Functions For Example Cost, Revenue and Profit Functions

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Differentiation Used to find maximum or minimum points of curves of certain business

functions for example cost, revenue and profit functions.
Derivative notations

f’(x) y’

dy d
[ f ( x)]
dx dx

Rules of differentiation

1. The Constant Function Rule

The derivative of a constant function f (x) = k, where k is a constant, is zero.

Given f (x) = k, f (x) = 0

2. The Linear Function Rule

The derivative of a linear function f (x) = mx + b is equal to m, the coefficient of x. The derivative of a
variable raised to the first power is always equal to the coefficient of the variable, while the derivative of
a constant is simply zero.

Given f (x) = mx + b, f  (x) = m


Find the derivative of the function: f (x) = 6x+7


3. The Power Function Rule

The derivative of a power function f (x) = kxn, where k is a constant and n is any real number, is equal to
the coefficient k times the exponent n, multiplied by the variable x raised to the n – 1 power.

Given f (x) = kxn, f  (x) = k  n  xn – 1


Find the derivative of the function: f (x) =7x2


4. The Product Rule

The derivative of a product f (x) = g(x)  h(x), where g(x) and h(x) are both differentiable functions, is
equal to the first function multiplied by the derivative of the second plus the second function multiplied
by the derivative of the first. Given f (x) = g(x)  h(x), f (x) = g(x)  h (x) + h(x)  g (x).

d du dv
Or; for f (x) = (u v). f (x) = (uv)  vu
dx dx dx


Find the derivative of the function: f (x) =4x5(3x - 2)


5. The Quotient Rule

The derivative of a quotient f (x) = g(x)  h(x), where g(x) and h(x) are both differentiable functions and
h(x)  0, is equal to the denominator times the derivative of the numerator, minus the numerator times
the derivative of the denominator, all divided by the denominator squared.

h( x)  g ( x)  g ( x)  h( x)
If , f ( x)  g ( x) / h( x).thenf ( x) 
[h( x)]2

du dv
v u
d  u  dx
Or for f (x) = (u/ v).    dx
dx  v  v 2


Find the derivative of the function: f (x) =6x3/2x+5


6. The Chain Rule

Given a composite function, also called a function of a function, in which y is a function of u and u in turn
is a function of x, that is, y = f (u) and u = g(x), then y = f [g(x)] and the derivative of y with respect to x is
equal to the derivative of the first function with respect to u times the derivative of the second function
with respect to x:
dy dy du
 
dx du dx


Find the derivative of the function: f (x) = (4x3 +7)5



Find the first derivative for each of the follo0wing functions

i. 𝑦 = 6𝑥 5
ii. 𝑦 = 8𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 3
iii. 𝑦 = 18𝑥 1⁄3
iv. 𝑦 = 5𝑥 −1⁄2
v. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = −7𝑥 −2


Differentiate each of the following functions using the quotient rule

22𝑥 4−15
i. 𝑦= 8𝑥−1

8𝑥 6
ii. 𝑦 = 3𝑥+5

5𝑥 3
iii. 𝑦 = 6𝑥 2 −7𝑥+2

8𝑥 2 +3𝑥−9
iv. 𝑦= 7𝑥 2−4


Use the chain rule to differentiate each of the following functions

i. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = (9𝑥 − 4)5

ii. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = (7𝑥 3 + 6)4

iii. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = (3𝑥 2−11)2

iv. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) =
6𝑥 2 −4𝑥−9

v. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = √14𝑥 4 − 45

vi. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = √22−9𝑥 6


People in business and economists are frequently asked to help firms solve such problems as;
 Maximizing profits,
 Levels of physical output or productivity and minimizing costs
 Levels of pollutions or noise
 The use of scare natural resources
All the above problems can be solved by use of optimization process.
Optimization is the process of finding the relative maximum or minimum of a function.
The following steps are followed;
1. Take the first derivative, set it equal to zero and solve for the critical point (s). This step
is known as first-order condition and the necessary condition
2. Take the second derivative, evaluate it at the critical point (s) and check the sign(s). This
is called second-order condition and the sufficient condition.
If at a critical point(s) a is;

Given the following total revenue TR and total cost TC functions for different firms, maximize
profit for the firms as follows;
1. Set up the profit function
2. Find the critical value(s) and test the second-order condition
3. Calculate the maximum profit.





