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Barani Institute of Information Technology

PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Assignment#2 / Fall 2020

To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: CS-577. Course : Computer Networks

Total Marks: 20.

To be filled by Student: (Please Type)

Reg No.: …....…-arid-……..… Name:…………………………………………………….. Degree …………..…………



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 The topics covered in Lectures, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are included in this assignment.

 Please provide precise and to the point answers.
 The answers are not very long, therefore long answers without actual point
will not get any score.

Question 1: Marks (1)

List down the services provided by the data link layer.

Question 2: Marks (3)

Suppose there are 4 nodes sharing a broadcast channel using TDMA protocol.
Suppose at time t=0:

Node 1 has three frames to transmit,

Node 2 has two frames to transmit,

Node 3 has no frame,

Node 4 has four frames to transmit.

The length of time slot is 2 seconds whereas time needed to transmit one frame is 1
second. Explain how TDMA will work and how much time will be taken to transmit all
of these frames?
Question 3: Marks (3)

Do we need to use multiple access protocol in following cases?

a) Lab computers connected to a layer 2 switch through Ethernet cables (star

b) Two computers in an Ethernet bus topology
c) Your laptop is connected to BIIT network through a WiFi link

Answer, yes or no and then justify your answer. Also, mention the name of the
multiple access protocol if your answer is yes.

Question 4: Marks (1)

Explain the difference between ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA, which one performs
better and why?

Question 5: Marks (1)

What do we mean by bit time while computing Ethernet (CSMA/CD) backoff time?

Question 6: Marks (1)

Suppose there is a shared link (e.g. Ethernet bus) of 1 Mbps. How much time is
needed (in microseconds) to transmit a 1000 bits long frame on this link?

Question 7: Marks (2)

Suppose value of K is 1 (Ethernet CSMA/CD), compute backoff time when link

capacity (data rate) is:

a) 10 kbps
b) 100 kbps

Question 8: Marks (3)

Suppose a frame (F) experiences collision forth time on a shared Ethernet link of I

a) What is the maximum possible value of K in this case

b) Suppose maximum value of K is taken, compute backoff bit time for frame
c) Convert bit time into absolute time (second or fraction of a second)

Question 9: Marks (5)

Suppose two hosts (Host-A and Host-B) are connected through a shared Ethernet
bus of 1 Mbps. The distance between two nodes is 5 meters. The signal
propagation speed over physical media is 2.5 x 10^5 meters/second.
a) Compute the propagation delay in this case.
b) What will be the propagation delay for a shared bus of 10 Mbps instead
c) Suppose both hosts sense idle channel at the same time and starts
transmission. Will it result in collision (yes or no)
d) If yes: How much time is needed to detect this collision at Host-A?
e) If yes: How much time is needed to detect this collision at Host-B?

That’s all for today

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