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Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Training | Program Syllabus

Program Introduction Program Rationale
In its purest form, Lean Six Sigma is about Today, more than ever before, organiza4ons of all
leveraging the principles and tools of science to types are ques4ng for top and bo:om line
abate business risk – at all levels of an enterprise. improvement. This journey is no longer
With this in mind, we can view the prac4ce of considered a side-bar ac4vity; rather, it is now
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) from four different al4tudes. viewed as a cri4cal business impera4ve. Of
At its highest level, LSS is a strategic vision that course, this means that business execu4ves must
epitomizes business success. Second, it is a find new and innova4ve ways to reduce their
tac4cal system of project management that total cost structure, improve capability and
op4mizes the control func4on of a commercial or increase capacity, but done so without capital
industrial enterprise. investment.
These execu4ves also understand that, to achieve
Third, it is a scien4fic approach for minimizing or this mission, they must improve their core
elimina4ng certain forms of business risk processes, yet done so in an economical,
commonly associated with the opera4on of repeatable and verifiable way.
cri4cal processes. Fourth, it is a personal way of Naturally, the realiza4on of this grand vision
thinking that unites the power of deduc4ve requires individuals that have the capability to
reasoning with the benefits commonly associated yield beneficial change in a rela4vely short
with data-driven decision making. period of 4me. When leaders of this caliber are
enabled by the power of Lean Six Sigma,
quantum business improvements are not only
possible, but highly probable.

Program Description
The Lean Master Six Sigma Black Belt Training Program is designed and developed to upgrade the skill
set of already cer4fied Black Belts to become mentors, trainers and change agents and leaders in their
organiza4ons. The programme is designed and developed based on the original teachings of the late Dr.
Mikel J Harry, principal architect of Six Sigma & na4onal best-selling author.

Master Black Belts are highly trained prac44oners who possess the technical knowledge and skills that
are necessary to facilitate breakthrough improvements in key processes that support the overall
business aims and opera4onal goals of an enterprise. In summary, Master Black Belts are individual
contributors or front line managers that:

§ Serve as change agents, internal consultants, mentor to Black Belts and assistant Six Sigma

§ Op;mize exis;ng technology, or bring new technologies on line at op;mal opera;ng condi;ons.

§ Prac;ce the art and science of solving process- centric problems through the analysis of performance

§ Implement technical and leadership capability to improve the performance of an exis;ng industrial or
commercial process, regardless of complexity or output volume.

§ Solve specific process-oriented or design-centric problems that have a nega;ve impact on customer
sa;sfac;on, opera;onal capability, output capacity, cycle ;me and other performance-related

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Target Audience & Pre-requisites Program Goals
This program of study has been designed for Upon comple)on of this program of study, the
experienced Black Belts seeking vertical mobility candidate will be able to successfully:
or pursuing horizontal opportunities within their
respective fields of practice. § Master the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology
and the related set of analy8cal tools.
Hence, the Master Black Belt training is for
already certified Black Belts with minimum 2-3 § Apply the Lean Six Sigma knowledge and skills
years of post-qualifying experience. Successful to successfully lead project teams.
completion of any professional qualification or a
Master’s degree is necessary to support the § Implement the DMAIC methodology and tools
academic demands of this program. to accomplish Master Black Belt level projects.

Basic computer skills are also essential. In this § U8lize the principles and prac8ces of Lean Six
context, a rudimentary understanding of Excel is Sigma to beFer frame and solve daily
highly recommended, but not essential. problems.
Furthermore, a most rudimentary understanding
of algebra is a plus, but not required. § Improve business value for the customer and
provider in a concurrent and synergis8c way.
Generally speaking, the successful completion of
any undergraduate degree program will likely
support the academic demands of this program.

Program Focus

The Master Black Belt program of study will focus on several key areas:

§ Six Sigma principles, prac8ces, deployment strategies and implementa8on tac8cs.

§ Lean principles, prac8ces and implementa8on tac8cs.

§ Descrip8ve sta8s8cs, benchmarking methods, process control techniques, process diagnos8c

methods and experimental design methods.

§ Types and uses of performance data, sample size determina8on and sampling schemes.

§ Project selec8on criteria, charter elements, execu8on milestones and review guidelines.

§ Principles and prac8ces associated with process characteriza8on and op8miza8on.

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Who is SSMI
Il Six Sigma Management Ins.tute is the biggest player in the world in the field of training and coaching
Lean Six Sigma. The Six Sigma and the Lean methodologies are among the strongest and more powerful
ways of managing processes and they have been used by the biggest companies in the world to enable
them to reach the highest levels of quality and customer sa.sfac.on.