Marginal revenue in business is defined as the change in total revenue brought about by the sale
of an additional good. Marginal cost is defined as change in total cost incurred from the
production of an extra unit. Since total revenue TR and total cost TC are both functions of their
levels of output Q, MR and MC can each be expressed mathematically as derivatives of their
respective total functions.
𝑇𝑅 = 𝑇𝑅(𝑄), 𝑀𝑅 =
𝑇𝐶 = 𝑇𝐶 (𝑄), 𝑀𝐶 =
If 𝑇𝐶 = 𝑄2 + 5𝑄 + 72 then,

If 𝑇𝑅 = −3𝑄2 + 95𝑄


 Introducing matrices
Sometimes it’s helpful to show information, or data, in a table. The table below shows the
number of boys and girls in a sports club, who swim, play tennis or pay basketball.
Swim Tennis Basketball

Girls 20 25 19

Boys 28 29 27

The tables below shows the prices of one kilogrammme of oranges, beans and onions at
Kamwokya market near Kampala in may.

Price (Shs) Price (shs)

In May In June
Oranges 500 550

Beans 400 400

Onions 600 500

The next table shows the number of bottles of the different drinks bought by people at kabale
Guest house on two different days.
Fanta Pepsi-cola Sprite Bitter
Friday 21 7 10 8
Saturday 34 18 23 11

Tables like these are often displayed as arrays of numbers with large brackets around them like
500 550
20 25 19 400 400 21 7 10 8
28 29 27 600 500 34 18 23 11

Each of the arrays in a matrix. A matrix is a convenient way of storing numerical information. A
matrix is any rectangular array of numbers. The numbers within the matrix are called elements of

So what is a matrix?

A matrix is a set of numbers or quantities arranged in the form of rows and columns.
 The shape of a matrix. A matrix is always rectangular. The lines of numbers going across the
page are the rows. The lines of numbers going down the page are the columns . we usually denote
a matrix by a capital letter such as A.

This matrix has two rows and three columns.

20 25 19
28 29 27

It’s a two by three (2x3) matrix. Notice that we always state the number of rows first, followed by
the number of columns.
500 550
This matrix has three rows and two columns 400 400
600 500
It’s a three by two (3x2) matrix
This matrix has two rows and four columns:

21 7 10 8
34 18 23 11

It is a two by four (2x4) matrix

Notice that a 2x4 matrix is not the same as a 4x2 matrix. This is a 4x2 matrix.

3 8
4 2
2 4
10 6

 Special matrices
A matrix with the same number of rows and columns is a square matrix.

For example 1 8
2 4 Has two rows and two columns. It is a square matrix of order 2x2.

Here are some more examples o square matrices:

1 1 1 0 1 4 3
1 1 0 3 4 2 1
3 7 2

A matrix with only one column is a column matrix (sometimes called a column vector)

These are column matrices: 1 1 1
0 2 2
0 3 3
1 4 4

3x1 4x1 4x1

A matrix with only one row is a row matrix.

These are row matrices: (1 0) (4 1 2 4)

(1x2) (1x4)

A matrix with all its elements zero is called a zero matrix. Here are some examples of zero matrices:

0 0 Is the zero matrix of order 2x2

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 is the zero matrix f order 2x3

(0 0) is a zero matrix of order 1x2

Transpose of a Matrix

For any matrix A, its transpose is a matrix denoted as A t or simply AI

The transpose of a matrix is the new matrix obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the
given matrix. Similarly, if a matrix has order m x n, then its transpose has order, n x m.

 Adding matrices
Betty and Dorothy went shopping. Betty bought 3kg of meat, 2kg of sugar and 6kg of beans.
Dorothy bought 4kg of meat, 1kg of sugar and 6kg of beans. We can show this in a matrix:

Meat (kg) sugar (kg) Beans (kg)

Betty 3 2 6
Dorothy 4 1 6

The following week they went shopping together again. What they bought is shown in the matrix:

Meat (kg) sugar (kg) Beans (kg)

Betty 6 6 6
Dorothy 0 5 3

We can add together the amounts the women bought in the two weeks, to get this matrix:

Meat (kg) sugar (kg) Beans (kg)

Betty 9 8 12
Dorothy 4 6 9

This is matrix addition. We can write this more briefly.

