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uarTER 18: Transmission nes (otyecinve 527 psECTIVE ‘TYPE QUESTIONS: 1. By transmitting power at high voltage A. it will give poor voltage regulation 8. it will give better voltage regulation C. it will not effect voltage regulation D. it has no effect on the efficiency The electrical power being transmitted from generating point is called A, secondary transmission C. primary transmission B. secondary distribution D. primary distribution The transmission line feeding power on either side of the main transmission line is called ‘A. secondary distribution C. primary transmission B. secondary transmission D. primary distribution 4, ACSR stands for A. All Copper Standard Reinforced B. Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced C. Aluminum Copper Steel Reinforced D. All Copper Steel Reinforced Conductor The Corona effect can be minimized by increasing A. the length of the conductors B. spacing between conductors C. diameter of the conductors D. both spacing between conductors and diameter of the conductor 6 The inductive interference between power and communication lines can be minimized by A. transposition of communication lines 8, transposition of power lines C. increasing the distance between the conductors ; D. transposition of power lines and increasing the distance between the conductors 7. Series capacitor are used for improving line A. capacitive reactance C A 8. inductive reactance effect _D. regulation 8. Corona effect can be detected by A. high temperature of conductors . vibrations in conductors faint luminous glow of bluish color D. emission of smoke Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is experince meen ely el Bee a rae B.the power factor is unit —_O- Corona 1(C), 9A) Wen TB) PC), 3B) (8). 510). (0). 718) Oe 5S ZB_ Textbook - Reviewer in Electrical 2 Eaition M Valera 10. When Is the effective resistance due to skin effect equal to that of ohmic resistance? When ‘ A, the current Is uniformly distributed B. the frequency is high C. the frequency is low D. the frequency Is medium 11. For a loss-less transmission line, surge impedance when Compared with the characteristic impedance is A. more C. equal B. less D. none of these 12. Phase modifiers in AC transmission lines are A. Synchronous machines C. DC machine B, Induction machine D. Transformers 13. If the p.f. of load decreases, the line losses A. increases C, remain constant B. decreases D. none of these 14. The capacitance of a transmission line is neglected upto about A. 80 km C. 180 km. B. 120 km D. 200 km 15. The capacitance of a transmission line is a A. series shunt A. neither series nor shunt element B, shunt element C. none of these 16. The efficiency of a transmission line A. increases with the decrease in load p.f. B. is independent of load p.f. C. increases with the increase in load p.f. D. decreases with the increase in load p.f. 17. The charging current in the transmission line A. lags the voltage by 90° C. leads the voltage by 90° B. leads the voltage by 45° _D.. leads the voltage by 180° 18. As the transmission voltage increases, the Percentage resistance drops A. increases C. remains constant B, decreases D. none of these 19. A single phase line delivers power at 11 K.V. at a distance of 15 km_ first at lagging power factor and then at the efficiency of the transmission line will be same leading power factor, ™ A. more at leading p.f. B. less at lagging p.f. C. same at leading and lagging p.f. D. more at lagging p.f. and less at leading p.f, ee en eee ed Ae > CAL oe PA Nteinarenmapemnpntpiiinemaenit Answen: 10(A), 14.(C), 12(A), 13(A), 14(A), 18.(B), 16.0), 17,(@), 188), 19/0) AT 1M Transeniston ire yy. Copper conductors are gener, 2 B. a. 2 26. 2 Anse: 20,(A), 21.(B). 