The Six Sigma Management Ins.tute was founded by Dr. Mikel J. Harry, the co-creator of the Six Sigma
methodology. He has been widely recognized and cited in many publica.ons as the principal architect
of Six Sigma and the world's leading authority within this field. His book en.tled Six Sigma: The
Management Strategy Revolu.onizing the World’s Top Corpora.ons has been on the best seller list of
the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Amazon's.

The Headquarters

§ USA | Phoenix, Arizona

§ EUROPE | London, United Kingdom

§ ASIA | Colombo, Sri Lanka

§ AMERICA | Brasil, San Paolo

Certification Path
In order to obtain the certification each candidate must complete the following requirements:

§ Submission of 5 completed Improvement projects

§ PresentaJon of a paper/arJcle at an accepted industry conference on Lean Six Sigma

§ Publishing an arJcle on Lean Six Sigma

§ RecommendaJon leMer from a sponsoring organizaJon

§ Successfully passing the Master Black Belt QualificaJon test

§ CompleJon of 40 hours class training

§ CompleJon of 21 Black Belt programme exams and Digital training project

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Program Modules
The body of knowledge associated with this program of study is organized into 5 days of class-training,
plus 160 hours of online coursework. The topics and the modules on which the candidates will be
trained are the following:

Classroom coverage (40 hours) Online Coursework (160 hours)

§ Lean Six Sigma Black Belt programme recap § Training Orienta*on

§ Innova*on Tools § M01 Breakthrough Vision
§ Integra*on of Lean and Six Sigma § M02 Business Principles
§ Project & programme management § M03 Process Management
§ Advanced Sta*s*cal Tools (Mul*variate analysis, § M04 Installa*on Guidelines
Logis*c regression, Conjoint analysis etc.) § M05 Applicaion Projects
§ Design for Six Sigma § M06 Value Focus
§ Enterprise-wide Lean Six Sigma deployment § M07 Lean Prac*ces
§ Best prac*ces and Case studies § M08 Quality Tools
§ Lean Six Sigma Standards § M09 Basic Sta*s*cs
– ISO 12053-1 & 2 and ISO 18404 § M10 Con*nuous Capability
§ Addi*onal Lean metrics § M11 Discrete Capability
§ Mixed Model Value Stram Mapping § M12 Hypothesis Tes*ng
§ Introduc*on to iGrafx & Minitab macros § M13 Confidence Intervals
§ Metrics conversion § M14 Control Methods
§ QNS Repor*ng § M15 Parametric Methods
§ M16 Chi-Square Methods
§ M17 Survey Methods
§ M18 Nonparametric Methods
§ M19 Experimental Methods
§ M20 DFSS Methods
§ M21 Measurement Analysis
§ Digital Training Project

Software e-learning MindPro®

To each par*cipant of the LSS Master Black Belt Training Program will be

given a one year access to our online e-learning training pla?orm,

MindPro®. It contains 80 hours of training video, all delivered by Mikel J.

The lecture videos will cover the same topics of the class, plus

many examples and exercise on Minitab and JMP.

MindPro® also will provide access to 27 process

simulators, 17 calculators and many case studies

on real world Lean Six Sigma projects.

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Benefits of a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification

Be#er Execu)on
Six Sigma links strategic ini0a0ves to opera0onal improvements to create efficiencies for
your business.

Build Customer loyalty

Six Sigma helps to target your customer needs so you can improve the things that ma<er
most to your customers.

Create Greater Returns

Six Sigma helps to lower the opera0onal costs and reduce the turnaround 0me in delivery
of products and services to bring about higher customer sa0sfac0on.

Cer)fies your Talent

The Six Sigma Master Black Belt Belt creden0al is proof that you have the experience and
skills to deliver quality service that matches customer expecta0ons.

Improves your work performance

Professionals with Six Sigma Master Black Belt creden0als earn close to $93,558 with
global opportuni0es.

Opens Doors
A Six Sigma Master Black Belt creden0al can get you access to globally renowned
companies of your choice.

Applies Everywhere
Six Sigma Master Black Belt cer0fica0on is based on achieving excellence while providing
quality services. The concepts and techniques can be adapted to any real-world challenge
across industries, market segments and geographies.


$ 93,558 Green Belt


«Six Sigma is fundamental educa2on, another
OFFICES: differen2ator for you, like ge:ng your
undergraduate or graduate degree. Harry’s
London +44 207 233 67 97 presenta2on succeeded in capturing our
imagina2on. At Six Sigma’s core is an idea that
Rome +39 06 321 89 88 can turn a company Inside out, focusing the
organiza2on outward to the customer»
Bucharest +40 73 612 13 14
Jack Welch

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