3 2 6 - 6 6 6 = 3+6 2+4 6+6

2 1 6 0 5 3 4+0 1+5 6+3

9 8 12

= 4 6 9

When we add matrices together we add corresponding components together. Notice that we can only add
matrices together if they are both of the same order.

Example: In each case add together the matrices A and B

a) A = 1 2 B= 2 1
2 4 4 3

b) A= 1 2 -3 0 1 2
0 1 3 4 3 -2
c) 2 -1
A= -4 B= 7
1 0

d) A= (1 5 -3) B = ( 0.5 0 -5)

a) A+B 1 2 + 2 1 = 1+2 2+1 = 3 3

3 1 4 3 3+4 1+3 7 4

b) A+B = 1+0 2+1 -3+2 = 1 3 -1

0+4 1+3 3+2 4 4 1

2+-1 1

c) A+B = - 4+7 = 3

1+0 1

d) A+B = ( 1 5 -3 )+ (0.5 0 -5) = (1.5 5 -8)

 Subtracting matrices
In a school classes 3A and 3B are organizing a party. They are collecting soft drinks and packets
of biscuits from members of the classes. For the party they have collected.

3B Drinks Biscuits
3A 14 7
21 11

The number they need is given by this matrix;

3A Drinks Biscuits
3B 24 16
42 28

We subtract to find the number of drinks and biscuits still needed.

3A needs 24 – 14 = 10drinks and 16 – 7 = 9 packets of biscuits
3B needs 42 -21 = 21 drinks and 28 -11 = 17 packets of biscuits.
We can show these more briefly using matrices:

24 16 14 7 24 - 14 16 -17
42 28 - 21 11 = 42 - 21 28 -11
When we subtract matrices we subtract corresponding components, matrices must have the same
order to subtract them.

a) 5 8 3 - 2 6 6 = 5-2 8 -6 3 -6
4 1 5 1 3 5 4-1 1- 3 5- 5

= 3 2 -3
3 -2 0

b) 5 4 - 3 3 = 5–3 4–3 = 2 1
2 2 4 5 2–4 2-5 -2 -3

2 3 0
3 - 2 = 0
1 1 0

 Multiplication of matrix by a number

When we multiply a matrix by a number we multiply every element of the matrix by that number.
We can se why this is so by looking at an example concerning shopping.

Example: Every week, three customers of a whole sale grocery store make the same order.
The store keeper records their order in a matrix.

Sugar (kg) Salt (kg) Flour (kg)

Kapere 75 35 25
Ndugu 50 10 0
Ekanya 15 50 90

One week the store is going to be closed, so the customers each asks for a double order the week
before. How will the storekeeper write down this double order?

Since the customers need twice as much of everything, he just multiplies all the numbers by 2.

That is;

Sugar (kg) Salt (kg) Flour (kg)

Kapere 150 70 50
Ndugu 100 20 0
Ekanya 30 100 180

In matrix notation we have

75 35 25 150 70 50
2 x 50 10 0 = 100 20 0
15 50 90 30 100 180

If the weekly order is A and the double order B, then B = 2A.

A matrix can be multiplied by any number, including decimals and fractions.

If A = a b and makes k is a number

c d

a b ka kb
Then k A= k c d = kc kd


A= 0 2 4 = 2 1 3
4 -1 2 0 -2 1

Find a 3A b -2B c 3A – B d 0.1A + 0.5B

0 2 4 = 3x0 3x2 3x4

a) 3A = 3 4 -1 2 3x4 3x-1 3x2

= 0 -6 12
12 -3 6

b) -2B = -2 2 1 3 -4 -2 -6
0 -2 1 = 0 4 -2

0 2 4 2 1 3
c) 3A – B =3 -
4 -1 2 0 -2 1

0–2 6–1 12 - 3
12 – 0 -3 + 2 6- 1

-2 5 9
12 -1 5

d) 0.1A = 0.1 0 2 4 0 0.2 0.4

4 -1 2 0.4 -0.1 0.2

0.5B = 0.5 2 1 3 1 0.5 1.5

0 -2 1 0 -1 0.5

0.1A + 0.5B 1 0.7 1.9

0.4 -1.1 0.7

 Multiplying matrices together

You can illustrate how matrices are multiplied together by looking at some examples.