22: A has longer Ife and high ener ised for transmission tines : 6. is Strong enough to allow on gee C, requires more support ‘Spans D, requires more insulators ACSR stands for ‘All Copper Standard Reinforced 8, Aluminum Conductors Steel Rein C, Aluminum Copper Stee! Reinforced D, All Copper Steel Reinforced Conduct In case of high voltage transmission, the control devices must have A, slow controls C. faster controls B, medium controls D. All of these In the radial distribution system the distributor is fed A. from both ends C. from one end B. from the center D. at different points In the ring main distribution system, the distribution is fed A. by one feeder C. at different points 8. by two feeders D. by four feeders For which of the reasons mentioned below does the electric supply company want to improve the power factor? A. to reduce the effective current B, to reduce the reactive current C. to reduce the apparent current D. to reduce the voltage drop at the generating station most important cause of power loss in the transmission line is the ne = C. capacitance A. resistance 8. reactance D. none of these , the line losses Is hee p.f. of load decreases, a a ie . increases nt Fae Pres B. decreases stants in a transmission line are equal 2 con: . Which of the two generalized and B eet d.BandD ‘The dimensions of constants B nae dept ae A. ohm and mho . volt and ohm 8. mho and ohm : proving line Series capacitor are used for IMPICT A. capacitive reactance act D. regulation 8. inductive reactance Fé (D), 27.(B), 28-(A), 29.(A), 30.(8) 7G Ba) 24: 5S3O _ Textbook - Reviewer in Electrical 2 Edition M.Valereong 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. The inductive interference between power and communication lines can by minimized by A. transposition of communication lines B. transposition of power lines C. increasing the distance between the conductors D. transposition of power lines and increasing the distance between the conductors For loss — less transmission line, surge impedance when compared with the characteristic impedance is A. more C. equal B. less D. none of these Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is experienced when A. the line is lightly loaded C. the power factor is lagging B. the power factor is unit D. Corona effect is dominant When is the effective resistance due to skin effect equal to that of ohmic resistance? When A. the current is uniformly distributed B. the frequency is high C. the frequency is low D. none of these In comparison with the steady state stability limit, transient stability limit is A. always less C. sometimes less B. always more _ _ D. sometimes more .. Which voltage determines the insulation strength of an EHV line? A. switching over voltage B. lightning over voltage C. power frequency over voltage D. none of these The capacitance of a transmission line is neglected up to about A. 80 km C. 180 km B. 120 km D. 200 km The capacitance of a transmission line is a A. series element C. neither series nor shunt element B. shunt element D. none of these The charging current in the transmission line A. lags the voltage by 90° —_—C. leads the voltage by 90° B. leads the voltage by 45° _D.. leads the. voltage a 180° As the transmission voltage increases, the percentage resistance drops A. increases C. remains constant B. decreases D. none of these "ANSWER: 31.(D), 32.(C), 33.(A), 34.(A), 35.(A), 36.(B), 37.(A), 38.(B), 39.(C), 40/B) (AAPTER 1& Tranamision Unes notice pe) ST ‘An overhead tine “ restance R.A surge tage Impedance 400 ohm is terminated through @ te Junction the ae of ig Over the line does not suffer any reflection at A C800 ohms B. 200 ohms Dc none of these 42. The charging reactance of 50 km reactance for 100 km, length of length of line is 1500 ohms, the charging line will be ‘A. 1500 ohms C. 750 ohms B. 3000 ohms D. 600 ohms 8. Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is experienced when it i A. lightly loaded C. on full load at 0.8 p.f. lag B. on full load at u.p.f. D. in all these cases 44. If the capacitance between two conductors of a thi ree — phase line is 4uF, then the capacitance of each conductor to neutral is arena A 4uF C12 uF 8.8 uF D. 16 uF 45. If the length of the transmission line is increased, its capacitance A. increases C. remains same B. decreases D. none of these 46. For the overhead transmission lines, the self GMD method is used to evaluate A. inductance C. inductance and capacitance 8. capacitance D. none of these 47. The a.c. resistance of conductor is more than d.c. resistance due to A. Proximity effect C. Both a and b are correct 8. Skin effect D. none of these 48. If the between two conductors of a 3 - phase line is 6uF, the capacitance of each conductor to neutral will be ASuF C.6 uF B. 12 pF D. 1.5 uF 8. Ohms's Law ne sed for voltages beyond Suspension type insulators 2° °° yy \Zv D.33 kV 8. 400 V 47 (8). 48.(8), 49.(C), 50.(D) S32 _ textbook Reviewer in Electrical Enginesting 7” Eaton M Valertong SOLVED PROBLEMS: i, The three conductors of a 3-¢ line arranged in a horizontal plane and 4 meters apart. Diameter of each conductor is 2 om. Determine the inductance per km of each line. Solution: Dy = Y4(4V(@) = 5.04 Ds = 0.7788 (1 x 107) = 0.007788 5.04 7 7 = 12.94x 10’ Hperm L = 2107 Ino oor7eg L = 12.94 x 10* H per km 2. A 230-KV line 100 miles long. The conductors are horizontally arranged with 20 ft spacing. The resistance per mile is 0.0969 ohms and Its GMR is 0.0435 ft. What is the impedance of the line? Solution: Da = ¥20(20)40 = 25.198 Xeq = 0.2794 logue 22 ohm/mi 5 ) = 0.2794 to. ( 2322) = 0.7719 Z = (0.0969 + j0.7719) 100 = 9.69 + j77.19 ohms 3. A 34.5 KV feeder line is 5 mi long. The conductors are spaced 4 ft horizontally. The conductor is 4/0 copper with GMR of 0.01688 ft. What is the reactance? Solution: Dm = 3/4(4)8 = 5.04 5.04 = 0.2794 | = i Xeo 09:0 Dore 0.69152 ohm/mi Xeor = 0.69152 (5) = 3.46 4. The conductors of a 3-phse transmission line equilateral triangle with sides 6 m each. If diameter and the line is 25 km long, Solution: d = 500 mils, + = 250 mils, + = 0.25 in, r = 0.25(2.54) = 0.635 cm Dm = 6m, Ds = ds = 0.635(0.7788) = 0.494538 cm L =2x107n—S00_ | 14.2 x 107 Hit oa9a5ag = 14 m L per phase = 14.2 x 107(25 x 1000) = 14. 4 = 355 mH ) .2(2.5)103 H are arranged in the form of a” the conductors are 500 mils in determine the inductance per phase. CHAPTER 18: Transmission Lines (soned Problems) SIZ Find the inductive reactance 4 bundled conductors with two cones Pee fm at 60 He of a three-phase are ACSR with radii of 1.794 contUtOrs Per hase as shown. All conductors So BTS STS I<— D=7m le oe Using approximate procedure Dn = yn = 882m - D, = y(0.7788)(1.725 x 10-*)(0.40) = 0.073 m 8.82 _ L = 0.20In 55 = 0.9588 mH/km X, = 377(0.9588)10 = 0.361 ohm/km 6. A 3-phase, transposed line consisting of four-subconductor bundle with a bundle spacing of 46 cm. For capacitance calculation determine the GMRc if the diameter of the conductor is 2.959 cm. Solution: r = 2.959/2 = 1.4795. om ofr & = 1.0991.4795(4b)° 1.23 cm = 21.23. 0,696 ft. 54(12) GMR, oF Deg = nd telephone line are parallel to each other metrically positioned directly below phase power fi jes an rms current of 226 A. Assume Zero current in the 4 The Power ie one wires. Determine the voltage induced per km in the ngroul pl A telephone wire ‘ a 50m ~O 7. A 60-Hz single-phase power line at as shown, The telephone line is sym! 534 _texvook- Revewer'in Electrical Engineering 2” Editon M.Valereong Solution: 1= 226A Dy, = 344 =5m Dy, = V3? +6? = 6.7m Rahat db , 2, =0 on 2, = E1226) n2 = 0.05853 I mH/km vy = 377(0.05853 » 10°*)(226) = 5.0 volts 8. A 3+phase, 60-Hz unstransposed transmission line runs in parallel with telephone for 20 km. The power line carries a balanced three-phase current of 1, = 320(0°A, 1, = 320-120°A, and I, = 320120°A. Assume zero current in the ungrounded telephone wires. Find the voltage induced in the telephone wires, 2 © Co som @— 40m 50m oe 1, = 3200°A , 1, = 320:120°A , I, = 320120A D,, = ¥77+5? = 8.6m Dy, = \5243? = 5.83m D,, = Ve? +5? = 103m 0, = /5?s52 =7.07m a = 0.201,, Pez + 0.201, O2 +0 a On = 0.203200") n 203 7.07 0.201320") InP + 0,20(320.-1208) nZ2 583 i. = 11.9963 mH/km = 377(11.95«10 ?)