deep L.S.C., Saini
Enclave, VikasRegal
69,Iind Floor, MargBuilding
Extn., Delhi,
, Delhi ‐
6048/3, 2NdPlace.,Floor,New Delhi,
Block‐Ii, DevNew
Karol Bagh, New Delhi ‐ 110005
407, Rohit House, 3, Tolstoy Marg, New
Delhi ‐ 110Bhawan,
407, Sethi 001 7, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi ‐ 110 008
M‐2 , Usha Chamber, 37‐38 Central
Basement Ashok Vihar‐1, Delhi,
‐6, Community DelhiSaket,
Center, ‐
New Delhi ‐ 110017
The Anbassador Hotel, Sujan Singh Park,
,1,New Delhi Apartments
Anupam ‐ 110003 ,, Mehrauli
B‐11/32, Road
, Hans,Opposits‐‐Saket,
Bhawan, Bsz Marg, , NewNew
Delhi ‐
701, Manjusha, 57, Nehru Place, , New
Delhi ‐ 110019
113,Agarwal Chamber Ist,Chamber
205, 1StVikas
Emca Chamber,Delhi, 51,
Darya Ganj, New Delhi ‐ 110002
Flat No.D D‐3, Dhawan Deep Bldg.,, 6,
Jantar Mantar
Z‐11, (Sh), LohaRoad,,
MandiNew Delhi ‐New
, Naraina, 110
No. 8,‐Punjabi
110028Bagh (West), Jawahar
T‐220 2Nd New Delhi.
Floor, ‐ 110026
Savitri Nagar Malviya
Nagar , N Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110017
2082/38, Naiwala,, Karol Bagh,, New
53‐B, ,Delhi
Near‐ Kamal
110005 Hotel, Rohtak Road,
New Delhi ‐ 110 005
D‐144, , Vivek Vihar,, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110
5, Laxmi Garden, Opp. Kirti Nagar Post
Office, MainRajinder
R‐489, New Najafgarh Road,Near
Nagar, NewNehru
Park, New Delhi
Hindustan Times‐ House
110060(10Th Floor),
18‐20, Kasturba
Plot No.111, 3RdGandhi Marg,, New
Floor, Sudershan
Road, Near Hyundai Workshop,
B‐47, 2Nd Floor, Connaught Place, Gautam
Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110001
B‐1202 Gf, Shastri Nagar, Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110052
14, Central Market, Punjabi Market,
C/O P L Soni‐ &
Delhi. 110026
Co, 4A/16, Old Rajinder
Nagar, New Delhi
C‐25, Ashoka Niketan,, ‐ 110 Near065 Yojna
3 ‐ 7/B,Delhi
Asaf‐Ali110 092 , New Delhi. ‐
D‐42, , South Extn.(I), , New Delhi ‐
S‐547, First Floor, School Block,
Shakarpur, Delhi, Delhi
A ‐ 69, Pushpanjali Enclave,‐ 110092
Delhi ‐ 110 034
C‐40, Krishna Park, Devali Road,
3‐B, VandhanaNew Delhi ‐ 110 062
11, Tolstoy Marg,, New
Delhi ‐ 110 001
Unit No. 616, Aggarwal Cyber Plaza,
District Centre,Tower,,
11‐B , Gopala Wazirpur, Delhi ‐ 110
25, Rajendra
Place, , , New Singh
F‐45,, Bhagat Delhi ‐Market,,
110008 New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110 001
3583\4 , Darya Ganj, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110002
105, Ashok Estate,, Barakhamba Road, ,
New Delhi ‐
I‐341, Karampura, New Delhi, New
Delhi. ‐ 110
2B / 78, West015
Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi,
3123, Sec‐D,110026
Delhi ‐ Pocket‐Iii,, Vasant Kunj,,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 110070
A E ‐ 22, Shalimar Bagh, , Delhi. ‐
1748/55,Iind Floor, Naiwala, Karol Bagh,
AnsalNew Tower,Delhi
38,‐ Nehru
New Delhi ‐ 110
302, 18/12, 019 Karol Bagh, New
Delhi. ‐ 110005
105, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road,
Atmaram Delhi,House,
New Delhi ‐ 110 Marg,
1, Tolstoy 001 , New
Delhi. ‐ 110001 Tower,, 43, Nehru Place,
1004, Chiranjiv
New Delhi ‐ 110019
Community Centre,3Rd Floor,,
111, Essel Vihar, Phase‐I,
House, Delhi,AliDelhi
10, Asaf Road,‐ New
Delhi ‐ 110Gupta
36 Chitra 002 Road, Pahar Ganj, New
Delhi, New Delhi
403, Vikrant Tower,‐ 110055