Row matrix x column matrix

In a shop I buy 5 pencils for shs100 each, 3 rubbers for shs200 each and 8 pens for shs300 each.
I spend 5x sh100+3x sh200+8 x sh300 = sh3500.
We can write these using matrices as

(5 3 8) 200 =5 x 100 = 3 x 200 = 8 x 300 = 3500

To multiply the two matrices together we multiply the first number in the row matrix by the first
number of the column matrix, the second number in the row matrix by the second number of the
column matrix and so on and add the products together. The number of rows in the first matrix must
be the same as the number of the columns in the second matrix.

Christine buys 2 cabbages for sh 900 each, 3kg of carrots for sh 800 per kg and 1 kg of beans for sh
600. Use matrix multiplication to work out how much she spent.

(2 3 1) 800 = 2 x 900 + 3 x 800 + 1 x 600 = 4800
Christine spent sh 4800

Row matrix x matrix

In another shop, 5 pencils cost sh120 each, 3 rubbers cost sh180 each and pens cost sh320 each.
The bill in this shop would have been

(5 3 8) 180 = (5 x 120 + 3 x 180 + 8 x 320) = 3700

We can show the two bills for the purchase of pencils, rubbers and pens in the one matrix

100 120

(5 3 8) 200 180

300 320

= (500 x 100 + 3 x 200 + 8 x 300 5 x 120 + 3 x 180 8 x 320)

= (3500 3700)

The row is combined with each column in succession.

We could have more columns:
1 2 0
(2 3 5) 4 8 5
7 2 1

= (2 x 1 + 3 x 4 +5 x7) ( 2x2 + 3x8 + 5x2 ) (2 x 0 + 3 x 5 + 5 x1)

= (49 38 20)

Example: work out

1 2 0
(2 4 0) 4 8 -5
7 2 -1

1 2 0
(2 4 0) 4 8 -5
7 2 -1
= (2 x 1 + 4 x 3 + 0 1 2 x 2 + 4 x 8 + 0 x 4 2 x 0 + 4 x -5 +0 x -1)
= (14 36 20)
Matrix x column matrix
A shop was selling skirts for sh 3000 each and dresses for sh 5000 each. Namutebi and Apio bought
some clothes as listed in the table.
Skirt Dress
Namutebi 3 2
Apio 4 5

Namutebi spent 3x3000+2x5000 = sh 19000

Apio spent 4x3000+5x5000 = sh 37000

We can also write this in matrix multiplication.

3 2 3000 = 3x3000 2x5000 = 19000

4 5 5000 4x3000 5x5000 37000

In the football league, a win (W) earns 3 points, a draw (D) only 1 point, and a loss (L) 0 points. The
results for two football teams, Entebbe united and Makerere stars are given in the following table.
Entebbe united W D L
Makerere Stars 8 5 7

7 9 4

Use matrix multiplication to find the number of points each team scored.
We write the numbers of the points for a win, draw and loss as a column matrix and multiply by the
matrix from the table above.
8 5 7 1 = 8x3+5x1+7x0 = 29
7 9 4 0 7x3+9x1+4x0 30

Entebbe united scored 29 points, Makerere stars scored 30 points.

Matrix x matrix
We have now seen how matrices are multiplied together. Each row on the left is multiplied into each
column on the right, term by term.