(20) = 90 volts 9. A telephone line runs parallel to an unstransposed three transmisso" fine as shown. The transmission line carries a b phase e400 ADE phase. Calculate the 60-Hz voltage induced in the telephone line per km. G5 m5 — 15m 21 m Om CHAPTER 18: Transmission Lines sehen BF Solution: ty 0.20/r, Pat), i oa On "Do pages Tb = 400-120° A, Ic = 40011209 a a= 25M , D.=20m » Dy =15m D2 = 26m , Dy=21m , d= 16m 2 = 0.20| 40 o( 26 2 16) [soe 36) on120(, 2) soma 3) = 1.77 mH/km v=oa y = 377(1.77«10) = 0.6673 volt/km 10. A- 3-phase transmission line 10 km long delivers 2500 kVA at 6000 volts. The power factor of the load is 0.80 lagging. If the impedance of each phase is 0.30 + j0.40 ohm per km, the sending end voltage between line is nearest to Solution: = ae = 346420°, Z = (0.30 + j0.40)10 = 3 + j4 = 5253.13 2500 Is 2-€050,80 = 240.56 /-36.87° 36) IZ = (240.56.2-36.87)(5253.13) = 1202.8116.26 = 1154.7 + j336.78 E, = Eq + IZ = 3464 + (1154.7 + 336.78) = 4,63124.17° = 8021 volts 4A 33-kV, 3-phase transmission line has an impedance of (1.2 + j5) ohms per phase. The load is 10000 kVA at 0.80 lagging power factor. If the receiving end voltage between lines is 33 kV, determine the percent regulation of the line. Solution: B= ae = 190525 V I= ay /-008'10.80 = 1752-36.87° E te = 19052,5 + (1752 -36 715.1476.) 7 - 8 = 19052.5 692.776 + j573. = 19052.5 + 899.5276.5 = 1905: i = 19753.621.66" _ 19753.6 - 190525. , 190 = 3.68% eg = —79052.5 S36 texto Reviewer in Elecrcal Engineering 2 Eaton M. Valenzong 12. A short 3-phase transmission line with an impedance of (3+)9) ohms tra power to an inductive load of 80 KVA, 0.85 lagging p.f. at 13.2 kV between lines. Determine the efficiency of transmission. Solution: 80 ite =35A V3(13.2) Line loss = 3(3.5)°(3) = 110.25 W Output = Load = 80(0.85) = 68 kW 98000 __, 100 = 99.84% 68000 + 110.25 Efficiency = 13. The following 3-phase loads are connected in a short 3-phase, 3-wire transmission line with an impedance per wire of (4+j7) ohms; purely capacitive load current of 60 A, and an inductive load current of 120 A at 0.80 lagging power factor. If the receiving end voltage is 23Q)volts between line to neutral, determine the sending end power factor. Solution: Ic = j60 A, I, = 120 (0.80 - j0.60) = 96 - j72 (96 — j72) + j60 = 96 - j12 = 96.752-7.15 Es = 2300 + (96 — j12)(4 + j7) = 2837712.7° Es, = 28373 = 4913.68 Sending end power factor = cos(12.7 + 7.15) = 0.94 14. A load of 1000 kW at 0.80 p.f. lagging is received at the end of a 3-phase line 20 km long. The line impedance is 5 + j10 ohm. The voltage at the receiving end is 11 kV. What would be the reduction in line loss if the power factor is improved to unity? Solution: Line current at 0.80 pf. 1000 = 65. Bios 84 li 3(65.6)°(5) Line loss at 0.80 p.f. = 222 2) _ P. 7000 64.55 kW : 1000 Line current at unity p.f. = = 52.41 Ban 87 KW 1000 = 41.325 kW Reduction = 64.55 ~ 41.32 = 23.23 kW Line loss at unity p.f. = 15. A short 3-phase, 3-wire line with an impedance of (6 + j8) ohms per line “ sending end and receiving end line voltages of 120 and 110 kV respective! qwrt 18 Sransmison Unies tones Prentemss SBT. oR for a receiving end load at & power factor of 0. . Determine the total load power in MW, S 5M eomnn solution: Using the approxinate Fs = Eu + (Roost + Xsing), Es = 120/ /3 Eq = 110//3 E, = 69.28 kv Ey = 63.51 kV 69280 = 63510 + 1(6 » 0.80 + 8» 0.60) = 63510 + 9.61 PL = 3(63.5)(601)0.80 = 91592 kW 16. Up to what distance over which a load of 20000 kW at 0.80 power factor can be delivered by a 3-phase line each conductor having a resistance of 0.892 ohm per km. The load voltage is 132 kV between lines and the transmission loss is 8% of the load. Solution: total loss = 0.08(20000) = 1600 kW 20000 I= = 109.35A ‘¥3(132)0.80 Lineloss = 3I'R R= oe = 44.6 ohms 3(109.35) 17. 