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Madam/Dear Sir

The following questionnaire is a part of the study undertaken during MBA

program. The title of the study is: "Impact of Motivation on performance appraisal
in ABC Electricity Distribution Company “. The information provided by you will
be kept confidential, will be used for academic purpose only, and shall not be
used for any commercial purpose

Instruction : please put a tick mark on correct option

Section A : Personal details

______________________________ : Respondent name (optional)

:Age (in years)

25-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 and 45



Male Female

:Gross income (per month) in Rs

Less than 10000-20000 20000-30000 4000-300000 and 40000

10000 above

:Type of the job

Educational qualification:

Graduate Post Graduate PHD

Section B: Please indicate your opinion with the below mentioned statements :

strongly disagree 2= disagree 3=neutral 4=agree 5=strongly agree =1

S.No Statement SD D N A SA

Employee Motivation
1 I feel a sense of personal satisfaction when I do this
job well.
2 My opinion of myself goes down when I do the job
3 I take pride in doing my job as well as I can.
4 I feel unhappy when my work is not up to my usual
5 I like to look back at a day’s work with a sense of a
job well done.
6 I try to think if ways of doing my job effectively.
Employee Performance

7 My performance is better than that of my colleagues

with similar qualification.
8 I am satisfied with my performance because it’s
mostly good.
9 My performance is better than that of bankers with
similar qualification in other banks.
Intrinsic reward
10 The organization allows them to grow as a person,
improve self confidence overcome the weakness,
mature foster their self esteem.
11 Their activity in the organization matches/it’s their
ethics and moral values.
12 The organization environment, in which their
activity is embedded is cooperative, and foster
mutual respect and there is friendship and
interpersonal trust among employees.
13 The organization is fair regarding internal
management procedures/methods.
14 They have sense of belonging regarding the
organization themselves a part of the organization
are loyal/faithful to the organization.
Employee Perceived training effectiveness
15 My company provides me the opportunity to
improve my skills.
16 There is lot of chance to learn new things in this
17 My company frequently arranges training programs
for the employees.
18 Doing job in this company will benefit to me.
19 I get the benefits we should have
20 I am satisfied with benefits received
21 Benefits received are comparable to other
22 Benefits are equitable
Operating conditions
23 Amount of work is fair
24 Amount of paperwork is reasonable
25 Work rules and procedures are simple
26 The is ease of effort is doing the job
27 I enjoy working with coworkers
28 I enjoy with people at work
29 Amount of bickering and fighting is negligible

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