The top row of the resultant matrix is found by multiplying the top row of the first matrix by each of the
columns in the turn of the second matrix

1 2 5 6 2 has top row

. 3 4 3 1 4

(1x5+2x3 1x6+2x1 1x2+2x4)

The second row is obtained by multiplying the second row of the first matrix by each of the columns in
turn of the second matrix

1 2 5 6 2

. 3 4 3 1 4

= 1x5+2x3 1x6+2x1 1x2+2x4

3x5+4x3 3x6+4x1 3x2+4x4

= 11 8 10
27 22 22

Musa wants to go shopping and buy 3 writing pads (W), 4 exercise books (B) and 5 ball pens (P). His
sister Eva wants to buy 2 writing pads, 8 exercise books and 3 ball pens. In Entebbe (E), writing pads cost
sh800, excise books cost sh300 and ball pens cost sh150 each. In Kampala (K) writing pads cost sh700,
exercise books cost sh 500 and ball pens cost shs 100 each. Use matrix multiplication to find out where is
better to shop

The items Musa and Eva want can be shown in a 2x 3 matrix.

Musa 3 4 5

Eva 2 8 3

Their costs scan be shown in a 3 x 2 matrix


W 800 700
B 300 500
P 150 100

We multiply them together thus:

800 700
3 4 5 300 700
2 8 3 150 100

= 3x800+4x300+5x500 3x700+4x500+5x100
2x800+8x300+3x150 2x700+8x500+3x100

= 4350 4600
4450 5700

Musa would spend sh 3450 in Entebbe and sh 4600 in Kampala.

Eva would spend sh 4450 in Entebbe and sh 5700 in Kampala

Can we multiply together 3 4 5 80 70 ?
2 8 3 30 50

We cannot because there are three columns in the first matrix but only two rows in the second one. There
are no numbers in the second matrix to multiply by the 5 and the 3 of the first matrix. We can only
multiply two matrices together if the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in
the second
A= 1 2 B= 2 1 3 C= 1 2 4
2 3 1 0 4 3 1 2
4 0 1
Work out, if possible a AB b BA c BC

a) AB = 1 2 2 1 3 = 4 1 11
1 3 1 0 4 7 2 18

b) BA 2 1 3 1 2
1 0 4 2 3 impossible

1 2 4
c) BC 2 1 3 3 1 2 = 17 5 13
1 0 4 4 0 1 17 2 8

Note that when we multiply a 2x3 with a 3x3 matrix we get a 2x3 matrix. When we multiply a 2x2 matrix
with a 2x3 matrix we get a 2x3 matrix. in general, when we multiply an m x n matrix by n x p matrix, we
get m x p matrix.

Inverse matrices
 The identity matrix 5x1=5 74.5x1 = 74.5 -38.3x1 = -38.3
When we multiply a number 1 the number is not changed. It remains identical to what was
before. 1 is sometimes called the multiplication identity. Look at these matrix multiplications.
1 0 3 3
0 1 2 2

1 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0 1 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8

Multiplying by 1 0 does not change the matrix

0 1

For this reason it is called the 2 by 2 identity matrix.

1 0 0
The 3 by 3 identity matrix is 0 1 0
0 0 1

1 0 0 5 3 5 3
0 1 0 = 2 4 = 2 4
0 0 1 1 2 1 2

The 4 by 4 identity matrix is 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
1 0 00

Identity matrices are always square. They consist of a diagonal of Ts from top left to bottom right: the rest
of the numbers in them are all 0s, also

1 2 3 1 0 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 0 1 0 4 5 7
7 8 9 0 0 1 7 8 9

An identity matrix is often denoted by I

If A an n by n matrix and 1 is the n by n identity matrix, then IA AI = A

 Inverse of 2 x2 matrix
0 is the identity for addition, because if we add 0 to any number, the number is changed.
543+0 = 543 -74.5+0 = -74.5

4+(-4) = 0 -4 is called the additive inverse of 4

74.5 is the additive inverse of -74.5 because -7405+74.5 = 0

Any number plus its additive inverse gives the answer 0.
The inverse of a matrix A is the matrix A-1 such that AA-1 = A-1 A = 1

Can we find A-1?

Let’s look at a few 2x2 example,

Can we find the inverse of A 8 3

5 2?