4 3-phase transmission line has an impedance per phase of (1443) ohms and Supplies a load of 20 MW at unity power factor. What is the sending end voltage if the efficiency of transmission is 92%. Solution: 20 ne loss = -——~ — 20 = 1.73913 MW ' 0.92 line loss = 31°R 1.73913 « 10° = 31°) 1= 762A Load = 3E, 1 cos8 OG. 10° = 3(Ex)(762)1 E, = 8760 volts S38 _eroock—totewn neces tngreeg 7 Ae ry Be = Eas Tare 1442) = 6760 + 762 + 32786 Es = 9792.56 vos Ex = 3 (9.792) = 16.96 0 0.80 power factor 18. Up to what distance over which a toad of 20000 KW at @ be delivered by a 3-phase line each conductor having 2 resistance of 0.352 ohm per km. The load voltage is 132 KV between fines and the transmission loss is 8% of the load. Solution: Total loss = 0.08(20000) = 1600 kW 20000 ; = 109.35 '* Fas2050 Line loss = 31°R R= 1600000 = 44.6 ohms 3(109.35) 44.60 Distance = ——— = 50 km 0.892 Ld 19, What is the percent regulation of a 13.2 kV 3-phase line delivering 45 current at 0.80 lagging power factor. The impedance per phase of the line (4+)5) ohms, Solution: using the approximate formula % regulation = IRcos6 + IXsing A is Ep = 13.2/ V3 = 7.621 _ 4514(0.80) +5(0.60)) % reg = TT NEON = eg oa +100 = 3.66% 20. A short 3-phase transmission line has an impedance phase of (40 ohms The vote between lines is 12.8 KV and acne ae ata is res fagging power factor, What is the Solution: Zune = 54410 = 11.863,43° Plows = 3(80)? 5 = 96,000 w Ps = 1200000 + 90000 = 1296000 w Ps = 3 Eslycoso, 18: Transmission eres nO ne 1.296 x 108 = yy (12800)(80)cose, $0505 = 0.73, 05 = 43°, Ey = 12800 _ 7399.3 v B Ek = Es ~ Tine © 7390.3 ~ (80.2-43)(11.18 463.43) = 6559.59/-2.73° Fu = 6.56.3 = 11.36 kV anced Y- 2 the a0 ah long wh a oe (300 + j100) ohms is supplied by a 3-phase the receiving end voltag ‘ance of (0.60 + j0.70) ohm per km. Determine lines is 66 kV. J between lines when the sending voltage between Solution: = 56000 Vs en 38105 volts per phase Line impedance = (0.60 + j0.70)40 = 24 + j28 Load impedance = 300 + ji00 = 316.22718.43° Total impedance supplied by sending end = (300 + j100) + (24 + j28) = 324 + j128 = 348221.55° 1 = 38105 348.37 1 =109.4A Load voltage = IZ,oqp = 109.4(316.227) = 34589.27 volts per phase Ew = /3(34589.27) _ ROK 1000 22. A 100-km long 3-6 transmission line has reactance per phase per km = 0.10 ohm; reactance per phase per km = 0.50 ohm, susceptance per phase per km = 10 x 10° mho. What is the efficiency if it supplies a load of 20 MW at 0.90 p.f. lagging at 66 kV? Solution: =5x10%s NI< R=100, X=50Q9, = 96000 _ 38100 B 20000 __/-¢os"10.90 = 1952-25.84° Tk = 5 (66)(0.9 ae “ yl = 38100(j5 x 10% = j19.1A Lie Re (176 — 185) + j19.1 = 187.932-20.53 ap 0" '20000x100__ 94.6 Eff = '7.93)°10 187.93)'10 (18 20000 + 3*F 990 S40 _ renner pevever n econ sngnectng 2 Een _ ay 23. 24. 25. of 5 cis 78° ohms. The sending A short 230 kV transmission has an impedance end power Is 100 MW, 230 kV and 85% power factor, What is the voltage at the other end. sil 0000 10.05 «31 Gy = 200 1327944 V, 05 = Ons 85 = 31.788° 100000 __ cos 0.85 Is = T= $5 (030)0.85 = 295,32/~31.788" = 5278" i = (295,322-31.788°)(5278) = 1476.6.246.212" = 1021.8 + j1065.96 Eq. = Es — [Zine = 132794.4 ~ (1021.8 + j1065.96) = 131776.920.46° = 1317763 _ 9589 Ky a 1000 230- 228.2 Reg = 230-2282, 109 = 0.788% 228.2 * A 3-phase, short transmission line supplies a load of 20 MW at a power factor of 0.866 lagging at 138 kV. It is desired that the line losses does not exceed 5% of the load. If the resistance per phase of the line is 0.70 ohm per km, what is the maximum length of the line? Solution: 20000 I= = i138)0.866 96.62 A Line loss = 0.05(20) = 1.0 MW Line loss = 31°R 10° = 3(96.62)’R R = 35.7 ohms Length of line = 35.7 ohms 0.70. 