Rajendra Palace,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110 008
F U ‐ 9, Vishakha Enclave, Pitam Pura,
A‐14, ‐Naraina
110 034Industria Area, Phase‐I,
C‐37, Atma ‐ 110028
Ram House,, Connaught
311, MadrasDelhi,
New House, New Delhi
67/4, ‐ 110001
Darya Ganj,
New Delhi ‐ 110002
H‐72, Connaught Circus, ., New Delhi ‐
404,, Pragati Deep, Laxmi Nagar District
A‐211,RgNew CityDelhi ‐ 110092
Centre,, Plot No‐4,, Dda
Community Centre,Motia
C ‐ 1 ‐ A, Ring Road, Narayana, Khan,Pahar
Tikona Park, New Delhi ‐ 110
4Th Floor , Punjabi Bhawan,, 10, Rouse 028
Lb‐10, Prakash , New Deep
Delhi Building,
‐ 1100027, Tolstoy
Flat No. New 202,Delhi, New Hardhian
2228‐29, Delhi ‐ 110001
Ak‐94, First Floor , Shalimar Bagh,Delhi
Karol Bagh, New Delhi, New
38, DDelhi, New Delhi ‐Complex
D A Commercial 110088 , Kailash
J‐287, , Saket,, New Delhi, New
Extn., Zamrudpur, New Delhi
Delhi ‐‐
C ‐ 8, L G F ‐ I I , East Of Kailash, New
4701, ‐Umrao Street, Pahari Dhiraj, Delhi
110 006, Trinagar, Delhi, Delhi ‐
114 Pratap Chambers, Gurudwara Road,
57 ‐ D,Bagh,
J & KNew Delhi
Block, ‐ 110Garden,
Dilshad 005
E‐6, I I ‐Floor,,
110096Bali Nagar, Main
Pragati Tower, Road,26,Delhi ‐
Rajindra Place, , New
Delhi. ‐ 110008
25/12, I I I Floor, East Patel Nagar, New
Delhi ‐
Operation Agape Bhawan,Chhawla
Village,1, Kanganhedi
M ‐ 1 & 2, Partap Bhawan, Road,,5, Delhi,
Bhadur Delhi
B‐1/95,Zafar Marg, New
, Paschim Vihar,Delhi.
, New‐ 110

M 1‐2, Pratap Bhawan, 5,Bahadurshah
Zafar Marg,
302, Kirti NewNangal
Deep, Delhi ‐Raya,
110 002
New Delhi,
New Delhi. ‐ 11004605
607‐608, Gditl, B‐08, Netaji Subhash
Nagar, NewPatel
7/30, West Delhi,Nagar,
Delhi ‐
110 008
3507/6, Pyarelal Road, Bank Street,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi. ‐ 110005
I I Floor, Chhabra Complex, 8, Veer
Savarkar Block, Shakarpur, Delhi ‐ 110
A‐2/96,Ashirwad Apartment, Bholanath
Pocket Jharkhandi
No.B‐6, PlotRoad,,
No.53,Pachim Vihar,
House No Delhi ‐ 110 Banduk
187,Gali 085 Wali, Ajmeri
Gate, Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110002
12 A ‐ 3, Friends Colony (West), , New
21 ‐ D,‐ 110065
Friends Colony (West) , , New
Delhi ‐ 110065
53, , Friends Colony East, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110
Plot No.261,, 065Enclave., Pitam
Pura, Delhi ‐ 110065
49, Shiva Market, Pitam Pura, Delhi,
Delhi ‐ 110034
201,Amrit Chambers, 78‐79,Scindia
House,(Above Allahabad Bank),Janpath,
New Delhi, New Delhi ‐ 11000
210, Shivlok House‐Ii, Karampura
Commercial Complex,
Dlf Centre, , Sansad Delhi.
Marg, ‐ 110015
, New Delhi ‐
3086, Gali Mahazani Bazar, Sita Ram,
204, Raj ‐ 110
Tower006I I, Alaknanda
G ‐ 189, LaneComplex, Kalkaji,Avenue,
W8‐A, Western New Delhi
Sainik Farms, New Delhi ‐ 110
B U ‐ 76, Pitampura, Vishakha Enclave, 062
Delhi ‐ 110088
J ‐ 3/282, D D A Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi
110019 Rehgar Pura, Padam Singh
Road, Karol Bagh,
137, Anarkali New Delhi
Complex, ‐ 110 005
New Delhi ‐ 110055
C ‐ 86, Greater Kailash ‐ I, , New Delhi ‐
1017,048Main Arya Samaj Road, Karol
Bagh, New
C‐221, Defence Delhi,Colony,
New Delhi
110005 New
Delhi ‐ 110 024
109, Vishwa Sadan, 9, District Centre,
305,Jagdamba NewTower,
Delhi ‐ 3Rd
Vihar, Commercial Complex,
Building No.13,‐Sant Nagar,2Nd Delhi ‐
308, Of Kailash, ,Building,
Akashdeep New Delhi 26‐ ‐110
A, 065
Sanchi,, 77, Nehru Road,Place,,
New Delhi.