We want a matrix a b
c d such that

8 3 a b 1 0
c d = 0 1
5 2

Multiplying out we get 8a+3c = 1

5a= 2c = 0
8b+3d = 0
5b+2d = 1

From (1) and (2), 16a+6c = 2

15a+6c = 0
and a = 2 and c = -5

From (3) and (4), 16b+6d = 0

15b+6d = 0
and b = 3 and d = 8

8 3 2 -3
So the inverse of A = 5 2 is A- = 5 8

You can check:

A x A-1 8 3 2 -3 16 15 24 +24
5 2 -5 8 = 10 10 15 16

1 0
0 1

You can also check A-1 x A = 1

Compare A 8 3 and its inverse 2 -3

5 2 -5 8

The 2 and 8 are interchange: the 3 and 5 have become negative. Let us see if this works for another example


Show that 12 5 3 -5
is the inverse of
7 3 -7 12

12 5 3 -5 36 -35 -60 +60

7 3 -7 12 21 -21 -35 +36

= 1 0 the identity
0 1

Find the determinant and inverses of 6 4
2 3
The determinant ad – by = 6x3 -2x4 = 1

The inverse is 1/10 3 -4

-2 6

6 4 3 -4 18-8 -24+24
1/10 = 1/10
2 3 -2 6 6 -6 -8+18

10 0 1 0
=1/10 =
0 10 0 1

The first matrix in this section was 8 3
5 2
Find its determinants

The determinants = 8x2 – 5 x3 = 16 -15= 1.

To find the inverse of a matrix we have to divide by the determinant. In this case the determinant is 1, so
we are dividing by 1 which doesn’t change the answer.

Use matrices to solve the pair of equations
3x – 4y = 11
2x +5y = -8

Write the equation using matrices

3 -4 x 11
2 5 y -8

The determinant of 3 -4
Is 3x5 -2x (-4) =15+8 = 23
2 -5

The inverse of 3 -4 5 4
Is 1/23
2 5 -2 3

So x 5 4 11
= 1/23
y -2 3 -8

55 -32 23 1
= 1/23 = 1/23 =
-22 -24 -46 2

So x = 1 and y = -2
You can check by substituting for x and y in the original equation.

 The determinant
The equations
5x + 2y = 8
10x + 4y =16

Cannot be solved uniquely, the second equation is a multiple of the first; they are in effect with the
same equation. For any value of x we can find a value of y. there are an infinite number of solutions.
In matrix notation the equation are written as

5 2 x 8
10 4 y 6

5 2
The determinant of is 5x4 – 10 x2 = 20 – 20 = 0
10 4

The equations 5x + 2y = 8
5x + 2y =16

Cannot be solved uniquely as no pair of numbers can satisfy both equations simultaneously. The
graphs of the two expressions are parallel lines. If we subtract the first equation from the second
we are left with the statement 0 = 8, which is impossible. In matrix notation the equation are written
5 2 x 8
10 4 y 16

5 2
the determinant of is 5x2 – 5x2 = 10-10 = 0
5 2

The equations 5x +2y = 8

5x + 2y = 16

When the determinant of the matrix is zero, the equation has no solution. A matrix whose
determinant is zero is called a singular matrix .Because we cannot divide by 0, a singular matrix
has no inverse.

In general, for equations ax + by = e

Cx + dy = f

If one equation is a multiple of the other, then a/c=b/d and ad –bc = 0. This is why when the
determinant is 0 there is no solution.

 Solving problems
We can often express everyday problems as simultaneous equations and then solve them.

A farmer used her tractor in the fields during May and June. She used the same amounts of petrol
and oil in both months. The local garage put up their prices at the end of may. The amounts she
spent on the fuel are shown in this table:
Months Price of petrol per Price of oil per litre Total cost
May Sh 1500 Sh 5000 Sh 80000
June Sh 2000 Sh 8000 Sh 120000

How much oil did she use each month?

Suppose she used p liters of petrol and q litres of oil.
Then, in May, 1500p + 500q = 80000
and in June ,2000p +8000q = 120000

Using matrix notation, 1500 5000 p 80000

2000 8000 q = 120000

1500 5000
The determinant of 2000 8000 = 1500x 8000 – 2000x 5000

The inverse of 1500 5000 = 1/2000000 8000 -5000
2000 8000 -2000 1500

= 8000/20000 -5000/2000000 2/500 -1/400

-2000/200 000 1500/2000000 -1/1000 3/4000

= 2/500x80000 -1/400x120000

-1/1000x80000 +3/4000x120000

= 10

She bought 20 liters of petrol and 10 litres of oil (check this answer with the question)



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