90m km =51km A 3-phase 60-Hz transmission line delivers 20 MVA to at 0.80 p.f. lagging. The series impedance of each line is 15 + ie cians tence pi circuit is used, what would be the transmission efficiency if the capacitive reactance of the line 2500 ohms. om Solution: 66,000 =_— = 381 Se cnAPTER 18: Transmission nes (solved Problems) 5&1 20,000 3 (3) 66) 36-87" = 174.95.2-36.87° Ty = (38106 0)(2 x 104 90°) = 47.6 Tao = (174.95 2-36.87) + (7.690°) = (139.96 ~ 104.97 + j7.6 = 139.96 — $97.37 = 170.52-34.8" 3170.5)? Line loss = senses) = 1451.2 KW = 1.4515 ym = 1.308 MW = 20(0.8) «100% Eff = SL 20(0.8) 1.308 ~ 92-44% hos 28. A short 230 kV transmission line has an impedance of 5 cis 78° ohms. The sending end power is 100 MW, at 230 kV and 85% Power factor lagging. Determine the voltage at the receiving end is Solution: , 230000 Es = = 132794.45 wes 100000 . = —— £-C0S 0.85 ‘¥3(230)0.85 = 295.3282-31.79° Ex = Es — Zine = 132794.4520° — (295.328 2-31.79)(578°) E, = 13177720.46° Eq = Y331777) 228.2 Kv 1000 ‘ 3-9 load of 2000 KVA at 0.80 lag p-f. ts supplied at 6.6 kv, 60 Hz by means of a 33 kV transmission line 20 miles long in association with a 33/6.6 ky Stepdown transformer. The resistance & reactance of each cond per mi are °40 and 0.50 ohm respectively. The resistance & reactance of the ‘ansformer primary are 7.5 ohms and 13.2 ohms respectively while those of ‘he secondary are 0.35 and 0.65 ohm respectively. Find the necessary voltage at the sending end of the line if the voltage maintained at 6.6 kV at the load. Solution: Zine = 20(0.4 + J0.5) = 8 + j10 S42 tecock tne et OGG TOO nal Hit, (2) 26.25 Transf Re = 7.54035 | Ee : (3% 2 Ker = 13.2 + 0.65 ‘yn R =8 +4 16.25 = 24.25 X = 104294 = 3945 2000 = LB = BALBD ' G3) Es = 19050 + (35.12-36.87\(24.25 + 29.45) 19050 + 1625.38221.55 = 19050 + 1511.76 + gy 205701.66 COS, = c0s(36.87 + 1.66) = 0.782 lag 28. A 3-phase, 33-KV generating station is to supply 10 MW load at 21 wi, om lagging power factor over a transmission line 3 ken long. For the efficacy of the line to be 96%, determine the resistance and reactance of te lime ohms Total loss = 10.417 - 19 = 0.417 Mw T= 1000 _ _an7 4 Fanos 33000 Bs = 220 0052 y 31000 & = = ap = 8868 Total loss = 417000 = 3(207R R = 3.24 ohms mm CO = 0.90, sino = 0.436 Using the approximate formula E, = Ep + I(Reosp + Xsing) 19052 = 17898 1 = 6A ohens 13-24)(0.90}+(0.436)x) 29. ‘A 40-km transmission line supplies a ba Zé (300 + 5100) obs. Then pence (a4 + heh ne pe #2 okaae! between lines, determine the receiving 2 (300 + j100) = 316.22 18.43" fF, = 96000 38105 V Total impedance = (24 + j2g) + (300 + 100) = 324 + j128 = 348.36221.557° Current, 1 = —3810520°_s = $4B.3624 21.567 ~ 109-3842-21.557 Ex = (109.384)(316.22) = 34589.4 volts 34589.4/3 Eq, = SPOONS RL T000 59.9 kV 30. A 3-phase line has an impedance of (5.31 + j5.54) ohms per phase. Power is | transmitted at 33 kV, 60 Hz at the sending end and the load is 3600 kW 0.80 | lagging power factor at the receiving end. Determine the load voltage between lines. Solution: In this problem, the approximate solution is used E; = Ep + IRcosé + Ixsind Po[phase = Se00(t000) = E,l(0.80) 15x10° Ey 33000 _ 153 volts g, = 238 = 190 B le 15 10° 15x 10° 19053 = Er + Fg 6310.80) + 2 (5.54)0.60 6 = 2 _ 49050 Eq + 11.36 x 10° = 0 iene ER bs 18430 volts per phase 18430V3 - 31.9 kv 7000 Eu = 31 is sending 100 MVA power at 230 kV an 0.90 pf, The tape ans 30) ‘ohms per phase and its capacitive reactance js 2500 ole. Determine the receiving end voltage. M.Valenzona 54-4 _Texbook— Reviewer In Elecrical Engineering 2” ENON Solution: 230000 Vs = 1 4 =——= 10° s jas00 = * = 132794.4 volts y x =j2x 104s = vet = 132794.4(j2 « 10°) = j26.56 A 100000 Is = Feanos0 : ae et 251 — j148.13 In = Ig— Ip = (251 -j121) - (526.56) ° —j148.. Ve = & = IypZee, = 132794.4 — (251 - j148.13)(5 + J20) 19,90 = 278.922-25.84 = 251 — j121.57 = 12865721.9° volts Vg = ¥3(228657) _ 999.83 kv 1000 32. A 3-phase, 60-Hz long transmission line has the following A, B, C and D constants. A=D=0.9691.2° B = 119.16858.3° C = 0.00059375|90.3° The line is delivering a load of 20 MW at 0.80 p,f. 90 kV between lines. Determine oS a) sending end voltage between lines b) sending end current Cc) voltage regulation Solution: | | j 45 gyre we Temisonine _soves tery SE a) Ve = mB = 52000 volts 20000 I = {30}. a9y SS 0.80" = 161|-36.87° = AV, + Bly = (0.96911.2°)(52000) + (119,16858.3°)(161|-36.87°) = 68700)6.74° ‘ = 687003 = 118 