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The Nature of Coqnition. Edited by Robert J. Sternberg. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 736 pages. $35.00.
Preface. 1. General issues in cognition. 1. W h a t is a theory of thought? (Earl Hunt). 2. A dialetcital basis for
understanding the study of cognition (Robert J. Sternberg). 3. Rationalism versus empiricism in cognition (Daniel
N. Robinson). IL Representation and process in cognition. 4. Single-code versus multiple-code theories in cogni-
tion (Timothy P. McNamara). 5. Domain-generality versus domain-specificity in cognition (John F. Kihlstrom).
7. Prototype versus exemplar models in cognition (Brian H. Ross and Valerie S. Makin). III. Methodology in
cognition. 8. Computational modeling of high-level cognition versus hypothesis testing (Patricia A. Carpenter
and Marcel Adam Just). 9. Brain versus behavioral studies of cognition (Elizabeth A. Phelps). 10. Response
time versus accuracy in hyman memory (Michael K a h a n a and Geoffrey Loftus). 11. Laboratory versus field ap-
proaches to cognition (Stephen J. Ceci, Tina B. Resenblum and Eduardus DeBruyn). 12. Basic versus applied
research (Raymond S. Nickerson). IV. Kinds of cognition. 13. Inferential versus ecological approaches to percep-
tion (Dennis R. Proffitt). 14. Implicit versus explicit learning (Arthur S. Reber, Rhianon Allen and Paul J. Reber).
15. Multi-store versus dynamic models of temporary storage in memory (Randall W. Engle and Natalie Oransky).
16. Rational versus arational models of thought (Steven A. Sloman). 17. Formal rules versus mental models in rea-
soning (P.N. Johnson-Laird). 18. Cognition versus metacognition (Thomas O. Nelson). V. Group and individual
differences in cognition. 19. Culture-free versus culture-based measures of cognition (Michael Cole). 20. Heredity
versus environment as the basis of cognitive abilities (Elena L. Grigorenko). Contributors. Author index. Subject

Musical Networks: Parallel Distributed Perception and Performance. Edited by Niall Griffith and Peter M. Todd.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 385 pages. $37.50.
Preface (Niall Griffith and Peter M. Todd). I. Pitch and tonality. Modelling pitch perception with adaptive
resonance theory artificial neural networks (Ian Taylor and Mike Greenhough). Development of tonal centres
and abstract pitch as categorizations of pitch use (Niall Griffith). Understanding musical sound with forward
models and physical models (Michael A. Casey). II. R h y t h m and meter. Resonance and the perception of musical
meter (Edward W. Large and John F. Kolen). Modelling musical perception: A critical view (Stephen W. Smo-
liar). A reply to S.W. Smolilar's 'Modelling musical perception: A critical view' (Peter Desain and Henkjan
Honing). III. Melodic memory, structure, and completion. Pitch-based streaming in auditory perception (Stephen
Grossberg). Apparent motion in music? (Robert O. Gjerdingen). Modelling the perception of musical sequences
with self-organizing neural networks (Michael P.A. Page). An ear for melody (Bruce F. Katz). IV. Composi-
tion. Neural network music composition by prediction: Exploring the benefits of psychoacoustic constraints and
multi-scale processing (Michael C. Mozer). Harmonizing music the Boltzmann way (Matthew I. Bellgard and
C.P. Tsang). Reduced memory representations for music (Edward W. Large, Caroline Palmer and Jordan B. Pol-
lack). Frankensteinian methods for evolutionary music composition (Peter M. Todd and Gregory M. Werner).
Towards automated artificial evolution for computer-generated images (Shumeet Baluja, Dean Pomerleau and
Todd Jochem). The connectionist air guitar: A dream come true (Garrison W. Cottrell). Bibliography. List of

A Proqrammer's Guide to ZPL. By Lawrence Snyder. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 154 pages. $30.00.
Series foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. 1. Introduction. 2. Standard constructs. 3. ZPL array concepts.
4. Program structure and examples. 5. Generalizing ZPL. 6. Programming techniques. 7. Advanced concepts
of ZPL. 8. WYSIWYG parallel execution. 9. Computational techniques. 10. ZPL and future parallel programming.

Apache: The De~nitive Guide (Second edition). By Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
(1999). 369 pages. $34.95 (CD-ROM included).
Preface. 1. Getting started. 2. Our first web site. 3. Toward a real web site. 4. Common Gateway Inter-
face (CGI). 5. Authentication. 6. MIME, content and language negotiation. 7. Indexing. 8. Redirection. 9. Proxy
server. 10. Server-side includes. 11. W h a t ' s going on? 12. E x t r a modules. 13. Security. 14. The Apachi API.
15. Writing Apache modules. Appendices. A. Support organizations. B. The echo program. C. NCSA and Apache
compatibility. D. SSL protocol. E. Sample Apache log. Index.

Partial Differential Equations: Sources and Solutions. By Arthur David Snider. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ. (1999). 658 pages. $74.67.
Preface. 1. Basics of differential equations. 2. Series solutions for ordinary differential equations. 3. Fourier
methods. 4. The differential equations of physics and engineering. 5. The separation of variables technique.
6. Eigenfunction expansions. 7. Applications of Eigenfunctions to partial differential equations. 8. Green's func-
tions and transform methods. 9. Perturbations, small waves, and dispersion. Appendices. A. Some numerical
techniques. B. Evaluation of Bromwich integrals. References. Index.

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