New ‐Delhi.,
New Delhi. ‐ 110019
A‐101, Group Industrial Area,,
Wazirpur,, New Delhi
B‐90, , Panchsheel ‐ 110
Vihar, 052 Khirki,
B ‐ 50,Delhi ‐ 110017
Sarita Vihar, , N.Delhi. ‐ 110044
108, Dakha Chamber, 2069/38,
6926 ‐ A, Chandrawal Bagh, NewRoad, Delhi,
Tower, Delhi. ‐ 110007
C A / 5 B, Phase ‐ I I , Munirka, New
Delhi ‐ 110067 Building, 14, Kasturba
501, Ambadeep
204 Ideal Marg,
House New, 2Nd
‐ 11069 001Nehru
Place, New Delhi, New Delhi
Capital Trust House, 47, Community ‐ 110019
Centre, FriendsTower,,
602, Chiranjiv Colony,43,Nehru
New Delhi. ‐
, Okhla‐ 110 019 Area, Phase I,
B‐2/60,Delhi, New Delhi
, Safdarjung ‐ 110 020
Enclave, , , New
Delhi ‐ 110029
12‐A, Gulabi Bagh, , New Delhi. ‐
H‐446,1St Floor, New Rajinder Nagar,
B‐113,New 2Nd.Delhi.
Floor,,‐ 110060
Lajpat Nagar‐I,, ,
New Delhi ‐ 110 024
38, D D A Commercial Complex,, Kailash
Colony Extn., Zamrudpur, New Delhi ‐
A‐8/11, Vasant Vihar,, New Delhi, New
G‐4/ B‐1‐ Extention, Mohan Co‐
2023, Gali Industrial
No. 7, Chuna Eastate,,
Mandi, Mathura
Ganj, New Delhi. ‐ 110 055
A‐56, Naraina Industrial Aera,, Phase‐1,,
,4ThNew Delhi ‐ 110028
Floor,Punjabi Bhawan, 10,Rouse
Avenue, , New Delhi
N‐86, , Connaught Place,, ‐ 110Janpath
306 Munish New Delhi
Plaza,‐20 110Ansari
001 Road,
47, Ara Kashan NewRoad,
Delhi Ram
‐ 110002Nagar,
A‐66, Guru Nanak Pura,,110055
New Delhi ‐ Vikas Marg,,
Delhi, Delhi ‐ 110Building,
706, Madhuban 092 55,Nehru
Place,, New Delhi. ‐ 110019
Y‐9/9, Loha Mandi,, Naraina, New Delhi,
Local‐ 110028
Shopping Centre,
B‐7 , GeetanjaliEnclave, Near HNew
Enclave,, D F CDelhi,
New Delhi
D‐9, Iind ‐
Floor, Green Park Main, New
Delhi, New Delhi
C‐1\2, , Model Town, ‐ 110016Delhi, Delhi ‐
B‐14, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐
64, Sidharth Enclave, , New Delhi. ‐
154, Khanpur Village, New Delhi, New
Flat No‐ 110062
672, Sector A, Pocket B And C ,
Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
B‐6/5, Local Shopping ‐ 110 070
Safdarjung Enclave,, New
304, Krishna Plaza‐Ii, Sector‐12, Delhi, Dwarka,
, Shakti‐ 110058
Nagar, , Delhi ‐ 110007
108, Haryana Motor Market, Ambala
7089,Haryana ‐ 134002 Nehru Nagar,
Mata Rameshwari
Karol Bagh, New
F‐107, Aditya Complex Delhi ‐, 110005
Ii L. S. C., Savita
Vihar, , Delhi ‐ 110092
Flat No.86, Sfs Shakti Apartments,
A‐56, DdaVihar‐Iii,
OfficeNew Delhi ‐Defence
Complex, 110 052
B‐4\71ARing Road,, New
, Lawrence Road,,Delhi, Delhi
Delhi, ‐
Arjun Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur, ,
E ‐ 84, L I C‐Colony, Paschim Vihar, New
A‐224,‐,110 065 Vihar,, New Delhi,
New Delhi, Janak
C‐5A/24 ‐ 110085Puri, New Delhi, New
Delhi ‐ 110058
D ‐ 1/7, Rajouri Garden, , New Delhi. ‐
28/3936, I I Floor, Padam Singh Road,
Karol Bagh,
1/10203, NewGorakh
West Delhi ‐Park,
110 005 Shahdra,
Delhi ‐ 110032
10/21, , East Patel Nagar,, New Delhi,
New Delhi ‐ 110
219, Anupam 008
Commercial Complex, Plot
No. 9 & 10, Block A, Community Centre,
Paschim Vihar, New Delh
A‐43, , Vikas Puri, New Delhi, New Delhi
‐ 110 018

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