volts = 118.98kV b) I, = CV + DI, = (0.00059375,90.3°)(52000) + (0.969/1.2°)(161|-36.87°) I, = 140.12|-25.4° 3. A 3-phase, 60-Hz, 500-kV transmission line is 300 km long. The line inductance is 1.0 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.012 uF/km per Phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine the following: 2) phase constant in rad/km b) velocity of propagation in km/s C) wavelength in km <) surge impedance or characteristic impedance ®) surge impedance loading (SIL) Solution: 3) 8 = oft =37741.0(0.012)»10° = 0.001306 rad/km b) pet 1 = 2,89 10° km/sec “Te = xa6aixi0® o) pe Y = 2.89210". 4816.7 km f 60 F qd LC _ [.1.0x10"_ — 288.675 ) 2 = Je = Vgoia.10 Me. S46 _sextvook - Reviewer in Becca 500) us (kv rated? ey, = 666MW 34. If the receiving end rated load in the Mw, 0.80 lagging power factor at 500 a) sending end voltage between lines b) sending end current ©) voltage regulation Solution: 4 = 0.001306(300) = 0.3918 rad = 22.4484" 00s ff = 0.9242, sinft = 0.381 2) sending end voltage Vg = (COSBI)Y, + (ZCsinBI)Iy % = ae = 288.67510° kV = 800000 | ¢95-19,60° = 1154.7-36.87 * = eo 5-2 0.80? = 1154.7, 3 /, = 0.9242(288.675|0° + j288.675(0.381)(1154.736.87) «19 = 357.8216.55° KV per phase Vo, = 357.823 = 619.76 KV b) sending end current = (jbsinpr |v, + (cospe)i a) = 1 sagterg (0-381)(208.6750% 107+ (0.9242)(1154.7.-3682) = 892.25-16.89° amperes Cc) voltage regulation Reg = Yio“ Me * 100% h Vv. 357.82 = Ys_ - 357.82 _ Ym. ~ cosgz = 0.9242 ~ 387-167 kv 387.167 - 288.675 reg = 788.675 * 100 = 34.1% 35. A 69-KV, 3-phase short transmission line is 16 km line has @ phase series impedance of 1.125 + 0.4375 ohm per ler’ Strat egpact™S installed at the receiving end to improve the line performance. ThE Gelivers 70 MVA, 0.80 lagging power factor at 64 KV. Determine TAR (HAPTER 19: Transmission Lines a capacitance per phase sending end voltage is nee Y-connected capacitors 1 he Solution: Compute first the power angle & using M5 [Moc 2 Bl cost, -5)- A cont Px A=, B=Z= (0.125 + - §0.4375)16 = 7.2874.05°, Pa = 70(0.80) = 56 Mw ) 2874.09? = 69(64) ; °° “7.38 0374.05 ~8) - HE cos¢74.05 -0) 3 = 4,369 Determine Qg using 2 \V. Q= Bol sin(OB - 8) - HA sm 2 = 2G) sinc74.05 — 4.36) - MAX sin74.05 -0°) Q, = 27.89 MVAR, receiving end line MVAR Load MVAR Q, = 70(0.60) = 42 We =A-% = 42-27.89 = 14.11 = 4 ~ 2903 Xe = qa. = 106 __ = 9.14 pF C= 3772903) " 36. Sh pacitors installed at the receiving end to improved the line patuiee ofa Se nn line having an Scot approximately equal to 0.9951/0° and a B constant of 36.221|83.66° . The line delivers 200 MVA 0.80 lagging power factor at 220 i ea re ot MVAR ane capacitance per phase of wye-connecti sending voltage is 220 kV. Solution: Textbook = Reviewer in Electrical 2 Eaition M. Valerian Given: A = 0.99510" B = 36.221/83.66° Vg, ® 220 KV Va ® 220 KV Load = 200 MVA, 0.80 lagging p.f. = 160 + §120 Using the equation Va [IV ANY, Re Mh cos(0, ~8) ee C0S(0, Oy) P, = 200(0.80) = 160 MW = (220)(220) ~) 0,9951(220)? 66- 160 (220229) 05(83.66 8) o.9951G70y" c0s(83.66 - 0°) 6.9° 2 = MsullMeu ANMeL . : Maal seo, 3) Hl ses 0°) Q& Qq = = 21.1 MVAR 5 160~j21.1—® 160 + j120 pale OGIO ali sell “21.1 = Qe = 120 Qe = 120 + 21.1 = 141.1 MVAR — (2207 _ @ x, = GAY = 343 ohms = 10 773 ur C= aaa = 7-734 37. Transmission lines are normally installed equilaterally. However in the calculation of voltage drops in a transmission lines, equilateral spacing of the line is required. Unequal spacing are therefore converted accordingly. What is the equilateral spacing of a line with actual spacing between conductors of 2m, 2m, and 3m? Solution: Dm = 32(2)3 = 2.289m 38. A 3+phase, 60-Hz transmission line 240 km long has the following line parameters: r = 0.125 ohm/km, x = 0.40 ohm/km and y = 2.8 x } mbho/km. The sending end voltage is 220 kV. Determine the a) maximum, permissible line length if the receiving-end no-load voltage '§ not to exceed 225 kV. HAPTER, 16 Transmission Lines sco Prats SEP b) Maximum permissipy 240 kV line frequency # the load yoitage is not to exceed 1+ = 2 = 1 0.9777 = 1+ 0 - 28.10% « (0.125 - 2.40) = (1-0.56x10-6/2) + j0.175 » 10-6/2 Since the j term is very small compared to the real term 0.9777 = (1-0.56x10-/2) b) R = 0.125(400) = 500, X = 0.40400 = 1600, Y = 28. 10- 6 « 400/90 Al edad. 12.10? + (50+ 60-2 2 Aj = 15x 4.3210? +160» } = 0.9167 f= S8Hz following constants 38. A 275-kV transmission ve B= 2 ae 0.89 factor that can be received if the Determine the mend is to at unit spaintained at 275 KV. voltage profile at each Solutions: SSO __texadook— reviewer in Electrical = \Ne| = [Mal = 275KV \A| = 0.85 Given [| = 0, = 75° ®, =5° Since the power is received at unity power factor Q=0 Q = Ve [i sin(O, -» Abels = 22in (0, ~ 0) ie ae jy - 9:85(275)" 200 4 sin'(75° — 5°) 6 = 22° Py = Malla costa, Abel casio 4) Pe = va 22°) oasie7sy" cos(75° - 5°) = 117.7MW From 40. The transmission line supplies a load of 1000 MVA, 0.80 lagging power factor the shunt capacitors to be installed at Solution: ‘ Given: Zc = 290.43 ohms, Be = 21.641 deg Vs_ = 500 kV, Va = 500 kV The equivalent line reactance =Zcsin pe = 290.43 sin 21.641 = 107.11 ohms The receiving end power, Pa = 1000(0.80) = g00 mw For a lossless line (gIAPTER 18: Transmission Lines Pa = 800 = 300500) sins, 8 = 20.0449 Me & = Malla one Mel osp (soved Problems; 554 a 500) 2 & = To 005 20.084 0 cos 21.641 = 23.15 MVAR Capacitor MVAR = 600 - 23.15 = 576.85 x. = (500)2 ©” 576.85 toe C= s77a3536) = &1HF Qe = 23.15 5000.6) = 600 a = 433.38 ohms Qe 41. A 100-km transmission line has a 1200 ohms shunt reactance. What is the per km shunt reactance? Solution: x = 1200(100) = 120000 ohms per km is it i four identical 60- F 600 MW is to be transmitted via power f Seen fees a distance of 300 km. From a preliminary line design, the line phase constant and surge impedance are given by 8 = 9.46 » 10 rad/km and Z, = 343 ohms, respectively. . ‘cal line loadability criteria determine the suitable nominal ice een iat for each transmission line. Assume Vs = 1.0 p.u., Ve = 0.90 p.u. and power angle 5 = 36.87. Solution: 42, SSZ_renoca seen mn wocvee triporeg Tae Yay Total power = 3600 MW, ¢= 300km, Z, ~ 430 f= 9.46 10° ea t= 9,46 10% (300)) eralmee Ve =1.0pu. 1 Ve = 0.90 pu. 6 = 36.87 transmission line Power transmitted per (ae 4 = 900 MW 909 = 1:0(0.90) SIL Kin 36.67) SIL = 466.67 Nominal voltage level = Z(SIL) ky, = [343(466:667) = 400kV ‘transmission line 43. A load of 10 MVA, 0.80 p.f. lagging, 22 KV Is served by a which has a line resistance of 3 ohms and a line reactance of 10 ohms. Solve for the sending end voltage. Solution: 22000 = = 12702 V ne 10000 = £-H.B7° = 262.44 2-36.87 he V3(22) Lane = 3 + j10 = 10.44./73.3 ohms. = (262.44 2-36.87)( 740.236.43 = 2204.56 + j1627 Ep + ie = 12702 + (2204.56 + 1627) = 14995 volts Ex = 149953 = 25972.5 volts 44. A 3-phase, 3-wire transmission line has an impedance of (2 + 34) ome Fe phase and line-to-line receiving end and sending end voltage of 115 KV. load power factor is 0.80 leading, determine the load power. ee 115000 fes| = |e,| = Jy = 96397.2 votts E52 = 6397.2 + 1(0.80 + j0.6\2 + j4) HI = 66397.2 - 0.801 + 4.4 (6397.2) = (6397.2 - 0.80 1) + 19.367 a (6397.2)? = (66397.2)° - 10.80 2)" = 2(0.80\(66397,2)1 + 201 20 = 2(0.80,66397.2) ay + I = 5311.776 A power ni = SSCUISNS2LL 760.9 Load in MW ea TSA case 45, A 33 KV, 3-phase generating station is used to supply a load of 10 MW at 31 kV and 0.90 lagging power factor over a transmission line 3 km long. For the efficiency to be 96%, what must be the reactance of the line? Solution: load power = 10 MW sending end power = 10. = 10.417 losses = 10.417 - 10 = 0.417 MW Iq = T= 10000 | cos 10.90 5310.90) Fe = 207-25.84° R= 2 = 3.24 ohms I, = 337% = 19052 vot VR = 34° = 17096 vot = (iupeosd + IRF +(% sind +1x Vs 17898(0.90) = 16108 V, = Vos = 17898(0.436) = 7830.5 TR = 207(3.27) = 670.7 : (19052)? = (16108 + 670.7) + (7830.5 + 1xy 1x = 1194.68 1194.68 _ 5,77 x = “707 oles

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